The Future of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles according to this Article!

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Toy Attics

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The Future of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles according to this Article!
/ teenagemutantninjaturt...
Below is a copy of the now deleted article!
"Turtles in a Time Warp: The Future of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles According to the No-Change Brigade"
In a world filled with reboots, adaptations, and fresh takes on classic franchises, there's one group of voices that has emerged as the self-proclaimed guardians of tradition: the No-Change Brigade. These steadfast individuals have taken it upon themselves to ensure that the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles remain forever trapped in the past, with no room for innovation, evolution, or heaven forbid, creativity.
The TMNT Time Capsule
According to the No-Change Brigade, any attempt to breathe new life into the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is nothing short of sacrilege. They argue that the Turtles should forever remain in the 1980s, trapped in their time capsule alongside mullets and neon leg warmers. Any deviation from the original comic book or animated series is met with fiery resistance.
The Four Green Stooges
For these purists, the Turtles must not evolve or grow as characters. Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo, and Donatello should forever remain static, uttering the same catchphrases, and sticking to the same old storylines. Why explore complex character development or modern themes when you can simply relive the same pizza-loving, ninja-fighting shenanigans ad nauseam?
April O'Neil, Stuck in the Past
The No-Change Brigade also has strong opinions about April O'Neil. They insist that she must remain the same white, red-haired damsel-in-distress that she was in the original series. To suggest otherwise is to incur their virtual wrath. The idea of an April O'Neil who is more than just a sexualized object and who plays a significant role in the story is, in their eyes, sheer blasphemy.
The Nomenclature Nonsense
Even when new TMNT collectibles are released, like the impressive NECA action figures based on the Mirage comic series, the No-Change Brigade refuses to adapt. They insist on referring to them as something other than the "Jim Lawson TMNT" because, heaven forbid, we acknowledge the contributions of someone new. In their world, everything must remain frozen in time.
The Online Trolls' Oracle
In their quest to preserve the status quo, the No-Change Brigade has found solace in online trolls who share their views. They scour comments on KZbin, Instagram, and every other corner of the internet, seeking validation for their stubborn commitment to nostalgia. For them, online trolls are the true visionaries, guiding lights of unwavering adherence to the past.
Additionally, we must acknowledge the importance of redirecting the TMNT franchise's marketing efforts. No longer should we strive to capture the hearts and minds of today's children, as the original line successfully did. Instead, let us shift our focus towards the thirty and forty-year-olds who have conveniently forgotten that they, too, were once children enamored by the Ninja Turtles.
These grown-up enthusiasts, with their nostalgic yearnings, are the true target audience of the future. Forget about attracting new generations and fostering their love for these heroes in a half shell. Our new mission is to pander exclusively to those who wallow in the bittersweet reminiscence of their youth.
By catering solely to the whims and desires of those who have an unhealthy fixation on their childhood, we can ensure that the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles remain stagnant and unchanging. After all, progress and innovation are far too ambitious for this brave new marketing strategy.
So, let us rally together, my fellow thirties and forties! Raise your foam fingers, wipe the Dorito dust off your shirts, and proudly proclaim that TMNT is forever trapped in the past, catering exclusively to your nostalgia-induced whims. Because who needs fresh ideas, vibrant storytelling, and captivating characters when we can simply rehash the same tired tropes ad nauseam?
Remember, dear readers, it is your inability to move on from your childhood that will sustain the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. And let us not forget, the online trolls shall be our guiding light through this remarkable journey of perpetuating stagnation.
In conclusion, while the world moves forward with new ideas and fresh takes on beloved franchises, the No-Change Brigade stands as a beacon of resistance, determined to keep the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles forever chained to their retro roots. Whether their mission succeeds or not, one thing's for certain - they won't be changing their minds anytime soon.
#futureoftmnt #tmnt #ninjaturtles

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@ToyAttics 9 ай бұрын
Have you read this article?!
@justinshredderwalencik7022 8 ай бұрын
I feel like there's a big difference between remaining locked in the past and just respecting the source material. Some iterations have done this better than others. The major thing that grinds my gears is the problem that people like this have with April. Yes, I personally prefer April as a redhead. However, she was designed after April Fisher, and April's (O'Neil's) original design wasn't exactly "white." The "purists" seem to be the people that complain about multi-colored headbands, yet expect April to be a white, redhead in a yellow jumpsuit. That's just cherry-picking. So, is it a question of respecting the source material, or perhaps some OTHER prejudice they might have? I've been a TMNT fan for 35+ years. Each of my children have grown up on a different version. I respect the IP as a whole. With all our differences, something like "being a TMNT fan" should be some common ground where we can all agree to respect each others' opinion on preferences. Just my opinion. I love the channel and really enjoy your content, man. Keep it up.
@ToyAttics 8 ай бұрын
Thanks man! Appreciate the feedback!
@LoppityLlama 8 ай бұрын
I think this applies to any fandom (Star Wars especially). I’ve met many No Change Brigade types, and I don’t understand how anyone can expect any sort of growth when all they want is to keep everything frozen in time within some sacred microcosm. Each of us carries specific memories that inform our nostalgia. My TMNT nostalgia is built with older memories, consisting mostly of ‘80s cartoons and the ‘90s live-action films. But I am excited anytime there’s any excuse for TMNT to be thrust into the limelight again. Right now is an exciting time to be alive for a turtle fan. All the different toy lines cranking out figures from older eras - meanwhile new ones are currently on the shelf for Mutant Mayhem. I think that is so cool! For it to be relevant across multiple generations speaks to their power. Having a nephew and kids has helped put so much perspective on this. My nephew fell in love with the ‘03 Turtles, and I loved buying that line of toys for him, and sharing something that was special to me. My kids love Turtles of all eras, and especially loved Mutant Mayhem. Seeing it in the theater with them was a full-circle moment I will never forget. I loved the movie too, and I’ll be damned if I didn’t get choked up at the end when I saw “April O’Hero” on her locker. I’m so happy to see that this franchise can adapt to the ages, and can change with time. What it means to be a teenager today is different than it was in the ‘80s and ‘90s. We also can’t lose sight of what it takes to be a hero, which is a universal message.
@ToyAttics 8 ай бұрын
Very well said! Thanks for commenting!
@thequeeng2282 9 ай бұрын
Lol. That was a very entertaining article. I have to admit; they are not entirely wrong. Lol. I too am one of those old school turtle fans that whenever I am introduced to something new, I show resistance to it at first. But as an avid turtle fan, I have learned, that with everything else in life, change and evolvement is ok. Doesn’t mean that we have forgotten the past and the memories that started our love for TMNT.
@ToyAttics 9 ай бұрын
Yea! Tell me new stories! Show me different versions! Just keep giving me turtles!
@hco.brandon_lee9080 9 ай бұрын
I think the problem is people take stuff way too seriously, both sides of the coin. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying something, like in this case TMNT. It’s just when people get too..passionate? about it do thoughts and opinions turn into arguments and debates. Franchises get reboot all the time and probably will continue to as long as whoever owns it wants to put money into it. People shouldn’t be villainized for not liking something (unless their distain is legitimately going to physically harm someone). If the 80s cartoon is your go to representation of TMNT, good for you. If the Michael Bay films are your go to representation of TMNT, good for you. If you think the 80s cartoon and the OG movies are trash, good for you (but you’re still wrong though 😝). People should really ease up on taking differences in opinion so personal. That goes for everything too though.
@ToyAttics 9 ай бұрын
Very healthy opinion. I sadly don’t see that in my comments too much.
@garshanarny 9 ай бұрын
This isn't about the future of turts, it's just one hater harassing a certain segment of the audience, whose taste doesn't align with his own. Like with so many other things, it's not as simple as this divisive tantrum lets on. Each individual can have a whole range of ideas that they're more or less happy to change about their hobbies. Personally I'd rather just cherry pick the bits I like, ignore what I'm not crazy about, and most of all not use any of it to drive a wedge between people. There's too much of that already in most other facets of life.
@ToyAttics 9 ай бұрын
True. I guess.
@garshanarny 8 ай бұрын
@TeenageMutantNinjaTurtlesTube so do you love everything about Mayhem, or are there aspects you could do without? I love the focus on younger turts, and the whole premise with mutants as outcasts, resentful of society. Skipping Shredder is a huge plus to me. Also the situation between Splinter and Scumbug.
@ToyAttics 8 ай бұрын
Yea, I'm all for new storytelling. As a filmmaker I know the formula. Something fresh and new and something that could potentially distract me from the formula is always a win.
@Tallpaaaul 8 ай бұрын
Jeeeeez that's a miserable person that's written that article 🤦 the real question is why are they so inspired to write this....
@ToyAttics 8 ай бұрын
No clue!
@DarthZemog 9 ай бұрын
That's funny, was just chatting about Nostalgia and how it plays a factor in my toy buying and how it drives most toy lines. The GI Joe Classifieds line is built off of Nostalgia, sure when it started it was supporting a not-that-great video game, but when the masses complained that the Joes looked too different from their previous versions from the 80's, Hasbro course corrected big time to ensure that the newer offerings looked closer to the old designs. If you were a fan of the new designs like I was, you were viewed as part of the problem, nevermind I collected Joes since the beginning before swivel-arm-battle-grip was a thing! I think the same can be said for TMNT, most fans are stuck on the old 80's cartoon, nevermind they have gone through several series since then. It's the cartoon and the 90's movie, those are where TMNT begins and ends for a LOT of collectors, especially the more vocal ones. The Mirage line speaks to the old guys like myself that loved the comics, the Lawson turtles is one of my fav sets alongside the original movie turtles; but I also really loved Mutant Mayhem and that take on the Turtles. I bought a bunch of the toys, some influenced by your reviews here, I blame buying the party wagon on you, it was so cool looking with the pizza shooter, I had to have it! The animation in the movie was great, the story tweaks worked really well, and c'mon casting teenagers for the Turtles and letting them just improvise dialog was fantastic and worked so incredibly well! On the other hand, I've never seen so many hateful comments against a character since Rose Tico that the new April received. I couldn't even watch or listen to most "reviews" about the movie or toys, they all just went downhill into just hatefulness and shame on those people. From fat shaming to outright racism, it just shows where this Country is at now, where due to several years of bad influencing, being racist or just being a jerk is not something some people worry about. That sucks. So yeah, Nostalgia plays a big part in the success of these properties. Sure there will be supporting material like comics, cartoons, videogames and whatnot, but it's the kids from the 80's and 90's that fell in love with those properties back then that are buying the toys for these properties now as adults (myself included) and sharing them with their kids. That being said, there is room for every property to grow, to create new characters to learn about and love, to try new things, and move forward. If they just stay stuck in the past, then where is the fun in that? Sorry for the book. 😁
@ToyAttics 9 ай бұрын
Wow! This is a book! I will read later but responding now for the algorithm!
@ToyAttics 9 ай бұрын
Ok I read it and I like it! And yes this new movie and the latest series has brought on so much racism
@DarthZemog 9 ай бұрын
@@ToyAttics it’s so unfortunate too, I thought the new April was great, she complimented the Turtles and was the perfect outcast High Schooler that sort of overcomes the thing that holds her back. I do like the 80’s April, that most recent figure by Neca is so great, and yeah she was probably “the” April for the longest time. But there have been other amazing versions of April. For fans to just get hung up on one version to the point that they can’t enjoy something new, it’s ridiculous to me and short sighted. But then again, the racism was another factor in the hatred leveled towards the character. For me, bring on the old, bring on the new. If I like something that is either old or new, I’ll pick it up. If I don’t like the offerings, then I won’t, but I’ll keep supporting the property and keep enjoying the Turtles. 👍🐢
@ToyAttics 9 ай бұрын
It's really sad to see people decide it over a color they decided to shade her.
@RLTango 9 ай бұрын
Ha! The "No Change Brigade" is a sweet punk band name. I like that the franchise has evolved and adapted from the 90's cartoons and movies.
@ToyAttics 9 ай бұрын
It is a good band name!
@pietrospedale3377 9 ай бұрын
It’s sarcastic, right??
@ToyAttics 9 ай бұрын
Not sure
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