The farewell of Ali Asghar from his family

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sahel nomadic

sahel nomadic

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@unforgettable1329 5 ай бұрын
I am sad that ali asghar needs to leave the family ❤❤
@sahelnomadic2 5 ай бұрын
Ali Asghar's pride and youth have turned him into a man who likes to travel alone and live his own life. After Fatemeh's accident and death, Ali Asghar's heart and soul were shattered. He begged the engineer to let him leave and distance himself to find his own destiny. I hope to see him in future episodes. Good luck, Ali Asghar ❤️
@MariaBobzin 5 ай бұрын
Klein Reza du bist ein Genial Süßen Kerl, liebst dein Baba wie die gesamte Berge , du bist großartig. 😂 ❤❤❤❤
@LuzvismindaSuan 5 ай бұрын
Riza cries a lot he miss his again...Ali Asghar is right hand of Fatima I remember the first meeting of engineer he was young at the time...he help his mother all the time...sad to say that he find his own way..😢😢😢
@mereanacurrie 5 ай бұрын
Baba where is Fatimas carpet. The ones you bought are very beautiful. But Fatimas is better. I hope the bees around the house will go otherwise the children will get stung. I still don't like the nanny. And you are very mean not talking to that young girl
@Hann_1155 5 ай бұрын
@@MariaBobzinvacker beskrivning !
@charis-ann 5 ай бұрын
I pray for happiness, peace and success forAli Asghar. He is a good and lovable young man and will missed.
@gilleslepoder5456 5 ай бұрын
pas du tout il n a pas de reconnaissance envers l ingenieur
@joannelovett3025 5 ай бұрын
I think he's not happy because his dear mother Fatima died when engineer was driving..maybe he is STILL GRIEVING HER LOSS and cannot live there anymore without he..meybe he blames the engineer deep down inside... lik Mr. Ali did
@1Honeybee 5 ай бұрын
Everyone loves Ali because he helped Fatima a lot, he is a good young man
@noscontraele206 5 ай бұрын
Vamos nus. Unir e pedir pro senegrafista Abrir um canal pro Alí , pra nós seguir e ajuda,lo ,,,,,, faça isso senegrafista ,, e terá sussesso ,,,,
@kristinaperillo9350 5 ай бұрын
Engineer said to Ali asghar he is his family and considered a son sating soon you can build a house here and granting a portion of land for him. Ali said to come he just go to his cousins. engineer entrust to him a bank card to use when needed
@hui-yuanueberschaer4109 5 ай бұрын
100% agreed with you! 👍👍
@hui-yuanueberschaer4109 5 ай бұрын
@@kristinaperillo9350 that' very sweet, kind + generous of Mr. Engineer 🙏👍❤
@skevilouca7366 5 ай бұрын
I thought the engineer pay for his schooling,his clothes and whatever else he needs. Where would he go he leaves? He is Reza’s older brother
@maryelliott7654 5 ай бұрын
Hopefully he will be back soon. He’s a fan favorite
@carmengalindo8656 5 ай бұрын
I hope he back and continues with school he is very smart
@gilleslepoder5456 5 ай бұрын
@@carmengalindo8656 non il n est pas intelligent justement, ici vous avez l air de pensez qu Ali est bien, certainement qu il pourrait, etre bien, mais il ne fait pas d effort, il se fit assister par l ingenieur, je ne connais pas l education en Iran, mais payer des etudes a un jeune homme qui n a jamais ete a l ecole avant c est sur, il devrait etre content. dans une video il dit meme : je ne vais plus a l ecole, car c'est un faineant, qui veut faire ce qu il a envie. On le voyait plus, car il allait a droite a gauche, squattant partout. Cessez de le mettre sur une stele, c est un faineant, les mains dans les poches, pas d initiative
@ЛюбаИванова-ы2к 5 ай бұрын
Ну не знаю ,а нам показался очень положительный мальчик
@hui-yuanueberschaer4109 5 ай бұрын
@@ЛюбаИванова-ы2к 👍❤
@phuonglienle3495 5 ай бұрын
Tôi rất bất ngờ khi Ali Asghar nói rời nhà để đi cùng những người anh em họ hàng ! Nhưng tôi cũng rất tôn trọng quyết định của cậu ấy đối với anh em họ , vì đó là những người cùng huyết thống với Ali Asghar . Cậu ấy cũng nói sau này sẽ quay lại với kĩ sư . Tôi tin cậu ấy sẽ quay lại với các em ! Cậu ấy rất có trách nhiệm với mọi công việc ! Tôi chỉ thấy buồn cho kĩ sư vì Ali Asghar đang là trợ thủ tin cậy của anh trong công việc nhà , giúp cho kĩ sư có thể yên tám khi ra ngoài . Và như vậy việc chữa lành những vết thương của kĩ sư lại bị trì hoãn . Nhìn hình bóng Ali Asghar chìm dần trong bóng tối mà tôi buồn quá , nhưng biết làm sao , vì cuộc sống luôn nhu vậy nênphair chấp nhạn nó thôi ! Chúc Ali Asghar sẽ đạt được tâm nguyện của mình ! Chúc kĩ sư và các con mạnh khoẻ , cùng nhau vượt qua khó khăn nhé ! ❤❤❤❤❤
@JFK2008 5 ай бұрын
Ali asghar will be back .
@LyndaJones-p4y 5 ай бұрын
Sad to see Ali ashgar leave he is part of the family
@dorishelena4449 5 ай бұрын
HE has go to stidy, but, he always back on vacations
@annamariadonahue2520 5 ай бұрын
Because is not really a family ,is not the engineer is Amir from the daral colon I am surprise nobody know check it out
@EASutton 5 ай бұрын
This is to Mr Engineer coming from a Grandmother of 94 I hope that you will be wearing your seatbelts now that you have a new car.It’s proofing thing seatbelts save lives . I wish you and the children a great life.Greetings from Texas in the USA.
@spiritofva1955 5 ай бұрын
you talking to a wall. we all been telling him this even before the accident, l bet he dont drive as fast as he did. love this family we are just worried
@soniamariabordin9183 5 ай бұрын
É, sempre achei o Babazadeh um "pé de chumbo", afunda o pé no acelerador e também não tem atenção com portas do carro. Aliás, não é o único por aí!! Isso sinceramente, não é cultura. É falta de cuidado!!😢😢
@ajsdream 5 ай бұрын
Stay off that dang phone while driving. Don’t even answer it! Seatbelts
@sonyaaguirre8388 5 ай бұрын
His a wreck less driver doesn’t he remember what happened to Fatima. Especially when his driving with the kids.
@gilleslepoder5456 5 ай бұрын
@@sonyaaguirre8388 il n est pas le seul a conduire comme cela, cela doit etre quotidien en iran, dans toutes les chaines en iran, idem, personne ne met de ceinture de securité dans ce pays, bien sur que cela sauve des vies, mais pour Fatima je regrette il n y a pas que la ceinture de securité, il y a l inconscience de Fatima de tenir son bebe avec elle. Est ce a mr l ingenieur de lui dire de ne pas mettre son bebe avec elle a l'avant. Pas de siege de bebe. La responsabilité est aux deux, lui et elle. A l arriere, aucune ceinture de securité, idem. En Iran pas obligatoire d avoir sa ceinture de securité sans doute. Bien sur qu il ne devrait pas avoir Reza avec lui a l'avant comme il l a fait. Ingenieur ne veut pas dire Ingenu dans tous les sens du terme. C est un point vital de securité que j ai deja dit, que l ingenieur a l air d oublié. Les enfants a l arriere, devrait etre attaché bien sur. Lit il les commentaires de securité ? J espere. Sa responsabilité dans l accident de Fatima est tres importante : exces de vitesse, fatigue ( on s arrete quand on est fatigué), defaut de ceinture de securité pour lui et elle. Evidemment, qu il faut rouler moins vite avec un bebe ou enfant a boid, un siege a bebe a l arriere attaché, et ceinture de securié pour les enfants OBLIGATOIRE. J ai rarement vu des voitures de police sur la route, des radars il n y en a pas. On a l impression quand on voit les villages et ville, vivre au debut du siecle dernier, s il n y avait pas de telephonne portable.Des habitations pas finies, des mauvaises routes, etc...un pays riche en petrole et en gaz, laisse ses habitants et ses villes dans un etat deplorable.Comment voulez vous que les gens pensent a la securité, quand on voit un pays, avec un gouvernement qui n aident pas ses administrés. Ce sont des gens comme l'ingenieur, qui doivent aider les pauvres, pas d aide medicale, pas de droit pour les femmes, qui sont voilés, soumis a l homme. Excusez moi de cette franchise, mais pour que les gens respectent la secuirité et vive decemment, faut que ce pays evoluent au niveau sociale. L ingenieur et d'autres ingenieur aident comme ils peuvent,alors cessez de critiquer ces gens là, qui donnent sans compter, et ont besoin de soutien, et non des critiques sans arret sur Ali qui soi disant aurait ete mis a la porte par l'ingenieur, c est du n importe quoi. Bonne soiree a vous tous et toutes.
@AhWah-x3l 5 ай бұрын
So sad to see Ali Asghar leaving A truly right hand man of the late Fatimah ! Wish him the best of luck in his future endeavours He deserves it :) good luck Ali Asghar !
@hui-yuanueberschaer4109 5 ай бұрын
well said! 👍👍
@catherinebuchanan1757 5 ай бұрын
PatSpencer: I agree with you 💯! People are very hard on these poor people! Fatimah seen those two boys as her Sons!! No difference was made! This would make Fatimah so sad! Fatimah stood up to Engineer 's sister and husband when they belitted her for having tjose boys! Every time is would see AliAsgar at home with his brother and sisters it brought me great joy! I know it would bring Fatimah great joy! I hope AliAsgar teads some of these comments so he knows how much he is loved by people all over the world!💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 Much Love to all! God bless you all!
@nebijememisi8811 5 ай бұрын
Hej Sahel Familie Det ærgerligt at Ali tager afsted fra jer. Han er en god ung mand vi kommer til at savne ham ❤
@ЛюбаИванова-ы2к 5 ай бұрын
Всем жаль ну он так решил вы все слышали что его Инженер уговаривал остался ну увы
@londres193 5 ай бұрын
Es Dramatización
@РиммаДашина 5 ай бұрын
Али Асгер, зов крови. Инженер его не оставил без денег, карта поможет выжить ему и его родственникам. Со временем он сюда вернётся, я так думаю.
@klaramukhanova1903 5 ай бұрын
Да , жалко что наш любимый Али Асгар ушёл. Бедненький он не смог остаться после трагически потери Фатимы Ханум. Реза хотя маленький всё понимает что брат уходит от него. Дорогой Али Асгар пожалуйста не плач , у тебя вся жизнь впереди. И не бросай школу. И не бросай своего родного господина инженера и брата , сестёр. Они тебя любит. И мы зрители всей планеты любим тебя!❤❤❤❤❤ И надеемся что ты станешь счастливым образованным и великим человеком! Счастье тебе и твоим близким.😘😘😘
@klaramukhanova1903 5 ай бұрын
Извините, я расплакалась . Может поэтому написала всё с ошибками.. это очень трогательно.
@ՍիլվաԶոհրանյան 5 ай бұрын
Շնորհակալություն,պարոն ինժեներ,ճիշտ է,դճվար որոշում էր,բայց երեյի այս հեռավոջությոընը մի փոքր կօգնի Ալւ Ասգարին,որը իր հետ տարավ օրհնություններ ,աշլարհի բոլոր ժայրերից,մարդու խիղճը,սերը սահմաններ չունի,մի օր կվերադառնա կայացաժ ,ավելւ ուճեղ դարձաժ,շատ հոըզիչ էր ,մեծ սիրով ,Հայաստանից Ալի Ասգարսսսս,որդուս պես քեզ սիրեցի,օրհնանքս ,տղաս💕🕊️💋💋💋💋💋💋🇦🇲
@annewallis5728 5 ай бұрын
Yes I also love Ali and he felt so loved by Fatima. He must find it very hard without her. I do t want to see him leave.
@teirrahkorff1355 5 ай бұрын
😢😢be well Ali Ashgar. Love you lots. Hope to se you soon
@AJay-gc4et 5 ай бұрын
Ali Ashgar is still just a young boy, a teenager why is he leaving his brother Reza. He still needs family and a home . I’m sad he’s going , Gods blessing, be safe ❤🙏
@ОльгаСеменовна-ш4ъ 5 ай бұрын
Али Ашгар говорил инженеру. что Реза ему не брат. Просто так получилось . что они вместе оказались
@ЛюбаИванова-ы2к 5 ай бұрын
Я не слышала про это
@jboder 5 ай бұрын
If I recall correctly, Reza and Ali were stolen and held in a cave. Fatima found them. I could be wrong.
@anacarvalho3900 5 ай бұрын
​@@jboderEu acho que Ali,e as meninas de cabelos compridos são irmãos legítimos,e Reza e Sahel são irmãos.
@BrenzRoyer 5 ай бұрын
​@@jboderstory line change so Ali won't be needed😢
@michaeldavis4914 5 ай бұрын
This is unbelievable.
@paolabetinaquihiliaborda3991 5 ай бұрын
Me da mucha pena q Ali Asghar se haya ido, ahora no va a estudiar ni va a progresar , ojalá vuelva!
@ineliorojas7980 5 ай бұрын
It is so sad.I hate that this wonderful boy is leaving.I think i'm gonna lead the show too
@cyndichabert3372 5 ай бұрын
Hello from America, Mr Engineer keep loving all your children, they need you and you need them! You all need to heal the children are still adjusting to the loss of their mother. mr. engineer, you are also adjusting to become a single father to all these precious kids. Be patient and don’t be afraid to discipline the children if needed. I noticed you had books today in the house, which made me happy! build a swingset where all the kids can play ! Mr. engineer you are doing a great job sending you prayers and hugs!
@cathleenbodiker9292 5 ай бұрын
God's blessings and protection for Ali Ashgar
@AgnesMalindi-sd7ti 5 ай бұрын
Why is Ali leaaving the family, he helps Engeneer sooo much, where is he going now😢😢😢😢
@sahelnomadic2 5 ай бұрын
@dorishelena4449 5 ай бұрын
@torhildhovde6458 5 ай бұрын
My be its to much work for him. He is just a boy.
@朱秀桂-r3y 5 ай бұрын
@gundegmaaO511 5 ай бұрын
Hello my loveable family.Why did Ali Asghar leave home from his siblings?? He is a very good boy.Dear Engineer, may his children be healthy and happy always.God bless them all.
@patspencer7079 5 ай бұрын
Engineer is doing his best. Placed in a parental role alone after a tragedy with 4 kids how hard it must be. His is new to this and full of love. Give him a break as he figures out life.
@ShakilaSingh-m3v 5 ай бұрын
This us a very difficult situation for Sir to deal with. I think he is trying his very best.
@sonyaaguirre8388 5 ай бұрын
He should watch over the kids it’s his speeding driving that got Fatima killed and these kids without a mother. In the United States he would’ve been charged with negligence driving.
@freedomperez9758 5 ай бұрын
I agree
@SaberaAttarwala 5 ай бұрын
😢Sad that Aliasgar is leaving, is a hard working child. God bless him.
@noranavarro7275 5 ай бұрын
sad Ali Ashgar is leavimg/ He is such agreat help with the kids and a good role model.God bless him.
@MaryNiFiachra 5 ай бұрын
Aww poor little Reza is upset again. His brother shouldn't have left him. It's so much heartache for his little mind and heart.bless him
@therealpollyanna5846 5 ай бұрын
Reza is not his brother. You only have to look at Sahel and see they are true brother and sister.
@IrmaSmit-t7f 5 ай бұрын
Give him a candy or something sweet and he forget his brother😅
@lupemattison844 5 ай бұрын
Don't let reza on it he's to big.he or the other will break it.
@sonyaaguirre8388 5 ай бұрын
@@therealpollyanna5846and how do you know Sahel And reza are really brother and sister?
@sonyaaguirre8388 5 ай бұрын
@@therealpollyanna5846because they look a like? They could be cousins have you thought of that!!
@BarbaraLyles-p7k 5 ай бұрын
Good morning . Mr. Amir is doing g an excellent job with the bees. I enjoy watching him. Very secure and knowledgeable in his work. United States
@Sucaadnuur842 5 ай бұрын
Sooo sad to see 🙈 ali to leave the family forever ♾️ we will miss u ali
@yjosi5352 5 ай бұрын
If the engineer don't have any problem helping others financially or materially, he needs to open a charity organization in the village, and people can go there and ask for help. All kind of people keep coming to his home and distracting his livelihood. Quote unquote "some of the needy once" may probably abusing his generosity to the extreme. If he opened a charity organization, anyone who needs help needs to prove that he or she is below poverty line by due process. Doing this will help avoiding those opportunists. Over all, the Engineer is proven that he is a good father figure to all these beautiful kids. Treating them like his own. That is a blessings.
@elisa3430 5 ай бұрын
I watch this video twice so that i can understand The conversation of Mr.Engineer and Ali Asghar
@JFK2008 5 ай бұрын
Did you understand anything?
@elisa3430 5 ай бұрын
@@JFK2008 yah
@PatriciaCasanovamancilla 5 ай бұрын
Que pena por Ali es un buen joven y muy trabajador ,ahora que se va yobtambien dejare de ver este canal el tenia mucha tristeza no se sentia querido como parete de la familia solo lo utilizaron para el trabajo nada mas .
@AgnesMalindi-sd7ti 5 ай бұрын
I always see Engeneer driving without safety belts please put on safety belts it is good for you ❤
@bonnieeigelberger2058 5 ай бұрын
The man is an idiot. Seat belts would have saved Fatima. He was driving while tired. Speeding. Manslaughter.
@MargaretPepere-r1x 5 ай бұрын
I reckon that’s why the kids ain’t got mama anymore. Wear the darn seat belts that’s what they are for
@eneidareyes1735 5 ай бұрын
To engineer please i hope you change your mind about ali. He's a good kid. Pleasant, very helpful. The person that should leave is the brother that accused you of fatima demise. He's phony. Ali has always been very helpful. Hope you change your mind. This would be not a good decision.
@gilleslepoder5456 5 ай бұрын
c est ali qui a choisi de partir pas l inverse
@elenatandara2299 5 ай бұрын
Ce rau îmi pare sa se întoarcă aici e locul lui❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@tatatouti7715 5 ай бұрын
Ich denke ali asghar hat sehr viele Zuschauer die,ihn leben also er nimmt sehr viel Aufmerksamkeit das kann zum ingenieur nicht passen und aluasghar merkt dass nicht mehr wie früher war deswegen will er selbst gehen sowieso die letzten video waren nur fast Einkäufe essen the trinken
@hui-yuanueberschaer4109 5 ай бұрын
100% agreed with you! 👍 Dont' let good people go,........
@YHSim-p7p 5 ай бұрын
​​@@tatatouti7715if you compare the 4 kids with you think he is their sibling ? He just doesnt fit is as simple as that & he was never the attraction & he will never be.
@theresafemidavies9164 5 ай бұрын
Engineer, please wear your seat belt. Dont drive if you are exhausted. Too many people depend on you especially your kids. God's blessings always.
@terezinhagaronce7536 5 ай бұрын
Olá querido Engenheiro Babazadeh!! Deus os abençoe e proteja sempre 🙏❤ Triste porque Ali Asghar vai deixar a família. Ele é um rapaz muito bom, ajuda o engenheiro cuidando das ovelhas. Espero que ele volte logo pra família, ele sempre teve muita consideração pela Fátima e muito amor pelos irmãos. Grande abraço diretamente do Brasil para o engenheiro e milhões de beijos para seus lindos filhos ❤ grande abraço também para Ali Asghar.
@sahelnomadic2 5 ай бұрын
@ЛюбовьУсольцева-з8у 5 ай бұрын
А куда уходит Али Асгар я что то не поняла?
@rudinagrishaj9956 5 ай бұрын
Ali Ashgar e molto amato da pubblico e un ragazzo oro .educato buono e ti aiuta tanto non deve lasciare andare via .forse non si trova nel suo agio
@РиммаДашина 5 ай бұрын
Мне понравилось, что Али Асгер назвал инженера папой, это очень приятно. Он по сути сирота, родители мертвы, как сказал его двоюродный брат с гор. Помните, женщину с мальчиком? Это они сказали про семью Али - Асгер. А где его младший брат Али Реза? Куда делся? Сейчас летние каникулы.
@РиммаДашина 5 ай бұрын
Бабазаде, наведите порядок вокруг строений. Такой сильный бардак портит настроение. Блоки в одно место сложите, инструменты в другое, наведите порядок и красоту.
@gladysbringuela9246 5 ай бұрын
Poor boy Ali Asghar.. He treat Fatima kids like his sibling but they treat Asghar as a shepherd boy.. So sad to continue watching this channel..Mr engineer ali needs a father too.. Don't let him go. Do something..
@zoraidalopez1119 5 ай бұрын
Que episodio tan triste, como es que Ali Asignar se fue, si es un muchacho trabajador y muy colaborador en la casa, hermano de Reza,. Dios los proteja a esa familia. Estoy muy triste por la partida de Ali Asgnsr. Muchas bendiciones.
@shirleyvialva-leplatte7620 5 ай бұрын
Ali looks so sad😢, love you young man , may God continue to bless and keep you safe, I hope you get to see how many people all over the world love you 😢
@eyespy951 5 ай бұрын
Mr Engineer Saifullah, I am so blessed to have seen a kind, giving, loving and caring person who care about the poor and needy, the elderly the widows... this is very biblical, and because you dont expect anything back, there are people who just abuse your kindness. You are being a great role model not just for your children but to the viewers as well as the whole world. And thankyou engineer for offering to build a place for Ali asgha... i hope he returns to you. God sees all that u do and God is Absolutely Good Amen 🙏🏻 🙌 👏
@張瑞華瑞華 5 ай бұрын
@tess2538 5 ай бұрын
The children should never be left alone!!! So glad you got her a taxi to take her home . The woman worked so hard all day . I hope she gets some rest.
@marieceleste218 5 ай бұрын
Les enfantes désolée ont changé depuis leur séparation paresseuse ne s'occuper plus de la passer un coude balaie
@sher1lyn 5 ай бұрын
The story has changed. There's no continuity day to day. New people keep entering the story and leaving. It doesn't seem like the house and cave will ever be completed. I don't understand the purpose of the story anymore. This is not a tribute to Fatemeh. The girls are lazy now. They don't even wear the traditional clothes of their culture, as they did with Fatemeh. This is not what Fatemeh would have chosen for her family. Ali Asghar is leaving. Engineer Babazadeh needs to reevaluate the purpose of the story. He treats strangers better than he does Ali Asghar.
@UpulasiSuluvalePeko 5 ай бұрын
I hope Ali Asghar will come back n pls stop helping other people no use to you n your family those people you baby sistter tell you to help no good for you,helpout Ali Asghar he’s the one who hep the family a lots fr the begining ,your children are still young you need to complete the house in and out,pls let Ali Asghar come back to stay with you guys his bro n sisters,you have to adopt him too pls pls.❤️❤️💖💖💕💕🙏🙏😇😇🙌🙌
@eranakahukiwa3588 5 ай бұрын
Ali Asghar we will miss your presence, you have a caring heart for your cousins thats so awesome. At least you can return home to Engineer Babazadeh and the children when your ready too. Goodluck on your adventure Ali Asghar.
@jucianeazevedo3162 5 ай бұрын
Nossa chorei com a partida do ali agha ele era como um filho pra Fátima tou de coração partido
@tupufualaau3236 5 ай бұрын
Engineer Ali is good hard working young man Ali is your right hand with everything around house❤❤
@SerafinaMusi 5 ай бұрын
Ali tu ar trebui sa stai cu copii pentru ca tu iesti fratele cel mai mare și sa ai grija de iei 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
@auroramartinez-bw8mu 5 ай бұрын
@alejandrinavalenzuela9001 5 ай бұрын
Me duele el alma ver estos ninos asi solos como quisiera estar cerca Para ayudarle y que darme .ayudarle al Sr ingeniero a cuidarlo en la noche de dia pero estoy lejos aca en Los Angeles California Dios les bendiga siempre y los cuide de toda maldad 😢😢Dios te bendiga grandemente Sr ingeniero bendiciones Para todos ustedes ❤❤❤
@felicianoabby 4 ай бұрын
Oh wow bravo 👏🏻 for Mr. Amir, incredible the work with the 🐝 🐝🐝🐝🐝
@ineliorojas7980 5 ай бұрын
Ali is to help him protect Fatima and the family.He even fight for them.This is not okay😢😢😢
@จินตนากุลชาติ 5 ай бұрын
มันยากสำหรับอารีย์. เขาเลือกที่จะตัดสินใจไปใช้ชีวิตที่ยากลำบากกับญาติของเขา. เด็ก ๆ เศร้าที่ไม่มีพี่ชายอยู่ด้วย โดยเฉพาะ เรซ่า. น้องกาซาลเศร้ามาก เด็กต้องใจสลายอีกครั้ง. เป็นกำลังใจให้นะคะ ขอพระเจ้าอวยพรทุกคนในครอบครัวนะคะ ❤❤
@behzab.karimi 5 ай бұрын
به نظرم علی اصغر دید فامیل هاش دربه در هستن باهاشون رفت که ناراحت نباشن درود بر شما پسره با غیرت ❤عشق السون سنه علی اصغر
@Roula_00 5 ай бұрын
😢Πολύ κρίμα για τον Αλί Ασκάρ 😞😢φαινόταν ότι δεν ένιωθε και πολύ άνετα 😞σαν ξένος ,αποκομμένος από τους άλλους ☹️😔😢😢
@rosimereiris3571 5 ай бұрын
Que situação de Ali agahr😢 Muito responsável, não deixou os primos sozinhos!😢😢😢
@hildasaenz9898 5 ай бұрын
No No Ingeniero porque dejaste ir a Ali Asghar para mí el canal ya no será igual 😭😭😭😭😭😭 lo voy a extrañar mucho 😭😭😭😭
@lyubovn950 5 ай бұрын
Да неужели нельзя купить детскую прогулочную коляску с ручкой ,чтобы постоянно не носить на руках малышку???😮.
@spiritofva1955 5 ай бұрын
@wanieta9271 5 ай бұрын
Do they even have strollers there ?
@rosannataietta2899 5 ай бұрын
Anche se portate il dolore nel cuore noto con piacere che vi siete organizzati. Si nota la serenità e l'armonia che in breve tempo siete riusciti a creare. Consiglio ingegnere. Appena possibile la costruzione almeno di un'altra stanza, è l'installazione di un impianto fotovoltaico ad accumulo, vi sarà molto utile. Dall'Italia un affettuoso anntaccio🇮🇹😘🤗
@suelischnieder8582 5 ай бұрын
Engenhiro pare de carregar essa criança coisa chata
@BarbaraLyles-p7k 5 ай бұрын
Good afternoon Mr. Engineer and everyone. You have made this house into a beautiful home for you and your family. I understand why Ali Asghar had to leave but he will be back. He loves you and the children. He was sad to leave but felt he had responsibilities to his cousins. He has learned a lot from you. Bless his heart. You are such a loving, giving person and an excellent father. God bless you and your family. And the nanny loves being with you and taking care of the children. Bless her heart. United Sates
@NancyJewell-vg3ky 5 ай бұрын
Ali has essentially lost two sets of parents. I believe his leaving is his way of coping. These people are relatives probably distant but it has perhaps given him a sense of connection. He is young by years but old by experience life has dealt him. Instead of laming, pointing fingers, accusations we should appreciate the fact he needs to heal and grow into himself. His being there would help this family of course but they are burdened with grief as well. Being there is like rubbing salt into a wound. Baba continues to support him.
@notembamdeni3084 5 ай бұрын
I am hundred percent with you on that plus even the engineer is new in being a parent to those kids is still learning let's not judge him .Ali will come back when the time is good give him time and space to heal he needs that.
@周麗-h1i 5 ай бұрын
@สมทรัพย์ลาดขามป้อม 5 ай бұрын
Mr. Engineer is as generous as the ocean, giving some of his land to Ali. Akbar can build a house, tell Ali Laskar will to build a house on some land, tell the babysitter to go and tell people who need the product to come and harvest the barley that has been planted and use it, your soul. Really lofty. May God bless Mr. Engineer with good health, be loved by the common people and be a refuge for the needy and poor, have a prosperous life, be successful in work and what you desire, have a lot of money and gold, and Happiness forever. 👍🌹💗💖💝🥰😘🙏🏻🇹🇭
@AnnaGarciaBertran 5 ай бұрын
Toda esta gente con el dios te bendiga y no sé que más, tienen mucha cara y poca vergüenza.
@НатальяШтангей-э1з 5 ай бұрын
Вспоминаю как раньше Фатима очерь редко держала на руках маленькую девочку,ею занимались и носили сестры,сейчас это две ленивые девицы и виноват наш любимый инженер! А Резо так просто неуправляем!
@ПатиматАбдулкадырова-щ2ф 5 ай бұрын
Эти ленивые девицы в свою,покойную мать она тоже не особо,горела желанием шевелится! Они в том возрасте,что очень хорошо,все понимают! Спасибо,сказали бы,что этот инженер вообще их воспитывает! Ни все мужчины смотрят за чужими детьми! Они настолько,наглые что я иногда от их наглости в шоке бываю. Очень хорошо,могут эти девочки посуду помыть,подмести по дому,прибраться зачем когда есть лох инженер!
@gloriaterrones1742 5 ай бұрын
Es en vano las sugerencias solo vemos q no desean cambiar ellos viven así y es su entorno, teniendo las posibilidades de mejorar no lo quieren hacer 🤷🏿‍♀️
@Незнакомка-ч4о 5 ай бұрын
Абсолютно с Вами согласна . У Сайфуллы нет никаких способностей воспитывать детей . Девчонки матери всегда помогали , а сейчас стали ленивы , только из- под пинка поднимаются . Реза был непослушным , теперь вообще неуправляемый . Сахель ходить пора , а её постоянно на руках носят . Как детей не способен воспитывать , так и ко всем окружающим относится с чрезмерным спонсорством . Деньги направо и налево раздаёт , к нему приходят все, кому ни лень за помощью . Даже работников где-то находит таких , которые только поесть есть приходят . В общем , размазня , а не мужик .
@terezinhaamaromachado2582 5 ай бұрын
Muito triste por causa do Ali Asghar... pena que ele vai parar com seus estudos... mas... desejo que a sua vida seja plena de saúde e felicidade... outra coisa que me deixou nervosa... esse monte de abelha inclusive dentro de casa... me deixou feliz as compras que o engenheiro fez para a casa... mas... meu Deus porque não terminam essa obra... essa frente da casa que não dá bem para andar direito. Engenheiro estamos com vocês ❤❤❤❤🇧🇷🇧🇷
@AnnaGarciaBertran 5 ай бұрын
Reza tiene su bicicleta no tiene que aubirse a ese caballito,lo va a romper.Eso es para el bebé. No dejes que Reza haga lo que quiera.Hay que castigarlo,ahí hace falta más rectitud con todos y cada uno de los niños.Aqui en España decimos que se estan desmadrando todos.Hay que ser más duros con ellos.
@DALATVN 5 ай бұрын
😢 Chúc sức khỏe Ali asghar 🎉❤
@RosaSoler-o4u 5 ай бұрын
Buen día aquí en Argentina feliz de ver q la familia se organiza cada día mejor una sola costa ya,q los niños tienen su nana seria importante que les enseñen a las niñas bañarse ,peinarse,y cambiar su ropa todos los días.y ya está todo perfecto señor ingeniero los amo profundamente a usted y sus niños, DIOS LOS BENDIGA SIEMPRE
@shirleyvialva-leplatte7620 5 ай бұрын
Please engineer, reconsider letting Ali leave, he’s a good kid to his brother and sisters,we already lost Fatima, we don’t want to lose him too,you’re a good and kind person, I pray God’s blessings upon you and the children. Keep safe 😢
@MargaretWade-r4r 5 ай бұрын
@MaryNiFiachra 5 ай бұрын
He's Rezas brother, he is not going to go too far away from him.
@angelaackerman8934 5 ай бұрын
Only on script. Reza is engineer’s biological son. The four children you always see are real children of Fatemeh and Engineer. Another vierwe that is in Iran sad that Alireza, AliAsghar, a d Mohammad are real life brothers.
@dorishelena4449 5 ай бұрын
@BrandonL-d7y 5 ай бұрын
Doesn’t make sense.How can Ali Asghar leave his bro and join his cousin? Reza is his real brother.Sad to hear that.
@mercedesleyshon9606 5 ай бұрын
No he isn’t . Ali ashgar explained earlier that Reza was not his blood brother that he was found in the in the river rescued and that Alinasghar he looked after Ezra as his brother whereas the cousin is blood family .
@YHSim-p7p 5 ай бұрын
Maybe his so call cousins are his real siblings...they look alike. He simply go home !
@nora9392 5 ай бұрын
Missed him already. It’s different without Ali Ashgar. He is great to see just doing works around, helping and taking care of his siblings. Wish he is back soon or the show is going to be a bore. The others no comment.
@Mindy209 5 ай бұрын
Thank you Engineer Elah for helping Ali Ashgar ❤ He will return
@RadjumaDeleon 5 ай бұрын
Good luck Ali God bless you.🤲❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉
@mercedesavila4563 5 ай бұрын
Que gran sr con cuanto amor lo cuidas❤ de Argentina
@ФатимаКучмезова-е8б 5 ай бұрын
Инженер!купите шкафы для одежды.чтобы девочки могли аккуратности научились.чтобы они всю одежду разложили .и стол для учебы.чтобы могли сидя заниматься.и большое спасибо вам.за заботу о детях.
@sahelnomadic2 5 ай бұрын
@lilianhetherington5601 5 ай бұрын
why Ali Ashgar to have to.go😢😢😢
@tess2538 5 ай бұрын
Too popular?
@BrenzRoyer 5 ай бұрын
​@@tess2538I thought I was the only one who thought that😮
@nora9392 5 ай бұрын
Lots of viewers just love to see Ali Ashgar. He overshadows the rest of them. He gets plenty positive comments just by who he is. A joy to watch.
@tess2538 5 ай бұрын
@@BrenzRoyer Like me you are intuitive . It takes a lot to pull the wool over my eyes.x😉
@朱秀桂-r3y 5 ай бұрын
@karencoussons1966 5 ай бұрын
The Nanny is a god send to the family , she works hard and I am pleased she came back. Reza must listen to her and do as she asks.
@maureenholloway1818 5 ай бұрын
them children love there new dad I'm so glad he,s there for them may they be happy always together.❤❤❤❤❤❤
@Северноесияние-ы8с 5 ай бұрын
Я думаю, что этот мужик все врет.Он еще когото приведет.Пошел как будто искать.
@MariaOrnig 5 ай бұрын
Hallo Herr Jngenieur Gott segne dich und deine Familie,du bist ein guter Mensch 😃🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙋
@cezarinasilva1978 5 ай бұрын
Bom dia familia lindaaa.que Deus continue abençoando vcs .bjusss no ❤ MT Brasil
@MariaGuadalupeGalvan-e8g 5 ай бұрын
😭😭😭 yo no se si es cierto o no que Aly Asgar no tiene familia pero ami me causa tristeza y me hace llorar. Desde el dia que lo conoci que llego a la cueva y lo oi cantar, no se que decia porque eso no lo traducen pero llore y llore. Esche dicir que los niños quieren ir al cementerio por favor lleve a Aly Asgar para que le cante a su mama, de antemano gracias. Saludos y bendiciones desde Mexico
@lorrainebellegarde6207 5 ай бұрын
Sad to see Ali Asgard go 😢
@encarnaochoagonzalez5863 5 ай бұрын
Dale un abrazo a los niños que son guapísimos. Me gusta mucho veros ♥️♥️♥️ voy a disfrutar del vídeo. Un beso desde Barcelona
@sahelnomadic2 5 ай бұрын
@debrarhoades2093 5 ай бұрын
The Nanny is a good women. She holds her ground with the children. The children have good instincts with her. They trust her and like her.
@elenatandara2299 5 ай бұрын
Ali azgar ești un băiat muncitor și bun ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤va îmbrățișez cu drag ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@ibrasharif8745 5 ай бұрын
Bu qadın cox gözel insandı . Allah razı olsun uśaqlara cox yaxśı reftar edir
@joseanealexandre2531 5 ай бұрын
Ali asghar fica com o engenheiro ❤
@juanitonalmo6903 5 ай бұрын
Pls, enginer bring back ali ashgar. And ali reza if you can. They love their sister and brother very much. And treat them as your own son too. And you my leave a happy familyif 7 children. Godbless enginer...
@tsolynn7871 5 ай бұрын
The engineer just uses Ali Ashgar who helped build that house so I hope they compensate him well. Farewell
@joanlewis3135 5 ай бұрын
The carpets add even more to making the house cozy and almost finished… is indeed sad to see Ali go but he loves this family and I am sure he will return from time to time…. God speed Ali…❤️
@rudinagrishaj9956 5 ай бұрын
Ali Ashgar . e un'orfano . Povero ragazzo se ci stava in Albania lo prendevo io a casa. ha età di mie nipoti mi viene da piangere .
@teresitanaquila8555 5 ай бұрын
Whats the reason for Ali to depart from the Eng'r?. It seemed he is not welcomed by the Eng'r . Just saying. He is a big help.
@glendsespiritu3105 5 ай бұрын
Maybe Ali Asghar felt that he is not wanted. Viewers been asking why is he not treated the same compared to the rest. I think this is a big loss to the family after Fatima's passing. Ali Asghar deserves a family that loves and respects him.
@kristinaperillo9350 5 ай бұрын
Please watch the full video so you know why?
@Gavvas281 5 ай бұрын
Είσαι υπέροχος πατέρας!!!!❤❤❤❤
@carmembarroso4607 5 ай бұрын
Ali asgar e como se fosse o irmão mais velhos das crianças não era para deixar ele ir para as montanhas era para ficar com vocês 😢🇧🇷😭
@deliaacevedo6192 5 ай бұрын
Porque usted ingeniero no trata igual a Ali que a los niños el es muy bueno con ellos Lis trata como hermanos quería a fatima como su mamá ellos eran muy felices también con el otro niño que USTED CORRIÓ PRIMERO el sufrió mucho cuando casi usted lo corría todos los días ese niño era muy feliz allí usted nunca debió separarlos si se va Ali quien le va a ayudar con Los borregos y con todo lo que ese buen niño hace por ustedes??? Creo yo que usted debería pedirle que se quede NO COMO UN TRABAJADOR MÁS SINO COMO UN HIJO MÁS PARA USTED ESO LO HARÍA MUY FELIZ YA QUE EL LO QUIERE Y RESPETA MUCHO A USTED Por favor camera men que el ingeniero mire este mensaje
@cristinaventrice3748 5 ай бұрын
El ingeniero le dijo a Ali que los niños son sus hermanos y que le dara un lugar en ese terreno para que se haga una casa .La desicion de irse fue de Ali puede que vuelva❤❤❤
@mercedesleyshon9606 5 ай бұрын
Es que sino la gente perderá interés en esta historia . Tendría miedo el ingeniero que AliAsghar sería más popular que el ?just a thought …
@gilleslepoder5456 5 ай бұрын
@@mercedesleyshon9606 Vous dites n importe quoi, vous vous relisez quand vous ecrivez un commentaire ?
@irmavenegas4513 5 ай бұрын
Por fabor camarógrafo soy una seguidora de este si canal pero no les subo mensajes por motivos que todo está en inglés no se el inglés si pudiera traductor google creo que tendría más seguidores ese es mi mensaje me gusta este canal pero no puedo leer, los mensajes por motivos como los comenté señor camarógrafo saludos de mi lindo país chile latina america 🇨🇱🇨🇱🎉❤❤👍👍👍💯
@elisa3430 5 ай бұрын
I think Mr.Engineer treat them equal for the kids...Ali Asghar want to be with his relative's like Mr.Engineer said to Ali that he can build home you can stay with the brother and what i saw this video Mr.Engineer concerned to Ali Ashgar as we can see he give a card,what ali needs he can buy.God blessed you all guys keep safe all ❤❤
@777Cronicas 5 ай бұрын
For sure the Engineer cares for Ali Asghar very much , that is the reason he gives him his credit card . Not to be hungry or any other necessary reason to get his necessities ❤
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