the best spells in morrowind | speedrunning their acquisition

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leon blep

leon blep

Күн бұрын

hello everyone, here is a list of what i consider to be the best spells in morrowind. after i go through what the spells are and who to buy them from, i provide a little speedrun style quest to get them all. turns out it only takes about 11 minutes and like 11k gold to collect them.
in this video, we collect:
almsivi intervention, divine intervention, mark, recall, levitate, water walking, water breathing, ondusi's open door, night eye, restore health, fireball / frostball / shock, tinur's hoptoad, chameleon, soultrap, summon ancestral ghost / summon golden saint, fortify attribute (strength, intelligence, willpower, agility, endurance, speed, personality, luck), restore attribute (those listed just before), and slowfall.
thank you so much. let me know if you have any thoughts on the vtuber, and if it adds or detracts from the video experience. i like having a virtual avatar, but didn't know if the static image was too boring. also if you know why the teeth do that, please let me know. i'm just a simple guy trying to have fun with a simple laptop.
thanks for watching! i hope this helped you to find out a little more about some of the spells available. these are my favorites, these are my opinions.

Пікірлер: 59
@inconderpable 2 жыл бұрын
Hey great video! I would add one recommendation, pick up "Distraction" from Heem-La in Ald-ruhn Mages Guild. Use it to create a custom Self Drain Intelligence 100 spell for 1 second. When your int is 0 you will have "maximum" MP so when the effect wears off and your original attribute is restored, you will have 100% MP refilled! Idk if OpenMW fixes this because I play on Xbox but this spell is invaluable and really saves time from resting and inventory space from Magicka potions.
@leonblep 2 жыл бұрын
wow that's awesome! thanks so much for your contribution!! that's so cool haha
@ripLunarBirdCLH 2 ай бұрын
Note that OpenMW and Unnoficial Morrowind Patch fix this bug.
@karlnord1429 3 ай бұрын
Dark elf avatar so funny. Good stuff.
@quincykunz3481 2 жыл бұрын
Absorb Health is a good honorable mention: it is a bit expensive, but in the vanilla game it doesn't hurt you when reflected unless it one-shot's your hp. Since it gives you HP, it makes a great touch-spell, enchantment, or on-hit effect since it helps you survive in melee, especially against reflecting daedra. Bound equipment is also absolutely overpowered.
@leonblep 2 жыл бұрын
ooooh thanks so much for your contributions! i gotta brush up on my conjuration. also yeah i see a lot of use in absorb health! i gotta play around with spellmaking it more. cheers!
@tomaszpawlik5091 2 жыл бұрын
Or just be a nord and be permamently immune to reflect(with Frost spells at least)
@leonblep 2 жыл бұрын
@@tomaszpawlik5091 thanks for your contribution!
@joshrodriguez2711 Жыл бұрын
It's a mysticism spell it's absolutely fantastic I use a version of it with magic weakness 25 on top of it or with shock touch mixed with it
@joshrodriguez2711 10 ай бұрын
Absorb health is like my first spell and enchant ment I go for as once u get it u hit a huge power spike lvl 1
@jaxsonfanta5420 2 жыл бұрын
Absorb health is great! But by far the safest and most bang for your buck in my opinion has just been restore health on strike with your enchanted weapons! I also get a kick out of the command human spell, because it is super broken You don't need to even be a theif, just use one of your command spells on THE SHOPKEEPER and move him out of his own house. Then wait for an hour... And 9 times out of ten, the shopkeep just stands there outside for the rest of his life, but taunting YOU every time you pass by! Try it out at Ghostgate if you don't believe me, go find the shopkeeper down stairs, spell scroll command him to follow you, open the door out of his own shop, go to the hallway way and wait for an hour and you will see just how powerful this strategy is (and hilarious lol.) Hassle free Glass armor for the win!! Frenzy is really convenient, I hate taunting someone a million times to finally make them fight me... Just frenzy them once, and you're golden... also due to the infinite wisdom of the dunmer, you casting frenzy on someone isn't a crime. So let them swing at you first after you frenzy them, and then you can kill them with total impunity. HOW DOES THAT MAKE SENSE? But if you really want to see some goofy stuff. Enchant your weapon with a calm spell on strike. It's actually really powerful and while also being really funny. The AI cannot decide if they want to attack you, or just walk around.... Invisibility is underrated in my opinion. Of course Chameleon rains king, there's no denying that, but if you use invisiblity with the intention of getting from point a to b, or a free get out of jail card then it is really powerful. You just CAN'T perform any action, all you can do is move. It is an awesome constant effect enchantment! suddenly Levitate on target with only 1 point put into it for an extended duration is a surprisingly good slow down move! That way you can reposition, heal up, or get out of the fight! I used this for my marksmen after my friend told me to try it out, and I was surprised by how great it was! Try it out, the NPC moves like a slug and you pelt em with arrows! Bound weapons and armor are way to good in the early game..... And if you like enchanting, then you can get several pieces jammed into one little basic ring or amulet so that you summon all of them at once. Add a paralyze spell to that enchantment (make this ring a Cast on use) to give you some time to load your weapons.... ORRRRR get whatever weapon you are good with, then get that bound weapon spell (if you are using an axe, then go get the bound axe..) And enchant the axe to become a bound axe on strike, then you don't have to wait for your dude to actually equip the weapons, it just kind of magically becomes a bound weapon mid strike! Charm can save you a lot of money... considering the Imperial Cult in the very beginnings of joining the faction actually gives you an amulet that always does 30 charm on an NPC ends up saving a lot of cash! The more an NPC likes you, the better the prices, and as long as you are dialoging with them the game counter is frozen. So you can have a charm duration of 1 second and cast it on an NPC and then quickly start talking to em....... charm level 100 means no matter how much they hated you 1 second ago, they now love you more than their best friend! I love what you said about making spells that have all three elemental attacks in them! That's really smart! Later in the game, most of the above strats won't work thanks to stronger enemies always reflecting your spells...... It's really frustrating. Whenever that happens mages can really struggle.... but there are 2 spells that I have found to be very underrated that can help you a lot at the later stages of the game. A. Fortify attributes (strength, agility, and Luck are my go to's) and these spells HAVE TO BE POTIONS... Very important distinction! B. And Reflect. 100% reflect to be exact (and you can easily buy these potions from the alchemist in Balmora for real cheap.) That's my long winded 2 cents, and I love your videos! I had no idea you could get so many of the best spells so quickly! There are 3 spells I don't really get. Those are lock, and disintegrate armor/weapon. If you know how to make these spells useful I would love to hear about it! Thank you so much for your amazing content!
@leonblep 2 жыл бұрын
an incredible comment, thank you so much for your contribution to this morrowind community!💕 frenzy sounds like so much fun, as well as command human, i feel like i never played with those but i totally should!! lock? i don't get lock either. i feel like if you're like a real sneaky weasel, maybe you have to lock agro npcs behind doors or something? idk? i think it's just fun to have lock and open tho, they really covered all their bases. it's just roleplay stuff i guess. i can't think of a real function for it. disintegrate armor/weapon feels like a waste of money since you can just collect if you take them out idk. hehe. fun to think about though!!
@jaxsonfanta5420 2 жыл бұрын
@@leonblep Well thank you for the incredible videos that drop my jaw! Your amulet of money was about the smartest thing I have ever seen in morrowind... seriously brilliant. The only place I know to get the command spell is the Telvanni Wizard in Tel Brona who sells you the summon golden saint spell... There may be more, but He is the guy I go to! And if you aren't sure how to use command human (because let's be honest, it's description makes absolutely no sense...) just know that the scrolls you can buy pretty much work on all guards, and I haven't found a shopkeeper I couldn't move out of their own store.... Morrowind really is the greatest game ever made... Especially if you are a real sneaky little Weasel (LOL WHAT EVEN IN THE HECK IS THAT!)
@jaxsonfanta5420 2 жыл бұрын
@@leonblep Oh let me add on something that I completely forgot about... Any spell that hurts or drains the AI's stamina is SOO GOOD. There are 5 items in Caldera (not counting the boots of blinding speed, because that isn't IN Calera lol,) that I buy as soon as possible and I use them all for quite a while. 1st is the amulet of recall... Pretty much mandatory.... 2nd is a helmet that is sold from the same guy, but it is a helmet who's enchantment is 20% spell absorption and a bound curiass for a minute... and I pretty much only use the atronach as a star sign, which gives you a permanent 50% spell absorption, so that 70% spell absorption when I use that hat! I usually get that hat at level one, so I use it for quite a long time! The same guy also sells a few enchanted rings. Well one is damage fatigue minimum of 21 points for 7 seconds.. and as us Morrowind vets are very well aware of how good we are on low fatigue, well it is also true of the AI! it means the lower their fatigue is, the harder you'll be to hit, the easier they'll be to hit, the easier they'll be to stagger... you get my drift.. There seems to be a short sword (the same amazing trader,,,) (and I love playing a sneaky little weasel who uses short swords and bows and light Armor and attacks from the shadow!) Well the enchantment on that short sword is insane. It's 3-7 points of poison damage... For a duration of 5 seconds.... If you can hit your opponent, the enchantment itself will probably take care of them... it can do up to 35 damage in one single strike! And it's a dagger!!! A cheap one at that! That same little shop has an invisibility ring, in case that stupid dark brother hood assassin jumps you, whenever you are sleeping out in the woods, at least you can get away.. And finally there is a ring that has 20% Chameleon and 20% Sanctuary in one of the shops. Well the Amulet of shadows is 80% chameleon, you don't have to be great at math to see where I am going here. Ancestor guardian on Dark Elfs is 60% Santuary so it stacks great with Dark Elves.. Thank you for reading my comments by the way! I am bored out of my mind because I am sick at home, and mom forgot to pay for HULU and Netflix last month, so I am going crazy and your videos are definitely helping. Have a great rest of your day!
@leonblep 2 жыл бұрын
wait caldera is goated lmao. is this the guy who you can bribe with the dwemer cohrer for the thieves' guild or whatever? melbius or i don't remember, the little imperial dude in the middle of town? i gotta start using the damage fatigue. i always thought of myself as a magic user but golly, the more i learn, the more i realize how little of the spells i've actually used. thanks so much! sorry you're sick, get well soon!
@nicholasfarrell5981 2 жыл бұрын
@@jaxsonfanta5420 I prefer Invisibility as a spell (or Cast on Use enchantment), because casting Invisibility in combat causes your opponents to run away from you.
@ripLunarBirdCLH 2 ай бұрын
You don't actually need chameleon spell of magnitude bigger than 20%. There's a quest on the road near Gnissis that you should be able to do around lvl 7 that gives you Amulet of Shadows that grants you 80% chameleon on use. This allows you a 100% chameleon pretty early in the game.
@BingtheLizard 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting random tidbit: it is possible to save Tarhiel outside of Seyda Neen by making a strong enough slowfall spell cast on target with a large radius. By casting at the ground shortly before he lands, it takes effect due to the on-target radius and he descends to safety. The scrolls can then be pick-pocketed from him. Turns out he's a bit of an ungrateful jerk though and doesn't like you nearly enough for saving his life, as well as refusing to talk to the player.
@leonblep 2 жыл бұрын
oh NOOOO tarhiel is a meanie? i'm very sorrowful to hear this. i think we'll let him die as a martyr to his life's work, for he did jump too close to the sun
@ma2perdue Жыл бұрын
​@@leonblep there is a funny quest mod called "to save a falling wizard" that turns the whole thing into a good story
@leonblep Жыл бұрын
@@ma2perdue oh shoot that sounds really cool!
@potatosauce Жыл бұрын
Thank you for applying all of this info directly to my 4Head 👁👄👁
@legogonkdroid7802 2 ай бұрын
very cool guide! thank you
@deerperson666 Жыл бұрын
You can make broken spells with soul trap because of the permanent effects
@leonblep Жыл бұрын
thank you! i used to do this on xbox (soultrap +fortify all attributes lol especially speed) but i was having trouble testing this on pc. i'm so glad to know it still works!!!
@deerperson666 Жыл бұрын
@@leonblep I was doing it on Xbox but I saw the spiffing Brit do it on KZbin about a year ago on PC it takes a lot of money but that's what brewing potions is for making expensive potions with that fortify intelligence.
@leonblep Жыл бұрын
@@deerperson666 OHHHH that makes sense! the intelligence to cast it. very cool, i'll look up his content and find it, thanks for the tip 😊
@tracefreeman4803 10 ай бұрын
I love that you speedran all the spell from the video, lmao
@russelravellette6612 4 ай бұрын
Nice video!
@zmishiymishi5349 Жыл бұрын
There is a bit of fun you can have with command humanoid spell. Like if you'd like to have more settlers in stronghold or make cities a little diverse, take Caius on a date... Lead a squad of ashlanders to snipe every cliffracer around. Put brothers Dren in prison
@leonblep Жыл бұрын
oh actually i never thought to imprison the dren brothers! i always choose murder, but i should reconsider. a fine suggestion!
@uradgula5258 2 жыл бұрын
Also the spellmaking service of some npcs is very valuable. Make 1pt magicka training cantrips of every school for cheap. Make a better slowfall spell (you never need more than 1pt of slowfall to avoid falling damage. Make the "Nuke Them From Orbit" spell for that matter. I love the spellmaker in morrowind :)
@leonblep 2 жыл бұрын
lololol i love that spell that's amazing! thanks so much
@ma2perdue Жыл бұрын
YEAH i concur... i used to make DoT spells each with a soultrap and multi-trap certain enemies. Maybe it is a little wasteful on mana but it really fills up those soulgems quickly.
@matthewICC 2 жыл бұрын
Hierarchies do no justice?
@lolinc4813 2 жыл бұрын
Okay less dumb question than my last there: Am i wasting my time with spell making? The balance seems really off and its wicked expensive, enchanting is also really expensive so without making 100+ more trips to our friend the mudcrab, which way is a better lean as the fastest way to having my nerevarine look at a guy and make him explode into confetti? Seeing as alchemy is the ultimate in making any of that possible its def the best skill. But i need either of those other two skills to spit fireballs and rain ice shards around.
@leonblep 2 жыл бұрын
making spells is great but it's definitely better in the late game when you have better access to higher quality intelligence fortify potions and stuff. like destruction and conjuration magic are so useful, you can't get that stuff from potions. utilizing mass potionmaking for gold with nalcarya in balmora and just paying the master trainers is the quickest way to use those high level spells effectively, unfortunately. enchanting is super expensive and definitely something i have to deep dive into and learn more about. i'll share all my findings, of course!
@quincykunz3481 2 жыл бұрын
You have a few options right out of the gate: First is to use potions or restoration to boost your enchanting to make your own stuff. This is my go-to. A fortify int (209 magnitude) for 1 sec is enough to get you started. If you have the fortify skill effect it's even easier. You might pop a few potions to get the spell to work if you don't have restoration skill, but that's manageable. Second option is classic destruction magic. Spellmaking is strong as all hell in this game, but it pays to be efficient. Small, repeatable spells will cost less to make and cast, but the range, customizability, and 0 miss chance make up for it. If you don't want to keep quaffing potions to unleash the magic, try a spell to drain int to 0 for 1 sec. This should reset your max and min mana to 0/0, or 100%. When it wears off, you'll be at 100% of whatever your normal max is! Don't have a large enough max? Make a modest spell with a drain int effect followed by a fortify magicka. This should overcap your mana once it snaps back. Repeat for profit. Still need more power? grab the fortify skill effect from one of the expansions, and make an item for briefly buffing destruction or enchanting and yeet the biggest nukes you can muster while it's active. At 110 enchant, all item charge costs become 1, no matter how wild the effect. Glass the planet.
@leonblep 2 жыл бұрын
@@quincykunz3481 excellent advice, thank you so much!
@quincykunz3481 2 жыл бұрын
@@leonblep Note: I have recently learned that messing with ratios to reset your magicka or other similar tricks doesn't work in openMW, just vanilla. Guess modern mages will have to sleep occasionally.
@user-bb6fs7yh3o 5 ай бұрын
Uh..... fortify attribute is different from fortify skill. I want skills
@user-ug6jj8ue1p 2 ай бұрын
Does it includes the absorb health spell? I’m not watching this for 20 minutes
@F_Du_Sea 2 ай бұрын
No it does not.
@F_Du_Sea 2 ай бұрын
It literally tells you in the description: "in this video, we collect: almsivi intervention, divine intervention, mark, recall, levitate, water walking, water breathing, ondusi's open door, night eye, restore health, fireball / frostball / shock, tinur's hoptoad, chameleon, soultrap, summon ancestral ghost / summon golden saint, fortify attribute (strength, intelligence, willpower, agility, endurance, speed, personality, luck), restore attribute (those listed just before), and slowfall. "
@estebancostela9441 Жыл бұрын
Morrowind supremacy
@BryceMenard 2 жыл бұрын
@reesetorwad8346 Жыл бұрын
apologies, wrong channel
@poolboyjohn Жыл бұрын
I like your voice
@leonblep Жыл бұрын
lolol thank you traveler!
@lolinc4813 2 жыл бұрын
wait wut? There are underwater dungeons?
@lolinc4813 2 жыл бұрын
oh like the caves that have water right? I dont explore the ocean much so....
@BryceMenard 2 жыл бұрын
@@lolinc4813 look at that water
@leonblep 2 жыл бұрын
yeah there are a few caves underwater, a couple grottos-- i think if you do the temple faction quests one of them takes you underwater? yeah there's still map under there! i don't explore it much myself.
@Nikotheleepic 6 ай бұрын
Based dunmer vtuber?
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