Thanks so much. They are a lot of fun to make. I am glad you enjoy them. 💖
@LuxamorVibesАй бұрын
Hey- thanks for listening. There will be a bunch of Christmas music getting uploaded over the next few weeks. Please subscribe to be notified when we drop a new video. ❤
@missmisery4200Ай бұрын
Absolutely love this !! Looking forward to the Christmas videos !
@LuxamorVibesАй бұрын
Thanks so much. We have a few up now and a ton more coming. Please sub so you are notified of all new content. Thanks for watching.
@greygamez8199Ай бұрын
Excellent, can you do some Christmas music like this?
@LuxamorVibesАй бұрын
Absolutely. We will be getting a ton of Christmas up in the next few weeks. Thanks for subscribing.