The Bold and the Beautiful Monday Episode 12/16 "This Is Where You Belong"

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Totally Tonya Vlogs

Totally Tonya Vlogs

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@TotallyTonyaVlogs 2 күн бұрын
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@SophiaDances-y6c 2 күн бұрын
So glad Katie's there for Brooke.
@LORISAMSON-j4r Күн бұрын
Taylor is so desperately happy to see he left Brooke.
@ChristinaBonvillian-ni2ji Күн бұрын
No Brook is desperate
@TotallyTonyaVlogs Күн бұрын
LMAO Brooke is desperate??? That's hilarious. She could get any man she wants. She should kick the waffler to the curb. He isn't worth the time of day
@sinocmarsb6245 2 күн бұрын
Of course steffy and Taylor are happy they have been hoping and praying for problems between Ridge and Brooke.
@bluecolor1600 21 сағат бұрын
@DennisJames-s6k 2 күн бұрын
Notice all the glances of happiness between Taylor and Steffy. They feed off others pain. Its really sickening.
@TiaSashimi 2 күн бұрын
Katie is such a great sister. Ridge was completely wrong to treat Brooke that way. True Forrester Fashion RUN
@ChristinaBonvillian-ni2ji Күн бұрын
Ridge is completely Right
@TotallyTonyaVlogs Күн бұрын
Your saying Ridge is right when you (like all of us) actually seen what he didn't.. we KNOW that Carter brought this whole idea to Hope. They struggled with the idea. Her encouraging him does not make her the mastermind. Ridge doesn't know this but you do. So how on earth are you going to agree with Ridge. He doesn't even know the whole story?!
@eliranpinhasov5940 Күн бұрын
Katie and Heather Tom is my favorite! Since Young and the restless! She looks great !
@LucyLennon20 Күн бұрын
Brooke is right ... the Logans have been put down way too many times. Something had to be done.
Steffy and ridge proved Carter correct
@LucyLennon20 Күн бұрын
@TEISHAGUILLEN Ridge could have done more to help the situation from escalating to an all out coup takeover, but he went along with his daughter. Why?
@ChristinaBonvillian-ni2ji Күн бұрын
Brook is Wrong
@carrie_heart Күн бұрын
Yes Carter and Hope were wrong to take over but their reasoning for having issues with the way the Forresters are running things are valid. Learning that Brooke doesn't even have an office was wild lol. There is an internal bias against the Logans and it was so clear when Ridge called Hope a worthless sl*t like his daughter didn't sleep with her father i law while she was married. Also everyone around Steffy is so spineless. Her dad, grandfather and husband are literally yes men and hardly anyone of the really challenge her choices. Steffy is stuck up amd her firing of Hope was an abuse of power, her ego is as big as the sun and it runs that company, maybe its high time someone cuts it down to size. 😑
Preacher the true steffy marone and ridge marone aren't any drop of blood forrester
@TotallyTonyaVlogs Күн бұрын
That's said perfectly! The Logan's vs Forresters needs to stop. Does Steffy really want her daughter and Beth to spend their entire lives fighting because that is what their grandmas did and now their moms. She needs to stop being so immature and childish and things like being shot, or kidnapped & caged and having the family company taken over wouldn't ever happen. This is all stemming from Steffy's abuse of power and narcissist attitude. Now it affected her entire family. Steffy stands there like a victim she's the reason!
@carrie_heart Күн бұрын
@@TotallyTonyaVlogs amazing point on the kids, Kelly and Beth should not have to carry this generational mess and trauma into their adulthood, it's not fair on them!
@leisawicks9816 Күн бұрын
The sooner taylor is gone the better she brings nothing to the show im just watching you at the moment
@ChristinaBonvillian-ni2ji Күн бұрын
No the sooner Brook goes it will be better
@eliranpinhasov5940 2 күн бұрын
2. Both mother and daughter are so pitiful! Drulling for this moment! Brooke wasted enough time on this spineless man!
@PeterBrown-mz4nv 2 күн бұрын
Not only is he spineless but he has no backbone.
@eliranpinhasov5940 2 күн бұрын
@PeterBrown-mz4nv both
@eliranpinhasov5940 2 күн бұрын
@PeterBrown-mz4nv both
@eliranpinhasov5940 2 күн бұрын
@PeterBrown-mz4nv where are you from
@PeterBrown-mz4nv 2 күн бұрын
Trenton, NJ.
@katrinahart7576 Күн бұрын
Both parents there , LMFAO 😅
@TotallyTonyaVlogs Күн бұрын
Finn is going to love having both his in-laws living in his home....
@PeterBrown-mz4nv 15 сағат бұрын
@@katrinahart7576 Partyeeee!!
@WhitneySnail 2 күн бұрын
Brooke is completed heartbroken. Ridge trird to say Hope broke him. Thats because he is not a real man. First problem he goes running to his ex please!
@DennisJames-s6k 2 күн бұрын
He belongs at home with his girlfriend!
@mulanhards4802 13 сағат бұрын
Katie needs to make sure Ridge don't get back into Brookes life ever again.
@LucyLennon20 Күн бұрын
Ridge was totally wrong calling Hope those awful names. He's a grown man acting like an immature spoiled rich kid.
@ChristinaBonvillian-ni2ji Күн бұрын
He's Right
@eliranpinhasov5940 Күн бұрын
Now we're trusting Justin?😂😂😂😂
@TotallyTonyaVlogs Күн бұрын
That's what I'm saying, too! He kidnapped Thomas and kept him in a cage! Now they turn to him for help?
@eliranpinhasov5940 Күн бұрын
@TotallyTonyaVlogs we already know daytime does make sense
@PeterBrown-mz4nv 17 сағат бұрын
0 sense.
@eliranpinhasov5940 15 сағат бұрын
@PeterBrown-mz4nv - 100
@PeterBrown-mz4nv 15 сағат бұрын
@@eliranpinhasov5940 And then some!😆
@ellamccall138 Күн бұрын
This is coming from the headaches that hope was having the early part of the year.
@TammyDosing 2 күн бұрын
Ridge walking into a house of vultures
@PeterBrown-mz4nv 2 күн бұрын
@tay7108 Күн бұрын
Ridge is a player. He knows exactly what he is going to do. Insults Brook and hugs on Taylor. This is madness. Brook is brainwashed and hypnotized. She needs to wake up and move on. Let Taylor have that bone. She will be better off.
@TotallyTonyaVlogs Күн бұрын
That's the only reason Ridge called Hope a slu$...he was looking for an out so he could run to Steffy and Taylor. He wanted their sympathy, and he got it, too. Brooke can not take him back after treating her daughter that way. They are so ridiculous to keep saying Hope is the mastermind. I doubt she even knew that was a thing you could do, and she especially wouldn't know how!
@lewiscordell80 Күн бұрын
Taylor is a perfect fit to be in a relationship with Ridge! Taylor can deal with him!
@TotallyTonyaVlogs Күн бұрын
They deserve each other. I hope Brooke finds someone new and really sticks it to Ridge!
@lewiscordell80 Күн бұрын
@@TotallyTonyaVlogs FACTS!
@michaellauderdale-yr9om Күн бұрын
There we go all 3 of them in one room like a pathetic family that they are funny Ik it’s day 1 but Carter was not looking bad has the boss today he has a smart mind making moves already Making meetings he going to do really good fr
@corylombard Күн бұрын
Ridge looks EXACTLY like Morroni
His a marone
@darekzarczycki2622 2 күн бұрын
@MichelleBlue-vp1yo Күн бұрын
Steffy is a grown ass spoil woman who to continue be a matchmaking with her parents she continues to push her mother into a man who do not want her we all know that Taylor and Ridge aren't going to last long because Brad Bell really can't help himself with this back and forth crazy crap and for Taylor claiming to be a therapist she really need to be under a therapist couch right along with Steffy Taylor self esteem has gotten worse over the years and for Steffy she ain't no better she continues to allow her mother to be her Dad Doormat 😅😅😅 who does that 😅😅😅
@TotallyTonyaVlogs Күн бұрын
It's really insanity.
@eliranpinhasov5940 Күн бұрын
Carter is fine!!!! And both look hot together!!!
@DenverJACOBS-u6p Күн бұрын
Who thinks Ridge will now marry Taylor and live happily every after? Im glad he is away from Brooke.
@RachaelNelson-c1n Күн бұрын
He will do it run back to BL after
@leisawicks9816 Күн бұрын
@raijasaarela6055 Күн бұрын
Taylor mene pois ringe tykö sillä Brooke usko
@1jazzystarify Күн бұрын
Its something shady about Justin Barber... I hope the Forrester's get outside counsel from someone else to look over that paperwork because it's a loop hold somewhere..
@RenaJackson-c3x Күн бұрын
Sick of Ridge, Taylor and Steffy
@sonjadenouden798 Күн бұрын
Ik ook ze houden GEEN rekening met aderen mensen en ze zijn GEEN echte Foresters maar marone dus Steffie je ben nep en je vader ook je vergeet dat Brooke echte Forester op de wereld heeft gezet en ze zijn van Erik.
@ChristinaBonvillian-ni2ji Күн бұрын
Sick of Brook and Hoepless
@sammielove2428 2 күн бұрын
Ridge is finally where he belongs with his real family.
@RVwithDD Күн бұрын
And what's R.J.?
@LORISAMSON-j4r Күн бұрын
They are both his family. That kind of attitude is the problem.
@sonjadenouden798 Күн бұрын
Ja en dat is hij even vergeten dat hij nog een zoon heeft met Brooke. Hier in Nederland kijken we ook oude BenB en dan zie je het begin van Stefeni en dat het niet altijd lukt om Brooke de baas te zijn deze vrouw is ziek als het om Ridge gaat en ziekelijke jaloersheid ze wil Ridge zijn leven regelen en een vrouw die zij goed vindt passen bij de familie Foresters.zo begint het hele gedoe met manipuleren van alles Stefeni is gewoon Walgelijk had hun met rust gelaten.
@kinseysedgwick6915 Күн бұрын
I can't wait til Eric ridge an steffy take down Carter hope Brooke an now Katie
@bluecolor1600 21 сағат бұрын
Go Taylor!!!
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