Hey guys, this is just the beginning of what's to come, please enjoy! make sure to leave a comment and like so the algorithm gods don't screw me. D:
@senddeym22083 ай бұрын
We never get tired of watching you playing these amazing games, as only you can okay them. You are awesome, Jigz.
@Death-_-machine3 ай бұрын
My favorite series the main reason why u have so much respect and inspires me to keep trying ps3 speedruns almost got a sub 3 hour there but I'll keep trying
@radicalzombieraccoon24723 ай бұрын
Never get bored at watching Jigzaw play the evil withins!
@andrewclark88183 ай бұрын
I've been working through your backlog since discovering the channel (via your GDQ runs) and am very happy to have new ones to look forward to!
@davidjsaul3 ай бұрын
Both in six hours. I've been watching you for years and it's crazy how much you've personally optimised speedrunning this series!
@loansharkjoe66873 ай бұрын
Really impressed you managed to do all of this! Akumu is really tough. I've yet to finish TEW2 but I can appreciate the efforts for the first game because that's the one I have played. love your relaxed commentary and gameplay, hope to see more videos as good as this in the future.
@Arthur-up5pc3 ай бұрын
It has been almost a year since I watched one of your videos, and today you popped up in my mind suddenly, and what a coincidence, you returned with a new Video, anyway, welcome back. I'm looking forward to watching it.
@cloud2043 ай бұрын
Always satifying to watch, even after seeing your runs plenty of times
@Createreatereate-d1w3 ай бұрын
I love your videos so much. Thanks for keeping TEW fandom alive 👍
@Jack-xs7jx3 ай бұрын
Good to see you back Jigzaw
@viology693 ай бұрын
Joseph is such a standout character😍😻His complex personality and the way he adds depth to the storyline make him so memorable😳His role and development throughout the game truly enrich the experience😙🥴😉😉
@TheH3llraiser3 ай бұрын
I came for madness I stayed for sanity
@senddeym22083 ай бұрын
Man those TEW 2 glitches😂😂😂
@Man00lya3 ай бұрын
The Evil Within mentioned 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥
@dnemm3 ай бұрын
lock this guy up bro hes insane
@NnoperzZ3 ай бұрын
Would be cool if you'd return to attempt permadeath runs, that was some real challenge for the master of TEW like yourself.
@Hamza_abo_shnb3 ай бұрын
The legend has come back🎉
@BatttleBun3 ай бұрын
Finally, one last video before bed….
@JigzawKiller3 ай бұрын
Mom: Okay, you can watch one more video before bed The video:
@typohnebart3 ай бұрын
hell yeah, my evening is saved
@jankokressinger49523 ай бұрын
2:49:00 I dod not know that is possilbe. Im stuck killing that Thing. OMG