モフモフちゃん達は暑くても日光浴かぁ☀️私達は猛烈な日差しにヘトヘトですが🥵 anちゃん子育て頑張ってますね〜❤Babyちゃん達毛もフサフサしてきて大きくなってる❣️ THE ICE 大阪3公演現地で見れてとっても楽しかったです😆💕残すは盛岡のみですね〜樹くんも忙しそうだし2人共体調には気をつけて頑張ってください💪
a very cute Toro..An and her babies..motherly love..Colon and Toro so sweet ha ha ha..Itsuki misses Toro ..Emma missing Shoma. Stay injured free Shoma and goodluck on your shows.
Oh nice, the dogs are enjoying the sun. 😊😊 I wish it was so beautiful in the north of Germany. 😓😥 Itsuki and Toro are so cute together. That's really kawaii... 🥰🥰 An-chan's puppies are growing and thriving. They are already so great 🥰🥰🥰 Shoma-kun awesome Yonkaiten toeloop, salchow, flip and loop. The triple Axel really cool. 👏🙏 Thank you so much for letting us look into your training. I wish you good luck and success in your last show.😘 But please save some of your energy. The season has just started. I'm already looking forward to the Grand Prix. 🤗🤗🤗
Жаль, что Ицуки не может взять с собой Торо на собеседование, все присутствующие были бы очарованы. 😄❤️ Пушистики нежатся на солнышке. 🥰🐩 Удачи Ицуки! 🍀 Удачи Шома! 🍀