The Entire World Under Napoleon - Victoria 3 France World Conquest Guide - 1.4.1 Patch

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@krait5645 Жыл бұрын
Sad you didn’t finished, but a world conquest is always impressive, even if nearly finished only. Great vid !
@TheSuperappelflap Жыл бұрын
So, the reason for the EIC play where they became independent is that the game logic for AIs to join on some side of a war or another is pretty complicated, and the devs didnt build in a check where a subject cant join a war on the other side of their overlord without first becoming independent. Total War had the same problem for a long time. Simple oversight and it should be very easy to fix if you submit your savefile with a bug report. It would literally be 1-2 lines of code. If the devs care to fix it. Creative Assembly took years.
@Tarkusarkusar Жыл бұрын
Interesting. In its own sort of way, it does kind of make sense
@TheSuperappelflap Жыл бұрын
@@Tarkusarkusar Specifically in total war it was a problem where a vassal could get on the wrong side if they were declaring war on someone you allied, or another vassal. as their overlord, you would have to choose a side. you cant keep both. that would force you to take a reliability hit by abandoning an ally. it could also happen in reverse if a 3rd party you were allied with declared war on your vassal. recent patches forced AI to not be able to declare war on other factions subjects, but instead have to declare on overlord, and subjects themselves can't declare on allies of their overlord, because theyre not independent. unless the overlord isnt involved politically at all through any trade agreement or alliance. if you are not in any allegiance with a faction your AI vassals are free te declare war on that faction. defensive or military allies can declare war on each other if they are not allied to each other and then you do have to take side. in this game it seems more that your subject can join a third party war on the wrong side which is a bit different. but the fix is the same, vassals shouldn't be allowed to join or declare war in any conflicts involving the overlord. which is also the entire historical reason for having vassal states. it may sound a bit complicated but its a very easy fix in the game logic. just a few if statements.
@TheSuperappelflap Жыл бұрын
@@Tarkusarkusarits actually a fun programming exercise for game AI. can_declare_war(self, other) = { if (self.overlord == other.overlord) : return false elseif (self.overlord == null) : return true; elseif (other.overlord != null) : eval(can_declare_war(self, other.overlord); else: return true; } that should just about fix it :) only problem from here is if diplomatic plays start and then a party in the play is vassalized in the mean time. maybe thats what happened in your game. and this is not taking into account recursive levels of subjects but that should already be implemented in the game, considering you can inherit subjects from nations you annex
@donpollo3154 Жыл бұрын
'Victoria 3 is a realistic Victorian politics and economic game!' Also Victoria 3:
@thegreatbowald750 Жыл бұрын
I always love your choice of music for your videos. I never would have though the RoR ost went with Paradox games, but it works so well!
@Esteban-zo6fw Жыл бұрын
Im glad I'm not the olny one thinking on background music too
@Abd121 Жыл бұрын
> Plays France > Conquers everything except Algeria
@juicebox6581 Жыл бұрын
I had a similar instance where trying to conquer/puppet/break up a nation ended early with a civil war. I had a 10 year war with mega germany (austria formed) as GB and when I was finally next door to Austria's capital, civil war fired and all I got was war reps
@GregMcNeish Жыл бұрын
Another way to increase your diplomatic play efficiency is to NOT puppet large countries that have local expansion opportunities, but to make them dominions instead. This generates only half the revenue from having them as a subject, so puppets are still king in most cases, but only dominions can start their own diplomatic plays. In this video, you demonstrate that potential by highlighting that the East India Company (transferred from Great Britain as a dominion) mopped up all the Indian principalities. If you'd done the same with even the weakened Germany required to subjugate them, they still would have been in position to gobble up all those north German minors into your empire. Another thing to consider is that if a country joins a diplomatic play but without adding a war goal of their own, they won't become a negotiating member unless you add a war goal against them. This can be extremely valuable in situations where you are faced by a big coalition, or if you have a desire to keep this war short for some other time consideration (such as having a truce expiring soon that you want to capitalize on, or you're waiting for a civil war to play out before you strike). Especially if you're running low on points to spend on additional goals, it might not be worth spending all the time it will take to capitulate Qing for one measly state. Better to have a quick war now and go all-in next time they intervene to grab 3 or 4 states at a time. Finally, when it comes to true World Conquest games (not just "big empire" but fully painting the map), it's worth remembering that the minimum prestige threshold to remain a Great Power or Major Power is determined as a fraction of the prestige the #1 Great Power has. So, chopping down Great Powers (and Qing) by taking states lowers their prestige, but building your own prestige also moves them towards minor power status. Especially if you can put them in a weak position in the early game like you do here with Great Britain, turn your focus instead to the rest of the world, gobbling up as much of the global economy as you can (since subject GDP contributes to your prestige pretty much on par with your own GDP), while avoiding time-consuming struggles with Great Powers (by not adding war goals against them). Keep an eye out for protectorate agreements and see if those nations have alliances you can exploit to conquer them without fighting their overlords. Hollow out the world standings so that the only nations left are the big nations and the tiny micro-states, and THEN focus on chopping down the Great Powers. At that point, you'll have raised your own prestige so high that you have to do a whole lot less chopping than you would at the start of the game. Fewer wars to accomplish subjugation means better Diplomatic Play economy.
@afridge8608 Жыл бұрын
The eic didnt mop up the other principalities because they were a dominion instead of a subject. They literally have a decision to annex one of them every few years
@Tarkusarkusar Жыл бұрын
The only reason dominions can be annoying is that they may join wars against you relatively often, and you can't use them to create more fronts. I can see your point though. A good dominion like, say, Mexico, might conquer states in central america if you're lucky, but I find my dominions tend to be pretty passive sadly. The only reason the EIC did so much is that they have a button in their decisions to annex princely states. Your point about avoiding adding too many negotiating members is legit though, and yeah, I could see it being more useful to never split one's attention between powers. Good advice. I did know about how great power prestige is measured, and it is important to keep in mind for sure. It's definitely a strategy to entirely focus on the non-Great power world first, and come back to them later. I'd have to experiment to try it. Thanks for the advice!
@GregMcNeish Жыл бұрын
Thank you both for the reminder regarding EIC. I haven't played as then, so it must have slipped my mind.
@Craken_401 Жыл бұрын
The end game lag is AWESOME
@killerboy4261 Жыл бұрын
Imagine this guy goes to be president:yeah I sacrificed some of the rural folk but it's not an issue cause now they boost standard of living☠️
@GrammynMr Жыл бұрын
I played it the way you did but for some reason no one wanted to cut me down. Everyone hates me yea.. but for some reason they're all fine with me taking the home counties, EIC and the other two states - I also added war rep.
@nikolasmaes99 Жыл бұрын
Et voilà bravo hahaha
@cantalope6980 Жыл бұрын
i’ll always be mad at u cause none of my games go like yours
@Tarkusarkusar Жыл бұрын
skill issue.
@cantalope6980 Жыл бұрын
@@Tarkusarkusar facts
@xModerax Жыл бұрын
Stupid AI never declares cut down on me
@vnnwrywn Жыл бұрын
Same. Prussia did it after the peace deal.
@survivalviability4901 Жыл бұрын
You mad lad
@Hazzardbaby 8 ай бұрын
I was able to pull off the opening gambit as france in 1.5.12; I took Home Counties, Midlands, Yorkshire, Indian Ocean Territory, and transferred EIC. Main difference was that Prussia started with an interest in england which caused me to start with a front on France. This turned out to be a blessing though, as england sent all of their troops there leaving the home island undefended. sent an army to alsace that I bolstered with 100 conscript infantry and set to defense. Naval invaded the home counties and east anglia (can only naval invade a province with one army in current build). Took those two provinces and set the two invading armies there to defense, added 20 inf and 20 art conscripts to each. kept my smallest army (armée d'afrique) defending picardy. After war started, Austria did a cut down to size which I instantly accepted and reset infamy. war finished 06/26/37 and france now controls chunks of england and the EIC. To make the war go smoother I maxed mil wages and mobilization supplements. They might not have been necessary, but I felt it was worth going a few mil in debt to pull this off.
@zorcoom5485 Жыл бұрын
been sitting here for 25 minutes the anticipation is wild
@adrix_wastaken2196 Жыл бұрын
Oh no. ITS ALL FRANCE😭😭😭😭😭
@Flompi801 Жыл бұрын
Vic 3 is not a map painter be like
@loganmelvin1102 Жыл бұрын
Why dont you use performance mods to make late game better?
@WTF2BlueTiger Жыл бұрын
For some reason in my Russia game I can invite Qing to my customs union, it's +50 +30 +25 +1 vs -100 -7 and somehow ends on 0 lol. But that's without an obligation. I think it would kill my economy that game so I never bothered though
@wiktorlesniewicz688 Жыл бұрын
You should add them, they will provide massive amount of pigments and silk which are hard to get and very importan. Also you can use their sugar to produce food
@ThePourf 8 ай бұрын
It's only cheat to use the IA leak
@lesperdants Жыл бұрын
Can you show how to conquer the world with Brazil?
@albert4860 10 ай бұрын
Maybe I'm just unlucky but I tried all manners of naval invasions on britain and doesn't matter if I have good naval support and twice their numbers I lose every battle. Really annoying.
@grahamrich9956 11 ай бұрын
It’s a bit silly how you can’t start an offensive diplomatic play when there is one targeting you. I sort of understand there being only one offensive play at a time, but the other way around doesn’t make sense imo
@TV-px2tb Жыл бұрын
Do you max out taxes at the beginning? If yes, when do you lower taxes? If i have higher taxation i can't keep up with the radicals, but if i have lower taxation in the early game i gain radicals from decreases in SoL
@TheKorbi Жыл бұрын
I only play Prussia, but what I do is have taxation at very high in the beginning, and I usually add more building sectors the first couple times I get a positive income. But then, the next two times I get positive income, I lower my taxes to high and then medium. After that I use the positive income for building sectors again. Only in the late game when I have conquered most of the world I lower taxes to low or very low. And I always have secret police as high as possible. So I always have tons of radicals, but it's not a big deal.
@TV-px2tb Жыл бұрын
@@TheKorbi well as long as it doesn't spiral out of control it's good. I just have the problem that when I do this, i can't even lower the radicals with increasing SoL (i'm talking 11 to 12.5). They just radicalize more and more with unfulfilled wishes from protests until i have one revolution after another.
@TheKorbi Жыл бұрын
@@TV-px2tb Revolutions are not that of a big deal for me, they rarely get over 80% radicalism with the secret police. I also carefully manage my generals and admirals to support only the useful political groups. Beijing with the extra legitimacy helps, too, but yeah usually I only get serious loyalists and less radicals in the late game when my sol gets to like 15 or so.
@TV-px2tb Жыл бұрын
@@TheKorbi i kiss your eyes my friend. I tried it out in a prussia run and Secret Police is the best law in that game. I passed every Law i wanted, no civil war and i had in my world conquest (currently 1908) 3 secessions only
@TheKorbi Жыл бұрын
@TV-px2tb I'm glad you enjoy it ;D How does the world look in 1903?
@seanc8142 6 ай бұрын
Organized but not robotic, knowledgeable but not showy, detailed but nothing lost; what a great video.
@nasser314 Жыл бұрын
Meh, directly controlled investment is too easy
@evannpalma2404 9 ай бұрын
@wheelman1324 Жыл бұрын
Pour la France!
@Hexapp Жыл бұрын
did you go communist
@aguy3664 Жыл бұрын
bazed paradox
@MondoChow777 Жыл бұрын
I never use speed 5 in favor of using speed 2 due to a methodical play style. So I don't really ever experience the performance issues. My longest session is currently in the year 2004.
@pelayla Жыл бұрын
calls his video a world conquest, but doesn't conquer the world FeelsWeirdMan
@dima9171 Жыл бұрын
What a balanced, defined finished game.
@youtuberobbedmeofmyname Жыл бұрын
@snoboreddotcom Жыл бұрын
Can we get some guides done without turning off autonomous investment? The controlled just makes things so much easier, and that makes these guides a lot less useful for any of us who prefer autonomous being enabled
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