The Dark Side of Meditation

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Cheetah House

Cheetah House

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@erikamiponi 2 жыл бұрын
Knowing about the Cheetah house has saved me from the darkness and severe depression caused by a Silent meditation retreat, I heard about you on a podcast, desperate to know what the hell happened to me, and I finally felt validated which lead me to seeking the right kind of help and pulling out of the darkness. There is so much smug language about how meditation is the cure all, and there are very few voices talking about how it may not be the greatest thing for everyone. Thank you for your work.
@djamb5252 2 жыл бұрын
No body talk about the bad sides of meditation!!! I will never meditate again!
@WilliamJuzek Жыл бұрын
@jithu2466 6 ай бұрын
@micoaruno 6 ай бұрын
If"I" don't progress"I"suffer, boredom, if"I" suffer"I" progress, adventure.
@LightBlue9-f4w 4 ай бұрын
Exactly, I know exactly what you mean
@MuhammadAhmad-iu5no 4 жыл бұрын
I had an extremely bad experience of meditation. 2 times in my life, I meditated regularly for months. Everything was good 1st time. However, after 4 years, when I did it again, then it was terrible. Now, I have found that, according to research, up to 25% people have a bad experience of it.
@Baz_09 3 жыл бұрын
What a load of bullshit
@thankyouthankyousomuch 3 жыл бұрын
Can you list your bad experiences. I am researching this area as I am experiencing it too
@MuhammadAhmad-iu5no 3 жыл бұрын
@@thankyouthankyousomuch In my case, the most prominent side effects were severe headache and increased sensitivity to few visual stimuli. Things have been improving since I stopped doing meditation, and I am good now. You can get more authentic knowledge about the side effects by studying the results of research studies that have been conducted on this topic.
@sexymary 3 жыл бұрын
@@MuhammadAhmad-iu5no I guess you were about to awaken the serpent within OR so-called kundalini that time ???
@chayahessentialsknitsandcr6999 3 жыл бұрын
it's prob more than that. Most ppl prob don't even report their experiences or don't understand their experiences are coming from the meditation.
@heather_hill_HHH 4 ай бұрын
it is not a widely discussed topic; This research is important to understand what can "go wrong" with meditation. but there has to be reasons, as not everyone suffers accidents from meditating and finds it a positive experience. So there is a need to know what went wrong, in behavior or in the latent psychology. pointing the finger wholly on meditation implies that meditation is dangerous and alienates new people from it. It is a known thing that buried emotions, traumas, memories may surface during meditation and cause a challenge to meditator (in those that research this topic). but importantly need to know what was the specific case, why did it happen, what was the person's psychology and memory like, and what did the person do to get that outcome.
@dulcejocelyn7102 3 жыл бұрын
You’re correct. This is a spiritual matter. But there’s two sides of spirituality, and you’re deep in the dark side. Jesus Christ is the light of this world, he can rescue you from all your confusion and darkness and emptiness if you trust him with your life. I just discovered this 3 moths ago! My life has changed ever since. And if you’re skeptical, don’t trust me, confirm it by yourself, seek the only sovereign God.
@chayahessentialsknitsandcr6999 3 жыл бұрын
Amen. Absolute Truth.
@truth8307 3 жыл бұрын
But how about these information ? Check the first 4 points especially: 20 IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE that proved Bible God is likely FAKE, don't miss the last paragraph that explains them all: 1) A creator god claimed to be all mighty should be the oldest and only religion but all the pagans, Greek, Chinese, Hinduism religions existed earlier. This proved their Creator claim fake. 2) Jesus similarities with Buddha. Maya to Mary, miracle pregnancy to virgin pregnancy, birth during a journey home to from home, prophesied soon after birth, both had a disciple who betrayed them, walked on water, Gautama left the palace at age 29 and Jesus appeared at 29, Gautama became Buddha at 35 and Jesus died and resurrected at around 35 too, Buddha had a big meal while Jesus had a last supper before they died, after they passed away, 500 arahants witnessed compilation of Buddha's teachings and over 500 witnesses to Jesus's resurrection etc. All coincidental ? Beside Buddha, Jesus was also found to be copied from other figures. Surely they can't be ALL coincidental. 3) Many of the Bible's mythologies was copied from older pagans, Greek, Egyptian or Hinduism religions(note the names too) E.g. Adam & Eve from Atman and Jiva, in Hinduism, big flood and survivor Noah/3 sons same as Manu/3 sons although cause of flood is different. Even the names of Abraham and wife/sister Sarah close to Brahma and Saraswathi beside having quite similar story. Regardless of which religion copied which, it proved this god is NOT the only true god or all mighty as it doesn't makes sense for an ALMIGHTY GOD to create or allow more copies or religions. 4) Why should a true all mighty and all knowing God allowed their people to branch off and kill their parent religion Judaism or Zoroatruism ? "Free will" as an excuse is not acceptable as earlier they claimed their God killed all people with a big flood(without freewill) because they sinned. 5) The way they collect tithings during Sunday mass is so tricky. They know people will be shy not to pay or tend to pay more when others could be watching. This is why they don't just use a stationed money box like Buddhism, Hinduism or Chinese temples where people can donate anytime. Catholics and Islam made it even bigger by suggesting donation of a certain percentage of their income. 6) The Bible condemned non-followers, clearly mentioned in Mark's words 16:16. Why should a Creator God's religion condemn non-believers when in the first place, they claimed their God created the world? Isn't this like playing both sides of the same coin, both good and evil ? 7)Not knowing why or how the world exists don't mean that it was created by a god. Now "Creator" idea got stale, they use "Intelligent Design" What is so intelligent in its design? If people don't need to go to toilet and don't have unpleasant feelings or sufferings, then I will call it an intelligent design. 8)Wisdom, mindfulness and meditaion are not taught or encouraged by them because they don't want their followers' minds to be clearer and wiser. 9)The Bible copied very much from older religions but not the theory of karma because karma idea defeats the purpose of the all mighty God and it will prevent people from doing bad deeds. Saying God love or forgive sins is a trick playing both sides of the coin. 10) If there is a loving God, why are there Christian babies born with disease or innocent children being abused or died young ? 11) It don't makes sense to claim that only their believers will go to heaven and others don't since they claimed their God created all people. Such claim is an insult to other religions and cultures and caused people to divide. A good religion should be non-sectarian, secular and treat all people equally. 12)Most major festivals and holidays related to Christianity are fake including Christmas(Jesus can't be born in winter), Easter, Thanksgiving, Good Friday, All Souls, Halloween and even New Year are copied from paganism. 13) Using fear like hell or "end of the world" every 2 years but we are still here. 14) The fraud case of Mother Teresa(Google it) and after she died, those money she collected was not returned to India. 15)If their God is all-mighty, why need missionaries to convert others ? 16) The ongoing child sex abuses committed by the pastors/priests that I read so often. 17) The Bible is full of lust(Solomon's part), evil and violence. Their God killed countless people when Satan only killed a few. 18) The Bible condemned dogs because they know dogs are man's best friend. Making men lonely is the best way to keep them dependant on religion. 19) If God created everybody, why then condemn LGBT or other religions ? 20) Incidents, eg: (a) Covid-19 highest fatalities rate countries are all highly religious, 500K Americans alone !! (b)The Air Asia plane crash of 2019 killed 41 church members, 2 missionaries and their few month old baby. (c) spree killings happened inside a church. Only 1 reason can tie up all 20 points above, this God was man-made to con or control people.
@tiffany______________8511 3 жыл бұрын
@@truth8307 i have an one answer to your complicated hundreds questions... A guy create a game.. so he must be live out from the game. God creates logic concept, so He must be think out of logic concept.
@truth8307 3 жыл бұрын
@@tiffany______________8511 I don't have questions. Those are my answers and evidence to prove that the Bible God is fake, man-made, check the first 4 points are sufficient.
@tiffany______________8511 3 жыл бұрын
@@truth8307 back again. How do u know to use ur logic is true? You are only man in game and God is the creator of the game and your brain is His creations and also the logic concept. God live outside logic. God live with what? You will never compete His way of thinking because youre super limited mind. Can you explain BLUE to blind born person? Thats how you try to understand God.
@Valley__ 5 жыл бұрын
He looks like Jim Carey
@minns5515 4 жыл бұрын
I don't see it
@yoursubconscious 3 жыл бұрын
that's funny
@Valley__ 3 жыл бұрын
M maybe it’s just his demeanor or slim face.
@chrisleearies484 3 жыл бұрын
And he sounds like Jim Carrey in dumb and dumber when he said "he must work out"
@BelovedOne21 4 жыл бұрын
Have any of you considered that these “dark” experiences my actually be manifestations of the “dark” spirits? Spirit guides are not your friends, and they do not have your best interests in mind - no matter how loving they may appear to be initially. Cross them, turn from them or reject them and you’ll find out very quickly how deceptive they have been and how dangerous they are.
@seanc7779 3 жыл бұрын
Lol. Maybe
@chayahessentialsknitsandcr6999 3 жыл бұрын
exactly. And many have found this out from firsthand experience whether involved in these pagan "meditation" practices , spiritism etc. People have been driven to suicide too from those same dark spirits that at first pretended to be their friend.
@truth8307 3 жыл бұрын
@@chayahessentialsknitsandcr6999 are you referring to something like those spree killings happened in the church ? It's due to karma and ignorance, not something like evil force or anything supernatural.
@truth8307 3 жыл бұрын
According to Buddhism explaination, these "dark spirits" one may experience is simply due to the sangkharas that one accumulated due to past karma. Having such experience is a sign that they are clearing off. After it's done, you experience heaven 😄
@seanc7779 3 жыл бұрын
Super duper interesting stuff. Thank you, thank you.
@skndrprlm8169 4 жыл бұрын
Can somebody explain to me what then all these meditations are needed for if the problems they cause are real and the benefits (enlightenment, omniscience, siddhi, etc.) are doubtful? People create huge problems for themselves from scratch. Moreover, the very concept underlying Buddhism seems very controversial to me: the idea that nature made a fundamental mistake in creating human, and now we have to fix it, spending hours on a meditation pillow. The funny thing is that even in inner peace and degree of self-control, meditation masters are no different from ordinary people: Trungpa died of alcoholism, the 17th Karmapa could not stand monastic vows, the Dalai Lama is a hypocritical politician. And they still have the audacity to tell people about siddhi. Where were your siddhi during the Muslim conquest of Asia or the Chinese invasion of Tibet? P.S. Do not try to get into the bowels of your mind. Remember that mental illness is accompanied by self-deepening. Deep meditation in a sense imitates this unhealthy self-deepening.
@jeanlandim 4 жыл бұрын
Mental illness is accompanied by self-deepening? Really?
@user-zt6mb7nf3i 4 жыл бұрын
​@@jeanlandim I can relate to what he/she is saying with that.. I also have done A LOT of 'alternative' practices. And self - deepening I guess. ;) Ha good word! You also are thinking a lot then or feeling A lot. And it can make you more obsessive in a way. Not free actually.. Like you do the things you like to do. It all has to have a good purpose now etc. and that makes things rigid in a way. My vieuw on it now. But I am still exploring.
@truth8307 3 жыл бұрын
This so called "dark sides" of Meditation, I discovered it is a good sign as it's the process of clearing sangkharas related to karma. After it's over, one experience heavenly life.
@Em1ly949 2 жыл бұрын
We actually got to see the Dalai Llama speaking in person in NewDelhi back in “99 & the audience got a chance to ask him questions afterwards. Of course most the questions were on Enlightenment 🙄
@moonsod1113 5 жыл бұрын
I do not see it as very scientific if one is ONLY investigating Buddhist Dharma when there are so many forms of meditation in which some people get damaged by over stimulation. Over the years I have seen at least 2 people in non-Buddhist meditation who had to take to their bed every time that they even tried to meditate. There have been dozens and dozens of people in TM who have become at least temporarily unbalanced. Hundreds of people have had bad effects from so-called kundalini yoga. In the 1960's meditators began to show up at psychiatrists and psychologist's offices with strange symptoms that puzzled therapists, and often the people who came thought they had achieved high spiritual states when in fact they were disconnected from reality.
@dulcejocelyn7102 3 жыл бұрын
The beginning of schizophrenia...
@chayahessentialsknitsandcr6999 3 жыл бұрын
Yea any kind of these "meditation" practices but they all originated in the same places. There are variants, but really they are pretty much the same. The mental hospitals in India are FULL of ppl damaged by these practices. Now we have psychologists/psychiatrists recommending this garbage (cognitive awareness etc) to even prisoners, people who already have emotional and mental problems. It's very disturbing
@truth8307 3 жыл бұрын
Isn't it the same with religious believers ? My 2 elderly relatives who are strong God believers aged and died sadly when they discovered the evidence that the God they believed so strongly are fake but too late to regret and shameful to admit as they have been condemning Buddhism and meditation for years. As for the so called "dark sides" of Meditation, I discovered it is a good sign as it's the process of clearing sangkharas related to karma. After it's over, one experience heavenly life.
@chancedaigle3880 5 жыл бұрын
See I read the vice article that brought me here and I’ve just started meditation I have like a 103 day streak on HeadSpace and a I don’t really know what to think about this I started meditation to help me with the aftermath of taking acid and smoking to many blunts which was eye opening for me to how much I was really taking myself down the rabbit hole with drugs but, after taking acid I experienced a lot of the symptoms people are talking about here depersonalization, depression, feeling of oncoming insanity, disconnection from reality, panic attacks, loss of appetite, and the feeling of impending doom, and lets just say that was the worst 3 weeks of my life and I really didn’t think I would ever come out of it, but then I tried meditating once and it helped not immediately but it quieted down those symptoms and it’s hard to really remember how it helped me in the beginning but now im feeling a lot better I’ve reached out to a therapist also which has helped tremendously i think a lot of people try to tackle these issues alone but having someone that has studied this stuff and knows it helps but I feel that meditation and therapy has saved my life and now my mind is more organized and it’s still a little surreal sometimes being aware but I get used to it comfortable with it and try not to let emotion really take over my life that’s one thing I’ve learned is thag if you let a feeling sink in and hurt you even when it feels like it won’t ever stop is that is because you let yourself believe it’s overtaking you if you sit with it and acknowledge it’s just and feeling even if it feels like it never will pass it will you have to have the courage to aceept what you feeling and let it go not forgetting but remembering for next time so you can respond and not react I still have anxiety attacks but less since I’ve started meditation I think the easiest way to come to meditation is that it’s just taking a break and it’s on the side I don’t think it’s supposed to take over your life idk this is the longest comment ever and I’m just 18 believe this or not but I think meditation brings out feeling thag people hide and when you hide somthing it only comes back stronger if you read this far thank you and be happy don’t let emotion control your life only you can let that happen no matter how much it hurts be with it move on grow from it don’t be scared and love life
@evolvingben5917 5 жыл бұрын
I love you sharing your story, but please use punctuation in the future. It makes it incredibly hard to read and process.
@chayahessentialsknitsandcr6999 4 жыл бұрын
Eastern meditation is KNOWN to lead to anxiety, depression and even full blown psychosis. The fact these ppl are aware of the dark side of it and are still teaching it is disgusting. I read of one woman who went full psychosis and was in an asylum for 7 yrs. The only reason she got out is bc she LIED about her condition.
@xd_guy894 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot for sharing your story
@chayahessentialsknitsandcr6999 3 жыл бұрын
meditation is known to do far worse than just anxiety attacks. How would you like to get to the point you never feel good UNLESS you meditate, forcing you to never be able to actually live your life? St. Theresa tried these practices too, adapted to Christianity (against the instruction of God) and ended up with severe headaches, and with "sounds of birds and rushing water" in her head, pain etc., that would not let up UNLESS she went into an altered state of consciousness. In other words, she could no longer live a normal life bc it took over, and she could not get rid of the side effects. They were somewhat alleviated if she went into meditation, but would never stop completely . She was forced to write about her experiences and suffered quite a bit. There are priests who were demonized through this crap. These practices are intended to separate you from your own psyche to prepare you for death. you can't separate the practice from the religious intent even though you don't believe in it. idc if ppl don't believe in demons, there are plenty of us who have seen and experienced their BS personally. These practices are wrong. They destroy lives. They should not be justified just bc someone counseled you to where you can "tolerate" them and tell yourself it's not so bad.
@dulcejocelyn7102 3 жыл бұрын
Please don’t get confused, therapy does help, but meditation isn’t the best way to heal. Meditation leaves you crazy, eventually.
@badrinarayan91 3 жыл бұрын
Please improve, fix the audio
@louisvalentino5110 7 жыл бұрын
It's been centuries since humanity has been this interested in meditation. The deeper the practice takes one the more muc from the past gets sturred up. I think, after 40 years of TM everyday, it has saved my life but it can bring up many physiological or emotional issues that are clearing out ... samskara from past lives... if one is that unstable from meditation they should not do the sitting with eyes closed type. That would be the most powerful. This is why the 3 innner limbs of Yoga .. samyama... that deals with meditation part of the 8 limbs of yoga, can be the most powerful way to elevate the vibrational frequency to higher awareness for the human nervous system. Walking with a sound or doing breathing techniques or postures may be a better to integrate with the sitting meditation but if someone is having a problem with the sitting type... not a high percentage, they should walk with a mantra and add some breathing, postures or just sitting with eyes open in nature and observing. This avoids an pyshological or emotional fallout you hear from some meditation practitioners. But, not a high percentage has these issues. The next lifetime would be much smoother. As I started off. it's been centuries that most humans have avoided any reflection inner experiences. I teach " Inner Grace Meditation". Go to my website for more information about me and my services. Blessings, Lou.
@wormwood8191 7 жыл бұрын
The pain and heat are the kundalini rising. It can be disabling, even fatal if awakened too early.
@NM-jn6cp 7 жыл бұрын
worm wood so you're telling me, if I reach the void and back out I could die? Are you bsing me?
@wormwood8191 7 жыл бұрын
I'm not talking about the void. I'm talking about the idea that if your body is not properly cleansed of it's etheric dross, the kundalini will increase it's heat in order to clear the way. It is the heat that can be the problem, that and etheric dross. To help alieviate this issue, do mindfulness work. If you do this work and you are constantly monitoring the mind and correcting thought then you are doing it properly. If you are deeply humbled by mindfulness then you are really making progress. The body should be cleared of mental and physical issues as much as possible to avoid problems. It is those who have done no preparation or who have through various activities over stimulated the lower chakra who are likely most at risk, followed by those who meditate/alter body energies, but are still deeply unconscious.
@lilswordcat5323 5 жыл бұрын
If the body hurts from meditation you have somehow tricked your brain into think I got you are in pain. My guess is because pain is processed by the whole brain unlike thinking hearing, seeing, remembering, ext. when you “stop thinking” your brain can misinterpret the lack of activity as a state of shock and try to find out why. Meditation don’t work but drugs do.
@moonsod1113 5 жыл бұрын
@@lilswordcat5323 That is just ridiculous and ignorant of the facts. It is so shallow and misinformed.
@lilswordcat5323 5 жыл бұрын
Moonsod says a person that doesn’t even know basic English.
@gxlorp 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Snow Lion
@oliviatracy5285 5 жыл бұрын
How can I follow her research??
@korso140 4 жыл бұрын
Her personal research: General research of Meditation Research
@dumitruedelean59 5 жыл бұрын
Rest in Peace, Michael.
@thomastrumbull2487 4 жыл бұрын
@thomastrumbull2487 4 жыл бұрын
I have no idea what these two are talking about
@truth8307 3 жыл бұрын
@@thomastrumbull2487 looks like they are fake and anti-meditation people. I saw her in this session with Dalai Lama, HH answered her well:
@truth8307 3 жыл бұрын
@@thomastrumbull2487 my suspicion is confirmed. He died of drugs overdose due to bad karma, not a true Buddhist.
@manbu7849 5 жыл бұрын
meditation is not for neurologists - its is a means for the path - - scientists play with higher bodies and energies which they ignor - thats the other danger
@interestpart260 4 жыл бұрын
Sad that Michael Stone is now deceased
@truth8307 3 жыл бұрын
It's his karma. He wasn't a real Buddhist.
@neeboo461 2 жыл бұрын
@@truth8307 who are you to pass judgement like that you sound like a prick
@danielpinojr.8312 2 жыл бұрын
@@truth8307 it's not for you to say what is and what isn't someone else's "karma". When speaking about karma we can only speak about ourselves.
@chayahessentialsknitsandcr6999 4 жыл бұрын
People have literally gone psychotic from pagan meditation. I find it horrifying that a nueroscientist would promote such a horrible practice
@Dickles_Pickles 4 жыл бұрын
Chayah Essentials Knits and crochet sources?
@lancerebo952 4 жыл бұрын
“Pagan meditation” ok someone’s clearly a deluded Christian
@bryanalexander213 4 жыл бұрын
Chayah Essentials Knits and crochet I rather do meditation than take anti depressants with horrible side effects 🤷🏻‍♂️
@seanc7779 3 жыл бұрын
She said "we are cataloging the worst scenarios and the study is biased" Meditation is supposed to be difficult.
@chayahessentialsknitsandcr6999 3 жыл бұрын
@@seanc7779 It is KNOWN for "dark night" experiences including PSYCHOSIS. IDC what she says bc she still wants to promote it. Do real research. Meditation was started in Eastern religions TO SEPARATE THE PSYCHE FROM THE BODY AND TO PREPARE FOR DEATH. The mental hospitals in India are FULL of ppl who went insane as a result. I don't need any further responses from someone simply trying to justify the continued use of a practices that has a HISTORY of making ppl mentally ill
@ajaykumar-sv6ng 4 жыл бұрын
i need ur help asap m in trouble.
@Marty_Deslions 4 жыл бұрын
can i help? Whats up
@dulcejocelyn7102 3 жыл бұрын
What’s going on?
@MrRightThinker 4 жыл бұрын
Meditation+Comman Sense = Benefit Meditation-comman sense = loss Meditation+ social activity outside = Illumination. Meditation + research = invention ,innovation. Meditation+lazyness+sex= HELL Person who know where,when to stop is BUDHA
@chayahessentialsknitsandcr6999 3 жыл бұрын
It's not true. These "meditations" are INTENDED to separate your psyche from your body and they involve spirits that are NOT your friends. Sorry but there is no healthy form of these kinds of "meditation" ie stopping all thoughts and breathing practices. As a matter of fact, science has also proven there may be a physical cause of the practice damaging people's minds. It has nothing to do with "laziness and sex" Also.. you contradict yourself. meditation plus common sense = both benefit and loss? That's not logical thinking. MANY people who had both meditation and social activity with others failed to receive "illumination" and instead had mental problems. Meditation plus research is idiotic and does not achieve anything different either. People have gotten involved in meditation for "research" purposes and STILL had all the horrible effects. NO practice that can lead people into darkness such as these practices do is from "God" nor is it healthy.
@christiand.7404 5 жыл бұрын
I have had a lot of anxiety and panic attacks and tried meditation. It had good effects and a lot of bad side effects. The only “magic pill” that worked for me to remove all that was water fast or dry fast.
@user-zt6mb7nf3i 4 жыл бұрын
NOT a good idea!!
@silvestrevillaman2319 4 жыл бұрын
A why isn’t a water or dry fast a good idea?
@user-zt6mb7nf3i 4 жыл бұрын
@@silvestrevillaman2319 Hi. Well first at all the place Tanglewood is not good!! Second at all, waterfasting/dry fasting is not good!!! I really hope I can help people to warn them for this. I have also experienced all of it. All the diets and in the end the fruitdiet, waterfasting, drysfasting, after this Keto diet! It is all way too extreme and you are becoming sicker and sicker. First you think it helps because you cut out the foods where you are sensitive for. But most of the times you get sensitive for more and more foods over time. Because your body gets weaker and weaker, in the end you can only life on air!! Not the way you want to life right? It is also just soo unhealthy. Your body needs all the nutrients and calories to function properly. I did the fruit diet for more then 2 years with long waterfasts and almost died of it. But you are not thinking rationally anymore, you get trapped in the mind. And it is obsessive! People with anorexia are also trapped in the obsessive mind and I am told that the mind stayes obsessive also because it lacks the good nutrients to function properly. Here the reasons are most of the time to become better and healthy again. And you want to believe that this is the way. but is it not.
@user-zt6mb7nf3i 4 жыл бұрын
@@silvestrevillaman2319 Oh I just said the place Tanglewood is not good because I thought this was a response from a video from that place. ;) But the same story for waterfasting/dryfasting here.
@silvestrevillaman2319 4 жыл бұрын
A Thanks for your response. I totally agree with you. After I meditated I felt extremely weak, dizzy, and nauseous not sure why. Also, I didn’t have no appetite and when I tried to eat I’ll either vomit or have loose stools. I felt spaced out all the time. I couldn’t really think straight and fucnction. I did a water fast to see if it’ll go away but it made me more sensitive! My eyesight and my senses were enhanced and all. But what I realized was that I wasn’t grounded. When I grounded myself I felt much better and the weakness went away. Although I feel a little nauseous, I’m working on totally and permanently grounding myself and never looking back. Thanks again for your post!
@johnlawrence2757 3 жыл бұрын
There is no dark side to meditation - genuine meditation - it is a pathway to unity with the divine . But it’s very powerful and some people are so neurotic they just aren’t prepared for the changes that occur int their awareness. That’s why it’s so important to have a properly trained teacher, and not one of the cowboys you so often find here on KZbin and on the internet generally. A trained teacher won’t be able to prevent disturbances during meditation which prevent a person from meditating more than a few seconds, but will be able to assist with guiding the mediator into looking at b ways to resolve the psychological problems that cause the disturbances during meditation. Don’t be fooled. If you are it’s because you are a fool yourself
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