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The Genetics of the Races of Tamriel - The Elder Scrolls Lore

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Imperial Knowledge

Imperial Knowledge

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This video was made on my old laptop, have some sympathy for my 3 hour render time hahaha
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@chemputer Жыл бұрын
3:40 "People with more than 47 chromosomes or less than 46 chromosomes actually don't exist as those babies don't live so they will never grow up." This is categorically incorrect. There are humans who are alive that have more than 48 chromosomes, and less than 46 chromosomes that are not down syndrome. For example, you can have cases where an individual has, instead of just an XY chromosome, they have an extra X chromosome resulting in XXY, called Klinefelter's syndrome, or even XXXY, which is uninspiringly called "XXXY Syndrome", that's 48 chromosomes, and it's also possible, though extremely rare, to have down syndrome paired with either of these disorders. Females can also have an extra one or two X chromosomes as well, called XXX (or triple X) and XXXX disorders, respectively. Even rarer, you can get a quintuple X, but this is very rare, but there are humans with 49 chromosomes *or more* walking around. Then you also have Turner syndrome which is when one X chromosome is either partially or completely missing, so in the latter case, they have only 45 chromosomes. This (for obvious reasons) only affects females, as any male fetus without an X chromosome, would not be viable. These people exist, and grow up, and for the most part function as normal, though quad/quintuple X are generally sterile, usually with mental issues as well. As do other genetic conditions besides down syndrome. It's not as simple as "fewer than 46 chromosomes or more than 49 don't exist as the babies cannot live", as that's clearly false. Those are just a few examples, there are *loads* of disorders that can affect the number of chromosomes and not cause the baby to die. *Please* in the future, if you are going to touch on real-world science, _at least_ do some basic searching to try to disprove any absolute statements like that (never and always are generally going to be easy to prove wrong) before you make absolute claims like that and end up spreading misinformation, especially when you're claiming to be teaching science. Better yet, have someone with a science (preferably biology, genetics, or biochemistry) background look over that part of your script. I'm sure many people on your discord would be willing to help out. A mistake is one thing, especially when it comes to lore about a game, but claiming in absolute terms that something cannot happen when it fairly regularly *does* happen (they are rare disorders, yes, but with the number of humans born daily, it's a regular occurrence on the whole), and is easily disproven with a simple google search, it's not really easily excused. I don't mean to hate on you here, but spreading misinformation like that can be genuinely harmful. I just want you to understand the gravity of the situation when scientific misinformation is spread as fact. I know it was an honest mistake, but you have a growing platform, and thus a responsibility. I'd happily look over any science-based scripts for you if you like in the future. I have a background i biochemistry, specifically. Let me know, and I'll get in touch.
@ImperialKnowledge Жыл бұрын
Good comment. Back then I remember using my old high school bio science book from the exam year for this video. Whatever I took out of that must be incorrect then, can’t remember after so many years if it was my class notes I kept with the book or I got it direct from the book. But it is an important correction hence I pinned this comment.
@Ratchet4647 Жыл бұрын
Hi Ben, would a good real-world example of why race is determined by the mother in TES is the genetic phenomenon known as maternal effect where the genes of the mother determine that trait in the child? With the typical example of this being the handedness of the spiral patterns on a certain species of Snail from the UK. I doubt that maternal effect could determine so many genetic traits so as to determine the TES race, but I'm not sure.
@Ratchet4647 Жыл бұрын
@Imperial Knowledge Some more corrections. The D in DNA in English stands for Deoxyribo- It's only in Spanish and other languages where it's Desoxyribo- Also, 'junk DNA' isn't really junk. Much has been found to have regulatory function, which affects how DNA is read.
@Super50ldier Жыл бұрын
​​@@ImperialKnowledge The Human species and the Elven species can crossbreed and produce mixed species offsprings like the Breton ancestors AKA the Mixed Species Manmer Hybrids. There's even a Mixed Species Warrior in Cyrodiil after the Oblivion Crisis, the Half Human Half Orc Hybrid. During the Battles between the Nords and the Chimer and Dwemer, there was even a Mixed Species Warrior, a Half Human Half Daedra Hybrid and do not forget Umaril the Unfeathered, a Half Elf Demigod Hybrid.
@Super50ldier Жыл бұрын
​@@ImperialKnowledge Do not forget Lyris Titanborn, she's a mixed species hybrid aka a half breed of a human and a giant. Humans and Elves are not the same species, Humans aka Man are the Human species whereas Elves aka Mer are the Elven species.
@Kiwi-Araga 6 жыл бұрын
Instead of doing my chores I'm listening to a recap of my 10th-grade biology class from a TES lore youtuber.
@Koyomix86 Жыл бұрын
I’ve needed this review cause I forgot most of it
@mivapusa 6 жыл бұрын
Came for lore. stayed for biology-lesson.
@ImperialKnowledge 6 жыл бұрын
Next time, biodiversity. JK
@ImperialKnowledge 6 жыл бұрын
I actually watched my old video on genetics again and in case you watch it, it's pretty good, but has some lore mistakes in it. One of the more important things is that I disregard the Wandering and Settled Elnohfey there and instead of explaining how those evolved into human ancestors and elvish ancestors I just say the humans came from the Nedes and the elvish races from the Aldmer. I skipped the step between the Wandering/Settled Elnohfey to the Nedes and Aldmer. If you wonder, why did this matter? Well because the step is important and likely spawned more ancestor races than just the Nedes and Aldmer, like the Kothringi humans and possibly the Yokudans and Left-Handed elves if Yokuda was indeed an actual continent like I theorize in most of my videos. I am sorry that this video has kind of boring background footage, my pc is down and this is made on my old laptop. It took me 3 times as long as a map video to make this. So I just hope you enjoy this.
@flamesofchaos13 6 жыл бұрын
Imperial Knowledge This is good I was just having a debate on Bretons and who and how are they related to other Races.
@Ed_man_talking9 6 жыл бұрын
reason why the child becomes the race of the mother is a game mechanic reason, the devs don't wont to bother with half-breed races so they made that bit of lore to excuse the absence of half-breeds.
@rekirinthestorm 6 жыл бұрын
Still better looking than a Biology textbook
@americanpride8441 6 жыл бұрын
Imperial Knowledge OH OH OHHHHHH BIOLOGY my gf loves this stuff lol
@tobiashagstrom4168 6 жыл бұрын
I think it's safe to say that genetics in the Elder Scrolls don't work like in the real world. Yes, they probably have genes, by which I simply mean units of information that are inheritable, but I don't think it's actual DNA like in our world. Rather, I'd guess that genes in TES is something more mystical a life-force within your body, that effectively has some similar properties to real world genetics, but works differently. So rather than speculating upon some sort of dramatic, complex chromosomal mechanistic mumbo-jumbo that makes the mother's race dominant, it could be perhaps be understood more in terms of the "genetic" identity of the child forming more as an intermingling of magical forces, and that its intimate connection to the mother's body causes it to become molded to the mother if the difference is too big, or some such thing. We know that genetic expression in TES is very dependent on magical forces. The Orcs all turned into what they are now, because they used to be elves following Trinimac. The Dunmer were turned grey all in one go based on the judgement of the Daedric Prince Azura. I think it's easier to understand this in terms of mystical meddling with some sort of life-force, rather than the Daedra using CRIPR on a bunch of people. According to what I remember having heard, infant argonians are disturbingly similar to just some sort of common reptile creature, but when they drink the Hist sap, they start changing into a more human-like form, based on the will of the Hist or some such thing. This can then determine if they're cold or warm-blooded, digigrade or plantigrade, if they give birth live or lay eggs, if they have mammaries, or not, etc. So that would point towards some much more exotic process, of some sort of magical maturity induced by the introduction of the magical force of the Hist, rather than just directly inherited DNA-based genetic expression. Similarly with the khajiit, the form of khajiits are actually determined by the phases of the Moons, which can make a new-born khajiit develop into everything from a relatively bosmer-looking creature, to a small but intelligent cat, to a giant(also intelligent) panther-type cat. So unless they are all genetically coded to somehow be developmentally dependent on the magic of the moons, I think it's easiest to assume their have some sort of essential life-force-connection to the moons, something more mystical like that. Then there's the example of the Snow Elves, or Falmer. They were turned blind by being fed a toxic fungus by the Dwemer, and this somehow affects their ancestors as well, which makes no sense if we're talking about real-life DNA-based genes. More likely, since TES alchemy is based on magic properties of plants and other objects, the fungi directly affected their magical genetics somehow. Then there's also the fact that there's a lot of talk about how some people are born with "dragon blood". Again, I think this implies an understanding of genetics more as being some sort of mystical property within the blood, rather than a bunch of chromosomes in your cell nuclei. Well, I think those are all the things I can think to bring up relating to how genes seem to work in TES. Seems to me that it's probably more of a magic thing, than the kind of genetics we have in our world.
@musicformed 6 жыл бұрын
Interesting. I always wondered why there are no "half-races" but that explains it perfectly lol
@ImperialKnowledge 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah it was one of the biggest motivations behind this video
@Pintroll300 6 жыл бұрын
Music for Meditation Technically Bretons are a half-race, as they have both man and mer heritage
@Isam113 5 жыл бұрын
@saintsauce853 4 жыл бұрын
Also the grand champion of the arena in Oblivion ( the one you fight to become the grand champion ) is half orc half human. Except the father was a human vampire which makes things even more complicated as he is a human/orc/vampire crossbreed
@theblancmange1265 4 жыл бұрын
It's because putting in halfbreeds of every combination would be a lot of work.
@mlgquilava624 6 жыл бұрын
This is some balls deep lore
@ImperialKnowledge 6 жыл бұрын
Does not immediately mean its good. Is it like in a hot pan with boiling water? Or in Emma Watson? Or somewhere in between? Sorry, I will show myself out
@mlgquilava624 6 жыл бұрын
Emma Watson XD
@randommandoade1465 5 жыл бұрын
@@ImperialKnowledge im gonna say Emma Watson as well
@rekirinthestorm 6 жыл бұрын
Also, something to consider is that the Gods are most likely meddling with all mortal genomes occasionally, if not frequently (at least in God time). If Deadra can do it, I imagine that Aedra can and would.
@9ED6F5E1 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the quick refresher got a genetics test tomorrow.
@ImperialKnowledge 6 жыл бұрын
I hope that is a joke, this video is really oversimplified hahahahaha
@Satribe101 3 жыл бұрын
This was the "perfect" lore video. So deep and complicated you have to give a science lesson to start with and the final conclusion: "We just need to think that the final answer is that this is a video game and we shouldn't think too much about it." That was hilarious! Thank you.
@tevzcrnic4456 5 жыл бұрын
When you can actually inderstand him [intelligence 10000 ]
@SerFordham 3 жыл бұрын
That's a bit of an oxymoron.
@Gab8riel Жыл бұрын
Understanding basic middle school biology. Yes, big smart.
@michaela2634 2 жыл бұрын
Hahaha love the genetics lesson. I have a degree in biology and I thought you did a great job! Better than some of my professors honestly. An interesting real life comparison to the races of TES is mules. Mules (63 chromosomes) are the offspring of a donkey (62 chromsomes) and a horse (64 chromosomes). Mules are infertile, however, due to these genetics. Since the offspring of all the races in TES _appear_ to be fertile (EX. The Bretons), it seems likely that you're right and that they all have 46 chromosomes. Alternatively, an explanation for the lack of half breeds in TES could be that the different races have different numbers of chromosomes so they can have offspring but their offspring are infertile so they are not common. But that would make Bretons infertile and they're not so that doesnt work either. Another interesting point regarding racial inheritance in TES is that all people have one X chromosome from their mother. So it seems possible that race is determined by this X chromosome in TES. This theory doesn't entirely make sense because women get an X from their father too but X inactivation may occur early on in development so that the females of Tamriel functionally have one X chromosome from their mother. Interestingly there are some people with less than 46 chromosomes. There is a condition called Turner Syndrome where a person only has one sex chromosomes (just an X) which leaves them with 45 chromosomes. It actually isn't that debilitating and they mostly lead normal lives except for typically being infertile.
@MrAhkmid Жыл бұрын
I think Bretons are likely similar to an example of crossing between sunflowers (hear me out). There were these sunflower species that, when they reproduced together, the offspring was usually sterile. However, eventually there were enough that turned out fertile, and now they are their own reproducing population. Bretons could be similar to this, and since it's been a long time since they sprang into existence, they could be a more stable and distinct race in present day. (You're a biology student too, and a much more qualified one than me lol, you might know what I'm talking about)
@joemilk10 6 жыл бұрын
Will we ever get more of zorks biology class?
@ImperialKnowledge 6 жыл бұрын
Yes, next time biodiversity. Lol probably not
@joemilk10 6 жыл бұрын
Imperial Knowledge I'm interested
@brandon9172 6 жыл бұрын
Imperial Knowledge Please do a video on the biodiversity of Elder Scrolls.
@i_will_not_elaborate 4 жыл бұрын
"Why don't we ever see half-breeds?" Because the developers didn't or couldn't make any NPC models of that persuasion. I just hope ES6 take some notes from FO4 and make models for mixed races.
@paistinlasta1805 5 жыл бұрын
I can't remember which, but one book in the games stated that Khajiit are unable to crossbreed with any other race.
@viveka2994 4 жыл бұрын
Spiked pps
@binch1114 6 жыл бұрын
I would explain it in that the sex chromosome X posesses a gene that activates racial genes in other chromosomes. That would explain why race is always inherited from the mother and account for the exceptional cases if the other X gene stemming from the mothers father gets passed over to the child, bearing his racial activator genes. The problem in it is why the moethers X chromosome is prefered to the fathers one in the case of women.
@ImperialKnowledge 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah, its just a really vague situation. I actually talked this over with a friend on a biology course. He gave that suggestion as well, but since it was also an highly unlikely explanation, that would require an even longer bio class in this video. I decided not to go for that explanation. But I agree that this is a more accurate explanation. Why doesnt bethesda think of us? Why do they keep this vague? I NEED MY BIO LORE hahahah.
@binch1114 6 жыл бұрын
Well there was at least one book about it skyrim, hopefully TES VI will improve upon this hahah
@JikoriusSicces 6 жыл бұрын
It would actually not be that hard to come up with an genetical mechanism to solve that problem. Of course it is highly speculative because we do not have this mechanism in real live, but there is an existing mechanism that could easily be altered for this situation. Woman do have two X chromosomes but only one of them is active, while the other one is dormant. Which one is active is decided in a very earl stage of embryonic development by random chance and from that point on inherited to both daughter cells at each cell seperation. If you want to know more about the "how" and "why" to this mechanism I highly recommend watching a 5 minute video of the channel Veritasium with the title "Why Woman Are Stripey". So all we need to solve the problem mentioned in your comment would be one set of regulatory genes with the following function: "Active only in sperm: If 23rd chromosome is X, than mark it as dormant." And while I am already nerding out to an 2 weeks old video a few words to a second problem mentioned in this video. The formation of a new Breton race with traits from two different races is not unlikely or hard to explain at all. Because inheritance involves more than the single mechanism of granting one of each chromosomes from the father and the mother. There are quite a few mechanisms involved that could have an effect in this but I only need one of them for my explanation. Meiosis (very simplified): The chromosomes from the mother and the chromosomes from the father randomly exchange a few of their genes. So if you perform meiosis with a human racial chromosome and an elvish racial chromosome you could end up with an human chromosome that has a small fraction of elvish genes. If this is only happening one time the effects probably won't be visible and when the offspring is reproducing with other humans only, the elvish fraction in the chromosome will be diluted out of the genepool bit by bit with every generation (one step of meiosis every generation). But while it will take several generations to "get rid of" the small elvish fraction it only takes one generation to add another elvish fraction. So all it takes is one elvish man in the lineage every now and then to increase the overall elvish gene ratio instead of decreasing it. Still those genes will be diluted out of the mix with every generation... as long as reproduction happens with partners that have 100% human genes. If the partner has the same ratio of human and elvish genes in their chromosomes the chance of losing an elvish gene during meiosis is exactly as likely as gaining a new elvish gene through meiosis. So if there are elvish man in the lineage every now and than, the size of the elvish gene fraction will increase in this specific lineage and if this happens in multiple lineages of the population, the elvish fraction will be spread out enough to not significantly decrease on its own. Sorry for the huge text block. The topic got me interested and i couldn't stop writing about it. And watch that "Why Woman Are Stripey" video. I really liked it :D
@MrAranton 6 жыл бұрын
Genes are not everything. The female egg provides the embryo with the organelles in which the biological of the cell happen, such as ribosomes and mitochondria, while none of those come with the sperm. Now suppose these organelles affect racial traits somehow; e.g. by the way the interpret the genetic code in their function; only the mother would pass on her racial traits while the genes of the father contribute to variety within the range of the mother's race.
@maxchase133 6 жыл бұрын
There is one mistake during your explanation. Junk DNA does code for proteins, these protein in turn regulate the expression of the genes (the coding parts)
@TheDumbRatMan12 6 жыл бұрын
They probably have a much higher a.m. out of commons genes. Chimps are 96% genetically similar to humans and cats are 90%, and even cows are 80%. I’d say that the various races of ES are all way more similar to humans/nords than those animals
@uglyfense7754 4 жыл бұрын
TheDumbRatMan12 Agree
@HumbleMemeFarmer 6 жыл бұрын
Anything is possible with CHIM, even eugenics.
@splatterkat3838 6 жыл бұрын
It’s channels like this that make TES even more amazing to play. Thanks for delving into the lore and sharing.
@dcanaday 6 жыл бұрын
What's interesting is how the fact that race is passed on by just the mother means that all races will be preserved. In our world, entire peoples have been wiped out when conquered. The men would be killed or forced into celibacy as part of being a slave, while the women would be forced into concubinage. The Arab world was really into this. So some of the conquered people's traits would survive, largely through their women, but the people as a whole would be gone forever. In Tamriel, if the Orcs laid waste to a Elf village, killed the men, and turned all the women into sex-slaves, should they become pregnant (I know it is difficult for orcs to breed with others), the kids would also be elves. Thus, all races would survive even if their traditions and identity did not. That would be a good story. An Elf woman is forced into an orc King's harem, gives birth to his child, who grows up in orc culture. Hilarity ensues.
@camilagarcia6696 5 жыл бұрын
Chad Vader I personally hate Arabs [ I have my reasons for it]
@painxsavior7723 3 жыл бұрын
Is some timeline in the Middle East it did happen but there are many invasions/conquests they simply just wanted taxes or deals I advise you to read history book instead movies and propaganda believe me you gonna change the “tHE arAB WOrd wAs REally inTO thIS “
@logical-tea1565 6 жыл бұрын
Science fiction in the Elder Scrolls series; and I thought that I’ve seen everything..
@Aramithius 6 жыл бұрын
Oh, it's been there for a long time. To date we've had a proto-email system, "space stations" and a "space race", a giant mecha, and some form of Wi-Fi.
@logical-tea1565 6 жыл бұрын
Aramithius Never thought of it that way..
@callumtorrance9180 6 жыл бұрын
I bet the people who dislike are those who don't know level 2 biology lol
@ImperialKnowledge 6 жыл бұрын
Or the people that found it too oversimplified. Which I would understand
@sparkymist 6 жыл бұрын
This just upped my biology skill to 5 tbh.
@blizz624 6 жыл бұрын
The most likely explanation is that the genes for race are on the X chromosome, this would make it more likely for male offspring to be the race of there mother but wont have an affect on female offspring (should remain at 50/50).
@dcanaday 6 жыл бұрын
except when a daughter is conceived she gets an X chromosome from both mom and dad. So she would get his racial characteristics as well. A son would still be the race of the mom. So basically, it's a video game.
@blizz624 6 жыл бұрын
@@dcanaday I literally said that
@dcanaday 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah but I said it better.
@LopezArts 6 жыл бұрын
It's been merely a year since I played any elder scrolls game and just got back on, youtube recommended you, even though popular games such as fortnite are rising the charts, you are still here in the TESLore! Love you, man, keep doing what you love!
@ImperialKnowledge 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the support!
@LopezArts 6 жыл бұрын
Imperial Knowledge Oh my god, oh my god.. By the nine you replied!
@ImperialKnowledge 6 жыл бұрын
I try to reply as much as possible. Just not always possible :P
@ifyourequiet 6 жыл бұрын
The taking the race of the mother thing isn’t that implausible actually. It is possible by the way gene expression works, just on a smaller scale, with sex-linked traits. This is why typically women don’t go bald. How this works is pretty in depth, but worth noting.
@XDspacemanJD 6 жыл бұрын
Interesting video! Maybe in the future they’ll retcon some stuff or add more lore in to make it more logical and consistent with our world’s genetics. And your English is fine don’t worry!! :)
@aronenark8184 6 жыл бұрын
As far as receiving traits only from the mother is concerned, the only DNA in real life that exclusively descends from the mother is mitochondrial, but this can only code for mitochondria, so it would be impossible to have this carry racial features. Theoretically though, it is possible to have this kind of reproductive setup though, albeit extremely unlikely to occur in nature: if females were sexually haploid (X) [such as in Turner's syndrome] and males were sexually diploid (XY), AND by some fluke of gametogenesis, male gametes [sperms] could only end up with either a Y sex chromosome or no sex chromosome at all [all X gametes die off somehow and incomplete replication results in the lack of another Y], then it would be possible to pass down traits exclusively through the mother if these were coded for in the X chromosome. The mother would always produce X gametes, while the male would produce Y gametes and O gametes in equal likelihood. X + Y -> XY = male X + O -> X = female This way the offspring always inherit their X chromosome from their mother and get her racial characteristics. This would also allow for flukes in which the offspring inherits the father's racial characteristics: in very rare situations where the father's X gametes don't die off, the offspring can end up (XX) which would produce a daughter with a 50% likelihood to carry her father's traits. This means you could never have a son inherit his father's racial features though.
@Doralga 6 жыл бұрын
Hope this gets pinned example of crossbreed are follow Jaggar Tharn altmer with the dunmer red eyes Pelagius Septim- born from an altmer retain the elf ears Umaril the unfeathered half deadra and ayleid retain traits from both parents
@lukash1631 6 жыл бұрын
@Doralga 6 жыл бұрын
lukas h all right I'll bite where or are you talking about the video
@lukash1631 6 жыл бұрын
Archus orez nah rather referring to Bethesda screwing up their own lore. Since the Child always becomes Part of the mother's race, mixes cannot happen. Those examples are impossible, but yet they exist
@Doralga 6 жыл бұрын
lukas h Touche of course Umaril is an exception due to the Deadra being able to mix with mortals and being unrelated to the races however the other examples are weird
@lukash1631 6 жыл бұрын
Archus orez Daedra are always the Exception as it seems ;)
@alexbara100 6 жыл бұрын
So khajiit can't crossbreed or can they only crossbreed with orcs? What about that half vampire orc in Oblivion the grey prince?
@JakubekSanojca 6 жыл бұрын
Joseph Cooper Khajiit can crossbreed with mers and humans.
@ImperialKnowledge 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah Jakub is right. Sorry I re listened it and it was a bit vague in the video. Sorry.
@noxflo897 6 жыл бұрын
Jakub Sanojca Who in oblivion would want to bang a Kajiit? Nevermind I already know the answer.
@alexbara100 6 жыл бұрын
jahmerry h I was thinking more along the lines of my khajiit character banging other people.
@finn-3976 6 жыл бұрын
Infinity Flux everyone that likes skooma
@cmoethantherest165 2 жыл бұрын
I'm just seeing this. Thank you again I enjoy listening to lore why I multitask
@bannedaccount540 5 жыл бұрын
I wonder what an Orc/Khajiit crossbreed would look like
@fucku390 4 жыл бұрын
Remember when ESO said it was gonna have editing down to the cellular level? Then it just...didnt,I feel like I'm the only one peeved about this
@antonymash9586 6 жыл бұрын
Genetics was know about and genes concived long before the discovery of DNA and that DNA was genes. The question becomes does tamriel follow the rules of mendevian (set) genetics, lemarkian (mutable) or both? Fun fact epigenetics was a recent discovery and is part of the mechanisms of gene expression and that does follow lemarks ideas.
@zacharyharris3041 6 жыл бұрын
Potentially the genes for racial characteristics are passed down in mitochondrial DNA, which is passed down only by the mother and pretty much never mutates. This would be a pretty big biological shift from the real word since this form of dna normally just controls the function of mitochondria (as far as I know) but it is a potential solution to the race mechanics in TES.
@Lardon2 6 жыл бұрын
Wow! I'm a huge fan of the Elder Schrolls incredibly rich universe! Thanks for your awesome channel! I agree with you, Khajiits have probably common ancestors with Bosmers. Can you do a video about Ohmes? They are one of my favorite species I added via a mod in Skyrim. ^^ Also the book called "Notes on Racial Philogeny" is very interesting too! I found an interesting letter in French, about a high elf chased by his family to have spoused a Khajiit female.
@mutegrab666 6 жыл бұрын
The were changed by Azura according to "words of the clan mother" they used to be Aldmer as were the Bosmer. One of their forms, the Ohmes look identical to a Bosmer.
@Lardon2 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks. ;)
@darkfoxbill9657 5 жыл бұрын
Actually, matrilinial decent is extremely common among humans, specifically among the jews, american indians, and most ancient tribes. It wasn't a matter of genes of course, but rather the fact that, before dna testing, the mother was the only parrent you could actually be certain of being the actual parent.
@laureanouberalles5391 Жыл бұрын
I just passed the 10th grade and am about to go into junior year. this video was actually helpful in remembering what i learned last schoolyear
@MSOTO319 6 жыл бұрын
Your English IS good I understood envy it were saying bro and thanks for the biology lesson you explained way better than how my teacher did back in the day
@usagiza7620 6 жыл бұрын
The race always being determined by the mother might make sense, if it's a sex-linked chromosome. There's some examples of it in humans, for example, all your mitochondrial DNA always come from your mother, and in other species on Earth, certain traits are exclusively gotten from the mother.
@Pintroll300 6 жыл бұрын
Comrade Nico The gene or gene combo that decides race in the ES universe must be carried on the X chromosome- since that would make every male child from crossbreeding inherit the mothers race, but it brings up an issue with daughters, as they have an X chromosome from the father too - so is there a 50/50 chance of daughters taking after the father or mother?
@ChaoticCory 11 ай бұрын
This video raises more questions than gives answers in my opinion
@RealConstantinusMagnus 8 ай бұрын
I feel like the rule about inheriting the mother’s race only applies to mixing between humans and mer and possibly khajiit since humans are probably all descended from the same group. The distinctions between nords, imperials, bretons, and possibly redguards seems to be more cultural than genetic.
@autarchprinceps 6 жыл бұрын
The question of whether a gene is dominant or recessive depends on the gene and only on the gene. It cannot possibly matter whether it is from the mother or father, because once the genes meet, there is no way to tell them apart, for us or for the body and cells themselves, and they work exactly the same. So while it could be possible, that a particular trait may be based on a recessive or dominant gene (or several), it would always be that. For example, it could be postulated, that a child of mer and human always has pointed ears, or never, making it seem like mostly elven or mostly human in appearance, even though they are not on a genetic level (assuming either ears are the main appearance difference people concern themselves with in assigning the perception of race or similar rules apply to other main appearance differences). If feature X always comes from the mother, there are only two options: Either it is on the X chromosome (which would only work for male children, and we would be back to which is dominant in female ofspring again) or it is a trait iimbued in the womb rather than inherited. Since we have no idea how magic works on the low level, it could be feasible, that it kind of "travels" and therefore the (semi-)magical racial special traits are "inherited" from mother to child, where the appearance is not. Also the Bretons will have both human and mer ancestors for both female and male of various generations. Only the Y chromosome and the mitochondrial DNA are inherited unmixed. As such any other chromosome, including 15 and X, the Bretons have, would be inheritendly part elven, part human. Displaying as a mix of both traits is therefore exactly what to expect.
@KingSyilver 5 жыл бұрын
Impressed by how you've covered a whole subtopic in the first few minutes
@charlierandall3131 Жыл бұрын
Really love your videos!! Any chance you could do some more videos on orcs? I feel like their lore is undercovered in general…Thanks!!
@thepixelfish6771 3 жыл бұрын
Perhaps Mitochondria DNA may play an active role in what race the offspring will be. Even in real life, Mitachondria DNA will only be passed from the mother, and the fathers Mitachondria DNA will not pass on. Just a though I had.
@iwanadiefast 5 жыл бұрын
there could be some endossymbiosis stuff happening that acts much like the mitochondrial DNA. maybe some organelle responsible for cell behaviour/shape/metabollism that "dominates" or works in conjunction with the standard (nuclear) genetics. think of it as a second nucleus
@Stephetheon Жыл бұрын
"helo youdoob" gets me every time
@HoundofOdin 5 жыл бұрын
So basically most male genes are recessive, and most female genes are dominant. That kind of makes sense. Magic could be involved too, since this is a fantasy game. Also, I didn't know Argonians couldn't interbreed with other races. That makes me a bit sad.
@zackbauer4562 6 жыл бұрын
If the race is determined by the mother, then it would make sense that the gene determining race would be carried on the X chromosome, which would mean that the gene is sex-linked, meaning that any males born would always take the race of the mother, and any females born would either be the fathers or the mother's race, or maybe a mix of both depending on which is the dominant gene.
@Gab8riel Жыл бұрын
I tried doing a bit of research regarding chromossome 15 and didn't find much in regards for it being responsible for the superficial phenotypical characteristics we associate with race. I only manage to find that it contributes to about one third of the variance in skin color between population. Do you have any sources claiming chromossome 15 influences in other superficial phenotypical characteristics?
@aki.l9823 2 жыл бұрын
First of all, thanks for the video, it was fascinating. I'm new to the Elder Scrolls series and it was nice to know the details on the genetics of the races. I love genetics and you explained them very nicely. For the topic of the race "only coming from the mother" (at 13:36) I think it's not actually that rare. See, we have something that is called "Genomic imprinting" in which only one copy of the gene is actually expressed, while the other one is permanently silenced. This process is rare but occurs on chromosome 15, so when you mentioned it I immediately thought of that. And when the germ cells are undergoing division to produce cells with 23 chromosomes (Gametogenesis) this process "erases" the markings of the parental chromosomes and marks them as only male/female chromosomes. Another possibility that I can think of is the inactivation of one of the X chromosomes in females, this process is random and produces one active X chromosome and one "Barr body" (the inactive X chromosome). Although this usually happens in patches on the body and not on the entire person (the other theory makes more sense to me). Sorry for the long explanation, but I thought it was worth sharing! Thanks again for the video
@Jiub_SN 7 ай бұрын
Bethesda including gene pool in a book is wild. Their no design docs lore breaking powers know no bounds
@Jiub_SN 7 ай бұрын
Also, I highly doubt that genetics exist only a significant factor in any of those, most of the races in Tamriel were magically created or modified, though that could be a genetic thing given we know they have souls and were literally created by a god I think it's likely that any significant change was magical related, even the ones we don't know about I think the races were created out of clay or dirt like in tons of old myths
@chriswandell3570 Жыл бұрын
Imperial Knowledge, I have a pretty solid idea of how the mother race thing and bretons both can be true and work in genetics. In real life humans, the y chromosome is slowly going away. In this hypothesis, the sex chromosomes set the race, namely the X chromosome from the mother. The reason the bretons came into existence is , as the Y chromosome gets smaller it has a lower number of coding genes on it, when the bretons mated with the elves of high rock, the y had not yet shrunk to the point it wasnt really effecting race anymore. Thus creating a more even blend of traits in the bretons before the Y got to its current reduced size. feedback anyone?
@nicholasmullins3693 6 жыл бұрын
So check out the forgotten games like Shadowkey, and the classic Arena. Both mention half elves repeatedly. The genetics in Nirn likely need to keep theological influence as the daedra morphed many clans of Mer into other clans. The Bosmer in particular are far more moldable as they have a history of inconsistent shape and wild transmogrification. This would explain the Kahjiit history...
@vilwyn273 4 жыл бұрын
Is it bad I really wanna listen to you discuss Tamrielic Ecosystems?
@dustinmccollum7196 5 жыл бұрын
There is no junk DNA every DNA as a job
@SilviiSilvester 6 жыл бұрын
Fantastic Video This is pure gold
@seddik8646 3 жыл бұрын
My man, 2yrs late but.. loving your vids.. the mothers dominant traits... are maybe structural in a sense .. to survive the pregnancy .. like a frail kajit.. in a tough orc womb.. might have problems.. a Nord mothers womb might be cold.. and a dark elfs kinda too hot .. I can't stop thinking about it but that's my logic for it bro.. thanks for your content
@ClockworkGearhead 2 жыл бұрын
Update on junk DNA... It's been discovered that junk DNA does serve a purpose. In this case, it controls when a gene is activated or deactivated during the development of an organism. Think of the genotypical DNA (DNA that leads to a presenting phenotype) as a program on a machine, and the non-genotypical DNA (junk DNA) kind of like the OS that runs and manages that program.
@Bus_Driver_Jay 6 жыл бұрын
This leads me to ponder there are illnesses in the Elder Scrolls universe such as Downs and Cancer and the former is, as you say, where the numbers are wrong but cancer can be in your genetic code too, and from there corrupts cells in you.
@ImperialKnowledge 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah, there probably are. I remember an npc in oblivion saying something about a disease. Not sure
@borgshadow13 6 жыл бұрын
As a biologist, this was very entertaining :D
@loC2ol 3 жыл бұрын
Wasn’t the common ancestor for Men and Mer the Wandering and Old Elnofey? Not the Nedes or Aldmer, as they came later? Also the Nords and Reguards I believe aren’t related to the Nedes at all. The Nedes being only the Imperial and Breton ancestors (well half of course for the Bretons). While the Nords ancestors were Atmorans and Redguard were Yokudan. Or isn’t there technically some lore that they (Redguards/Yokudans) “side stepped” into the current Kalpa? Anyway! I could be wrong on this though. Great video as always Zork!
@Super50ldier 2 жыл бұрын
Nords are descendant from Atmorans who interbred with the Nedes in Skyrim while Imperials are descendant from Nedes who interbred with the Atmorans in Cyrodiil and Bretons are descendants from Aldmeri Nedic manmer, who were created from the interbreeding of Nedes and Aldmer and who interbred with the Atmorans.
@Super50ldier 2 жыл бұрын
Which makes the Imperials, Nords and Bretons cousins.
@infoscrolls 6 жыл бұрын
Synths are an abomination!!
@danielthevito9008 6 жыл бұрын
cool6654 Wrong game mate
@flamesofchaos13 6 жыл бұрын
Damn Elves!
@amandag.6186 6 жыл бұрын
cool6654 what does this have to do with skyrim?
@amandag.6186 6 жыл бұрын
cool6654 btw you maxson sheep
@infoscrolls 6 жыл бұрын
Amanda G The institute has blinded you with their fake news. They will end humanity as we know it!
@user-lv2em1me6q 3 жыл бұрын
In The elder Scrolls universe can your ancestors be a different race to you I’m asking cause I want to role play my next character?
@ImperialKnowledge 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah if your mother is an imperial but your father a high elf from a long high elf lineage then you will most likely be imperial as the mother is usually the race the child will be. So that child would have high elf ancestors. Although not all races are compatible. Human-khajiit unions not often have offspring (tho it does happen rarely) and all other races are incompatible with argonians. So human elf unions yes. Khajiit elf yes. Human khajiit, rare. Anything with argonian near impossible So short answer: yes
@user-lv2em1me6q 3 жыл бұрын
@@ImperialKnowledge 😀
@flabbergasted6231 Жыл бұрын
If you think about it, it all gets complicated regardless. Because once you have crossbreeds mating with cross breeds then what happens? That probably has something to do with what happened to the Bretons. Also, I'm curious what would happen, for instance, with different types of khajiits crossbreeding with other races? Like if the mother is an Ohmes Raht? And the father is a human. Would the child just take the Khajiit trait and it would depend on the phase of the moon what type of khajiit comes out? Or would they be an Ohmes Raht? And if they are an Ohmes Raht would they come out with certain features similar to the father like was mentioned in the video?
@patrickjanuario3291 5 жыл бұрын
Hey imperial knowledge, how are you?I Just want to tell you a curiosity, but the khajiits forms who has a similar appearence with bosmers and humans aren't a crossbreed between the races, the khajiits forms are completely influence by the Masser and Secunda moon stage, if a Suthay-raht khajiit cross with an other Suthay-raht, depending of the moon stage, their child can has a appearence totally different of his fathers
@fumarc4501 6 жыл бұрын
If Chimer interbred with Nedes, would they still be called Bretons?
@ImperialKnowledge 6 жыл бұрын
Well bretons are a result of ages of crossbreeding. If one nede and one chimer would breed then probably the offspring would still be the mothers race
@ImperialKnowledge 6 жыл бұрын
Huh? Does the wiki really state that? Redguards come from Yokuda
@thehasbullaofalltime 6 жыл бұрын
Great video once again
@jancerny3657 Жыл бұрын
I will be honest, I don't really like "child gets the race of the mother" concept, I know why it is done in pc game like elder scrolls since you will need new model for every halfling in the game (especially in crossbreeds where Khajiit are involved, also its the reason why we see only single subtype of Khajiit in each game, not all of them at once)
@Wojtyniak1996 5 жыл бұрын
Orcs are just as much elves as dunmer and bosmer
@FirstStrike1177 6 жыл бұрын
Maybe for some reason (that doesn't make sense but I'm running with it anyways because... magic or something) the race traits are passed like mitochondrial DNA? But more than mitochondrial DNA since mitochondrial DNA is only in cells rather than the structure the cells form? Unless the race traits are because of cell structure rather than body structure.... idk that's the only thing I can think of that's always passed down the maternal line irl.
@sycorhyno1190 2 жыл бұрын
Khajiit can’t crossbreed? They just have very elf like characteristics based on the moon and elves wrote about Jaguar men on the coasts
@midnightzin 2 жыл бұрын
I came here with a single question...can a khajiit and an orc have a baby?...and now I know. They can...but it's not very likely. But that makes the half cat half orc dude you could play/meet even fucking cooler.
@symmetryking8884 2 жыл бұрын
I assume vampires can be uncomfortably thrown in here as they do have the capacity to genetically influence their offspring with mortals, as seen in Oblivion with Agronak-Gro-Malog (Arena Grand Champion). That begs the question, are they different enough to pass down other traits that are unique to vampires? Such as resistance to normal weapons, weakness to fire, and so on? Are vampire passed down traits more dominant than the race they initially were/the race of their mortal partner? I personally think they wouldn't be different enough to have considerable impact on offspring, besides skin tone, based on my research, but I would love to hear other's opinions on it! 🙂
@wardeni4806 5 жыл бұрын
What I don't understand is that if the child _always_ get's their race from the mother in the TES universe, how come do Bretons exist? Bretons are Human-Elf hybrids, their ancestry is mostly human, but they still have notable elven traits, such as a strong affinity for magic, a slender build, sharp facial features and many of them have slightly pointed ears. And further, it's also noted that halfbreeds do sometimes also inherit appearance traits from the father as well. My conclusion is, that somehow the mother's appearance traits are almost always dominant genes, while the father's genes are almost always recessive. So while they do inherit the appearance traits from both parents, the mother's genes overrule the father's genes most of the time. This is something that happens in real life as well, as 2 dark-haired parents can have blonde or red-haired children because although it's not visible due to the dominant (dark hair) gene, they also carry the recessive hair colour gene (blonde or red). If this was the case, then it would make it so that a bosmer woman with an imperial father could also have an imperial child, as well as a bosmer child.
@joshreynolds8417 6 жыл бұрын
its actually deoxyribo nucleic acid (snorts and pushes tapped glasses up)
@joshreynolds8417 6 жыл бұрын
oh, c'est français
@ImperialKnowledge 6 жыл бұрын
Oh I apparently mixed up the dutch words with the english words. Sorry
@joshreynolds8417 6 жыл бұрын
Imperial Knowledge oh no, it's fine, you make great videos!
@Red-in-Green Жыл бұрын
Alright, I think I’ve got the Race mechanism worked out. But it’s NOT simple. First off, it’s X-linked. IRL there’s a lot going on on the X that has nothing to do with sex determination (ie Color Vision). All of the weird elder scrolls magic race stuff is on the X, while the normal race stuff is elsewhere (hair, eyes, skin, face shape). This way in the case of a male, the issue is simple. He has his mother’s X and thus her race. With females we have to acknowledge some Genetics Degree level stuff called X inactivation, which is the shocking realization that since you only need one X (as in males) you only have one (working) X. The other one is just turned off. Now in real life this is flexible and in many female bodies different cells will use different Xs, but here we’ll say that in TES, X inactivation happens almost immediately and the inactive X is off from then on. This still leaves a 50/50 chance for a daughter to have her mother’s race, so now we activate the final step: Rejection. It’s not impossible for a female body to simply reject a fetus and not allow it to implant, and in fact this is a cause of fertility issues in many women. This is often because the body doesn’t recognize the new cells as “matching” its own and has an immune response. So I propose that whatever magic race stuff is going on here does the same thing: if the fetus would have a different race from the mother, the body recognizes it as incompatible and rejects it. So, all male fetuses match the mother by default and the half of all females that don’t miscarry immediately. (Which might help explain the cross racial fertility issues) But of course all of this is messy and flexible. In very rare cases, the mother’s body doesn’t reject the mismatched fetus and a daughter of the father’s race is born. For males who get their fathers race, I have to assume they’re XXY. Anomalies like this in sex chromosomes are WAY less of an issue than elsewhere, so an XXY male would have no way of knowing in this universe. Then it just progresses like the female and once again if the father’s X is active, there’s a very small chance of it not being rejected. This “Idk, biology is messy” approach also explains Bretons. As more and more paternal traits pile up elsewhere, the genetic (and maybe magical?) distance between the races would shorten, decreasing the likelihood of rejection to the point where it’s no longer an issue. TL;DR With a Bachelors level Biology education, you can just about make it work.
@ClockworkGearhead 2 жыл бұрын
It's possible that there are "magicka-linked" genetics, as well, kind of like x-linked genetics.
@loganm1586 6 жыл бұрын
Okay love this sort of stuff, but there is actually a maternal pattern of inheritance in the real world. This inheritance is only found in mitochondrial genetic diseases, as organelles are passed down from the mother. This makes sense because the sperm needs to be extremely small to move quickly to fertilize the egg, forcing them to lose all organelles. It would seem that elder scrolls races are determined by what traits the egg's machinery has.
@isocitrate189 6 жыл бұрын
If it’s the mother determining the racial genes of the child then this apparent discrepancy can be explained in the same way humans inherit mitochondrial DNA. Through some genetic mechanism exclusive to the world of TES the mother’s egg already contains a genetic store which determines the racial genes, which is not carried in the father’s sperm. Therefore it will always be the mother that determines the racial characteristics, the actual genotype still being determined by X and Y chromosomes.
@oleanderkazzy_ 3 жыл бұрын
So when a human and an elf had a child, will it be a Breton?
@Super50ldier 2 жыл бұрын
It would be a half elf half human being despite the child looking more human if the mother was human and the father was elven or despite the child looking more elven if the mother was elven and the father was human.
@Super50ldier 2 жыл бұрын
Bretons were created from the female Aldmeri Nedic manmer interbreeding with the male Atmorans which is why the Bretons are Manmer because the mother was half elf half human and more human due to the father.
@fredklier 6 жыл бұрын
You don't consider mutations in the equation. The female dominance can be bypass with a mutation in the female line what in turn will create another race. And the kadjit can be product of the modifications and / or cross breeding with the deidric prince itself.
@DrFranklynAnderson 6 жыл бұрын
Nono, I think you misunderstood. The book was talking about a swimming pool belonging to a Dunmer named Gene. Molog Baal was trying to infect it with AIDS in order to close it down, because it was a Tuesday and he was bored. 😜🤣
@randommandoade1465 5 жыл бұрын
Yep seems like something he would do.
@tombakabones274 6 жыл бұрын
Yes that makes sense, that's part of the reason, and your English is not that bad
@jasmina4632 3 жыл бұрын
I think that a fetus of a different race or with too many traits of the fathers race probably almost always get's rejected by the mothers immune system or something like that. Would also explain why there are some cases where the rule doesn't apply. But I don't think the creators of the lore thought that through anyway. I mean there are literal hermaphrodites like Vivec instead of just intersex conditions.
@seamuspink9098 4 жыл бұрын
You forgot to say that cross child tend to be more ill or "instable", the emperors that were result of a cross-marriage like Pelagius III or Cassynder I were depicted as mad or supceptible to illness.
@KPMaraujo 6 жыл бұрын
Mitocondrial DNA allways come from the mother, so what matters for what race you are came from your metocondrial DNA
@unnwas 6 жыл бұрын
@benjaminking9501 6 жыл бұрын
Great basic genetics lesson! :)
@Antixandros 6 жыл бұрын
Watching this video I remembered the arena champion in oblivion who was a half orc half human. And it kind of makes sense cuz he said his mother was orcish (he had orcish appearance) but he also had pale skin. I think they called him the pale orc or something.
@anonymoussneakerton9068 Жыл бұрын
I feel like it could be pretty reasonably explained by having the races of Tamriel largely having their equivalent of chromosome 15, also be the equivalent of the human X chromosome. This would make mixed race children genetic abnormal, and likely something akin to intersex people with XXY chromosomes or something similar. This feels like it would explain it well... at least for men. Female births would be trickier to explain with this explanation admittedly. You could maybe make an argument that sex characteristics are also governed by more than 2 chromosomes in Tamriel, but that starts opening a whole 'nother can of worms. Another possible explanation could instead be something akin to mitochondria inheritance. Where in humans, to my understanding, mitochondria are inherited from the mother not as a chromosome link, but as a specific transfer of the mitochondria from the cells that originally make up the egg. This explanation would however, make it literally impossible for the father's race to ever enter the picture in even a partial sense. Suffice it to say, I think there is a way to combine genetics together in such a way that we could explain this abnormality of Tamriel's genetics, but we'd have to introduce new rules, or deviate pretty dramatically from human genetic composition to make it work. ...Or we can just say that the game devs didn't want to have to model half-races, and so it was easier to hand-wave an explanation as to why the clear racial divides exist in 99.9% of cases.
@Dessly5 4 жыл бұрын
Lucky for you understanding how genetics work and how they are passed down is really interesting to me
@the_stray_cat 6 жыл бұрын
the dominant raceule genes could be a mutation things like that happen in the real world
@seanlee566 4 жыл бұрын
I think the race inheritance system in Elder Scrolls, though not perfect is decent. Though there are plenty of case of cross breeding in fantasy (Elrond). But in a video game like Skyrim. To have a "cross breed" option in the character creator would just be too much work. Like if I wanted my character to be half khajit and dunmer it wouldn't be too difficult, but if made him 1/8 redguard 2/8 altmer 1/8 nord 2/8 khajit 2/8 breton. I would like to see if there are mods that could handle simple cross breeding though.
@linguisticallyoversight8685 6 жыл бұрын
And not to mention the Khajiit are not one race in fact if you look into it there are dozens of different variations of their species can take depending on the phases of the two moons from the size and shape of a small house cat to the size of Battle Cats that would make sabertooth tigers run in Terror and never forget the Maine there's only ever one I don't think traditional understanding of genetics qualifies in the Elder Scrolls universe
@madscientistshusta 6 жыл бұрын
Um thats also no true about nedds the atmorans(skyrim races) are said to be giant men that came from atmora and were wondering elnofey unrelated to neds and only became less herty when they were shouted into children(thank the underking er i guess talos for fixing that)
@linguisticallyoversight8685 6 жыл бұрын
The needs were not One Singular race if you look into it they are like the hominid forms the wandering Spirits took these hominids were as varied and different as stars in the sky and collectively referred to by the elves of the old Heartland Empire of elves as needs some of these groups were born blind but had heightened senses some of them had metallic skin or skin of stone and the list goes on and on only those of colovian descent and the bretons come from the remnants of the needs the Red Guard are from a former interation of existence and the Nords are from another continent
@loganstafford249 2 жыл бұрын
@ImperialKnowledge 2 жыл бұрын
@kingcotton659 5 жыл бұрын
Imagine killing someone by making their dna expand to its actual size
@Thesaurus_Rex 6 жыл бұрын
I think of it like this: Men are probably all the same species, with the different races being not unlike the different races of humans in the real world. Mer are similar, all the same species, and Dark, Wood, and High elves are likely in a similar situation to different human races. Orsimer and Khajiit are dramatically mutated by magic, and as a result each is similar enough to elves that crossbreeding is possible, but it's easy for complications to ensue. Men and Mer are probably like more closely related lions and tigers, close enough that interbreeding is possible (like, a liger, but without the genetic defects). Argonians are probably more closely related to the Hist than to the Ehlnofey, so they're not available for interbreeding. Races in TES may have some bizarre facet to their immune system that a mother's immune system will attack a child that has sufficiently different racial traits. So any embryo that wouldn't look like the mother's race is killed before it can develop into a pregnancy, so only children with the same racial traits as the mother will be born...usually. This may be why Khajiit and Orsimer have trouble interbreeding, as their distinctive racial traits will set off this immune response much more easily. As a result, children can only be born in Khajiit or Orsimer interbreeding if the child receives a specific cocktail of recessive genes from the father. As a result, it may be possible for a truer crossbreed to be born if the mother has a weakened immune system. But those are just my thoughts on it. It probably isn't actually the immune system, but instead some form of magic or soul energy or godly influence or something.
@anathemebouffon5983 5 жыл бұрын
About ~17:00 - You know, genetics are not as simple as you presents it, it's not always about recessive and dominant traits, traits can "mix" and be influenced by another, for example color of cat fur (it is quite visible on cats). By i like your approach on this and other topics, very constrictive and clever way.
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