The Future of Software Development?

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Ай бұрын

What will software development look like going forward? Taking a look at how the past may have some insights into the future...
Table of Contents:
01:29 - The Internet Takes Off
02:36 - Drag and drop tools
05:26 - Legacy modernization tools
06:18 - Modern visual tools
08:33 - Backend and other tools
10:29 - Why it feels strange
13:17 - The new developer split
FYI, none of these companies paid me to do this video, no affiliate codes etc.
For the companies that offer self-host, I've included links to the relevant GitHub repos as well.

Пікірлер: 118
@jamesbandz1 Ай бұрын
Software Engineering/Development imo is never gonna "die" it's just gonna shed it's skin and become something different. I definitely feel like everyone is in reserve mode until something big happens. The best thing you can do right now is prepare yourself for when the tide turns and the economy roars back to life again.
@mark9294 Ай бұрын
Of course, and the mechanical loom will never catch on
@staying_substantially Ай бұрын
But I would say that the amount of Software engineering/development jobs will decline
@shantanushekharsjunerft9783 Ай бұрын
Wise words!
@aaronbrown3820 Ай бұрын
Who told you the tech economy will roar back to life though?
@murtajiz545 Ай бұрын
@@aaronbrown3820the 100+ years of evidence outlined in our country’s economic history.
@RickyGarcia_Learning Ай бұрын
Love hearing thoughtful takes from peers that have been in the industry with a lot of experiences. Appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts.
@ChangeNode Ай бұрын
Thanks! :)
@antikoerper256 Ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing this through your wisdom and experience, that was very valuable! Much love and all the best from Bulgaria
@ChangeNode Ай бұрын
Thanks and hope things are going well in Bulgaria. One of my son's best friends at school has parents from Bulgaria. :)
@Rockyzach88 Ай бұрын
A hot take people can try out for themselves however. I was actually just thinking as a current CS student that I should just go ahead and take one of my project ideas and literally just see how fast I can do it with AI and more abstract tools (like drag and drop). I think it will be good to know the limits of what can be done and also see how it personally feels to do that. Interesting that this video pops up right after thinking that.
@Rockyzach88 Ай бұрын
@@CascadiaNow69 KZbin algorithm knows me better than me.
@ChangeNode Ай бұрын
I think this is 100% the best strategy, testing out different approaches to see what works. Only challenge I'm running into is there's a new release of something (esp local LLMs) practically daily. Very hard to keep up.
@denisblack9897 Ай бұрын
Try it, you’ll be dumbfound what the rage is all about😅 ai provides zero value, when you try to get something serious out of it
@Rockyzach88 Ай бұрын
@@denisblack9897 I think maybe you just don't have a use for it. I've been using it to learn a ridiculous amount. I also used google extensively before ChatGPT too though. Can't imagine how someone could say it's useless unless they just don't actually do anything or make anything. It's google on steroids plus it can literally create code, although I don't really use it like that unless I'm hung up.
@Community-Compute Ай бұрын
These low-code app builders have been common in the enterprise for a long time. I've been working with one in particular for close to a decade now. While you can do a lot without writing code, knowing how to code makes you a MUCH better developer, as almost all of them have ways they can be extended with code, as you mentioned. Most developers working on these tools in large companies don't have much formal programming knowledge or experience, so there's a lot of opportunity out there for people with programming skills who want to pick up one of these platforms and work with it. Also, since they're all specific tech stacks, the labor pools tend to be smaller individually, and the salaries are actually pretty decent. One thing to remember is that using visual tools to code is still programming. You're still a knowledge worker!
@LaughingRam Ай бұрын
Man this brings back memories. My first rig was a Vic 20 and coding BASIC was my after school thing too. When I was a teen, my parents would say I need to learn a real skill to be able to support myself later. By 25, I was making more than both of them combined. I don't think our parents saw that coming!
@ChangeNode Ай бұрын
"Stop wasting time on that machine and come to dinner" lol...
@elirane85 Ай бұрын
I feel like it's just a natural maturity of the Software industry like most other high skilled profession. Maybe I'm just a snob but I never considered building something like a web-store as engineering. So yeah, we might lose the need for a lot of "coding" jobs, but I don't see Software Engineering being in danger any time soon, but it might be over for those who were able to find a 100k job by learning some html/css/js in a 3 month bootcamp.
@ChangeNode Ай бұрын
Oh man, I went through a serious case of pure tech withdrawal when I moved up from the bay area to Seattle around 2004. Bay area esp in the 90s "let's make a compiler" was a pretty cool business plan, up here in Seattle it was almost all retail software/ecommerce stuff until AWS/Azure/GCP cloud took over. Then I see something like and I'm thinking maybe it's time to work on a compiler lol...
@zxcvnmtgb Ай бұрын
Visual editors have been around for a long time and they always work fine when the complexity is low. If the complexity increases, you will get weird bugs that need you to look to the actual code. I think doing a TODO app is not a good example, because it's the best possible case for such a tool. As complexity increases these tools become less and less interesting.
@gaiustacitus4242 Ай бұрын
The use of third-party components is the cause of many of those "weird bugs". I've used component libraries which caused random corruption of the interface modules which couldn't be remedied short of completely rebuilding the module. This never happened when using the base visual environment.
@ChangeNode Ай бұрын
Yeah, the todo app is one of the goto examples for JS stacks which is why I mentioned it. My two cents, give bubble a try and/or go through 10min - 1 hour worth of tutorial and just see what you think...
@love80music Ай бұрын
Thank you for the English subs that help non-native speakers better understand your videos.
@ChangeNode Ай бұрын
Of course! FWIW IIRC about a third of my views have subtitles turned on!
@milhouse8166 Ай бұрын
Omg i remember that logo on your shirt from one of my childhood lego space sets it was on the astronaut minifigs 😭
@ChangeNode Ай бұрын
Spaceship spaceship spaceship! :)
@edwilliams246 Ай бұрын
At the moment designers live in Figma (and it's a wonder why UIs can't be exported directly from there). But it's quite reasonable to think that frontend will split in two (front of frontend, e.g. Figma + UI. Versus the back of frontend, e.g. state management, libraries, etc) in a similar way that backend has split into two (front of backend, e.g. API building. Versus the back of backend, e.g. DevOps)
@ChangeNode Ай бұрын
Seen this yet? One of many crazy AI things I didn't put in the video as too hype-ish. But FWIW I did pop in a design I did for an app that I built with SvelteKit & Tailwind and the generated pretty dang good code. Not sure what to make of it tbh.
@__mas Ай бұрын
Great video. Thank you. The bifurcation that you describe between the core developer and drag-and-drop developer seems like a reasonable direction. Clients, at least in that small to medium business space, have become increasingly intolerant of the overhead of traditional development and that discomfort is hastening in step with the acceleration of new technologies. Add to that, user experience seems to be getting more homogenous and this might become more so as different modes of interacting with applications take hold (more chat, voice, gestures, vision etc). A lot of the typical ui elements we navigate around with today might possibly become just friction in users getting what they want from an application.
@ChangeNode Ай бұрын
Yeah, part of me just from an efficiency of work / not constantly reinventing the wheel wouldn't mind if there was a standard, but at the same time I would be a bit nervous if, say, bubble got to where it ruled app dev entirely. Or, even worse, if all we wind up doing is just feeding bits of data into AIs and the AI just generates the UIs dynamically. It's like the crazy blend between "eh, the LLMs can barely do anything" and "omg it's LLM cyberpunk dystopia" ... and I feel like I go back and forth on it daily. Touch grass FTW lol
@davidnoble1477 Ай бұрын
I think the visual tools, i.e. drag and drop can be useful for describing visual aspects, i.e. screen layouts. Graphical flow tools may have some use in describing what I'd call higher level 'orchestrations' i.e. if this then go do that....however when it comes to even moderately complex business rules (as opposed to standard CRUD logic) I still think you need code. I do accept that the number of jobs to maintain the programs that the world needs may well drop drastically and may not be as well paid. Personally I loved the way the old WinForms apps worked, with a visual builder for the UI and then the ability to write C# against any event - I'd like to see a web based version of that.
@ChangeNode Ай бұрын
Yeah, the UI/UX stuff esp w/responsive really does lend itself to the drag and drop tooling. There are so many of these tools nowadays I think it would take a week to go through them all, easy. Check out buildship and bubble, my guess is that they do a lot of what WinForms did, just different UI...
@AChonkyBird Ай бұрын
Great observations. I enjoy craft and take pride in what I create... as opposed to prompting an LLM to do it. Interesting times indeed.
@Rockyzach88 Ай бұрын
But how do you know that using those more abstract tools won't create a higher abstraction of craft itself?
@AChonkyBird Ай бұрын
@@Rockyzach88 A higher abstraction "build me an app with x, y, z features" isn't craft. Anyone can do it. It's the low level details and not the abstraction that makes programming enjoyable for some.
@ChangeNode Ай бұрын
Yeah, I go back and forth almost daily on LLMs. Some stuff I found it very helpful for (eg writing some Postgres PL/SQL). I see demos of things like the new GitHub copilot stuff and ... I just don't know.
@taterrhead Ай бұрын
I feel like all the super unique / goofy niche sites (dreamweaver && flash days) are going to make a big comeback AS the internet/mobile browsing is quickly becoming so generic, bland, boring, dystopian thanks to these drag and drops and 'UI' libraries etc...
@gaiustacitus4242 Ай бұрын
The UI libraries built on top of JavaScript will eventually be replaced by features built directly into JavaScript.
@ChangeNode Ай бұрын
signals in the browser ftw
@StdDev99 Ай бұрын
I still use the drag and drop tools. Like with Qt Creator and C++. I still hate using any app that's inside of a browser. They're usually slower and less capable than native apps.
@ChangeNode Ай бұрын
Yeah, I know what you mean. In my experience, the bad browser apps tend to come from JS devs that do everything on the main thread. Also they try to animate things in ways that trigger layout reflow. I did some stuff w/Tauri/Capacitor and got very good perf w/async as much as possible and it was great, no issues. A lot of the JS devs don't even know what a perf analysis tool is, much less how to use it.
@mecanuktutorials6476 Ай бұрын
@@ChangeNode beyond that. Qt or desktop apps in general just have a nicer experience than a web browser. It’s a subtle difference in the UX, the tweak-ability, the plugins. The browser requires more env setup and obfuscates what is happening. It is what it is.
@ishaanrawat9846 6 күн бұрын
I just graduated Idk what to do there are so many uncertainities people firstly there are no junior level jobs anywhere and the second is by the time we will come out of recession this AI will also see advancements and be able to write code more efficiently so when will I started gaining my experience I can't even find a job as a junior and later the AI will be able to do the junior level tasks so where will all the new grads go ?
@bonsairobo Ай бұрын
I love it when tools make my job easier, and I will definitely be looking at things like Bubble and Buildship to see what's possible. My only skepticism is about the tradeoffs. Will I still be able to drop down to write custom code whenever it's necessary? What new frustrations will come from trying to interact with an LLM to get a usable result? I **hope** these tools are a net win so that I can write **less** code. I only want to code the tricky interesting stuff anyway.
@ChangeNode Ай бұрын
Both have APIs and also can call REST services, guess it just depends on what you want to do. eg they would absolutely suck for writing device drivers (lol), totally fine for that department app to replace the spreadsheet. Everything else just depends, that's part of why I would suggest just going through one of the ~10min to ~1 hour tutorials and see what you think. I went through a few of the tutorials at 2x speed, lol...
@JanKowalski-se7tn Ай бұрын
Yeah, makes sense
@stickting Ай бұрын
From an education standpoint, is there merit in learning how to write code by hand before learning these drag and drop tools? Or should it be the other way around?
@ChangeNode Ай бұрын
IMHO 100% huge to know how to write code as otherwise you are just going to be looking at a sea of stuff and have no idea how to debug it when it goes wrong. Being able to fix / diagnose stuff is huge. That said, when it comes to these tools I would also say that going through and learning how to use it properly is also helpful. Esp with some of the game dev tools I see senior folks just sort of skip the tooling and go straight to code, missing a lot of the point. So, I guess, both? For something like bubble I'd say HTML, CSS, JS/TS, and SQL will be very helpful.
@timmark4190 Ай бұрын
It can be either way. As long as when you are stuck you need to find a way to fix it. For example You can create a project using drag and drop tools. Then it gets more complex and complex, these tools start giving issues. At that time you find out which part is causing issues and search on Google and apply the fix. The most important thing is not to give up until you have your solution. Keep at it on and on. And you WILL find the solution. Never give up. Now its become a lot easier with Open AI. Before that we had Google or Stack Overflow
@victordepaula7688 Ай бұрын
What do you think about the roles of software developers and interaction designers being merged? Interaction designers are familiar with working with drag-and-drop tools like Photoshop and Figma, and I think it is very difficult to justify paying someone solely to use these drag-and-drop development tools, especially in small and mid-sized companies. The work of the interaction designer will likely be automated to a certain extent, and I think this will be the natural convergence. The next generation of developers or designers will probably be a mix of the functions that both designers and developers currently perform.
@ChangeNode Ай бұрын
Totally. I have a friend that took a job recently, started out as the Figma guy (sort of a visual BA) and then he started building the app in MS PowerApps. Now he does most of the work in that stack and just goes to a more senior traditional dev occasionally. He's making half to 2/3rds what a traditional dev would make in this area but to him it's great salary and so everyone is basically happy. I do suspect that's going to be the future for a LOT of dev work.
@victordepaula7688 Ай бұрын
@@ChangeNode I don't know about the developer side, but as a designer, I have a lot of frustrations with the current type of work and frameworks designers use. We are so distant from the actual process of building something, creativity is dying and the strategic and research work is often full of nonsense. This change would be a gift for me and many other old-school designers.
@pure2291 Ай бұрын
I’m a high school senior and I have had my mind made up to pursue computer science for a while now. With all this AI stuff going on, do you think pursuing a masters and doing AI is a good idea or should I pursue a different major entirely? I plan to graduate in 2028.
@ChangeNode Ай бұрын
Honestly I have no idea. Things are moving so fast it's very hard to predict. But if you genuinely like it I think it's fine. If you were saying something like "my parents are telling me to do CS/AI so I can make money but I hate it" I would say absolutely not. My two cents - if you can do it and not go into unmanageable debt, I think it's fine. If it means racking up, say, $100k+ in student loans or whatever I would rethink it. Expensive private in particular I would only recommend if you think you can take advantage of the networking. That said I do think that a lot of kids are avoiding going into CS/AI right now so that might work to your benefit.
@matthiasdebernardini3388 Ай бұрын
I agree with everything except when it comes to things that have to be both secure and fast
@ChangeNode Ай бұрын
Yeah, there's a PoC or internal tooling level of detail and there's a scale, secure, cost management level for large enterprise/commercial dev. I'm more looking at the PoC & internal tools, once it's up an running then senior devs take on more. I can't count how many startups I saw over the years that had absolutely horrible PHP sites... but ya know, they shipped the early revs, a lot of 'em cashed out $$$ and then the senior devs came in, made ok salaries and cleaned it all up. Dunno.
@briancolfer415 Ай бұрын
In someways the quality could improve with better testing of the development tools. But testing of the products is problematic. How will defects be addressed when the person responsible for fixing the app will not know the code at all? How will updates to the application be managed?
@ChangeNode Ай бұрын
FWIW some of the tools such as bubble and FlutterFlow have source control, branching, etc built in already. WRT testing, honestly most of the places I've been only the server devs really do a lot of testing. In that scenario you would have the UI/UX folks on one track and the backend using modern CI/CD. This is pretty close to most places already - smoke only for UI, full suite for the backend. If you do build out a CI/CD stack for the front end (or even just automated smoke testing eg w/Puppeteer) you can point a test suite at any of these. Most of the problems with testing are IMHO management related, not the stack.
22 күн бұрын
It doesn't take a lot of imagination to imagine development going away completely. Code that we write would never have a chance in speed; I can imagine AI's setting the bits directly to form programs, why not. ASM could perhaps be useful for compressing that a bit. Other than that, I don't see any use of higher level languages like C or C++ etc. It would program half-cycle optimizations routinely for whatever specialized hardware it is on. So why would we have a chance? Note, this is when AGI comes of-course and then all the bets are off on everything anyway.
@ChangeNode 20 күн бұрын
Yeah, I touch on this a bit in Basically it's either a) for whatever reason there are some plateaus we don't know about yet that will limit things to more or less the level the LLMs operate at today or b) 50%+ jobs just basically get wiped out due to AI/AI robotics. Genuinely not sure which.
@benjaminwlang Ай бұрын
I developed in Delphi back in the day.
@ChangeNode Ай бұрын
Pascal forever!
@dagryl Ай бұрын
I love your videos
@ChangeNode Ай бұрын
@bbharat307 Ай бұрын
In some action Animes ,where the characters dont fight themselves but fight with some kind of machines or robots,then my interest for that anime decreases.There is something special about the human touch.
@91dgross Ай бұрын
mecha anime
@moviesfan5513 Ай бұрын
These is already been in done with Salesforce. They use both custom code and drag and drop.
@ChangeNode Ай бұрын
Yeah, Salesforce has been around for a while and from what I have seen it's not a fun tool but if you are willing to work on it (esp travel) you can make good $ with it... not something I ever wanted to touch tho.
@michaelpotter9006 Ай бұрын
I'm old enough to remember when computers were going to replace us all. Instead, they ended up creating more jobs. I suspect AI will alter the software development industry, but not in the way everyone thinks it will. It will empower those in the know (younger-cheaper developers who grew up using it) and bury those who fight it (old and expensive developers.) It will do the same with artists.
@ChangeNode Ай бұрын
Yeah, that's kind of my working theory - there will be a lot of jobs that look like super-configurators or something but a lot fewer hand-written apps. Lower salaries, but tbh I don't think that the combination of high tech salaries + cheap debt -> wildly inflated housing prices is great. I just hope the landing is gentle for the older folks with families/kids.
@pubwik Ай бұрын
i ❤ this channel !
@ChangeNode Ай бұрын
Thanks! :)
@MrBranh0913 Ай бұрын
Every so often visual programming tries to assert itself. I think we saw this as early as the 80s with 4GLs. The issue is maintainability and scale. You can’t scale these things without having to do things like pay addition licensing. Sometimes they charge you per CPU. This is when it gets so expensive yet you don’t “own” it. And with no source control it’s hard to recover from failure. I’m sure you could export it as json or some other format. But it’s not quite the same. So that’s yet another issue with these And some of these allow you to add custom code. Making your developers cost more because they are coding in proprietary tooling and it’s becomes harder to find them in the market. Coding isn’t pretty but it just has significant advantages over visual programming. Especially are you need to add more features
@ChangeNode Ай бұрын
In general, yup to all of that. FWIW tho Flutterflow and bubble both offer backups, branching, and collaborative dev stuff. WRT more expensive devs working on proprietary, also yup. I have know a few people over the years who made a killing working on stuff like Salesforce and various BI tools. There's some interesting economics back and forth on that, eg is it better to have a bigger team working on open platforms or a smaller team working on proprietary? Personally I'd rather work on open but I know a lot of (esp non-technical) CxOs that would prefer the latter. That's part of why I included links to some of the open source options. For those, both the app and the underlying guts are all available.
@jtn_0 Ай бұрын
What is your thought on current laid off engineers doing side gigs like Uber or DoorDash until job market picks back up?
@ChangeNode Ай бұрын
Gotta pay the bills, and I have known folks that said even doing 1-2 days/week helped with mental health to just get out of the house. But obviously won't help with anything other than short term $. IMHO minimum 20hours/week to *really* look for a job, esp w/trying to do as much f2f networking as possible. Trying to do Uber or DD full-time/long-term is IMHO a recipe for madness but that's just my two cents.
@animanaut Ай бұрын
had to rewind the first minute bc i was wondering ... is that a lego tee?
@ChangeNode Ай бұрын
Why yes, yes it is. Spaceship!
@RommelsAsparagus Ай бұрын
I had the LL918 from 1979, and the rocket with pad, but my buddy Kent Fincham, had the Galaxy Explorer. Thanks, I kept looking at the T-shirt and scratching my head. I was 8, lol.
@M2Chris Ай бұрын
The golden age of software development is coming to an end. RIP
@eightsprites Ай бұрын
Remember Amos? Remember RAD? if No, why would it be different now?
@ChangeNode Ай бұрын
Don't know AMOS, did a quick search, only thing I found was an aviation software package...? WRT RAD, there were a couple of different takes on that IIRC, one more along the lines of visual dev, the other kind of morphing UML and some domain design stuff eg generating stuff from diagrams and/or having junior devs do the heavy lifting. I guess all I would say is, spend an hour w/something like bubble and see what you think. There were a TON of departmental Access db apps back in the day, this is the kind of stuff that I think bubble etc will wipe out. My guess is that's 10-30% of the apps out there, which would have a big impact on the overall dev market...
@ripsirwin1 Ай бұрын
You also have to ask yourself, who cares about the drag and drop tooling when we don't need to make apps anymore
@ChangeNode Ай бұрын
No joke. I do think this is a big factor - for example, app exhaustion is real on mobile, I have more games than I could play in years in my Steam library, etc etc.
@ignacionr Ай бұрын
All I'm hearing is at some point people forgot why they had abandoned "drag-and-drop" super-opinionated systems.
@ChangeNode Ай бұрын
Oh, yeah, I know there were a lot of problems/issues/etc. But stuff like Wordpress, Squarespace, Wix, etc are popular for a reason. One thought experiment - would you rather inherit an app that's 100k loc of Perl and no test suite, or an app someone had built with bubble?
@fnamelname9077 Ай бұрын
I think you're probably correct. The next AI development (that people are experimenting with right now) is AGENCY. When AIs can learn about why they get bad feedback, and then decide to train themselves until they stop getting bad feedback, they won't be a replacement for people - they will be people. They will probably be the cheapest people. And then human people will not keep doing any work that they can do. OTOH, I think a lot of people like me will have the longest tail of the old-world. My company will probably not be able to automate me away, until the vendors of the software we use change stacks and eliminate java. But I can't see more than 3~10 years left. I honestly don't see any opportunities down the road. It's not much of a life making 30k in your forties. That's just death. I wish people could stop kidding themselves.
@ChangeNode Ай бұрын
My guess is that people will build fancier and fancier servitors, but I'm hoping that trying to build an AI with independent thought, etc will be rare/specialized/pointless. FWIW in video games people talk about building complicated AIs, but in practice most of that is just making something compelling enough to be interesting to shoot. My two cents - don't get lost in the seas of possibilities. People seem drawn to armageddon scenarios for some reason. Just the history of the 20th century is filled with so much horror, and yet things keep going. I don't know what going to happen, but these are all dynamic systems so there's a lot of opportunities for the better outcomes as well as the bad.
@fnamelname9077 Ай бұрын
@@ChangeNode That's an interesting way of putting that, thank you.
@DJAdalaide Ай бұрын
I'm into the low-level stuff, i can't stand things like react or bubble.
@ChangeNode Ай бұрын
Yeah. FWIW I do like SvelteKit. My personal interests right now are more things like binding native code to higher level code (eg bridging TS w/Rust, or C with Java/C#) but that's very specialized and increasingly feels more like hobby stuff. Someone else in another comment referred to it as "looking for the hard stuff" and I'm still kind of laughing/crying about that one. Something I haven't quite figured out yet - I have a list of app ideas and once I realized that I could build most of them in a tiny fraction of the time w/say bubble, I just sort of lost interest. I'm still sorting that one out, but I do think it comes back to being interested in the puzzle/craft, not just the end point.
@gaiustacitus4242 Ай бұрын
I've been testing different AI engines and LLMs over the past several months. In my experience, using AI actually increases development time. The code generated by AI can best be described as garbage. Anyone who doesn't write better code than AI generates should pursue a different career.
@ChangeNode Ай бұрын
Yeah, depends on the LLM and what you are doing with it. I had pretty good luck with both ChatGPT and IIRC the CodeWizard LLM to ramp up on Postgres PL/SQL for some stored procedure stuff, but it wasn't just "doing it." More of replacement for StackOverflow, Google/DuckDuckGo searches and skimming docs. WRT to better code, I've seen way too many places where they use terrible-but-cheap devs who do first drafts and then give it to seniors for comfort. I think I'd rather use LLM generated code than that stuff. :\ There is a version of this stuff that seems either insane or amazing or... something. - I just don't know, which is why I don't really talk about this version in the videos yet. Trying not to get lost in the hype.
@TheDa6781 Ай бұрын
There was Microsoft Lightswitch once. Did not take over the world.
@ChangeNode Ай бұрын
lol never heard of that one, had to search to find it. Yeah, there's a lot of these tools that just don't quite do things right. That's part of why bubble caught my eye, just kept seeing happy folks using it over and over. Dunno.
@TheDa6781 Ай бұрын
@@ChangeNode Lightswitch was a pretty big deal once. Microsoft was pushing it a lot. You could generate a desktop app in a few clicks as well as a web app using silverlight. Then Microsoft dropped both technologies like a bad habit. A lot of people were pissed cause there were many applications and companies built around those technologies. Many of these "revolutionary" generators came and went. Clarion was the first I encountered back in the day. Bubble looks nice, but looks like you can't use it to create code that runs on premise and/or offline.
@Cognitoman Ай бұрын
You’re a smart dude
@ChangeNode Ай бұрын
@91dgross Ай бұрын
Kind feel like you are tip-toeing around a very uncomfortable topic for you and many other senior developers, especially. There's no need to sugar coat things. I'm tired of ppl ducking their heads in the sand whenever Ai gets brought up. Just say the cold hard truth. I don't know as much as you i'm barely trying to break into the market as jr developer but please don't provide false hope just tell me how it is. How can the job market for developers and other technical areas "recover" when Ai continues to drastically improve? ChatGPT is something completely unprecedented, we all know the landscape is going to change for software but i feel like you are afraid to say how it is going to change, because deep inside you know that it likely means exponentially less jobs for developers. idk man, a little transparency would be nice, i've been subscribed to you since you had like 800 subscribers, please be up front about this stuffs
@ChangeNode Ай бұрын
@91dgross That is totally fair, and here's the best I can tell you - nobody knows. But here's kind of how I'm looking at it... Very high level, there's a few options. 1. stuff like ChatGPT basically works like now or gets a little bit better. There are a lot of folks that think that something like ChatGPT 4- 4o is approaching "as good as it gets." In that scenario, I do think that dev jobs come back because it's just not reliable enough, esp when rates come down. 2. if stuff like ChatGPT et al and esp the robotics stuff gets as good as the folks pouring billions into it right now think it will be, then frankly none of it matters because the ai & robots will literally be able to do anything a human can, well then everything we know about society today is over. Capitalism, jobs, all of it. Gone. The main reason I'm not focusing exclusively on #2 is because a) it could take a decade or two, and in the meantime gotta put food on the table and b) it might not happen. My nightmare is telling folks "game over" and then it takes 10-20 years (if ever). Then a bunch of people quit jobs/give up/etc waiting for the AI revolution. The weird part is that if we do manage to build ai/robots/etc we would as a society on paper become unfathomably wealthly. The real reason I think everyone is nervous is because we already are incredibly bad at social fairness, and this will absolutely rip off any pretense. So it's this incredibly weird situation where on the one hand we have incredible wealth, incredible social change, etc... And the way all of this gets allocated? Our existing institutions are completely inadequate. So, straight up, my best guess is that either we can figure out all of the politics around allocation or it could mean revolution. Fortunately people are, like, super chill about discussions around economic politics. Ahem. Ack. So yeah, you are absolutely right that there's a lot of tip toe-ing going on right now, because it's all bonkers and everyone is already freaked out. I'm going to mull this one over and see if I can tackle it in a video without annoying absolutely everyone lol.
@RommelsAsparagus Ай бұрын
The thing is, no one really knows. So you look at history, the present, and then make a few educated guesses. That's the best we can do.
@joelfooxiangjie Ай бұрын
My thinking is that software developers will just becomes shoe designers, to use your shoe analogy, as opposed to shoe makers. They're still 'making' shoes, but now their knowledge must encompass materials design at scale, manufacturing at scale with automated machinary, etc. The product remains the same, we're still trying to make a good shoe, but we're able to do it faster, better and cheaper. At least, that's the hope.
@ChangeNode Ай бұрын
Yeah, I just think that we will need a lot fewer shoe designers and they will be paid a lot less. If you are new to the field and can make, eg US$90k and that's a big upgrade that's awesome. If you currently make US$200k and get replaced by the US$90k person, less awesome. That's my guess on where it's going...
@joelfooxiangjie Ай бұрын
I suppose if you're being paid $200k, you'd need to ask yourself what value you are bringing to whomever is paying you. If you were a senior, perhaps now you can replace the staff dev above you by leveraging AI. You can look at it from a rat-race perspective and be scared that AI is gonna replace some of your responsibilities, or you can look at it from an expansionist perspective and realize that AI also gives you a pathway to gaining more skills quickly. Ultimately, software devs/engineers need to ask themselves what impact they have on their company, and perhaps the real goal is to learn how to expand that impact. I mean, we're here to solve problems for the business, whether it's on the technical-side, product-side, or a combination of both.
@furqantarique3484 Ай бұрын
I don't want to be jobless due to AI
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