Can we talk about how sweet Junk is at the end of LG when he was telling Dumbdog he did a good job😢😢
@georgemallory72615 ай бұрын
I love Junk, he's really sweet
@randomstuffiknow33065 ай бұрын
Steve catchin strays in multiple games 😂
@FCKfear5 ай бұрын
Heavy is the head that wears the crown. 👑 Steven needs not worry with such petty comments.
@WolfPhoenix05 ай бұрын
You can always count on DumbDog to be the first one to upload each new Morning Lobby game. Glad to see the Venerer curse was broken too.
@smokeydad78sc685 ай бұрын
Every session I hear Dumbdog talk about how spec is a stupid kill and then he kills 5up in spec
@MinatozakiMiyawaki5 ай бұрын
Kara's pestilence win is honestly so good, but god they took too long in the end
@Nenernener1235 ай бұрын
Justified after hearing Hafu ramble on about hating her. It wasn’t obvious as she claimed as we always watch people run up there & die.
@dotdotdot89875 ай бұрын
@@Nenernener123yeah but it made no sense for her taking 10 years to report
@Nenernener1235 ай бұрын
Dumbdog: I haven’t heard 5up all day he’s been dead immediately every game. Also Dumbdog: transports 5up nonstop so he dies!
@electjpeg20845 ай бұрын
Also Dumbdog: kill 5up his every impostor round😂
@blyndeaf85035 ай бұрын
So many good plays at the end, especially Kimi at the end. Crazy how Dumbdog’s first round kills ALWAYS took unexpected turns.
@sofiau32525 ай бұрын
Dumbdog day lesgoooo!!
@infernal..5 ай бұрын
Whats that mean
@MarisuSedai5 ай бұрын
@@infernal.. Dumbdog is the name of the streamer whose channel this is
@s1ddh4r7h.p4 ай бұрын
@@infernal.. and day is the 24 hour period from one midnight to the next
@MinatozakiMiyawaki5 ай бұрын
Fun moments: 34:42 lmaaooooo 46:45 the stutter XD 1:00:56 he didn't even say anything lmao 1:10:42 1:41:25 that whole meeting is sweaty 1:48:51 girl boss Kimmy
@ilvosio5 ай бұрын
because... a-a- ...what?
@megansouty13914 ай бұрын
Kimi transporting DD to specimen every round😂
@Ticklestein5 ай бұрын
Posted an hour ago. Perfect timing. F1 Qualifying just ended and I was looking for something to watch 😁
@ska4dragons5 ай бұрын
The dumbest of dogs but the greatest of vods
@FCKfear5 ай бұрын
21:05 my brain channeling DumbDog when “Body Found” screen popped: soul read, it’s 5up. Among Us: @5up is dead My brain: Are we *positive* about that? I just *FEEL* like it’s 5up…
@radiationgeneration40065 ай бұрын
still my favorite vlogs in the entirety of yt
@MHSPunk4 ай бұрын
1:59:47 the combination of Hafu's plot armor, being toxic to Kara and Kara being an eternally gotten to person made it really satisfying to see Hafu get swapped to her death
@jujumariex5 ай бұрын
@jujumariex5 ай бұрын
no steve OR dk?!
@CobaltSanderson4 ай бұрын
Platy be like: “They are not inviting me back after that”
@whinyrabbitloser4 ай бұрын
that last game i was rooting sm for dumbdog to win IT WAS SO GOOD
@missmadkat46324 ай бұрын
My god his defenses at the end were sooooo good. I wish he won that
@net_lag5 ай бұрын
34:30, 35:00 Poor guy 1:00:45, 1:00:55 Pog 1:11:20, 1:11:30 Poor Koji 1:49:00 Go Kimi 1:57:45 Lol 5up
@Nenernener1235 ай бұрын
6:54 Why Platy?!? Wouldn’t Hafu have ran over if Ovilee was telling the truth & saw on cams?
@serpentmaster13235 ай бұрын
Wow the lobby hates 5up today. He dies first or second so many times!
@chrisbennett62365 ай бұрын
On a very different note, Kimi reminds me of the Pokemon Wynaut.
@codetaku5 ай бұрын
Hafu temporarily unretired? nice
@maneatingcheeze5 ай бұрын
She said she would continue to do morning lobbies for a while.
@Dallows655 ай бұрын
She took 2 weeks off for a break while others were away at twitch eu IIRC
@Nenernener1235 ай бұрын
Her plot armor is getting absurd lol
@vulcanh2544 ай бұрын
2:12:30 Such a bad play from Junk to claim Dumbdog sherrif'd him. Because obviously Dumbdog's partner will know Junk is sherrif.
@skdh2284 ай бұрын
Ego wars with 5up
@parkerdavis78594 ай бұрын
DumbDog not realizing that Ovilee is sneakily trying to claim Sheriff while *he's sheriff* and deciding to shoot someone else is... peak tunnel
@svalah5 ай бұрын
hafu’s comments towards kara gave me the ick
@savagemandyy26625 ай бұрын
What she said?
@dotdotdot89875 ай бұрын
@svalah it was tough bc kara was given all the info, she took forever to report, and then took so long to guess. But overall Kara seemed to have an off day so I don't blame kara
@painless47854 ай бұрын
@@dotdotdot8987 Easy to backseat others. Hafu plays it safe more than Kara so that comment was unnecessary.
@as36092 ай бұрын
You are soft as fuck. When you graduate and make it to the real world, you're going to realize that nobody will treat you with the kid gloves you're used to. Good luck.
@vulcanh2544 ай бұрын
1:28:05 "That's everybody". Well except no one actually cleared Dumbdog. 😅
@samphillips1415 ай бұрын
DD only had to kill one and guess kimi but I guess he really did think they were lovers, and them making it obvious kimi was medic was just a trick.
@HawkensArchive5 ай бұрын
also couldve killed kimi death valley and called reactor and likely killed 2 that round since kara was sitting button, but yeah got spooked by potential girlboss neutral killer kimi which is understandable lol
@arvetis4 ай бұрын
On that game where you Round 1 sheriff shot Koji and it turned out to be platypus, it would have been hilarious if you shot Platy. He LOVES Round 1 sheriffs.
@ChrisZomboid4 ай бұрын
1:12:11 The messed up thing is koji had to have been exe for dumbdog XD
@chrisbennett62365 ай бұрын
Some seriously needed advice for all of you: The sooner you all come to terms with the fact that Kimi is VERY weird by your standards of normal. The less you will waste time and sheriff shots on her. Statistically, Kimi is the most voted out as crew of anyone in your lobby and second most amongst all Among Us players. Seriously, start giving the poor girl the benefit of the doubt.
@plasmapanther44444 ай бұрын
Ye Kimi and Koji both get voted out so often for just doing unintentional weird movements/saying weird things in meetings XD. Junk also cops a bit too sometimes
@painless47854 ай бұрын
Where can I find this statistical analysis?
@chrisbennett6236Ай бұрын
Kimi 83% as crew. Koji 22% as crew. So, NOT Koji so much. @plasmapanther4444
@chrisbennett6236Ай бұрын
@painless4785 So, do I have to do everything for you? Look it up.
@chrisbennett6236Ай бұрын
Kimi has 2 less Jester wins than Koji. But has a 75% win rate. Koji only has a 33% win rate. But then he has gotten jester nearly 4 times more than Kimi. So it's, in fact Kimi, not Koji, that is the lobby's best jester.
@Dallows655 ай бұрын
Dumbdog throws 😢 (Referring to the Pestilence. They worked so hard and he wound up throwing it away)
@peteypablo135 ай бұрын
Am I the only one who thought the lobby was kinda brain dead? It was a struggle to watch the vod today lol
@breeeeeeee_5 ай бұрын
no i agree, some of these games were so obvious or they would forget info or randomly accuse, it confused me ngl
@etc84175 ай бұрын
yeah everyone (including dumbdog) were playing badly for some reason
@effumi5 ай бұрын
Hafus hate comments towards Kara felt so unnecessary
@eudorcas99365 ай бұрын
Which comments I missed it
@Inspiration2355 ай бұрын
Obv I'm not Kara or Hafu and don't know their personal dynamic, but Hafu has complained about everyone's gameplay at one time or another lmao she's a passionate player. I'm pretty sure I've heard her "hate" DD, 5up, Ellum, Steve's ways of playing at times as well
@effumi5 ай бұрын
@@Inspiration235 This is fair! I'd just argue that there's a difference between 'banter' and 'berating'. Plus I feel like Kara immediately interjecting at the start of the next meeting to say she'll take her time with guesses to win shows it at least bothered her to a degree
@Inspiration2355 ай бұрын
@@effumi yeah, I think Kara is ALSO a passionate player who cares about winning, so she made sure to say, regardless of complaints, she's gonna do whatever it takes to get the W 😂
@arvetis5 ай бұрын
what do the numbers in the thumbnail mean?
@KYR_AprilturnsintoMay5 ай бұрын
it's just to differentiate from his other vods that use the role in the thumbnail e.g this is his third time using miner as a thumbnail
@repulsedfrog3 ай бұрын
i dont care about any annoying thing any player does because the most frustrating thing is the constant comms thing …. they literally had a whole thing where they realised how op comms was that they’d start using it but every time hafu and dd bring up koji, they ALL periodically call comms im ;;;;;;-;; AND the way they always tell the story of why comms became sus being about the kara group and EVERY TIME they say they only did it once because they got immediately targeted for it
@spoiledbleach5 ай бұрын
yaaay :]
@xcitipopx5 ай бұрын
why so late
@baylithe5 ай бұрын
Why is Dumbdog so great as crew but plays so brainless as Imposter? Like from Hafu to Elum with the difference in gameplay.
@panicatthetoasters50905 ай бұрын
he has said that he just doesn't really enjoy playing killer anymore so he mostly goofs around when he gets imposter. he enjoys being crew and solving it far more.
@Malicious_Intent5 ай бұрын
First! 🫶
@bluvision795 ай бұрын
First game Ovilee tries to play the sheriff card while Dumbdog is Sheriff and he doesn't pick up on it or challenge it. Wow
@cheyennemarie70755 ай бұрын
I thought she was claiming detective or amne, and that she was trying to insinuate that she was examining the body or remembering a role
@plasmapanther44444 ай бұрын
That is what I figured too @@cheyennemarie7075
@observationduty7 күн бұрын
@painless47854 ай бұрын
Koji seemed particularly irked at dumbdog. I mean he reacts dramatically whenever he's brought into the convo in meetings but it usually doesn't sound aggressive.