The HARDEST Concept to Learn in TFT | TFT Coach Explains

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Water Park Tactics

Water Park Tactics

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@WaterParkTactics 2 күн бұрын
Want to add a quick note to this video: Lots of people were asking what to do if they DIDN'T have a tempo start. You should look to turn the disadvantages of tempo play into your advantages. For example while fast tempo is generally the best way to play right now, it does have it's down sides. For instance you're always taking options based on things that make you strong NOW even if it might not be PERFECT later. But if you're not in a rush to be slamming and playing fast tempo than might as well greed instead right? So now you're taking items of carousel to build perfect items ex. BB for Karma instead of Adaptive or Shojin. You're taking Augments that are stronger later ex. You might not have a 4-cost now but Little Buddies for when you play Olaf or Ryze etc... is broken You are using OPTIMIZATION to make up for player who tempo'd. You can do that with level 8 boards as well as reroll. I just think the window for rerolling is much shorter this patch save for your usual 3-cost comps which spike earlier and harder than your 4-cost comps and can actually win out over them unlike 2/1 costs rn. Hopefully this helps! ~~~~~~ On another note, thank you so much for the positive reception! To be honest I was very anxious about this video and recorded this over and over again. I didn't think I was entertaining enough and my content wasn't good enough to keep watching as this was my longest video yet. I was blown away when I woke up the next day to check on how it did. I'm so relieved this format is something you guys enjoyed!
@isabellarees7354 18 сағат бұрын
:) Thanks so much for making it, it's so useful just need to get the info in brain now aha
@squidsrhot6058 10 сағат бұрын
Your videos are incredibly informative. Don't stress about "making them entertaining enough" since the value you're providing with this information is enough to garner viewers. look at Coach Curtis (league of legends) for example. he makes super long in depth videos and has a pretty nice subscriber base, and a very popular coaching platform. Do what you enjoy, and you'll find success 👍👍
@NissaNissaTFT 2 күн бұрын
bro is just giga pumping high octane info content what a beast
@Sparkles_VT 2 күн бұрын
damn I've gotten to masters multiple seasons in a row and I've never thought about it this in depth especially the itemization. I always just think like what can I make now that's flexible rather than like playing items for tempo. honestly big difference
@ototsuyume6769 2 күн бұрын
love the detailed slides thanks for your wisdom mr moka
@daolinh108 2 күн бұрын
This makes sense when I look at the first placed games of challengers, their items on carry units are not always perfect or optimized.
@SylvioMedeiros 2 күн бұрын
Thank you very much, some times o think of let go my attempt of getting better to get master because im kinda stuck on d3, but those videos always give me a new breath
@Siyth 2 күн бұрын
great video, I really enjoyed the board state evaluation quiz bits, would love more of those actually
@exteelgolem 2 күн бұрын
This was such incredible discussion and original content. I wish more advice around the game was like this, less specific, more general game theory type of concepts. Speaking of, I wonder if you've ever considered doing an overlap video between TFT and game theory? I find it especially useful when thinking about things like "strongest board" where you're constantly trying to calculate the relative EV of all the little things.
@WaterParkTactics 2 күн бұрын
Can you expand on that? Wdym by game theory in this context? and thanks!
@thantkyaw6084 2 күн бұрын
Hey man love the vid. Wish the section at the end explaining what to do when you don’t have a tempo start was longer. Sometimes I don’t have any good slamable items and didn’t find any two stars early on. I know I’m supposed to lose streak at that point but I struggle with stabilizing.
@GM-wd5ho 2 күн бұрын
@ghoul890studios3 2 күн бұрын
It’s because your only real option is to play a cheap reroll comp and play for 4th. When you lose streak early, you sack hp so it becomes more important to hit an early spike and then bleed out later
@tommomonster123 2 күн бұрын
dishsoap makes it look too easy
@WaterParkTactics 2 күн бұрын
Added a pinned note on this topic!
@krunopii 2 күн бұрын
bro lookin really pretty with that hair tied up
@WaterParkTactics 2 күн бұрын
@RockRipper21 2 күн бұрын
Great video and well communicated! Looking forward to your future videos 😁
@LeonValenti 2 күн бұрын
These videos are slowly helping me get to GM. Thank you!
@ramending840 2 күн бұрын
Great video man well put!
@jimmythebarker Күн бұрын
great video, been really enjoying ur content on twitter and now here. keep it up man
@DrGamer365 2 күн бұрын
As a card game player, hearing Tempo used in TFT spaces, I kept thinking of it with the same definition. In Magic, Tempo is often used interchangeably with “Midrange,” a play style involving reacting to your opponents’ gameplans, but still having your own threats to push your opponent for answers. It gets the name from being balanced between the other 2 major play styles, aggro (all threats, no answers) or control (all answers, no threats.) I feel like your description of Tempo in TFT fits this definition but I didn’t think about it also applying to the game itself; where in Magic, Tempo would only apply to the 2-4 players where the player is playing the deck, any player playing Tempo in TFT automatically increases the floor of the game. tl;dr TFT: The Floor is Tempo (or Lava in Challenger lobbies)
@yShigueo Күн бұрын
good video, i've got master rank for the first time last season, and now im master again nearly GM, and looks like it was not an improvement on my gameplay itself, but the high tempo meta works really well with my playstyle, anyway, thanks for all this info! really helps players thats willing to improve
@superporky5062 2 күн бұрын
insane vid, keep up the effort and stick with this type of vids and you can grow if you are patiant enough
@Studeee 2 күн бұрын
Great video man. Thank you
@ah_ciel 2 күн бұрын
this is really amazing and helpful!
@facundoserra6573 2 күн бұрын
Great video as always! Was wondering if you can make some video about how to VOD review, like a guide or something about vod reviewing
@WaterParkTactics 2 күн бұрын
Sure can.
@intensoiterei 2 күн бұрын
thanks for the content, truly amazing, very helpful!
@AdvayBasavaraju 2 күн бұрын
This is a good video, well made
@Veggiematic 2 күн бұрын
I like this video. The item slamming is fantastic concept.
@lordvig8884 2 күн бұрын
Guide on how to read stats/keep up with meta as a casual would be nice. Though, maybe I am over emphasizing this as a skill over fundamentals
@WaterParkTactics 2 күн бұрын
I want to make that eventually but I think it's something that can be saved for later. I want to make videos that help people now so my next video is probably going to be on how to play fast 8 properly rn.
@fortcolors9887 2 күн бұрын
that's a really nifty definition of tempo
@tommomonster123 2 күн бұрын
learnt so much from this video. Think this ties in really well with econ management & when to go for charms too. Would be nice to figure out how to actually flex though; dizziness is a serious problem when i hit 8 with a random tempo board 😂 maybe i can actually hit master now pogo
@DanielTredewicz 2 күн бұрын
Great presentation, thank you.
@barbdreams 2 күн бұрын
This was a very informative and helpful video, thank you!
@poodleprince 2 күн бұрын
great vid as always
@blehisaword Күн бұрын
Disagree with Shiv over Rageblade. You're going to play for tempo. This means you're last pick on Caro. With a rod left, if you get stuck with a sword, armor or cloak, you're in a terrible position--Hexblade just isn't slammable, you already have pen with shiv so you don't want spark, and you never want to waste a DPS item on a tank item unless you have to. It just isn't worth it. Additionally, if you slam Shiv, you're immediately throwing away a bow when you may not get another as you 100 winstreak. However, slamming rageblade leaves a tear open. A tear open is one of the best things you can have. The only item you don't want to be stuck with is armor and MAYBE a belt. Your halfway, or throwing away the future doesn't work in this situation, due to carousel priority, and leaving your options open. You may find a shop with 3 Kalistas, or be contested by the two people who grabbed portal spat from carousel priority. Antiheal will come, and shred will come--and they aren't needed in stage 2--and thats taking into consideration your item slam tempo selection earlier in the video. I do see the argument for slamming shiv here, but you're committing--with no scout, and leaving your future in the hands of other players on the carousel.
@jakehuang2959 2 сағат бұрын
On the bow tear rod example (11:24), with the poppy lilia zoe board state, I would argue for guinsoo slam (feel free to correct me) due to: 1) stronger power level early game as stacking power of guinsoo > flat magic dmg from shiv. 2) THIS POINT IS NOT VALID IN CURRENT PATCH PLZ IGNORE LOL: guinsoo is BIS on Ryze, and you have one in shop to immidiantly get value by putting it on him. Assuming you would itemize your carry first, shiv would be a bit awk on ryze there as u would be gamling for remover olds to remove it from ryze later (assuming you would want BIS on ryze in late game, and have shred on secondary backliner) 3) as you also mentions in the vid, magic shred is less good in early game as there are more auto attacks & physical dmg, so value wise it is worse then other slammable items. Moreover, in a way shred could also be thought about as a dmg multiplier item so it is less good as the 1st item to slam when your base magic dmg is low in early game. 4) while it is tru that you would also want 1 burn and 1 shred item for your team, I wouldnt rush them as there are plenty of opportunity to get it later in the game and it will be very bad if you are forced into getting double shred/ double burn items (i.e. from high carousel pick). 5) guinsoo will leave more options open for other comps as ad comps could use it too, on the other hand shiv kinda just lock u into ap comp. 6) unrelated to item slam choice, but wouldnt nasus be better there as frontline for a high tempo lobby, as your 1 star poppy and lilia front line is super weak. in early game raw stats (from starring up/higher cost much better than that 2 bastion). So if it were me I would have 2 star warwick and 1 star nasus as my front line which I think would be much tankier. Sorry for long comment, but just some thoughts! Happy to chat on any points and that was super informative vid btw !!
@andreas9999 Сағат бұрын
the argument that magic shred is worse in early doesnt apply here bc u have a ryze. shiv is not exactly worse than rageblade bc u still get attackspeed and guinsoo is a stacking item which scales of tank units and duration of the fight. if u waste both ur anti heal components the probability is high that u will have to greed for more components in mid game to hold anti heal/shred items and cant slam items thus losing tempo in mid game. the only thing where i agree with u is nasus, i would also have bought nasus and played 2 shapes early. and yes u could play smolder or kalista with rageblade, but other carries like varus/ezreal arent good with it and u can still play all ap comps with shiv and even 7/9frost bc the soldiers scale of ap dmg.
@andreas9999 Сағат бұрын
also side note: since last patch u get a remover every neutral round if u dont have one, so always use it before if u wanna remover. and as i said shiv is not a bad ryze item u can put shiv later on someone else if u magically only got bis ryze items to craft.
@jakehuang2959 Сағат бұрын
@@andreas9999 oh you right, i havent played since they made that remover change so forgot lolol. You are correct there then, my 2) point is invalid To your first response on "the argument that magic shred is worse in early doesnt apply here bc u have a ryze." Are you saying that Ryze will deal enough AP dmg to justify shiv > guinsoo (i.e. dmg amp from shred)? But wouldnt guinsoo also amplify Ryze's dmg by the same amount if not more? I am just thinking that cuz of it being stage 2/early game meaning rounds usually last longer to stack up and Ryze's synergy with the item. Also I guess from the sound of things you didnt agree w any of the other points except for the nasus point too right? Mind elaborating? Personally I dont prioritze burn/shred item in stage 2 unless its sunfire and i have tanky team to get enough value out of it (plus sunfire provides a bit more flat health/tankiness in early game). As there are plenty of times where I am forced into double burn or shred scenario which feels bad lol
@andreas9999 Сағат бұрын
@@jakehuang2959 the other points u made i answered by mid game tempo of holding shred/sunder/anti heal components instead of crafting items. also rageblade is only good rly on ryze, kalista and smolder and okish on other units (that are meta, excluding jinx for example). rageblade is also not necessary at all for ryze. and about the point of being stronger in early, i cant say for sure that shiv is better or worse than rageblade purely from stage 2 strength, but even if it is, its not worth considering the points i made. youre right on sunfire, its better in early but morellos and red buff on ryze comp are so much better in late its always better to go for that when playing ryze or karma, except u want to winstreak early and dont have any other options. and u having to build double shred or burn (which is not optimal but also not that bad either) most of the time means u try to build other components into bis items which only leaves u with that option. so instead of buiding a giga bis item and a second shred for example try to go for 2 not giga bis but still very good items instead. killing of useless components like going shojin instead of blue or adaptive/vow as frontline item instead of gargoyle to kill of components u know u wont need is always better.
@sonhonguyenthai1075 2 күн бұрын
cant believe these gems are dropped free, keep up the good work sir
@omegaminus2866 2 күн бұрын
can you also make a video about how to use tactics tools?
@WaterParkTactics 2 күн бұрын
Sure thing. I'll probably do metatft tho because I think it's the slightly superior site, although both are amazing.
@boomynote 2 күн бұрын
One item I heavily disagree with is redemption. If you slam it early and check the numbers you'll almost always see it healing enough to compete with warmogs if you have multiple frontline units, which you SHOULD have early game anyways. And that's not even counting the AOE damage resistance buff. Redemption is legit cracked and severely underrated. If you look up the stats for Elise for example, Redemption is her HIGHEST winrate item in the early stages. Maybe it's because I play early shapeshifter so %hp healing is more useful but for my playstyle redemption is absolutely an early game tempo item that just happens to scale, similar to guinsoos
@WaterParkTactics 2 күн бұрын
1. Redemption uses the two best components in the game making it a low value item slam. No comp needs it to win unlike anti-heal or shred. It's just a nice win more item. 2. Early game for me is stage 2. I average about 2 units for frontline. Redemption healing is not more than Warmogs there unless if have fully upgraded Shapeshifter units or already have some augment that gives you extra HP. I don't have anything against it as a midgame slam when playing AD lines. I think it's Rakan's best item when playing 5 Faerie. 3. Stats look good on Redemption + Elise because Shapeshifter Crown gives you a Redemption crown and 4 Shape is a really strong early game board. Rarely cause you slammed it with items you had. I actually forgot how to check how an item fares on a specific unit in the stats for a certain parts of the game. I vaguely remember doing it once but I don't recall enough to check Elise's actual stats. I would assume the sample size isn't that big.
@proc2070 2 күн бұрын
I no longer think faerie is the worst vertical, the changes have made the comp way stronger and the ability to run camille and morg with emblems is just such insane value on top Edit: nvm lol i didn’t watch the entire video at the time
@ProkrasSejenak 2 күн бұрын
Great explanation and vids presentation
@joshisdriven Күн бұрын
I've been stuck at Plat 1 for almost a month now... Tempo is where I'm lacking 100%... I get overly focused on what my final comp should/will be and lose sight of timing it. I usually end up hitting my comp, but so late that I have one or two rounds worth of HP left and lose to charm diff or against the guy who highrolled
@ericn2439 2 күн бұрын
bro is tft chad
@isabellarees7354 18 сағат бұрын
Hi! Great video! In the scenario at 17:01, do you ever yeet Ahri and put the items on Nami instead as an item holder (as they are good on her right? and spreads that MOrello), or, are the benefits of Scholar larger so you just keep on Ahri? Also do you slam GS, as you already have antiheal (regards to bow), or is that not the right call? It's these kind of questions I find hard to answer haha (I am Emerald 2)
@jakehuang2959 2 сағат бұрын
nah dont think so becuase: 1) due to mana bar size diff, blue buff enable ahri to cast so much more than the blue buff value on nami, therefore while morello is bis on nami, i would think ahri w blue buff, morelle will do more dmg 2) ahri gives you 2 scholar team wide buff (a minor buff) while nami have 0 trait active as you dont have 3 mage in as well 3) the reason why nami is strong is also cuz she provides utilitize (knock up + ez access to backline to apply burn), but ppl dont run her as main carry as her dmg output potential is lower 4) GS would be slammed after getting into the round and you see that the opponent is pretty strong and you want to secure the win (i am plat scrub this set currently tho xd)
@sherdzio4344 23 сағат бұрын
Very good video thank you. Also, how do you discover meta? I mean, I had pretty good cards for portals. Nobody was going for it, later on a guy decided to go portals too. I lost with last place during the match. I think I had wrong heroes - Tahm + Taric + Heca + Zoe + Bard + Ryze + Ahri. Also I had arcana emblem, mazane on ryze, zhonya on tahm. How do you figure out which heroes should you put on your board?
@nasopp2318 2 күн бұрын
I have a few questions you can hopefully answer 1)Isn't vow similar to crownguard? It gives the shield later but on a 2 star unit it should be good(?) 2)In the dishsoap vod I thought about rolling for a mage and playing 3 mage 2 shapeshifters maybe? Or playing 2 star ahri if I find her
@Duragon910 2 күн бұрын
1) Think of the value of vow coming from the flat mana it gives at the start of the fight... which is more valuable on a 4 or 5 cost with an impactful ult late game. It's not really a pure tank item in the way crownguard can be on a unit that uses the AP 2) Think about what dishsoap's goal here is for stage 4. He's trying to play a level 8 board, so saving gold and rolling on 8 is much more valuable than rolling here on 7.
@WaterParkTactics 2 күн бұрын
Other comment explained it pretty well, only thing I would add is that people often overlook the value of AP on tanks early game. The fact that Crownguard gives so much AP allows for huge health shields on the right units like Blitz. Combine that with the fact that the shield guarantees them at least 2 casts, it's like a better VOW early game.
@nasopp2318 2 күн бұрын
@@WaterParkTactics Makes sense, thank you @Duragon910 ty to u too
@julient749 2 күн бұрын
13:10 archangel and keeping bow for red buff would be wrong ?
@WaterParkTactics 2 күн бұрын
AA slam means you commit AP right? So now where's your Shred? You killed your Rod and now your Bow wants to be Red Buff not Shiv. Furthermore Shiv is much stronger for your board than AA and also much more flexible. You play Ryze with AA and nothing else (okay Gwen is fine but she doesnt care about perfect items) while Shiv can still be anything.
@yutsuna1 2 күн бұрын
thx for the vid beast i learned a lot. im plateauing in lp rn in diamond playing fast 8 every game because its more fun and i have a lot of questions. i always end up in a position where im like 80-100 hp by 4-2 but in a lobby without econ portal ill be like 20-30 gold if i level to 8. am i mismanaging tempo because i dont have enough money on 4-2? or is it good that i have higher hp so i can make interest and do it on 4-5? do u ever roll on 7 to stabilize then skip lvl 8 from that spot? either way dont i just end up 60ish hp by 4-5 like everyone else+ im late to being able to roll for my 4 costs? doesnt that mean lose streak is almost always better because u get to roll earlier for 4 costs and stage 4 is the most important stage to stabilize on anyway?
@WaterParkTactics 2 күн бұрын
30 gold on level 8 4-2 sounds normal
@rjvzz 2 күн бұрын
great video!
@bobderripper9329 2 күн бұрын
you have amazing hair
@caiman-- 2 күн бұрын
your hair looks magnificent
@tackywacky99 2 күн бұрын
So do you just fight with the fact that some patches dont have good fast 9 comp and you deal with only getting 2nd - 4th because you get outscaled? How would a competitive player get around not having the most optimized end game comp? Would it be hitting 3 star 4 costs?
@WaterParkTactics 2 күн бұрын
You can go 9 eventually and play around 5-costs to win... I just would rarely go straight to 9 this patch.
@kyouninja 2 күн бұрын
You didn't put Steraks and BT into the items section, is it high tempo or low tempo?
@WaterParkTactics 2 күн бұрын
mid tempo. Depends on how much value you're getting out of them. But they are so non-committal as items in this meta I'm usually okay with making either early.
@17Master 2 күн бұрын
In the second Tempo example question, I guessed IE over BT due to the explanation about the value of Shred earlier. Why are we neglecting our potential Armor shred there?
@PupleeL 2 күн бұрын
bc we r trying to make the strongest possinle board since we have a very strong lv 4 board to streak all of stage 2 (watch the section where he talks about strong and weak early game items) either way… glove can make LW which is still the “potential armour shred”…
@WaterParkTactics 2 күн бұрын
IE doesn't shred armor? Or did you mean LW?
@17Master 2 күн бұрын
@@WaterParkTactics I was thinking about holding the Cloak for Evenshroud, but it doesn't matter because we have a Glove for Last Whisper.
@WaterParkTactics 2 күн бұрын
@@17Master We don't need to commit to AD either tho. BT can be for Gwen as well. Albeit rare in this meta, next patch surely.
@flowmeful 2 күн бұрын
this set is just not for me. Gotten master in 3 previous set quite easy but this set iam legit stuck in plat.... I just cant top for if i dont have the items, like i loadi n with 0 items to slam apart for guardbreaker meanwhile the lobby gets gargoyle and rageblade. Now iam not only down on items and tempo, i need to get both tank components of carousel and dmg items. and as luck would have it iam getting shit items ons neutrals. By that time i need to go fast 8 because 0 items and no hp so i cant reroll. And then its just pray you hit (most of the time you dont and some rendo pivots in to your perfect comp) and go 6th.... I just dont understand this set
@skywalkerjohn8965 Күн бұрын
The hardest concept to learn is uninstall league. Joke aside this vey useful as it can actually apply on a lot of games not just league
@duduzeiras 2 күн бұрын
live stream everyday so i can streak a 5 year sub on your channel please, thank you so much for this GOLDEN content
@johanneslima9471 2 күн бұрын
bro went ss3
@AyeitsDLay 2 күн бұрын
Hey man I’m about 130 LP masters right now, can you coach me a game for a vid ?
@genki316 2 күн бұрын
Why did your voice change after first few mins? also nice hair lol
@WaterParkTactics 2 күн бұрын
Haha yeah I think I left a not there but I had to rerecord everything past that point again in the morning. My voice is super different in the morning, especially when I use my voice a lot the night before. Thanks :)
@asukrwaifu6169 2 күн бұрын
your hair is luscious what shampoo/conditioner do u use
@WaterParkTactics 2 күн бұрын
i use dishsoap
@나익명 2 күн бұрын
I dont know why everyone is alwaya talking about teemo, hes not even in this set
@creatineaddict 2 күн бұрын
I dig the explanation! However, I must say, I think you're misunderstanding/misusing the word "tempo" at a fundamental level-the word is not exclusively a gaming/TFT term. You seem to understand what it is in the context of TFT, however, It's often used as a term in music. Tempo just means rate, so it can be FASTER and SLOWER, not simply higher and lower (although it can be). This is my only critique! Otherwise, as a low Masters player, I really value your videos. Keep up the good work!
@WaterParkTactics 2 күн бұрын
Yeah so I actually cut out a slide where I had the definition of real TEMPO up because I thought it was redundant. Everyone already knows that tempo is an actual real life term and is defined as "the rate or speed of motion or activity; pace." It's the exact same definition as TFT tempo OR Music tempo. The rate of motion/activity, where "motion/activity" in the context of TFT is the consumption of resources as they dictate the flow of the game. I use higher/lower interchangeably with faster/slower; I don't think it changes anything. Thanks for watching :)
@Aktapus 2 күн бұрын
@@WaterParkTactics bothersome person. we all understood what youve been talking about. its a tft video not an academy terminology class. great video thank you.
@creatineaddict 2 күн бұрын
@@WaterParkTactics Absolutely, because of that definition, it can really only be FAST or SLOW. Rates are measured by speed and velocity over time, so it absolutely matters whether you use high/fast and low/slow terminology/nomenclature. You couldn’t interchangeably say one has a fast car and high car, or, one has a slow turtle and low turtle. They are very different things. I commented to highlight this.
@creatineaddict 2 күн бұрын
@@Aktapus Eh, you’re right. As a biologist, it absolutely is bothersome. It’s like when someone uses there/their/they’re or your/you’re inappropriately. It’s not a knock at the info, I clearly am appreciative. It’s just constructive criticism.
@poopdeck92 2 күн бұрын
@@creatineaddictas a TFT player, no
@thedrunkzombie9173 2 күн бұрын
I have more lp than him this set
@itswen5357 2 күн бұрын
they are basic fundamentals but ok you're the best
@deleleledrios2018 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing something literally noone cares about 🐢
@WaterParkTactics 2 күн бұрын
Actually most of my Challenger students have more LP than me when I coach them around this time of the set. I hover around Masters/GM every set and I don't really make a push for Chally until the last competitive Cup. I struggle with balancing content creation as well as climbing and recently I've been diagnosed with depression and some other health concerns making it difficult even though this is the first TFT set I've really enjoyed in a while. I've realized a long time ago that climbing isn't ALWAYS the same as being good at tft after a certain rank. I've had clients who should be 3 ranks higher but refuse to follow the formula for climbing because they just want to play the game their own way, and that's perfectly fine. Or the actual action of playing ranked messes with their mental but they get everything correct when VOD reviewing, they have everything they need but their mental sucks (like me). Ranks just mean you know how to consistently climb the game by averaging a 4.00- One of my fav coaches that I ask to review my VODS to get better hasn't touched the game since set 6 where they were Chally for just 1 set but their fundamentals in any game are so solid that they always know what the correct play is. I always tell client who had a coaching session to try out other coaches before they do another session with me because I think compatibility is what matters most.
@thedrunkzombie9173 2 күн бұрын
@@WaterParkTactics Your videos are really good im just being a jackass lol.
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How Strong is Tin Foil? 💪
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TFT Coach explains POSITIONING
Water Park Tactics
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Elise Reroll With Team 6 shapeshifter !! ⭐⭐⭐
Edric TFT
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When to ACTUALLY Stop Rolling | TFT Coach Explains
Water Park Tactics
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IMPOSSIBLE Chess Bot Ruined My Life
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I Made The Ultimate Cheating Device
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