Samo malo... Ispade da je Andjelina "okupila" glumce zaracenih strana i naterala ih da glume zajedno? Pa HALOOO glumci sa ovih prostora godinama u nazad saradjuju i prave fenomenalne filmove!!!! A ovaj film je dno
@MrRatniProfiter11 жыл бұрын
bravo hahah!
@dzengi11 жыл бұрын
samo malo ti..odakle tebi to da je ispalo da ih je anjelina natjerala da glume zajedno?? po cemu?? ne razumijem kako si to skontao u svojoj glavi, pojasni?! film je mozda dno za raju sa one strane drine, vidim da na svaku andjelininu pojavu pizde
@NikolaVa8711 жыл бұрын
dzengi Pa slusas li ti sta ova kaze na 1:45?
@dzengi11 жыл бұрын
Nikola Mircetic da cuo sam, ali se ne mora to shvatat bukvalno, jer to nije nit receno nit misljeno na taj nacin!! citaj/gledaj izmedju redova. dakle smisao je taj da je sastavila LJUDE(glumce) iz zaracenih zemalja, povodom kojeg perioda je film i napravljen i dakle da se "igraju" zajedno sto znaci da snimaju zajedno jednu te istu pricu, jer smisao je taj da ljudi nekad zaracenih strana su naq kraju krajeva ipak ljudi!
@crazeemann111 жыл бұрын
Mislio sam da Marija Kilibarda prica engleski kao Tarzan,ali Djuricko je gazi.
@tdz786411 жыл бұрын
A bio je kul tip.
@Majahhh17 жыл бұрын
the racism in this comment section is genuinley astounding
@krushkash11 жыл бұрын
I would have been surprised if she had done a movie story about the second side of Bosnian conflict. What she did is widespread and well known story of victims of only one side. Well, dear Angelina there is always two sides of medal, sometimes no one is evil and everyone is, especially in the war like civil war is. Don't forget that. Try for once not the be a common representative of the western civilisation and it's beliefs, and try and probe into other side of the story. Someone might call it art. Her movie is a cliche, but above this my respect to ALL victims of that bloody war.
@ilijacolak454811 жыл бұрын
there's only a story about Bosnian conflict and i say it was pretty f*cked up and lots of bad things happened - just like these days in other parts of the world where people are killing each other.... but why nobody is saying nothing about some 250.000 Serbs who run away from Croatia in august 1995? People who lived there for centuries but in the end they had to left their homes, their homeland and everything they had only beacuse they didnt want to live in independent state of Croatia, and no one was prosecuted for the crimes against Serbian civilians? I think maybe angelina, if she really cares about refugees all over the world, could make a movie about Serbian civilians suffering the effects of war... Oh wait, no! Serbs were called demons in those days... Who the f*ck cares what happened to them....
@krushkash11 жыл бұрын
Ilija Colak exactly. for example ... i like beer to the beats. but if someone puts a label on a can "caution precaution! high radiation!" i would be not touching that beer any more...i don't need cancer in my life, you know....and beer is just fine!! but marketing is devils' advocate.
@krushkash11 жыл бұрын
KZbinKorisnik I think you didn't understand what I was trying to say..someone might call it art, but in my opinion it is a cliche. You know what cliche is? "an expression, idea, or element of an artistic work which has become overused to the point of losing its original meaning, or effect, and even, to the point of being trite or irritating, especially when at some earlier time it was considered meaningful or novel". wiki
@MrRatniProfiter11 жыл бұрын
krushkash I'm sorry. Comment is addressed to the video. Accidentally I wrote it on yours. Yes I know what a cliche :PPP :)
@jagod1nka11 жыл бұрын
I don't know how many people got it, but Muslim girl is a bad guy, Serbian guy gave up everything for love. According to cliche the girl is bad. NO ONE ELSE GOT THIS FAR in Holywood. Angelina also went the long distance to scratch the surface. We have heard story WHY Serbians were crazy about Muslims (Rade Serbedzija said about his parents being killed in WW2 by Muslims). I don't know any movie that had those things and there've been many about war in Bosnia. The character Djuricko played was Serbian who was praying for his baby to grow up in peace. Angelina gave to Serbian side of the story so many layers like no one else in Holywood. She could not swap the sides - even she had limits. I think Serbian side missed God given opportunity to stress the positive sides of their standing that this movie showed plenty.
@emiliobello25382 жыл бұрын
the movie should have been nominated
@stojanovicvlada200911 жыл бұрын
Čega se pametan stidi , Đuričko se time ponosi ...
@NinaNina-hj5cd2 жыл бұрын
Meni zao dvojice ovih srpskih glumaca sto su ovoliko nisko spali zarad 5 min slave i malo vise novca u dzepu od uobicajnog. Bas steta!
@tessika01611 жыл бұрын
Ne postoji cena za koju bih prodao svoju zemlju,narod,religiju...To ju jako bitne stvari i ponosim se sto sam siromah a castan i posten Srbin-Pravoslavac!!!Da naglasim,postujem ja i druge vere i nacionalnosti,svi smo mi ljudi ali prvenstveno postujem svoje...
@dn64573 жыл бұрын
Bosanci i Hrvati nisu genocidaši kao srbi, nemoj ni slučajno da nas stavljaš u isti koš sa vama!! Mi smo se uvijek od vas branili i tako su stradali svi četnici tj. srbi koji su se borili protiv nas tj. napadali nas! Jer sve što srbi i znaju da rade je da napadaju! Civile, djecu, žene…bori se protiv nekog ko je spreman i protiv pravih vojnika majku ti jebem više četničku!! Lako je na civile i nad nedužnim ljudima vršiti genocide i napade, silovanja itd. Gonite se svi u TRI pičke materine!! BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA JE BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA, A HRVATSKA JE HRVATSKA!! Riješit će se i bolest koja je takozvana republika srpska aBd!! Mada je rs jedna obična izmišljotina, jedan ogroman cirkus, sramota, ni na mapi je nema…😂 Sve je to BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA, ne postoje ni “bosanski srbi”, to su sve BOSANSKI PRAVOSLAVCI!! Nikad nisam shvatala zašto ljudi miješaju vjeru i nacionalitet! Zašto ne možeš biti srbin i npr. židov ili katolik, a ne pravoslavac? Ah da, zato što si govno i nisi gledan kao čovjek ako ne pripadaš njihovoj vjeri! Srbi bi radije zvali nekog Kineza iz Rusije “bratom” koji nema ništa zajedničko sa njima osim vjere, a Bosanca muslimana bi ubili samo zato što ne pripada njihovoj vjeri (nema veze ako su slični ili isti u svakom mogućem pogledu)! I niko ne može da kaže da to nije tako, Srebrenica i ostali genocidi činjeni nad Bošnjacima i Hrvatima su dokaz tome!! Ako nisi srbin tj. pravoslavac ti si govno koje ne treba da živi! I onda se pitaju zašto ih većina Bosne i Hrvatske ne voli…e to je biti malouman!
@noviracun87592 жыл бұрын
Kakve to veze ima s filnom i jednim događajem iz rata .. Bolestan narod , ono na filmu priča o naciji srbstvu i pm .
@jagod1nka11 жыл бұрын
Djuricko is funny. His English is bad.
@cecilialansangan1744 жыл бұрын
Woman with compassion.
@Najkoman232 жыл бұрын
Ali Djuričko što razgleda po bini 😂
@robinsonjohn69933 жыл бұрын
Angelina jolly mam great love & respect from INDIA 🇮🇳 🙏🙏🙏❤️ ...
@MrDjZarko11 жыл бұрын
haha a djuricko konta "đe sam ja došo"
@orion310591RS11 жыл бұрын
Lose se nesto snaso Djuricko... ruka u dzepu, ukrstene ruke... ovaj levi se mnogo bolje snaso... :D
@powerNify11 жыл бұрын
Alo prodani...zaklopi se usima i cuti...dali ti minornu ulogu u filmu koji ljaga tvoj narod i jos si srecan time.
@Anna7Michelle11 жыл бұрын
This movie is a waste of time and energy. It's completely senseless, badly directed, badly written, and deserves absolutely no attention at all. Overall, one of those political propaganda movies, and that's not Art. Why in the world she would make a movie about war in Bosnia? And yet when she did, why didn't she made a movie about camps for Serbs in the Sarajevo, Viktor Bubanj and Silos, and many more locations, shall I say "in the heart of Sarajevo", where over 220 Sebian women were raped every day and a lot of them tortured to death? Or even better, why she didn't made a movie about American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, or NATO aggressions?
@Yugogirlvibes4 жыл бұрын
Anna Michelle ohh yeah you’re completely right. She should make an entire movie about 220 women that are of a specific religion and ignore the other 10,000+ women from the other religion that also went through torture. That makes perfect sense. Eye roll!
@NemanjaPK9411 жыл бұрын
Ovaj Djuricko je luuuuuuuuud :D
@Rilex03711 жыл бұрын
nije lud nego glup i blesav
@ivanalaketic19963 жыл бұрын
@@Rilex037 Ne nego proračunat ,pokvaren .Taj bi i majku svoju prodao .
@damirbegic Жыл бұрын
I love Bosnia
@Nebojsha8911 жыл бұрын
US propaganda movie!
@sallybih11 жыл бұрын
prodao si se za saku dolara
@space_rs6 жыл бұрын
Im best actor
@alimilano111 жыл бұрын
bellsimo felicitaciones angelina
@grula9210 жыл бұрын
Alright lets try and keep this as civil as possible. Serb here for beginning. Basicaly i didnt watch the movie, but heard about it. How shall i put this.... Angelina Jolie, making a movie about a war that was provoked by those who wanted a socialist country (crucial part) to fall apart. But even if we put that aside the troubles in region of Balkans existed even before USA existed. With that being said, neither is she a director nor a historian to take such serious topic for a movie topic. Its equal to a person that watches lots of anime and thinks that he knows what Japan is, and tries to make a movie about Japan's culture. In tl,dr version... Angie, please stick to acting.