Love that this video actually represents the community in the proper way. PvE community is wonderful and I have nothing but great experiences, but yeah. Loved the intro, the simple style of the vid, all of that. Def got a subscriber from me!
@tonyevans5517Күн бұрын
Also 8:50 is a perfect representation of the state of the AI right now T-T
@TheProjectManhatten3 күн бұрын
The key to appease the MFG AI Gods and have them refrain from those one taps is by dumping copious sacrifices and offerings into the shared base loot box. While I cant prove this, it's how I make myself feel better after I am apparently smote by Vishnu with his god tier accuracy + reflexes.
@rendanfuls2 күн бұрын
The new AI Hotfix is out. Apparently, the sacrifices were plenty!
@jayghost_music2 күн бұрын
Just stoppin' by to say the art style for the thumbnail is fire.
@father_andi2 күн бұрын
Thanks, man
@gregvs_164617 сағат бұрын
The 1080 snowboarding track with the cover photo. my man.