"00:00" - Lonestar Lonestar, wish I could unfold what you truly are Lonestar, I'd like to know your secrets written in the nebula Someday, someday I'll get to your Coordinate and your real name I'll send, I'll send my favorite Apple pie into your space Anyone out there who feels the same? Come and spread out the waves from your veins Cause we've been hiding away too much pain Call us masters of creating images from something we're not God knows how hard we've rolled to make our color bloom till all shadows are flooded in the light of her arms Lonestar, wish I could unfold what you truly are Lonestar, I'd like to know your secrets written in the nebula You can now open up to me and say 'I am much stronger than what they've ever seen' I can now open up to you and say 'We are much stronger than what they've ever seen what they've ever seen what they've ever seen…' So if you're out there, we're on our way Come and spread out the waves from your veins Oh we've been hiding away too much pain Tomorrow you ain't no more Lonestar, wish I could unfold what you truly are Lonestar, I'd like to know your secrets written in the nebula Lonestar, wish I could unfold what you truly are Oh what you truly are Lonestar, I'd like to know your secrets written in the nebula "04:28" - 另一個答案 說服我吧 另一個答案? 冷酷本來就是這個世界的常態。 花開後總是等待著凋零 所以最高貴的薔薇總是滿身帶刺啊。 如果你要我,就別成為我的過去 拙劣的複製品 讓我看看你究竟有多大的本事 能看透山茶花瓣裡面沒有被理解的甜蜜和話語? 說服我吧 另一個答案? 孤單本來就是這個世界的常態。 一次又一次為反方做辯證 卻像是鉗形攻勢,總回到敘事的起始。 如果你要我,就別成為我的過去 拙劣的複製品 讓我看看你究竟有多大的本事 能看透山茶花瓣裡面沒有被揭開的甜蜜和話語? "09:10" - 也許是你拯救了我 再也無力抵抗 重複的殘光 時間似乎沒有 帶我逃離迷航 也許是你 是你拯救了我*2 電台反覆重播 我不要的答案 天空似乎沒有 遮住我的不安 也許是你 是你拯救了我*4 也許是你 是你拯救了我*2 "13:01" - 自說自話 總是以為鏡子裡頭還有一個我 會在深夜裡緊緊抱著我 萬一疼痛的時候 也能輕輕撫摸 迎頭趕上的寂寞還不懂這是盡頭 一片望不見邊際的沙漠 步伐擱淺在其中 和踩在腳下的傷口 在這之後 我喊到沙啞 糾纏我的只剩謊話是嗎 還不懂掙扎 恣意讓困在那頭的我 自說自話 秋末的天空讓人活得不假思索 升高的幕點綴幾隻海鷗 漸漸淡去的一抹紅 落下之後親吻我 在這之後 我喊到沙啞 糾纏我的只剩謊話是嗎 還不懂掙扎 恣意讓困在那頭的我 自說自話 有誰 在無人之地呀 顛倒世界裡盛開著是誰種的花 我 義無反顧的守著自己的地方 自說自話 "16:52" - Shangri-La Is Calling Thought I was the center of the system Now I am even more confirmed Look at all the shit that I've created What an extraordinary picture All the rules that I've established Now I'm breaking each and every one of them Placing them with brand new orders On and on for liberation Oh if you really were the one You'd believe it when I said There is beauty in higher mountains which I'm standing right in Run run run away from home There's a voice in both my head and my heart Shangri-shangri-la is calling Run run away from the dark I wanna know what reality is all about Shangri-shangri-la is calling For a while thought I wanna be Sisyphus But then I held back, this kind of rebel's tragic like hell Why so choiceless? There must be worlds of higher dimensions That are homes to consciousness, love, and the purpose of existence Transcendence is my mission Oh, I thought you were the one I believed everything you said But nothing will keep me from searching Till the edge of the observables' limit Run run run away from home There's a voice in both my head and my heart Shangri-shangri-la is calling Run run away from the dark I wanna know what reality is all about Shangri-shangri-la is calling (I'll be en route all my life Until the songbirds stop by singing Shangri-shangri-la is calling)*5 "21:29" - Aphrodite I never realize why you left me behind lost in a maze of blue vines When I try looking in a mirror I find There's not one living creature inside Now I… Cannot tell the difference between reality and daydream Baby would you come back to me and be my Aphrodite As you used to be? When I try looking in a mirror I find Now I… Cannot tell the difference between reality and daydream Baby would you come back to me and be my Aphrodite? Lady, lady The fractals of your crystalized image keep twining round me like crazy Lady, lady The poisonous scent has got into my veins! Soon I'll go crazy "25:21" - 輕聲細語 請輕聲細語 他的心內話咁聽人說過 關在心內底 像跟不上陣的囡仔站在原地 等你返來找 咁想要坦白 咁會使坦白 跟誰人來將心內的坑溝坉乎平 他的溫柔夾在冊櫥自由飛 總有人會發現 向南的那一邊 他將所有的故事都攤開在人拿 雨落在昨暝 天橋頂的那蕊花淋的很徹底 咁無人經過 怹抾作伙 紮轉去厝內夾在書內底 將它寫作批 跟誰人來將心內的坑溝坉乎平 他的溫柔夾在冊櫥自由飛 總有人會發現 向南的那一邊 他將所有的故事都攤開在人拿 "30:45" - 我們的地方 窗外一遍又一遍重複的風景 總是好奇卻不夠勇敢看清 明知見一面少一面是時間的真理 卻又必須分離 宇宙會趨向混亂直到死亡 我努力抓住那把秩序的槳 但願能夠穩定地和你在這小路上 划出一道光 當終於雙手合十臣服於時代的巨浪 原來信仰是如此脆弱且易逝的呀 可親愛的你卻從未真正地離開我身旁 我們的地方是如此穩固如此的堅強 途中短暫停靠的美麗的人哪 多渴望你們留在我的枝枒 但每個生命終究都有自己的計劃 我無從解答 當終於雙手合十臣服於時代的巨浪 原來信仰是如此脆弱且易逝的呀 可親愛的你卻從未真正地離開我身旁 我們的地方是如此穩固如此堅強 原來信仰是如此脆弱且易逝的呀 我們的地方是如此穩固如此的堅強 "34:35" - 獵戶座的腰帶 你的微笑 真如自己以為那樣良善嗎? 指尖的舞蹈背叛了你的偽裝 又怎樣逃過我的掃描? 多餘的話語都請你嚥下吧。 那個想像別人想像的你呀 並不是我要的家。 過了今晚,你終於不再潔白無瑕 恭喜你!褪去過於甜膩的外皮 從前你能說嘴的是你僅有的自尊 現在你擁有了全世界--光彩與不光彩的一切! 看吧,在這和我合而為一的當下 「睜開真理的眼睛看看吧!無須恐懼」於 那些痛和傷 在鯨魚的身體上刺出了圖畫 藍色的螢光指向獵戶座的腰帶 那,是我們的家。 到了那裡,你可以不再潔白無瑕 恭喜你!像個孩子一樣調皮 從前你為顏色做了命名和分類 現在你擁有了全世界--透明與不透明的一切! Back to my home! Yeah! "38:40" - 進入下一層新的夢之前 進入下一層新的夢之前 從腳趾到頭頂完全浸入浴缸的熱水 黑暗的視野中逐漸浮現 十歲少年的臉、幾坪大的房間 Yes, through all these years, the deepest fears have never left here On awakening I find myself shuddering and shedding tears 你再次站在我的眼前 我再也沒理由堅持什麼正確 當身體失速下墜 所有羞愧無一倖免昭然若揭 假裝正常的遊戲到此為止 荒謬的劇中劇只是否認階段的自慰 少年如果你願意,我會謙卑 直視你的眼、擁抱你的罪孽 Yes, through all these years, the deepest fears have never left here On awakening I find myself shuddering and shedding tears 你再次站在我的眼前 我再也沒理由堅持什麼正確 透過接觸的指尖 所有羞愧無一倖免昭然若揭 跨上台階之前 讓我好好親吻你的臉 進入下一層夢之前 我要從頭到腳向你展現 回到那個房間 嘿。 (歌詞源於魔鏡歌詞網)
@davasaurthereal46783 ай бұрын
bless you for this comment ❤️
@danykang6611 Жыл бұрын
One of the finest souvenirs from my last trip to Taiwan is this band. Thanks to Taiwanese KZbin algorithm!!
《進入下一層新的夢之前》 作詞:裘詠靖 作曲:裘詠靖 進入下一層新的夢之前 從腳趾到頭頂完全浸入浴缸的熱水 黑暗的視野中逐漸浮現 十歲少年的臉、幾坪大的房間 Yes, through all these years, the deepest fears have never left here On awakening I find myself shuddering and shedding tears 你再次站在我的眼前 我再也沒理由堅持什麼正確 當身體失速下墜 所有羞愧無一倖免昭然若揭 假裝正常的遊戲到此為止 荒謬的劇中劇只是否認階段的自慰 少年如果你願意,我會謙卑 直視你的眼、擁抱你的罪孽 Yes, through all these years, the deepest fears have never left here On awakening I find myself shuddering and shedding tears 你再次站在我的眼前 我再也沒理由堅持什麼正確 透過接觸的指尖 所有羞愧無一倖免昭然若揭 跨上台階之前 讓我好好親吻你的臉 進入下一層夢之前 我要從頭到腳向你展現 回到那個房間 嘿。
@poo789452 жыл бұрын
《獵戶座的腰帶》 作詞:裘詠靖 作曲:裘詠靖 你的微笑 真如自己以為那樣良善嗎? 指尖的舞蹈背叛了你的偽裝 又怎樣逃過我的掃描? 多餘的話語都請你嚥下吧。 那個想像別人想像的你呀 並不是我要的家。 過了今晚,你終於不再潔白無瑕 恭喜你!褪去過於甜膩的外皮 從前你能說嘴的是你僅有的自尊 現在你擁有了全世界--光彩與不光彩的一切! 看吧,在這和我合而為一的當下 「睜開真理的眼睛看看吧!無須恐懼」於 那些痛和傷 在鯨魚的身體上刺出了圖畫 藍色的螢光指向獵戶座的腰帶 那,是我們的家。 到了那裡,你可以不再潔白無瑕 恭喜你!像個孩子一樣調皮 從前你為顏色做了命名和分類 現在你擁有了全世界--透明與不透明的一切! Back to my home! Yeah!
@poo789452 жыл бұрын
《Shangri-La Is Calling》 作詞:裘詠靖 作曲:裘詠靖 Thought I was the center of the system Now I am even more confirmed Look at all the mess that I've created What an extraordinary picture All the rules that I've established Now I'm breaking each and every one of them Placing them with brand new orders On and on for liberation Oh if you really were the one You'd believe it when I said There is beauty in higher mountains which I'm standing right in Run run run away from home There's a voice in both my head and my heart Shangri-shangri-la is calling Run run away away from the dark I wanna what reality is all about Shangri-shangri-la is calling For a while thought I wanna be Sisyphus But then I held back, this kind of rebel's tragic like hell Why so choiceless? There must be worlds of higher dimensions That are homes to consciousness, love, and the purpose of existence Transcendence is my mission Oh, I thought you were the one I believed everything you said But nothing will keep me from searching Till the edge of the observables' limit Run run run away from home There's a voice in both my head and my heart Shangri-shangri-la is calling Run run away away from the dark I wanna what reality is all about Shangri-shangri-la is calling I'll be en route all my life Until the songbirds stop by singing Shangri-shangri-la is calling