The IBD patient in pain

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@annab13 2 жыл бұрын
This mentality explains a lot of the issues surrounding the failure in treatments
@Aurora-Nyx 3 жыл бұрын
Also LMAFO at this talk being described as a patient-Centred approach to health care when you literally just talk about one direction of treatment for EVERYONE and that is eventually stop or cut down all opioids, get therapy, eat fruit and veg, get good sleep and exercise If that’s not the vaguest fucking thing I’ve ever heard I don’t know what is! Instead of “individual treatment plans” I assume you mean “everyone who’s ever lived anywhere ever plans”
@moxig5717 3 жыл бұрын
I think part of the reason that test come up negative sometimes is because when you’re going through such severe abdominal pain you’re not sitting in the doctors office getting treated, you are laying on your bathroom floor with a spoon between your teeth, there’s no way to even go to the hospital when you’re having an attack, I would have to wear trash bags and drive an old truck
@moxig5717 3 жыл бұрын
@Sara It’s so horrible because you really are afraid of being stuck anywhere in public, I cannot imagine if this happened in public, the paramedics would be called right away because people would not be able to take the screaming, but I can’t imagine driving an ambulance in that kind of pain, they really had to give people some type of morphine packs who have this so they can take care of the pain and then go to the hospital, they are so afraid of people becoming addicted, but yeah I become addicted to medicine that helps me get out of extreme pain, but doctors look at me like I’m crazy
@moxig5717 3 жыл бұрын
@Sara Thank you for sharing, I’m trying to gather as much information as I can
@moxig5717 3 жыл бұрын
@Sara Can I ask you a question? Does your heart hurt during a flareup? The last two times I had a flareup, my heart rate was a 35 and I had to be hospitalized It felt like labor and a heart attack all at once it was the worst feeling in that lasted for three days solid felt like complete death But the doctors miss it because the heart doctor says one thing and the stomach doctor says another, I’m looking for Dr. House to come in LOL
@tomalexander4327 4 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure if this Dr was aware that this was going to be published on a public forum but she comes across as incredibly patronising. There seems to be little evidence of an attempt to build a relationship with 'Sue' but rather she is told what is best for her and that she must follow it. If she does not, she will be labelled as 'non-compliant'. There appears to be little attempt at building a relationship with 'Sue' in which she is fully educated about her condition and working with her medical team able to be in control of managing her own condition.
@Aurora-Nyx 3 жыл бұрын
Definitely. You can tell she isn’t a chronic pain sufferer who needs very strong controlled drugs just to get up in the morning… Exercise? Eating? Sleeping well? I’m sorry but how the F**K do these “health professionals” think we can achieve all of this WITHOUT our strong pain meds?! Cause I guarantee you without my regular oxycodone I sure as shit would not be able to sleep, eat, even walk let alone fucking exercise 😂😂😂
@lulubaker5006 2 жыл бұрын
Being tested for this I have fibromyalgia to ....
@craig265 4 жыл бұрын
We don't have to treat patients is what it really comes down to. And nobody could ever afford to go through any of that. I know because I'm going through it. I do have to give the video thumbs up because of the congenial patterns created by the c diff that is well documented in video. And at this point I rather the c-diff had killed me because of the pain, I have now. you can tell a doctor exactly what works for you and you will absolutely never get it. But if it's involved with an insurance claim like an accident you can be dam sure doctors will take the patient for a ride through several tests. Unfortunately I've only been tested for c-diff 5 times in my life because of the repeated c-diff. It's not closely monitored like one would hope. coming off of opiates after 20 years of uses absolutely ridiculous and definitely harmful to the patient. That alone might kill the patient. I've had a lot of people look at me and say I can't believe you're still alive very few people survive what you've been through. the c-diff was the least of my worries. A lot of those drugs that you have listed also caused a lot of kidney or liver issues that are more chronic than the original issue at hand. I would not put down opioids so quick. It comes from a plant and it's a simple law of nature that is applied for its need. I'm just not a real big fan of chemicals due to all of its liver and kidney toxicities that come with it. You really have to weigh out the good in the badand read all of the information about the medication before taking it let alone recommending it ?🥴🦴
@Sportliveonline 5 жыл бұрын
@mollymuzette5860 3 жыл бұрын
Why is she smiling and smirking her way thru this talk? It's creepy. And this presentation is condescending and biased against patients with trauma histories. Doc hears trauma history and the help stops there. It's inhumane.
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