Love it man. I need one too. Torn between it and a reflex.
@seanmcgivney76314 ай бұрын
That was me, I was looking for a Helix or Reflex. The Helix popped up first on CL. I went and bought it and have put 12,000 trouble-free on it since!
@wizardgroyper59372 жыл бұрын
The helix is great. Fun little bike and nice video.
@seanmcgivney76314 ай бұрын
Check one out,little they are not!😂
@woodstockpaul60664 жыл бұрын
As the belt wears it gets more narrow. This affects the top speed because it wont ride as deep in the back pulley and you wont have as high a "gear" as you should have. I also changed my rollers to 23 gram Dr. Pulley sliders and I really like them. They work well and you don't need any grease to install them, they go in dry. Congrats on the Helix. It is absolutely a great little machine and it will do pretty much anything you ask of it.
@gerrynightingale90454 жыл бұрын
*Go with the biggest 'Bridgestone' tires that will fit is a good start* *The 'Helix' should do 75-mph, no problemo* *New high -performance Kevlar CVT-belt, Pollini variator, 6.5 rollers, Nippon Denso 'hot' plug, 10/40 full-synthetic oil, STP Octane-Booster, and high-performance air filter and it should hit 75 easy* ( *make certain you seat a new plug EXACTLY the way it says to, because the tolerances are very tight on a Honda engine* ) *You treat a Honda right, and you'll have grandkids that will ride on it and still perform flawlessly*
@kevinspahr66323 жыл бұрын
I just bought an 04 Helix. It is everything you say and more!! Keep the vids coming......maybe some maintenance ones for us
@seanmcgivney76314 жыл бұрын
Loved it! I just bought a 2000 Helix and am riding the piss out of it! Great video your fun to watch man, Thanks 😍
@skydiver67112 жыл бұрын
I was just wondering something. I am looking to buy a Helix or a Reflex. But I mostly want to kind of Adventure ride. I want to ride on mostly dirt roads. I was wondering if there is a way to lift one of these scooters anywhere from 1 to 3 inches in order to get a little more clearance on some of the rougher roads.
@mopedmessiah2 жыл бұрын
You can try to get longer shocks for the front and rear but in my opinion I wouldnt dare try a Reflex or a Helix offroad. I did it for fun but theyre not made for it at all. If you want a great off road scooter that you can cruise on I cant recommend another more than the Zuma 125 or Piaggio Typhoon (older 2 stroke one). Both have beefy tires and suspension and they eat off road. Not as fast as a 250 obviously but my Zuma would cruise at 50 and do 60-65, older Typhoon with 70cc kit and mods will do the same
@Tylerius874 жыл бұрын
welcome to the helix brotherhood ^_^
@mopedmessiah4 жыл бұрын
It didnt last long sadly. I sold her last month to pay for another scooter build. But i got some cool stuff coming up if youre interested
@LockRocker4 жыл бұрын
When you get a chance please make a little video of the carburetor support bracket. I have a 1987 Helix and it never had a support which they added those later. Without it the carb hangs and floats and eventually cracks at a boot or something where it meets the engine... I'd like to see where it mounts and what it kind of looks like so I can make something up. Thanks!
@tdgdbs14 жыл бұрын
I toured South America with that same Helix; great scoot, bring extra belt. Every 8 to 10K miles , the CVT belt is shot.
@mopedmessiah4 жыл бұрын
In that case, i hope the shop replaced it. It's got 21k miles, but it runs like a champ
@woodstockpaul60664 жыл бұрын
@@mopedmessiah My belts last a lot longer than that. I only use Honda belts and when I change them I keep the old belt just in case.
@martind3494 жыл бұрын
@@mopedmessiah Do not let a belt get 21000. These belts will entangle and mangle. They got nowhere to go when they give.
@mopedmessiah4 жыл бұрын
@@martind349 im thinking its the belt. Theres a weird rattling noise when idling
@jimrees17784 жыл бұрын
Congrats on your Helix ! I can understand your excitement. I have an 03 Reflex, almost the same bike, and I love mine. Your Helix should do at least 75 mph easy. Put some new tires, at least a front tire, asap. No sense in taking a risk out on the highway, I just put both new tires on my Reflex. These are dependable, smooth running bikes with plenty of power, good storage space, and will last for many years.
@jimrees17783 жыл бұрын
Well, a year later, and my Reflex is now sold, and in it´s place is a 95 Helix. The Helix is twice as comfortable as the Reflex was. Overall, i like the Helix way more over the Reflex.
@LeanPocketDiet4 жыл бұрын
If you would like to see these back in production please sign the petition on twitter #hondahelix
@showtime8134 жыл бұрын
So much yes in this video.
@g.82223 жыл бұрын
Good job ☆
@garlicmangos4 жыл бұрын
How much did you pay for yours man?
@mopedmessiah4 жыл бұрын
400 for the bike, 563 for shop repairs, probably another 500 more this week in cvt and tires, itll probably be a 1500 dollar bike all said and done
@garlicmangos4 жыл бұрын
@@mopedmessiah I'm actually from PA, and 15 min from Ohio, I'm planning on picking up one tomorrow for 2000. It only has 3000 miles on it and was owned by a 87 year old gentleman
@garlicmangos4 жыл бұрын
@@mopedmessiah what were the repairs done on your bike?
@mopedmessiah4 жыл бұрын
@@garlicmangos nice dude! It needed a gearbox bearing rebuild, new carb, and a few things serviced. Now its gonna get cvt work, new brakes, tires maybe, and im gonna redo the paint after it gets out of the shop
@garlicmangos4 жыл бұрын
@@mopedmessiah yeah I want to get a new carb just in case but I dont know where to find an oem one
@lsotojr14 жыл бұрын
Slow maneuvers on a helix = tricky😂😂😂
@mopedmessiah4 жыл бұрын
Ive gotten sliiightly more used to it. You kinda just have to get it started in the direction you wanna go, and ease along with it. You cant wrestle it around, cause its a match you wont win lol
@lsotojr14 жыл бұрын
@@mopedmessiah I can't wait to get my motorcycle endorsement, so I can put some miles on mine. Fixed the broken speedometer, replaced the rear back cushion, gotta change tires. Mine seems to be running rich, so I gotta play with the carburetor.
@mopedmessiah4 жыл бұрын
@@lsotojr1 daaaaamn, you got a helix too?
@bicyclebookster65104 жыл бұрын
@@mopedmessiah with practice, you can balance at a traffic light without putting a foot down. I love my 99 Helix. I've been riding motorcycle for almost 50 years, and I've never ridden anything like a Helix. My wife loves it too!
@mopedmessiah4 жыл бұрын
@@bicyclebookster6510 ive gotten better, but i love it! All the Harley boys wave at me now because they think its a cruiser i guess? 😂
@thatbme352 жыл бұрын
Order some plastic From japan. Alot cheaper and perfect fit.
@mopedmessiah2 жыл бұрын
I wish id been as knowledgeable then as i was now 😂. Dont have the Helix anymore unfortunately but for the time being i reused the old broken nose cover, just glued and painted it. Actually looked decent for a 400 dollar Helix 😂
@newenglandpats592 жыл бұрын
Please release your video and keep them coming. They are very valuable to us Helix owners!