Map of all Marriott Vacation Club Properties:
@cvee2614 Жыл бұрын
Great review... Here's a con......We bought-in back in 2015 at the 3000 point level during a US Virgin Island stay. Since then, just trying to get to Marco Island, FL we have discovered next to impossible. What was not explained during our sales orgy, your account is placed into to a "tier system" where at our level, we need to book one year in advance unless you buy into the executive tier. Coincidentally, that fact was not explained to us at the time we bought into MVC. In fact, prior to our closing, the sales agent said "no problem" booking anywhere you want, and if you save and bank points and carry forward from year to year, even better. We have yet realize our dream vacation at Marco Island. And we invested a ton of cash in this MVC venture.
@warrengque Жыл бұрын
Great Video Jeremy. I just found your channel and have subscribed. I agree with most of the pros and almost all of the cons you identified. My wife and I purchased MVC Points in March 2022 and partly due to our not fully understanding the nuances of ownership, we just found out that we've past our opportunity to bank our point so now we must do something with them prior to April 30, 2023 (i.e. book a stay, convert to travel points with an airline, convert to bonvoy, buy trip insurance, etc...). That's our bad for not paying attention, however the biggest issue is inventory availability. Hilton Head is NEVER available, and upon an almost exhaustive search, non-availability is the case with most resorts. Based on your video, we're highly unlikely to get Hilton Head where we absolutely love to vacation. When speaking to the MVC agent he informed us that their system essentially blocks you or returns a "not available" response if you're booking less than 7 nights. This dovetails into the cost of the points. The points required for a 7 night stay for most of the places we want to vacation exceed what we've purchased. Lastly the Website is horrible! That said, we're not ready to completely bash MVC nor deter ownership, but interested owners should ask lots of questions and take time to understand the program and how it works, and how many points are required to book resorts.
@DestinationTimeshare Жыл бұрын
Thanks for subscribing. Your complaint about inventory availability seems to be a common one that people mention in the comments. THe sales people don't go into how inventory actually gets into the program and how it is very dependant on weeks based owners electing their week for points. They make it sound great and like booking a hotel. That certainly isn't the case. It is also true that some resorts have instituted minimum night stays using points and if you don't have enough for the minimum you might not even be able to book at all because they won't let you. The best advice I have for anyone is to research and learn. Join as many related Facebook Groups as you can. Sign up for and read through the posts in the Marriott Vacation Club forum and ask as many questions as you want. And of course, watch all the videos on my channel :)
@toddlorentz24632 жыл бұрын
Great video, Jeremy! Just one comment from my end. I struggle mightily with availability. When the website is working (not often), I can spend hours searching for properties and it seems everything is booked all the time. I have had some success with the Scottsdale property and will soon visit Phuket (we are just now moving to Thailand), but I am extremely frustrated with lack of availability, even a year in advance. Maybe there are some tricks I don’t know.
@TravelingWithEmMe2 жыл бұрын
The locations are great for sure! And you are right it isn't cheap at all! And you might as well forget about being able to resell your points! Availability is hit and miss! You really need to book out a 6 - 8 months ahead! Love the video! Good job like always!
@DestinationTimeshare2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching. I did cover reselling points in the video, but that was a negative due to the added fees the buyer has to pay. It is good that they do have some resale value though, many timeshares to not!
@zanth072 жыл бұрын
Happy to have found this channel today. Currently own DVC and feel like MVC is much more flexible. Looking forward to watching your videos and learning before going for the sales presentation. My sister is an MVC owner and is putting in a referral. Thank you!!
@DestinationTimeshare2 жыл бұрын
If you are looking to buy Marriott points, I would suggest consider purchasing resale. They work the same and you save about 50%. MVC has more resorts than DVC, so you can go a lot more place with them.
@zanth072 жыл бұрын
@@DestinationTimeshare Good point! Now with DVC, if you purchase resale, DVC takes away a lot of perks. Is this the same with MVC?
@zanth072 жыл бұрын
Just found your video on resale, watching it now!
@johnlanier36162 жыл бұрын
Good honest video. Way more cons than pros but the resorts are beautiful.
@DestinationTimeshare2 жыл бұрын
Yes, more cons but I agree the resorts are fantastic! Thanks for watching.
@JohannaMartin-e7n Жыл бұрын
man, I wish these videos were available before I bought MVC over 10 years ago! I've lost points throughout the years due to not using, and fully understanding.
@juanenriquetoro59412 жыл бұрын
Thank you for an excellent video on Marriott Vacation Club Points. I subscribed to your channel. I wonder if you ever do a ranking of timeshares, like "best timeshares for 2023" video. Thank you. Keep up the good work.
@DestinationTimeshare2 жыл бұрын
I haven’t. I would like to have video from most of the resorts on the list and so far haven’t been to most of the top ones since i started the channel.
@frederickcrawford54812 жыл бұрын
Great review. Thanks. You are the man. Love your videos.
@betsydoc36282 жыл бұрын
Good summation. But I disagree with your view on point charts. I find them straight forward with no surprises. On your final point about inability ti exchange MVC points thru Interval for another MVC resort, there is no reason to ever do this, as an MVC points owner can simply book any MVC resort directly thru MVC. Glad you pointed out the poor website.
@bobwarzin5492 Жыл бұрын
I was going to make the same comment as yours. I have no problem with the points charts.
@azmoats12 жыл бұрын
I own a 2BR lockout week in Palm Springs with Marriott. I can (for a small fee) split those weeks with Marriott into a 1BR and studio so I'm getting 14 nights a yr. I can then upgrade through interval to a 1BR or 2BR for $99 or $199 if needed. If I convert to points, I have to pay a fee to join the program and then only get 1825 points. This will get me only 3-4 nights a yr at most resorts instead of 14 nights. I see no value for me to join the program. I would have to buy a lot of points to get what I have now with the weeks program. I may not get into some of their newer resorts, but I can pay cash to stay there for a lot less than converting to the points program and having to buy a lot more points!
@DestinationTimeshare2 жыл бұрын
Is your week even eligible to enroll/join the point program? When did you purchase. Your situation is similar to ours. We own weeks and get more value by trading through II but by being enrolled we save on a lot of the fees.
@azmoats12 жыл бұрын
@@DestinationTimeshare It says we are eligible to join. I think we purchased prior to 2010. Yea, we pay higher fees but is worth it since I get a total of 14 nights. I make it work for us and their are some good resorts that come up. We just have to be flexible when we go and hard to get some in high peak times during the year.
@DestinationTimeshare2 жыл бұрын
If you live in the United States and your week is eligible to enroll, you can actually enroll for free. I highly recommend that you do enroll because it will save you money in every year based on how you use your weeks. Enrolling your weeks doesn't require that you use points, you can continue to lock off and exchange through Interval International all while saving on the fees. Here is what you would pay and save enrolling; Enrollment Free with webinar - Instructions at the end Annual Club Fee - $230 Save Lock off Fee $90 Save II exchange fee of $164 x 2 = $328 So you would pay $230 in club fees but save $418 n transaction fees. In the end, you would save $188 every year. It would also give you the added flexibility to rent points from other owners to add to a stay or for a point based stay. You don't ever have to take points from your current Palm Springs week that you own. *Webinar Instruction;* Here are instructions on how to do the webinar. Sign in to your account, then: --> click on "Helpful Tools" under "RESOURCES" at the top of the page --> scroll down and click on the "Ownership Webinar" box at the bottom --> click "yes" if you get a pop-up box asking if it's okay to leave the page, and you should land on the InsiderFoundations / Owner Learning Center page --> scroll down to the last video, "Understanding the Benefits of Enrolling Webinar" and note the small print just above it: Owners who reside in the U.S. whose weeks were purchased by June 20, 2010, will be offered free enrollment in the Marriott Vacation Club Destinations Exchange Program after viewing this entire presentation.
@christinekaras17302 жыл бұрын
I don't own a Marriott but have been exchanging into them more than most owners use their ownership for years with my other TS's. Haven't felt the need to buy into their system until recently I am now not getting the exchanges I used to get. It was a good run while it lasted. I think after listening to this a weeks unit exchanging thru II is still the best thing for me going forward, especially if I have to get rid of it in the future. Way to go Marriott to devalue your product. I guess it's an easy way for them to ROFR and get back cheap inventory. DVC is now doing the same thing.
@DestinationTimeshare2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching! Most certainly buying a resale week and exchanging through II provides the best value overall. Every year we get exchanges using our Marriott weeks that would cost way more in points than we can convert our weeks to. Often times it is four times the number of points. The only thing with Marriott exchanges is the lack of flexibility with having to do 7 night stays and the exchange fees. Still usually cheaper than the fees related to the same number of points. I think 2022 is a tough year for exchanging in general. Deposits are down and people have a bunch of banked up weeks from 2020 and 2021 that they need to use. I would think things will normalize a little bit more in 2023 and 2024. THough with Marriott integrating their systems, we may see more owners and even Marriott divert more of their inventory into the points program.
@angelomontante55182 жыл бұрын
Any body looking to buy one or two?
@mickoswald2738 Жыл бұрын
@Christine Karas: You said, "after listening to this" video you determined "a weeks unit exchanging thru II is still the best thing for 'you' going forward" Please explain what was said in the video and you as a non Marriott owner continuing to exchange through II makes you feel Marriott is devaluing their product? I'm curious.....
@chrislaflair8243 Жыл бұрын
Jeremy just say your channel and we have been MVC owners for several years and overall happy with process. Booking can be difficult to get locations you want. This last trip got a whole new load of info. And curious if you have more info. on this. We were Grand Vista owners and also points owners which we bought later. They just told us with new Florida law a lot of resorts are in trouble and if you own weeks to transfer to points because the maintenance fees will be going up like 18-20% for next 10 years to allow them to cover the reserves for maintenance and repairs. Curious if you think we should transfer. I was really skeptical about how they did this but had us pay the equivalent for more points to bring us to executive level but it would be in a trust that we could use for vacation use? So the points were a bonus because we were never informed of this new Florida law. If we can in fact use the money we are paying then it is a no brainer but still confused on whole process.
@DestinationTimeshare Жыл бұрын
They are certainly referring to Florida SB4-D which impacts condominium associations in Florida. This law was passed after the Surfside condo collapse to better regulate condominium associations and require certain inspections and fully funding of reserves. We don't really know the full impact of this for the resorts that we own. So I can't speak to how much costs will really go up. There was a rather long video from another channel explaining it ( That said, I wouldn't make a point buying decision based on this law alone. Even if the fees go up a couple hundred bucks, it would take a lot of years before you get any payback vs a purchase in the tens of thousands of dollars. I also advise against ever trading in a deeded Marriott week in exchange for and while buying more points. Weeks offer the best flexibility with Marriott. They can never take away your week at Grande Vista and you can always trade through Interval International or use points. Nothing beats enrolled deeded weeks. If you own Platinum Grande Vista, you should be in fine shape moving forward, even if the fees do increase some.
@chrislaflair8243 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the info.
@katel87842 жыл бұрын
Hi, Jeremy! Thanks so much for your channel. It is truly enlightening for someone who has just started looking into timeshare. For MVC, is the club fee an annual one? When I look at resale ads, I see maintenace fee details but not the club fees associated with the purchase. Also, in the case that you want to no longer own the timeshare but find it difficult to resell, can you just forfeit or give up your ownership and stop paying maintenance fee? Thanks again!!!!
@DestinationTimeshare2 жыл бұрын
For Marriott Vacation Club points, the Club Fee is paid annually and ranges right now from $215 to $285. It is based on the number of points and ownership level that you are. $215 Owners and Select Members (less than 7.000 points) $255 Executive and Presidential Members (7,000 or more points up to 14,999) $280 Chairman's Club Members (more than 15,000 points) Right now, Marriott points have resale value, you won't get what you paid for them, even if you buy resale. But in the future as an exit strategy I expect they will always have some value. Even if you have to give them away for $0, someone is likely to take them.
@carollittle84832 жыл бұрын
@mlw19682 жыл бұрын
Like always good info. What's the best vacation club for family and should I buy resale points?
@DestinationTimeshare2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching. There isn't necessarily a best timeshare system. Each has their own pros and cons. Resale Marriott Vacation Club points can be a good option. The maintenance fees however tend to be fairly high, especially for prime seasons and when compared to a comparable resale week. If you are able to travel for 7 nights at a time and willing to have a little less flexibility, a resale Marriott week offers a better value in most cases than points.
@elmerdeloso5942 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this informative video, sounds like a very CON-voluted system for a reason. I'll pass up on this "club"
@MoCountryboy6337611 ай бұрын
Great Video! I tried several times to purchase your MVC Class via the link and it does not seem to be working. It fails on payment processing. Please advise as I would like to take the class.
@DestinationTimeshare11 ай бұрын
Not sure what would be causing that. The course is through Teachable, a third party that hosts the course and payment processing. Are you going to ? If so, make sure you don't have an adblocker turned on. That could be preventing it from working properly.
@MoCountryboy6337611 ай бұрын
Sorry! Tried on multiple devices with different cards and payment methods and still no luck. Is there another way to purchase this?@@DestinationTimeshare
@stockmaster3777 Жыл бұрын
what if I own RCI points which major brand is a good conversion? What is a pro and con verses begin with a major brand points!
@DestinationTimeshare Жыл бұрын
I am not sure I fully understand though I don't have a great understand RCI points. You may want to ask your question in the TUG Exchanging forum;
@xsirdanx Жыл бұрын
Thx for great info. Question.. you touched on exp. Points transfer. I have trips to go but non mariott time share area. Is there a way to transfer points and use other hotels?
@DestinationTimeshare Жыл бұрын
Transferred points can't be converted to Bonvoy points. Generally converting to Bonvoy points or using timeshare points to book hotels is not a very good value. You are usually better to pay cash and then use the timeshare points for timeshare vacations.
@xsirdanx Жыл бұрын
@@DestinationTimeshare yes. But if i dont use them by end of april.. i lose the points
@DestinationTimeshare Жыл бұрын
@@xsirdanx YOu are probably already too late then to convert to Bonvoy points. The deadline to convert is nine months before the end of your use year. You can potentially use the points for hotel stays if they are available in the Explorer Collection.
@karunak77 ай бұрын
Hi, can I buy MVC points in the second hand market and convert them to Bon Voyage points at 40X1? What are the other fees besides maintenance?
@DestinationTimeshare7 ай бұрын
There are no other fees other than the transfer fee, ROFR fee, initiation fee and owner education fee that you have to pay upfront to complete the transfer of the points into your account. Year to year, you only have your annual Maintenance Fee and the Club Dues. BTW converting these points to Bonvoy is not a good use of the Club Points and not something I really recommend doing. Their value is in booking Marriott Vacation Club nightly resort stays.
@AK-md7bg Жыл бұрын
Jeremy, great video as always. You mention that inventory releases at midnight, but every time i go on the website i see 900 am eastern as the release time, i have never seen midnight. I have actually been on the website prior to 900 am and the inventory does not show as availabe until 9000 am. What am i doing wrong?
@DestinationTimeshare Жыл бұрын
Are you searching for 13 month inventory or 12 month inventory? 13 month inventory doesn't usually release early. But I have seen very recent reports of availability showing up early for the 12 month release. It may also depend on which resorts you are trying to boo.
@AK-md7bg Жыл бұрын
Mostly 13 months out. But will be doing 12 months out for westin properties soon.
@AK-md7bg Жыл бұрын
Other than going online at midnight, is there a way to determine if the inventory releases at midnight versus 900 eastern for the resort I am interested in?
@DestinationTimeshare Жыл бұрын
@@AK-md7bg Not really. You just need to try and book it at midnight and if it isn't available, you have to try again at 9am. It never hurts to check a little early too.
@okeesmokee6658 Жыл бұрын
We bought a two bedroom in Park City with a lock off. Marriott has pushed and continues to push us to points. I did the math - on average, our two weeks would turn into about 4 days using points. Won't be switching our weeks over to points.
@newagain99648 ай бұрын
So wait. As a timeshare “owner” u have option of staying at property either paying cash (like a hotel) or use pts? What happens if u don’t use all ur pts? They expire?
@okeesmokee66588 ай бұрын
@@newagain9964 I can only speak to a Marriott Timeshare. Marriott used to sell weeks, you would buy a week and could either use that week or trade in for a week someplace else. Marriott has been selling "points" now, which can be traded in for nights. We purchased weeks and continue to use weeks - did the math and we get much more bang for our initial investment and annual fee. By being part of Interval (which Marriott also owns) you can do getaways, where you "buy" a week from inventory and not do an exchange. All in all, Marriott made it 10 times more complicated than it needs to be and lowered the value of the entire program.
@joshuamcdavid52348 ай бұрын
Perhaps I missed it but you didn't mention that yearly maintenance fees are climbing....
@DestinationTimeshare8 ай бұрын
This video was published in 2022, before the big increases of 2023 and 2024.
@chrisklesh7038 Жыл бұрын
I was told with Club Points that you can’t rent any reservations
@TheSporkov2 жыл бұрын
Jeremy, I think you said you also own Vistana. Comparing the two, when we did a Vistana tour last year they said you could bank your points to II and then book a Vistana property, have you found that to be true?
@DestinationTimeshare2 жыл бұрын
I suspect you are referring to Sheraton or Westin Flex as that is what they are currently selling. Yes, you can use your points to exchange for other Vistana resorts through Interval International. In some cases this is cheaper, point wise, than booking using StarOptions direct through Vistana. Though there is currently a $164 fee to exchange in II. Thanks for watching!
@Andrea-hn7xl2 жыл бұрын
II has a $209 exchange fee
@DestinationTimeshare2 жыл бұрын
That is the full exchange fee for exchanging in II. Well, as of January 1st 2022 it is actually $219. If a Marriott owner is exchanging into another Marriott or even into Vistana through II, there is a $55 discount off the full exchange fee. Marriott owners enrolled in the point program have a $0 exchange fee when trading Marriott to Marriott or Marriott to Vistana.
@DestinationTimeshare2 жыл бұрын
@@Andrea-hn7xl Looking at the context of the comment thread. Vistana owners can exchange using their weeks or points through II. If they exchange into a Vistana or Marriott resort, then the fee is $164. If they trade into a non Marriott or Vistana then they pay the full exchange fee which is now $219.
@rosedavis3339 ай бұрын
Do your points carry over from year to year
@DestinationTimeshare9 ай бұрын
Not automatically, but depending on how many points you own you can bank for up to two years.
@a444bx2 жыл бұрын
Just curious, how much are maintenance fees with points?
@DestinationTimeshare2 жыл бұрын
I beleive they are about $0.63 per point right now.
@EugeneKee2 жыл бұрын
How about anantara club review? Thanks
@DestinationTimeshare2 жыл бұрын
I haven't even heard of it and would really need to be an owner to be able to provide a proper review, so unfortunately I won't be able to accommodate...
@BobbyGees2 жыл бұрын
Hey what does 81,000 point get me ? Thanks
@DestinationTimeshare2 жыл бұрын
Given the number, I suspect these are Vistana StarOptions or Flex. I am not really sure of the question. Are you asking what these would convert to in the soon to be announced combined Marriott/Sheraton/Westin program? Or are you wanting to know what size unit or where you can book using 81,000 StarOptions/Flex with Vistana?
@BobbyGees2 жыл бұрын
Hey yeah sorry I’ve got 81,000 with Vistana but not sure what I can trade this for else where If you can help
@DestinationTimeshare2 жыл бұрын
The best way to determine what you can use the points to book is to look at the StarOption chart on Here is a direct link to access it;
@BobbyGees2 жыл бұрын
That’s great thanks for your help I will have a look
@ab851792 жыл бұрын
Where can i resell my points?
@DestinationTimeshare2 жыл бұрын
Places like or (TUG Marketplace) are good places to start. Realize you will probably only get $3-$4 per point on the resale market and they will need to be paid in full (no outstanding loans) to be able to sell. Thanks for watching!
@rosedavis3339 ай бұрын
How many points a night
@DestinationTimeshare9 ай бұрын
It varies. Here is a link to the 2025 points charts;
@Peter-nh5hv Жыл бұрын
It looks like a very big hassle, for the amount of money charged. It's time to simplify.
@DestinationTimeshare Жыл бұрын
It certainly isn't a cheap vacation option. There are cheaper ways to get into and stay at Marriott Vacation Club Resorts. Namely, resale weeks are a great bargain IMO. Thanks for watching!