When you know the answer OOC. It's very easy to work towards it.
@xolision_8 ай бұрын
Matching your description, means someone directly snitched. Local 911s are just weed sells.
@skrrrrt658 ай бұрын
u think the ballas called the cops on a company seller at cypres? use ur fucking head
@Gener1kYT8 ай бұрын
@@xolision_ My point still stands. When people know the answer they work VERY HARD towards it to justify it in RP. Ilya got stopped by cops, his thinking wasn't how did you know, but rather how can I BS my way out of it. KJ knows the block is hot with cops. They have been climbing rooftops and observing the crims. But he works towards the getting snitched out story. Back in 3.0 Dragon and Benji got ocean dumped by CG. Dragon respawned and joined the seaside search party to find benji. LOL. Even though he didn't find him right away, the search still ended up to finding Benji. That's what I mean, when someone knows the answer....they try very hard to work towards it.
@shaynesharpe85768 ай бұрын
you realize the cop straight up told him right... @@Gener1kYT
@demoth8 ай бұрын
What's the point of apologizing to lang and try to mend relationship than?
@Knuckles5498 ай бұрын
Raymond thought if he tried to jerk off Buddha like he does X that he would have a shot to get back in with the bois but after the response from Lang and Harry he's got no shot.
@igris_20008 ай бұрын
So he gets to join back with lang when jp ditches him and joins lang 💀😂
@jewelswaller82288 ай бұрын
So they dont like snitching. But mickey & x are allowed to snitch huh
@tyriephillips52458 ай бұрын
Dont forget ray snitching as well
@NamelessObserver_8 ай бұрын
bruh you dumb ? lang started the snitching and if i remember ray said am gonna do the buddha strat
@StevenNguyenJason8 ай бұрын
Notice how not even once Raymond ever mentions to actually just go and talk to Lang about it and get his side of the story. Bro tries to apologize and make up to Lang, and then moments later cooks this up. KJ even admitted that he couldn't confirm who the individuals were or if they were the ones who contacted the cops and didn't want to start up a war because of it as he thinks it's not worth it. Raymond is just too hotheaded and impulsive to the point that he is just gladly burning bridges at this point.
@sk-ig4wt8 ай бұрын
rayc farming juicers nothing new
@staticJ78 ай бұрын
Last time he tried to talk to Lang and get his side, Lang hung up on him and spun the narrative that the war was started because of his ego. Talking wont do anything.
@Le__Toucan8 ай бұрын
@@staticJ7which is literally what happened
@biuntt8 ай бұрын
But it was Lang.
@sk-ig4wt8 ай бұрын
@@biuntt how do u know tho? honestly asking because it can be some random aswell
@smoggy68498 ай бұрын
Howd he come to the conclusion that it was a player and not an NPC that "called 911"? Actually curious
@Knicksfan12268 ай бұрын
Because its a convoy not a coincidence at all
@3self8 ай бұрын
@@Knicksfan1226 it’s not like the block is hot rn.
@Muddy_cups8 ай бұрын
Local 911 calls don’t say what a person is wearing they just give a estimate location. so that’s the big give away when the cop told Kj that someone called the cops on the person wearing his exact outfit.
@Pandaalexx268 ай бұрын
@@Muddy_cupsno some local 911 calls have descriptions. The locals even take pictures sometimes
@TheGarnav8 ай бұрын
Locals do the description thing, they interrogate yuno when he was on a local robing spree for this reason.
@lukebailey78008 ай бұрын
It's crazy how 1 of Lang's guys got raided for being on the block and the other got caught and rp'd his way out of it and no conclusions like this were jumped to. Police show up could easily lie (not saying they are) and the 1st conversation about it is war war war not let's do the same funny petty stuff. Let's find there clean person and ruin everything typical 3.0 mentality
@ZackBrooks-p8y8 ай бұрын
sounds like fuck around and find out
@lukebailey78008 ай бұрын
@@ZackBrooks-p8y sounds like rather than RP let's just go straight to war
@ZackBrooks-p8y8 ай бұрын
@@lukebailey7800 if you think it's bad now wait until the whole city has guns and Buddha starts getting clapped
@NicFredPresents8 ай бұрын
@@ZackBrooks-p8y great RP from your streamers then? Sounds about right.
@sk-ig4wt8 ай бұрын
@@ZackBrooks-p8y u make it sound like company are some god shooter lol, hydra and old gg will humble everyone
@Dfisher0008 ай бұрын
He wouldn't have even gotten caught if he hadn't done some rookie grinder shit. He sees cops down the road and then goes down an alley and circles back to the spot he was in which he runs into a cop car, easily could have went somewhere else for a few minutes and cops would have been gone but nah he's 15 hours deep into pushing in his cooked grinder mindset. Then he actually gets away but crashes into a local and goes down. Ya assume it was Lang all you want but he got caught because he was on some cooked grinder mindset shit
@faynuexunqi40428 ай бұрын
Dude don't even cover his face.
@giangallo8 ай бұрын
guy had one of the best bikes and got caught like an idiot, sure, but what is this "grinder mindset" you're yappin about and what does it have to do with anything?
@gakijk70108 ай бұрын
i think Ray should be more careful with meta-clips and hunches watching his chat. and rolpay with that information, like the eugene "hunch" in sandy ... those were old habits of a certain group in 3.0
@Muddy_cups8 ай бұрын
Your actually cringe for this comment holy shit 🤣
@mbc7778 ай бұрын
@@Muddy_cups he is not Cringe. you juicers are so weird defending metagame but will accuse buddha of the same your hypocrisy is impressive
@Muddy_cups8 ай бұрын
@@mbc777 nobody is blaming anybody for meta gaming but you and the original commenter. that’s literally the cringe part. Lang was banned from meta a long time ago and learned from his mistakes he’s not meta gaming. Ray c has never been warned or banned for meta gaming and is in fact one of the people that is more careful than anyone on the server about not using ooc info in game. So the reason I’m saying cringe is because of people like you that just throw out random biased accusations without knowing what your actually talking about.
@deru23328 ай бұрын
@@Muddy_cups Damn bro it taste that good? U have some droplets of white liquid in ur lips
@benvil33998 ай бұрын
Knowing Ray.... well not new what's ray doing....
@bananamilkshake048 ай бұрын
The Italians just roll up out of nowhere 😂
@Kritacul8 ай бұрын
So why did The Company buy turf in Sandy and aren’t using it?
@mbc7778 ай бұрын
Because they are nothing but talks
@matye838 ай бұрын
They are using it
@Muddy_cups8 ай бұрын
They are using it. They have 2 full weed ops. The cypress one gets brought up more because that’s where the roleplay is happening currently.
@KolyaUrtz8 ай бұрын
@@mbc777 ...that doesnt logically connect
@ZackBrooks-p8y8 ай бұрын
they have 100% rep on Sandy, second weed op
@returnmann64968 ай бұрын
Of course, company this company that. Grr I’m mad at Lang let me dig a even deeper hole. These dudes are actually slow.
@swishswashsmack8 ай бұрын
Yes you should let a crim snitch on you at your turf
@MindeVVV8 ай бұрын
@@swishswashsmack i witnessed you like your own comment lol
@returnmann64968 ай бұрын
@@MindeVVV you saw that too? Lol
@hobbes2968 ай бұрын
What do you want them to do? Langs crew was doing this shit before the war and keeps doing it now. The only way for it to stop is for them to push back.
@returnmann64968 ай бұрын
@@swishswashsmack so what, tf is he gonna do about it.
@xzen6678 ай бұрын
Bro the cops put out a warrant on speedy based on what he was wearing too. These bozos make the jump straight to they snitching lets got to war... again....
@Antonin17388 ай бұрын
don't forget the Speedy Voice ID thing lmao
@SlyGrym8 ай бұрын
The prob of doing this is, after if they ever do this everybody will do this too.. then everybody is back to nothing again. then Dunde will become the better crim in the end. coz he already have nothing. His a genius then? XD
@andreaseriksson46328 ай бұрын
Lmao, if they do that there is no stopping in what Lang will do with all the info he has about them. They will destroy themselves just as badly if they do this lol.
@biuntt8 ай бұрын
i mean company is all butcoin and PCs. not much illegal stuff rly. lang on the other hand has all his cash in a bench where they share.
@tyriephillips52458 ай бұрын
@biuntt speedy knows where there grower lives with all the weed
@biuntt8 ай бұрын
@tyriephillips5245 yeah buts it's 10 ppl living there and 8 of them are civs including house owner, who ever that is.
@tyriephillips52458 ай бұрын
@@biuntt doesn't matter since they can find out who owns the house and just set them up just like the company is planning to do with Harry
@biuntt8 ай бұрын
@tyriephillips5245 yeah I know but the dude doesn't exist much lol.
@brammes128 ай бұрын
Raymond always with these extremes. Brother your group lost the conflict & lost 90K+ move on & create some other RP
@AdityaPratama-fw7fj8 ай бұрын
Bro let them make their own narative of Rp why youre the one who are so butt hurt about someone content of rp
@riproora99668 ай бұрын
Nice bait 😂
@Muddy_cups8 ай бұрын
When Buddha is literally throwing roleplay scenarios to you as a creator why would you ignore it? Specially if it’s someone that your friends with in real life? Buddha doing that is the reason they had that conversation and the reason we’re all talking about it now. It’s all apart of the game.
@mbc7778 ай бұрын
@@AdityaPratama-fw7fj he is not butthurt Ramonov has been insufferable since 3.0
@Aria__Arvilla8 ай бұрын
@@Muddy_cups Like the whole Company doesn't have experienced Roleplayers and they can't create their own Roleplay
@Knuckles5498 ай бұрын
RayC must be starting his monthly subathon early this month.
@NicFredPresents8 ай бұрын
@Graffitisticks8 ай бұрын
@twtwtw7658 ай бұрын
@@frenzy_ It blows my mind
@faynuexunqi40428 ай бұрын
it's actual cringe that they are metaing, there is so many people that come to this area that is not the company or the crew. to automatically assume it's them is cringe af.
@ronaldgallant97738 ай бұрын
Cause there known snitches lmao remember the war
@hackdotx40608 ай бұрын
it's perfectly fine to assume it's langs crew, why is that meta instead of an educated guess?
@faynuexunqi40428 ай бұрын
"A gun has a gun" lol meanwhile ray goes running to cops at the PD cause hydra was after him, and also walks in the hospital yelling "they have a warrant!!". when SI got caught and raided none of the crew assumed KJ snitched. nice try tho@@ronaldgallant9773
@faynuexunqi40428 ай бұрын
his chat was spamming it and he was reading chat lol "educated guess" my ass.@@hackdotx4060
@ZackBrooks-p8y8 ай бұрын
how slow can you be lmfao? He kicked their bike earlier in the day and they showed they are known snitches to the cops during the war, it's obvious they would be the first person you think of
@changes69828 ай бұрын
Cops were “called” oh it must be lang loooooooolllll
@Nioxes128 ай бұрын
bro speedy even told lang the company would know it was them because it was so obvious, so ye its kinda easy to make that conclusion
@faynuexunqi40428 ай бұрын
even tho you have a lot of people in that area thats not even the company or the crew, ray and kj chat was spamming meta bro, it's so obvious at this point. @@Nioxes12
@je-zw5su8 ай бұрын
They got boys that get chased everyday and one of them even got raided... you don't see them going "It MuSt Be ThE cOmPaNy"
@thebestgamer29718 ай бұрын
@@Nioxes12 u dumb ??? speedy told lang abt ocean dumping they would know bc no one else would do it not 911 call wich locals snitch all the time ( bro chatters watch streams on mute and then they run their mouth )
@chaserusso908 ай бұрын
one of langs guys got caught and raided, mustve been the company@@Nioxes12
@Asenla-of2mf8 ай бұрын
Did he not hit a local?? This guy must be the biggest snitch ever 😂
@justclips52168 ай бұрын
i hope x isnt the first to do heist bro will leave 100%
@slashx18768 ай бұрын
War Round 2!!!
@Bluecorner678 ай бұрын
RayC is the cringiest person on the server, not even close.
@Muddy_cups8 ай бұрын
And your the cringiest person in these comments what does it even matter?
@faynuexunqi40428 ай бұрын
speaking the truth isn't cringe. @@Muddy_cups
@iCanHasRandomness8 ай бұрын
oh hell yeah! this is gonna be some fun shit
@danielnewman44728 ай бұрын
If Ray gets Langs group raiding and they lose everything, Ray will never ever recover in the city. People will never work with him again.
@NicFredPresents8 ай бұрын
I mean he didn’t get the nickname Rat Romanov lightly, it’s getting that way after the union war anyways, he pissed off a load of civs all linked to different gangs and groups and so many people outside of that saw they were being scammed.
@richdawg19658 ай бұрын
@@NicFredPresentsliterally no one calls him that😂
@NicFredPresents8 ай бұрын
@@richdawg1965 shows how many people you watch then, loads do 🤣
@TKanal38 ай бұрын
What does this guy get for working 12h a day do you guys know?
@AdityaPratama-fw7fj8 ай бұрын
Better Rp for their content atleast that what i see in kj stream
@Muddy_cups8 ай бұрын
He’s benjis former right hand man from seaside. He’s just showing loyalty to his former leader and he’s now also a company man. making all the money from it is a plus.
@TKanal38 ай бұрын
@@AdityaPratama-fw7fj fair enough ooc but a bit lame ic. I get that ooc is more important
@TKanal38 ай бұрын
@@Muddy_cups he does? Alright makes sense
@Muddy_cups8 ай бұрын
@@TKanal3yeah he makes the money for selling the weed. The company just want the rep.
@Rpviewer101-zd2tn8 ай бұрын
Dude was already saying "they called the cops on me" before the cops even talked to him LMAO
@Rpviewer101-zd2tn8 ай бұрын
Kongfue (KJs) chat is full of meta and the dude doesn't ban anyone LMAO
@Muddy_cups8 ай бұрын
Just cuz you know that out of character does not mean its meta. People don’t seem to understand that. He learned it wasn’t a local 911 because the person that 911 gave an exact description of the person. Local 911 don’t do that.
@Rpviewer101-zd2tn8 ай бұрын
"locals don't do that" LMAO very powerful RP there brother, do you know what RP is? LMAO bro said "locals don't do that"@@Muddy_cups
@Rpviewer101-zd2tn8 ай бұрын
"🤓 i know the other crew snitched on me because a local can't give clothes descriptions" LMAOOO that person should be banned from the server for failrp@@Muddy_cups
@mbc7778 ай бұрын
@@Muddy_cups defending bunch of loser called the company
@nateisbadkappa76028 ай бұрын
Buddha fans crying lmao
@KA-sk5mb8 ай бұрын
Company fans crying now 😂😂😂😂 nomore company 😂
@nateisbadkappa76028 ай бұрын
True LMAO! RIPBOZO the Company@@KA-sk5mb
@pankaj_gurav8 ай бұрын
The simple tactics keep ur enemies thinking about you and you do want you want as you want😂😂😂 the company are making money by doing work stop that by making them go to war again😂😂😂. Lang crew making money everywhere else G6 , Grime , sani , snr buns . U name it yhey are doing it even the crimes ones too
@Happyx2228 ай бұрын
bro get a life you so invested into nothing get a friend it will help you recover
@Vin_Alle8 ай бұрын
They legit having fun lil bro buddha ooc saying how he loved the block being hot and there's some competition and kj enjoing it as well while you here thinking all of this is serious. Touch grass bro
@mbc7778 ай бұрын
@@Happyx222 let Lompany take some L if it was buddha you would do same Am i wrong
@mbc7778 ай бұрын
@@Vin_Alle oh so now they are just having fun remember when you guys spammed 0-2 and Lang f around and found out in the beginning of the war you Guys can't handle to take an L
@Vin_Alle8 ай бұрын
@@mbc777 My brother i genuinely don't care who's winning and what not at the end of the day it's content i love both groups. But you gotta to be real with me all the comment here are normal and you see his comment it's just straight up embarrassing with those emoji and wording. I just tryna help and make sense out of him that's all
@Setracoree8 ай бұрын
How could Ray's ego do this?
@kingaj068 ай бұрын
Juicers lol!
@althonov8 ай бұрын
so what if Lang's crew snitches? KJ just needs to escape the cops, but unfortunately, he has an accident on the way. It's also bad for Lang's crew because it's going to bring more heat to the turf.
@hurdurhur8 ай бұрын
Block is already lava hot. There is 6 people pushing weed very often, not to mention jp /cg cop ambush down there.
@kaelev80778 ай бұрын
Did Lang actually snitch or does this guy have no idea or making shit up?
@countryroads79988 ай бұрын
making shit up, no proof in character, maybe one of his chatters told him ooc tho
@Antonin17388 ай бұрын
they dont know in character
@hackdotx40608 ай бұрын
lang playin a dangerous game lol
@AkiliKaiju8 ай бұрын
What people don't get is Lang wants the company to lose composure and focus on war instead of making money and pushing.
@swishswashsmack8 ай бұрын
@@AkiliKaijuwho said war they know who owns their house and can plant stuff for raid
@Le__Toucan8 ай бұрын
no they dont@@swishswashsmack
@AkiliKaiju8 ай бұрын
@@swishswashsmack Yeah I commented before the end of the video. Imo doing that is lamer than snitching. The courts set a dumb precedent with the gun planting case. Either way it's rp so whatever
@mbc7778 ай бұрын
@@swishswashsmack so can they
@riproora99668 ай бұрын
You just know this channel will get flagged thanks to the comments 😂
@puckejpuckej20908 ай бұрын
i know langs viewiers arent very inteligent but this kind of stuff is very easy to figure out, stay mad
@KA-sk5mb8 ай бұрын
After current event 😂😂😂😂.lang won company in shambles.
@Liege_Serve8 ай бұрын
Crazy how you guys still blame Ray for this 💀 "They snitched on me while selling weed, but lets just ignore that guys cuz it's Lang" Union fans delulu as usual
@faynuexunqi40428 ай бұрын
the fact you said union fans, when the crew isn't the union bro just shows you have bias and will still defend ray even when his chat was spamming meta.
@Liege_Serve8 ай бұрын
@@faynuexunqi4042 What else am I gonna call them? Their crim group doesn't even have a name.
@benvil33998 ай бұрын
Ray's surname is Meta.. i think nothing new here, casual Ray
@ronaldgallant97738 ай бұрын
Union did nothing but snitch and call cops during the war there a known snitch group now you are what you are
@Liege_Serve8 ай бұрын
@@benvil3399 Obvious = Meta
@James-br9cu8 ай бұрын
Harry will 100% get caught lacking and raided. Then the company will start laughing at Lang and proceed to a never ending war.
@stancask53358 ай бұрын
I liked langs crew at first they seemed the smartest cornering the materials market , but the snitching is the dumbest thing ever, if it becomes common knowledge that langs boys do this, then they should have the whole criminal community turn against them
@paulmarapao6708 ай бұрын
Not really everyone is going to flock towards him since he’s the owner who knows every plan of the game
@HowieLouKing8 ай бұрын
"criminal community" 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@IulianusMagnus8 ай бұрын
Since Hydra snitched on Michael Simone in 3.0 snitching became just another way of warfare, it's no longer a big no no in criminal world. Rey himself was snitching in the hospital that Speedy had a warrent so 🤷♂️
@Ore8398 ай бұрын
It's cause its a game and they are having fun. No one else has problems with lang's crew. During the war they were just laughing throwing rocks at the company and spamming 911 with non stop updates while their chats had text to speech blasting "this is Captains Slacks, we are happy to award you 140 stars with the PD". They just vibing its not that serious. Cops aren't the enemy just cause you want your streamer to win. Not to mention the fact that people get mad when literal civilians in the union snitch to cops.
@stancask53358 ай бұрын
Flocking to Lang because he is server owner is about as meta and ooc as it gets, that's just a cringe way to play