Thanks for watching! If you think it's solid check out this video from @joex Will totally change your perspective on what a $70-$80 knife is capable of.
@JohnLennon-yg4ut3 ай бұрын
I like the buck sprint but it’s a little too small for me I want a full sized duty knife atleast 3.25 inch. Any good recommendations on a cheap Kershaw flipper ? they make good USA knives too.
@DXSharpening3 ай бұрын
As far as American made Kershaws go for non-autos you're limited to the leek, the blur, and the newer bel-air all of which are fantastic options. The blur is probably going to be a similar size to what you're looking for here and I am actually also in the market for one. If you're fine with autos, Kershaw has some of the best American made autos on the market today in the Launch series. I have the Launch 6 and absolutely love it and am looking at lots of others... I also have the livewire which is an OTF and is amazing, but they're all probably going to exceed $100. I believe you can get most during a sale for the low 100s, and the livewire frequently goes on sale for under $200. Hope this helps, if you check those out and aren't a fan of any I'm happy to try to think of some other models or help you shop around. Feel free to reach out to me on X/Twitter with a DM and I can help you figure out the best places to buy whatever you end up deciding to look for. Thanks for watching!