The Final Shart Rant (read pinned comment)

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Ай бұрын

Massive oof.
#destiny2 #thefinalshape

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@Einzweig Ай бұрын
A very ranty video with a few too many insults and not quite enough analytical analysis. Oh well, it wasn't meant to be an in depth review, it was just an outlet for my disappointment. Edit one - Dear God y'all are so desperate in your insults, crazy how I haven't seen a single good counterpoint, almost like there isn't an argument to be made. I thoroughly enjoy upsetting you people, it brings me a kind of joy that words can't describe. Edit two - Almost every single comment is just people insulting me and not having anything to actually refute my statements. Now, I actually have a life, so I can't sit here and respond to braindead dimwits all day. As such, I shall now only respond to comments written by people that have an IQ above room temperature. In layman's terms, if I dont respond to you it's because you're an idiot with nothing valuable to say. Have a nice day.
@streamhiro77 Ай бұрын
Cope and seethe lol
@Einzweig Ай бұрын
@@streamhiro77 Ah yes, such an amazing an original comment.
@MelonTheMadMan 29 күн бұрын
To give you a valid response that isnt condescending like most of the destiny community tends to give, I dont think any of it felt forced, the only thing that could be said to have been forced imo is zavalas new VA of course, it just feels off hearing him, I think it was all just rushed, not forced but rushed, zavalas arc should have probably happened and honestly resulted in his death as a character and do it over a few more cutscenes and missions than they did, it felt too fast, Im not great at explaining how I feel about it but it felt off, not bad but off, it felt like they had to fit all of the minor character story arcs in too tight of a space and then when the witness died from the end of campaign to the raid to the 12 man just felt empty like thats it? it didnt feel like anything happened, the witness did just suck and the problem is they already started downhill from lightfall but they cant just retcon so they continue from poop to piss and id rather drink piss than eat shit if you get what im saying lol, but anyway yeah their writing is cliche, and outdated is the main problem, they have such a rich and dark lore but the main stories are written like they were designed to appeal to 8 year olds in 2006, there just needs to be a change in theme of the story, this was them trying to be dark, but playing halo and elden ring and shit its crazy how baby this is.
@BuhteeG 29 күн бұрын
​@MelonTheMadMan Don't agree in the slightest, personally. Well, outside of the fact I fully expected Zavala to die. I don't think this was an attempt to be dark though, atleast not fully. It was an attempt to be more mature, and it landed imo. Halo and Elden Ring are 2 awful choices for comparisons for "dark" though. Elden Ring lore is dark, sure. But so is Destiny's. There's a lot of brutal stuff to dig through in there. Halo is.. well, shit since Bungie left so who cares 🤷‍♂️ I also don't think you understand how hard a mission like the 12 man one would be to make crazy hard. You're expecting casuals and non-raiders to jump through hoops to finish the story they could have started almost 10 years ago? Communication would be impossible. I get what you're trying to say, I just don't think it's applicable.
@streamhiro77 29 күн бұрын
@@Einzweig 6 likes to 125 dislikes plus your comment section roasting the shit out of you says otherwise
@ethanweber7419 Ай бұрын
Sounds like you should have quit a long time ago brotha the game is just not for you 🙏🙏🙏
@Einzweig Ай бұрын
I so wish I had quit a long time ago, but I kept playing because of my friends.
@stanleyli2525 29 күн бұрын
@@EinzweigSo it’s a you issue because it’s not your style of game. Then you complain because it isn’t your style of game? What? Having friends on it isn’t a valid excuse
@Einzweig 29 күн бұрын
@@stanleyli2525 It is very much my "style" of game, as it is within a genre I like. I loved Destiny 1, and thoroughly enjoyed Destiny 2 early on in its lifespan. Saying that having friends isn't a valid excuse is just outright wrong. There are quite a lot of people who play a game they don't care for just because their friends do. I know a dozen just off the top of my head.
@stanleyli2525 29 күн бұрын
@@Einzweig Then why are you complaining about TFS? None of the points make sense. It’s the most highly rated expansion from Destiny and you’re still complaining? I meant if you hate the game but only play it because your friends do, that’s not healthy.
@WretchedByNature Ай бұрын
I’m a minute and a half into this video and like… is this just 24 minutes of you being a new light and not understanding the story that’s been laid out for the past 10 years or…? The Zavala arc makes perfect sense if you’ve even been remotely paying attention to the game since season of the haunted. He’s been slowly becoming increasingly more disillusioned with the light and losing his faith in the traveler. Just because you don’t keep up on the lore doesn’t mean his character arc during the campaign doesn’t make sense lmaooo
@Einzweig Ай бұрын
I have been playing for 10 years, all the dlc and seasons, I read a fair bit of lore, watch most of Byf and Evaze's videos, and it still felt extremely forced. They just took Zavala and threw his sanity out the window and called that character development. Then they kill his ghost and all of a sudden he's fine? Makes no sense. Honestly this was just a rant video, not a detailed essay of why TFS sucked balls. I'm sure that Darksider Royalty will likely make an incredibly detailed video describing all the numerous flaws with the story, so I don't think it will be necessary for me to do so when someone better at it will.
@eu.stacio 29 күн бұрын
@@Einzweignot the rage bait KZbinr 😂😂
@Einzweig 29 күн бұрын
@@eu.stacio You've clearly never watched any of Darkside's videos.
@eu.stacio 29 күн бұрын
@@Einzweig I’ve watched plenty lol, always ends with the man just complaining and rage baiting. Sure every once in a while he was a valid critique but that’s very much the exception not the rule. He’s essentially the destiny community’s version of verlisify lmao
@Einzweig 29 күн бұрын
@@eu.stacio While he's extremely snarky in all his videos, every point he ever brings up is valid. People just can't handle the idea of their beloved Bungie not being perfect in every way.
@alliedbrandon1355 29 күн бұрын
The problem is we've been getting shit content for years. Now we have a mission that's decent and people love it because expectations were so low. I enjoyed it.
@Einzweig 29 күн бұрын
Stockholm syndrome at its finest.
@stanleyli2525 29 күн бұрын
@@EinzweigWhen insulting is your best skill set 👀
@triston.phoenix3567 Ай бұрын
bro complained about replacing Zavala? He obviously should have been killed off with zero voice lines, that would make more sense! you did not pay attention to the story at all the last 10 years if you think actions were out of character. better expansion than witch queen. making your raid/dungeon stats changed to private shows you dont want people to realize youre bad at the game and your opinion doesnt mean all too much. atleast with people like Saltagrepo, who complain all the time, are actually good. have a good day
@Einzweig Ай бұрын
Dear God, please seek mental help, though I'm not sure there's anything on this planet that can cure what you have. Firstly, if you think someone has to be a sweatlord at a game to point out its flaws, you are seriously messed up in the head. Secondly, you didn't give any valid counterpoints to anything I said, just like all the other comments people left. If all you white knights think I'm so wrong, then how come none of you can come up with anything to prove it? It's all just a bunch of uncreative insults, though that isn't exactly off-brand for people like yourself. Also, I haven't used raid report in years, so I've no clue why it would be private. It has literally no relevance, but I have several hundred raid clears, the Rivensbane title(which I have equipped in the video), the King Slayer title, and a bunch of others. I also have over 7,000 hours in Destiny 2 alone.
@ItzJustSpicy Ай бұрын
When i searched and saw that his raid report was private, I knew the video (the whole 24 minutes) was bs
@triston.phoenix3567 Ай бұрын
@@Einzweig you’re the one making a video on KZbin “criticizing” when all you’re doing is complaining about everything. Btw you have to manually make your profile private, you made it private. You’re bad at the game, and that’s okay. You’re bad at comprehending literature, and that’s okay. Keep your Dogshit opinions to yourself. It’s unpopular for a reason
@Einzweig Ай бұрын
@@ItzJustSpicy xD I can't even, this is just too funny.
@natepetit271 29 күн бұрын
seek mental help? Brother you are cooked. You spent the time to throw out an opinion on KZbin you KNEW would get negative feedback, and you just throw legitimate insults at people who don't agree with you. If you are gonna rant about a game, grow up and get over it, don't go around saying people have syndromes for liking something you do not like.
@shaunpimentel1906 Ай бұрын
No wonder. It's warframe player and they LOVE shitting on Destiny any chance they get
@Einzweig Ай бұрын
I've been playing destiny longer than Warframe and have about 5,000 more hours in just Destiny 2 than Warframe, so I don't think that statement is valid.
@omage3457 29 күн бұрын
I’m a Warframe player and I still like Destiny. I also disagree with this video though.
@stanleyli2525 29 күн бұрын
@@EinzweigMe looking for anyone agreeing with you is like seeing the andromeda galaxy collide with our galaxy In our lifetime. Impossible.
@shawnk3646 Ай бұрын
this video can be summed up by a virgin kid who hasnt seen the sun in 3 months blink around on a warlock while swinging his sword and not contributing whatsoever to the instance he's in while he complain... yawn
@Einzweig Ай бұрын
I'm an adult who has in fact seen sunlight, though I fail to see how either of those have any relevance. Also, the mission has 12 people and is unbelievably easy, I don't think it matters that I wasn't paying attention.
@stanleyli2525 29 күн бұрын
⁠@@EinzweigWell you insult people so expect insults back 😊 Also play the raid. It’s harder. The 12 man activity is supposed to be a fun ending. They could have ended it at the raid.
@kermitderfrosch5432 29 күн бұрын
My man has a vid online called "warframe attraktivenes Tier list" but rants over tfs With this kind of videos you for sure would’ve liked tfs if the witness was a breedable baddie 💀
@Einzweig 29 күн бұрын
I fail to see the relevance in that. Just because I made a random video I thought was funny doesn't mean everything I think is based on sex appeal. Crazy concept, I know, but maybe when you're older you'll understand.
@kermitderfrosch5432 29 күн бұрын
@@Einzweig blud himself sounds like hes 12
@Einzweig 29 күн бұрын
@@kermitderfrosch5432 Coming from the person who unironically uses the term "blud" and can't manage basic grammar.
@kermitderfrosch5432 29 күн бұрын
@@Einzweig god loves you
@ItzJustSpicy Ай бұрын
Dear Warframe player/content creator who decided to spend 50 bucks on a game he no longer played or uploaded a video on in a year. First off you should've stayed on Warframe because while 1000s of people enjoyed this expansion, you only open your recording software just to record yourself using blink on a warlock for 20 minutes. You said the campaign sucked..... if anything was terrible. 1. Zavala never really got over what happened with his family and with stuff looking bleak for this universe, his faith in the light completely faded. You probably skipped that stuff when the season they had his backstory. 2. When Lance passed away, we knew as a community that whoever had that role after him had big shoes to fill. Regardless his story arc to me was well received esp when he lost his light on his own bad decisions. You said you did the legendary campaign... how are you below 1960 then. Finishing the legendary gave gear that puts you at 1960 so either youre lying or didnt transfer gear over. Your comment on the Witness not making any sense. Tell me you didnt pay attention to the lore/story without saying you didnt pay attention to the lore/story but destiny has no story or bad writting according to you. Like DID YOU EVEN PLAY THE CAMPAIGN. It tells us what the witness is. Its not a sole entity but a collection of beings.. Youre contradicting yourself saying they need to know good story but before saying they have good story. They did what they did with the ghost to kill of Cayde because the VA said he wasnt planning to continue the roll after TFS campaign (literally youre brain dead). You was better off not uploading this video. Again all you did was jump back and forth which showed me you have nothing of value to add when critiquing an game or expansion. -Spicy (A Solo Destiny Player)
@Einzweig Ай бұрын
Holy hell, please take your meds. I have played every season, I didn't just come back out of nowhere to play the dlc, despite your assumptions. Zavala's story arc was mediocre at best, and a trainwreck at worst. We didn't get to see Zavala from the past, we didn't get to know his family that we were supposed to give a F about because they're dead, we literally just met his ghost right before he died, there was no substance. Just because the campaign gave us a flimsy backstory to this weird baldy that they made doesn't mean it was good. Before the Witch Queen, the Witness wasn't even a thing, there wasn't any sort of foreshadowing done about it specifically. It's like they had the whole Gardner/Winnower stuff they were setting up, and then threw it all out the window and gave us empty triangle ships filled with nothing but disappointment. I said that the playerbase needed to know what a good story was, and that Destiny has some semblance of a good story previously that they were setting up, though a lot of it was in the lore instead of in game. Me blinking around has literally nothing to do with what I was talking about, you bringing that up is grasping at straws. Also, I did do the campaign, but guess what, it gives you 1960 new gear, it doesn't just magically level up all the gear in all your builds. Crazy concept, I know. Cayde's VA saying he won't return doesn't have any relevance either, they could've easily written an out for Cayde that didn't have to do with a stupid "death" that was meaningless. Calling me braindead because of that is just pathetic. Just because thousands of people liked the story doesn't make it good. Thousands of people think the new Marvel movies are good, and those people aren't mentally stable. Overall, I'd say it's quite obvious that you lack the capability of complex thought, you can't even manage basic grammar. I stated multiple times in the video and in the comments that this wasn't a well articulated video made to go in depth about all the blunders made by Bungie's writing team, it was a random rant video I made out of boredom and interest in seeing other people's opinions. Still though, regardless of how absurd and desperate your attempts at a counterargument are, I must acknowledge the little bit of effort you put in at typing it out, which is far more than I can say for most of the low effort insults the other comments left.
@stanleyli2525 29 күн бұрын
@@EinzweigClassic “take your meds.” You do realize people will stop reading and start insulting you as soon as you say that right?
@shaunpimentel1906 29 күн бұрын
@@stanleyli2525 Dude is a loser through and through.
@JQDeathFromAbove96 28 күн бұрын
2:20 bungie hates warlocks…
@MagnusInsomnia 29 күн бұрын
You know what blows my mind? KZbin recommending a poorly recorded, shoddily edited, ill conceived video from some random dude
@Einzweig 29 күн бұрын
You know what blows my mind? That there are people so pathetic as to attack things completely irrelevant to someone's opinion. It's crazy out here.
@eu.stacio 29 күн бұрын
@@Einzweig the hypocrisy of you saying this after every insult you’ve thrown at people in your own comment section is almost laughable
@omage3457 29 күн бұрын
@@Einzweigthe hypocrisy of you staying that while also going through your comments and calling people unintelligent or mentally unwell in a ableist manner is disgusting. Shame on you.
@Einzweig 29 күн бұрын
@@eu.stacio I am never the one to start it. If someone is going to be a mature human being, then I will treat them as such. If someone is going to be a braindead dumb ass, then that is how I will treat them.
@stanleyli2525 29 күн бұрын
@@EinzweigI have went through multiple comments from you and you are a liar and hypocrite.
@omage3457 Ай бұрын
L take Edit: I would give a more in depth explanation for why I think this rant sucks, but I’d basically repeat what many other people in this comment section have already said. So huge L take.
@omage3457 29 күн бұрын
I should also add that you aren’t making a good case for yourself by insulting people in your comments. Even those give you constructive criticism and counterarguments. It shows how this review is nothing more than you whining and not giving an honest review with little to no explanation to your points other than that you didn’t like it.
@stonekeeper295 29 күн бұрын
So in that 2nd last mission, it's total bull that people need to think during a boss fight? Really dont understand how this mission is BS, forces players to think about the witness positioning but also the subjugator health, IMO it felt better than calus and savathun boss fights, those bosses had a loop to them that would be easy to repeat, making them repetitive.
@Einzweig 29 күн бұрын
It's not that you need to think, it's that they just overwhelm you with way too much bs. Like I said in the video, multiple times I would go invis, run to the other side of the map, still be invis and behind cover, and then the stasis subjugator would make stasis crystals trapping me in behind cover and kill me by detonating them. That isn't a problem with skill, that's a problem with bs. I love difficult stuff when it's fair, but I hate stupid sh*t like that fight.
@shaunpimentel1906 Ай бұрын
Shit take. Objectively wrong.
@Einzweig Ай бұрын
You clearly have an IQ below room temperature. Have a nice day.
@shaunpimentel1906 Ай бұрын
@@Einzweig I would reckon you're the one with with at least a single digit IQ.
@-_-waaaaaa Ай бұрын
@@Einzweignot very nice to insult someone intelligence because they don’t agree with your opinion. Personally I thought this DLC was fire, the raid was some of the most challenging content since LW. Campaign was short but they pulled on the heart strings of cayde as a Hunter main that was drawn to destiny in forsaken. Akora ray? Don’t really care for her she chucks her nova bomb ever now and then says some inspirational shi and that’s about all I care for her dialog now. This DLC seemed like a massive step forward for bungie. But as all it’s all opinions. Legend campaign as someone who’s been playing for years this stuff doesn’t break a sweat for me. Solo GMs and Solo dungeons are the content I go for if I want a challenge or day one raid races (yes I am now bald) But legend campaign has to be accessible for sofa dads and people that come home from work etc. It’s not elite super challenge campaign not described as that in trailers. But non the less you are entitled to your opinion. Edit I feel like you’re rage baiting for views the further I get into the video.
@MFL_I 29 күн бұрын
@@Einzweig wanna cry my ngga?
@kermitderfrosch5432 29 күн бұрын
@@Einzweig your iq gotta atleast be below freezing temps. have a nice day.
@icon4634 29 күн бұрын
referencing darkside royalty wasn't something I expected to happen in this video, but it makes perfect sense
@Einzweig 29 күн бұрын
Ah yes, so you don't like Darkside Royalty. The guy that has well thought, in depth videos going over the many low quality or horrible trash Bungie has made, and does so by presenting actual facts and using this crazy thing called logic. My condolences go to your parents, as having a White Knight as their child must be very tough on them.
@icon4634 29 күн бұрын
@Einzweig My parents love me! What a weird thing to say to someone who has a different opinion than yours.
@Einzweig 29 күн бұрын
@@icon4634 Formulating an opinion about someone and writing off their opinions because they watch videos by a person you disagree with is what's weird.
@icon4634 29 күн бұрын
@@Einzweig No I watched the entire video. I just found it was funny how darkside royalty was mentioned. It just seems like you went into the dlc wanting to dislike it. You are entitled to your opinion, but saying the final shape enjoyers are bungie white knights is not a great look. I think you should take a break from destiny, you obviously dislike it enough to make a video and argue with everyone and anyone about it. That's not good for your mental.
@nahfr. 29 күн бұрын
​@@Einzweig why not just....quit? Whats the point of playing a game you dont enjoy? But you do you angry guy
@natepetit271 29 күн бұрын
Only watched for a couple minutes, but I will say there were definitely some things that could have been improved, no dlc has ever been perfect for this game. However this dlc has given us one of the most customizable subclasses I have ever played with, the most challenging and fun to watch day 1 raid experience I have ever had, one of the coolest raids in general, and a roadmap for extremely beneficial seasons. I get this wasn't the cleanest story wise, but if you ignore the story annoyances its an amazing expansion. This is not a story game, most of the game focuses on gameplay, if you dont like the story you can just shoot things. And if you are big on story games, then play something else, and no your friends are not the reason you kept playing, they do not control you.
@Einzweig 29 күн бұрын
Firstly, yes my friend's are the reason, we played it because it was the only game we all had. Just because I kept and played a game we all had doesn't mean they "control" me. I did say in the video that overall the gameplay of the campaign was fairly good, though I do wish it was a bit more difficult. The episodes system replacing the seasons is a very welcome change, and hopefully it fixes the disjointedness that the seasons had. I don't think The Final Shape was the worst DLC ever, definitely not the worst DLC for D2, but I don't think the blind praise it's getting is deserved. I've almost nothing but praises for every single detail about the DLC, especially the story, and it just ain't all that. For a normal DLC in a game that story doesn't matter, it would receive a comfortable B+. For a DLC that is the ending to a 10 year saga in a game where Bungie has heavily tried to push the story as "good", it is sitting in the F tier. If everyone just praises everything Bungie does then things won't ever get better. Even though the reason I continued playing Destiny 2 was my friends, the reason I started was because I genuinely loved Destiny 1, and I want nothing more than to see the game reach its full potential, and criticism is a very important tool in making that happen. I did point out several good things they did in the video. The music, art design, Cayde's character, and combat were all great. It's crazy how so many people are doing nothing but leaving hateful comments trying to make fun of me when all I did was make random rant video about my opinions and disappointment. It is genuinely sad and pathetic to see. As for you, I appreciate the proper response and how civil you were, that is how people should be when having a disagreement.
@tenubular6816 29 күн бұрын
@@Einzweig "If everyone just praises everything Bungie does then things won't ever get better." It's a good thing that statement is wrong. Do we not remember the community response with Lightfall and previous seasons/expansions? Most of the community is in collective agreement that the DLC is great and the community is praising all the portions of the DLC that are amazing. Same thing with Lightfall; most people did not enjoy the campaign story at all but did commend the other changes alongside the expansion (i.e., Strand). Saying that the community always praises Bungie is straight up incorrect.
@Einzweig 29 күн бұрын
@@tenubular6816 Lightfall was an outlier. There have been many terrible seasons people thought were good, Lightfall got torn a new one because it was just a whole new level of trash. I think there are two main groups the praise for the DLC is coming from; White Knights who think Bungie is the second coming of Christ, and unfortunate addicts experiencing Stockholm syndrome. After experiencing the garbage that was Lightfall, people's standards were lowered dramatically.
@tenubular6816 29 күн бұрын
@@Einzweig Does not change the fact that the community was in collective agreement that Lightfall's story (and also year as a whole minus Into the Light) was not the greatest. Also Lightfall was not an outlier and there have been multiple instances and worse points where the community also agreed as a whole that another expansion was bad (e.g., Curse of Osiris, D2 Vanilla, some points in D1). The community does know when to point out the negatives in collective, and there are many examples of such happening, and with The Final Shape being seen as a great DLC to compare to even some of the better ones, that goes to show the quality put into this expansion. Obviously you are entitled to your own opinion, but that is just my take on it
@Einzweig 29 күн бұрын
@@tenubular6816 Just because people have pointed out some of the worst things in Destiny history doesn't mean the things they don't label as bad are of good quality. I saw far more people saying that the seasons from the past year were good than people saying they weren't, despite the seasonal story (and many of the activities) being terrible. The biggest offender of those seasons was the Season of the Deep, so many people thought that story was actually good. Outside of the incredible voice acting done for Xivu, the story was so boring it put me to sleep. I'm not going to go into the nitty gritty of why that season was so bad, but I'd say I've gotten the point across. People in general have far lower standards than they should. We give an exuberant amount of money to companies like Bungie to play the games they make, it is quite literally their jobs to make it worth the money. Part of the reason I think there is more of a collective agreement in the community generally speaking, is that some of the other aspects of the DLC were actually good. As I stated in the video, I thought that the music, art design, and combat were all done well. The people who can't discern between a good story and dross don't understand because they've been satisfied by the parts they care about. I will admit I made a mistake in not specifying more in the video, as well as the title/thumbnail, that I am specifically criticizing the story. While I'm not a huge fan of all the other things the DLC has brought to us, it is of little consequence to me. If you disagree then that's perfectly fine, but I'm also entitled to my own opinion. So many people here are upset because they don't like what I've said, when at the end of the day it has literally no effect on them. They are just flinging insults around because they can't come up with a proper response to my criticism. I am strongly against being a PoS to people and believe that being civil and polite in a debate is of the utmost importance. However, when someone starts throwing around insults and being hateful for no reason, I am well within my rights to be a snarky jackass in return.
@Gummypuss Ай бұрын
You've done the Champaign twice jeez why bother.
@nahfr. 29 күн бұрын
Ill be looking forward to your version of the campaign
@blackyonbi Ай бұрын
Im sorry we are enjoying the game while you still play the game.
@Einzweig Ай бұрын
I have no problem with someone enjoying the game, that's a good thing for them I suppose. My problem is when people try to say that the game itself is good, when it is very much not.
@00v4mp00 Ай бұрын
@@Einzweigand you’re still playing it
@glimglam1153 29 күн бұрын
​@@Einzweig "I have no problem with someone enjoying the game" "My problem is when people say the game is good when it's not." Which is it? Must be crazy to say something then contradict it in the next sentence. And please stop acting like your opinion on a product should dictate what others should think or feel about it, makes you come off as a immature child.
@Einzweig 29 күн бұрын
@@glimglam1153 I never once said that my opinion should dictate the thoughts or feelings of others, that is a blatant lie. You also clearly don't know what the word "contradict" means. Someone can enjoy something even if it isn't good. There have been many horrible low effort games that I thought were fun simply because of how absurdly terrible they were. I am so baffled by how stupid your comment is, I am genuinely concerned for the people around you.
@roxas53 29 күн бұрын
Bro has under 1k subscribers and trying to be this bold lol
@Einzweig 29 күн бұрын
How many subscribers I have is completely irrelevant to me stating my opinions. Your comment implies that it would be acceptable for someone with a large amount of subscribers to have the same opinions, which shows that you are nothing more than a bandwagoner who puts stock in statements solely because of their social standing.
@alexmottley8890 Ай бұрын
It felt like they were building up to kill Zavala off through the entire campaign. And I was hoping they did by the end of it... He sounded like a woke college student screaming at a rally.
@udontknowme00 Ай бұрын
dawg what are you saying
@Einzweig Ай бұрын
Exactly my guy, it was actually painful to listen to. This is what happens when companies hire white woman left wing purple hair schizos to write stories.
@ethanweber7419 Ай бұрын
@@Einzweigmy brotha what does that have to do w anything. This whole vid is starting to make a lot more sense as some kind of weird black pill rage bait. Sorry bungie is to “woke” for you 🥹🥹
@Gigachad-mc5qz 29 күн бұрын
Oh no not another anti "woke" sheep. Seriously go outside for once and meet some people
@Gigachad-mc5qz 29 күн бұрын
​@@Einzweigbro leftists living rent free in your head😂😂 you probably think biden is communist. Maybe stop being a basement dwelling goblin.
@many6747 29 күн бұрын
You have some valid criticisms but I wouldn’t say it was terrible by any means. These are simply the things that made it not perfect. Personally I’m enjoying this more than other DLCs
@Einzweig 29 күн бұрын
It certainly has its upsides, my main issue is the story. I mentioned several things that I thought were done quite well, such as the music, art design, and combat. but that doesn't excuse the story being a mess. That being said, it's perfectly fine to have a differing opinion, and I respect your ability to be civilized in writing a response.
@Data_13_01 Ай бұрын
Did you even play the fucking story ? This video is making me doubt you did but imma be nice and explain it to you since you didnt get the message when you were watching the cutscienes the witness wanted control purpose domination of the universe the traveler is the opposite its silent because it asks for nothing it grants the light because we ourselves chose to fight for it. It gives us a choice freedom to choose make our own purposes our own destiny gardians make thier own fate thats the moral of the story
@Einzweig 29 күн бұрын
That is not enough to make a good story. The Witness needed much more characterization, and the Traveller is just a giant Mcguffin, quite possibly the worst in media history.
@Data_13_01 29 күн бұрын
@@Einzweig literally wow so much wrong with that and bruh you seem to be angry that not everything was answered well no shit sherlock if they told you everything whats the point of continuing destiny as a franchise ?
@Einzweig 29 күн бұрын
@@Data_13_01 It's the end of the Darkness and the Light saga, you'd think they'd give more answers than questions.
@gushinsussin Ай бұрын
lets see the raid report lil bro
@Einzweig Ай бұрын
I fail to see how my raid report has any relevance to the bad writing of Bungie. And even if it did, I have several hundred raid clears, Rivensbane, King Slayer, and many other titles. I've got 7k hours in the game. You stuck up white nights will never cease to amaze me with your narrow-mindedness.
@Trypikistt Ай бұрын
@@Einzweigthe fact narrowmindedness is the word you chose when you FAIL entiretly to even ATTEMPT to accept a new voice actor for a character that’s been in the game since day 1 baffles me. His character needed to see the end.
@Einzweig Ай бұрын
@@Trypikistt Zavala has had a mediocre character arc at best, barely shown in game. If he had died off it wouldn't have mattered that much. It's not that I refuse or can't accept a new voice actor, that honestly is one of the smallest issues with it, but I do think they could've cast someone more fitting for the role than Kieth.
@gushinsussin 29 күн бұрын
@@Einzweig i bitch about bungie more than anyone bro, do you have reckoner lil bro? lets see that raid report lil bro, you are a shitter lil bro
@waliedsalam2487 29 күн бұрын
@@Einzweig If the raid report "really" does not matter then their should be no reason to hide it.
@ashar9093 29 күн бұрын
All I hear is a bunch of yappin lowkey 💪🏻🙏🏻
@Einzweig 29 күн бұрын
All I hear is a low effort response from someone incapable of coming up with valid counterpoints.
@Gummypuss Ай бұрын
The music ehh it didn't give me chills
@andrewwyatt6026 29 күн бұрын
I’ve gotta admit, I don’t even play destiny anymore. But this is just such a whiny, and unintelligent sounding video. It’s your personality or something man, how you explain your points. But, like you don’t explain anything at the same time? The story is awful? How. What story and explain that to me. But let’s be real, I just don’t think people are gonna catch on to this.
@anhilliator1 29 күн бұрын
As a warframe player - Cut this shit out. Now.
@waliedsalam2487 29 күн бұрын
As both a Destiny AND Warframe player, I second this.
@Einzweig 29 күн бұрын
You didn't give any valid counterpoints or provide evidence to prove what I said wrong. Sorry but your opinion is meaningless to me, and I will continue to give my opinions in the future when I see fit.
@omage3457 29 күн бұрын
I third this as a Warframe and Destiny player
@anhilliator1 29 күн бұрын
@@Einzweig then likewise _your_ opinion also means nothing to me and holds no value beyond being a pot-stirring annoyance.
@stanleyli2525 29 күн бұрын
This whole comment section is roasting you. Just quit Destiny and understand you’ve lost the battle.
@Einzweig 29 күн бұрын
I don't think "roasting" is the right word, it would be more apt to say "acting like a moody toddler", that sounds much more accurate. This is not a battle I've lost, as I've not seen anyone give valid counterpoints capable of changing my opinion. I made a video, people didn't like it, said people got their panties in a twist, and my opinions still stand.
@stanleyli2525 29 күн бұрын
@@Einzweig They’re opinions for a reason. And for the most part, a lot of people disagree with you. It also doesn’t help that you’re insulting everyone. You are the one starting it and continuing it. You don’t see valid points because you refuse defeat. If you check how many people liked your comments compared to people liking opposing ones, it’s clear who is the winner.
@zanebailey764 29 күн бұрын
go to the gym
@Einzweig 29 күн бұрын
I'm disabled.
@zanebailey764 29 күн бұрын
@@Einzweig not an excuse
@Itsfluky 29 күн бұрын
no way little bro thought people would agree with him... stick to your day job, you're not making it as a youtuber buddy.
@Einzweig 29 күн бұрын
There have been several people that agree with me actually, and I didn't make this in hopes of people all praising my opinions. I thought maybe there would be some normal half-decent people on the internet who would come up with a valid response, but I was clearly mistaken. Also, I've made quite good progress on KZbin so far, and will likely start making some level of income within the next 2 months. So I'd say things are going quite well.
@brindogg Ай бұрын
Nooo bro get out while you still can☠️
@Noahcurve52 29 күн бұрын
Honestly the campaign was pretty good/ok coming off of lightfall its amazing but the ending is still kinda meh
@Einzweig 29 күн бұрын
And it's fine that you disagree. Look at that, a normal and civil response. Turns out that is a very rare thing to come by.
@PORTOICE1 29 күн бұрын
This man plays like such a blueberry. What actually is this gameplay lmfao
@Gummypuss Ай бұрын
I used to like zavala but I don't rock with Keith's zavala sorry not sorry. I like crow he's cool he's grown on me. I love cayde obviously buuut rip I guess should've known when he was just leaning against a box in the tower doing nothing. I liked the witness I feel like this dlc has kind of ruined him sadly he was cool interesting intimidating but yea megamimd is accurate lol they didn't characterize him enough really they kind of left him to be an afterthought throughout this dlc.
@Trypikistt Ай бұрын
Zavala definitely shouldn’t just been murdered with no voice lines or attempts at a redemption or arc that would be a lot better honestly.
@BuhteeG 29 күн бұрын
I'm open to opinions, and you're welcome to have yours, but did you not pay the slightest bit of attention? Like it feels like you're just attempting to be pretentious and farming views and replies going by what i'm seeing you talk back like. Anyone with any minute critical thinking skills would be able to comprehend a situation where a character, when confronted with the biggest wound in their heart, and the ability to mend it by being with those he lost would open up said wounds. How on earth you've come to the conclusion of: 'he *overcame* it, now he should never feel any sort of way about it ever again' is beyond me. Trauma can lead to psychotic breaks. Are all of your opinions this baseless? As if so i ain't giving you the watch time.
@Einzweig 29 күн бұрын
As I stated multiple times in the video and comment section, this isn't an in-depth breakdown of all the blunders made in the story, it's just a random rant video I made out of curiosity for other people's opinions. I did not make this for views. Based off the past, I had expected it to maybe hit 40 or 50 at best, if that even. Just because there is some semblance of logic behind how things unfolded, that doesn't mean it was done well or that it made total sense to do so. If they had tried even a bit harder to build Zavala's character in the past 10 years, then perhaps it would've been better, but that just isn't the case. Honestly Zavala isn't even the worst part of the story, despite the lack of quality in his writing. Several of the other issues I stated were far more obvious and impactful than that.
@BuhteeG 29 күн бұрын
@@Einzweig well, you said in the video that it made no sense, but it did. Your reasoning for it not making sense is where I had issues. If that's how the rest of thr video unfolded, then I ain't wasting my time as its clearly bait. You've literally told people that because they couldn't make a rebuttal, then all you've said must be true. I'm sure I could comb through the rest of the video and have a reply for just about every point, but like I said: if this is the same sort of arguments you're bringing to every point you have then it's just not worth it. You have your right to your opinion, just stop being a c*nt about it. You've made this purely to antagonise.
@TK-hf8kh Ай бұрын
There is so any things wrong with your train of thought that I am sincerely concerned about your state of mind. Take a beat, double check the lore, and then re-visit. Good luck and Godspeed.
@ItzJustSpicy Ай бұрын
Literally he skipped the lore i stg
@Einzweig Ай бұрын
I did read the lore already, and it doesn't help. This story was beyond terrible.
@androol623 29 күн бұрын
Disregarding the rant, holy shit how are you so bad at the game
@Einzweig 29 күн бұрын
I wasn't paying attention or trying, and I don't think my gameplay should have any relevance to anything I said. It was a braindead 12 man activity that you literally can not fail, so I don't think paying attention or sweating is needed. Again, my skill level shouldn't matter when it comes to stating my opinions, but I am fairly decent when I care to be. I have several hundred raid clears, the Rivensbane title, the Kingslayer title, several solo flawless dungeons, and many other achievements.
@androol623 29 күн бұрын
@@Einzweig barely even helped out the team
@Einzweig 29 күн бұрын
@@androol623 Again, it doesn't matter in the slightest. I was more focused on talking. The gameplay wasn't the focal point of the video.
@androol623 29 күн бұрын
@@Einzweig man, you care way too much about the comments. Just let it go
@Einzweig 29 күн бұрын
@@androol623 Care isn't exactly the right word, it would be more accurate as to say I enjoy it too much.
@Gummypuss Ай бұрын
I've only played through the dlc campaign once maybe ill play it again ehh i dont know, ive been pulled in by my friends. I feel like this would always have been s better story if it was a tv show. Yea this dlc was entirely recycled as much as everyone always says it it is true. When i first started and i was jumping through the rubble of destroyed areas and taking in the oryx fight room walkway i knew something was up.
@wlfrndz8743 Ай бұрын
you could not make this shit up lmao. starts the video by muting the important cutscene so he can go on a rant about how hard it is to understand the plot
@Einzweig 29 күн бұрын
The cutscene wasn't that important, and I stated that I've already seen it on my other character. I turned down the sound so it wouldn't drown out my voice when talking. Not a difficult concept to grasp.
@karson2022 29 күн бұрын
the only final shart is your take on all of this. Keep up the work homie.
@PapaNozzle 29 күн бұрын
highkey a terrible take, but thats your opinion and thats mine
@Thesquidgeyone Ай бұрын
Worst take I've seen in a while...oof
@Revive_Halo 29 күн бұрын
The game is trash
@stanleyli2525 29 күн бұрын
Source: trust me bro
@firestrike5478 29 күн бұрын
@VinsmokeWanji 29 күн бұрын
I think destinys story is just shit overall 🫥 I’d say 6/10 of us destinty players don’t even follow along or can’t if we tried. They talk in metaphors and every storyline they build sucks ass 🤣 go play halo for a story from bungie
@stanleyli2525 29 күн бұрын
Key word: think.
@Gummypuss Ай бұрын
You've done the Champaign twice jeez why bother.
@many6747 29 күн бұрын
You have some valid criticisms but I wouldn’t say it was terrible by any means. These are simply the things that made it not perfect. Personally I’m enjoying this more than other DLCs
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