It was great fun having you over to scape, really appreciate everything you did and the scape turned out so well. I’ll definitely post some updates in a few weeks once some livestock is added.
@MegGreeneSmithАй бұрын
Beautiful! I think gold ring danios or white cloud mountain minnows would work well in there. I can't wait to see what it looks like as it grows in.
@shunsuijiraiya2674Ай бұрын
White cloud mountain minnows would fit the theme well.
@jonathannorth531Ай бұрын
looks good - would be nice to see in a few months once grown in. nice idea to wrap the cables to keep them tidy - but considering location would have used a white cable wrap instead, and had the cable run down the right end of the tank instead of left
@alexb_aquaticsАй бұрын
Hello, the black wrap came with the tank and we actually discussed swapping it out for white before we began filming but obviously couldn’t get it done on the day. The cables also don’t reach if the light is placed with them in the far corner so I need to get a new extension lead (basically it’s all bad planning on my part). I have since popped a snake plant in the gap to hide the cables as a short term solution.
@FinkeldinkenАй бұрын
Love it already, and come on, Tanichtys! Some sort of those, like…is it called kuehni? On top of the kubotai and shrimps!
@ShirleyBobbitt-m7yАй бұрын
This tutorial was incredibly helpful for me!
@darrenslater9762Ай бұрын
A tank full of male Endlers would look amazing 😊
@BradPorter-e9xАй бұрын
I don't know how you do it, but what you do, you do very well! Nice work, George! Microdevario kubotai are ones!
@AH-AquaticsАй бұрын
This looks great, very similar to something I am planning with the dragon stone.
@WarrenFahyAuthorАй бұрын
Nice compact artistry.
@chrisso1973Ай бұрын
Terrific project guys, thanks for sharing! Regarding the wood, do you know the name of the actual plant? Chances are it may go by other names in other countries and it’s otherwise hard to pinpoint. Cheers. 👍
@oilpatch432Ай бұрын
The Fibonacci sequence is important for many reasons. In nature, the numbers and ratios in the sequence can be found in the patterns of petals of flowers, the whorls of a pine cone, and the leaves on stems. As the sequence continues, the ratios of the terms approach a number known as the golden ratio.
@vesawuoristo4162Ай бұрын
Very nice!
@yashtapase3821Ай бұрын
We neeed updates in this tank ❤
@HeRo-qd6tkАй бұрын
❤ super nice ❤
@WarrenFahyAuthorАй бұрын
Fish, then!
@stoneysscapes7544Ай бұрын
Clay ?
@piotrrakoczy7818Ай бұрын
Whoever designed this light should serve a prison sentence 😂
@no-knickers-emma1112Ай бұрын
Very deceiving. Looks a lot bigger then the footprint you provided