Do whatever you can to cast farther. Premium/more crowded spots require more accuracy.
@geraldcacalda9588Күн бұрын
What qualities do u look for in a reel that makes it good for whipping?
@HiFishGear9 сағат бұрын
Smoothness on the retrieve, how precise it lays the line on the spool. A really balanced reel feels like it can reel itself in by just the momentum of swinging it up and down.
@johnuehara4498Күн бұрын
What is the best reason/excuse to give your significant other to go fish or buy something fishing related? More than one answer please.
@dylanmartin6648Күн бұрын
Do they like to eat fish?
@HiFishGear9 сағат бұрын
Need to clear your head. They usually notice you come back a little different after fishing.