The Hakkapeliittas - brutally infamous Finnish cavalry

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@SootuKoll 4 ай бұрын
As an estonian I can't possibly convey how much I love finnish humor (and the metal, of course)! Great channel - will be ordering some merch.
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
The humour is certainly not for everyone - glad you digest it 😁 I would love to learn more about Estonian history as it's of course Extremely intertwined with ours and we are largely the (descendants of) the same people
@holoholopainen1627 4 ай бұрын
How do You find - as Estonian ? Can You tell The Difference - HAKKAME PEALE - and HAKKAPELIITAT ? - both kind of sound very similar...
@Tulah 3 ай бұрын
@@holoholopainen1627 I'm guessing that 'hakkame peale' is the war cry, 'hakkaa päälle' (mentioned around 9:00 in the video). I don't know enough Estonian to really say anything convincing about that, but Wikipedia lists Hakkapeliitta in Estonian as Hakkapeliidid and hakkame peale is quite a bit closer to hakkaa päälle so that's the reasoning for my guess.
@holoholopainen1627 3 ай бұрын
@@Tulah Do You know Finnish and Estonian ? Estonian HAKKAME PEALE - means aloitetaan - eestin kielessä... Siis yhä tänä päivänä !
@Tulah 3 ай бұрын
@@holoholopainen1627 Only Finnish. I don't understand Estonian.
@Lohjangrilli 4 ай бұрын
Vihdoin hakkapeliitoille arvoisensa video. Kiitos siitä
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Kiitos! Onhan tästä varsin arvoisia videoita jo tehty. TheyTalk Suomi ja Irish in Finland muistaakseni molemmat
@sweoli16 4 ай бұрын
Hakka päälle my Finnish brothers! Greetings from Sweden! Great video as always. Sad too see so many negative people in the comments. Your doing a great job keep it up!
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Thanks! It is the nature of social media, people get easily overheated over anything they want. Nothing new under the sun 😁
@karirytkonen5811 4 ай бұрын
When I visited Strasbourg, local wine tour guide told that there lives still saying "Be good, or Swedes will come and beat you." to keep children silent and well behaving. Maybe it was not true anymore, but Swedish army that often was spearheaded with expendable Finns left scars to middle Europe during Thirty Years War.
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Interesting! Thanks for sharing this anecdote.
@ae-jo5gc 4 ай бұрын
Why do you assume that the tour guide was lying?
@karirytkonen5811 4 ай бұрын
I wasn't. It is just common to over-exaggerate stories to make them better. Like in videos where foreign people simplify Finnish life style by saying that every Finnish home has sauna and every Finn goes to sauna daily or weekly. I'm sure there was truth behind that story, but how common saying it was at the time (around 2004) - I'm not sure.
@ThorSuzuki1 3 ай бұрын
"Expendable Finns" You know that is false. The majority of the army was from mainland Sweden, and as they say in the video- the Finns were the cavalry. Just look at the Battle of Breitenfeld. From the regiments that took part, 10 where from Sweden and 3 were from Finland. The rest were Germans or from the Baltics.
@gen.tucker6024 3 ай бұрын
I've heard it too, and there is a big castle that I visited in Strasbourg which the Swedes had assaulted and captured during the 30 years war.
@heh9392 4 ай бұрын
Ei voitettu Tsekkiä vastaan Prahassa lätkää pelaamalla, mutta sentään saatiin vallattua kaupunki ruotsalaisten kanssa 400 vuotta sitten :D
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Ajankohtainen muistutus! :D
@JuNe-uk6iv 4 ай бұрын
When you turn this text to english it say "We didn't win against the Czech Republic in Prague by playing dumb, but we still managed to capture the city with the Swedes 400 years ago :D". just for those who don't know Finnish, We did not play "dumb" we were playing ice hockey XD
@DEIMIKK 4 ай бұрын
Huomioon ottaen suomalaisten suhtautumisen lätkään, en yhtään ihmettelis että sotaan liittyminen oli vihaisten lätkäfanien järjestämä juttu: pakottivat kuninkaan mukaan, jotta pääsee torille. Tämä tieto on vaan kadonnut historian saatossa ihan selvästi..... Kun mentiin hienompiin piireihin, niin piti mennä kaljottelemaan hevosella 🤣🤣
@lyrigageforge3259 4 ай бұрын
@heh9392 4 ай бұрын
mmm, good old times
@MalkWilliams 4 ай бұрын
Kiitos videosta, se oli tosi mielenkiintoinen. Tiesin melkein mitään Suomesta viisi vuotta sitten mutta olen oppinut melko paljon, ja tämä oli jotain uusi minulle!
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Mahtavaa että pidit ja että opit tästä jotain uutta! Kiitos!
@Ironbattlemace 4 ай бұрын
Kirjoitat paremmin kuin itse suomalaiset.
@helkdona226 4 ай бұрын
this is the best video in English about the Hakkapeliitta and I am here for it!
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Wow! Too kind. Thank you!
@helkdona226 4 ай бұрын
@@Anttimation this might be the only video that talks about the Hakkapeliitta in english with any type of detail I hope you capitalize on it and boost your channel
@lyrigageforge3259 4 ай бұрын
True it is best in English so far. Not the only one but at the least the one which is just about Hakkapeliitta and does not cramp the topic in with other stuff. I looked into this cause I am exo-finn and foreign people ask more about these things than one in Finland would think. Anyhow, this is nice video for it. The biggest trouble with videos our history folk make in general about our history is that while they are obviously most in Finn - still nearly no-one bothers to at least set up auto translation for it or translate the damned thing in English for captions.
@BorderGuardJaegerFinlandia 3 ай бұрын
The Vikings had small horses as well. They used these small Icelandic horses with short legs. But they where very tough and could cope with cold climate
@raoulkent 4 ай бұрын
Very very interesting video. Good wishes from a neighbor to your west! 🇸🇪❤🇫🇮
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Tack detsamma!
@Sotamursu90 3 ай бұрын
Nice job on this informative video! I would translate "Hakkaa päälle" in a different way, since "get them" sounds way nicer than the finnish version. "Hack them up, son of the north!" sounds closer to the original finnish cry. In finnish you would often use the word "hakkaa" when cutting down or *hacking* trees in a forest, and that is what they are going to do to their enemies.
@rayfinnila6079 4 ай бұрын
A great explanation of the battle cry of, "hakkaa päälle". My hat is off to you, as someone born in Finland, but living overseas for a long time.
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@ulmo5536 4 ай бұрын
Mycket intressant video och häftig relaterande konst!
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Trevligt att höra! Tusen tack! That's the extent of my ability to reply in Swedish 😆
@Ironpine27 3 ай бұрын
Perkeleen hyvä video ja komia taideteos. Tää kanava meni tilaukseen ja vauhdilla!
@Anttimation 3 ай бұрын
@gutsnetsov 4 ай бұрын
Hyvä video! Hienoa nähdä joku vaalimassa suomalaista historiaa muidenkin nähtäväksi!
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Kiitos! Juuri sen takia näitä teen
@NikoPikoo 3 ай бұрын
Ota subi, ansaitset sen. Tosi hyvä ja kiinnostava video, suomalainen historia on tosi kiinnostavaa. Pitääkin varmaan käydä taas turun linnassa tänä kesänä.
@Anttimation 3 ай бұрын
Kiitos! Subi otettu
@HS-su3cf 4 ай бұрын
Finlands sak er vår sak!
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Tusen tack! 😁
@N_0968 4 ай бұрын
Hyvä video taas! Kiitos.
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Kiitos taas katsomisesta!
@Michalokaj 4 ай бұрын
My ancestors were on the receiving end of the Hakkapeliittas’ charges, but thank you for this video and your channel.
@Y_Bull 3 ай бұрын
Hyvä video! Aivan spot on, mitä itsekin olen tutkinut hakkapeliittoja. Eräs tulkinta hakkapeliitta nimestä oli ruotsalainen sanonta Hacka på tai jotain semmoista, josta nimi olisi saattanut tulla. Myös hauska pieni asia oli, että hakkapeliitoilla oli kai tuohiset kengät tai torvet, koivun tuohesta tehty, mikä erottui räikeästi muista!
@Anttimation 3 ай бұрын
Kiitos! Joo varmasti ollut juuri sellaiset kengät, mitkä talosta sattuneet löytymään 😅
@zapfsaeule2 3 ай бұрын
I'm always learning something from your profound and so well made videos!
@Anttimation 3 ай бұрын
Thanks so much! 🙏
@karsteyouknow 4 ай бұрын
You have the most amazing channel thank you so much, family is from Finland
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Thank you! Very Glad to hear
@karsteyouknow 4 ай бұрын
@@Anttimation thank you for replying thats feels awesome! My grandmother died a few weeks ago and her birthplace is the museum in Luusua, your channel make me understand my familys history :)❤️
@allu3853 4 ай бұрын
Such a great video thank you very much! A lot of easy to digest info in such a short video! Those chess pieces helped to get the hang of the tactics. Cheers!
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Thanks! I tried to think how to illustrate maneuvers with as little effort as possible, hence the chess pieces. Take them more as a simplified example than a 100% accurate depiction though
@allu3853 4 ай бұрын
@@Anttimation You did very well with that simple and yet greatly animated show👍
@nattygsbord 4 ай бұрын
They attacked like a plow. Other armies did sometimes attack in a similiar way but as a straight line. But what made Swedish and Finnish cavalry unique was that they were riding their men and horses extremely tightly packed togheter so each rider could feel the knees of his friends to his sides. This prevented some movement of course, but it also made this plow an unstoppable force punching throw enemy formations, and they fired their pistols at point blank range making their salvos very deadly. Because back in the 1600s was accuracy of rifles and guns extremely bad, and the precision of pistols even worse and you had almost no chance of hitting any target at all unless you stood like just a meter or two away from your target. Other armies did not do this so the Swedish army was ahead of its time in this way. And often did the Finnish cavalry with their tiny horses beat Polish cavalry with their big horses and elegant uniforms. The polish riders were considered the best in Europe. They were very brave and well equipped. But the Swedish (and finnish) army had better tactics. This was the result of the painful and hard earned experience won at the catastrophic military defeat against Poland in Kircholm 1605. This is probably the worst military defeat in Swedish history. Even worse than the defeat at Poltava in 1709 in the number of men lost, and also as a share of the male population lost in the Kingdom in one battle. After that disaster was it realized that the army needed some serious reforms to become much better.
@MooseDuckVlogs 3 ай бұрын
Kiitos I always wonder if you would do vid on Hakkapelittas...I always wonder about these known Finnish Horseman....again Thank You and look forward to more of your Finnish Vids...
@Anttimation 3 ай бұрын
Thanks again! More videos are on the way...
@MarvinMarbles 4 ай бұрын
Lovely job and informative, as always!
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Thänks!! Took half a second to recognise you - small world this internet :D
@MarvinMarbles 4 ай бұрын
@@Anttimation I'm around every corner :)
@Niinsa62 4 ай бұрын
I heard from a reliable source (a Finn from the town of Vaasa) that the war cry Hakkaa Päälle Pohjan Poika means literally Cut/Chop Hard/Well Northern Boy/Son. So maybe "Hit'em hard, Northern boys!" would be a reasonable translation. I guess it would have been scary to face those cavalry soldiers, seeing them wait silently. And then hearing the order Hakkaa Päälle! Hit them hard! And then, here they come. Maybe not a very fearsome battle cry, but if you are the opposition, and you know that this means that they will attack you, with pistols and then sabres, and not stop until one side is bled dry... There must be a reason that this battle cry, or order to attack, is still remembered. I guess they lived up to it, it was not an empty threat.
@BertBackemalm 4 ай бұрын
This was enjoyable. Great video!
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Awesome to hear. Thanks!
@Robert-gc9gc 4 ай бұрын
Excellent, different video concept from the others. Amazing art as usual ❤❤
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Thanks so much once again! this is a topic I've wanted to cover for a while now. Would like to hear your thoughts on this slightly different "format" if that's ok!
@Robert-gc9gc 4 ай бұрын
@Anttimation OK, was cool to see the drawing process, gives idea of how long it actually takes to make even one print, probably hours. And the real life pics too from museums. I am used to the old format also nice to see a new one.
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
@@Robert-gc9gc thanks! Good to know! Always experimenting how to make videos better and/or faster.
@brandbienedell7971 4 ай бұрын
Vielen Dank für die Video
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Gleichfalls! For watching, that is 🙏
@metaldiver 4 ай бұрын
Hienoa ja mielenkiintoista videota jälleen😊
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Kiitän suuresti katsomisesta jälleen kerran!
@wiskeeamazingdancer4964 4 ай бұрын
Great video all around. Dry humor and all
@hansericsson7058 4 ай бұрын
As a Swede i must say that, eläköön Suomi!
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Tack så mycket! 🇸🇪
@karnehfolk 4 ай бұрын
Mahtava video taas jälleen!
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Kiitos! Ja voisin väittää että tässä on myös musiikit kohdillaan! 🙌
@karnehfolk 4 ай бұрын
​@@Anttimation kiitoksia paljon! Mahtavaa, että käytät musiikkiani videoissasi.
@serggoms8532 4 ай бұрын
kiitos paljon, rikas historia
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
@heirwolf6929 4 ай бұрын
Interesting video, I especially like your questioning of what is myth and what is real. Also dry Finnish humour 😁
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Thanks! It's not for everyone 😁
@akiyrjana6558 4 ай бұрын
Kiitos! Hieno raina.
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Kiitos kun katsoit
@NicGamz 4 ай бұрын
Great video, thank you. Im very much into the thirty years war in my miniature hobby so thank you for this great video. Subed! 👍Kitos.
@HC20047 4 ай бұрын
Truy badass they were, the Finnish cav, even in the Carolinian armies.
@unluckynoob590 3 ай бұрын
Saatana Perkele 10V oon ootellu rallienglannin historiaa hakkapeliitoista jumalauta hienosti tehty
@Anttimation 2 ай бұрын
No kannatti siis odottaa 😁
@unluckynoob590 2 ай бұрын
@@Anttimation 10/10 iha ku cs pelais ;^)
@gen.tucker6024 3 ай бұрын
Finns are just legendarily epic, even today
@julianahavart 3 ай бұрын
Nice video and went snooping on Karneh on Spotify, too! Cheers!
@Anttimation 3 ай бұрын
Thanks! I think he has new music coming out soon
@Fenr 4 ай бұрын
Todella upea video. Ei taida monessa pelissäkään tämä yksikkö esiintyä. Total War: Empire tulee lähinnä mieleen.
@UngodlyFreak 4 ай бұрын
Ainakin Civilization V:ssä ja Europa Universalis IV:ssä löytyy hakkapeliitat Ruotsin yksikköinä.
@Fenr 4 ай бұрын
@@UngodlyFreak En ole kumpaakaan vielä pelannut. Kiitos tiedosta!
@imppaxd2790 4 ай бұрын
on totta empire total waarin modeista voi ainakin löytyä ruotsilta hakkapelita yksiköitä empire 2 modisa ja muistaakseni minor faction revenge modisa myös
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Joo! Empire: Total Waria joskus lapsena/teininä muistelen kokeilleeni. Jos en ole ihan väärässä, niin ruotsalaiset huusi paetessaan "Mamma hjälpa mig" 😂
@Alessus95 4 ай бұрын
Jos oikein muistan niin Age of Empires 3 Hakkapeliitta ratsastajia on mahdollista myös saada.
@derpatrizier 4 ай бұрын
Very funny and very informative
@sirseigan 4 ай бұрын
What a Swede hears when he hear that warcry: "Hacka Pelle, på han pojkar!" , meaning "Chop Pelle [nickname for the name Per], on him lads!". Kitos!
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Poor Pelle lol. Which, as you might know, means clown in Finnish 😅
@88balloonsonthewall70 4 ай бұрын
Nowdays Hakkapelittas are great car tires.
@Frakelini 4 ай бұрын
Hejsan hoppsan fallerallera lej! :)
@honkeydolemite9025 4 ай бұрын
Warfare of 30 Y war was done mostly by mercenaries with fancy clothing, battle cries and rattling of the arms. Sort of play acting. Finns were there to get things done, so if you are going to take mans life, then there us no point make ruckus out of it or does it saying "so sorry" make it some how a better. These guys were ice cold killers.
@nattygsbord 4 ай бұрын
It was mostly german mercenaries that misbehaved and plundered their country, and had most incentive to do so. The Finns was silent and a bit feared. I guess they were much better for the local population that the mercenaries. Swedes were relativly well behaved. One could however feel a bit sorry for the finnish soldiers. Reminds me of the tragic invasion of northern Norway (Trondheim) in 1718 when Finnish troops had fought in the Great Northern War for years, and some even decades. Their homeland was under brutal Russian occupation, but they continued to serve their Swedish King with all loyalty a Swedish King could ask of a subject from Finland but also from Sweden proper. They were marching in the winter cold in Norway, and in the wet rainy cold autumn before that with hunger in their stomach. They most have felt very lonely away from their families and not having seen their homeland Finland for years, and they could not even talk to the Swedish soldiers as they could not speak their language. They only had their comrades to talk to in all this sad misery and never ending war. Later on would many of the die during their retreat from Norway back towards Sweden. This army would walk into a snow storm in the middle of the night. And not just was it cold outside, but the storm winds pushing the cold towards peoples heads, hands and thinly clothed bodies quickly made underfed soldiers freeze to death. Mother nature killed more Finns in a single day that months of fighting against the Norwegians ever did. I imagine that the Finns could have felt very lonely in Germany during the 30 years war as well. And not just them, the Swedes too as more than two-thirds of all troops were germans. And during the invasion of Denmark into Copenhagen in 1658 was only about 15% of the troops Swedes. The rest were German mercenaries, Finns, Scots, Poles and such. And military orders to the troops were given in German.
@michaelsilver253 4 ай бұрын
Anyone else here because you randomly pulled Eric Flint's novel 1632 off a bookshelf like 20 years ago?
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Had to look it up and have to say the concept sounds interesting!
@adyingbreedofman9112 4 ай бұрын
My father used to sit in his chair in the living surrounded by sharp steel and stones. He would sit and sharpen for hours, anything and everything. If he owned something it was sharp. I miss him.
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Well what's the point of having dull blades? Of course I didn't know your father but somehow your writing painted a very vivid picture
@hybridarmyoffreeworld 2 ай бұрын
There is a reason why in Finnish verb "Ryssiä" (Muscovy ) , roughly meaning "to totally fail something".
@Anttimation 2 ай бұрын
@@hybridarmyoffreeworld and the sound of it fits perfectly with the meaning. It really sounds like royally screwing up.
@hybridarmyoffreeworld 2 ай бұрын
@@Anttimation can you make an episode about Finnish military assistance to Estonian independence ? or : " После 2-й Мировой войны 10-мильонная Белaрусь 🏳❤🏳 не досчиталась около 3-х мильонов своих жителей, однако околь 2-х миллионов были убиты еще до войны органами коммунистического НКВД. В Беларуси физически уничтожили 70 процентов всех белaруских писателей, убили ученых и художников. (Труппа Третьего Белорусского Государственного театра Владислава Голубка была арестована в полном составе. Почти все были расстреляны.) Убивали по национальному признаку. Ради этого был придуман ярлык "нацдем" (это значит -- национальный демократ, хотя такой партии не существовало). Этот ярлык приклеивали ко всем белорусам, которых сталинисты планировали уничтожить. В недрах НКВД была придумана несуществующая антикоммунистическая организация СВБ ("союз освобождения Белaруси"). Под придуманный фантом энкавэдисты проводили аресты, вели воображаемое следствие, допрашивали, пытали, судили, потом ссылали в paсeю и расстреливали невинных людей. После Рижского сговора в 1921 году Беларусь разделили между Польшей и paсeей. Границу раздела провели недалеко от Менска. Существовал тайный приказ НКВД уничтожать всё белорусское население вдоль границы. Российские аккупанты хотели сделать здесь безлюдную зону. Уничтожение осуществляли пограничные войска. Довереным лицам выдавали винтовку и лопату. Когда такой солдат-пограничник встречал в безлюдном месте (на дороге, в поле, в лесу) одинокого белоруса или белоруску, или ребенка, он стрелял человека, тут же лопатой выкапывал яму и засыпал труп. Такова была инструкция. Люди в деревнях не так боялись "человека с ружьём", как солдата с лопатой. (Эти факты опубликованы в белaруской печати в начале 90-х годов.) В 30-х годах на 95-99 процентов (практически полностью) была уничтожена (сослана и расстреляна) белaруская коммунистическо-партийная и советская администрация. Уничтожали даже директорат и хозяйственных руководителей. На должности убитых администраторов и коммунистических начальников-белорусов присылали “русских” из paсeии. “Русские” 🇷🇺 (так называемые "выдвиженцы") приезжали в Беларусь, занимали освобожденные должности, получали льготы, имущество, квартиры и первое, что они делали -- закрывали белорусские школы, переводили их на “русский” язык, чтобы их дети могли учиться, не обременяя себя изучением, как они говорили, "никому ненужного" белaруского языка. Таким образом оккупанты создавали в Беларуси "русскоязычное” население". Этноцид, лингвацид, мнемацид и геноцид проводзились большевиками одновременно. Уничтожение белaрусов рaсeйским НКВД продолжалось и во времена немецкой аккупации. В июне 1941 года в первые дни войны коммунисты расстреляли в тюрьмах и на этапах тысячи заключенных. Только в Брестской крепости, где была страшная тюрьма НКВД, всех арестованных ликвидировать не успели, часть из них разбежалась. Тем временем большая группа надзирателей и функционеров НКВД была заблокирована в крепости немцами. Они сидели там около месяца, пока не вымерли. Лет через 20 после войны коммунисты придумали легенду о "героической обороне" Брестской крепости. Обращает на себя внимание тот факт, что широкое советское партизанское движение было организовано только в Беларуси и частично -- на этнических белaруских землях, которые были в составе paсeии (Смоленщина, Брянщина). В оккупированой России партизанского движения не было. Почему? Да потому, что продолжал действовать план уничтожения белорусской нации. Москва, используя органы НКВД, втянула массы гражданского белорусского населения в войну против немцев, и этим подставила белорусов под немецкий удар. Необходимое дело борьбы исходило из коварного замысла и осуществлялось подлыми методами. (Сталин хотел получить двойную выгоду.) Энкавэдисты специально около белорусской деревени убивали немца или делали другую провокацию, чтобы вызвать карательную операцию гитлеровцев (которые обычно сжигали всю деревню, чаще всего -- вместе с людьми). Таким образом, кстати, в результате специальной провокации советских партизан была сожжена и известная Хатынь, которую коммунисты потом в 70-х годах разрекламировали на весь мир как типичную жертву фашистского зверства. В результате такой коммуно-фашистской совместной "работы" в Беларуси сожгли более 9 тысяч деревень. Поэтому к концу войны, в результате специальной операции НКВД, многие белaaруские командиры были посланы на смерть, отстранены от командования, убиты и репрессированы. Их места занимали русские, присланные из Мосвы, и верные энкавэдисты. Летом 1944 года, когда "красная армия" заняла Беларусь, “русские” провели мобилизацию в армию на белaруской территории. Десятки тысяч молодых белaруских мужчин, почти без подготовки, бросили на передовую линию фронта. “pусские” командиры поднимали их в ненужные атаки под огонь немецких пулеметов, не дав даже оружия в руки, или с винтовками, но без патронов. Они гибли тысячами, как трава под косой. А те, что бежали назад, попадали под пули энкавэдистских "заградотрядов". Впрочем, заградотряды стреляли и в спину. Так продолжалось уничтожение белaрусов на войне, руками немцев и “русских” одновременно. Как говорили коммунисты, "в борьбе за советскую родину". В 40-х годах русские вывезли в Сибирь и там замучили всех лесников и так называемых "кулаков" из Западной Беларуси. Вывозили вагонами, по разнорядках. "
@Anttimation 2 ай бұрын
@@hybridarmyoffreeworld I'd have to research it as I don't know too much. Maybe in the future... Thanks for the suggestion.
@hybridarmyoffreeworld 2 ай бұрын
@@Anttimation " Estonian War of Independence animated " take some parts from this video, 2 -3 min will be enough. You know, the Muscovite imperialists say that they have always won ) Moscow horde´s war record :- 1856 defeated by Britain and France 1905 defeated by Japan 1917 defeated by Germany 1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states 1939 defeated by Finland 1969 defeated by China 1989 defeated by Afghanistan 1989 defeated in the Cold War. 1996 defeated by Chechnya 2022 defeated by Ukraine WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :- a) Hungary 1956 b) Czechoslovakia 1968 c) Moldova 1992 d) Georgia 2008
@hybridarmyoffreeworld 2 ай бұрын
@@Anttimation ps 1905 Japanese - Muscovite war and Finnish resistance, is another great topic . have a good day !
@HC20047 4 ай бұрын
Love the "not from today's sponsor :)"
@nattygsbord 4 ай бұрын
I miss those old times when internet was about creativity, fun and sharing and for $$$
@wahlberliner 4 ай бұрын
prof. dr. olesen at university greifswald told me about them in one of his lectures. he is a good historian.
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Before I forget, would be great to see if I can find any work/material of his online. Thanks for watching!
@oddis188 4 ай бұрын
The irony is strong when a polak or Czechian has Nokian Hakkapeliitta tires on his car 😂🤌
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
@henriikkak2091 3 ай бұрын
@patrickuotinen Ай бұрын
I wish we wouldn't make so much noice about the hakkapeliittas. As we were a part of Sweden, then, many people in the Central Europe think that the hakkapeliittas were Swedes. And I think it's good like that. ;-)
@lesamisdalainsoralalondres2707 4 ай бұрын
I like your videos man
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Glad to hear. Thanks!!
@MrKroakim 3 ай бұрын
I thoroughly enjoyed this video. I myself am a finnoswede, born and raised in Finland but speaking almost exclusively swedish, and I've long known about the Hakkapelittä, but have never found a good source to read up on them. You seem like a history buff though, do you have any idea if the rumours are true, during the winter/continuation war (not sure which), there were alot of ostrobothnians who had to almost be tied down at night; they were so eager to go kill russians they would sneak off in the middle of the night to keep the fight going, and tire the enemy. The finnish command didn't "approve" of this, but they were apparently quite lethal in their "homemade" "tactics"
@Anttimation 3 ай бұрын
Thank you! Hmm, I have not heard of that... But certainly sounds like a typical WW2 legend and could have truth behind it too.
@Anttimation 3 ай бұрын
The Bothnians especially have/had generational traumas since the Great Wrath in the 1700s, so their eagerness would have grounds, I think
@tuuliaan79 3 ай бұрын
Ehkäpä "hakkaa päälle" ei ollut sotahuuto vaan hyökkäyskäsky 🤔
@Anttimation 3 ай бұрын
Hmm. Ei kuulosta mahdottomalta ajatukselta. Ken tietää...
@adyingbreedofman9112 4 ай бұрын
I very much enjoyed this video. The man who said they had "steel tendons" had a great description.
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
I don't actually know how it says in the original language. This I've translated from Finnish, hopefully preserving as much of the tone and meaning as possible
@adyingbreedofman9112 4 ай бұрын
@Anttimation and I thank you so much for that translation. As a Finnish American I should learn the language to some extent. I have always commented that misleadingly strong people have tendon strength, which Finns are. So I must admit I find it true to my beliefs.
@JMM33RanMA 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for the video. I've mostly heard about the subject in fiction. Perhaps you can shed light on two things. 1. is there a Finnish [possibly Swedish] marching song threatening "We'll drink your beer and eat your supper?" 2. Were the cavalrymen all ethnic Finns, or were some Lapps [I think they don't like this name now, but it was used by foreigners in the past] and possibly ethnic Swedes from Vasa area? Thanks in advance for any real historical information. BTW most of the people in Sweden's colony [now Delaware] are thought to have been Finns rather than Swedes, do you know about that.
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Thanks! I've not come across that song but does not sound implausible. Have to do some digging and maybe we'll find an answer. I'd imagine that the cavalry from Finland were largely Finns, from the peasant estate. The Sami, as far as I understand (which is admittedly not incredibly far) haf by this period moved further North and living more nomadically and I'm not aware of them being drafted to the military. Don't take this for a fact though! Just an uneducated guess
@LauriPaltemaa-x1g 3 ай бұрын
Swedish speaking men from the coastal areas were mostly drafted to the navy, but having them in the cavalry would not be impossible either.
@RyanRyzzo 4 ай бұрын
"Vittusaatana!" doesn't quite sound very polite so .... Vittusaatanas wouldn't have the same ring to it.
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
I would like to translate to English but there's a fair chance it would get caught in the platform's safety nets :D
@datadavis 3 ай бұрын
@Anttimation IFYKYK 😂
@3851035 4 ай бұрын
Finnish-American here. Previously, I understood that the battle cry translated to "aim for their balls (testicles)." I'm not sure where I got that from, but it always seemed odd/wrong to me. I think I read it in a book once. It is interesting that it means something else. Perhaps some Finnish nationalism is to blame.
@lyrigageforge3259 4 ай бұрын
That is different war cry, or more so 'an order' which would go like this 'Tulta munille!' Fire on the balls.. so to speak. And that has got to do with WWII era and guns which would when firing end up sending the bullet a bit high - so you had to aim a bit low to hit center-mass - all though that's also exaggeration, as in it's also war humour.
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Was about to reply but @lyrigageforge3259 explained it perfectly 👌 Anyway, thank you for watching!
@3851035 4 ай бұрын
@@lyrigageforge3259 Thank you! That makes more sense.
@benwinter2420 2 ай бұрын
Hakka Paalle literally translates to hack upon & rest of 'war cry' is southern boys . . not northern but as in south east Karelia
@derekburge5294 4 ай бұрын
Hakkapelliita: regarded as fearless, never retreating or shying away from hand-to-hand combat. Verokarhu: moi. Hakkapelliita: 0.0
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
@AM-cw1kp 3 ай бұрын
They certainly were not football hooligans, although they were still remembered in Germany during The Great War
@olli-pekkajuusola3068 4 ай бұрын
Onkohan "Nokian hakkapeliitta" -renkaiden nimitys otettu näistä hakkapeliitta ratsusotilaista ?
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Vaikea nähdä, mistä muustakaan se voisi tulla :D
@Sharonmarshall66 4 ай бұрын
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Asking the real questions!
@joonatervonen3626 3 ай бұрын
Swedish intervention was 1630-1635, but Sweden was part of the conflict till the end.
@bofig23 4 ай бұрын
The swedes still had a lot heavy armoured pistol cavalry in use during the 30 year war.
@honkeydolemite9025 4 ай бұрын
But most if them were absolute rubbish when compared to imperial cuirassiers. Hakkapeliittas were basically ligth cavalry that could oack a punch like heavy cavalry. They could take most if the enemies well except lancers.
@bofig23 4 ай бұрын
@@honkeydolemite9025 True, but heavy cavalry usually could overwhelm light cavalry as shock troops and on the flank outside broken formation. They had armour that would stop musket shots from a distance and sabers from close range. Also they usually had many (expensive) pistols with them and some had carbines instead. Most Swedish heavy cuirassiers were noblemen whose primary task was to protect the king and fight other high ranking cuirassiers and cavalry in duels at the fringes of the battlefields. Finns were the cavalry cannon fodder to break enemy formations (Infantry were even more fodder) Maybe Finns were more effective on the battlefield but duelling cuirassiers are imo much more cooler. Like some wild west or samurai showdowns where every shot counts significantly. Remember hand grenades and incendiary weapons were also part of the battles of that time.
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
​@@bofig23I left cuirassiers out of this entirely. Damn, it's often hard to judge what to include and exclude. Didn't want to talk too much besides the main subject (hakkapeliittas) but wanted to somehow (over)simplify the idea of land warfare at the time.
@bofig23 4 ай бұрын
@@Anttimation Well I don't think cuirassiers had that much to do with Finns anyway so this was just a footnote. Expect that the king himself did not wear a full armour in battle but only a light breastplate armour similar to Finns (maybe why he was so liked by the Finns) Though he was always protected by heavy cuirass knights until he was not, and when the Imperials got him.
@MessiahsandMythology 4 ай бұрын
I see nothing has changed in 400 years… I will risk life, limb, and horse, but I refuse to pay taxes.
@haliaeetus8221 4 ай бұрын
You mean giving the people's property for kings wars and getting involved, even fighting other peoples wars? No, that hasn't changed. Judging on voters Finns absolutely love the state taxing them to starvation and using it for beaurocrats and giving it away abroad, including pointless wars. A very strange and dumb masochist people really. Valtiopellet kutsuvat sotaa ja kurjuutta. Sitä saa mitä tilaa.
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
During the great famine of the 1690s (although if one experienced it first hand, probably wasn't that great), or was it the one in the 1860s, the state administration thought that people died on purpose in order to avoid taxes...
@kaamoshaamu 4 ай бұрын
Good video. I only hated the maps. Why sea is green and land blue. ;)
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Haha thank you! I didn't want to do too detailed maps as it also brings the issue of the border being inaccurate in places. Just slapped different colors. Maybe the sea being green is foreshadowing of its 21st century state? Who knows...
@arileinonen5561 4 ай бұрын
Korjaus alempaan Armfelt oli komentaja
@ivrishcon-abarth38 4 ай бұрын
Finnish cavalry horses obviously ate the flesh of their fallen enemies, as decent grass and other edible stuff was difficult to obtain after all the bloodshed.
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
@hotdog9262 4 ай бұрын
summer or studded hooves. thats the question
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Or do they need to be swapped seasonally?
@hotdog9262 4 ай бұрын
@@Anttimation def yes. northern horses do not approve of all seasons
@MikkoMurmeli 3 ай бұрын
So we've been a warrior nation for a long time, then. I knew we took part in wars before the world war 2, but.... that the finnish cavalry was so much of a force to be reckoned with... hm. First we drove back the russians in winter war of world war 2, giving them massive losses and tiny compensation for that. Before that, we took part in a war in 1600's in europe and made quite a difference there, too. Hm. Now, our snipers are one of the world's best snipers, I've heard. And our military strength these days is not as great as USA's of course, but still one of NATO's strongest. And it's no wonder. We don't fuck around, we just do the job with no frills, no extra hassle, no fake stuff, just do it and get back and then come back again. And don't brag about it, maybe say "yeah I got three shot wounds and they beat me up with shovels, but hey I still walk and live and all, so it's fine really". That kinda attitude you can expect from finnish troops who have seen life (and maybe death, their own death) before their own eyes. I've been there a bit, not in battles, but... having looked death a bit in the eye and still I live and am healthy, people like me, you shouldn't even put us to war front. Because we can become such monsters that even our own officers might tell us: "Hey dude, the russians are humans too, at least leave a few of them alive and come back." We' can be killed, yes. But the finns come back. Even from the grave, maybe not with the same body, but yeah... And it's true. And there was this russian horror rumor of sorts in the winter war of 1938 WW2, when they fought finns hard and lost many, they almost never found a single finnish soldier's corpse, even though they had killed some. Why? Because we take care of our dead like they were just as important to us as those who still live. That earned us the reputation of "white ghosts who never die". And Simo Häyhä, maybe the most famous finnish military person. Most people know Mannerheim, the marshall of Finland in WW2. But it was Simo Häyhä, a sniper of finnish army, who killed over 500 men alone. One man, one sniper, 500 men of russians dead. And that's just one man we trained right. When we asked Simo what was his secret of success in this, he answered: "I just followed the training I got in the army as well as I could." That's it. We have warrior blood in us. I have too, even though me, a finnish man, am what is called a "sensitive new age hippie". Even someone like me has a real monster inside of him, bloodthirsty and laughs when he gets hit and wounded, like "at least challenge me a bit". Don't bore me. Hail to the finnish nation! POWER OF PERKELE! Mikko Murmeli
@BorderGuardJaegerFinlandia 3 ай бұрын
We had to give away our horses during the ww2 era. The military confiscated our horses already in the winter war (not al of them). We lived only 5km from the Soviet border and there where major battles on our land. I can still remember one horse that we had in the middle of the 1970:s that had been a "war horse" for the military. Most of my male relatives was also working as Border Guards at that time and they where the first to be taken into battle. That horse was over 35 years old and was the kindest of all horses we had. It was the only one left of all horses we had given to the military..
@Anttimation 3 ай бұрын
Damn! Interesting. Thanks for sharing! I also remember read that losing the horses in WW2 was particularly hard for the men, it felt so unfair.
@jakeee1337 3 ай бұрын
@fallenknight3016 4 ай бұрын
The Hakkapeliittas:As ye sow, as shall ye reap We will turn your fields into death shining Our blades smash all down Guidance of cold winds We complete the ancient rule Each of us was created to kill
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Well that's metal
@guycalabrese4040 4 ай бұрын
Very good video! Sweden often used finns as special forces. Why did Sweden loose 50% of their land to Russia in 1809?
@sirseigan 4 ай бұрын
Because both the economy and the population was depleted after many hundreds years of nearly constant wars that had continueingly drained the country just a little too much for each war. That and the fact that Sweden had been a bit too aggressive and over reaching for some time and gaining a bit too many enemies that wanted to teach Sweden a lesson (Russia, Denmar and France together). That and the fact that Russia had by that time become a very significant player with much much deeper pockets then Sweden both financially and populationwise. Sweden were always quite few in numbers but made it up with dicipline, fearlessness, good equipment and cutting edge tech as well as innovative strategies. This made Sweden able to constantly punch above their weight and play with the big boys in Europe on equal footing. However it came at a price. Russia on the other hand have never had a shortage of people nor had any problem with absorbing losses. It do not matter how much you are able to punch above your weight if the enemy just keeps on comming - eventually you will be overwhelmed if you can not refill the ranks at the same rate as the enemy. Swedens decline started some 90 years before the loss of Finland.
@guycalabrese4040 4 ай бұрын
@@sirseigan Thank you for the most well written reply that I've ever seen on KZbin.!
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Indeed a great response @sirseigan! I have video series about the history of Finland on my channel and that period would be covered in the next episode... Except is there any need now that you already summarised it perfectly? 😅
@guycalabrese4040 4 ай бұрын
@@Anttimation 😆
@not-a-theist8251 Ай бұрын
Damit I was kind of interested in buying an accountant from you
@Anttimation Ай бұрын
@@not-a-theist8251 some people have expressed similar interest... Maybe there's some potential for business
@lihamuuri8697 4 ай бұрын
No en vittu kommentoi :D ;;!;;
@contentconsumer3743 4 ай бұрын
6:18 🫡
@unluckynoob590 3 ай бұрын
Suomenhevonen ei ehkä ollu nii pieni ku kerroit ;^)
@Anttimation 2 ай бұрын
Ite en osallistunut 30-v. sotaan niin varmaksi en voi sanoa. Tulkitsen lähinnä sen ajan ja myöhempiä kirjoituksia
@unluckynoob590 2 ай бұрын
@@Anttimation En tiedä tuleeko yllätyksenä mut en mäkään oo sotinu 1600 luvul ;D;D Enkä oo heppatyttö99 vaik supo nii sanoo. Mitä oon kuullu niin suomenhevoset on ollu aikalailla isoja sen lumimäärän takia mitä suomessa on ollu ;^)
@Superbus753 4 ай бұрын
Damm thats unfortunate i wanted a Finnish accountant.
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
They're handy to have around. Kind of like house elves/gnomes - stay in good terms and the relationship is mutually beneficial.
@Superbus753 4 ай бұрын
@@Anttimation yeah don’t anger the Saunatonttu or your house might burn down. There is just one problem with a Finnish accountant. During summertime (juhannus to august) he wont do any work as he will be in his kesämökki.
@Valmentaja 10 күн бұрын
@vizeepa 3 ай бұрын
ootin että ois ollu suomeks
@Anttimation 3 ай бұрын
Tekstitä osan videoista välillä suomeksi, mutta aina en jaksa
@ErkkiNieminen 4 ай бұрын
Topelius oli satusetä, joka yritti luoda suomalaisille sankarihistoriaa. Palosaari toistelee vanhoja valeita.
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Topeliuksen lainaustahan ei tässä esitetä kuin lainauksena. Katsoja voi arvioida sen luotettavuutta itse. Nieminen voinee nimetä pari valhetta, ja kertoa totuuksia tilalle.
@ErkkiNieminen 4 ай бұрын
@@Anttimation hakkapeliitat on pelkkä myytti vailla todellisuuspohjaa. Ei löydy lähteistä, pelkästään satusetien sepitteistä.
@Anttimation 3 ай бұрын
Meinaatko, että suomalaista ratsuväkeä ei ollut?
@ErkkiNieminen 3 ай бұрын
@@Anttimation en meinaa. Meinaan, että Itämaan alueelta pakkovärvätyt sotilaat eivät erottuneet 1600-luvun muusta sekalaisesta seurakunnasta mistä Ruotsin armeija koostui. Samalla tavalla ryösti, tappoi ja raiskasi Ruotsin armeijan sotilas, oli se sitten Itämaasta (johon kuului muutama Ruotsin maakunta nykyisen Suomen alueella), nykyisen Ruotsin alueen maakunnista tai eri maista kotoisin olevia palkkasotureita. Muinoin ei kansallisuudella ollut juurikaan merkitystä. Nationalistiset satusedät alkoivat korostaa sitä 1800-luvulla propagandamielessä. Sen myötä myös hakkapeliittamyytti on synnytetty.
@RoniiNN 27 күн бұрын
It was Swedish national cavalry.
@Noone35791 4 ай бұрын
“Much of the Swedish Amry was drafted from Finland.” “Majority of of the cavalery came from Finland” What’s your source for this?
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Should be specified at what point as it of course varied on different campaigns. In the book Hakkapeliitoista korpisotureihin - suomalaisen sotilaan tarina it says that at one point in the Thirty Years War campaigns (I don't remember when), two thirds of the cavalry were from Finland. Returned it to library already so can't check right now, but I imagine there are records to back it up. Good thing to point out - thanks for commenting!
@TheNismo777 4 ай бұрын
So many lies in this vid, he keep making these just to get views.
@AutomatikBalalaika 4 ай бұрын
@@TheNismo777 Can you please name those lies?
@kessu1863 4 ай бұрын
@@TheNismo777 basic swedes just can't accept that sweden used it's colony to fight it's own wars
@northstar2621 4 ай бұрын
​@@kessu1863 I've never heard a single Swede acknowledge this, I'm not holding my breath waiting to hear it now
@vantaa3534 3 ай бұрын
A third of the finnish cavalry where nobility, which was exclusively swedish speaking. So i dont really understand why you claim that they didnt understand any swedish
@Anttimation 3 ай бұрын
Well, it certainly does not apply to the Swedish speaking forces
@emil3458 3 ай бұрын
Because the other 66% didn't speak any swedish at all.
@vantaa3534 3 ай бұрын
@@emil3458 not true, 2 of the 3 regiments recruited from predominantly swedish speaking areas
@soderlund3610 4 ай бұрын
Så mycket skitsnack. Men så är det ju en finne såklart 🤭
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Hienosti argumentoitu 👍
@emil3458 3 ай бұрын
bra argument idiot
@joeyj6808 4 ай бұрын
I have been learning so much about what amazing warriors the Finns have been over the past thousand years. Kudos! I assume they do other things too? Great video - funny, informative and a great watch! You have earned a fan today, comrade. Salud from Seattle.
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Thank you! Always makes my day to know these are watched so far a way. 😎
@turpasauna 3 ай бұрын
Well since you asked...we were shamans of sorts. Most spells ever collected from a single area = Finland (over 25k). Vikings were terrified of us, calling us powerful witches (but would occasionally also hire some to aide them). Back in the old times, every Finn knew some spells, most of these being protective ones around the house. Couldn't let the cattle out to the woods (yes you read that correctly) without an 15+ minutes incantation against all possible harms lol. 😂😂
@danielbraesch6331 3 ай бұрын
Sweden, Finland and Estonia made the mightiest empire in northern Europes history! We shall never forget that. 🇸🇪🇫🇮🇪🇪
@Anttimation 3 ай бұрын
Well, more like the elite of Sweden pulled the ropes and the rest were the pawns but yeah 😅
@danielbraesch6331 3 ай бұрын
@@Anttimation actually some of the greatest generals during the swedish empire were of finnish descent. So there were many soldiers that climbed the ranks witihn the swedish armies.
@stephenphilip5294 4 ай бұрын
Great vid!
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@Vuohipukki 4 ай бұрын
Hyvä pätkä 😽
@Anttimation 4 ай бұрын
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