The Intel Core i3 14100F - Is The Best Quad Core CPU Worth Buying?

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@Winnetou17 9 ай бұрын
I can't express how disappointed I am that 14100 STILL does not use Raptor Cove cores. That is, the P cores in i7 and i9 13th and 14th gen CPUs, which have 2 MB of L2 cache each. 12th gen CPUs and 13100 and now 14100 too STILL have the 1.25 MB L2 cache one. Dang it Intel!
@notificationguys5128 9 ай бұрын
Every tech company didn't care about budget gaming anymore Whatever Intel,AMD or Nvidia.. Desktop Ryzen 3 is still stuck in zen 2 which is worse than 12th gen i3
@H4X0R_666 9 ай бұрын
Thanks, didn't know they still use Alder Lake for the 13 and 14 gen i3 CPUs, now it makes sense why they are not faster at all, so it's not just a refresh of a refresh like 14gen but refresh of a refresh of a refresh, that is indeed very disappointing.
@dlynbake7612 9 ай бұрын
basically everything below the 13600k is rebranded 12th gen. I suspect the same is true for 14th gen.
@Eidolon2003 9 ай бұрын
I clicked this video hoping that this wasn't still Golden Cove, but here we are
@WayStedYou 9 ай бұрын
because they are basically binning lower tier cpus for this, the 14900k tier dies aren't going to fail far enough down the stack to only have 4 cores left.
@dizzee2100 9 ай бұрын
this seems like another pointless i3 re-release. the 13100f in my country is 40% more expensive than 12100f
@RandomGaminginHD 9 ай бұрын
Yeah the 12100f is the way to go
@AntiGrieferGames 9 ай бұрын
Same is on the i5 14400f.
@uG0TRobbed 9 ай бұрын
@@RandomGaminginHD It's widely variable depending on where you are. Here in the USA, the 12100f is $100, 13100f is $120 & 14100f $130 and as you mention the best budget Intel CPU, a 12400f for $135.
@penonton4260 9 ай бұрын
@@uG0TRobbed H610 + 12400F DDR4 best budget PC
@diegoleiva7242 9 ай бұрын
Can't believe my i5-11400H is still faster than a 14100F while using almost a third of the wattage. I understand there's such a thing as a CPU for basic needs but come on, for the price I'd expect more.
@marufulislam4311 9 ай бұрын
using i3 12100f for a year now, paired with rtx 2060 super i can play 1080p high settings 60+ Fps any latest aaa game. perfect Budget combo & doesn't bottleneck.
@robertacoltzin3512 Ай бұрын
how good is Fortnite on performance mode
@sothbiss 9 ай бұрын
I was rockin 12100F + RX6600 for last two years. With recent price drops, decided to change the CPU with 12600KF. 13th and 14th gen are more or less a refresh of 12th gen.
@AmirDarkOne 9 ай бұрын
go with 13600kf ,it is 20% stronger then 12600 but price is similar
@inGameweTrusted 9 ай бұрын
​@@AmirDarkOne It depends which motherboard he is using..
@sothbiss 9 ай бұрын
@@AmirDarkOne How are 12600kf and 13600kf similar in price? In Europe 12600kf is 166 Euro and 13600kf is 273. The situation is the same in the US - more than 100 USD difference between both CPUs.
@NicuMapping 9 ай бұрын
I love the RX 6600, best thing I have ever spent my money on.
@edwardwilliams3815 9 ай бұрын
for gaming 13600k>12900k so 13th gen i5 k cpus are great for gaming :) GG
@halistinejenkins5289 9 ай бұрын
What a pleasant surprise at the end to get a cpu scaling bonus. I honestly did not see that coming. A+ for the extra effort sir. Top notch as always.
@Audiosenses69 18 күн бұрын
I had a Z690 D4 Board laying around with a old retro case along with a new psu. This black friday I got myself 14100f for 86€ + ddr4 8x2, cpu cooler and a used 1660ti gigabyte oc. This will be my budget lowpower cs2 machine and I got to bring that old retro case back to life. ❤
@toufusoup 9 ай бұрын
Fun thing about the LGA 1700 stock coolers-the i9 chips come with a taller, thicker, screw-in ARGB one-my coworker gave me his when he bought his 13900F. It’s one of the most hilarious inclusions considering the cooling requirements of those i9 chips.
@RandomGaminginHD 9 ай бұрын
Haha nice I’ll have to try and find one
@fajaradi1223 9 ай бұрын
Is it Cooler Master OEM?
@darchandarchan7036 9 ай бұрын
@@fajaradi1223most likely
@macedonianlad 9 ай бұрын
its included in all non k processors i think
@cardboardsnail 9 ай бұрын
@@macedonianlad There's 3 kinds of stock coolers for Intel's current chips. The RS1, RM1, and RH1. RS1 is paired with G6900 Celerons and G7400 Pentiums. The RM1 is paired with most chips up to the non-K 12700/13700/14700 chips. The RH1 is with non-K 12900/13900/14900.
@Josue31627 9 ай бұрын
The i3-10100 and the Ryzen 5 4500 are good new options for the even lower budget. They're still very much usable imo.
@one_step_sideways 9 ай бұрын
4500 is more interesting due to better RAM support and 6 power efficient cores. Not to mention the undervolting
@valentin3186 8 ай бұрын
L3 on 4500? Maybe Ryzen 3600 used or new on a good deal should be better imo
@divinehatred6021 8 ай бұрын
@@valentin31865600 stomps any i3 while being cheaper. idk what kind of scrap you have in your pc when you say stuff like that
@valentin3186 8 ай бұрын
@@divinehatred6021explain what I said, please
@valentin3186 8 ай бұрын
@@divinehatred6021 explain what I said, please?
@daelionmr4782 9 ай бұрын
I'm using a 12100F since 2022 ~late february so pretty much 2+ years now and its been a solid experience for me/for my use case. 'I do not play competitive games at all' Paired with a RTX 3060 Ti and a 2560x1080 75Hz monitor and it still plays everything I'm playing w/o much if any issues. 'currently playing Forbidden West and its all good/smooth with tweaked mix of high-medium shadows and rest max settings+DLSS Quality' I might upgrade to a second hand 13400F soon-ish but I'm not in a hurry either.
@povstyle 9 ай бұрын
My 10700kf cpu died and I went with a budget build with the 12100f with a new motherboard and using all my existing components. Comparing 12th and 14th gen was exactly what I was looking for to see if I made a good decision and seems like I did due to barely any fps differences. Great video
@vasoconvict 9 ай бұрын
How did it die?
@awaiswasi354 9 ай бұрын
​@@vasoconvictAMD killed it 😂
@povstyle 9 ай бұрын
@@vasoconvict aio started making strange noises for about a week then overheated the cpu.
@bigreddt73 9 ай бұрын
I would suggest including the clock speed in your comparison between the 2 cpus. As always, love your reviews!
@RandomGaminginHD 9 ай бұрын
Noted, thanks!
@QuantumTechTraveler 8 ай бұрын
​@@RandomGaminginHDhey which cpu to buy the i3 14100 is 28 usd more than the i3 12100 which to buy
@tyre1337 9 ай бұрын
13600k was the biggest jump in performance for the same tier of cpu across intel's 12 / 13 / 14 lineup, matching the 12900k in gaming perf everything else stayed on the same level
@RandomGaminginHD 9 ай бұрын
Yeah it’s a great cpu :)
@msullami2909 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for testing bfv, even though its an older title it can still chew up a budget CPU and its a good indication of performance vs slightly older quad cores that choke hard
@RandomGaminginHD 9 ай бұрын
Yeah it’s pretty cpu intensive and still really popular so it’s always good to try it out
@toddsmithselbow1732 9 ай бұрын
I remember seeing a video where the 12th or 13th gen i3 was mopping a i7 9700k. I was honestly surprised considering the 9700k is an 8 core that's pretty modern, they're good little gaming chips that can handle a pretty decent GPU depending on the price you pay.
@CAL1MBO 7 ай бұрын
Nice pfp
@shaneeslick 9 ай бұрын
G'day Random, Yeah I agree if you are buying at this level getting the 12100F is the best option as without the RT Overlay there is no way you would notice the measly difference when gaming.
@The_Prizessin_der_Verurteilung 9 ай бұрын
The only deal breaker for me is the cooler mounting mechanism, it was a terrible idea back in 2012. Good to see the lower end offerings still hold up well, cooler not withstanding.
@cjmino1180 9 ай бұрын
intel couldn't make another good i3 like the 12100f
@actuallycantdoanything8179 9 ай бұрын
They just need to add 2 more p cores and sell it at 100-120$, that would dominate the new entry level markt
@FilthEffect 9 ай бұрын
The 12400f i5 is an amazing chip for £109
@yasu_red 9 ай бұрын
6 P cores or a 4 + 4 layout would've been interesting, but we instead get another Alder Lake refresh with a clock speed bump.
@WayStedYou 9 ай бұрын
it literally is better than the 12001f, once the price comes down it will be better than the 12100
@DigitalJedi 9 ай бұрын
​@XxGorillaGodxX The die this is based on is 6+0 (ADL-6P). They could've done the 6P option. Maybe a 14300 could take that spot, but sadly it won't.
@fajaradi1223 9 ай бұрын
Man, watching Starfield and Cyberpunk back to back is like watching a game from PS3 era vs a game from PS5 era.
@priyanshusharma1812 9 ай бұрын
Ikr lol
@diegoleiva7242 9 ай бұрын
Apparently humans hate decorations in Starfield or something. Not a hint of color anywhere.
@WayStedYou 9 ай бұрын
and the funny thing is cyberpunk is a crossgen game and starfield isnt.
@peterharband326 9 ай бұрын
If they made it 6 cores I would be interested,but staying with my 12100f for now.
@bluengold3443 9 ай бұрын
I hate that amd stopped caring about the ryzen 3 line after the amazing 3100/3300x. Not everyone can afford/needs a 6 core and up cpu.
@RandomGaminginHD 9 ай бұрын
Would be cool to see more quad cores from AMD too :)
@warrengouldthorpe5091 9 ай бұрын
There is a Ryzen 3 4100, and seen online that their might be a Ryzen 5 5100 soon
@prosecanlik4296 9 ай бұрын
They realized that the best selling CPUs are Ryzen 5 and 7 and they can earn more money by making like they did with the 7000 series - 7600X, 7600 and 7500F, different prices, almost equal performance. The same cannot be said for the Ryzen 3. They must pay TSMC to make chips for them and yet people still would go for R5 and 7 rather than R3. Intel has their own fabrication process so they don't mind making i3 still to this date
@bluengold3443 9 ай бұрын
@@RandomGaminginHD i do hope so too. I appreciate intel still modernizing the i3 line
@w04h 9 ай бұрын
Not only that, AMD also killed HEDT/budget workstations. If you want a motherboard with more than 2 pcie slots or 4 memory slots, you'll have to pay 1000$+. And that's previous gen stuff. Current gen Threadripper pro is several thousands. AMD completely ruined the market. The cheapest way to have that is buying old X99 or X299 intel boards LOL.
@mannduro 9 ай бұрын
The Moment AMD is rebinning it's X3D cache variants down to 4c it's over for Intel's quad Core dominance
@RandomGaminginHD 9 ай бұрын
Now that would be cool to see
@mannduro 9 ай бұрын
@@RandomGaminginHD I am still on my BROADWELL CPU . Something like this would be Great. After 10 years of it. I'm ready to cheapout else where 😁
@samohraje2433 9 ай бұрын
Nope. AMD is still behind an Intel if you really need a 1C power. His X3D cache is only good for gaming using much higher tier cpu with 8 cores atleast. Maybe somewhere in the future will outperform intel in a single core performance but not now... BUT those 8 core AMD cpus are really cheap nowadays and cheaper than some 6 core i5 or i7 in core count/ price ratio, AMD W / INTEL F.
@mannduro 9 ай бұрын
@@samohraje2433 half the cores of a defective 8core variant could provide higher clocks. It would make up for it. 4c X3D would still be viable in any case
@samohraje2433 9 ай бұрын
@@mannduro you can still buy an 8core cpu, disable 4 cores with HyperThreading enabled and woala, 4c 8t cpu with higher clocks if you manually overclock it. I have Z77 chipset mobo with ivy bridge cpu i7 3770K. With only 2 cores enabled i'm able to achieve 5GHz stable clocks 48h on Prime95 With 4 cores 4.7 stable ( also with reasonable temps because i'm using air only cooler, no money for AIO water ). This idea was for the minecraft server where you need 1c power. It runs smoother on 2 cores with 5GHz overclock. You can still push all cores to 5GHz but with increased voltage ( in my opinion too much and not worth of doing that, considering that you seriously shorting this cpu's life span even tho you have 70c max ). i3 14th gen is the best of the best, providing strong single core performance and 4c performace and 8 threads of top of that as well for the extra UMPF if i can say that way. Is cheap, mobos are also very cheap and with a dedicated gpu u dont have to buy expensive DDR5 memory. If you planning to use iGPU, a little expensive DDR5 ram is worth to buy
@weedmanjunior 9 ай бұрын
8:22, amazing parking skills mate
@Kelekona_808 9 ай бұрын
Great review and recommendations. I can't help but think of the Spider-man meme when 12th, 13th, and 14th gen are being compared to each other.
@trixniisama 9 ай бұрын
The 14100 is literally just a 12100 with higher clocks. Same architecture, same everything. Just consumes slightly more power which is the only reason it performs a bit better. What a scam. They know people will buy it regardless.
@MoultrieGeek 9 ай бұрын
I view the 12/13/14100 line of 4 core processors as a bridge chip: something to start off with when money is tight on a new rig but not something to stick with. There is no way I'd spend extra for the minimal gains the 14 gen part offers over the 12th gen when in all likelihood I'd be replacing it shortly.
@marc0488 9 ай бұрын
You must consider that there are poor countries in the world and being able to afford something like an i3 12100 is a big compromise, theres still a lot of people using Sandy/Ivy Bridge/Haswell in those places. Other than that, I agree with you.
@Audiosenses69 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for the video been thinking about buying one for two months now!
@RandomGaminginHD 9 ай бұрын
Hope this helps with your decision :)
@thefurmidablecatlucky3 9 ай бұрын
why would you buy this over a 12400F? they cost more or less the same not to mention you can pair the 12400F with a cheaper B660 motherboard to save some money
@KEROVSKI_ 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for including CS2.
@roqeyt3566 9 ай бұрын
All they had to do was add 4-8 e-cores to it, literally just that, keep the same everything but add those cores Quadcores for DIY are dead unless you buy used. Hexacores new and used octacores are just that cheap
@MightyKombat 9 ай бұрын
So Kingdom Come Deliverance's Switch port is out now and considering what its like on this i3, have you tried said port to see what its like?
@RandomGaminginHD 9 ай бұрын
I haven’t yet but I want to
@omgitsdefault 9 ай бұрын
I just upgraded to a z790 and 14900K, So im using this old cpu for my diy nas!
@williamdodge7320 9 ай бұрын
I'd be intersted if this 14th gen i3 overclocks aswell as the 12th ones did on bclk motherboards. I remember some people getting upwards of 25-30% performance increase. The issue was back then those motherboards were in the 250- 300£ range. Asrock actually has a b760 riptide ddr5 board for 110£, which would actually still keep the budget element of this chip. Would be interested to see how far you could bclk overclock with this budget OC board.
@TheSpotify95 8 ай бұрын
Your conclusion reminds me of that 12400 vs 14100 video that you did a couple of days ago! And yes, the 14100 seems like a decent chip. But if you wanted slightly better frame rates, or if you wanted to stream/record at the same time, a few more cores on the CPU wouldn't hurt at all.
@Jeremy-hq1em 9 ай бұрын
12400f vs 14100f would also be a nice comparison, as they cost the same :D
@wertywerrtyson5529 9 ай бұрын
12400F should be faster. I got it on sale for the cheapest price I’ve ever seen at 1399kr after tax or 105USD before tax if converted. Cheaper than the 14100F and more cores.
@Isndar 5 ай бұрын
I hope next 15th Gen Intel starts making Core i3-15200K 6C/12T (no E cores) Core i3-15300K 12C/18T (8C/8T E cores) Core i5-15500K 8C/16T (no E cores) Core i5-15600K 16C/24T (8C/8T E Cores) Core i7-15700K 10C/20T (no E cores) Core i7-15800K 20C/30T (10C/10T E cores) Core i9-15900K 12C/24T (no E cores) Core i9-15950K 24C/36T (12C/12T E cores)
@malik-mahdi 5 ай бұрын
this reminds me of that time i told a youtuber who was praising the i3 13100 over the i5 12400 i gave a whole 12 lines of arguments where i prouved that the 4 cores i3 13100 was worst and weaker in every way compared to the i5 12400 he skiped all that and started saying that the i3 14100 will out performe both ....he roasted me so hard on being an ignorant for not believing his lies i swear if i find his video im gonna show him how having 1.25mb l2 cache per core feels like inside of his case (if u know what i meaan cuz youtube won't allow me to use the word a$$)
@Bormen414 9 ай бұрын
If it will be paired with an older GPU or something like an RTX 3050 I would consider an used 10th gen i3. They come really cheap nowadays and it's very unlikely that a CPU of this tier would fail.
@immortaljellyfish1051 9 ай бұрын
The i5 12400f is £5 cheaper in the amazon sale and only a few pounds more normally. Are those extra cores worth getting? My opinion is yes
@RandomGaminginHD 9 ай бұрын
Definitely at that price
@dcu21 9 ай бұрын
I'm curious about the performance of this compared to i5 12400f. I cant find a proper benchmark for this 14th gen i3. Are they getting close now? Would be nice to compare them and see how close the current entry level i3 gets close to previous gens entry level i5's
@deamondeathstone1 9 ай бұрын
I don't think the 200 extra Megaherz are worth the €120,- too upgrade from my I3-12100f.
@RandomGaminginHD 9 ай бұрын
Oh definitely not
@mikkodoria4778 9 ай бұрын
why would you upgrade to another i3 again lol
@greatexpectation6456 9 ай бұрын
​@@mikkodoria4778well if it performs better then last generation then yes otherwise no.
@WayStedYou 9 ай бұрын
thats like people with a 14900k upgrading to a 14900KS
@WayStedYou 9 ай бұрын
@@greatexpectation6456they would be better off dropping a 12400 into their current build
@malcolmmacdonald3597 3 ай бұрын
I think an i3 with 4 performance cores and 4 efficiency cores would be awesome, especially if it was overclockable and sold for $200 or less. That's what my dream budget CPU looks like.
@frankwo1fer 9 ай бұрын
Here i3 14100 is 136$ and ryzen 5600 is 126$ the other cheaper option for intel are 10100 and 12100 but they're also 90 and 120 dollars.. I am planning on getting new pc so any advice would be helpful current plan : ryzen 5600 , gigabyte b550m ds3h , 8gb ram (will get one more 8gb later) , rx580 8gb (from my previous system) , psu Corsair 550cx
@JayzBeerz 2 ай бұрын
10100 is only $68.00
@justaguy5791 9 ай бұрын
im sorry but in todays day and age 4 cores dont have a place anymore unless they are really efficient for small from factor but id still go for 6 or 8 cores with threads
@Musyaaaa 9 ай бұрын
12100f + motherboard with bclk oc
@RandomGaminginHD 9 ай бұрын
A budget gamers dream combo. I’m looking for an oc capable board now
@kushy_TV 9 ай бұрын
the b760m pg riptide ddr5 is iirc capable of BCLK oc, pretty good board on a budget@@RandomGaminginHD
@Dtr146 9 ай бұрын
How perceptive are you to doing a comparison between gaming on the newer Intel chips with DDR4 and DDR5?
@jonpeley 9 ай бұрын
IMO a 6 core CPU is the bare minimum for gaming when building a new system.
@eagleforce4116 5 ай бұрын
Thank you very much for the good info.
@ApolloMarineMuzik 6 ай бұрын
i was on a 3900x for about a year and a half time to leave am4 i grabbed a b660 and an 12100 for now, updated my bios gonna snag a 14500 and have 14th gen intel but even this 12100 is running games as good as the 3900x
@JayzBeerz 2 ай бұрын
This is down to $89.99 in USA!
@Splarkszter 9 ай бұрын
One piece of advice peoole should keeo in mind is that if you are planning on buying a new AM4 rig, you should really look at intel because your next platform upgrade will require a mobo change regardless. Otherwise if you can afford AM5, get it.
@MarkColemanRules 9 ай бұрын
Looking for that meme that shows the 12100f and 14100f on a board and the woman saying "it's the same chip"...
@YTKeepsDeletingAllMyComments 9 ай бұрын
It is not the same. They have different names. Duh.
@MichaelCH911 9 ай бұрын
in Jakarta: 12100F is about £65, 13100F is £90, 14100F is £100. Yup, pay 50% more from 12th to 14th gen for 10% better .1% fps. For £100, the i5-12400F is the better choice
@EBMproductions1 8 ай бұрын
*Based on the RTX 4060 toRTX 4070 super results we can def say the i3 14100 is a VERY strong cpu as you gained 15-25% more performance with that upgrade that is huge to think of to be honest*
@ironbru1986 9 ай бұрын
I recently upgraded from an i3-12100 to an i5-12600 none K (my motherboard won't handle more than that) to go with my RTX 4070 Super (I upgraded from an GTX 980 at the same time I upgraded the CPU) and while I absolutely recommend the 12100 (and by extension any desktop 12th, 13th and 14 gen i3 since they are all basically the same thing), if you can stretch your budget to the i5 12400 at the minimum then go for that instead as it is quite a lot better. For example my old 12100 in Borderlands 2 ( I know it's old but it will give you an example of the differences) maxed out at 220 FPS (I lock the game to 60 FPS when playing, this was just to see how much more head room my new CPU gave me in general) with my 4070 Super at max settings at 1080P, when I switched to the 12600 none K at the same settings and resolution my FPS increased to a quite frankly stupid 700 FPS! So yeah, while I recommend any desktop 12th, 13th and 14 gen i3 if that is all you can afford, as they're truly really great CPU's, you'll be happy with the performance for the money, if you can stretch to an i5-12400 at the minimum then go for it as it's just in another league.
@Lurch-Bot 9 ай бұрын
Single threaded score is quite impressive. The multi-threaded performance is like that of a Ryzen 6 core from a couple of generations ago. This is an acceptable CPU for an entry level gaming rig but that's about it. Core count is starting to matter more in AAA gaming and some benchmarks I saw just today suggest that even a midrange GPU really should have an 8 core CPU. I would likely see another 5-15fps in some more recent titles with my 3060 if I had a 5700X instead of a 5600X. Also, cache is king. A 5800X3D would give substantially better framerates with my 3060. The fact the bottom tier intel CPU has had the same amount of cache for the past 3 generations is pretty sad and says that they've just given up on the quad core at this point. Even AMD has seemingly thrown in the towel on quad cores with the launch of the Ryzen 3 5100 and 5300G, with just 8MB L3 cache.
@solocamo3654 9 ай бұрын
12100F is what I used to finally replace my GF's AMD A10 5800k. Excellent budget cpu.
@erwinrifailangi 9 ай бұрын
haha, mine too kinda similar. replaced my kaveri a8 7600 with 12100f
@uk5993 9 ай бұрын
Would have liked to see battlefield 2042 as the benchmark game INSTEAD OF BF5 because its much more cpu heavy compared to bf5. maybe for future videos, you can incorporate that.
@RolanTheBrave 9 ай бұрын
Ive had an i3 12100F for over 18 months, an upgrade from a dead i5 3470. I also got the RTX 4060 last year and am hapoy with it. May look wt a 12400 or 12600 in the future
@Moebius_84 8 ай бұрын
y donde esta puesto los mhz de los micros? porque los sacaron de la comparacion?
@OcihEvE 9 ай бұрын
It's a strange place to be at entry level in 2024. The 14100F is $155 Cad. The 14100 is $200 Cad. A 5600G is $180 Cad. I don't know if AMD abandoned Ryzen 3 or if they simply turned Ryzen 5 in to the new Ryzen 3. I highly doubt we will see a Ryzen 3 8300G or 8100G from AMD so a tip of the hat to Intel for at least keeping the product stack alive if in name only. If an 8300G or 8100G were to be a thing it would be in the $120 Cad or lower price group. Much like on the GPU side none of the 3, Intel, nVidia or AMD seem capable or inclined to compete with used at those price levels though.
@theanglerfish 9 ай бұрын
i did opposite...go the most unusual route and chosed the most rare i3 on lga1700 and winner was 13100T directly from Intel🤩fully unlocked UHD770 btw 14100(X) have newer memory controller so perf. on DDR5 can be higher or should be but i want to snap all of them and thest them to the limits even models with iGPU i don´t really like cpus without that but i accidentally ended with one😮‍💨13400 box but in it was F sku🤔and about 12400 i rather say go for 13400 or F or whatever even with ddr4 if price is not so far off for you because 10cores are 10 cores so you can do some work or installation without any stutters while in game
@aisjdoaidf1490 9 ай бұрын
Can't believe Intel didn't use raptor coves again with extra cache. This is a refresh of a refresh basically on the same node the least they could do would be update the architecture. Talking about stagnation...
@Trick-Framed 9 ай бұрын
The 12300 and 14100f are the same speed and price. About $120 on Amazon. The i3 12100f can be had on Amazon for $94 right now. They are all within margin of each other so you may be right, the 12100f might just still be the best bang for buck right now. I am disappointed in Intel as I had heard that the i3 14100 was going to come with 2-4 E-Cores and as you can see, it does not.
@avahrintmurth1159 9 ай бұрын
Cool video thanks
@boringaveragenobody 8 ай бұрын
I would have chosen the i3-14100 version for the built in graphics, so more useful in Davinci Resolve, if I were to go with an i3 that is. Would make for a nice pairing with that GTX1050ti I have laying around. Hmmm.......
@Pawsome... 9 ай бұрын
Interesting to know, I think the fastest CPU with 4c/8t is the new Xeon E-2434 it use the same socket LGA1700 but need a Motherboard with a C262/C266 chipset. But the cpu also costs at least twice as much and the Motherboards with the matching chipset are relatively expensive
@joefifa8415 28 күн бұрын
Hoping to get a brand new one in black friday sales for £65
@omegaturkey9249 9 ай бұрын
I have the i3 14100f with the arc a580 cant complain
@lbgstzockt8493 9 ай бұрын
Quadcores have come a long way. My I7 7700k with an RX6950xt gets almost 100fps less in Fortnite. Granted I run at 1440p, but still.
@gaming-masters-news 24 күн бұрын
Have you tried the Intel Core i3 14100F 4.70 GHz 14th Gen in UAE from GCC Gamers yet?
@Cpt_DoDo 9 ай бұрын
hey. i have bin looking at the i9 12900K. vs 13700K. but i cant see whats the pros and cons are. video idear?
@Cpt_DoDo 9 ай бұрын
@Tetsujinmustdie-ct5eb so for less money I can get the same ish spec as a 13700k. Thanks :)
@enchantedbypower 9 ай бұрын
Consider including "Stray" and "Horizon Zero Dawn" in your tests. Slower quad core CPUs can struggle with those games, Stray is specially stuttery when using the likes of the Ryzen 3100, 3400g, 2400g, and Core I7 6700.
@John_Doe1980 9 ай бұрын
really surprised they havent added 2 E cores to there i3s yet
@TheHangarHobbit 9 ай бұрын
The problem with Intel has always been the cost of the boards, they switch sockets too often. My AMD system went from a 1200 to 3600 to 5700x all on the same board, I would have had to buy 3 boards to do the same with Intel.
@charmingpeasant9834 9 ай бұрын
Hope they go with 6 cores finally with the 15th gen i3.
@KimBoKastekniv47 9 ай бұрын
Missed opportunity to not give it at least 2 e-cores, otherwise it's just another i3-12100.
@deyeatdapoopoo7582 9 ай бұрын
Much better to get an i5-12400F unless you won't be playing modern games. Even if most newer games are still playable on quad-core the experience will be smoother and more consistent on a 6-core especially if you have other things running in the background like Discord or your web browser.
@klapper25 9 ай бұрын
Hope they launch a 14300f with 2 extra E cores
@actuallycantdoanything8179 9 ай бұрын
E cores almost always come in clusters of 4 or multiples of 4, only some really low power/budget chips have 2 E cores
@wheresbarry1434 9 ай бұрын
P cores or nothing!
@DigitalJedi 9 ай бұрын
​@actuallycantdoanything8179 Outside of ADL-N and Meteor Lake's specialized pair, they have to be in 4s actually. They share the L2 cache and ringbus interfac, so if one is dead, the whole cluster is a gonner.
@sig3ldunc4nI 9 ай бұрын
I’m curious if you use software on the computer your benchmarking to record the gameplay or do you use a dedicated pc?
@Valfaun 9 ай бұрын
reminder that AM4 isnt quite dead yet and an R5 5600 or 5600X with 6 cores costs as much or even less than these i3s with 4 cores. hell, you can even get the 8-core 5700X for like 30 bucks more. unless you're buying the i3 as a stopgap until you can afford a new i7 or something like that, i guess, AM4 remains an excellent choice for the gamer on a budget
@EddDoubleDD 9 ай бұрын
I would like to see some more older games like the original release crysis for these 4 core cpu's as I've noticed that they really don't like running on high core cpu's and would like to know if this would be a good choice over something older with security-speed-holes-inside
@andrewszombie 9 ай бұрын
lol the only games I play or care about are FH5 and GTA V so it's great that these chips are fine with those games. this is definitely what I expected 😊
@Ally_Jane 8 ай бұрын
Tbh they should put an extra 2 little cores on that thing and it would be a beast
@madmatt2024 9 ай бұрын
If you're getting an 4 core CPU like this then you'll most likely see higher FPS with a comparable AMD card because the driver overhead is quite a bit less.
@DJSammy69. 8 ай бұрын
Interesting to see 12 vs. 14 that cpu usage is pretty much same.
@hananas2 9 ай бұрын
I think it would be a really great CPU if the price was just a bit lower. Right now I can get a ryzen 5 5600 for €129 while the 14100F is €124. Plus AM4 motherboards are a bit cheaper too. Edit: the 12400F is also only €130
@LittleIMP 9 ай бұрын
Can you test on what hardware CS2 crashing in Premier matches ?
@dukejukem413 9 ай бұрын
do u think a 14400 would be enough to keep the 4060 maxed at 1080p? was thinking a about a 14100 and 4060 but thankfully youve shown me ill be a smidge cpu limited. was debating a build with a 14400 and this or a 14500 with a 4060 ti 16 gig or 4070
@Prellium 9 ай бұрын
So should I swap from my Ryzen 9 3900x to this CPU?
@dannysmith713 9 ай бұрын
Lol your funny
@Matsuda26B 9 ай бұрын
Yes, please do it, PLEASE.
@gogaming5449 9 ай бұрын
nice video :D do u have spare r5 5500 to test it against 14100f? r5 5500 is only 87 pounds :O
@inGameweTrusted 9 ай бұрын
AMD RX 6600 or RTX 3050 Enough for this cpu.Most times cpu bottlenecking.
@georgeluvspotato8002 9 ай бұрын
thought this long gyatt was 6 core,im surprised by the performance,i should probably buy this
@jerrybhai3362 28 күн бұрын
In my country I3 12th 13th 14th and r5 5500 costs the same which one should I choose
@phantomdelux9048 9 ай бұрын
Why is there no increase in cores in i3,s. i5 got a bump in cores, i3 could have at least 6 cores, in my opinion. because the jump from i3 to i5 is more in the latest generations (13 & 14)
@lharsay 9 ай бұрын
Because Intel wants to upsell people to the i5 and i7.
@phantomdelux9048 9 ай бұрын
@@lharsay that much i can understand, but then why even make i3 because most people won't even but i3, 13-14gen, and go for i5 like 12400 or 11600
@EntertainmentLover-j5m Ай бұрын
Need Urgently Help: Building a PC for 1080P video editing Only. No gaming. Need a Complete Build. Please guide Me with a Best Budget Build Possible? 🙏🏻
@ScottGrammer 9 ай бұрын
Very timely review, as I have a 14100 (non-F) arriving in the mail on Tuesday. We'll see how it does. I'll be pairing it with an Arc A380 SFF in my HTPC to see how the Intel Deep Link technology works to speed up the graphics.
@b0ne91 9 ай бұрын
Funny, I've been seeing used 12100F for under 70€, but I could buy a brand 14100F for twice that and 1% improvement, nice
@RobloxianX 9 ай бұрын
Short answer: just get the i3-12100F or if you want to get on AM5 for cheap go with the R3 8300G
@pegaseheracles7588 9 ай бұрын
Gg job🎉
@Wutse 9 ай бұрын
actually hoped they would have gone 6 core already with the I3 , but yeah , intel staying intel
@lharsay 9 ай бұрын
And they don't even manufacture any quad core cpu dies, these are all disabled hex core i5 12500 CPUs.
@djaymigz98 4 ай бұрын
Would this be good for Photoshop Editing ? Running 64gb DDR5 Ram and a GALAX 3060 Ti ?
What about the PC?
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