The fascinating world of Karaite Jews, an extremist sect with modern tendencies

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A sect fusing the strictest adherence to tradition with liberal values is drawing growing interest around the world
This small center in Jerusalem’s old city opens a door to the fascinating world of Karaite Jews, a small but notable sect in Judaism, whose history goes back hundreds of years

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@meridalemusicmachine Жыл бұрын
This community does not deserve the term "extremist". These days the word extremist has connotations of violence or condoning violence.
@dsm5d723 9 ай бұрын
Are they on board with razing Gaza to the ground and saying "terrorist!"?
@lru1116 7 ай бұрын
It’s a buzzword that got you to click on the video. Also, turning off your refrigerator on Shabbat sounds extreme to me.
@alk158 3 ай бұрын
@@lru1116 but so is the idea turning on a light switch is work and if you forget to turn the light off you have to keep it on all night. The invention made something that use to be work now only requiring you not to only push a button.
@ZviJ1 2 ай бұрын
@@dsm5d723 Just like the Samaritans don't have a uniform opinion on such matters, nor do Qaraite Jews. But if you insist on digressing to politics, you must be a worshiper of Nazis to oppose taking such extreme measures against them. Calling your favorite Nazis terrorists is being extremely charitable, if anything. Now goosestep on out of here.....
@ericah6546 Жыл бұрын
I would not call them extremist, just different in belief.
@karenredgreene2498 Жыл бұрын
calling them 'extremist' is LOSHON HARA!
@dastreetz1546 Жыл бұрын
This community sounds like they are on the right track. Keeping it simple.
@christo-chaney Жыл бұрын
If they’re doing it right them why are there so few of them left?
@ZviJ1 Жыл бұрын
@@christo-chaney Your question is certainly warranted. IMO, if the Qaraites decided to at least partially turn their backs on the Avelut (Mourning) for the Holy Temple's sacking that figures so much in their form of Judaism, they would have a considerably greater degree of appeal, both inwardly and toward non-Qaraite Jews. For example, they could have decided to introduce the use of musical instruments and perhaps "even" dancing in some of the segments of all the prayer services taking place in their synagogues, except for the truly solemn days of Yom haKippurim and the "minor" fast days. This change could have *drastically* enhanced their appeal. Their weekday prayers sound very bland, if not depressing. The traditional Qaraites claim they want the Geula (Redemption), but the way the observant amongst them go about this is to impose on themselves for a total of 2 months each year increasing nutritional restrictions that culminate in the "minor" fast days; and assert that this combined with abstaining from evil will bring on the Ge'ula. They believe this suffices and don't seem to want to understand that there needs to be a proactive dimension for it to materialize... and coupling it with accompanying prayer with music played and even dancing might even make other Jews believe that Qaraite Judaism can offer the people of Israel much more than Orthodoxy. But tragically, the traditional Qaraites place their traditions above all else and believe they do not have to change anything in the way they conduct their prayer services and approach the Redemption subject.
@BenHaMiqra Жыл бұрын
@@christo-chaney probably has something to do with the hundreds of years they went, before allowing conversions, etc.
@SnowCalmth 11 ай бұрын
@@christo-chaney As a Karaite, I can tell you that these are the reasons: 1. We are not accepting of conversion. Like other ethnoreligious groups, we believe that you are either born as a Karaite, or you're not. There's no alternative option. The conversions of the American Karaites that reached the news are mostly unacceptable by our beliefs. You can accept our religion, but being a Karaite is not about religion. So conversion doesn't make you a Karaite. 2. We are based on ethnicity, not religion. To be more clear about that, we believe that a Karaite is born only to 2 Karaite parents. Meaning that if only 1 of the parents is a Karaite, the line is broken and no more Karaites will be born in this line of the family. 3. There are some oral traditions that are problematic for survival. At least in Eastern Europe, Karaites have a tradition of not being allowed to bear arms. We have been historically pacifist. And with the ethnic and religious persecutions, it has caused large amounts of deaths due to inability to properly defend ourselves. Hence some of the very controversial history about Karaites in Eastern Europe. 4. And last I can think of is simply the fact that quite some Karaites converted to Judaism. It's important to realize that while some Karaites call our religion as "Karaite Judaism," there has generally been an acceptance of distance compared to Rabbinic Jews. So, a Karaite who converts to Judaism generally doesn't call himself or herself a Karaite anymore. That is while you can be a Karaite regardless of your religion, as it is about ethnicity and not religion.
@ZviJ1 11 ай бұрын
@@SnowCalmthWith all due proper respect, the vast majority of Qaraites do accept conversion, even if they wish it be done in a more Miqra-true way than the quasi-Rabbinical procedure that KJU inaugurated in 2005. For this reason and the fact that Seraja Shapshal distanced the EE Karaylar from the people of Israel and pure Israelitism after rising to the position of leading them, the eastern European Karaylar had stopped representing actual Qaraite Israelitism by the 1930's. How do you [pl.] expect for your position to gain more traction when you bemoan the KJA's conversions, yet not even offering a viable alternative? Additionally, the rule whereby one is a Qaraite only if both of their parents are Qaraite, is not a necessary inference from the Miqra. I do not know when the tradition against bearing arms began among Qaraites in eastern Europe, but if my recollection serves me correctly, in the 14th century one of the Lithuanian monarchs took a group of Qaraites and settled them in some part of his kingdom as soldiers or arm bearing mercenaries. Ergo, this tradition must have begun later. And the Jewish soldiers who mounted armed resistance to defend parts of Israel during the First Crusade were Qaraite. Lastly, for better and worse most Qaraites have embraced the name Jews, even for internal consumption. Therefore, while your sense of aversion to this word is understandable, you do your population a disservice in reinforcing the misbegotten notion that only Rabbinic Judaism is Judaism in your public comments. If in your view one can be Qaraite regardless of their reiligion, how is this possible when it runs afoul with Qaraism's very fundamentals, such as where Christians and Samaritans are concerned? I don't understand this contradition at all. And this is not purely a theoretical conundrum, since a de-facto Samaritan by the name Gershom Tzipris claimed for several years, or may still purport, to be a Qaraite. How then can a person who insists the Chosen Place is Mt. Gerizim rather than the Temple Mount of Jslm. be a Qaraite? I'd love to see you explain this, even though I'll emerge categorically disagreeing.
@yodhin79 Жыл бұрын
There is nothing 'extremist' about the Karaite Jews. They are the most authentic of Jews because they aren't corrupted by non-Torah literature posing as scrpiture.
@ХариПотъра 8 ай бұрын
are you jewish ?
@melatara 8 ай бұрын
They are like the Jewish Mennonites ha!!!
@lru1116 7 ай бұрын
Turning off the refrigerator on Shabbat seems a bit extreme.
@aronjacobson 6 ай бұрын
In many laws where the rabbis invented loopholes such as selling hametz, the qarites don't accept them. So although often they are more lenient they are pretty extreme in certain laws. (Originally qarites wouldn't leave their houses on shabbat or leave any light or heat on throught it's duration.)
@howardgootkin4216 5 ай бұрын
Her analysis is totally ahistorical. It is made up to fit the facts. If Muslims remove their shoes and fully prostrate themselves when praying because Uskam adopted the Jewish practice then why didn’t Christianity which more closely related to Judaism adopt the same practices of fully prostrating oneself and removing one’s shoes? 😢 More importantly, the Torah itself refers to oral commands that God gave to Moses that are not in the text. In several places in the Torah, God tells Moses to do X as I commanded you or as I showed you. The Torah text was never thought to be complete in itself. Thus the Torah itself rejects the central tenet of the Karites. Sola scriptura is a Lutheran principle , not one the Torah subscribes to
@FatKat911 7 ай бұрын
I don't think "extremists" is a right word here. They literally don't carry guns or incite violence but just a chill religious community.
@FPLNameless Жыл бұрын
This video is enough evidence to prove that the Karaites are on the right path.
@yahyaelmi8435 9 ай бұрын
Enough evidence that Muslims are on the right path , and worship the same God Moses believed in . We put our face in the ground too . Modern day Jews are confused, Muhamed SAW is there messenger , while Moses was the messenger for previous Jews that lived before Jesus
@ZviJ1 9 ай бұрын
@@yahyaelmi8435 Islam, starting with the Qur'an, recognizes that the Miqra (Jewish Bible) feature's God's perfect Word, but nevertheless corrupts it by adding to and detracting from it. The pathetic revisionism that underlies the overall Islamic viewpoint towards Judaism -- even toward its Scriptural forms, notably Qaraism -- is the Muslim's mechanism of defense, intended to try preventing people from noticing that Islam is inferior to the Miqra.
@ZviJ1 9 ай бұрын
@@yahyaelmi8435Moshe and the other true prophets that arrived in his wake, ending with Mal'akhi (pbuh), are for all generations of Jews. Jesucks is a false prophet as seen in the Torah's criteria for prophethood and JC's failures in prophesy; and the fact your religion embraced him as a true one is your problem, not ours. It's even more obvious that your Muha-mad is a false prophet, as he was not even Israelite/Jewish -- notwithstanding all the lies that some Muslims have put up to cast him as an Israelite. Cope.
@kaznjenik111 7 ай бұрын
@@ZviJ1 Yehoshua - G_d revealed in flesh.
@ZviJ1 7 ай бұрын
@@kaznjenik111 Since you believe that all your sins have been "forgiven" because you believe J. Christ "the savior" died for and instead of you, you are in real trouble! Please don't kid yourself. Not only are you still sin-laden, you have added a new, terrible sin to the old batch! You are guilty of idolatry for worshiping a false "savior" and god. The word of YHWH plainly states that He (YHWH) alone is Savior; (Isaiah 43:11). He alone can forgive sin (Isaiah 43:25). He alone is the True Deity (Isaiah 43:10)!! Moreover, you cannot "believe away" sin! Magic plays absolutely no role in the system of sin and atonement established by YHWH, the sole Creator of this universe and pure God of Israel. Atonement by "faith" is not part of YHWH's setup. The only way a sinner can get his sins forgiven is by repenting and; by doing and fulfilling what YHWH wants him to do!! YHWH says: "Again, when I say to the wicked, you shall surely die; if he turn from his sin (repents) and do that which lawful and right ("good works")... he shall surely live, he shall NOT die!! NONE of his sins which he had committed shall be remembered against him! He has done that which is lawful and right! He shall surely LIVE!" (Ezekiel 33:14-16). Ezekiel was a prophet of YHWH. He wasn't a Christian preacher! In Moses' day, the repentant sinner usually (NOT ALWAYS) offered an animal sacrifice to symbolize his "giving" and YHWH's "accepting". Later prophets elaborated on how animal sacrifices are worthless without obedience: "Behold, to OBEY is BETTER than sacrifice!" (1 Samuel 15:22). "Do I eat the flesh of bulls, or drink the blood of goats?" (Psalms 50:13). "By practicing mercy and truth is sin atoned for!" (Proverbs 16:6). HOW can you come to YHWH? YHWH provides the answer: "Return, O Israel, to YHWH your almighty, for you have stumbled in your iniquity! Take with you WORDS and return to YHWH! (WHAT words?) Say to Him: forgive all iniquity and accept GOODNESS (good works). Thus, will we offer, INSTEAD of bullocks (blood) the offerings of our LIPS!" (Hosea 14:2-3). According to the word of YHWH, NO ONE can die for you! If you don't believe me, read Exodus 33:31-33; Deuteronomy 24:16; Ezekiel 18:3-4. But YHWH's demands can be met by you, if only you will know the truth. You can come to YHWH on your own! Read YHWH's word! "With what offering can I come before YHWH, and bow myself before the Mighty One on high? Should I come to him with burnt offerings, with year-old calves? Will YHWH be pleased by thousands of rams, with ten thousand rivers of oil? Should I give my first-born for my transgression (human sacrifice, like the crucifixion!), the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? It has been told you, O man, what is good, and what YHWH (not religious doctrine but YHWH!) requires of you: ONLY to DO what is just (YHWH's COMMANDMENTS) and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your Almighty!" (Micah 6:6-8). Hallelu-Yahh, praise YHWH! His Salvation is open to all! No believing in fairy-stories, no bloody crucifixions! No "divine suicide" on a Roman Cross! Plain and simple is the Way of YHWH! Will you take Him at His Word today? Circumcise your heart, loosen your stiff neck and remove the JC scales from your eyes. Read at leisure with an open mind through
@BenHaMiqra Жыл бұрын
As an AA, I have to say I really gravitate towards the Karaite way of Torah keeping. Learning Temani Ivrit as we speak and studying with a few good people.
@deppo_zweifler9029 7 ай бұрын
So rejecting the talmud and kabbalah makes them "extremists"?
@paprikaman1124 Ай бұрын
It makes them infidels
@ZviJ1 13 күн бұрын
@@paprikaman1124 In the eyes of arch-infidels themselves. I don't think this irony can be exceeded within Judaism's own boundaries.
@jamescobrien Жыл бұрын
Im not converted Jewish at least yet, but this is how I believe pretty much. I don't believe in Talmud or Mishnah, nor Kabballah. I am just a goy who believes in Tanakh. I am still learning Hebrew but pretty much know how to read it with vowel point helps.
@elia.8993 Жыл бұрын
Same here, I am convert but have Jewish roots in Sephardim from my mother’s side. However, I believe in Karaite Judaism and not rabbinical as it is typical in Sephardic tradition. I am also learning Hebrew with the help of vowels.
@ZviJ1 Жыл бұрын
@@elia.8993 If you don't mind revealing, is your family name related to the common Ashkenazic Jewish surname "Levine"? If it is and you have no AJ roots, I don't understand why you'd have this name. This observation is not meant as an attack and hopefully isn't coming across as such.
@alexlopez2359 Жыл бұрын
This is the true religion.
@jamescobrien Жыл бұрын
@@alexlopez2359 YaH only, He is truly One.
@Atlass2023 11 ай бұрын
God’s word is Tanah. Not human word the talmud or others
@ace9924 Жыл бұрын
Im a Muslim who, like the karaites, follow the Scripture alone. Id love to have conversations with them, im actually reading the Tanakh right now.
@TaiganTundra Жыл бұрын
You don't follow Hadiths?
@chanabayla1823 Жыл бұрын
Maybe ur teachings first should be for your people to stop being and supporting terrorists
@TaiganTundra Жыл бұрын
@@chanabayla1823 The people with surname suffixes such as -stein, -owitz, -berg, -ski etc are the biggest terrorists on the planet. Sorry for being obscure, but I can't say it out loud without having the comment deleted automatically because KZbin is owned by these people. Your people too, I take it.
@ace9924 Жыл бұрын
@TaiganTundra nope. They are really bad and contradict the Quran and came put 250 years after the prophet pbuh passed.
@mahmoude9131 Жыл бұрын
Israel is a terrorist
@davidsaul2707 2 күн бұрын
“The Karaite Synagogue in Jerusalem is the oldest active synagogue in the city, built in the 8th century. It is the oldest synagogue in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem.”
@starbrightinfinity3329 9 ай бұрын
I wouldn’t call them extremist. They’re an old branch of Jews that go back. Many, if not most, are from Egypt
@paprikaman1124 Ай бұрын
They're simply a breakaway sect Same with shia Islam and Sunni Islam
@aaronmiles2802 Ай бұрын
@@paprikaman1124They’re actual authentic Hebrews. They don’t adhere to the filth that the Babylonian scribes and Pharisees wrote.
@paprikaman1124 Ай бұрын
@@aaronmiles2802 bro they practice 0 Israelite culture They don't even pray with the Israelite shawl
@aaronmiles2802 Ай бұрын
@@paprikaman1124 As opposed to the rabbis who adhere to the filth in the T@lmud that directly contradicts the Torah? The same volume of books that claim a Rabbi once won a debate with G-D himself?🤣🤣🤣
@ZviJ1 13 күн бұрын
@@paprikaman1124 Firstly, your accusation is laughable and baseless. The Ṭallitot were only invented in the 4th century AD and were preceded by other four-cornered garments which Ṣiṣiyot with a twisted Tekheelet thread were affixed to. Qaraite Jews have *always* used some version of a four-cornered garment with the Tekhelet thread in its Ṣiṣiyot, whereas the Rabbanites gave up entirely on the Tekhelet part in the 7th century AD. Israelite culture revolves around the Torah compliant practices mentioned in the Miqra (Jewish Bible) and their derivatives. -- and the Qaraites practice lots of them. In sum, you're rather ignorant and a nincompoop.
@raymondfranklin348 10 ай бұрын
I’m a Patrilineal Jew and love the Karaite community. Also, thanks for accepting me as a Jew as Rabbinical Jews don’t.
@resolecca 8 ай бұрын
Yeah, that gatekeeping has got to stop especially in these times. Ethnicity can come from eith side. We are all jews, hitler didn't care, hamas didn't care, and we patriarchal jews can make aliyah and it's the way we used to do it anyway
@JamieBar 7 ай бұрын
They're also more welcoming to those us who just recently found out we were Jewishm
@ZviJ1 7 ай бұрын
​@@resolecca The only way to cause that "gatekeeping" among the Orthodox, Conservadox and Conservative Rabbanites to cease is to drastically increase the ranks of the Qaraite movement in the next several centuries, until the Qaraites become at least 50% of the Jewish people. Then those Rabbanites will either stop it in an effort to remain relevant, or they'll continue on their march to oblivion.
@lru1116 7 ай бұрын
Karaite Jews also “gatekeep” who is a Jew. Without “gatekeeping”, the ETHNOreligion of Judaism would not exist.
@lru1116 7 ай бұрын
​@@resolecca wait til you find out that the Karaites, like other ethnoreligions, also “gatekeep” by not accepting matrilineal Jews. Traditionally, both Karaite and Rabbinites ideally expect both parents to be Jewish as interfaith marriage is not allowed. Egyptian Karaites didn’t traditionally do conversions.
@Ali-zn6sg 6 ай бұрын
They're not extremist.
@AbrahamsBridges Жыл бұрын
Similarities with Samaritans!
@ZviJ1 Жыл бұрын
I'm not knocking you -- just stressing it takes intelligence to realize that there are many more differences than similarities... and that in the sum total the similarity between them is quite superficial.
@AbrahamsBridges Жыл бұрын
@@ZviJ1 I didn’t say anything about differences. Of course, there are MANY differences. I pointed out that there are similarities.
@MBEG89 Жыл бұрын
None at all, samaritans are much older and their canon is much smaller. The karaites are still considered jews by the rabbinic courts. The samaritans can be argued to be israelites, but thats it.
@AbrahamsBridges Жыл бұрын
@@MBEG89 Samaritans aren’t Jews. They don’t claim to be Jews. They’re descendants of Joseph and Levi. Correct, they only hold the Torah as sacred, not adding nor diminishing from it.
@ZviJ1 Жыл бұрын
@@AbrahamsBridgesOn their level of principle they neither add nor detract from their Torah version. In practice they do it copiously though 😃
@WeekzGod Жыл бұрын
@peterc.4143 Ай бұрын
An Israeli calling anyone “extremist” is wild
@adamk5890 Жыл бұрын
How are they any more extremist then Rabbinic Judaism in fact would say less so. Easier to put them down since they are outnumbered but this doesn't show much tolerance. Yes they have been influenced by the Muslim religion but Rabbinic Judaism has been very influenced by the Christian Judaism and both sides have mimicked some aspects of the culture around them and it is good to have something outside of Rabbinic Judaism. Other religions have different idea it isn't just being more or less religious.
@johngillespie3409 Жыл бұрын
Reform Judaism allows homosexuals to marry in the temple, so which one is extreme?
@lifeanddeath1370 10 ай бұрын
Muslims are influenced by the Jews not Jews influenced by the Muslims in regards to the prayer style.
@an0mali351 11 ай бұрын
Not a sect. No guru, no clerical characters. Just some old hebrew way of life like before. And definitly not extremist. What a diabolisation
@paprikaman1124 Ай бұрын
Judaism Even with the Talmud doesn't have a guru
@fredyounes1279 10 ай бұрын
This woman narrating this clip is incorrect in her assertion that Karaite men and women pray together. If you look at all of the video of them praying the men and women are separated,
@ZviJ1 7 ай бұрын
Since about 2016 there has been no separation device in the Jerusalemite synagogue.
@lru1116 7 ай бұрын
That 2 second clip proved so much /s
@ZviJ1 7 ай бұрын
@@lru1116 Don't understand what you wrote.
@ozerozcenk7517 10 ай бұрын
It was all the same prayer since the beginning all the prophets prayed this way too,it's in the old and new testament,but they are misinterpret so people don't come together because of the similarities,what do you think"Fell upon his face "means,it prostration,wake up and read all the revelations from God not so and so' letters. then you will see its the same message
@lizzy3moore Ай бұрын
This is how I pray when asking for something all other prayers of giving thanks are upright but if I ask of anything I must get on my knees and bow my head all the way to touch the ground. Complete submission
@atomnous 10 ай бұрын
They also don't follow the Talmud, which was only written after the first century.
@TheMonkeyking555 Жыл бұрын
Totally nonviolent non-radical “extremists” 😂
@jivanselbi3657 9 ай бұрын
..instead Mrs Gezer should've said, there is only One God, who sent many messengers with the same message to many nations and tribes, teachings of Jesus and Muhammed should not be different to Moses or Abraham or Noah.. therefore prostrating before God is an act performed by all prophets/messengers
@ZviJ1 13 күн бұрын
But she didn't, because you don't get the privilege of defining a Jewish movement's beliefs and outlook.
@msrhuby Ай бұрын
Shared on Facebook
@olgaj9267 2 ай бұрын
I’ve heard Karaites weren’t persecuted by Nazis because those didn’t consider them Jewish. But who cares, right? This version of Judaism is really interesting. Hope they will thrive
@alk158 24 күн бұрын
@olgaj9267 it is untrue. I mean some people were practicing Christians yet were murdered by nazis because ethnically jewish.
@alk158 24 күн бұрын
@olgaj9267 there is another group with a similar name but they actually weren't jews and believe in aspects of Islam and Christianity. Jews were murdered for being jews. You could be assimilated it did not matter.
@IamZanderChen 7 ай бұрын
Karaite Jews I know don't wear kipper/yamechah , why is it seen here, kipper but no Hanukkah seems weird to me. it isn't pre Greece , Hanukah is in the Maccabees against the Greeks similar to the essence of the holiday of Nicanor. full hearted agree with the patrilineal linage. in Zion the discrepancies will be hashed out, so no worries, at least Karaite jews will make it
@ZviJ1 7 ай бұрын
If you want to truly know about the Qaraite Jews, you must research much beyond Wikipedia. Not only is headcovering mandatory in their synagogues, but they usually do this with a Kipah/"Yamaka", because it's the most convenient form of headcovering. Yom haKipurim or Yom Kippur ("Kipper" is the contortion made in Ashkenazi pronunciation and it's hard to blame English speakers for believing this is the correct pronunciation) is in the Torah, whereas Ḥanukah isn't anywhere in the Miqra; it was a long holiday established to commemorate the altar's rededication, but this altar was destroyed many years ago, which rendered this holiday irrelevant. Nikanor Day hasn't been celebrated close to 2000 years and Ḥanukah isn't any more relevant than it....
@BigJFindAWay Ай бұрын
The Modern Israeli pronunciation is more erroneous than the Ashkenazi pronunciation.
@FreeingFidesFortis Ай бұрын
@@ZviJ1 mojirty dont celebrate the destruction of Nikanor? guess we're weird here
@memo44536 2 ай бұрын
Karaites are children of great steppe. They are Turanids by origin. And it is a shame to label them extremists.
@Ukraine_Rocks-OK Ай бұрын
Sect? Who's talking?!
@thegardenranger 6 ай бұрын
They are not a sect if they observe the Tanach only. Iesous Christos also observed the Tanach only.
@michaelpovolotskyi3295 4 ай бұрын
They created their own oral tradition, partially borrowed it from traditional Jews, partially invented something new. Otherwise you cannot fulfill commandments of Torah. For instance, why the lady covered her head when entered the synagogue? Tanach does require it explicitly, neither it requires for a men to wear a hat, but they do that.
@gypsy-nr9zd 4 ай бұрын
Talmud is disgusting.
@shmuelg3873 3 ай бұрын
@@gypsy-nr9zd You're disgusting
@ZviJ1 2 ай бұрын
@@michaelpovolotskyi3295 The single non-Torah example you've brought here from the conduct of Qaraites has no relation whatsoever to one's ability to observe the true Torah without an oral tradition, or another Torah considered by Rabbinical Jews of divine origin. And all the examples brought forth by Rabbinical Jews over the centuries in attempt to prove your argument have been easily defeated. But none of this really fazes the rabbis, because they have no heart for truth.
@uriel7203 3 ай бұрын
"Pray just as it says in the bible" Where?
@omarlittle-hales8237 Жыл бұрын
Salam, Shlomo, Shalom, Peace. Eternal Peace = Palestine Next To Israel. Eternal Hatred = No Palestine = No Compromise = Wars 24/7 Eternal Harmony = Happy Palestinians & Happy Israeli Civilians, Worn Out From Wars.
@ZviJ1 Жыл бұрын
Fakestinian, this is not a video clip about any politics. Stop jamming your Fakestine into places it has no relation to the content. Be quiet already.
@abrahamromano5017 Жыл бұрын
I'm.from criema shalom alechim.
@ליאורטחן-צ1ו 9 ай бұрын
היהדות הקראית זאת לא כת, ובוודאי שלא קיצונית, זה אחד מתוך הזרמים הרבים שיש ביהדות, ועל דברי הסתה כאלה צריך לתבוע
@Stolas1777 2 ай бұрын
The prayers are rabbinic what siddur are they using? Who put together the order of it?
@ZviJ1 2 ай бұрын
Sorry -- try as I might to give you the benefit of the doubt, I can't believe you're *this* stupid. You're just a rude lying troll.
@gurufabbes1 Жыл бұрын
notable for what?
@wmehar2 Жыл бұрын
They're like quranist muslims. how fascinating
@thegamerabdull8820 9 ай бұрын
At follow the teaching of Moses. Idk exactly if Moses AS used to pray but Moses AS and even Jesus and all the other prophets used to prostrate and pray. We’re similar we came out of of the Torah Judaism and then Zabur then the Gospel and then Islam came. When ever the people erase the message of God and kill the prophets Allah sent down, God sent another messenger with a book until the final revelation and this time it cannot and will never change the script of the Quran. That’s why the Mushrikeen they hate us they can’t change the Quran
@goldsteinman 6 ай бұрын
they only accept moses not jesus not muhammad
@ZviJ1 4 ай бұрын
@@goldsteinman Nope, Einstein. All Scriptural Jews accept the true prophets that arose, from the greatest who was Moshe b. `Amram down to Malakhi (in the latter half of the 5th century BCE), peace be upon them.
@GodFearer_Matt Жыл бұрын
Interesting sect of Judaism
@marymarypopescu7686 11 ай бұрын
Dar nu este o sectă.Ei sunt evreii semiți care respectă Torah
@ericah6546 5 ай бұрын
Please don't call people extremist when they are not
@islandtat3414 5 ай бұрын
Isn't Kippah tradition and not in the Bible?
@TuncayKaradeniz-j2q 10 ай бұрын
I watched in a documantry that Karaites accept Jesus and Mohammad as propthets. Is that true ?
@alk158 3 ай бұрын
No there is some other sect that has a similar name.
@TuncayKaradeniz-j2q 3 ай бұрын
@@alk158 She was a Turkic Karaite from Poland.
@afrozgameing1708 7 ай бұрын
Allah hu Akbar 🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌
@idk-ol2it 4 ай бұрын
image when a 5 year old is upset and kicks his dad... a arm for a arm
@markcoffman9522 26 күн бұрын
Huh! Chanukah is mention in the Bible, Messiah Yeshua celebrated it!
@ZviJ1 13 күн бұрын
Well that's the Non Testament Babble that was redacted by heathens in Europe and artificially affixed to the "old testament", which together make up the *Buy-Bull.*
@MBEG89 Жыл бұрын
The karaite split happened when the lineage of david was put in dispute over a younger sibling being chosen over the elder. Rabbinic judaism goes back to ezra the scribe, the group responsible for the pharisee lineage. The karaite split happened much later. They were always accepted as jews by the orthodox(unlike the samaritans).
@ZviJ1 11 ай бұрын
The notion holding that Ezra's "group" launched or triggered Pharisaism is revisionist Rabbinic bunk, totally devoid of a historic basis. Ezra the Scribe was a staunch Scripturalist.
9 ай бұрын
it is because karaites keep marrying jewish women while samaritans born from ancient israelite fathers and anceint assyrian mothers
@BarqB Ай бұрын
Yeah, this isnt a totally bias representation of Karaite Jews at all 🤪🤪
@albertobenzadon1609 Жыл бұрын
I notice they use a Chupa. Where is it written in the Jewish Torah that Jews married under the Chupa? Only in the Talmud. I noticed they use a KeyBank, where is it written in the Jewish Torah about the use of a Ketuba? Only in the Talmud. Judaism is impossible without the Oral Tradition. Karaites without the oral tradition is like owning a big treasure but without a key to access.
@shainazion4073 Жыл бұрын
They created their own oral ideology.
@KetsiaMinistries Жыл бұрын
I notice that the rambam- a lover of islam and rashi are printed next to each verse of the Torah- hmm does the Almighty say to that? oh- He doesn't- I guess in the Talmud or oral traditions. A lot of the worship of rabbis sounds a lot like christianity- oh catholicism. Yes, bow to pope rambam and bishop rashi. call Moses a rabbi, not a Prophet.- yes to equate the great Prophets to merely rabbis- these rabbis - many of them- want worship- like the church bishops and popes. they the rabbis have no priestly authority. Talmud was written 500 c.e. Maybe some of the traditions written were taken from the Karaites!
@shainazion4073 Жыл бұрын
@@KetsiaMinistries Rambam, a lover of Islam? Maimonides stated; *_"God has entangled us with this people, the nation of Ishmael, who treat us so prejudicially and who legislate our harm and hatred..... No nation has ever arisen more harmful than they, nor has anyone done more to humiliate us, degrade us, and consolidate hatred against us."_* *_"We bear the inhumane burden of their humiliation, lies and absurdities, being as the prophet said, 'like a deaf man who does not hear or a dumb man who does not open his mouth'...... Our sages disciplined us to bear Ishmael's lies and absurdities, listening in silence, and we have trained ourselves, old and young, to endure their humiliation, as Isaiah said, 'I have given my back to the smiters, and my cheek to the beard pullers.'"_*
@ZviJ1 Жыл бұрын
The only truth in the notion that "Judaism is impossible without the Oral Tradition" is that *Rabbinical* Judaism is impossible to practice without the "oral" torah in some version. No matter how much you and your likes hate this, Qaraite Judaism is a very different form of Judaism and virtually all Rabbinic Greats & decisors have acknowledged it as some form of Judaism (that they consider heretical). Are you entitled, in your reckoning, to deviate from the conviction of all those Rabbinic Greats by considering Qaraite Judaism outside of Judaism's boundaries altogether? If so, your status as a Jew -- assuming you're Jewish -- is non-existant and you're beyond the pale of discussion.
@ZviJ1 Жыл бұрын
@@shainazion4073 This "ideology" has always been in written form. But much more significantly, no divine status has ever been attached to it. A tiny part of it that used to be in practice under the seal of Consensus was revoked -- something that could never happen for any part of the "oral" torah.
@batminton7467 4 ай бұрын
thaaaank you, that's what I've been saying all along. Muslims took the prayer from Jewish sources and added a Persian sauce to it and basically made it a modern form of sun worship.
@jessycadenas8435 Жыл бұрын
Donde esta mi puto bolso? Y mi libertad!
@theoBaba773 Жыл бұрын
I have it right here. You're coming to get it? O que
@kasurtipis2439 10 ай бұрын
@YouOnUsPath Жыл бұрын
Dangg arrogance said Islam came out from Judaism, is it Abraham pbuh is jewish?
@YouOnUsPath Жыл бұрын
@RafaEl-qn6ep lmao, Abraham pbuh is jewish? zionist doesnt know the judaism name is came from who's name? Judah? If you are arrogants said that then read Quran what told on there about jews. Which prophets? The final prophets Muhammad saw? Because Allah swt told so. Btw we are muslim believe in all prophets since Adam pbuh-Muhammad saw doesnt matter what theirs race. Bruh zionist if you are guys feel and think the special ones, why not ask God for die? Dont you guys will feel happy meet God soon?
@YouOnUsPath Жыл бұрын
@RafaEl-qn6ep Islam is the religions of all prophets since Adam-Noah-etc-Abraham-Ishaq-Ishmael-David-Salomon-Moses--Issa-Muhammad saw, its called continuation of message, whorship only one God, means Islam. Meanwhile judaism is derived from someone names. So? And jews is just one of many races in the worlds. If zionist still feel special then ask God for die soon, dont you happy meet in fast way?
@YouOnUsPath Жыл бұрын
@RafaEl-qn6ep why God sent many prophets to jews people? Not because you are guys special but well known as arrogants and rebels, thats why. What is Abraham pbuh religions name? There is no rabbi will answer if Abraham pbuh religions is judaism. Probably only ignorants and arrogants zionist like you with no shame will answer like that.
@EliHanavi7 Жыл бұрын
@RafaEl-qn6ep Abraham was NOT a Jew. The term Jew comes from Judea, which did not even exist. He was a monotheistic from Mesopotamia (modern day Iraq). If Islam copied Judaism, then Judaism copied Zoroastrianism. Technically Judah was the first “Jew”.
@ZviJ1 Жыл бұрын
@@EliHanavi7 pre-Rabbinic Judaism was a little influenced by a few Zoroastrian concepts, but there was no intentional aping of Zoroastrianism. Rabbinic Judaism in particular is somewhat worse -- it borrowed significantly more from pagan religions.
@angelusvastator1297 7 ай бұрын
Their beliefs almost align with Jesus’s
@ZviJ1 2 ай бұрын
You base your claim on some heavily redacted amalgamation of compositions that don't enable to deduce that for certain. Thankfully, Judaism doesn't depend on what JC believed.
@AmatuRahman33 4 ай бұрын
We as Muslims do not come out of Judaism. There is no such word as Judaism in the Torah. Moshe was Muslim (submitted to the Will of the One and Only God), and so was Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Jesus and Muhammad. They’re all brothers in faith, they all believe in One God but their laws differed from an era to another.
@anitzan33 3 ай бұрын
While it is true that they did submit to One Singular God, using the word ‘Muslim’ to describe them is a tad bit misleading. While there are other different definitions and interpretations of the word, the most popular definition is that a ‘Muslim’ is someone who follows the religion of Islam, which was founded in the 7th century CE in Arabia by the Prophet Muhammad. A better and less misleading term you could use instead of Muslim, would be ‘Monotheist’.
@AmatuRahman33 3 ай бұрын
@@anitzan33 hello. What is misleading is people wanting to define what a Muslim is instead of Muslims. I have no intent to be aggressive here, but people need to understand that Islam didn’t just come out of the blue. And it isn’t just a « copy » of Judaism either. In fact, Moses and Muhammad had the same lord, so it’s natural that some of their laws converged. Just to let you know that in Islam, we say that there’s 2 definitions of what the « religion of Islam » is. There is the definition that everyone seems to have adopted, which is the religion that came with Muhammad - peace be upon him, in the 7th century - with all the rules and laws attached to him, and this is called the « specific islam ». And then you have the global definition of Islam or the « general Islam » being the ultimate religion of the One true Lord, with which all the prophets came : Worship Allah (Elohim) alone and do not associate any with his worship. And each prophet came with its own secondary rules (rules that didn’t contradict the fundamental beliefs of Islam - just daily rules that differed from one era to another, or one people to another) So yes, we deeply believe that all prophets were Muslims, submitted to the One and Only Lord, who revealed only one religion : Islam (in different forms throughout history). Only the laws and rules changed throughout time. For example at one point men were allowed to marry 2 sisters at the same time. And this has been abrogated by Muhammad. Or the Sabbath that was in practice during the time of Moses, that was abrogated by Jesus - peace be upon all the prophets of our Lord.
@anitzan33 3 ай бұрын
@@AmatuRahman33 I appreciate your patience and your detailed explanation. I now understand that when you say ‘Muslim’, you are referring to the broader definition of the term, which encompasses all those who submit to the will of the One and Only God, regardless of the era or the specific set of rules they followed. This is a perspective I hadn’t fully considered before, and I apologize for any misunderstanding. I agree, and I thank you for taking the time to properly clarify this matter for me. Shalom Aleichem, Peace be upon you Amantu. 😊🙏
@AmatuRahman33 3 ай бұрын
@@anitzan33 it was my pleasure and thank you you for reading me! Take care!
@TheDarkSideOfIndustry 18 сағат бұрын
I'm sorry but if submitting to one G-d makes you Muslims then all monotheistic religions are Muslim. Moses was a descendant of Jacob as are all Jews who are not converts. If they were Muslims then Judaism wouldn’t exist. And yet it does exist
@habizarchannel3796 11 ай бұрын
@crisseven760 Жыл бұрын
Christianity is the continuation of Biblical Judaism. Islam is the pagan religion of baal remodeled. It certainly did not come out of Judaism. However, muhammad copied many things from Jewish traditions.
@KetsiaMinistries Жыл бұрын
Chrisitianity did not come from Judaism but from the 4th beast religion. I E S O U S- spells isis- (iota- epsilon- sigma- omicron- upsilon- sigma) there is no "ye" is "I" the first letter is from greek letter- IOTA- (eye-o- ta-). Long "i" so the correct pronounciation is eye- sous- or I-S-I-S. god becoming flesh is also greek and roman- dating to babylonian worships. Zeus the man-god. No, Christianity is ROMAN. They appropriate all religions of all nations that they "conquered" into one. And no christian believes in the the so called Messiah- because they believe this messiah is also god. so just say god- of course this is a false god. stop trying to say that it is about the rejection of the messiah, when the messiah in question is also "the god." Numbers 23:19 "God is not a man! " that also means- never was one, never will be one. Repent, and The Almighty will welcome you with open arms. Zechariah 1:3
@KetsiaMinistries Жыл бұрын
@@iii___iii They - worshipers of islam- do NOT believe in YHVH- so you need to try again. Stop equating every "One god" with the Almighty TRUE GOD YHVH. Their god wishes that Israel is no more. How could you say there is a connection! How! Repent and turn to the Almighty YHVH and will will turn back to you! Zechariah 1:3
@ZviJ1 Жыл бұрын
@Cris Seven < ROTFLOL > A delusional Christinsane view about Christinsanity.
@Jamesjacob339 Жыл бұрын
The virgin birth of Jesus everything Islam adopted from Christianity.
@patioprimate4740 Жыл бұрын
@@iii___iii the new testament doesn't even teach the trinity; that arose from the greek philosophy that existed within the early church and was established in the councils. much like the greek philosophy that existed in CE rabbinical judaism's mystical texts and was later compiled by moshe de leon in his forgery "the zohar".
@samadwan 7 ай бұрын
Extremist lol 😂
@nizamsk2348 Жыл бұрын
Muslim believes all messenger Adam Ibrahim Salman Musa Jesus Dawood final messenger Mohammed Sallallahu Alaihi Salam believes one God
@tanujasantiago1901 Жыл бұрын
But Islam ☪️ is belongs to Mohammed and Allah fabricated religion nothing to do with bible prophets and Torah until you praise Mohammed teachings Terrorist teachings and pagan beliefs 👿👿👿
@tanujasantiago1901 Жыл бұрын
@miavogel4903 Жыл бұрын
❤ yes
@miavogel4903 Жыл бұрын
האיסלאם הוא האמת❤
@YouOnUsPath Жыл бұрын
​@@miavogel4903sister, your comments is shadow banned, cause I saw your comments about Quran after clicked your profile but there is no about that comments if just scroll the comments section.
@Melungeonpeople 11 ай бұрын
I must say as a Karaite Jew that even modern Karaites have it wrong. The Law is ONLY Deuteronomy. Moses says repeatedly do what I tell you this day and STRICTLY add nor substract anything. That is the Command. Even tho circumcission isn't included in Deuteronomy it was performed prior to crossing so it is the only thing outside Deuteronomy that can, with reason, be applied as Law also. It is as if modern Karaites advocate just the Torah but don't actually read what Deuteronomy says. Moses is very very clear on this. I invite all Karaite Jews to read it. There is absolutely no way anyone can argue with my assertion without sounding like a Rabbinical Jew. Deuteronomy is the only Law.
@ZviJ1 11 ай бұрын
@@SnowCalmth I'd agree that this neo-Qaraite (who probably has a Christian background) is quite arrogant and needs to be humbled. But holding up opposition to conversion as the or a hallmark of being a non-modern Qaraite does not really make sense, seeing as the original Qaraite position did accept conversion through the Qarate movement, where it was practiced for some 6.5 centuries. And at the hazard of repeating myself, your attempt as an EE Karaylar to represent all Qaraites (as a separate people, no less) is ridiculous, since you're part of a minority group that's unrepresentative of most traditional Qaraites in many ways.
@ZviJ1 11 ай бұрын
@@SnowCalmthThat most traditional Qaraites seem reluctant to officially recognize the KJA's conversions has no bearing on the historic given that the Qaraite conversions from 800 to 1465 *were* officially recognized by the Qaraites of those times. Your evasion of this fact just highlights how untenable is your attempt to cast non-modern Qaraism as devoid of conversion. I do not claim to know every little detail about eastern European Karaites, but I do know they want nothing to do with the people of Israel a.k.a Jews (setting aside the Samaritans for this exchange's purpose) and am willing to learn how they call themselves.
@ZviJ1 11 ай бұрын
@@MythoHold Have you read my channel's description? Please share with me how I'm acting like a Qaraite in your opinion, what your own religious affiliation or religion is (I allow myself to presume you weren't born to traditional Qaraite Jewish parents), and why you think you're entitled to direct me to some other place. Why do you believe I don't have a life, or that yours is better than mine? You strike me as very arrogant (which befits a European).
@ZviJ1 11 ай бұрын
@@MythoHold "And how you act like you are a Karaite is by acting like you know all the facts, when you clearly do not." -- This is laughable; your attempt at logical reasoning leaves something to be desired. Secondly, the fact you didn't answer all my questions proves you had been caught being too arrogant toward me. I'm wrong in my exchange with SnowCalmth? Actually, what is happening is that you want him to be correct, when you don't have enough of a clue about the subject. Unlike someone like the chief Samaritan scholar, if I find out that I'm unquestionably wrong about something, I acknowledge it at least to myself and do not continue arguing the wrong point. If I grasp you correctly, you're implying that you're an eastern European Karaylar. And FYI: I consider myself much more Jewish than American -- not the other way around as the vast majority of American Jews do.
@ZviJ1 11 ай бұрын
@@SnowCalmth Sir knight, I consider the Qaraite template that all Qaraite communities must fit to be acccording to Qaraite Judaism's demands as I've learned over the years, whereby Christians and Samaritans can't be Qaraite, because some of their religions' tenets contradict Qaraite fundamentals. You, however, have argued that anyone can be Qaraite regardless of their religion -- something that doesn't compute. Additionally, you haven't managed to show how I erred in arguing that holding up opposition to conversion as the or a hallmark of being a non-modern Qaraite does not really make sense, seeing as the original Qaraite position did accept conversion through the Qarate movement, where it was practiced for 6.5 centuries. The reason for this is simple: *I am correct about this and you know it.* You also deride me for presuming to know all the facts about some population, when this is what you are doing to me. Yet for several reasons I don't want to become Qaraite. Moreover, I don't need conversion to any kind of Judaism since I was born to 2 Jewish parents. What I'd need to do, *if* I wanted to become a Qaraite officially, is to take the KJU's course, pass their test and take an oath as a Qaraite in one of their synagogues. So ... the eastern European Karaylar fought in this century to be recognized as *Jewish* and the Mo`eṣet Ḥakhamim in Israel has accepted this, even though you wrote to me yesterday that you folks are reluctant to call yourselves and be called Jewish? Am I following you correctly? Your use of the racist card is pathetic... perhaps you (plural) feel guilty for intermarrying with some outright gentile eastern Europeans of Christian backgrounds.
@dan-1617 4 ай бұрын
Moses prayed like that.
@mamabear71234 7 ай бұрын
Karaite Judaism just means they only believe the word of God alone and not any of the additives.
@howardgootkin4216 5 ай бұрын
The Torah is not self interpreting or self explanatory. The terms are often extremely ambiguous. One example. Leviticus commands that on the first day of the Sukkot holiday you must take a פרי עץ הדר, ie either a beautiful fruit from a tree or a fruit from a beautiful tree. The verse doesn’t identify the fruit to be taken. Can I take a beautiful apple and you a beautiful orange. Is beautiful defined by what people generally regard as a beautiful apple or plum? It is it my subjective experience. It is impossible to know how to fulfill this commandment. The Torah requires that human agency be granted the authority to interpret what the verse means. Otherwise thr command cannot be complied with
@ZviJ1 4 ай бұрын
No, dumpling, Qaraite Judaism is a sub-category of Scriptural Judaism, which is what you succinctly defined here. Defining Qaraite Judaism itself requires at least a few more lines.
@ZviJ1 4 ай бұрын
@@howardgootkin4216 It's definitely NOT impossible; your comment amounts to comic book level proapganda for the Rabbinical way. The remedy is to interpret each part of the Miqra at the straightforward level with consideration for context. This is the only way to figure out what is intended literally and what is metaphorical in the Miqra. By contrast, the Rabbinical "interpretation" method is a surefire way to get the vast majority of the Miqra wrong.
@howardgootkin4216 4 ай бұрын
@@ZviJ1 Why do people on social media behave like 10 year olds. Why can’t they just make their points without making insulting comments and mocking names like your calling jr dumping. This really is like being back in elementary school
@ZviJ1 2 ай бұрын
@@howardgootkin4216 Your comment stands refuted Whenever I get into the mood to go into detail, I can show that the actual Torah doesn't require that human agency be granted the authority to interpret what the verses mean, but it's interesting that you didn't even try to prove your contention. I guess pulling out the victim card somehow registers in your view to extracting victory from the jaws of defeat.
@saulchapnick1566 Жыл бұрын
The behavior of the Karaites was abominable during the War. Whereas many of the Rabbi’s actions saved them, the Karaites did not reciprocate. As noted in Daniel Lasker’s article in Tablet Magazine on 9/11/20: “Sadly, relations between Karaites and Rabbanites, which were already strained, deteriorated even further during the Holocaust. There are reports of Rabbanite Jews who were refused in their attempts to get the Karaite authorities to list them as members of their communities. Some Karaites even fought in the German army. Seraya Shapshal, himself, lived in his apartment in Vilna throughout the war, disturbed by neither the Nazis nor the Russians when they captured that city.”
@ZviJ1 Жыл бұрын
Actually that's mistaken, or a lie. There were many cases where eastern European Karaylar saved Rabbinical Jews by providing them fake Karaylar identities. Moreover, also some Rabbanites fought in the German army's ranks, let alone the capos and Judenrats. Why do I smell a double standard here?
@adamk5890 Жыл бұрын
There were Rabbinic Jews who were kapo's too. It is a low blow to find a few bad apples and then blame a whole group for that. You had to be 1/4 Jewish to be considered a Jew and many non-Jews who weren't even practicing Judaism who fell into this by the way and there was no way for a Karaite Jews to get out of this either unless you believe conspiracy theories. And there is a group that wasn't Jewish that had a similar name which I think this author is using.
@johngillespie3409 Жыл бұрын
The rabbinate Jewish capos were abominable during the war. Majewski is my mother's family, they came from Warsaw to Chicago in the late eighteen hundreds. Lying hellenized rabbinate Jews are why I'm a Karaite.
@ZviJ1 11 ай бұрын
@@SnowCalmth Thanks.. I've learned a few things from this comment. I can not blame you folks for what you lay out in the closing passage (except for the majority who view themselves as Turks), but the other things you share about the Karaylar cause me dismay. Judaism is indeed not a religion, but for an Israelite population to impose on itself all these binding traditions and views is counterproductive folly. Where is all that in the Torah? I don't even know why Oshra Gezer, the manager of the Qaraite museum, bothers attempting to persuade the Karaylar to return to the correct Qaraite path.
@ZviJ1 11 ай бұрын
@@golnaraestefan What's the basis of your confidence that the Iraqi Qaraites descended solely from the Ananites and that Egyptian Qaraites solely from the Pharisees of the Second Temple era? Solid evidence is needed for these assertions to be accepted as proven historic facts, especially when the Hakham who heads the online KJU school, Meir Rekhavi, already reached an educated guess that the Qaraite movement was founded as a coalition of Shammaite Rabbanites, one camp from among the Essenes and the Sadducees' remnants. What I mean here by "the correct Qaraite path" is one that does not include paganism where trees are worshiped in eastern European Qaraite cemeteries as presently, while pretending that YHWH is some Turkic deity, and that Qaraism is something practiced solely by an ethnicity that does not allow any form of conversion, and *de-facto* elevates an innane pacifist tradition to the level of a Torah commandment. No matter how much you and your friend hate this, there is some basic standard that cannot be breached, if one desires everyone to consider their form of Israelitism a Qaraite one -- Qaraism is not a Scriptural equivalent of Reform Judaism, where just about anything is possible. I'm not against having any and all oral traditions in Qaraite frameworks, but oppose elevating them to such a level of importance where they're no less sacrosanct than a Torah command.
@factsoverfear9771 Жыл бұрын
Amos 9 verse 7 kjv compares an African ppl to the real Israelites 💡
@johnmann8659 Жыл бұрын
Facts over Fear The Israelites were Arameans (Deuteronomy 26:5, Genesis 25:20). Amos 9:7 is saying judgement is coming to Israel (Amos 9:8-10) like it came to Cush (Isaiah 20), like it came to Egypt during the Exodus (Exodus 12:31-33), and the like it came to the Avvites when the Philistines left Caphtor (Greek islands) to bring judgement on them (Deuteronomy 2:23).
@factsoverfear9771 Жыл бұрын
@@johnmann8659 Yes judgement came to them and Shem and Shem in Genesis 13. 1 kjv says Abraham fled Egypt to the south of it where he was always from 💡. P.s.. Moses is from Ham also. 💡. Anyways…. In Deuteronomy. 28 kjv it says his chosen sinned so shall be curses 400 yrs and will be as such and then afterwards be FULLY REDEEMED AGAIN. It says the chosen will be taken from their land to the four corners of the earth on ships 🚢 to be sold 💡. To work in fields for no pay. To have iron yolks around their necks and to work in fields for no pay. 💡. To be the most hated ppl on earth and the poorest of the poor 💡. Even worse you’ll even forget who you really are. Whom does this fit. ? P.s. Moses from ham said this and ham wasn’t cursed only Canaan . See my friend. You can be saved but your ppl enslaved Gods chosen ppl , but it says they shall be fully RESTORED AND REDEEMED AGAIN 💡
@johnmann8659 Жыл бұрын
@@factsoverfear9771 - Jesus ended the Deuteronomy 28 curses when he died on the cross around 30 A.D. (Galatians 3:10-14) which ushered in the New Testament period of grace (Romans 6:14). The curses are no longer applicable after 30 A.D. - The Exodus already took place (Exodus 12:30-32). Passover commemorates the Exodus. (Deuteronomy 16:1-6 --> Matthew 26:17-19). - Abraham was from Mesopotamia (Genesis 15:6-7), not Egypt. - Moses was a descendant of Levi (Exodus 2:1-10) which would make him an Israelite (1 Chronicles 2:1-2) and therefore, a descendant of Shem and Abraham (1 Chronicles 1:17-27), not Ham.
@factsoverfear9771 Жыл бұрын
@@johnmann8659 That’s what you say but no scripture says this. It’s only your theory and it happened. Was the first enslavement in Egypt covered by grace ? All sin isn’t covered in grace by simply believing or any old sinner can get into heaven for simply believing 💡. The time of your ppls Gentile rule is about over as my ppl wake up from their Spain filled past and persecution from your ppl as in your part Neanderthal ( Nephilim ). You can be saved but only as being grafted in 💡. Want further proof ? KZbin ( slave names before the change ). They in large all had names with the word YAH in it 💡. Hebrew names . We know who we are now brother. 👍🏽. We are awakening at a fast speed even in Africa 💡.
@factsoverfear9771 Жыл бұрын
@@johnmann8659 Moses is a liar if you say what you are saying. 💡
@pedrorivera7931 Жыл бұрын
@ZviJ1 Жыл бұрын
Since you believe that all your sins have been "forgiven" because you believe J. Christ "the savior" died for and instead of you, you are in real trouble! Please don't kid yourself. Not only are you still sin-laden, you have added a new, terrible sin to the old batch! You are guilty of idolatry for worshiping a false "savior" and god. The word of YHWH plainly states that He (YHWH) alone is Savior; (Isaiah 43:11). He alone can forgive sin (Isaiah 43:25). He alone is the True Deity (Isaiah 43:10)!! Moreover, you cannot "believe away" sin! Magic plays absolutely no role in the system of sin and atonement established by YHWH, the sole Creator of this universe and pure God of Israel. Atonement by "faith" is not part of YHWH's setup. The only way a sinner can get his sins forgiven is by repenting and; by doing and fulfilling what YHWH wants him to do!! YHWH says: "Again, when I say to the wicked, you shall surely die; if he turn from his sin (repents) and do that which lawful and right ("good works")... he shall surely live, he shall NOT die!! NONE of his sins which he had committed shall be remembered against him! He has done that which is lawful and right! He shall surely LIVE!" (Ezekiel 33:14-16). Ezekiel was a prophet of YHWH. He wasn't a Christian preacher! In Moses' day, the repentant sinner usually (NOT ALWAYS) offered an animal sacrifice to symbolize his "giving" and YHWH's "accepting". Later prophets elaborated on how animal sacrifices are worthless without obedience: "Behold, to OBEY is BETTER than sacrifice!" (1 Samuel 15:22). "Do I eat the flesh of bulls, or drink the blood of goats?" (Psalms 50:13). "By practicing mercy and truth is sin atoned for!" (Proverbs 16:6). HOW can you come to YHWH? YHWH provides the answer: "Return, O Israel, to YHWH your almighty, for you have stumbled in your iniquity! Take with you WORDS and return to YHWH! (WHAT words?) Say to Him: forgive all iniquity and accept GOODNESS (good works). Thus, will we offer, INSTEAD of bullocks (blood) the offerings of our LIPS!" (Hosea 14:2-3). According to the word of YHWH, NO ONE can die for you! If you don't believe me, read Exodus 33:31-33; Deuteronomy 24:16; Ezekiel 18:3-4. But YHWH's demands can be met by you, if only you will know the truth. You can come to YHWH on your own! Read YHWH's word! "With what offering can I come before YHWH, and bow myself before the Mighty One on high? Should I come to him with burnt offerings, with year-old calves? Will YHWH be pleased by thousands of rams, with ten thousand rivers of oil? Should I give my first-born for my transgression (human sacrifice, like the crucifixion!), the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? It has been told you, O man, what is good, and what YHWH (not religious doctrine but YHWH!) requires of you: ONLY to DO what is just (YHWH's COMMANDMENTS) and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your Almighty!" (Micah 6:6-8). Hallelu-Yahh, praise YHWH! His Salvation is open to all! No believing in fairy-stories, no bloody crucifixions! No "divine suicide" on a Roman Cross! Plain and simple is the Way of YHWH! Will you take Him at His Word today? Circumcise your heart, loosen your stiff neck and remove the JC scales from your eyes. Read at leisure with an open mind through
@jamescobrien Жыл бұрын
Human blood can't atone for sins in any ritual sacrifice. It is an abomination to the God YaHUaH. J.C. is Greek invention, that is why it is in Greek, not Hebrew. You don't need no J.C., but you need YaHUaH
@sleeexs Жыл бұрын
Deureronomy 13
@christo-chaney Жыл бұрын
Bible References to give Missionaries 1. One Person Cannot Die for the Sins of Another Exodus 32.30-35, Deuteronomy 24.16, Jeremiah 31.29-30, Ezekiel 18 (all), & Psalm 146.3 2. A Blood Sacrifice Isn’t Needed to Forgive Sins Exodus 22.3-14, 34.6-7, Leviticus 5.11-13, Numbers 5.6-7, 14.17-19, 16.47 & 31.50, 1st Samuel 15.22, 1st Kings 8.38-39, 41-43, & 46-50, 2nd Kings 12.16, Isaiah 6.6-7, 55.6-7, Jeremiah 7.22-23, Hosea 14.2, Jonah 3.5-10, Micah 6.6-8, Psalm 32.3-5, 34.14, 51.16-17, 86.5-7 & 15, 103.8, 111.4, 116.5, Proverbs 21.3, 28.13, Job 33.26, & 2nd Chronicles 7.14 3. God Will Never Accept a Human Sacrifice Deuteronomy 12.30-31, Jeremiah 19.4-6, Ezekiel 16.20, & Psalm 106.37-38 4. God is One & Indivisible (not a trinity) Exodus 20.3, Deuteronomy 6.4, Isaiah 44.6, 45.5-7, & Psalm 16.4 See also the New Testament texts of Matthew 24.36, 26.42, Mark 13.32, Luke 18.19, 23.34, & John 14.28. 5. God Doesn’t Become Human, & Humans Don’t Become God Numbers 23.19, Ezekiel 28.2, Hosea 11.9, & Malachi 3.6
@johngillespie3409 Жыл бұрын
jesus died for his own sins, not mine. 🖕 Crass, British punk band
@sunrise2322 9 ай бұрын
False monotheism was before Judaism
@adamsorell4851 Жыл бұрын
@MA-oe1pu Жыл бұрын
If they don't accept the oral law that came together with the written, on Mt. Sinai, they cannot possible understand the written law. The written law states to wear on one's head and hand the "Tefillin", but the written law does not explain what it is, how it looks, what's inside of it etc. It is impossible to fulfill the written law without the oral.
@KetsiaMinistries Жыл бұрын
This is similar to christianity. They believe they need a mediator. The bible says that Deuteronomy 30 : 11-14- " His word is not to high for understanding" many need to ask a rabbi which shoe laces to tie first. Is this from the Torah? Did Moses have shoelaces or sandals. what if the sandals had no laces? this is called micro managing. Its clear that in Deuteronomy 4: 6-9, that the Tefillin would encompass the scripture verses in which it is set. You don't need another person's brain to figure that one. While rabbis are part of a community, and are relevant, they are not to replace your brain, or the words of the Almighty through the Prophets. There is nothing wrong with writing common sense into paper- but believing that common sense can not be achieved through reading the word of the Almighty, unless, reading it through someone else's brain is wrong- and cult- like. Repent and turn to the Almighty COMPLETELY. He is a Jealous Almighty. He shares His glory with NO ONE. Isaiah 45: 18
@ZviJ1 Жыл бұрын
🤣😂 I know you need to state such things to cope with reality, yet unfortunately for you and your likes, (a.) the contention that an oral law was revealed together with the written Torah at Sinai is a laughable argument that doesn't hold water -- there are Scriptural and archaeological proofs that refute it. (b.) The Qaraite Jews have proved through their exegetical methods that they do not need the Rabbinic "oral" torah to understand the actual Torah. The actual Torah does NOT command wearing on one's head and hand any ritual accessories like Tefillin -- the perception that it does is a Rabbinic invention. Moreover, Tefillin in various shapes and contents have been found until the 12th century, which proves that the Rabbinic "oral" torah failed to provide instructions and guidelines on how they should look and what their contents should be.
@ZviJ1 Жыл бұрын
I'll correct myself on a small detail: the "oral" law did provide an instruction on the contents of Tefillin, but this was done only in the former half of the 2nd century AD. If the "oral" torah were given on Mt. Sinai after the Exodus, this instruction would be from *that* period, but it *isn't.* Orthodox Rabbanites and their apologists can fool many people much of the time, but not everybody all of the time.
@MA-oe1pu Жыл бұрын
@@ZviJ1 In reality, ALL of the oral law, "Mishnah" was given at the same time way before the date you quote. And, all of the very complex laws of Sabbath full of intricate details. It wouldn't even make sense for the creator to give on Mt. Sinai a book of laws, without explaining how to keep them. How can you substantiate what you are saying? In Israel, they have found in excavations going back to the 1st temple time, (B.C) proving the statutes of the "oral" law. This includes the oral laws governing the measurements and design of Mikvehs, graves etc. etc. All as it was handed down "orally" from generation to generation, from Sinai.
@ZviJ1 Жыл бұрын
@@MA-oe1pu 🤣🤣🤣Unfortunately for your scriptline, not only did a reputable Orthodox scholar from the Hebrew Uni. named Prof. Avigdor Shinan concede already years ago that Pharisaism, the direct ancestor of Rabbinic Judaism, was a breakaway *seceding* (this is why they named themselves 'Perushim', notwithstanding the attempts of apologists to offer and promote other interpretations of this Hebrew word) sect from the original, mainstream Scriptural Judaism of the early 2nd century BCE, but the most intelligent Orthodox rabbis openly argue that just 30+ of the Mishna's statements trace back to the Sinai Revelation, while the earliest parts of the rest of the Mishna are from the 2nd century BCE. The complex Shabbat laws known from Rabbinic Judaism are a case in point of Rabbinic inventions. It wouldn't make sense for YHWH the Almighty to provide explanations for those commandments He had given that His Children of Israel knew enough Biblical Hebrew to understand by themselves, or had an extant knowledge how to observe. Therefore, He elaborated only in those commandments where such details were needed. *You cannot substantiate what you are saying --* nothing has been found in Israel from the First Temple era in excavations that proves the "oral" torah's existence at that time, or you could cite one specific example. If anything, the opposite seems true -- judging by the blue-violet dye found on fabrics in Timna` from Dawid haMelekh's reign, it seems that Isatis Tinctoria, extracted from a plant, was used for Tekhelet. There are no findings from excavations of the Miqweh, the Rabbinical ritual bath, that precede the 2nd century BCE. Pretty much the same with graves. And your argument that the "oral" torah -- in your version the entire Mishna -- was handed to Moshe b. `Amram at Sinai and passed down the generations until it magically ended up among the Pharisees and their successors in AD70, just doesn't jibe at all with the facts that Tefillin sets existed from before Bar-Kokhvah that contained a fifth text, namely the Ten Utterances (`Aseret Hadvarim) -- they were found in archaeological excavations -- and the instruction in the Mishna to omit that 5th part was a "correction" introduced to the supposed "oral" law out of fear that Rabbinic Jews would be too similar to heretical "Minim". Tefilin sets from both the 1st century AD and the next century have been found and some of those from the 1st (not far from Khirbet Qumran) contained `Aseret Hadvarim, and we're aware of said instruction in the Mishna, so from the combination of these 2 types of evidence scholarship is already sufficiently aware of some evolution in Tefilin laws that does not square with the supposed existence of a fixed "oral" torah from before the 1st century AD, though Orthodox Rabbanites may never openly concede this. You do not seem to have read the entire Miqra (Tanakh). If the "oral" torah existed in Nehemia & `Ezra's time (the same `Ezra extolled to high heaven by the Talmud, stating that he was worth for the actual Torah to be handed down at Sinai by him), their books in the Miqra wouldn't report that our ancestors (if you're even Jewish like me) used a different version of the Four Species (Arba`at HaMinim) and in a very different way than Rabbinical Judaism does it, because `Ezra & Nehemia wouldn't allow this to happen to begin with. Much before that, Yehoshu`a Bin-Nun's book reports that there was not even a single word of all that Moshe the Prophet had commanded that hadn't been *read* to the people on the occasion of the Mt. `Aival ceremony, which totally refutes any notion of some oral Torah existing at all at the time. Yet you and your likes prefer to make out Yehoshu`a a liar for the sake of Rabbinic dogma, even though he was Moshe's closest associate. This couldn't be more humanly absurd and illogical. Then again, perhaps you don't even take the Miqra and its sanctity seriously. You're indulging in the usual Rabbinical delusional thinking. One of the questions that presents itself here is, will you adhere to this nonsense through thick and thin, or let the inconvenient facts confound you to the point where you'll wise up to reality.
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