The Coffin of Andy and Leyley Ep 3 (Progress Report #7)

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22 күн бұрын

Main YT CHANNEL: / @blakeevk | Coffin and Leyley Progress Report #7
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@frostfiredirewolf8517 12 күн бұрын
I am still hyped for this messed up story to continue!
@MANEKOMI 19 күн бұрын
[1] Please note that my analysis is unorganized and has some mistakes. My main pet peeve when people play this game is when they solely blame everything on Ashley and think that her whole existence is just “manipulating” her brother while thinking that Andrew is some "innocent victim." It just goes to show that people aren't analyzing the characters and only take everything at face value. Andy is the one that enables Leyley's ideas, and it was his choice to reluctantly agree to go along with her scheme. He's the one that gave her tips on how to lock Nina up, and the only thing that I could fault Leyley for was her use of emotional manipulation in that scene (which I find weak, in my opinion-and Andy knows that), and it was her brother's choice to put the stick in and suggest that Nina stay there until morning. It was his idea to take the blood oath in the first place because it wasn't good enough for Leyley, and he made an excuse that it was for her when, really, it was for him as a reassurance that their crimes weren't out. Everything that Ashley said during their argument in Episode 1 is correct. She isn't gaslighting him. Andrew did make his own choice to put the stick on the hinges; while Ashley did comment that there's a lot of meat on the cultist, Andrew is the one that insinuates cannibalism (I'm not sure if this is considered gaslighting); he made his own choice to kill the Warden to the point that he only regretted not giving him a slower death just because he ogled proactively at Ashley; he was the one that actually suggested that he shoot the other Warden back in Episode 1; he only killed the 302 Lady because Ashley would have wanted to anyway and leave no witnesses, and him shooting the hitman was self-defense. Andrew does have agency, but he chooses not to use it, and, while he is smart, it's been proven a few times that he can use physical violence towards her if he doesn't like Ashley's idea. From what we know so far, Leyley was neglected by her parents because they found her to be difficult. Andy has already bonded with his sister and felt sympathetic towards her when his friend visibly showed his disgust towards Leyley to the point that he asked Julia and Nina to be friends with her, and they did it just so they could be closer to Andrew despite their suppressed dislike for her. I find it ironic that even after seeing Nina's body, Andy was more focused on the consequences of their actions and being separated from his sister. Andrew didn’t give a shit about Julia; he refused to let Ashley learn independence and, saying that he can't make her learn anything; always picked his sister over his girlfriend; used her as an Ashley substitute while manipulating her with sweet words, making excuses as to why he always goes over to his sister over her when he knows what they did to her best friend Nina; he was only happy when his sister is mentioned; asked his ex to tie her hair like his sister again; didn’t do anything when he found out she was being harassed by Ashley during the break up call when he was probably the main reason since he always picked his sister over her and refused to do anything about it; he knew about Julia's self harming and ignored it. I interpreted the voicemails as Andrew projecting and manifesting what he thinks Ashley said since it was confirmed that she did harassed Julia but we don't know how and he said, "So it really was you," and he thinks Ashley is the one to blame for his love life and actions, which is ironic because it's him too. Every time you think Ashley is manipulating Andrew, she's not. Like, for example, the car ride argument, she loves joking around while Andrew takes them seriously, and she misses the days back in childhood where he wasn't as uptight about his nickname. She is actually upset with him for his behavior (getting teary-eyed, refusing to talk to him, calling their argument a lover’s spat, etc.). As much as a Tar Soul she is, Ashley genuinely believes that no one likes her, not even her own brother. Her “manipulation tactic” is just her believing her self-hatred, having a lot of insecurities, and seeing herself as useless, which is why she wants Andrew to depend on her. Almost all of Ashley’s actions and inner thoughts make much more sense when you look at them with the idea that she’s simply doing her best to make sure Andrew doesn’t leave her for others. Nemlei (the creator) confirmed that “Ashley’s obsession here wasn't so much of a romantic desire, but to wrap Andrew around her little fingers by whatever means necessary.” Obsession “here,” implying Nemlei is only referring to one specific scene. “So much” of a romantic desire, meaning it wasn’t the sole motivating factor, but it was a factor. Fun fact: While Ashley is Tar Soul, Andrew is Grime Soul. Andrew is a lot like his mom. They both want to seem normal. They’re obsessed with it. Similarly, there’s only one person they really care about. For the mom, that’s the dad. For Andrew, that’s Ashley. That’s textbook sociopath behavior, actually. Sociopaths, unlike psychopaths, are capable of remorse and empathy and can form emotional attachments; it just takes a lot of time and effort. So they generally only form a few small connections, almost always only with their family. Even when you compare their casual behavior and how they talk, Andrew is far closer to the mom personality-wise than Ashley is. They have the same eye color for a reason. Let’s look at everything that would happen if Ashley didn’t exist. Andrew would still have been quarantined and left alone. To escape, he’d still have to eat the cultist. Either the security guard with the gun would have taken him out, or Andrew would have found some other way of killing the guy. He’d still have killed the 302 lady because he’d never want to leave loose ends. In fact, I’m positive that he was planning to kill her from the start and only waited until Ashley left so he could make an excuse for why he killed her to seem "normal.” If Andrew had used the demon’s help, he’d have gotten the prophecy charm. He’d have used it to survive and kill the hitman. It’s arguable whether he’d find the cultist party or if he’d go for the parents, but if he did, things would have likely ended up the same way anyway. You see? What, exactly, is Ashley at fault for? That’s why all his moping and foisting the blame on her is bullshit. (Neither of them is at fault in the first place.) He’s just trying to pass himself off as a normal guy, refusing to accept that he’s abnormal. Ashley, at the very least, accepts her own abnormality. That’s one thing she’s got over Mom and Andrew. So, if Andrew had done all the things he did anyway, is he really being "controlled"? Or is he just coping and trying to make it seem like it’s all Ashley’s fault, even though it’s clearly not? Never mind that; let’s look at all the information. The mom is "in charge" of the relationship, being in control of the dad, whereas Andrew is seemingly being pushed around by Ashley. But we have established that it’s Andrew who really takes after the mom. And Andrew has taken care of Ashley since they were kids. And he’s more capable than her in almost any way you can think of, to the point that she feels useless in comparison. She could never actually force him to do anything. By contrast, he could make her do whatever he wanted. Everything that he blames Ashley for is stuff that she’s simply not at fault for. And even the things that weren’t inevitable, (for example, they could have gone for some other unfortunate couple instead of their parents), Andrew could just have said, "No, we’re going to do this other thing,” and Ashley would have probably folded. It’s that simple. Controlling Andrew is beyond her. Actually, regarding what would have happened if Ashley didn’t exist, maybe none of the plot would have happened. You know why? Because Andrew was at a university, maybe he could have gotten a dorm; thus, he would have never been caught in quarantine. Why didn’t he? Because Ashley is in the apartment. He refuses to leave her. Because he’s just as obsessed with her as she is with him, even if he’s very good at hiding it. Again-everything that Ashley said during their argument in Episode 1 is true. Andrew chose to kill the Warden and the 302 lady. She didn’t make him do it. It was out of his own volition. And when they were kids, Andy reluctantly agreed to lock Nina and even gave tips to Leyley on how to do it. He made his choice to put the stick in when he could have done something else.
@MANEKOMI 19 күн бұрын
[2] There’s a lot of subconscious touching going on: Andrew playfully talking about being a wife beater to only Ashley, changing the subject about her giving her virginity to him while looking away in embarrassment, needing no excuse to touch her ass (while blushing), and a very conscious near misses at initiating a kiss, etc., and he gets embarrassed at doing these in public in front of people. He is lying about his conscience. Andrew has shown a few times in the game that he doesn't, or at least doesn't care, about the immorality of his actions, such as when Nina is killed. What he cares about instead are the consequences of his actions, specifically that they’ll get him separated from Ashley. If you interact with the TV before taking the blood oath, Andy is relieved that there is no news of dead girls being found. That line after Andy discovers Nina’s body was, "They're going to take you away from me!” which shows possessiveness and perhaps ownership. He doesn't say anything like “We’ll be separated!” which would probably sound more appropriate given the situation, but he didn't. Throughout the game, Andrew, either forced or of his own volition, acquires quite the body count. He personally kills Warden Malcom, the Room 302 Lady, the hitman, and is an accomplice in killing Warden Dave, etc. As we can see during his nightmare sequence, he feels no guilt for killing any of those people and is only afraid of being caught for his actions. He had absolutely no qualms about sacrificing the innocent cultist to Lord Unknown just so only he and Ashley could survive (this happens if you take Ashley to the cultist club as Andrew and not go to the motel room where the hitman is). While Ashley is the poster child for “manipulation” in the game, Andrew is no slouch at it either. He proves good at wasting Warden Malcom’s time and comes up with the plan to lure Dave into their trap. In Episode 2, Andrew bullshits his way into the club using the cultist’s guilt for stealing a cake, somehow picking that up in the time of an elevator ride. He’s also so good at lying to his mother that Ashley cannot keep up. It is true that Julia is merely a substitute for Ashley, and that he has no actual attraction to her or any of his previous girlfriends (if he had any). Andrew has also been faking some night terrors as an excuse so he can sleep with Ashley. The manipulation is not solely one-sided between our sibling duo; Andrew is by far the more calculating one. But Leyley did consider Julia and Nina friends until Nina said that she has a crush on Andy, which we all know how that went... She still doesn’t want anyone to take her brother, and she’s someone who’s difficult for everyone, even her parents and so-called "friends," like Nina, who was happy to be around Andy but seemed put off by her and only agreed to play with her because Andy agreed to. In Andrew’s dream of the flashback before quarantine, Julia mutters that Ashley’s difficult in general despite her supposedly being Leyley’s "friends," so the reason why both Julia and Nina put up with her in the past is because of pleasing Andrew and hopefully getting together with him as a reward. Then there’s Andrew’s and Julia’s relationship, during the dream and the break-up call, Julia mentions how Andrew has always picked Ashley over and over whenever his sister wanted his company (despite him complaining about it and missing Ashley while she’s away): “-always about-you don’t-ley and Ashley, and-” Mind you, during the break-up call, Andrew put in no effort to stop Ashley’s harassment towards his ex: "[...] I mean, I can’t do anything about that... Or I can try talking to her, but-" and he wondered why he should be accountable for her actions. It’s confirmed that Ashley did harass Julia, but we don’t know what kind of harassment-when Andrew confronted Ashley about it, he says afterward, “So it really was you” in Episode 1-and Andrew’s dream could be what he imagined what she sent as a manifestation or projection with the death threats and 127 voicemails. To the point that Julia had to self-harm, and he just ignored it. To be honest, “Ashley” is correct-but that is Andrew’s manifestation of her and self-projection. He simply doesn’t care for his ex with “You'll never see her again. And the fact that it doesn't really bother you, bothers you.” Julia broke up with Andrew because of both the harassment from Ashley and Andrew always picking his sister over his ex over and over (even before quarantining while they dated). In the flashback with Andrew and Julia during the compartmentalize dream in Episode 2 (which was months before quarantine): 1. Andrew refused to make Ashley learn anything and be independent because they're enmeshed and he probably wants her to keep relying on him. 2. "If your sister needed something, wouldn't you go?" is ironic because in Episode 1, he always complained that they barely spend each other apart but in Episode 2, he could be away from Ashley for like 10-30 minutes and he'd miss her and rather that not be separated even in the same house, etc. 3. Saying that Ashley is shook up about Nina's death is bullshit because he knows what they did to her, he's just covering up their crimes and manipulating Julia by using sweet words and making an excuse as to why he goes to Ashley whenever they make plans. 4. Julia's "She's difficult in general..." Yeah, she only wanted to be "friends" with Leyley when they were kids because Andy asked and when they're adults she started dating Andrew until she broke up with him. 5. The only time Andrew is happy is anything relating to Ashley, he's not even happy about his relationship with Julia. He's only using her as a substitute for his incestuous feelings for his sister and it's confirmed that he makes Julia tie her hair up so she can look like Ashley... And this has happened before. (There were a few players that didn't get this and thought that Andrew was just kinky with his girlfriend). It’s confirmed in the Progress Report that Ashley has always had her hair tied up since she was a teenager, but for some reason people mistakenly thought she was copying the hairstyle of Nina (who has pigtails) or Julia (Andrew was the one that specifically asked Julia to put her hair up like Ashley). And it makes me question why people think she'd copy her fake friends or women she hated. Andrew replied of, “Aww. Don’t you know it’s how boys show their love?” There have been a few CGs that Andrew has touched Ashley’s hair (on the couch and in the car), and who is the only person that he actually loves? It's Ashley.
@MANEKOMI 19 күн бұрын
[3] Andrew has never taken responsibility for his actions. Warden Malcom? Ashley’s fault for messing up; he also had it coming for leering at Ashley. The lady in Room 302? Ashley wanted her dead anyway. The hitman? That was self-defense (based, actually). Eating the cultist? Ashley made the comment about the meat, and Andrew was the one that said if it’s okay to eat him, but they were also forced because of extreme circumstances (the latter part understandable, really). While Andrew would like to pretend he has no agency in the game, he does. Andrew has stood up for himself in the game to some success (Ashley does start calling him Andrew), and he would just rather not, so Ashley can take the blame for his actions. He is extremely nonchalant about cutting himself and Leyley for the blood oath-not something you expect a normal child to do. He does not care about the organ harvesting or the fact he’s dropped out of college, and he is disturbingly calm when murdering the Warden. The only things that can seemingly reliably get a strong response from Andrew are: 1. Insulting or threatening Ashley (the survival rate ain’t good on that one). 2. Ashley wanting sex with another person (by far the strongest reaction from him, huh). 3. Insinuation he’s into Ashley. 4. The Nina incident. Other than those things, it is extremely hard to break his cool. The game has shown time and time again that harming, threatening, insulting, or leering at Ashley in Andrew’s presence is a bad idea. What seems weird are the idiot cultist and the description of Warden Malcom in Andrew’s dream. The idiotic cultist has, up to that point, shown themselves to be completely harmless and nothing but helpful. Yet when they called Ashley a bitch, which was totally justified given the context, Andrew gave him a death glare. Kind of an overreaction to an insult. It is revealed Andrew regrets giving Warden Malcom a quick death... because he leered at Ashley? That is just odd. Warden Malcom starved them (yes, Ashley included) for months, relished having power over them, reveled in antagonizing them both, knowing they could not do anything about it, and in general was on a constant power trip. Yet somehow, him leering at Ashley pissed him off the most? If you talk to the mom as Andrew with Ashley in the basement, she tells them that absence (regarding Andrew and Ashley) makes the heart go fonder, only for Andrew to think to himself (looking away while blushing): "The very last thing I need is to grow fonder of that nightmare of a woman.” Andrew doesn’t like being away from Ashley for a specific amount of time because he does miss her, despite him saying that he doesn’t, which seems to be a little theme where Andrew would be fine with doing or saying something at first but then lie to himself that he was forced to do it and didn’t have a choice when he did, hence him probably shifting the blame towards Ashley. There’s been subtle hints during Episodes 1-2 that he could be a sociopath, considering there’s an interaction where you could watch Andrew butcher the cultist while Ashley cheers, which makes Andrew telling her to be quiet, then a scene later he laughs at her-another theme could be that anytime that there’s something serious going on, Andrew laughs at the dark humor around it, which isn’t something a normal person does since this has happened several times throughout the game so far.
@Cinder_Anims 20 күн бұрын
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