GLORY TO GOD ALONE!! Glory to YAHEW! Father son spirit the trinune unity Godhead is pure perfect and shall be exalted!
@jeremynethercutt20611 ай бұрын
@gordoncrawley5826 Жыл бұрын
So good to hear right teaching. We are born again by God's decree which is laid out in the Gospel. If you believe, then you are saved. Like Pastor Tom Ascol says, we just take God at His Word. The Great Judge says, I declare you justified, made righteous in my sight when you trust in the Gospel of Christ, and nothing else. This is where we must start. Like in this life we are born into the world, to start life, likewise, born of the Spirit, to start the new life. (John 3) Then along the way, according to God's Word and the power of the Spirit, we become sanctified. Justification has to logically precede Sanctification, it can be no other way. We cannot get salvation by good works, or any other means, so it must be Gifted to us. God gives people life in the flesh, and according to His will, He gives spiritual life to those He chooses to. When God puts His Spirit in us we have a mind change, we see things completely differently, like new software being installed in us, the mind of God. With that new mind, our lives are changed, doing what is righteous, instead of doing what is not righteous, and ever more so as we grow in Grace. This is all very Good News, especially if we understand that it is God who is doing it. If you have come to Christ in faith, rejoice in your new life and follow in the way of the Lord. Get into the Word of God and a good church, like this one, because it is expedient for your growth in Christ. P.S. Just a little more biblical logic based on Romans 1:16 ...the Gospel is the Power of God unto Salvation. If the Gospel of Salvation is a free gift, and it is communicated through the seed of the simply put Gospel Message, then the message must be Made Known. God gives the Spirit, but as fellow workers of God, we give the Message. The Gospel is preached in Churches, but it has to be made known outside the church, for the majority of those who never go there. If you are bashful, at least place true Gospel Tracts in places where people will find them. News Papers, Magazines, Laundromats, on Benches, in mail you send out, just to name a few. Give them to people and say something like, "here is some Good News for you." Most of us have a PRINTING PRESS in our homes, hooked to our computers. Make your own tracts using bible verses and save them to your hard drive. Cut them out with an inexpensive paper cutter, pray, and then you are ready to go, into all the world. (Matthew 28:18-20) The Gospel is powerful, but it must be made known to a spiritually dying world. Trust God, that He will make your efforts fruitful, and save souls. Take heart, many have at first rejected, but came later, the seed being planted. Justification is accomplished by Christ's work, but evangelism, making it known, is the weak link in the building of Christ's Church today. Are you a Christian? Then you are Commissioned and given Authority to go and make known the Glorious Gospel of your Lord and Savior. Do not let the Devil, or any scoffers, stop you from doing that! IF HE COULD DIE, THEN WE CAN TELL.