The Disastrous Downfall of Helldivers 2

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@Blurs8761 Ай бұрын
These developers went mining for silver, found gold, then decided to trade it for copper.
@chasekeylime9717 Ай бұрын
i think you mean went mining for silver, found copper, then decided to sell it as gold.
Absolute lunatics
@LordBathtub Ай бұрын
​@chasekeylime9717 no you're backwards. They wanted one thing, found something superior (HD2 launch was amazing) and then traded it for some inferior (the continued updates have been mostly bad for HD2 and it's getting worse) OP has nailed it
@shizuktesar7918 Ай бұрын
@@chasekeylime9717you don’t make sense
@MillenniumEarl014 Ай бұрын
​@@shizuktesar7918He is a Helldivers 2 players. Give him a pass.
@wdragon92190 Ай бұрын
They need to stop asking why players are picking the top pick rate weapons and start asking why players are not picking the lowest pick rate items. Its similar to survivorship bias.
@Shamelesscritique1 Ай бұрын
It's easier to nerf one weapon rather than buff the entire arsenal...they think they're game is the dark souls of shooters or something...they're obsessed with sweaty hardcore, no life, git gud bullshit. The stupid devs don't even know what the appeal of their own game is or understand that shooting and blowing stuff up is the fun part...and they've done everything they possibly can to spoil the fun.
@wdragon92190 Ай бұрын
@@Shamelesscritique1 honestly they dont need to buff the whole arsenal all at once and instead pick whatever weapon has the worst pick rate, and find out why players dont like it. Then tune it so it becomes a viable option. If its easier to focus on one weapon then do it a weapon an update.
@Fourger14 Ай бұрын
@@wdragon92190 I too am tired of everything useful being nerfed. At least they consciously didn't nerf / "fix" the commando... yet.
@wdragon92190 Ай бұрын
@@Fourger14 yeah they have the wrong philosophy. Focusing on power rather than ensuring the weapons are effective at what their utility is
@TheDarkEnigma Ай бұрын
As a souls player of 14 years, yep they devs definitely pander to sweats. And there is also a heavy anti magic bias because shock horror magic is good at range which makes many players cry about it being too op (despite needing to be as durable as wet paper to really optimise most magic) leading to magic getting nerfed semi constantly. Then the Players scream like alcoholic monkeys when there favourite bonk stick gets strengthened. Its kinda pathetic and honestly im on the fence of quitting souls games with how many gripes are starting to pile up with em. lets not forget if you criticise anytning you get told 'git gud you just suck. Gkt gud used to actually be a snarky encouragement. Now its just flat out an insult.
@Spectacular_Insanity Ай бұрын
The developers accidentally made a 9/10 game and are in the process of patching it into a 5/10 game like was always intended.
@piens51 Ай бұрын
Rose tinted glasses. While fun the game as it relesed at first was far from finished. For f sake armor was literaly non existent. Not in a it sucks kind of way but literaly was not implimented. Spawn rates where borked and much more. Game is way better now.
@twrecks6279 Ай бұрын
@@piens51 The game is definitely better in a lot of ways, but the devs not listening to their community still hurts their legitimacy either way. Nobody is asking for incendiary breaker nerfs. Or breaker nerfs. Or slugger nerfs. Or fire nerfs. Or quasar nerfs. Or Sickle nerfs. Or railgun nerfs. Nobody asked for any of these nerfs.
@piens51 Ай бұрын
@@twrecks6279 I actually saw some of those a mile away. Not the fire one tho that was a suprise to me. As for devs not lissening? I wouldnt either after they lissened and dis rhe 1st nerfs that where asked for. I have seen what reddit was like an what they are saying afer each new update. Its clear that big chunk of the comunity dont know what their talking about in all honesty.
@johnmathis952 Ай бұрын
Lmao that was actually hilarious but seriously arrowheads has 2 jobs, patch bugs and add content lol
@dekeaustin Ай бұрын
😂😂 💯% 🎉🎉🎉
@serenity3157 Ай бұрын
Players: Why you nerfing almost everything? Just buff the underwhelming weapons. Dev: Okay, we nerf this too. Players: What?!
@lukemehalick370 Ай бұрын
Never understood why we couldn't have upgrades by ranks. Think about an army grunt compared to a navy seal. Seals have more specialized equipment and training. More tax money is spent per seal than per grunt. Level 2 cadet, you get 4 mags because you are fighting fewer enemies in less important areas. Level 127 general, heres 8 mags because you are fighting the most enemies in the most important areas. Do it by rank, do it by difficulty level. Why couldn't higher ranks have access to a flamethrower with a backpack tank and it spits something similar to napalm and does cook through armor? Would give some purpose to level up and also help balance the weapons over 10 difficulties without entirely wrecking the fun.
@TyTimeIsAwesome Ай бұрын
This is probably the best idea I've heard....damn would be so awesome.
@TeethSkylark Ай бұрын
That's be a little too sensible. Not possible
@chrisbertolino2116 Ай бұрын
I would abs tweet this, this is the best idea I’ve ever heard for this game
@generaljedi8691 Ай бұрын
I mean technically the my do have progression by level and there is a long grid for the highest upgrades. But personal upgrades for rank that gets you little upgrade would be great. Would give a reason for having 150 levels in the game right now though
@broman191 Ай бұрын
The problem is that they dont think in career progress related weapon upgrade and personal perk/booster unlocks, they wanna sell monthly warbonds containing a bit different versions of existing assets. Most of them so far arent worth my money or daily 1 hour or so spent in the game...I love the game despite all of its problems, but when I bought it 3 weeks after release I thought that devs are going to fix things way faster...and nope, the sh1tshow doesnt stop after half year and they just dont seem to understand our problems. A proper progression system and properly tested weapons would make the game way better. They should use a dev test box, spawn a typical small bug horde with different type of enemies, start a timer, let them attack you, get rid of them, stop the timer, let the breaker incendiary's time be the baseline gold standard and buff everything till they become's not rocket science, some weapons - ARs mostly - need more damage/fire rate/mag size or faster reloads to make them more viable. If devs would be willing to give us test access to such environment we would be able to adjust values and have fun, share our personal prefered weapon stats with them and let them test it too to make rebalancing faster...
@trik6979 Ай бұрын
The downfall of Helldivers2 is the greatest ad for Space Marine 2
@flipslashtv6239 Ай бұрын
Space marines already looked hella appealing even with or without hell divers imo
@jamesdayton5712 Ай бұрын
@@flipslashtv6239praying it is good 🙏
@Sparkofhope621 Ай бұрын
Arrowhead has way too much faith in HD2 pulling this less than a month before SM2 drops. We’ve clearly made a huge mistake gassing them up so early on. Seems like now they have just stopped listening to players entirely and instead insist all their bad calls are actually a genius move and “really play into philosophy of what we’re going for with this game”. Good for them. That’s another few thousand players less they’ll have to explain this “genius philosophy” to. I’ve already uninstalled to make room for Space Marine 2. This game is just a shitty unfunny meme at this point 😴
@shoulderpyro Ай бұрын
@@Sparkofhope621 Likewise, Brother. May we stand against the Tyranid horde together! The Emperor Protects.
@obliviondio Ай бұрын
Space Marines looks extremely redundant. It's very very linear. I'll pass on that
@qu1253 Ай бұрын
When Helldivers 2 launched back in February, it was an incredible experience. Everyone on my friends list was playing it. I played with people I hadn't talked to in years. It was amazing. I hadn't had an experience similar to this since the original Modern Warfare 2 in 2009. Then slowly one by one, everyone began dropping off. Several people dropped out after the infamous railgun nerf, another quit after arc weapons started crashing people's games, another quit after the Slugger got gutted, and the last couple left after the Eruptor and Quasar cannon got nerfed into oblivion. I went from always having a group to play with to always having to play with randoms because I couldn't get anyone to play with me anymore. Any time I'd suggest it, they'd go check the patch notes, see more nerfs, and just play something else. After this latest update and the developer's response to the backlash, I'm out. They clearly don't understand what made their game fun in the first place and are rigidly sticking to their 'vision', whatever the hell that even is at this point, even as their golden goose bleeds out in front of them. I guess I can't be too mad because I got 150 hours out of a game I spent $40 on. Well, I guess it's back to Warframe for my co-op shooter fix.
@bappo2693 Ай бұрын
Oh I was the arc crash person 😄
@AthamAldecua Ай бұрын
Same thing happened to me. We were so many that we needed to split in 2 groups of 4 players in different games. I know for a fact it was the nerfs that pushed them away cus that's what they said. I was the last one to quit when they nerfed the flamethrower, and I am mainly a bot player. But I realized they will keep nerfing popular weapons HARD while giving a tiny boost to sucky weapons. I am up for some strategy change here and there, but I don't want to spend hours learning and perfecting new tactics only to have them arbitrarily nerfed next patch, and having to start over. It got overdone.
@benbevan1442 Ай бұрын
Railgun needed nerfing, it made everything else redundant.
@thathandsomedevil0828 Ай бұрын
Don't forget the banning of 180 countries. Hundreds of thousands of people simply locked out of the game.
@thathandsomedevil0828 Ай бұрын
​@@benbevan1442because everything else was rubbish. Case in point they had to modify the charger so that EATs became more effective against it. Only the rail gun could effectively take it out. Nerfing the rail gun also doesn't make sense, it is a RAIL GUN, it's supposed to be overpowered based on what it does; shooting stuff at super sonic speeds. The Devs should stop nerfing, revert the nerfs and just spawn more enemies to compensate.
@25xxfrostxx Ай бұрын
A live service population drop over time is normal, yes, but it shouldn't all happen within a 5 month period and the biggest drops shouldn't directly correspond with releases of updates and content.
@jacktheripper7935 Ай бұрын
And don't forget this game isn't a free-to-play, you can't jump in and jump out like how you want.
@AlbinoWhale13 Ай бұрын
Apparently Palworld must be just as crappy of a game, and I love Palword. Because it fell down in 5 months too to about the same player count, a little less but still. It's just the nature of games nowadays. People are just moving on to other games. I love HD2 but there's just nothing to do anymore, it's stale. That's why ppl are leaving. Or like me, I left cuz I can't take the constant complaining.
@Blurs8761 Ай бұрын
@@AlbinoWhale13it doesn’t make sense to me when ppl say they stop playing games because of other people complaining. How does that have any correlation to you playing a video game. That just means you probably don’t enjoy the game as much as you are saying and just want to sound elitist for the sake of it. The developers and balance team made bad choices and need to take accountability.
@AlbinoWhale13 Ай бұрын
@@Blurs8761 Yeah and every time I play with friends I hear the same constant complaining about dumb patches. It gets old to the point that I don't want to play. I don't want to be surrounded by negativity every time I wanna play the game. And I do still love the game, I have 250+ hours and was level 68ish before I stopped. If people would stop being so negative the game might be fun again. But people keep blowing crap so far out of proportion to the point where nothing about the game is positive anymore.
@jacktheripper7935 Ай бұрын
@AlbinoWhale13 1 : If there are bad things about the game, people have the right to complain. 2 : if you leave a game you like just because of the opinion of others, then it has nothing to do about this "negativity" but about you, you just don't like your game being criticized. 3 : it's not the people who are wrong here, it's the devs who did everything to divide the community who once were united in fun and memes just because of their stupid ego.
@Anarkin-s9q Ай бұрын
They already killed Helldivers.. One of the most amazing games we’ve seen released in the past few years. They keep on nerfing everything, weapons and strats. This recent nerf to the fire aspect of the game, while releasing a fire themed war bond. Basically killed the last bit of trust the community had in AH.
@rickhunter6513 Ай бұрын
Sucks I never got a chance to use the rail gun before they nerfed it. It was supposed to be pretty awesome
@jacobantaya7423 Ай бұрын
​@@rickhunter6513 it was definitely fun to use, but also at the time with the heavy spawns it was the only thing that could keep up. 1 bile titan/70s with the eats just didn't cut it.
@piens51 Ай бұрын
...Strats where massively biffed and bareky anything was nerfed. Wtf are you on about?
@dledman Ай бұрын
@piens51 have you played solo against multiple implaiers yet? This new enemy is released in an absurd state and design, I don't know what the developers were thinking and for me this is what has broken the camels back. I never use the weapons that were nerfed this bout of live updates but the power creep/ buff issue does not apply to new enemy types, or clearly indicates they didn't playtest their own update beyond difficulty 6/ the static spawned medium enemy exposure mission. Take a look at what the impailer is within HD1, an interesting but not broken, oppressive enemy. Ragdoll stun mechanic was a non existent issue in the other game. The fact our stagger power is constantly nerfed while it does not apply to an infinite spawn rate of ai enemies is just masochistic unrewarding gameplay at this point
@Lifted001 Ай бұрын
​@@piens51 nerfing a gun because 30% of your player base enjoys using it is absurd
@thomaswilson8022 Ай бұрын
It went from game of the year to disappointment of the year in 3 months. That's actually impressive when you think about it, and they even had Sony cover up a good portion of it. But space marine 2 though.....
@BloodDX2 Ай бұрын
Cannot wait.
@thomaswilson8022 Ай бұрын
@@BloodDX2 day 1, see ya there
@douggthebirb8728 Ай бұрын
@@thomaswilson8022 i cant fucking wait firstly cus we'll see to get the devs at AH swallow there pride and do something secondly because we're GONNA FIGHT FOR HE WHO SITS UPON THE GOLDEN THRONE , LONG LIVE TO HUMANITY
@thomaswilson8022 Ай бұрын
@douggthebirb8728 that's why I got my preorder, day one just got bumped up a few days early
@sagittariusa9012 Ай бұрын
Space Marine 2 plays pretty different. I just hope ex Helldivers 2 Players don't start hating SM2 because they expected HD2 2.0......
@securion100 Ай бұрын
It would take one of the devs 20 minutes to give the assault rifles (and preferably also the DMRs) more penetration and damage, but instead here we are and months are ticking away and with them all the players... The devs are basically idiots.
@l-e-v-117 Ай бұрын
Yeahh it seems to be this way. I wonder how much time they spend deliberating on changes rather than just implementing them
@CBRN-115 Ай бұрын
The game runs on a discontinued engine which no one has any clue how it works. The game is a patchwork of spaghetti code. I bet if they change one thing, 10 things will break or be buggy HD2 is a dead game walking. Expect this game to shut down maybe 2 years later
@BiskoIsTasty 28 күн бұрын
​@CBRN-115 It seems like Sony brought in a team of wizards to make Helldivers 2 on an outdatd engine, and then kicked them to the curb and shoved the game into Arrowhead's arms, expecting them to be as good as the wizard team
@TheManOfTheHourEveryHour 27 күн бұрын
It's literally 2 lines of code 😂
@MorfsPrower 17 күн бұрын
@BiskoIsTasty You know that wouldn't at all surprise me. It's a VERY common corporate technique to get contractors to do the heavy lifting and then can them the second everything is rolling. They don't need to pay anyone except for the skeleton crew of entitled lazy leeches which gets promoted for sucking on corpo toes.
@fconstraints Ай бұрын
So few of the weapons are fun or effective. I understand that there's a specific way the devs want gamers to play but if they want gamers to play at all they're going to have to seriously address the nerf issue. I can't believe it's been months since I fell off playing Helldivers 2 and the devs are still shooting themselves in the feet with this. It's the definition of insanity.
@lukemehalick370 Ай бұрын
The update before this freedom one was great. It was literally just buffs and very well received; better than the escalation of freedom is being received. That's the worst part. It destroyed hopes here & now, but also the hope that AH had learned from their mistakes. It kind of feels like an abusive relationship in that aspect. They make weird uncalled for nerfs Community complains Ah says sorry, we learned. Won't do it again. *does it again *
@truecaliber1995 Ай бұрын
That's the problem, though. Arrowhead's devs seemingly want players to use adopt certain playstyles, but the freedom of choice in loudout lent the game a certain level of flexibility at launch. Nerfing more weapons, when half are already borderline useless, accomplishes nothing but forcing players into a smaller pool of weapons. This, of course, inadvertently creates a meta, which Arrowhead has been trying to avoid, apparently. However, the less useful the sandbox items, the more likely players will gravitate toward specific weapons. And this is antithetical to a PvE *horde shooter,* where you need powerful gear at higher difficulties. Especially when these higher difficuties, at least in Helldivers 2's case, offer larger quantities of rewards, hastening the grind. And, sure, if certain tools are suited for specific mission types, that's fine. I, myself, have specific loudouts set up in, say, Deep Rock Galactic, but I digress. Point being Arrowhead needs their weapons to be useful in certain contexts, just like the strategems. If not, well, people _will_ pick the same guns, regardless of the situation. I, personally, think some weapons dhould have higher magazine counrs for horde-defense missions. Or, perhaps, some weapons need some special ability, like the arc thrower having some overload function, which allows you to fire the near-equivalet of a rail gun, or an arc tower. Y'know, something useful in the context of run-and-gun skirmishes. Situations in which enemies are constantly spawning, basically. The drawback for the arc thrower, of course, would be increasing the probability of killing your own teammates, if balance really has to be considered.
@jolt187 Ай бұрын
Op = nerf 😂
@thebluehat6814 Ай бұрын
if the developers want me to play the game the way *they* want there's something wrong with the game.
@evilsanta7424 Ай бұрын
I was on the fence until the new patch and warbond, then they pushed me off the fence into delete the game and pop it in the drawer, so I did.
@Aweburn82 Ай бұрын
Why are devs so obsessed with nerfs. Not just AH.
@piens51 Ай бұрын
80%+ of all changes are buffs. So theirn not obsesed with nerfs.
@williamturner7131 Ай бұрын
@@piens51 While true, they just happen to also make their nerfs more impactful than their buffs. Their buffs bring things into a more neutral position. Their nerfs reduce things from "reliable" to "painful." So you don't feel a significant difference from 90% of the buffs... but you feel 90% of the nerfs. So you feel a lot more backtracking than you do progress.
@twrecks6279 Ай бұрын
@@williamturner7131 Yeah this. I'll also add, they are literally nerfing stuff by how often it is used, so nerfs effect the maximum possible number of people, where buffs do not.
@piens51 Ай бұрын
@@williamturner7131 I disagree. Many of the buffs felt quite good and many nerfs where quite unoticable for me. People just dont gork what was the state of the game at its launch and how broken and unhealthy it was. While not perfect by any means they have done well to diversify gameplay in my opinion.
@NthnLikeCodeine Ай бұрын
@@piens51 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Buff: “we fixed a bug that made this weapon trash since launch making it slightly less garbage” Nerf: “we’ve noticed a lot of players enjoy using this weapons so we’ve fkd that weapon’s fun into the ground but it’s still really good” Tell me again how this is equal? 🤡
@silent0089 Ай бұрын
Love the fact they nerf stuff when the it's a *_Non-competive PvE game_*
@jumbosizedshield275 Ай бұрын
look at that, arrowhead snatching defeat from the jaws of victory!
@7heTexanRebel Ай бұрын
3:00 yeah man, when I hear "new enemy behemoth charger" followed up by a bunch of nerfs to the stuff I used to handle chargers... that doesn't make me want to come back.
@shoulderpyro Ай бұрын
its nto even a new charger. Its just slapping an existing effect on an existing enemy and alter the model a little
@javonyounger5107 Ай бұрын
Yeah, let's make the enemies more capable while making the players less, cause that's fun.
@Laughablefreak321 9 күн бұрын
And then the devs will just tell you its a skill issue
@Walt_Chocolate Ай бұрын
It's kind of funny considering that the weapon nerfs could have been an event. For example, they can announce that the enemy has hit our supply depot. If you fight back against the invasion, the weapons get unnerfed, or maybe even bonus damage or a buff for a time.
@inigamishu6319 Ай бұрын
I really dont want this either since it inconsistent. What they should have done which they did in helldivers 1 is allow us to upgrade weapons with samples. Essentially you could have played with the base liberator and took it down an upgrade path to give it medium pen and more damage for less accuracy. Pretty much every weapon had an upgrade skill tree which allowed the player to bring whatever they wanted.
@elfireii328 22 күн бұрын
@@inigamishu6319 but the op’s comment implies we can revert the nerf by retaking the planet where the “supply line” was.
@inigamishu6319 22 күн бұрын
@@elfireii328 doesnt change the fact that this would be inconsistent. Nor would this be possible seeing as many weapons need to be fixed and it wouldnt even make sense. Lastly the op said bonus damage or a buff for a time. No one wants to feel strong for a day or two then weak again. What OP suggested just wouldnt work nor would it solve the issue and it would just make players mad.
@elfireii328 22 күн бұрын
@@inigamishu6319 none of the primary weapons, except for the graphics of the new fire weapons, need fixes. They just need to change the values to be more reliable. The issues are the stupid nerfs that no one asks for which can be explained and even reverted by MO’s. “fire shotgun loses 2 mags, so go complete this planet to get it back.”
@inigamishu6319 22 күн бұрын
@@elfireii328 your first statement is incorrect lots of weapons scopes arent lined up in first person. Yes they need to adjust the values but for some reason they are so adamant that doing so would somehow break something else(this is stilling fixing tho since they are underperforming). Third they would have to visually change some weapons depending on how much ammo if that's the buff they deliver. Now if they adjust damage which should be their focus that would be great and reduce the amount of ammo necessary to kill. All in all just buffing damage for damn near all primaries and slightly for secondaries would already make the game feel better. This doesnt account for all the problems this game has tho.
@williamturner7131 Ай бұрын
It's my opinion that they failed to integrate their player-choice content with the antagonists. Nothing properly synergizes. Break armor on a Bile Titan? Yeah, when was the last time you saw anyone break the Titan's armor and actually kill it with non-heavypen? It's almost like even aiming for the weakspots, from broken armor or the underbelly, is useless. The underbelly weakspot being shot is arguably NOT EVEN A BENEFIT, because now it doesn't stay in one place for twice as long as it's tantrum stomp. Hulks are nifty but we're so significantly discouraged from targeting any strategic weakspots because the arms and legs are so tiny and out of the way compared to its eye or its assvent. The absolute spam of medium enemies significantly subtracts from player choice as well because you can't choose to deal with hordes, since either you're low enough difficulty that basically anythign will deal with them, even a full AT kit, or you're a high enough difficulty that the horde is all medium armor and bringing the Stalwart is basically throwing. The AT options are poor, in my opinion. Even though breaking armor with a big weapon and then killing with a smaller weapon is ideal, and rewards synchronization and teamwork and specific choices with the kit... why the fuck would you do that when it's just as [hard / easy] to one-shot them with the same weapon that opens them up to damage? Why is the one-shot AT the same tool as the damage enabler? The way the AI spawns around you-- ie, anywhere you're not looking-- drastically reduces the potential for STRATEGIC play, and drastically negates the benefits of weapons whose purpose isn't aligned with CQC and eliminating large groups of enemies. The lack of complex AI reduces the satisfaction that can be gained because it doesn't feel like you're dealing with a thinking enemy, it feels like you're dealing with one that's spawned en masse around you like an invisible admin on a Minecraft server who thought it'd be funny to use the zombie spawn egg a bunch and now you're just facing shit from every side. The maps are procedurally generated yet all feel so samesy becaues there's no real rhyme or rhythm to them. Bug bases and bot factories are placed random and scattered. I found a radio tower inside a crater sandwiched in cliffs, where it's clearly NOT a great idea for radar towers to spawn. I'd rather have ten high quality map versions per planet than this random noise that makes me feel like I'm trying to find some meaning in a Minecraft biome lmao. I'd like areas that are clearly developed by humans that have been taken over by bugs, with empty natural space between that and what's clearly a slowly growing hive where all the smaller hives are surrounding a much larger one. There's no depth to the gameplay. Bile Titans can't be shot in the mouth anymore, because people were getting good at that, and any interesting applications are generally removed. Railgun to break armor and then gun down the chargers was so, so good; why can't we have more of shit like that? Maybe AT does significant damage but the heavy machine gun can break armor? Maybe staggering becomes much, much more commonplace; make the enemies stagger and fumble. I understand many design purposes are "we are expendable" and based on that, but the enemy is even more expendable, so why does us being so expendable even matter? If the purpose is for us to be more expendable, why can't we take support stratagems that buff us as we come out of the droppod? Why can't I have heavy armor that has 400 armor to reduce incoming damage by twice the next best, but a small amount of the damage taken permanently reduces my HP, so even if I do an excellent job tanking damage and healing through it, by the end of the fight I'm basically broiled and poached inside the armor and at 25% hp maximum, basically guaranteeing that my next fight will be my last-- armor so strong the helldiver can't survive it either. Why don't helmets just match the color scheme of the torso armor? Why don't helmets have useful perks like better zoom on ADS, faster concussion recovery time, reduced gas damage, or even threat detect in low-visibility environments like fog and spores? Outlines enemies in red every time your radar pings, synergizing with the booster and armor that increases ping distance? Why not add alternate firing modes to grenades launchers for airburst and "flash" rounds (flash rounds being tracers, highly visible, so that you can clearly see where they're landing and learn how to better aim, something I imagine would be useful for people being dropped en masse with shit never used prior). Why not add alternate firing for flamethrowers for gas flame (large AoE, longer fire DoT), or gas stream (higher consumption, higher direct damage, better range and tighter beam) Why not add alternate firing for weapons based on unlocked content? Load your Liberator's next magazine with AP rounds. Dump your shotgun shells out and load in incendiary. Let us unlock weapon "boosters"; maybe two to a weapon when selecting? Each weapon has its base features that you can add... an alternate ammo type or two, or add additional features. Let's add a scope and AP ammo module to the Liberator to swap mags in the battle to make it Liberator Penetrator, or switch back to default ammo. Or choose concussive and commando, to increase RoF and add AoE stagger. Why not allow machineguns to have scopes? For real I can't see shit because the game's already dark, plus it's smoky and foggy and sporey, and now the reflex sight with 0 zoom is also a bit dark as well so I can't even see what I'm aiming at unless it's too close for ADS to have any purpose. The game is just crazy shallow. Play one match and you've played 90% of the game. Only thing to do now is unlock the guns and that's all that matters. Ooooh 75% fire damage reduction? I mean, it's still enough damage that I'm going to HAVE to use a stim anyways, with or without fire damage reduction, and the medic armor makes it last longer with +2 stims so... you can just wade through fire for longer with medic armor than fire armor. What the fuck?
@quickzach Ай бұрын
I wish you were on the dev team... lul
@JoaoPedro-nc4vb Ай бұрын
Damn... You managed to put everything I had been feeling about this game in a VERY condensed comment. Even reading all of it still makes me so incredibly upset on how Helldivers 2 has turned out 😢
@davidweaver4436 26 күн бұрын
Seriously, we'd been begging for fire armor because the flamethrower was so risky and the bots and fire tornados were miserable to deal with... and we got the most boring thing imaginable in just a bland damage reduction. Not a buffer before we light on fire in the first place. Not a boost to our own fire weapons. No secondary effect like so many other armors have. Just "at least now you have an extra second to pop that stim."
@MorfsPrower 17 күн бұрын
Preach! You hit every nail on the head and the coffin is complete. You have more passion than the devil team does, clearly.
@2LoneAngels Ай бұрын
The game right now is to engage in a fight, but like coming across a patrol 70% of the time you would rather ignore/run away from. This needs to be the opposite. I'd rather like to engage in a fight 70% of the time instead of running away
@cjthenarhwalking1378 Ай бұрын
I don't get why people are like oh you have to avoid enemies most of the time. Sorry I didn't come to play kite simulator (2024), but what was advertised, a really cool horde shooter.
@ExSpoonman Ай бұрын
Helldivers 2 is a prime example of why the "Just Send It" method of software development fails. How the hell they thought it was a good idea to develop a game without a dev/test server.... Blows my mind. Swedish developers..... They ain't like us
@timur5219 Ай бұрын
It's the second time I see a swedish game dev fall off (the other being DICE)...
@MorfsPrower 17 күн бұрын
You're forgetting Starbreeze, the studio behind Payday. Payday 2 was a massive hit and played so well. Come Payday 3, everything blew so god awfully and it just never could get anywhere. I know people that still play Payday 2 because 3 was a travesty that didn't recover. They're desperate to fix the game but their online-only approach and over-streamlining at baseline have their balls in a vice that can only tighten. And then there's Mojang. Notch had some magic but once it got in Microsoft's hands it stagnated. Sure it has tons of children playing to this day, but now it's paid mods and maps to hell and back. Neglect of Java to uplift Bedrock and then kneecap it so hard. Swedish devs man. I don't know what it is with them. They might be even worse than American AAA devs.
@timur5219 17 күн бұрын
@@MorfsPrower they are to videogames, what canadians are to animated tv shows
@kickingitwithtimmyb Ай бұрын
Its just crazy how folks defend these terrible decisions like there lives are depended keeping this dead game alive.
@bmocbruhistotle339 24 күн бұрын
Fire-linking Curse. They want to convince themselves that the glory days aren't over.
@EndlessCardTricks 2 күн бұрын
Who is in the mural on your pfp?
@kickingitwithtimmyb 2 күн бұрын
@@EndlessCardTricks nipsey hussle
@f687sNFM Ай бұрын
Dunno why they need to nerf things when the point of why people loved it is feeling powerful while being as fragile as confetti
@spellsnare 15 күн бұрын
Well developer hate player's having fun so yeah nerf these weapons we don't deserve
@Port19692 Ай бұрын
I think you nailed it. Pre-nerfing a warbond is an interesting tactic.
@alocervancouver6006 Ай бұрын
Solution: Space Marine 2.
@JC-eo2qe Ай бұрын
Its story was written by Ashley Cooper, that alone is a hard pass for me.
@shaneregan7745 Ай бұрын
@@JC-eo2qelet me guess. Something something WOKE! Something something DEI! Please think for yourself for once in your life.
@AthamAldecua Ай бұрын
​@@JC-eo2qeyou know there's gonna be chicks with deeks in that game
@mrbigglezworth42 Ай бұрын
@@JC-eo2qe I think she was fired sometime during the development process.
@HardWear-bu1dt Ай бұрын
Y’all obsessed with transsexuals. Bizarre!!
@bappo2693 Ай бұрын
How to fix everything: 1. Revert all nerfs 2 Buff all weapoms, buff rifles trice. 300,000 players every day
@lilSchmoob 12 күн бұрын
Genuinely, can't they just undo all these goddamn nerfs and start from scratch? The game was fun in the beginning. There were good guns and there were guns that were absolute dog shit. Start over and buff the dog shit guns. Even back then with the "overpowered" guns I was still fucking dying all the time on higher difficulties. It didn't make the missions a breeze - it made the missions POSSIBLE to win.
@the_average_canadian Ай бұрын
Helldivers 2 was the opposite of most modern games: it was at its best at launch, and it just went downhill from there. The devs really fumbled the bag.
@jdbb3gotskills Ай бұрын
I can’t believe the people that made such a great and fun game destroyed it with their own ignorance. The mentality of “we know best” killed the game. And they seem to still have no idea or won’t admit/acknowledge they are messing up. If the game completely dies it will be their fault.
@immortalweapon Ай бұрын
As a casual shooter who prefers to find weapons I like and use them exclusively, so much of the game is just inaccessible to me. None of the weapons I liked using where good enough to handle the onslaught of the higher difficulties, which made the end game upgrades non-existent to me. I don't enjoy feeling like my time is being actively wasted, so the "challenge" of higher difficulties wasn't worth the effort because the ONLY thing that matters after level 20-25 is samples, and the success rate of late game missions when all you have are randoms and no mics wasn't worth my time.
@KurokishiOcelot Ай бұрын
The balancing was me and my chooms big reason why we fell off the game. Now in all fairness, we never broke past level 20. We had fun, but we didn't have time to pump into only this game. But one by one the group got off the game because our unlocks felt unsatisfying. We couldn't run the weapons we wanted to. There's no shotgunner covering our escape, no sniper punching armor, machine gunner clearing the hoard. On paper you could do it but as we got into higher levels the game encouraged us to all run similar setups, a shotgun with that laser bazooka thing. It felt bad, and worse when their reaction was to just make the shotguns helping us worse. Why they can't just buff everything is as you said, anti fun. You don't need to have shit weapons to have the last stand moments.
@generaljedi8691 Ай бұрын
Yeah…I still play but stick to level 5 with randoms because the game is only bearable with a good team,l to me, especially at higher difficulty’s. But my group would crash constantly and they keep nerfing weapons to the point most of us don’t want to play on helldive anymore, it’s just a sweaty chore of running for 30 minutes.
@KurokishiOcelot Ай бұрын
@@generaljedi8691 you're so right about the performance, we'd crash all the time
@Marinealver Ай бұрын
A lesson in politics: Just because a military is loyal, doesn't mean they will be blindly obedient to every whim. Take them for granted, and those that protect you will ABANDON you as they reevaluate their loyalties.
@jacktheripper7935 Ай бұрын
The devs succeeded at making the community which was having fun and made memes all together divided af by shooting themselves in the foot multiple times. Now, there's a permanent conflict between the defenders of the game VS those who had enough and complain. We arrived to a point where when something new is announced, people just aren't hyped anymore and just asks themselves : "Ugh...what will get nerfed to the ground this time?" And this is very scary for the future of the game.
@mrbigglezworth42 Ай бұрын
By the devs own admission with the incendiary breaker, it was nerfed because it was too reliable and thus made up 30% of all primary picks. Imagine that, a gun that does exactly what it should is a problem because, and I quote, is "too reliable". If Arrowhead is going to stay consistent with this ethos for what does and does not get nerfed, then Eagle Airstrike, Orbital Precision Strike, 500KG bomb, stun grenade, impact grenade, redeemer, and autocannon should all be nerfed with similar results. That last one though, is also what the devs said was the most balanced weapon in the game, so if they admit by their own standards that the autocannon is being picked far too often for being "too reliable" against both bugs AND bots, then they should nerf autocannon. However, if they did that, they would in essence be proving naysayers right in that the devs only nerf player power. All this to destroy a meta that is naturally being created as a result of game mechanics, player behavior, and the devs own incompetent changes.
@MorfsPrower 17 күн бұрын
Half of their actions were taken in spite of players, and odds are it's a select few with power forcing their way against the grain. Whatever it is, their allowing of this self-sabotage proves their hubris.
@xSkylime Ай бұрын
Hit the nail right on the head with not taking things away from players. I run with this game with two others, we're primarily Termanid players. I have always been the one on charger duty/small enemies with the flamethrower, another handles medium bugs with the autocannon, and the other deals with Bile Titans with the Spear. Our team dynamic got completely shattered with this update. I no longer have a weapon that I both really love using and makes me a valuable asset. Now I *have* to bring standard AT's that I really do not like using to preform my job. Sucked the fun from this game right out for me, alongside my friends. It just sucks man.
@MrThademon Ай бұрын
I miss the narrative. It was building towards something big. We had so many cool plot hooks like the sudden invasion of the Automaton fleet, or the battle for the Creek, and then the massive buildup with the Terminids which lead to destroying an entire planet. Ever since the black hole it just feels like nothing is really happening. The addition of the Gloom on the bug side definately seems to be.... something.... but we already had a huge plot arch with the bugs. The war with the bots just feels stagnant.
@maximoguerra4619 Ай бұрын
The fog its a set up for the hive lord and the supercolonys planets like meridia but in the border of the galaxy. And the bots are now surrounded in cyberstand waiting the big push to counquer them but the game isnt prepare for that i think they dont even have the map created for the planet i preffer to wait and see new content and not another generic map full fill with only rocks
@ClacksonHale Ай бұрын
It is wild to watch. I jumped ship during the Sony account shenanigans, but I just don't want to come back anymore.
@piens51 Ай бұрын
Dramas overblown to be quite frank. Game objecrively is at way better place than it was at launch. Its still quite popular in its player count and is healthy enought. Now a days when game blows up and obiously cant hold those hype numbers its automaicaly dead. Never mind that its still prety popular and that your experience is better than when the hupe was fresh.
@captainmcknight Ай бұрын
@@piens51bro you’re like every reply, single handedly defending the game, let it go man, they messed up big time…
@piens51 Ай бұрын
​@@captainmcknightNah. Just hate false hate and saying games dead after hype dies down. Like Palworld is suposedly dead because it could not keep 2Milion plagers playing at all times. There might be disconect between devs and some playera but bad games dont have 40 to 60 thousand player peaks. If the game was as bad as people say it is on reddit it would have no players left at all.
@Jake-xr4ii Ай бұрын
​@@piens51 It's cause the people complaining literally just sit online all day and play games and do nothing else. So they get bored quick and need something big shiny and new all the time. I think the game is more fun now than ever. Also the game hasn't even been out for a year and people expect them to be perfect with every update. It's so annoying.
@piens51 Ай бұрын
​@@Jake-xr4iiyup. Atention span of a goldfish and inability to take any change that affects them negatively however small.
@PimpaStyles Ай бұрын
I purchased this game a week after it came out played with my friends after work and late nights i went through hell to get the railgun and then they nerfed it sooo i stopped playing. Then i came back fucked around fell in love with the quasar canon then they nerfed it I’ve only gone up 6 levels since the original railgun nerf ,I got back on and leveled up my flame damage excited having a jolly ol time and they nerf the fire damage …… i don’t even know why i came back
@MeowLesty Ай бұрын
If the devs made killing horde's of Bugs/Bots a viable strategy for higher difficulties a viable strategy by literally buffing every primary and stratagem across the board then the game would actually be fun again. Idk why they have this idea that we have to Stealth and run away. If i wanted to play a Stealth game id go play Metal Gear Solid or the Original Assassin's Creed games. Im here to fuck shit up and im pretty sure more than 75% of the playerbase wants to aswell. MAKE. US. FEEL. AS POWERFUL. AS THE. ENEMY.
@abaddungeonmaster7622 Ай бұрын
Seriously, even as a solo player who DID stealth around to complete the objectives, the reason that was rewarding, was because it WASNT optimal to do that. It was a WAY to play it, but it was clearly designed with being an action movie in mind, which is FANTASTIC! And that’s what also made it fun to luck out and actually stealth through a mission, it felt like you really pulled off a crazy difficult thing! So, to now have this action movie style game, be trying to revert to this style, is really weird. Because it doesn’t even do it…well, when it is doing it intentionally. It was when it was unintentional that it was a thrilling “I can’t believe that worked” sort of things. I don’t know, just feels bad man.
@cjthenarhwalking1378 Ай бұрын
The game doesn't present itself (at least at launch) as a hardcore stealth game where you avoid fights until you get to the objective. Instead it was advertised as a really cool and over the top horde shooter with tons of weapons and stratagems. If it was advertised as a more tactical fps from the start it wouldn't be like this.
@LegendaryPredalien12 Ай бұрын
When they advertised the Escalation of Liberty patch and said "There's way more content for us!" I assumed for sure we'd be getting the vehicles you see burned out all over the maps. Then it dropped and we get literally fucking nothing except the best gear thrown into the nerf hole with fuck all for compensation.
@kylele23 Ай бұрын
They actually meant escalation for the chargers, they even gave them new toys
@cc-bk3tx 23 күн бұрын
@@kylele23 At this point just let me play as a bug or bot since AH clearly loves them way more than the helldivers
@anubrakahn2970 Ай бұрын
The $10 per month battle pass format they have is a double-edged sword, and the current situation reflects this. On the front end, it's super cool that you could find the currency in game. This will get cited every time the format is criticized. You can earn the required credits in a few weeks of regular play (or a few hours of exploiting the system with 3 friends). But it is a HUGE deterrent when asking people to come back. Even the most die-hard fans of a game will take a break. My friends and I saw the writing on the wall after playing for about 2 months and here we are. Basically, if you stop playing for 3 or 4 months, you have to devote your time to grinding low level content for a month or 2 just to buy the 3 or 4 battle passes you missed out on. And these only allow you to grind even more for the actual rewards. Which we find out are getting nerfed but are often still BiS. Realistically, the only people excited to come back would be the fans who don't mind spending $30 or $40. That's Shadow of the Erdtree, MHW: Iceborne expansion money. Not, unlocking a harder difficulty money. The value just isn't there for most people.
@lukemehalick370 Ай бұрын
You unintentionally brought up another issue, though. The "side grade" system, because they are afraid of power creep. The freedom flame warbond isn't required. Only thing I like in it is the silly title & emote. The gear itself is subpar in a game full of subpar weapons. They found a way to get the worst out of both worlds. The problem you spoke of, & the fact the warbond is so trash it doesn't matter one way or another anyways.
@anubrakahn2970 Ай бұрын
@lukemehalick370 and this kind of unintentionally makes me think of another aspect of the balancing/warbond issue. Currently, the fire stuff sucks. At one point, it didn't, and it felt like the player made the "right" choice if they picked it up. Now they feel cheated. On the other side of that, there will be the inevitable buffs that make things thar suck now, awesome later. This would be equally demoralizing for a player that skips these "bad" weapons for them to get buffed later. It's just the worst of a bunch of different worlds, really.
@Terron29 Ай бұрын
absolutely 100 percent spot on. Couldnt have said it better myself. I come back then get discouraged and leave as I cant be arsed grinding 40 hours to unlock a chest just to begin grinding again to try out the new weapons. They should change it to purely cosmetic stuff in the chests like sea of thieves, apex and overwatch. Let all the new stuff like weapons, enemies, armors (with new stats) and whatnot be available to all day one free. Fortnite proves tons of people will pay a fortune to glow pink or whatever. They also need to raise the cap of the medals because I am capped at 250 and have unlocked everything I can with medals while I am still 500 credits short for my next box. Its annoying farming for credits to finally unlock a box only to spend my 250 medals and then have to grind medals when thousands went down the drain while farming for credits. Its such a messy ill thought out system.
@JaiArah Ай бұрын
This is me. I left over the PSN requirement, came back to play and realized that I needed to grind like crazy to "catch up". Plus my favorite stuff was nerfed. Uninstalled.
@McMemeTME Ай бұрын
@@anubrakahn2970 Dunno man, I’m sitting here getting 50+ killstreaks with a flamethrower…
@sillywilly6919 Ай бұрын
They can’t make a raid boss type enemy or anything interesting like that because half of their dev team is on fucking VACATION. They hit the jackpot and saw a couple extra zeros in their bank accounts than they’re used to and didn’t know what to do with themselves, couldn’t wait a year from release to go and spend all their money.
@TheInstinctWithinV2 Ай бұрын
Vacation is mandated by law in several European countries. You're entitled to 2-3 weeks in one go. That being said, you yourself get to choose those weeks for the most part. They could have easily waited a few more weeks.
@tenyearsinthejoint1 Ай бұрын
You summed up how underwhelming this update was. They promised us "More" but we literally got all they showed
@falcor2325 Ай бұрын
What i cant believe is how they nerfed on the basis that a weapon was being chosen too much. Excuse me? Instead of asking why is a weapon being chosen ask why ARNT the others being chosen? Its this brain dead glass half empty approach that absolutely baffles me. Arrowhead has proven time after time that they are incompetant. And quite frankly im over it.
@matthewsmall8009 25 күн бұрын
The live service model gave the impression that new stuff would be a more common, it's been months since my last dive and i don't feel like i'm missing out on anything exciting and new.
@merwynn5388 Ай бұрын
Do not alienate your customer, do not fight your customer.
@ArmaXXVI Ай бұрын
PSN drama scarred Helldivers 2, it's never going to recover from it.
@SpinosaurusStudios_ Ай бұрын
Really? I forgot all about it, lol.
@douggthebirb8728 Ай бұрын
@@SpinosaurusStudios_ 180 countries banned from buying the game on pc and ps4-5 , so its just a lose lose , since new people cant come to play , and people that already had the game will stop since there friends will not get the game , both are revenue streams and Sony fumbled the bag so badly
@SwedishBroManDude Ай бұрын
@@douggthebirb8728 Personally, it's just me giving them the finger for not respecting their customers. Play stupid games, win stupid prices. Sony, playing the stupid game, won an stupid award. Forever decrease in playerbase. Great move by them honestly.
@Dark_Tesla Ай бұрын
Hot take, every difficulty above 7 is just a sandbox for the devs to see what they should nerf next.
@kleeklee4572 Ай бұрын
As a day one diver who can complete level 9 and 10 on his own I’ll tell you the issue. It really is that the weapons are too weak. It becomes a run away simulator. It’s boring. And theres Lack of variety. I stopped playing for the first time this weak. It just became a rage bait game.
@big_petebear8535 Ай бұрын
Yup same. 87 hours in, uninstalled. Last straw was logging in to do a level 7 egghunt only to find out my flamer doesn't work and the bugs got all kinds of stealth buffs. Spent 15 minutes running from massive amounts of hoards. Alt F4. Uninstall. Negative review update on Steam. They lied about changing their ballance philosophy and now are complaining no one appreciates the backend bugs they fixed and blame everyone but themselves. Arrowhead is run by scum.
@5plitpolygon550 Ай бұрын
Nobody should ever advocate for p2w. Sure you can say it may not affect the game experience, but it surely does to the game industry. Offer the finger; they take the hand. Love the Vids and Channel btw
@SillyBoneThugg Ай бұрын
There is no pay to win in this game because everything is free it’s something to earn through playing
23 күн бұрын
@GutsOfRivia Ай бұрын
Never seen a game go pay to lose. Bold strategy cotton lets see if it pays off.
@JapashFN Ай бұрын
Liked the video and I agree with most of the points. Reason why part of the HD2 community (myself included) is so pissed, angry and sad is that Arrowhead promised NOT to continue nerfing as the main tool for balance. Pilestedt himself while stepping down from CEO to CCO made that promise. Escalation of freedom video has over 2 million views so it had a good spread among the community and I personally was very excited Escalation of freedom and Freedom flames warbond. Then Arrowhead for some reason decided it was a good idea change how flame weapons fundamentally work because their favorite enemy charger was killed by Helldivers that learned how to use flamethrower effectively but doing the "fix" they also made that if you try to burn small bugs the flames stop on the first line of bugs. That is not how flamethrowers work. If they would have just left this "fix" out of the Escalation of freedom community would still complain about something but instead they made it absolute problem for themself by nerfing fire weapons just before fire warbond. Do I like the inc. breaker nerf no but it wasn't as worse it could have been but the timing of these both was a huge mistake that needed effort to do and can't figure out why they would combo it this way. Will HD2 have players if they screw up the comeback? Most likely yes. But it will affect how many players there are left. Those who will be at the end are most likely the "git gud", "if you don't like play something else" and/or "you are just salty" etc players.
@Gwellir Ай бұрын
It's even more stupid if you think about how they've said that the flamethrower was too good in both heavy (charger) killing (which they could have just tuned down a bit I guess), AND horde clearing (with which I will probably disagree, as the distance at which you had to operate was too close for comfort) But, instead of choosing a niche for the flamethrower out of these two, they just went and destroyed both applications completely. I really can't call this decision anything but absolutely insane, uncoordinated with warbond release and obviously untested (as most their changes seem anyway).
@MrArrow54 Ай бұрын
Great vid. I left just as they were starting to nerf the good stuff sad to see the trend didn't stop. I understood it at the time since people were getting pretty petty about meta builds and booting people who used load outs they didn't feel were op enough. But it seems they took things way too far.
@darksavior1187 Ай бұрын
After June's patch that included several buffs, the player count peaked back up to 91k. After Escalation of Freedom, it didn't get higher than 62k, and is back down to around 41k as of the last 48 hours, which includes the first weekend since the update launched.
@RyuShinkuuHadoken Ай бұрын
Remember how amazing the game was at the start, why they couldn't keep it that way.😢
@piens51 Ай бұрын
I remember... I remember how broken it was.
@RyuShinkuuHadoken Ай бұрын
@@piens51 it is still broken, but at that time we didn't care an every match was pure fun.
@magboboterski Ай бұрын
cmon now man, they really worked hard for this -- from a game that everyone know its gonna be GOTY from the start, beloved by everyone, and ruined every AAAA's formats when it comes to making a live-service game... to a game that's almost dying in a span of what? 6+/- months? that is some dedication. Well done devs
@TheIndulgers Ай бұрын
How AH thought this was sufficient for a live service is mind boggling. They just released their "biggest update ever!" and it didn't move the needle whatsoever. No end game. No progression. No story. No raids or dungeons. No gear game. No pvp. No bosses. Just the same four (identical) mission types over and over. It is an embarrassment.
@thebluehat6814 Ай бұрын
>"biggest update ever" >835 megabytes of data
@iceisbusted8808 Ай бұрын
They said they aren't going to add pvp ever
@warrxnt Ай бұрын
The Story, End Game and progression are all tied to the missions planet by planet. There could be raids/large scale battles or offensives. But dungeons make no sense as most if the strategems need space. Gear game is also non important and actually detrimental for a game of the nature. This isn’t destiny. Not every game needs PVP and the missions while asking similar things, are different based on the environment and enemy you faced. Just go play destiny man. This is clearly not the game you’re looking for.
@cjthenarhwalking1378 Ай бұрын
​@@iceisbusted8808to which I agree but basically everything in escalation of freedom is just a variant of an existing thing.
@iceisbusted8808 Ай бұрын
@cjthenarhwalking1378 yea ur right, something completely new would be cool
@gibbygibbstein7858 Ай бұрын
No fun allowed, plain, and simple. Unjustifiable nerfs of common frequency, delisting the game in multiple countries, and drip fed content have ruined this game.
@brettroberts8397 8 күн бұрын
Whoever suggested that weapons felt too powerful should actually be slapped and banned from all PVE video games
@Vegnagun451 Ай бұрын
As you eluded to, there’s definitely a huge disconnect between what the developers want (which is a starship troopers thing where you’re getting swarmed and dying and afraid) and what what the community wants (which seems to be like a Doomslayer/MasterChief power fantasy). Early on its life, the game was harder when people had fewer tools and less knowledge of system mechanics and loadout optimization, but now that the meta is so defined, the community has slowly turned the game into a power fantasy and the devs are fighting to maintain their vision of a disposable Helldiver dropping into a swarm and getting eviscerated.
@ExpertAtAll Ай бұрын
It’s not about power fantasy, they just need to make other weapons more viable. There is absolutely no reason to use the ARs SMGs and DMRs when they are all awful. We just want more options.
@Vegnagun451 Ай бұрын
@@ExpertAtAll I completely agree. I think if the devs were better at balancing they could have their cake and eat it, too. Helldivers can still be squishy, but weapons should feel satisfying and there should be options. For so long, shotguns were better than assault rifles, even at huge distances. So maybe a minor nerf to SG would go down easier if AR were buffed along with it. As it stands, we mostly just get nerfs.
@Brakka86 Ай бұрын
Load into game. Land on turret blowing it up. See Hulk, dile precision strike to kill.. get blown up by teammate, fall from tower, drop strike..teammate dies from it. . 60 sec later throw precision strike on bot fabricator.. teammate charges in.. ??? gets killed..??? kicks me. Ppl like him don't belong in this game if they freak out over getting blown up 😂
@thebluehat6814 Ай бұрын
my sweet summer child there's no power fantasy I want my fucking PRIMARY weapon to actually kill enemies
@cjthenarhwalking1378 Ай бұрын
​@@ExpertAtAlltotally agree I don't want to feel like MasterChef or doomsayer cutting through enemies. But I also don't want to feel like I'm fighting robots with a super soaker.
@gamephreak5 3 күн бұрын
and keep in mind, for the game's first 4 months, the game was available across all 180 countries. When the PSN requirement was suddenly dropped, unannounced, that's when Valve permanently delisted the game from all 177 countries that don't have access to PSN, predicated on what Sony plans to do or say. To this day, the game is still delisted from 177 countries people used to have access from. It never reached those huge numbers in those early months since then, and will never again as long as PSN is a thing and exists on PC.
@paparoach3071 Ай бұрын
Play HD2 if you love abusive relationships! “I promise ill change for the better!” many months later “omg how are we still here? How did this happen again?! I know ive gotten worse and i know youve told me everything i need to change and get better, but just how? Im so disappointed… I thought youd like that?” (They knew damn well we wouldn’t like that shit)
@darthtoaster1759 Ай бұрын
This is really the best and most grounded exploration of the downfall I've seen. It's easy to tell this is coming from someone who has really played
@GalaxyKane Ай бұрын
Helldivers 1 had MUCH better weapon balance. They actually worked.
@el_androi1203 2 күн бұрын
For me it was definitely the frustration of continuously grinding for things only for them to be nerfed the second I unlocked them. As well as how unfun the higher difficulties started to feel when I was forced to play them in order to unlock major upgrades.
@jakedizzle Ай бұрын
As far as the guns are concerned they should add more DOT weapons. An incendiary assault rifle would be fun. Start adding acid weapons too.
@jahjah7940 9 күн бұрын
They had great passion and ideas for the game, you could see they really cared! What happened? I can’t imagine they got bored or don’t know what to do next considering how Helldivers 1 had a lot of stuff and care back in the day. The guy in charge of ‚balance’ (the guy who worked on Hello Neighbor 2 and whatnot) is a moron and should have been fired immediately. The nerfs to fire damage as the new fire warbond came out seems like blatant sabotage!
@phobicbigot Ай бұрын
Great vid brotha. Dude what is happening in the industry. I can’t understand it.
@standardmax4373 13 күн бұрын
The devs already had the win! All they had to do was update it regularly. They chose to make stupid decisions that progressively made the game WORSE.
@yonkadingo3683 Ай бұрын
About the Warbonds, I think it would be cool if they expanded on already released warbonds. If Arrowhead keeps releasing warbonds at this place, it’s going to be super overwhelming for new players to decide which warbonds they should get. Especially since each warbond varies heavily in quality and that all the good weapons are in different warbonds. If arrowhead wants to make a different kind of weapon and armor, make a new warbond. But if they want to add another laser, explosive, or flame weapon, add it to the already existing warbonds.
@knix5394 16 күн бұрын
I was playing almost everyday for a couple months when the game released. It was such a breath of fresh air because it was all co-op and you could go rogue and play on your own. People genuinely wanted to play and it restored my love for gaming. However, when weapons started to get nerfed the game took a turn for the worse. I haven’t played it in months now and probably won’t.
@humaninthemaking9024 Ай бұрын
I just tried to play today. I was able to get into 2 games in random and when I played if felt like everything I did was pointless. I'm not sure if I'm coming back tbh
@iHeartAMP Ай бұрын
Yeah... I just bought it and felt underwhelmed. It gets better with friends, but it feels more like a chore. I guess I was too late
@samturner6061 Ай бұрын
There is a bullet flinch and stagger mechanic in the game. I think a veteran Helldiver should have nerves of steel and far greater poise than a cadet. I propose we gain 0.75% reduction to stagger and bullet flinch every single level, until we cap out at 100% at level 150 and no longer are burdened by these mechanics. This would make a clear mechanical distinction between cadets and super privates and it would not amount to them just clearly being way more powerful who can kill things instantly. And kinda fun to grind at.
@mitchellsink2584 Ай бұрын
I would have loved helldivers to have a progression system like the old Mag game. You could build your character in a specific way, and when you reach max level and get tired of the build, you can prestige start over and try a new build with additional perks for prestiging.
@ollydavis2495 13 күн бұрын
The devs made a fun sandbox game and balanced it like it was an eSports ranked focused game.
@redtarget5275 Ай бұрын
It's cringe how you're takinf a middle-of-the-road stance and not actually saying anything. Content creators need to break away from this habit for me to take them seriously.
@TrueCicero 18 күн бұрын
His video can be summed up like this, "Helldivers is fucking up, they have one more chance, here's how they can fix it." How is that middle of the road? Did you watch the whole video?
@adamdurham16 Ай бұрын
Space Marine 2 I hope is good. But nothing in the gaming industry plays like Helldivers 2.. nothing. Heavy combat calling down heavy ordinance, it truly is a second to none game.
@Logan-il1rw Ай бұрын
“Helldivers 2 is live service done right!!” 😄 6 months later: “The disastrous rise and fall of Helldivers 2” 💀
@johnskelington Ай бұрын
6 more months later: "Was I wrong about Helldivers 2?" 🤔
@Mugthief Ай бұрын
Their business model is still the same, and they still have all the same components to be the best example of a live service. They're just doing nothing good with it. So the video title would be more like "The Infinitely Squandered Potential of Helldivers 2". But thanks for the ideas!
@treya5303 29 күн бұрын
This game is dead. Perception has killed it. The devs have convinced the general player base they will nerf everything until running is meta.
@thighdeology1980 Ай бұрын
I quit playing after the second nerf. I refused to suffer their bullshit anymore.
@tristanilletschko6700 15 күн бұрын
The fact that the first ever patch notes I've ever read being that a chain link fence can block a flame thrower is wild
@NickWebb-lc6ry Ай бұрын
The only thing I disagree with in this video is that this was not their last chance, Warhammer 40k Space marine 2 is coming in 3 weeks. Helldivers is one of my favorite games of all time, I got full Platinum achievements, but Warhammer 40k is about to take over gaming, the Helldivers lobby is about to sound like crickets, and look like a ghost town. I am sure I will still play helldivers in my life a good amount, at some point, but its about to be collecting dust for all of us in a few weeks. The Warhammer Space marine 2 developers are about to show the Helldivers developers what players want our weapons to feel like in a horde co-op game. I think this patch was their last chance, and sealed the deal on a lot of people making that WH40kSM2 pre-purchase.
@marchindley9856 Ай бұрын
Bro say Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 again
@robbertvanhovendingelstad6205 Ай бұрын
Never pre order.
@Mojaveknight17 Ай бұрын
All online games fall even fornite
@piens51 Ай бұрын
Yup. People just dont get that hype dose not last forever baring few relly rare exceptions. The games still really popular.
@RyuShinkuuHadoken Ай бұрын
Fortnite has so many different modes like car racing, Rock band, Lego which is like Minecraft and a bunch of stuff that you just play for "fun", but Helldivers 2 developers are like: "fun"? No, we do not do that here.
@SpinosaurusStudios_ Ай бұрын
⁠@@RyuShinkuuHadokenYou forgot Fortnite screwed over battle royale players since Chapter 3 Season 3, and these modes they crammed into fortnite have all died. Rocket racing, rock band, etc are all dead. Lego barely keeps above 60,000 players. And by focusing on garbage, fortnite lost a majority of its players.
@jjmm210 7 күн бұрын
Me and my friends went from playing this religiously to not at all they ruined everything 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️
@HelgastJon Ай бұрын
1:01 what is not normal is the peak of Helldivers 2, for such a small game, they where like what? Number 3 on steam? Above COD? That ismore of a cultural thing thanks to streamers and word of mouth, game today still has more players than what they expected.
@andrewphoto4750 Ай бұрын
Not more than warframe
@Degarth Ай бұрын
Reasons to come back and play? They just dropped a patch today that makes a whole three fewer things crash the game. ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED!!? Rush back to HD2 for the thrilling 3 fewer things that will crash the game, everyone!
@mercenarygundam1487 Ай бұрын
Can they come back? When cows fly.
@scrillthebeast2066 Ай бұрын
They didn’t make the weapons useless at the top difficulties only, they made them useless at ALL difficulties, don’t nerf weapons when it’s not broken and everyone enjoys them
@blampfno Ай бұрын
Man, small creators are becoming just as bad as mainstream gaming journos. Sad times.
@Derrtysouthpaw714 Ай бұрын
Crying babies
@mcdull68 Ай бұрын
I think a big contributing factor is the developers ditching their game and going on vacation in July, not giving themselves time to develop updates in August, leading to the player’s great disappointment after a whole July of waiting. They thought they were out of the woods, took a break, ended up not having anything to deal with the monster.
@stangthysavageidk6776 Ай бұрын
Seen yesterday 60k divers why everyone wanna se the downfall of games yeah game has problems but doom posting ain’t gonna help it get better
@big_petebear8535 Ай бұрын
If someone is driving towards a cliff and you say "stop!" is that also doomposting🤡
@shoulderpyro Ай бұрын
He never said the game was dying, just that AH is making mistake after mistake (nevermind constantly lying) and some people.. well, 90% of the playerbase rather, will not be putting up with that BS any longer
@boshwa20 Ай бұрын
Indie game devs should NEVER let praise get to their head. They start to think because they're a small team making better games than most AAA titles, they can do whatever they want
@jlstruyde Ай бұрын
Disastrous downfall? Its 6:44pm eastern time according to the app (im away from my ps5) it is above 45k on a monday afternoon... to say this game is on a downfall or dead the game would have to fall bellow what they originally expected. 11k. Or 9k(what the first game peaked at)...
@Ancor_Vantian Ай бұрын
You know that, I know that, _he_ knows that but this is Twitch streamer with an audience comprised of mostly 12 years old who take his word at face value. He knows he can just lie because kids won't do the bare minimum of fact-checking.
@JanHerbatka Ай бұрын
@@Ancor_Vantian Only 10 years olds will think this game isn't dying....You morons just blindly follows what ither streamer says without thinking for yourself...
@erikcrawford1505 25 күн бұрын
i feel like the main problem with pretty much every major nerf, is because they were nerfed because of a bug, then they fixed the bug, and never reverted the nerf. railgun being op when playing with crossplay? make it bad even with the bug, then fix the bug and compound the problem. eruptors explosion is sucking in enemies? get rid of the shrapnel and reduce the explosion, then fix the explosion.
@erikcrawford1505 25 күн бұрын
also they giving the reasoning of “realism” for nerfs against players, but so much stuff in the game that hurts players isn’t realistic at all, but i don’t see them trying to fix or buff that stuff because “realism”
@frankhammar9003 Ай бұрын
I appreciate this video and your discourse on this. But the title feels misleading in contrast to your initial statements in this video, which is a bit odd? The community on the main Helldivers reddit is throwing a fit after long festering negativity, some justified, some not. It's a decently sized update. All features of which, were advertised and communicated to the community ahead to a T. There's a couple of nerfs, and the fire one is more significant if that's your main play style and poorly timed with the release of a fire focused Warbond. But that's it - compared to a long running list of 30+ new features, enemies, buffs, and fixes. I think it was a feat on its own that they pushed a significant update during end of summer. Most of Sweden is off on vacation July-August for a 4 week period, and they still managed put out a significant update - an update that the community has pressed for for months, and most likely Sony as well. It's worth remembering that Arrowhead is still a small studio, and they made the choice of not over-hiring during their initial success to avoid layoffs as things cooled down, while also not trying to work their team into the ground. All in all, they seem to be managing an unexpected hit game quite well. Is it not exactly what some in the community built it up / wanted it to be? Sure, that's worth talking about. Does it warrant review bombing on Steam along with predictions of a failing game? Yikes, no..
@piens51 Ай бұрын
Yup. Comunity on reddit basicly is drowning in salt whenever any nerfs come by. Never mind that they buff more than nerf or that the game mehanically and content wise is in way beter place than ever before. Granted there are some real problems there being brought up but those are deowned out by salt.
@MeowLesty Ай бұрын
What review bombing? Most of the reviews on day 1-2-3 after the update released were not organized at all. People are just fed up with nerfs. And yes there were a few this patch but they were directed directly to the fan favorite weapons and the buffs to the other less used weapons albeit welcome they are mostly very minimal or side grades. Basically even in this update they left the players feeling weaker than last patch while the enemies got leagues stronger (See armored striders and Impalers with 165m of effective operational range that also ragdoll you for miles and look like rocks when most planets are filled with fucking giant rocks already) When a game that was a diamond in the rough gets taken apart and from a potential diamond you turn into a giant turd. Excuse me if the community lets their voice be heard the easiest and most direct way to communicate their anger. I bet all those negative reviews would go away if they actually buffed things properly and not with a dropper like if it was a pvp game, nobody cares if you run a full meta loadout or if you drop in using a Scythe, Default pistol and 3 minefields and a Tesla Tower in a PvE game (at least people that arent assholes dont). Just make the earlier difficulties easier with buffs and make the harder ones at least possible to complete by actually killing the enemies instead of running away for 30 minutes then extracting.
@ebonygyro8736 28 күн бұрын
"HD2 community, we hear you! We love this game and we know you do too! Therefore, we have decided to nerf the railgun!!"
@jax5683 Ай бұрын
If Helldivers 2, a game that lets you grind for premium currency, a game that doesn't time-gate the battle-pass, a game where the devs actually listen to players, dies, then gamers deserve $100 dollar microtransactions in $70 dollar games.
@minakatahizuru Ай бұрын
Devs noticed fun and then proceeded to remove it.
@maximoguerra4619 Ай бұрын
The lack of progress is the worst thing but apart of that the game is fun to play and we keep playing despite the lack of progress and when they nerf the things that makes the game fun it just pisses everyone
@InspiringBard 7 күн бұрын
I'm going to have to coverup my helldivers tattoo with a space marine tattoo.
@paulespino6462 Ай бұрын
Liberty and Patriotism is dead because Arrowhead Devs nerf'd it death.
@jeremy6647 28 күн бұрын
that wasn't a expansion that was pig disguised as a expansion
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