Hi, just wondering have you ever used the gel bottle rubber base underneath other brands builders? Thanks 🙏
@hope2.0645 жыл бұрын
Very informative! Thank you for sharing. I am looking into getting this kit. I see your video is from 2016.... do you still recommend this system? Thx!
@Doin_Life6 жыл бұрын
Do you always use a small brush vs the brush that comes with their product? Very cleaver technique!
@fredasmoker50997 жыл бұрын
Loved the video, so helpful. I ordered these products can't wait to try them! The tip about the small artist brush is exactly what I needed. Thanks again.
@karicoleman35488 жыл бұрын
I'm very interested in this system. Thank you so much for doing the thorough review and including repairs too. Happy new year!
@TheNailEngineer8 жыл бұрын
Happy to help! They have a special offer on pick & mix, any 10 bottles for £132.50 +VAT - this includes the builders, which are normally £16.99 a bottle or £60 for the set of 4 (excluding VAT). Offer ends soon; here's the link: www.thegelbottle-shop.com/product-page/12730c68-0bd4-ead7-79d9-fa03625db6f7 There are 4 different colour builders, which you apply between the rubber base and topoats. Their colours are lovely too.
@karicoleman35488 жыл бұрын
Wow, thank you so much for replying. I really want to take advantage of the sale; I used your link and sent them an inquiry about shipping to Alaska, which can be tricky. I hope they answer. New subbie here :-))
@TheNailEngineer8 жыл бұрын
I'm in their facebook closed group, I'll ask about Alaska. You can request to join here facebook.com/groups/1119450774780224/
@karicoleman35488 жыл бұрын
I have requested to join. Caroline is trying to put together a quote for Alaska. I'm so excited, I hope it comes through.
@TheNailEngineer8 жыл бұрын
Yay!!!! Fingers crossed because it's great stuff! 🍀💅💪😍 If you're on instagram, give them a look, as they have lots of colour swatches which are more accurate than the current website.
@Tajagee1234 жыл бұрын
This was the bomb Gel Inc accepted me Nd I felt like I won the lottery 😭 Thankyou for this great video 💯♥️
@TheCupofthea7 жыл бұрын
Thank you ! I just seen this video and it help me to choose which companies choose for my gel polish ! Is the colors gel are very pigmented ????
@TheNailEngineer7 жыл бұрын
I'm glad this is helpful; I just filmed a 2.0 of this video, since the Gel Bottle Inc product and application techniques have developed so much, since this was filmed (Summer 2016). It will be coming out in the next couple of months. As for pigmentation of Gel Bottle Inc products; it depends what products. In this video, I show all the builder colours (although 2 new ones have been added a couple of months ago, which I've not tried yet) kzbin.info/www/bejne/p57TY6yraL9ompI. Builders 17 and 20 are probably the sheerest and the others are a bit more opaque. As for their gel polishes; most are opaque but some are a little jelly (077 / Purple Knight, 133 / Caesar's Brother, 073 / French Bloom, 270 / mallow and so on). Not that that's a bad thing though; I love that 073 is sheer, as it's perfect for babyboomers and soft french. Similarly, 270 can be used over any colour, to give it warmth and sparkle. There are a bunch of TGB swatch videos on my channel and they also show swatches on the website, if you click on the individual colours. That should give you a good idea of opacity. x
@Chloflow1017 жыл бұрын
Hey thank you for the informative video :) I just purchased the gel bottle rubber base, and builder in a bottle. I’m hoping to use these on natural nails as a reinforcer for weak nails, but I’m wanting to apply shellac on top! I’m not sure what the correct procedure for this would be? Have you got any advice on this?! Thank you x
@TheNailEngineer7 жыл бұрын
You literally just prep the nail as normal, except just dehydrate with acetone instead of fancy primers. Apply your rubber base and then do your usual routine. I don't personally use much CND Shellac, as I really hate it, but I have heard that some brands can react with TGB base and topcoats. Most Gelish reds, pinks and purples, for example, will become patchy and change colour, if applied directly over and under TGB product. I would recommend testing your colours on pops first and leaving them on a windowsill for a couple of weeks, to ensure no reaction occurs. If it does, it's real simple; just apply your other brand base coat on top of the rubber base and seal in your other brand colour with a regular tacky topcoat, if you're planning on using TGB topcoat, or just do whatever you normally do, if you're using other brand topcoat. I have used most Madam Glam colours with TGB, without any issues, and it wears better than shellac, so that could also be an option, if you can't convert fully to TGB.
@Chloflow1017 жыл бұрын
The Nail Engineer wow that’s great information! Thank you very much :) I will keep in mind all of your tips x
@icyngan8 жыл бұрын
I absolutely love this! however my friend told me I have to use a 60w led light with this product? or only if you apply a thick layer? can I use a the top to build up the shape instead of the color you used? (other youtubers also use this color is there a reason?) thanks.
@TheNailEngineer8 жыл бұрын
Nope to 60W. I use 48W LED CCFL lamp and cure thin coats for 40 seconds; thick ones for 60 seconds. Yes, you can use rubber top to build, if you want clear nails, just watch your thickness because of heat spiking. The thicker the coat, the hotter it gets, but that does reduce on later coats (the farther away from the natural nail you get). Many colours are now available in the builder formula...well, at least 5. Just number 20 (pink) and 17 (beige) are the ones that come in the starter kit. Others are available from their shop. They have a community page on facebook at facebook.com/groups/1119450774780224/. It's really useful to discuss all questions. You should ask to join!
@kelseymaloy44535 жыл бұрын
This is exactly what I'm looking for. My question would be- 1.does the clear builder in a bottle work the same as the colors? I'm hoping to just get clear because I have a ton of gel colors already. 2. If I use the rubber base, and the builder in a bottle (I am wanting the builder to thicket and strengthen my nail nails) , but I'm going to apply color from gel polish, do I need the top coat from them? Or can I apply gel color of anothe brand over it? I don't mind if I have to use my gel polish base coat on top of the builder? Thank you! Great information.
@mvalle0358 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video! What kind of drill do you use?
@TheNailEngineer8 жыл бұрын
Before I give you my opinion, I will say that drill / efile choice is VERY personal. It depends on what you're going to use it for, if you've used one before, how often you're going to use it, who you're using it on (yourself and / or other people) and so much else. I would always recommend you seek training, if you're new to this kind of equipment, make sure your insurance covers you, never drill the natural nail (don't go anywhere near it except with a cuticle bit) and go very steady the first few times you use it, so you can get used to the correct rotational direction settings, for the direction in which you're filing.OK, so my personal criteria was that I wanted a cheaper model (under £50), just to learn with, and I wanted it to have a foot pedal. There was no way I was going to pay hundreds of pounds for a "salon quality" unit, just for training and personal use. As an Engineer, I was thinking most important would be RPM (min. 30,000) and the drill bits themselves. Bearing quality is also an issue for durability, but less so for me, as this was just going to be my tester machine (www.ebay.co.uk/itm/220V-Salon-UK-plug-30000-RPM-Pro-Electric-Nail-Drill-Electric-Manicure-Pedicure-/381572920245?var=&hash=item58d784b3b5:m:mpaTx3dp4ejJHO65gz29oRQ). I threw away the bits that came with it (they are crap) and bought some Todac USA professional carbide bits. I've also since bought Crystalum ceramic bits via Amazon and they are awesome! I'm really surprised my machine is still going strong after 7 months and over a hundred manis so I recommend it, if your criteria are similar to mine x
@mvalle0358 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the timely response! I would purchase the drill strictly for personal use. I recently purchased a soak off builder gel and would like it for that. If you have any other suggestions please let me know! Thanks again.
@mvalle0358 жыл бұрын
Oh just to add I have never used one before so something not too expensive but that will get the job done.
@TheNailEngineer8 жыл бұрын
Well the one I put above would probably be ideal. I was toying with the idea of making a video but I was concerned about people thinking it's enough to just learn from youtube, without any other training.
@PrincessDevine8 жыл бұрын
Hi ladies, the system is cruelty free. Thanks for your review. I am getting this system and some colours too. ❤️💅🏼x
@icyngan8 жыл бұрын
what does it mean curelty free pls?
@TheNailEngineer8 жыл бұрын
Cruelty free means not tested on animals
@noelthompson89323 жыл бұрын
If you take the gell off are your nails week underneath
@TheNailEngineer3 жыл бұрын
Nope. Really strong, in fact, as long as you've done your prep and maintenance right, without damaging the natural nail. It just feels a bit weird for a few days, if you've had the gel on a long time. My gel has been off since November, since a back problem has made it impossible for me to do nails right now, and my nails are great. Plain but strong and healthy.
@noelthompson89323 жыл бұрын
@@TheNailEngineer great! And can you put full cover glue on nails over top of the gel and cure as well under lamp instead of glue?
@TheNailEngineer3 жыл бұрын
@@noelthompson8932 umm, not sure why you'd want to put a full cover false nail over a builder gel. The idea is that you either use the gel as an overlay in your natural nail, to strengthen and grow your own, or you sculpt an extension with blthe builder gel, or use glue on tips on your natural nail and then build the extension structure with the gel over the top. Maybe you're confusing builder gel with polygel? Like apres nail systems?
@noelthompson89323 жыл бұрын
@@TheNailEngineer I got it. Thanks for getting back to me :) I think I've seem it done with extentions and it makes nail little longer and just shape done to same shap as your nail
@icyngan8 жыл бұрын
also, can I apply the gel Polish on top of this builder gel straight away (no matter color or top) before wiping off the tacky?
@TheNailEngineer8 жыл бұрын
Yes.You can do 3 ways with this system. First; using as a super strengthening base, with Rubber Base, Nude Builder + Rubber Top or Rubber top x 2. Second, using as medium strengthening base of Rubber Base then 1 x Nude / Rubber Top. With these methods, you can buff the surface after curing, then paint over your gel polish as normal (no base coat needed). When you change your mani, you can just drill off the colour, rebalance builder and paint again - no soaking in acetone!Third way is rubber base, then colour, then rubber top, then shiny topcoat. Your colour should last 3-4 weeks, but you will have to soak off because rubber base is too thin to risk drilling and damaging the natural nail.
@brittneyhagerman80737 жыл бұрын
can i use this base as a normal gel base and use regular gel polishes on top like normal?? and also can this base be soaked off or just drilled???
@TheNailEngineer7 жыл бұрын
Yes, you can use one coat just rubber base direct to the natural nail and under gel polish, to provide light reinforcement to the nail and extend wear. Then you just soak off, as usual. It takes an extra 5-10 minutes to soak off, depending on your method. I'm going to be filming a "damage free soak-off" video in future, so stay tuned x
@brittneyhagerman80737 жыл бұрын
thank you! and its safe to use on natural nails?? sorry for all the questions haha
@TheNailEngineer7 жыл бұрын
It's a 5-free formula but, of course, as with all products, we all have different reactions. I have very sensitive skin and suffer with pompholyx eczema, and I've had no issues. Nor have any of my ladies. By the way, if you're using the builder, you don't have to "drill off" colour. It files off very easily with an 80 or 100 grit file.
@brittneyhagerman80737 жыл бұрын
The Nail Engineer okay, thank you for the help :)
@Soydita27 жыл бұрын
Thank you for going into detail of how the product works.
@TheNailEngineer7 жыл бұрын
My pleasure. I just released a video last week showing all the builder colours and will be doing a sculpting tutorial too x
@sandradisclafani67257 жыл бұрын
Would it work with regular nail polish?
@TheNailEngineer7 жыл бұрын
Do you mean can you apply regular nail polish over the builder, after you've filed and refined your overlay? The answer is yes, as long as you use a basecoat and topcoat and use acetone-free nail polish remover when you're changing colours. I 've done it myself with Superchic Lacquer Wake Me Up back in November - you can find it on my insta instagram.com/thenailengineer/
@Livs20127 жыл бұрын
If you were using a regular polish but want it to last would you use a tgb base coat ,tgb builder , regular polish and tgb top? Then file off colour and rebuild etc? Would that work?
@TheNailEngineer7 жыл бұрын
That's an interesting question - I'm guessing you mean regular nail polish (RNP) and not standard gel polish? There are so many options, depending what mood you're in, how much time you have, how long you want the colour to last / how often you wanna change your mani.... Here's a couple: If you're wearing a builder gel overlay like this, you can often get much longer wear from RNP - generally 10-14 days, without doing a gelly sandwich; just RNP & topcoat, then remove with acetone free remover and repaint or rebalance, when the time comes (after buffing the whole surface and removing any lifted product). Obviously, I'd seal in the builder with TGB extreme shine topcoat or rubber top, if I was gonna do this, before applying any RNP. Alternatively, if you want gelly sandwich then I would apply just the cover nude builder (they can go directly on the nail, as they contain primer. Rubber basecoat is only needed for very weak nails or those very prone to lifting), file and refine after application, then go straight on with RNP or use a basecoat, if your polish is a stainer. Leave at least 15 mins between RNP coats and leave at least 30 mins after final colour coat (the longer the better), before applying your gel top coat / TGB rubber top and curing. The reason to leave as much dry time as possible, is that RNP cures by evaporation, and gas is produced as a by-product. If you don't leave enough dry time, worst-case, the RNP may never actually dry (depending how gas-permeable your topcoat is) and be prone to peeling. Best case, you can end up with bumps, caused by pockets of gas while the RNP continues to cure. Most times, these little bubbles will appear the day after and, if you're a good girl and just leave them be they will be gone the next day, as most gels are microporous, so the gas eventually escapes. With this option, yes, you would file off the colour, top layer of overlay and remove any lifted product, prior to rebalance x
@Livs20127 жыл бұрын
Brilliant! It will take some time to build up a gel collection similar to RNP. At least I can get the strength of the builder and products and still enjoy the colours and frequency of change. Thank you so much!
@sallyredmond44528 жыл бұрын
Thank you seems like a great products...can't wait to go to the web site and check it out....🌹🌹🌹
@TheNailEngineer7 жыл бұрын
They are super good. I'm planning a sculpting tutorial soon so keep your eyes peeled!
@vkookie_81087 жыл бұрын
My mum works for the gel bottle!!! I think the gel is bootyful!!! 💅💅❤😄😂
@kellichavez76465 жыл бұрын
OMG_ItzMaddi_ do you have discounts to offer since your mum works for that company?
@demidinham90017 жыл бұрын
hi does builder Inc ship to the USA?
@TheNailEngineer7 жыл бұрын
Yes they do - apart from Alaska! I believe the offer free international shipping, when you buy 20 bottles or more. Please note that the pick & mix 20 offer (£253+20% VAT) is just the original 300 colours; not builders, diamond, luxe nude etc. All orders are subject to 20% VAT (sales tax), but if you sign up for newsletters, you will be notified o the occasional VAT free sales. I think there have been 4 in the last year, and a few 10% off sales too x
@natashacollier23427 жыл бұрын
I was told by Gel Bottle that sending to the US would not include the VAT (sales tax).
@TheNailEngineer7 жыл бұрын
Oh, that's cool. Kinda makes me wish I didn't live in the UK. But then again, it's likely that local taxes would be added at point of import. That happens when I order from the USA. Generally, the fees & tax are about 40% of goods value, from USA to UK. One time the duty / fees was 100% of the cost of the goods. That was a real pisser. We really get screwed in the UK when ordering from the USA, unless the supplier uses a proper international courier like DHL. Couriers like Fed-Ex and USPS suck big time for charges and tracking (or lack thereof).
@demidinham90017 жыл бұрын
The Nail Engineer wow thanks for the reply
@peggyt12437 жыл бұрын
It is an American company based in California so yes they ship to the USA.
@lphillips17276 жыл бұрын
You have beautiful hands an accent! Are you a professional? I can't tell if your not your amazing!
@joannemead66094 жыл бұрын
Background music too loud
@TheNailEngineer4 жыл бұрын
The music is not stereo so if you listen with earphones, just take out one ear and voila! The music is gone. This is a very old tutorial made with the original KZbin editor, which didn't have ANY audio control. I have lots of newer tutorials on Gel Bottle Inc products with better light and sound. I have also filmed an updated version of this tutorial. I just need to get time to edit it. It will be called Game Changer 2.0
@ajemintharough36747 жыл бұрын
Great video, thank you! However I feel you need more lighting and less shadows.
@TheNailEngineer7 жыл бұрын
Yeah, this video is over a year old and was filmed when I just started out. Back then, I didn't have a powerful desk lamp and, because I worked full-time as an engineer, did most of my filming at night. If you check one of my more recent tutes (not the Throwback Thursday re-releases), you'll see I have more lighting and less shadows.
@ajemintharough36747 жыл бұрын
The Nail Engineer you know what right after this video i did look at some of your other videos and your right. Great work! 😊😊
@KefalosBlues26 жыл бұрын
Can you use a different brand top coat over the BIAB if not using a gel colour - say Gelish or CND
@TheNailEngineer6 жыл бұрын
Yes you can. As with other gel and acrylic systems, once you have filed, refined, and wiped away any dust, you can go on with whatever you want. I will say though that if you go over with Gelish colour, best use their base and topcoat, as some of the red, coral, pink, purple and blue colours react with The Gel Bottle Inc, causing patchiness and / or fading. I've had no issues at all with Madam Glam. I've not used CND enough to advise on compatibility. I don't rate their products at all, probably because I prefer true gel to hybrid systems.
@KefalosBlues26 жыл бұрын
Thanks for that!
@peggyt12437 жыл бұрын
I think I will stick with my natural nails. No filing off colour for me.
@birdieroad4 жыл бұрын
Please no music!😔 I really wanted to hear what you were were saying. You seem so knowledgeable and interesting. But I'm hearing impaired and the music made it impossible to hear what you were saying. Thank you anyway.
@TheNailEngineer4 жыл бұрын
The music is not stereo so if you listen with earphones, just take out one ear and voila! The music is gone. This is a very old tutorial made with the original KZbin editor, which didn't have much audio control. I have already filmed an updated version of this tutorial. I just need to get time to edit it. It will be called Game Changer 2.0
@babyhacker73505 жыл бұрын
All copy of russian manicure
@ses20267 жыл бұрын
Looking at your thumb on your left hand, I can see a dip and no apex and majority of your nails in this video has dips and no smooth flow. It's Important to train in these systems before. Shame that there are people who quick to judge acrylics and gel and powder. Also there isn't a major difference between acrylic and gel.
@TheNailEngineer7 жыл бұрын
Well, looking at your comments, you know less about nail products and services than I did when I shot this video 8 months ago, before completing my training. And you're calling yourself a nail tech. Hilarious. Now, get back to that glass house of yours; those stones won't throw themselves!
@ses20267 жыл бұрын
Edited message. Seems like I touched a raw nerve
@TheNailEngineer7 жыл бұрын
In your dreams, troll-face.... Well, that's if you actually sleep. I guess it's possible you spend all your time on here heckling people, instead of doing something meaningful with your life, like maybe learning the difference between gel and liquid & powder. Whatever. The shitty comments you make say much more about you than me. I pity you.