The Day After: Edmonton Oilers 1, Florida Panthers 2 Discussion | FLA WINS 4-3

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Austin Hockey

Austin Hockey

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@Juuhjooh 5 ай бұрын
Good sport. As a panther fan this series finalized my faith for the oil and mcjesus, you have to lose the cup to win it! You think hes done? Hes gonna get even better and win it for the Canada eventually. This series proved if anyone can do it, its them.
@maddyG7414 5 ай бұрын
@@Juuhjooh totally agree. It’s wild that some people are saying it won’t happen because it didn’t this year, despite the change in Coach, the progress and that comeback.
@Wayf4rer 5 ай бұрын
@@maddyG7414 I think a lot of that sentiment comes from the way the current iteration of the team is built. So many solid deep teams get close but can't get over the hump for various reasons. Edmonton's biggest issue is all of that dead cap they have tied up in a large portion of Nurse's inflated contract and in Campbell's ~3.85 million that can't be buried. Assuming McDavid and Draisaitl stay, they're going to both command notable raises, McDavid deserving the highest AAV in the league, although I foresee him shaving off a bit to give them a chance of winning. Factor in the difficulty of the Canadian teams to attract/retain talent, and to keep contract AAV's down, and you really do have a tough situation for them moving forward. 7 UFA forwards this year, two next year (including Leon and RFA Bouchard) and then Mcdavid is up the year after that. Ken Holland's track record of cap and asset management in Edmonton being what it is, I just don't see how this Oilers team wins without some wizardry from both Holland (unlikely) and McDrai to carry the entire team.
@killerbean111 5 ай бұрын
As a Canucks fan that fully emotionally invested in the 2011 hurts. As time goes on it does get better. Stay Strong Austin.
@Dawg476 5 ай бұрын
Yeah I think some things are gonna come out about Connor and Leon needing surgery, wouldn’t be the least surprised if Connor gets 160 next season.
@nadinepapazian 5 ай бұрын
Canadian teams just cant deliver
@Dawg476 5 ай бұрын
@@nadinepapazian there’s 8 NHL Canadian teams out of 32 that’s a 1/4 odds yet it’s 1/32.
@nickijonkman4228 5 ай бұрын
You are the only oilers podcast I will listen to. Thank you for always being kind to other teams and analyzing the game in unbiased ways.👏🏼👏🏼
@DocWello-s2e 5 ай бұрын
Panthers fan here. Outstanding content. UnBiased complete coverage. Best wishes from Fort Lauderdale.
@otscho25 5 ай бұрын
Oilers you make a great show, im sooooo sorry for you. Thank Austin for the job what you make. Greetings from Germany
@FelixWheatfield 5 ай бұрын
Panthers fan that regularly comes back to this channel, because Austin's a great commentator/analyst: Chin up, Oilers fans! You still killed it this series!!! If Florida can figure it out in two years, so can you! But for now, please be good sports as well and let Florida have this. You guys are already a legendary team!
@AHockey1993 5 ай бұрын
I'm stoked for Florida and Panthers fans!
@davidortizjr 5 ай бұрын
As a panthers fan yall gave a hell of an effort most def have to go watch a game up in Alberta now
@AHockey1993 5 ай бұрын
I'd love to fly down to Florida for a game too!
@robintaylor1490 5 ай бұрын
Skinner is only 25, he's bound to only get better. I bought an away Skinner jersey in preparation for future games I fully expect to see.
@schustererik83 5 ай бұрын
there is no way that dude doesn't win a cup
@Dawg476 5 ай бұрын
Dude was solid last night and only let in 2 goals. Most of the time we win those games unfortunately in a one game take all it can happrn
@truetalk4993 5 ай бұрын
Austin you are class act. As a panthers fan I’m torn. It’s a bittersweet for me wanted the panthers 🐆 to win their first cup but also wanted Mcdavid to win the cup too the best in the league and Canada 🇨🇦 and the oilers deserve to hoist. Go oilers next year I want to see them win in your life time. You earned a susbscriber.
@Dawg476 5 ай бұрын
Obviously absolutely gutted about this loss but hopefully having this exciting of a series will grow the game for the future because if not idk what could.
@maddyG7414 5 ай бұрын
I met McDavid back in 2015 when he broke his collarbone and he came into the sports store I worked at for a special. He was very reserved and low key. At the time I wasn’t an Oilers fan so I didn’t know who he was, and it makes sense that I didn’t because he didn’t make a big deal about himself. He was polite and thanked me after for helping him. It’s not that surprising that he wouldn’t come out for the Conn Smythe trophy. I don’t think he cares much for the individual fame.
@DolynnyTV 5 ай бұрын
Congrats on everything this year. Excited to see where the summer takes ya. If you're in Calgary sometime this summer, let a guy know.
@AHockey1993 5 ай бұрын
Appreciate the kind words! I'll definitely be in Calgary at some point this summer, the lady likes taking me to the zoo there so if/when I'm around I'll definitely let you know! Wishing you nothing but the best as well! 🧡💙
@hadleystrainge 5 ай бұрын
panthers fan here, i stumbled upon your channel about fifteen minutes before game 1 of this series and you've been a pleasure to watch, my friend. very level headed, balanced, fair, and most importantly kind. really enjoyed watching your coverage of the series. your oilers are not far behind us! this series proved if anyone can do it, it's them.
@RememberingWW2 5 ай бұрын
Great series by both teams.
@Cwibacca 5 ай бұрын
Dude, Skinner was so strong for the Oil. This run will no doubt boost his confidence going into next year. I'm a life-long oiler fan, seen them win cups, and have now seen them lose two. Congrats Panthers, well played.
@Dogsrule777 5 ай бұрын
Panthers deserve it. Fair and square. It was the most exciting Stanley Cup final I’ve ever seen. Oilers will be back next year! Their next-
@4u2nvHock3y 5 ай бұрын
Sad day for Oilers fans. But at the end of the day. A fantastic series. As a Hockey fan. Im still happy for Florida getting their FIRST Stanley Cup and guys like Bob and Tkachuk and Barkov who all needed at least one cup got it. Im happy we got good playoff Hockey from the whole playoffs and at the end of the day that's all that matters! Congrats Florida fans! To my Edmonton fans. I know it seems like a big heartbreak but this is the experience we need for the team. Now everyone has been to at least one cup final and with our team probably looking overall better next year we have a high chance of coming back here in 2025. We took a very experienced Panthers team with arguably the best playoff goalie down 3-0 in the cup final to a game 7 1 goal game. Thats amazing.
@archangelgabriel5316 5 ай бұрын
Wow, what a run! Theyll be better next year. I still believe if Kane were healthy that series was ours. Thats how close it was. Couple changes and if we can stay healthy, sky is the limit. Sadly, we need to throw Perry over the side of the ship. Thats like 5 cup finals in the past 6 years.
@Jtl3III 5 ай бұрын
You run a great channel, as a Panthers fan, I enjoyed and watched your videos over the Panthers channels as you were a better honest broker for both sides. I enjoy hearing unbiased analysis and content. Being an Oilers fan your honest analysis is quite impressive to not let you personal feelings cloud your fair analysis.
@Jakmeov 5 ай бұрын
Heart breaking but glad we got this far.
@BMAX64HdGamer 5 ай бұрын
Love Your Channel Austin Will Keep Watching Your Videos Forever 🤟
@jhelwig19781 5 ай бұрын
Keep up the vids! It really helped process my emotions after every Oilers wins and losses. Excited to follow the Oilers again. Follow them from 97 through 06 and those were some tougb years.
@zero_x93 5 ай бұрын
GG Oilers fans. Your 3rd & 4th lines along with Skinner were in my opinion the reason why you guys came back in this series and forced a game 7. Big ups to those guys and respect to this channel. Class act whole way. Disagree with McDavid getting the conn smythe. I think he has that record and that's enough of a reward. I think only Stanley Cup champions deserve to win the Conn Smythe. It makes the trophy mean that much more.
@almuthebebrand7487 5 ай бұрын
But it is a personal trophy not a team one
@muCephei_ 5 ай бұрын
I'm exhausted after last nights game. Just going to watch for entertainment from now on.
@jdog345 5 ай бұрын
Loved watching you coverage all series. I’m happy the cats pulled through but sorry for you that you team lost. Good luck next year!
@skeliskull 5 ай бұрын
McDavid can use this as a learning experience to fuel his play in the future. I think nerves got to him those last couple games. They really needed him in game 7 to cross the finish line.
@immersionHEHE 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for this season (which truly was a success for both you and the Oilers. I found you at the start of the season and I think we even butted heads on a few topics. You've been a great addition to the overall Oilers excitement for me. However today is very painful, even more so than yesterday. Still trying to look forward to the next season. Hope they can keep a few players I really like
@bryanlopez86d 5 ай бұрын
Classy. Some oilers fans have been worse than Philly fans! But this channel has been fair and civil. I hope y’all get one soon! (Just not through us) to the ones who trolled and were talking crazy……next time shut up and show some class
@maddyG7414 5 ай бұрын
Yah, there’s always extremes in every fan base. And they just ruin it for everyone 😭
@excessum5771 5 ай бұрын
Cant wait to follow you next season and match talk when Oilers face Hawks. Your channel is amazing, and your views are calm and intressting to listen to. Keep up the good work 🤘🏻
@jcg9998 5 ай бұрын
As a Panther fan, never, even at 3-0 did I feel like it was in the bag. Edmonton along with the Rangers have always been my most hated team. I grew up in New York, I was an Islander fan until I moved in 2005. The Oilers stopped the Isles cold in the finals in 1984, ended their record 19 straight playoff series wins. They then went on and dominated hockey for the next half dozen years. What's largely forgotten is that Edmonton gave the Isles their toughest series in 1981, the year Edmonton began their rise to dominance in that years playoffs. Ever since that 3 straight game beatdown in 1984, the Edmonton arena has given me hockey nightmares. When this series started, I was saying "Why did it have to be Edmonton?... and I was thanking God that Panthers won the first two at home knowing they just needed to hold home ice.
@schustererik83 5 ай бұрын
Leon was obviously hurt, i think he had a broken hand or something
@joshualuttrell7269 5 ай бұрын
A good captain wins with his team, and loses with his team. Connor did the right thing not leaving his upset teammates to go pose for a picture with Gary.
@almuthebebrand7487 5 ай бұрын
100% agree...he firstly is the captain of his team, that just lost the cup he wanted to be with his team
@PatFrenchLeafsFan1 5 ай бұрын
This made me think of antisemitism.
@mannyH_780 5 ай бұрын
@SS-iv7wv 5 ай бұрын
VGK fan, wanted Florida but after the come back started pulling for the Oil. Micdavid hung it all out there, without him I don't think they even come back from 3-0, just incredible. Nothing to hang his head about. Hyman, Draisaitl and Nugent, those guys from what I saw did almost nothing. Can't expect Micdavid to carry them with 4 points every game, ya know? I would think they will be back next year but dump Kane, Perry, some of that dead weight. Janmark looked like one of the better all around players last night as well. Good show, tough loss but made it within one goal, can't get much closer than that.
@koldonn1111 5 ай бұрын
I really don't get why people think games 4-6 should matter all that much for Bob's Conn Smythe case. Sure, they matter somewhat, but really there's no difference between a bad game and an awful game when your opponents give up no more than one goal. He played absolutely amazing for 4/7 games and that's the only thing that should matter. I thought it should've been a 50/50 between McDavid and Bob.
@rynekian 5 ай бұрын
the very only reason I could see any of the core leaving is the talks of if they dont take lower pay than they have currently is it possible to win and even if they do can they win? kinda similar to what I could see the Reinhart discussion being except now there is proof on the table for him that says "hey dont go for the max you can get, we can do this again". If one of the core players dont see that being possible thats THE only way I can see any of them leave
@Jtl3III 5 ай бұрын
While I agree McDavid points wise had an overall historic run in the playoffs. So I get the award going to him. But it is also weird that an MVP play off award goes to a player that didn’t win the Championship. Not knocking him, but he didn’t score in the last 2 games l, and still won the MVP for the playoffs. I think the award needs to be rethought. Bob’s play on the final game is what got Florida the Stanley Cup. How should that be taken into account? I also realize in the previous 3 games he gave up a lot of goals, so I get the debate.
@ripapa6355 5 ай бұрын
This should put to bed that the Oilers depth/defense is the reason CM never won a cup. Oilers Sweep 2025.
@PatFrenchLeafsFan1 5 ай бұрын
Made me think that it's like the Oilers version of when Ritchie Valens and Buddy Holly were killed in a plane crash.
@rynekian 5 ай бұрын
On the conn smythe, absolutely deserved but I hate when its given to a player who didnt win, I dont like that they have to come get the trophy in front of the celebrating team and rub in their face the loss and I dont like if the player doesnt come get the trophy.
@morpeur 5 ай бұрын
Am I the only one who been depressing right now? It’s so much. Can the Canada win a Stanley cup??
@skeliskull 5 ай бұрын
I think McDavid is just very driven and wants a cup. He doesn’t care about ego and so he doesn’t regard the conn smythe as something worth going out there to feed it. Especially being out there with all the panthers fans booing you, kicking you while your down. Nobody wants that.
@ripapa6355 5 ай бұрын
@cowboywayne35 5 ай бұрын
So if we go off of Luke Gazdic's standards, the Oilers just got "dusted" I think that's a fair chirp 😂
@Matthew-z8y7f 5 ай бұрын
Great job on content through playoffs. I agree with trophy/mc David take. But……as hard as it is after a loss, he is the face of the league, voted mvp and won’t take picture with the comiss? How do you think the league feels about that? It’s unfortunate but if you are the superstar of the league, doing things you don’t want to do (media/trophy acceptanace) comes with the territory. It’s not fair and it’s totally understandable why he didn’t, but there are some obligations that come with what mcdavid is. Either way it was the right choice…I don’t personally care he didn’t go on…but I refuse to feel sorry for the obligations they need to fullfill to make the money and receive the stardom they get.
@AHockey1993 5 ай бұрын
I honestly believe McDavid didn't want to distract from the Panthers on ice celebration. He was allowing that group to have their moment. Him on the ice accepting that award takes away from the Panthers and he was giving them their moment of glory. He was also probably in that locker room consoling his teammates and being there for everyone on the Oilers. It's a tough situation but I think he made the right call not going out there. Good insight and discussion for sure!
@esperago 5 ай бұрын
I think it's very important for the Oilers to frame their playoff expert correctly - for the fans, too, of course but they don't dictate the on-ice performance. I think there are a few very important considerations that are being overlooked. First, the Oilers had a good-not-great series against LA... and LA was a nothing burger as a team. Second, the Oilers barely beat a Canucks team that iced a farm team goalie after losing one of the NHL's best goaltenders (Demko). The Canucks also had a no-show in their top offensive player (Petterson). The Oilers barely made it out alive. McDavid had to rescue them. Thirdly, the Oilers barely got out of the Dallas series and that was a series where the Stars fell apart and ran out of gas. Then the Oilers were brutalized three straight games against the Panthers. McDavid and Draisaitl were shut down. The current narrative is that the Oilers rallied and "found a way to win" games 4 to 6. This is wrong. They didn't find anything. The Panthers fell apart. Derailed. Let their amazing progress go to their heads. The Oilers played the same game they played all playoffs. The rush game. They took advantage of the derailed Cats but what they absolutely did not do was figure out how to beat Florida's system. How to truly rise up and overcome their adversary. They won because their opponent didn't show up. The proof is that Florida returned to their successful system in game seven, shut down McDavid and Draisaitl and won the Cup. This is how the Oilers post season ACTUALLY went. It's not the lie being told. The Oilers weren't some sort of juggernaut that steamrolled their way to within a single goal of the championship. They were a lopsided, two-man team that was hot. They managed to ride that momentum nearly all the way but ultimately fell short. Why does this matter? It matters because it influences how the off season should be handled for them. They still have serious core issues that need to be rectified. They relied on too many happenstances this post season. Too many rolls of the dice going their way. That's not how repeat SCF appearances are produced. If they want to do it all again, they need to fix their defense and add a few forwards. Good luck.
@JonSnuh 5 ай бұрын
Not a great analysis, bud
@rzwa 5 ай бұрын
Couldn't be a worse take. But it is your opinion... And you're entitled to it. 👍🏽
@JonSnuh 5 ай бұрын
@rzwa according to this guy, Edmonton stumbled their way into game 7 of the stanley cup finals.
@rustydusty1111 5 ай бұрын
1. Other Canadian NHL teams are embarrassing. They have no faith in their own teams and only thing they can do is resort to bashing Oilers. 2. Oilers just didn't have the urgency that was required in Game 7. Florida did and wanted the cup. You could just watch all of the Oilers just not skating as hard as they needed to in order to take it. Knoblauch resorting to playing McDavid and Draisitil to death in the 3rd was not helpful and they were completely gassed with minutes left in the game. Let the other lines play, they've proven they can contribute in a positive way.
@Broncos18 5 ай бұрын
I keep saying if Ken Holland wasnt gm this team would have won a cup by now. Nurse Campbell Kane Kulak Hopkins are all overpaid by a mile. Imagine using that money on actual good players for Mcdavid.
@skippy675 5 ай бұрын
So, so, so much more delicious that Edmonton lost in this fashion. Clawing and scratching and working back into it, only to lose game 7 is soul warming! I don't at all care who won the cup, so long as McJesus was defeated. The tears of Oiler nation are perfect lubricant for my soul to pleasure itself over and over this summer. Maybe coach shouldn't have played McJesus, Dry and vagina skin the entire 3rd period. They were gassed when it actually mattered.
@morpeur 5 ай бұрын
Nurse contract, Campbell, Mike smith, koskinen. Bad decision
@morpeur 5 ай бұрын
The season it’s not a success. The oilers a supposed to win the cup. The top of the team in the nhl want the Stanley cup. If they go in the final and they lost, it’s not a success. The expectation for the Oilers it’s the cup.
@morpeur 5 ай бұрын
McDavid will be crying during all this summer 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
@nadinepapazian 5 ай бұрын
The Oilers just cant deliver , same thing happened in 2006
@jdsu2000 5 ай бұрын
Nurse sucks, mediocre worth 2M. Trade him at whatever cost.
@fosterlanham1379 5 ай бұрын
Their not that close. Canucks will beat you next year.
@AHockey1993 5 ай бұрын
It’s possible! Canucks will have some big holes to fill if Zadorov and Lindholm leave in free agency
@roximama 5 ай бұрын
You seem to want to draw Panthers fans more than your fellow Oilers fans. If you wonder why your subscriptions dropped you'll know why.
@AHockey1993 5 ай бұрын
I want to draw hockey fans, and provide content that doesn’t feed any specific echo chamber. I’m very fair in not only my analysis but in my sportsmanship I show to opponents of the Oilers. If people only want to listen to specific talking points or narratives I’m sure there are a lot of creators out there they can follow and watch. Whoever people choose to watch is their choice and I respect it 100% =)
@roximama 5 ай бұрын
@@AHockey1993 The thing is the day of and after such a painful loss it's probably not a good idea to chat up the other side and post a picture of them with the cup for all the Oilers fans to have to look at. You're so busy trying to be fair to everyone that you aren't taking in to account the feelings of the people in your own fan base. We're proud of OUR team and that's what we should be talking about today. I know you mean well but think about it.
@AHockey1993 5 ай бұрын
@@roximama I literally addressed not only my feelings early in the video, but a main talking point was “pain” and how most of us are feeling that way today. I talk about it and tell everyone whatever they’re feeling is valid, then give my own thoughts feelings about everything. It’s not about trying to downplay Oilers fans today, or alienate anyone, it’s all valid
@roximama 5 ай бұрын
@@AHockey1993 I get that and you are a really nice guy who's goal is to be fair but what I'm saying is the last thing Oilers fans need to see today is a picture of the Panthers winning the cup as they scroll on KZbin. Oilers fans are your base and it's a good idea to put them first in everything. Yes, I may be over sensitive but I know I'm not alone in that today.
@AHockey1993 5 ай бұрын
@@roximama That’s fair, but would you have rather it been a photo of the Oilers players looking sad on the ice? I had to make the thumbnail Stanley cup related, it’s a big moment in the hockey world. Yes my base is Oilers fans and emotions are high today, I acknowledge that but I truly don’t think it’s that big of a deal? Maybe I’m being insensitive but I appreciate the feedback regardless
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