Many thanks for a great Shiur. Mizrahim do reenact the exodus from Egypt at the Seder table, as follows: it consists in a joyous Q&A session, in Arabic, during which everyone takes turns at holding a bundle containing the Afikoman, close to one shoulder, and move it slowly behind their back toward the other shoulder. At the same time, the individual recites: misharotam serurot b'simlotam al'shichmam, u'bnei Israel asu kidbar Moshe. The Kahal asks, Q: where do you come from? A: m' mmisrayim; Q: where are you heading to? A: Yerushalayim; Q: what are you carrying? A: matza u'maror; then all together: be'shana ha'ba'a bi'Rushalayim. This goes around the Seder table till everyone has participated in the symbolic reenactment. Also, there is a complete, traditional Haggadah in the Arabic language, which translates very accurately the Aramaic and Hebrew portions into a sister language - Arabic. Thanks again, and Hag Sameah v'Kasher!