For a related video where I address prophecy from the book of Daniel, and show the possible importance of the year 2027 regarding the temple mount, see here: .. Abomination of Desolation 2027 ... Also, for a short video on the Jewish view of the End Times, see here:
@enecitasofocado927316 күн бұрын
God bless israel🙏🙏🙏
@russellwilson893116 күн бұрын
Ask yourself why God introduced a New Covenant then? Jeremiah 31:31 Behold, the days come, said the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: 32 Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they broke, although I was an husband to them, said the LORD: 33 But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, said the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people. 34 And they shall teach no more every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, said the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more. This is why Jeshuah Meshiach offered his own blood on the cross as the sinless lamb of God to atone for the sins of the world. A third temple offering the blood of animals, which can never take away sin, is an abomination to God. Dan 9:27. And he (Yeshuah) shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the middle of the week he (God) shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, (the Temple was destroyed in AD 70 for this reason) and for the overspreading of abominations (the offering of the blood of animals after Yeshuah Meshiach offered his own blood is an abomination to God) shall make it desolate, even until the consummation (to the end of this age, which is very near now) and that determined (damnation) shall be poured on the desolate (on all who reject Yeshuah Meshiach as Lord).
@AvrahamEmunah16 күн бұрын
This video presentation about the Temple being built, and the manifestation of God's presence, and the redemption of all humanity when the Truth of Torah and the Knowledge of God is covering the whole world ,, this IS the so called "new covenant'' that Jeremiah speaks of .. if you want to make Jesus the new covenant, keep in mind, nothing good ever came out of that (only dead Jews). From that came only the dark ages, destruction, death, and corruption.. clearly NOT the messianic age the hebrew scriptures speak of. As for Daniel 9 , which speaks about the 'cutting off of the Jewish high priesthood' (anointed one) and the destruction of the temple, this is clearly fulfilled in the war of the Jews and Romans around 70ad. Has nothing to do with Jesus of course. . I have a video I'm producing right now teaching on this topic. Look out for that next week sometime. As for "sacrifice and offering" ,, keep in mind the Hebrew Scriptures are very clear, God does NOT delight in 'sacrifices and offerings' for sin forgiveness, which is one of many reasons that the Jews do NOT accept the 'sacrifice' of Jesus for sin forgiveness. Because Torah is clear, Sacrifices can NOT clear a person of Sin. So the idea that Jesus is a sacrifice for sin is clearly against Torah as God does not accept it. Let alone the thought of Human Sacrifice making atonement for Sin. That thought comes straight out of Greco-Roman paganism and mystery religion, NOT out of the hebrew scriptures.
@Merl-q4q16 күн бұрын
I hope to see the temple
@AvrahamEmunah16 күн бұрын
You can see it. First It begins by seeing it with 'spiritual eyes', as the temple is firstly being constructed ABOVE. Through the eyes of faith we behold it, and then HaShem in his kindness manifests his presence in this lower world of Asiah, the physical realm.
@cristiananaella476016 күн бұрын
AMOS 5...📖 HABACUC 2...📖
@cristiananaella476016 күн бұрын
AMOS 5...📖
@sus_guy972617 күн бұрын
Gog, Magog gal kido khitciangin Jerusalem Temple thumna lam kipsn ta ding
@AvrahamEmunah17 күн бұрын
zechariah 9:9 "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, thy King cometh unto thee! He is just and having salvation, and riding upon a donkey" , , , Genesis 16:12 "Ishmael will be a wild donkey of a man, his hand will be against everyone and everyone’s hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers.” "" .. King Moshiach tames Ishmael, the wild donkey. When Moshiach subdues the Ishmaelites, the war of Gog Magog is over, and the Temple in Jerusalem will remain forever. The sign of Moshiach is his subduing the Ishmaelite nations around Israel and bringing peace to the middle east. That time is coming now.
@IntelligentAtheism16 күн бұрын
I thought you would show the ongoing construction process 😅
@AvrahamEmunah16 күн бұрын
You can look into it. Lot's of pieces have been constructed already and built and placed in secure storage. Temple institute in Jerusalem does not disclose everything to the public, but there are things available to see.
@IntelligentAtheism16 күн бұрын
@AvrahamEmunah Would you respond in a short if i asked you an easy question?
@AvrahamEmunah16 күн бұрын
Well if it was 'easy' I'd probably just respond with a couple sentences. However, if it was worthy of making a short video to answer the question, then sure.
@SparklingMoon-w4h6 күн бұрын
Some followers of Prohet Moses(on whom be peace) who have long been yearning for the advent of the Messiah. For thousands of years they have been beseeching the Messiah to come. Never do they realize that he has come and gone but not in the way they had expected, nor in the manner and style they had assigned to his advent. Thus the gate they thought they had kept open lay practically shut and locked. A Messiah should have come to the aid of the Jewish people and did come but it was not the same Messiah they were awaiting, so they failed to recognize him. They expected him to appear with a crown over his head seated on a royal throne. He would be a warrior Messiah, they believed, who would successfully lead the armies of the Israelites against the despotic rule of the Roman Empire. Two thousand years have passed since their rejection of Son of Mary(on whom be peace) as Messiah, yet no Messiah of their expectation has come. History has changed the political geography of the world and the prophecy of the coming of an Isrealites Messiah has lost all relevance. There is no Judea or Palestine under the yoke of a Roman Empire from which the Jewish people are to be liberated. In fact, that Roman Empire which once ruled half of the world has completely disappeared from the map of the world. There was nothing wrong in their belief that Messiah would be born like any other human child to a human mother, yet they attached some supernatural preconditions to his birth which could not have been realized. Their belief about the bodily descent of Elijah(on whom be peace) before the advent of the Messiah, is just the case in point which effectively blocked the passage of the Messiah they awaited. So the Jewish position, vis-à-vis the advent of a Messiah, in reality turns out to be a denial of his advent altogether. Rationality will help them to realize that the literal revisit to earth by any prophet is illogical. Never has it taken place at any time, anywhere in the entire history of the world, nor can it ever take place in the future. Never was the founder of any religion sighted to have descended from on high; he always appeared through the normal course of human birth. Invariably, he launched a movement that had to strive hard for its survival against all odds. This is reality; any belief that does not conform to this must be relegated to the realms of fantasy. All such promises for the revival of religion must be rejected which offend rationality and have never before been employed by God in religious history. The building of a temple will not help the followers of prophet Moses to descend a Messiah according to their own wishes. The right path is to turn back to the prophecies of prophet Moses(for example (Deuteronomy 33:2) (Deuteronomy 18:15) (Deuteronomy 18:18-20) that were told to him by God Almightyto for the guidance of his followers. We are passing through the 7th Millennium that is the last one Millennium and two hundred years of it have passed. It is the unanimous teaching of all previous Prophets that the Promised Messiah of this era would be born at the end of the sixth millennium and would appear at the turn of the seventh millennium. The followers of all three religions: Judaism Christianity and Islam expected the advent of the Messiah of this age in the middle of the 1800 century, in the light of the prophecies of their religious books. It states in Zohar: '' In the 600th year of the sixth thousand [i.e., 5600, or 1839-1840 CE], the gates of wisdom on high and the wellsprings of lower wisdom will be opened. This will prepare the world to enter the seventh thousand, just as man prepares himself toward sunset on Friday for the Sabbath ( Zohar 1:117a). Christian scholars also expected the return of Christ(as) in the middle of18th century ( 1844 according to Christian calendar.) This is why the Christian world in the end of eighteenth century had been so agitated about this subject, and a number of tracts were published in America asking why the Promised Messiah, who was to have appeared in this age, had not yet done so. Some had replied despairingly that since it is already too late, people should consider the Church to be his substitute. In the Old Testament there are prophecies about the advent of different four Messiahs who have to appear according to the promise of God Almighty. We should not confuse them with one another as the signs and times of their advent have been described different and their Missions are also described different. One Massiah who had to appear 2000 years ago among the Isrealites for the guidance of the people of Israel, was Jesus, Son of Mary. He was the last prophet to reform the people of Israel and he had informed that after him there would be a Universal Messiah to reform the world. There are descriptions in the Old Testament about the advent of this second Massiah, who had to appear with a universal message for the people of all religions and nations, According to the prophecies of the Bible this Messiah had to appear in the area of Paran and he was the Prophet of Islam (on whom be peace). There are also descriptions in the Old Testament about the advent of a third Universal Messiah who had to appear for this era of 7th Millennium. This Messiah was also sent on time about 200 years ago in the middle of the eighteenth century for this age to fill it with justice and peace. As the Isrealite Messiah, Son of Mary,(on whom be peace) was the follower of prophet Moses(on whom be peace) and his mission was confined like prophet Moses to the people of Israel as the Messiah of this age is the follower of the Universal Prophet of Islam(on whom be peace) and of universal Law therefore his mission is also universal to guide the people of the whole world. It is said by the Promised Messiah of this age: ''I have come to put all swords back into their sheaths. The world has been groping in the dark for far too long. Many have conspired against their well wishers, wounded the hearts of true friends, and hurt their dear ones. But now darkness shall be no more. Night is gone and the day has dawned. Blessed is he who remains not deprived any more'' He has said: ''This is the time of the Promised Messiah. God will certainly create a way for the world, which is currently filled with persecution, injustice and bloodshed, to be filled with justice, peace and reconciliation. Blessed are the sovereigns and kings who play a part in achieving this objective. (Ruhanikhazain)
@AvrahamEmunah6 күн бұрын
Thanks for the comment and a great write up. But I'm just going to respond bluntly, hope you don't mind. This entire argument completely breaks down when you realize that the Jews were NOT awaiting the absolute state of "The Messiah" during the days of Herod's temple.. They knew an exile that was going to last a long long time was to come first (they had Daniel 9 and knew the 2nd temple was going to be destroyed and an exile would take place, per the prophets). The idea that the Messiah was to come in the 1st century is greco-roman propaganda that is espoused by the church in an attempt to promote its false hellenized version of a messiah that it invented, and then through the power of the sword and political deception, caused the whole world to worship and bow down to this image of a 'god man' idol, the beast. Everything about the messiah, and i mean everything, the NT writes is all completely based on a false understanding of what the Jewish idea of Messiah is (it was written by greeks and roman mystery religionists, so its no wonder they got it ALL wrong). And Christians to this day think the Jews are the ones that got it wrong, but they have not one clue what the concept of Messiah even is. We are not looking for a god man to come save the world. Israel is itself the 'Anointed One' of HaShem. As history unfolds, and the nation of Israel brings light into the world, you will come to realize this. And then many will lay down their disgusting idols and stop worshipping the image of a dead jew on a roman cross, as god incarnate. The Jews, who knew the wisdom of Kabbalah and the Hebrew scriptures, were not looking for just a political savior as "The Messiah" in the first century (that is made up by the roman church and its NT writings). They hoped for political saviors in those days and other times as well, sure, as any people under distress would. But that itself is not "The Messiah". Awaiting The Messiah is waiting for the full consummation of the Spiritual State of Israel, as God's Anointed ONE. HaShem, through his Anointed Israel, is the savior of humanity (not a greco roman invention of an individual man).
@SparklingMoon-w4h5 күн бұрын
@@AvrahamEmunah Thanks for the reply. It seems the followers of Mosaic Law have some misunderstanding about the person and the mission of the Israelite Messiah who was sent 2000 years ago by God Almighty according to His promise for twelve tribes of Israel. There is some detailed information about Messiah and his mission that may be help to explore further about his truth. After reading Gospels a person can easily find that the teachings of the Messiah, the Son of Mary(on whom be peace), guided to the same God as did the Torah. In the absence of the Messiah, Paul and his followers introduced another god who was nowhere mentioned in the original teachings of the Torah, nor did the Israelites have any knowledge of such a god. Belief in this new god disturbed the entire dynamics of the Torah, and its teachings regarding deliverance from sin and attainment of piety and purity became corrupted. Deliverance from sin came to depend simply upon the belief that the Messiah had courted death by crucifixion for the salvation of mankind and that he was 'God' himself. Many other timeless commandments of the Torah were also violated and the Christian faith underwent such a change that even if the Messiah (as) himself were to return, he would fail to recognize it. The religion which is championed as 'Christianity' is, in fact, the religion of Paul and not that of Messiah, Son of Mary, for the latter never taught the doctrine of the Trinity. As long as he lived, he only taught the Oneness of God and His being without a partner. There is a dialogue of Jesus with a scribe in the Bible (Mark 12:28-30) that the kingdom of God is certainly opened to the people who believe in that One God. He never claimed to be a God. He (as) always referred to himself as having been sent by God: ''This is Eternal Life: to know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent''(John 17:3). His ministry was confined to the people of Israel only as he had claimed: ''I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.''(Matt.15: 23). His mission as a Messiah was to maintain Mosaic Law among the people of Israel in its original form as we read: ''Think not that I am come to destroy the law,or the prophets: I did not come to destroy, but to fulfill.'' (Matt. 5:1). Jesus never claimed to be law bearing prophet but a follower of Mosaic law and always adhered to it. The disciples of Jesus who learnt and understood Christianity directly from Jesus belonged to Jewish stock. After the event of the cross and the migration of Messiah (to eastern countries to guide the lost sheeps of Israel to complete his mission) his followers continued to live in the area of Jerusalem, as a follower of Mosaic Law that Messiah, the Son of Mary, had taught them. The teachings of Jesus never had been regarded as a new religion to any of them. They were devout and practising Torah in the light of the teachings of Messiah, the Son of Mary and they were distinguished from their neighbours, only by their faith in the prophethood of Jesus. In the beginning they did not organise themselves as a separate sect and did not have a synagogue of their own. There was nothing in the message of Jesus, the Messiah, as understood by them, to necessitate a break with Judaism. (According to Aristides, one of the earliest apologists, the worship of the early followers of Messiah was more purely monotheistic even than that of the Jews of their time) However, they incurred the enmity of the vested interests among the Jewish higher echelon. The conflict between the Jews, and the followers of Israelite Messiah was started by the religious leaders Pharisees because they felt that the Messiah would undermine their authority. St. Paul played the most pivotal role in giving Christianity a new philosophy and ideology. He was a Jew and an inhabitant of Tarsus. He had spent a long time there in Rome and was a Roman citizen. He realized the stronghold which the Roman religion had on the masses. The intellectuals were under the 'influence. of Plato and Aristotle. Paul seems to have felt that it would not be possible to convert the masses in the Roman Empire without making mutual adjustments. But his practical wisdom was not acceptable to those who had seen and heard Jesus and finally they fell out. Paul wanted to give up the Commandments given through Prophet Moses(on whom be peace) and Commandments given through Abraham regarding circumcision. There were fundamental differences of opinion between Paul and James the Righteous. James looked after the Jerusalem Church, Paul was preaching in the West, particularly to the gentiles. The Western Church evolved along Pauline doctrinal lines, whereas the Church in Jerusalem developed along monotheistic teachings. In fact from the time of St. Paul onwards, as Christianity spread to alien lands and pagan faiths within the Roman Empire, it began to be powerfully influenced and bent by the cultures and mythologies prevalent in those lands and went further away from its nascent purity. It is a fact that the followers of Paul were the gentiles (non Israelite) and those followers conceived and envisioned these expressions (god or son of god) of Paul that he used for Jesus, in the light of their own pagan faiths as they used to worship many gods. The saying of Paul provided them a foundation to develop the concept of Trinity. This concept of Trinity was a natural outcome as Paul, in the very beginning, not only stopped his followers to follow Mosaic Law but also advised them to make a separation from the followers of Jesus who were Israelite. Pauline Christians grew in number and grew in strength. A stage was later reached when kings were used as pawns to further the ends of the worship places of the followers of Messiah. The preaching of the true followers of Jesus always remained confined to the Israelites of the area according to the guidance of Jesus. Jesus in his stay during Jerusalem preached to the people of Israel only and also ordered his followers: '' The twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not : but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel (Matthew 10:5-6). The apostles also regard it as incorrect to preach the Gospel to non-Israelites as we read Acts I I:19). It is the reason that the followers of the Messiah, did not increase much in numbers as the followers of Paul quickly increased quickly, (more and more among the gentiles). The followers of Messiah never developed a central organisation. A time had come when systematic efforts were made by the Roman government to destroy these followers of Messiah and to obliterate all traces of their existence including books and worship places. (Barnabas in the New Testament of the Holy Bible)
@AvrahamEmunah5 күн бұрын
@SparklingMoon-w4h Many props to you my friend for your presentation and argument here. I see that you are well read and informed on the true 'jewish historcist' view of the origins of the Christian faith, and the Apostle to the 'pagans' Paul, and Yaakov (James) the Tzadik the head of the Jerusalem community and the Ebionite movement. Your understanding of the historical narrative, as presented by many in the "Natsarim Judaism", the "Ebionite" and the "anti-Paul Jewish roots" movements is stated. Books like "The Mythmaker" by Hyam Maccoby is a great read on Paul. That book would help your arguments (if you have not read it already). Other things that would help your argument, is looking into the church history that unfolded between the Herodians, the Ebionites, the church in Ephesus, and the disagreements between James and John and the 'heretic' Paul. John came into the church in Ephesus after Paul corrupted it with his hellenstic propaganda and gnostic mystery religion ideas (which he got from his hometown of Tarsus). Paul was likely totally ousted and excommunicated from fellowship with the Jerusalem community. We see later evidence of this, and the Ephesus church issue show up in the book of Revelation chapter 2.. where John writing to the Ephesus church and praises them for heeding the word and "you reject those who say they are Apostles but are not [Paul]" Revelation 2:2, and again you "reject those who claim to be Jews but are not [Paul reference again]" .. Anyhow, just so you know, I'm very familiar with your arguments, and again give you props for them and believe your on the right track (from your messianic believer of Yeshua point of view). I disagree with you personally , in that I'm of the Jewish faith and reject the Messiahship of the Ebionite movements hope in Yeshua as 'The Messiah''. They got it wrong imo.. BUT I still see some good in the ideas in regards to separation from greco-roman christendom, and it's god man worship .. You can see some of the videos I've done on this channel about Jesus. I have studied the New Testament for 27 years, with formal education. I've studied the historical Jesus and the theology of Paul a lot. Your on the right track in regards to Paul, and the early believers of Yeshua in the messianic movement surrounding James (at least from a historicist point of view). Again, I reject it. I was a christian for decades. My studies have led me to the Jewish faith. Having studied christian theology and went to seminary, trained for ministry, etc.. I'm aware of many arguments that Messianics are going to bring to the table in trying to persuade the Jewish people . The position your coming from is one of the better ones (see my video on Jesus being a Jewish Rabbi and Pharisee). But at this point, me personally, I'm now using my life experience and my decades of study to act as more of a 'counter missionary' and educating people about the deception of trinitarian christianity, and the beauty of the Jewish Faith and Torah and the wisdom of Kabbalah .. my hope is for the Jewish people and the Nation of Israel to STAY Jewish and to never give in to the deception of christianity, and thus hinder the path to redemption. . This comment is just to make you aware that I'm familiar with your position and where your coming from (at least I am presuming that based on your last comment). I can address some of your points specifically if you want me to, but perhaps I'd just be addressing things that you probably already likely know, being we are both aware of the "camp" of Messiah'ism that your coming from, ie. the anti paul Ebionite vein. The James movement of Torah and faith based Judaism. correct?
@russellwilson893116 күн бұрын
The New Testament states that spiritual not carnal. Jesus is building the third temple, his bride the church, which temple we are. 1Co 3:16 Know you not that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? 17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple you are. 18 Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seems to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise. 19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He takes the wise in their own craftiness. 20 And again, The Lord knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain.
@AvrahamEmunah16 күн бұрын
Yes I've read the NT (studied it for 27 years). That idea is thoroughly new testament no doubt. No argument there. However, it has nothing to do with the Hebrew scriptures (the actual word of God). The concept presented in the NT by Paul is a Greco-roman mystery religion idea, that gave rise to Gnosticism. Nothing about it is based on the Hebrew Scriptures, rather its all spiritual Gnosticism and written only in the Greek scriptures and writings of greek minded philosophers and mystery religionists. As a follower of the Greek scriptures, I can see how you would believe this. But the video here is based on the Word of HaShem, the God of Israel, in the Hebrew scriptures (which you call the 'old testament'), its not based on greek spiritual philosophies.
@russellwilson893115 күн бұрын
I totally understand how you feel about what people have done to the Jewish people in the past, in the name of Christianity, but these are false believers in Christ. They were driven by demonic spirits, much like the monsters that attacked Israel on 7th October. I have prayed for the safety of Israel every day since the 7th, and continue to pray, and God has been faithful to protect Israel. But please understand where we are on God's timeline. We are almost at the end of the 6th day (each day represents a thousand years) and Yeshuah will soon return to destroy all the nations that have and will soon invade Israel, see Ezekiel 38 & 39. But even more importantly Yeshuah wants to open your eyes to see who he really is. Zec 12:9 And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. 10 And I will pour on the house of David, and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look on ME whom they have PIERCED, and they shall mourn for HIM, as one mourns for his ONLY SON, and shall be in bitterness for HIM, as one that is in bitterness for his FIRSTBORN. 11 In that day shall there be a great mourning in Jerusalem, as the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddon. 12 And the land shall mourn, every family apart; the family of the house of David apart, and their wives apart; the family of the house of Nathan apart, and their wives apart; 13 The family of the house of Levi apart, and their wives apart; the family of Shimei apart, and their wives apart; 14 All the families THAT REMAIN, every family apart, and their wives apart. It is going to be a terrible time for Israel, but have faith in YESHUAH. Because he loves you and will keep you from the hour of trial.
@AvrahamEmunah15 күн бұрын
Thank you for your comment and sincere words. I do see a large movement from Christendom moving towards support of Israel, and this is a huge miracle, that too often goes un-noticed. The persecution from Esau (fyi- Judaism/Jacob sees Edom/Esau, its twin brother, being Christendom) has largely come to a halt, and we pray that Esau and Jacob can come to terms now at the end of days. As for timeline and the 6th day. Yes your right, keep in mind that Jews follow the Jewish calendar daily , today is Kislev 28, the year is 5785. . Our calendar and year is based on the 'days' of creation. And yes, we are deep into the 6th day, its basically preparation day near sun down, and shabbat is about to begin. . The redemption is rapidly coming upon us. I believe by the end of the 2027 some major events will have happened regarding Israel. Heck, the last 4 months there have been a dozen amazing prophecies that have been fulfilled right before our very eyes (I will say, many christians missed these amazing miracles and prophecies because they are not well versed in the Hebrew scriptures.. I may put together a video for my christian audience and explain in details what has just happened over the last few months). . and on another note, you should keep in mind, when quoting the Hebrew scriptures to those of the Jewish faith, it would be best to quote from the Hebrew bible itself (the original), and not from a christian translation (which every scholar knows has been altered). You can find an english translation with the original hebrew online, websites like Chabbad. org, full tanakh on their site. just copy and paste your scriptures from there. And another note on that , keep in mind verses like , Daniel 9, Isaiah 53, Isaiah 7 and 9, Zechariah 12, Psalm 22, , etc.. that christians like to quote over and over again. Umm, yeah, well the Jews are the ones who wrote those verses :) Jewish people are very familiar with those verses and have been exhaustively reading and studying them in the original language, from the forefathers, for thousands of years .. There is a very clear meaning to all those verses you guys always use, but no they never have anything to do with the Jesus character of the new testament writings. I've got videos on here on Isaiah 53, Isaiah 7&9, and yes I can easily explain the Hebrew scriptures meaning in Zechariah 12, and it has nothing to do with JC and surely the people, the Jews, who authored and gave these verses to the world will know what they mean (and don't need the greeks and romans to tell them ;).. even your own teacher, the apostle Paul, clearly says that the "oracles of God are of the Jews" (Romans 4). . I know you want the Jewish people to consider Jesus. But keep in mind as well, we generally know full well. Look at Rabbi Tovia singer, he is one of the best Scholars of the New Testament, and he's a Jewish Rabbi.. even myself (not comparing me to Tovia at all), but I've studied the New Testament for 3 decades, read it 100s of times, and researched all sorts of scholarly works about both the origins of Christianity and the historical Jesus. The scholarship is NOT on the side of Christianity though. It's definitely a belief system that has to be taken by faith alone. And being that faith is completely contradictory to the Torah and the teachings of the Hebrew scriptures, the Jewish people are forbidden from accepting it. . Jewish people must stay Jewish to bring about the redemption. Christians can stay christian or cling to the 7 noahide laws. Jews do NOT believe someone has to be Jewish to be saved. But Jews do believe that a Jew converting to christianity is absolute Apostasy and breaking of the covenant with HaShem. It is a terrible thing. and Chrisitian missionaries are really doing a huge dis-service to the Jewish community by purposely trying to convert Jews. We (Christians and Jews) can debate the scriptures and learn together. But definitely, I feel trying to convert a Jew to the greco-roman faith of the apostle Paul, is an absolute travesty and is hindering the coming redemption. Jews need to stay Jewish! just my thought for what its worth
@russellwilson893115 күн бұрын
Okay, well who fits the biblcal description of the Jewish Messiah then? Proverbs 30:4 Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? who hath gathered the wind in his fists? who hath bound the waters in a garment? who hath established all the ends of the earth? what is his name, and what is his son's name, if thou canst tell? 5 Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. 6 Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.
@AvrahamEmunah15 күн бұрын
Habakkuk 3:13 ""YHVH, You went forth to rescue Your people Israel, to rescue [Israel] Your anointed (Moshiach)" .. . it's pasted all over the Hebrew scriptures who the Servant of HaShem is, and who is His Anointed. Israel is the anointed servant of HaShem. It's recorded dozens and dozens of times in scripture. The faithful corporate remnant to HaShem is his anointed ie, Mosiach, and HaShem alone is their Savior and KING. NOT some greco-roman image of a man, a demi god of sorts, who is a man yet god in the flesh. Who has an image of himself (the crucifix) set up for all mankind to bow down to and worship, "the image of one killed by the sword yet lives" the beast. (Revelation 13). who causes all humanity to receive the mark of idolatry by worshiping a man as god, and bowing to an idol image that the Roman empire (the beast) developed and set in front of the whole world and commanded "This man is your god, now bow down and worship this idol or be slain by the sword". Israel is the Messiah. and I'm sorry, but the greco-roman jesus figure is the 'anti-messiah' the beast of idolatry. (note: i'm not speaking about a historical rabbi from nasareth that got killed for Torah observance and crucified with 200,000 fellow Jews.. that man was just another jewish martyr.). The iesous christos of the council of Nicaea, the christ figure of 90% of christendom. That one is the antichrist, and that one has killed HaShem's anointed ones (the true messiah, Israel) for thousands of years, being persecuted by the 4th beast. Open your eyes and see the truth. Its all been recorded for us in history.
@candidotabiliran709117 күн бұрын
Thanks. God bless you. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. Acts 16:31
@AvrahamEmunah16 күн бұрын
Salvation is a continual process and redemption is coming!
@cristiananaella476016 күн бұрын
@@AvrahamEmunah AMOS 5 18.Vai* de cei ce doresc ,,ZIUA DOMNULUI !" Ce AȘTEPTAȚI voi de la ziua Domnului ? Ea va fi ** întunerec și nu lumină. 19. Veți fi ca un om * care fuge dinaintea unui leu pe care-l întâlnește un urs, și care, când ajunge acasă, își reazămă mâna pe zid, și-l mușcă un șarpe ! 20. Nu va fi oare ziua Domnului întuneric, în loc de lumină ? Nu va fi ea întunecoasă și fără strălucire ? etc etc...........📖 25. Mi-ați adus * voi jertfe și daruri de mâncare, în timpul celor patruzeci de ani în pustie, casa lui Israel ?. . . Veți RIDICA pe Sacut, împăratul * vostru, și pe Caivan, chipurile voastre idolești, STEAUA dumnezeului vostru, pe care vi l-ați făcut...📖 FAPTELE APOSTOLILOR 7 Vremea lui Moise. vs 20-21-22-23 etc etc...📖 35. Pe acest Moise, de care se lepădaseră ei, când au zis : ,,Cine te-a pus pe tine stăpânitor și judecător ?" Dumnezeu l-a trimes ca stăpânitor si izbâvitor, cu ajutorul * îngerului, care i se arătase în rug. 36. El * i-a SCOS din Egipt, și a facut ** minuni și semne în Egipt, la ☦ Marea Rosie, și ☦☦ în pustie, PATRUZECI DE ANI. 37. Acest Moise a zis fiilor lui Israel : ,,Domnul, Dumnezeul vostru, vă va RIDICA dintre frații voștri un prooroc * ca mine : de El să ASCULTAȚI." ( Deuteronom 18...📖) 38. El * este acela care, în adunarea Israeliților din pustie, cu îngerul **, care le-a vorbit pe muntele Sinai, și cu părinții noștri, a ☦ primit cuvinte ☦☦ vii, ca să ni le dea nouă. 39. Părinții nostri N-AU vrut să-l asculte, ci l-au NESOCOTIT : și, în inimile lor, s-au întors spre Egipt., 40. și * au zis lui Aaron : ,,FĂ-NE niște dumnezei, care să meargă înaintea noastră ; căci acest Moise, care ne-a scos din țara Egiptului, nu știm ce s-a făcut. " 41. Și * în zilele acelea, au făcut un VIȚEL, au adus JERTFĂ idolului, și s-au BUCURAT de lucrul mâinilor lor. 42. Atunci Dumnezeu S-a * întors de la ei, și i-a dat să se închine oștirii ** cerului (vezi exemple in Cabalah si nu numai..), dupăcum este SCRIS în cartea proorocilor : ,,Mi-ați adus voivite junghiate și jertfe timp de patruzeci de ani în pustie, casă ☦ a lui Israel ?. . . 43. Ați puetat cortul lui Moloh și chipul STELEI zeului Remfan, chipurile acelea, pe care vi le-ati făcut ca să vă ÎNCHINAȚI lor ! ... 44. Părinții noștri aveau în pustie cortul întâlnirii, așa cum îl rânduise Celce a spus lui Moise să-l * facă după chipul, pe care-l văzuse. 45. Și * părinții noștri l-au adus, la rândul lor, sub povățuirea lui Iosua, când au INTRAT în țara stăpânită de Neamurile, pe ** care DUMBEZEU le-a izgonit dinaintea părinților noștri ; și a rămas acolo până în zilele lui David. 46. David * a căpătat MILĂ înaintea lui Dumnezeu, și a ** CERUT să ridice o locuință pentru Dumnezeul lui Iacov. 47. Și * Solomon a fost acela care I-a zidit o casă. 48. Dar * Cel Prea Inalt nu locuieșteîn locașuri făcute de MÂINI OMENEȘTI, cum zice proorocul : 49. ,,Cerul * este scaunul Meu de domnie, și pământul este așternutul picioarelor Mele. CE FEL DE CASĂ ÎMI VEȚI ZIDI VOI MIE, ZICE Domnul, sau CARE VA FI LOCUL MEU DE ODIHNĂ ? 50. N-A FĂCUT MÂNA MEA TOATE ACESTE LUCRURI ?. . . . . .,,Oameni tari * la cerbice, netăiați împrejur ** cu INIMA❤ și cu 👂👂-le ! Voi totdeauna vă ÎMPOTRIVIȚI Duhului Sfânt. Cum au făcut părinții voștri, așa faceți și voi. 52. Pe * care din prooroci nu i-au progonit părinții voștri ? Au omorît pe cei ce VESTEAU mai mai dinaite venirea Celui ** NEPRIHĂNIT, pe care L-ați vândut acum, și L-ați omorât. 53. VOI, cari * ați primit Legea dată prin îngeri, și N-AȚI PĂZIT-O !. . ." 54. Când * au auzit ei aceste vorbe, îi TĂIA pe inimă, și scrâșneau din dinți împotriva lui. 55. Dar Ștefan, plin * de Duhul Sfânt, și-a pironit ochii spre cer, a VĂZUT slava lui Dumnezeu, și pe Isus (Yeshua) stând în picioare la DREAPTA LUI DUMNEZEU. " AMIN.🙏 ....................📖 Isus Hristos ( Yeshua ) este DOMNUL !
@terryobrien20k16 күн бұрын
Jesus was the 3rd temple. You missed it
@AvrahamEmunah16 күн бұрын
nah, we didn't miss it. Rather the Greco-roman mystery religionists fabricated that idea. Hebrew scriptures are very clear and precise, there is nothing that is going to be missed by God's people.
@johnjackson490516 күн бұрын
He is the Twin Towers, the 3rd temple. We missed it, but I remember.
@naturalmiinds7 күн бұрын
@AvrahamEmunah read Isaiah again. Specifically the forbidden text...Isaiah 53*
@AvrahamEmunah6 күн бұрын
Isaiah 53, you mean the text the Jews themselves wrote, put in their bible, and have been reading for 2600 years.. Yes, I've read it, studied it thoroughly, and have done a video on it here. .. you should give it a watch and learn why it is a very important text to the Jewish people.
@naturalmiinds5 күн бұрын
@AvrahamEmunah you don't read the new testament I take it
@maxprescott937118 күн бұрын
NONE of the aspects of your video ( complete with mood music and selected visuals) will come to fulfillment without… JESUS… The Messiah ✝️ ✨✨✨🌟✨✨✨✨ Merry Christmas 🎄
@AvrahamEmunah18 күн бұрын
I guess we'll have to just wait and see about that.. It shouldn't be too long. Lots of temple structures are already built and put together and are being kept in secure storage locations. . Keep in mind though, that when your supposed 'messiah' came 2000 years ago, it resulted in the reign of the Roman empire and the dark ages. When Christianity was the one world religion, around 536ce, it was the darkest and worse time in human history. Your messiah figure resulted in the death of billions of people and the worst of all wars. when the Jewish Messiah (who is personified in corporate redeemed Israel) comes, it results in peace and prosperity for humanity, not the 'dark ages' . see my video on the 'fall of Edom'. here.
@cristiananaella476016 күн бұрын
@@AvrahamEmunah VCare este personificat în ,,fiul fărădelegii" sau Anticrist...
@AvrahamEmunah16 күн бұрын
@@cristiananaella4760 Iesous Christos, the one in whose image the Torah was abolished (being nailed to the cross).. that one is the 'lawless one'. The greco roman version of a christ figure whose idolatrous image fills roman churches.