This sermon resonated with me deeply. As a former church member, youth leader, and Sunday school teacher, I’ve faced multiple instances of being offended, taken for granted, labeled, and treated as a last option by a leader who constantly showed favoritism. I was also insulted by a pastor who shamelessly called me "low IQ" simply because I refused to do something I knew was wrong. I narrowly avoided being sexually abused by another pastor. Additionally, a relative of mine who is also a pastor is a womanizer and a very pretentious man, which led to another painful experience. These events led me to stop attending church, and I found myself questioning if there is truly a God. Although I still believe in God, I have doubts about returning to church. I’ve preferred watching services online rather than attending in person. However, this sermon has made me reconsider finding a church that feels like family. I miss the sense of belonging that comes with being part of a church, especially since I don’t have a complete family and live alone. I recently attended church, but I still have doubts and pains that trigger me. I’m confused because being in church should make me feel better, but I find it hard to fully engage due to past traumas. I hope you can pray for my complete healing and that I find a church where I can truly fellowship with other Christians.