The Kamala Crash? CNN analyst says rich investors might be afraid

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@ReasonTV Ай бұрын
Subscribe to Robby Soave's weekly newsletter, Free Media, on free speech, social media, and why everyone in the media is wrong everywhere all the time:
@GordonBrown-u5p Ай бұрын
"everyone in the media is wrong everywhere all the time" Especially Robby Soave. Particularly Robby Soave 🤣🤣🤣
@BennyRuff Ай бұрын
Including yourself.
@zacharycadman8226 Ай бұрын
What does it matter how cheap a good is if your country has most of its industrial base gutted and middle class destroyed?
@zunalter Ай бұрын
Excuse me? Two reasonable people having a disagreement without resorting to dehumanizing one another? What has happened to our media that this is possible? Sad.
@joshuasorey6031 Ай бұрын
I know, I'm very confused. Why isn't she going on rambling tirades and calling Robby racist? Where's Bre when we need her?
@illbeyourmonster5752 Ай бұрын
Because lying stopped having consequences.
@pippi5000 Ай бұрын
Republican vs Libertarian debates are always a demonstration of the Marquis de Queensbury rules
@MethodiousMind 29 күн бұрын
Sure, except Robby’s an 🫏🤡
@MethodiousMind 29 күн бұрын
I’m MAGA, but Bri’s intelligence is leagues above Robby!s. Just listen to his stupid🫏 argument here, refuting the fact that replacing American workers. He literally said it’s not a bad thing!!!!! I’ve never heard Bri say anything that 🤡ish.
@DonaldJoeKennedy Ай бұрын
Love you, Robby. But this segment showcases the gripes I have with you. At least Amber was there to get it right.
@rael4821 Ай бұрын
Thank you for some sanity, Amber. :)
@seventhplace Ай бұрын
That's what happens when you're around a "Krystal ball" all day
@Tmanintn Ай бұрын
Nothing like Rico Soave making his dumbass open border arguments to remind everyone why you never go full libertarian. Great job as always Rico!
@MoreBollocks-ui2zs Ай бұрын
Ya, why believe in historical realities when you can make fun of a knob like Soave.
@matthewkuhl79 24 күн бұрын
Thank you Amber for calling out Robby's ultra-libertarian ridiculousness
@anywhoyt Ай бұрын
I like how "old" has now become code for dementia. 1:04
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@ultimatedab743 Ай бұрын
10 plus million illegals coming in is horrible for the American worker. Anyone who thinks it's good is on the side of huge corporations who love wage suppression.
@myg14570 Ай бұрын
The total number of illegal immigrants is 15M in America.
@ultimatedab743 Ай бұрын
@@myg14570 on the low end, estimates are 8 million. On the high end estimates are 15 million. It could very well be 15 million, in just choosing the in between because KZbin keeps REMOVING comments that aren't "factual" even though we don't have hard numbers, just estimates.
@Scoots1994 Ай бұрын
I'm pro immigration but don't want an open border. I'm anti-monopoly and understand that what they want to do is stop "un-fair" competition, not that they want to end competition.
@kindofbluenyc Ай бұрын
Why won't they think about the billionaires? 😂
@acem82 Ай бұрын
4:01 Workers are *not* goods! (I don't know why I have to explain this...) 1. If they came illegally, you can safely assume they don't care about laws. 2. They *will* take handouts and pay little to no taxes. 3. They *will* vote, either this generation or the next. 4. There is a lot of evidence that people retain most of their culture when they immigrate. If you think the culture of the US is better than other cultures, then this should be a concern. -An Economist
@Maquaker Ай бұрын
None of which seems to be relevant to the basic point that lower-priced low-skilled labor will be a net benefit to society by reducing prices for everyone.
@acem82 Ай бұрын
@@Maquaker Here's why that's likely not so: 1. They will be very likely to break laws, which is a massive cost. 2. They will be very likely to take govt payments, which is a massive cost. 3. They (or their children) will be likely to vote for Leftists, which is an astronomically high cost, in money *and* bodies. 4. They will be very likely to retain their culture, and as their culture is worse than ours in 99% of cases, this will fundamentally change what the US, which is a cost higher than I could ever attempt to measure. But yes, other that that, they will "reduce prices"!
@acem82 Ай бұрын
​@@Maquaker In order: 1. Breaking laws is a high cost. 2. Govt payments are a high cost. 3. Voting Leftist is an astronomically high cost. 4. A change in culture is worse in 99% of cases, fundamentally changing what the US is, which is a cost higher than I could ever attempt to measure. But yes, other that that, they will "reduce prices"!
@Tmanintn Ай бұрын
@@acem82 As Uncle Milton would say, "You can have open borders or a Welfare State, pick one."
@user-di8kl4cc5u Ай бұрын
​@@Maquaker Yeah, great benefits such as causing legal citizens to lose their jobs and decreasing consumption... Let me ask you this, WHO is going to buy those goods at their reduced prices when legal citizens lose their jobs to illegal ones who're willing to live much lower QoL and live on verge of poverty? Now those legal citizens either do not have any income (massively reducing their consumption) or most likely get another job that is paid worse, which again lowers consumption and forces them to concentrate on only essentials, which only harms markets that produce high-quality goods that can't be made at scale and improve QoL...
@willard39 Ай бұрын
Seems like he was joking and just wouldn't let it go. 10 million illegal, unvetted immigrants is absolutely the worst immigration idea I've heard. Now, legal immigrants? Welcome to the USA.
@EPmager Ай бұрын
Be wary to say that last part. Just look at how the UK has legalised mass immigration over the last 25+ years and how that’s turned on them.
@GettingSchwiftyy Ай бұрын
I think with 10 million illegals we don't need any significant immigration legal or illegal for a while. We haven't built housing for 10 million people yet or anything else for 10 million people. Mine boggling numbers
@matu4251 Ай бұрын
He wasn’t joking. He’s been saying for years on Rising.
@thebadtraveler Ай бұрын
@@matu4251 Really dumb of these Cato types. Libertarian means small government not no government. You cannot have a nation without borders. What he seems to espouse is Anarcho Tyranny
@carlwhite4233 Ай бұрын
We give permanent legal status to 3% of migrants. We won't have large swaths of legal immigrants until we legalize it. I would love to see politicians openly debating what that percentage to be
@jmcoelho7 Ай бұрын
She asked a great question "what is the limiting factor", but he refuses to answer it. India has tons of available labor and that hasn't created greater and affluent society.
@DugrozReports Ай бұрын
It was a great question. Surely there is *some* consideration for the rate at which Americans can be replaced, right? A 60 year old American factory worker who was 5 years away from retirement when he was replaced by a cheaper, foreign worker isn't just going to always be able to learn coding or start his own business.... (on average).
@shawn57187 Ай бұрын
@@DugrozReports exactly, he’s out of touch
@ptyleranodon3081 Ай бұрын
@@DugrozReportsGood point. I think the age factor also comes into play with Robbie’s search engine argument. Google’s policy is an attempt to push their product onto the people who aren’t tech savvy enough to change their default search engine. I’m in IT and I can tell you that’s not an insignificant number of people. I agree with a lot of his views, but I think he might have a bit of an age bias.
@Phisherman10 Ай бұрын
This is why libertarians end up being deluded. You listen to them for too long, and you realize they sound just as utopian as a communist. Sure I hold some of the principles, but being an absolutist just makes you believe in absurdisms.
@usnbostx2 Ай бұрын
But that’s just it, he did-the limiting factor is the market.
@gunnerflann7072 Ай бұрын
Dear Robbie, Your utopian vision of how American workers “will just have more free time” is exactly why we face the unemployment numbers. It’s also why you have seniors getting jobs at Arby’s, because they can’t afford basic necessities. Globalism shipped much of our manufacturing overseas and now we are flooding our workforce with foreign labor. We need to produce things here. We need to ensure that our people have access to opportunities other than government assistance.
@01nmuskier Ай бұрын
I'm afraid that the 2020 mostly peaceful arson, larceny, and vandalism will return.
@adanactnomew7085 Ай бұрын
which happened under what president?
@illbeyourmonster5752 Ай бұрын
@@adanactnomew7085 The real question WHOs side was doing it and why. Why lie with false narratives when everyone knows what really happened and who was doing it?
@01nmuskier Ай бұрын
@@adanactnomew7085 the one who you called a dictator for offering federal help, but the Democrat governors declined. The riots were 100% in Democrat run cities. Specifically starting where the current Democrat VP candidate is from.
@kennethmeeker6369 24 күн бұрын
You would have 20 million millionaires take an exit tax if she became president
@Scoots1994 Ай бұрын
Google was paying apple to use them and make it difficult to change. That's what was anti-competitive. Just like Microsoft was doing for their browser back in the day. I don't mind big successful tech companies, but when they use their big success to twist the market to their favor it becomes a problem and bad for the consumer in the end.
@TheMccluref Ай бұрын
I remember when migrant workers left and came back next season instead of staying
@fearthehoneybadger Ай бұрын
Hold on, folks. It's going to be a rough ride.
@ChannelH.Dunbar-lw7qg Ай бұрын
😂😅😂😅😂 let them be afraid
@meme-qk7jq Ай бұрын
Robbie, you are very intelligent & always try to be balanced. The stance you have taken, about illegal immigrants taking jobs here, really took me by surprise. You are using the same talking points yhat got us into this job market fiasco beginning in the 90's & continuing through today. Listening to your statements gave me flashbacks. Those talking point only make American workers poorer. I am afraid that your debate partner was more in tune with reality on this subject.
@LegoSPQR Ай бұрын
Amber is great and Robbie is destructively wrong with the illegal immigration and the jobs. 5:00 Robbie please never go into politics your thought process is completely detached from reality.
@scarecrow6741 18 күн бұрын
Four trillion in New taxes is what she supports.
@remyllebeau77 Ай бұрын
Insane to think that Americans can just get other jobs. If anything that would cause a ripple effect and lower wages throughout whatever industries the Americans had to run to. In a libertarian utopia that has unlimited jobs, then yes it would be great for Americans to lose their low paying job and have to find a better one. But in reality, I would guess that less than 20% that lose their jobs thanks to immigration are able to find better jobs.
@user-di8kl4cc5u Ай бұрын
Right now, this is happening in software engineering (Well it's been a while now). Our sector is getting flooded with people who literally have "no business" being here but are more or less forced to come here because they were pushed out from their own sector, due to illegal immigration and partially globalization.
@TheOpus_1 Ай бұрын
Oh my goodness Amber Duke
@paradoxparty Ай бұрын
You can tell these guys have no clue about what they are taking about when they say the tech industry, which has been hemorrhaging employees via mass layoffs for the past few years is "doing well". Anyone that's not a higher up working in tech will tell you the market is abysmal.
@matane2465 Ай бұрын
People use Google because they're lazy. They use it for convenience rather then going through the trouble of trying different search engines like we used to do.
@infinexnow Ай бұрын
Odd take from someone who's party is fighting a political duopoly. We'll forever be cursed with a choice between the lesser of two evils because "tHaT's WhAt tHE peOplE wAnT". Except they clearly do not.
@carlwhite4233 Ай бұрын
We cant cut every republican administration.... Where does that lead?
@fitwithartin Ай бұрын
He is so right about protectionism! Stop the tariffs and embrace free trade and labor movement(by making legal immigration easier). That's capitalism and true Americanism.
@deesus1085 Ай бұрын
Cut taxes and implement more tariffs like the founding fathers wanted.
@johnsmithers8913 Ай бұрын
But this must also include drastic decrease in taxation and removal of environmental protection as well as labor "rights". You want complete capitalism, you have to remove everything that artificially hinders it.
@charlesgoodine8960 Ай бұрын
He says that now wait till they hire a cheaper illegal to replace him or AI.
@thebadtraveler Ай бұрын
Is Robby getting dumber?
@owenhayes9626 Ай бұрын
Wanna protect American jobs while allowing illegal immigration? Try eliminating minimum wage laws, so that both parties (Americans and foreigners) would have an equal chance at being employed. It's literally that simple.
@grantcivyt Ай бұрын
You guys are great, but the Big Tech portion was bad on the facts. Robby's argument that government was forbidding Google on Apple products is simply wrong. He eventually corrected himself, but that was just a waste of time arguing a straw man.
@Daniel-ob2ml Ай бұрын
Both of you seem to be very level-headed. Agree or not. I respect your oppinion.
@usnbostx2 Ай бұрын
5:03 The value of the dollar goes up, purchasing power goes up, those lower wages actually become competitive and livable again. The rest of the jobs don’t just disappear.
@EternallyRound Ай бұрын
Only libertarians can disagree on an issue and talk it over like intelligent people.
@ratpatrol07 Ай бұрын
His voice faded into a buzz as soon as he said, "We should."
@Dana-pq7ke Ай бұрын
in mn as a nurse we give free nursing care 24/7 to illegal immigrants who are on ventilators. People in most other American states cant afford the 200 dollar an hour pricetag. Walz okays it. A million dollars a year while the family goes to work instead of staying home and doing this themselves. State pays us 200 an hour (i dont get that). And family makes minimum wage. They come here from around the world for this. I eventually quit and now am a Republican.
@thedelapo1606 Ай бұрын
Dude I'm sorry I can't take people who dress like Robby seriously it screams I don't know how to start a lawn mower and I'm afraid to fight😂
@IndolentSuperhero Ай бұрын
Is Amber Duke a Libertarian?
@vicarnagra7135 22 күн бұрын
Robby Soave, you are so wrong on immigration. Case in point. Southern Texas draws from the great economy of Texas. Start looking at the statistics. Education, Healthcare, and the economics in general. Wonder why Texas is ranked lower in so many categories? Look at the border counties. By the way, my favorite quote was from Brownsville last year from a guy I know who lives there....."Its hard to believe that I can't communicate with so many people now because they don't speak Spanish. He was referring to so many people coming from so many countries crossing over. Border crossings used to be a game. Now it is serious business. Organized business. You might be surprised how bad the border WILL BE as this confusion continues to envelope there. Remember that journalists cannot report ill of the cartels in Mexico because their families will die and their establishment will be bombed. It's all silent and nice down there according to the press. I just want to put in perspective what the situation is in Mexico. How sad it is there and you need to understand your statements fuel to growth of a cartel driven economy in Mexico.
@scarecrow6741 18 күн бұрын
Good people, on both sides .
@streetchat5054 Ай бұрын
Trump is afraid of walking funny after she gets done with him 🇺🇸
@BlackBootzProductionz Ай бұрын
Yep! Exactly. Economy Economy Economy. When people can't feed their families, u will see what will happen in this country
@wesjones1417 22 күн бұрын
There is truth on both sides of the argument that immigration will take jobs. It's a matter of short run and long run. Long run, they don't take jobs. In fact, they increase them, for precisely the reasons he explains. They do drive down wages in some jobs, which ultimately lowers operating costs, either reflecting in lower prices for consumers, or in higher profit margins for producers. In the event it lowers prices, consumers can purchase more, and as such, will spur more production elsewhere that creates more jobs. Every industry automation has seen this occur. Hazlitt used the example of the cotton spinning machine from Awkwright in England as an example, which saw something like a 4000% increase in cotton textiles work as a result of just this. In the event it doesn't lower prices, that means it increases profit margins, which incentivizes more businesses to produce, which in turn, reduces prices, and creates more jobs. Either way, it's a win. Short run, it does mean many lose their jobs. No doubt those people will be impacted. If it takes 20 years for the long run effects to result in bettering the economy (which yes, we should aim for), then for those 20 years, we will see tremendous impacts on individuals. Personally, I don't see this as a means to argue against immigration of any I don't see this being the government's job in the first place. We can, and should, work together with our neighbours as free individuals to provide for each other, and help out our families and friends. Should my neighbour lose his job to a foreign worker, I can, with the help of the community, support him where he needs it, including use my connections to help him find new work. Just because there are negative consequences to an economic liberty, does not justify using the state to hold back that liberty, and as a result, cause more damage long term. Rather the opposite. It's a testament to the need for community to work together as free men and women, without reliance on the state to restrict the liberties of others. It's like suggesting we cut our arm off to spare the pain of a sprained wrist in the future from working. a smaller pain now is hardly justification to cause even worse destruction in the future to spare us from it.
@heatherchapman1984 Ай бұрын
Interesting contrast of grand world views here . . . but a theory applied in the real world is a messy prospect. I have a great deal of sympathy for the free market argument, but one must also admit that, from the perspective of the individuals who have lost job opportunities that they are familiar with to newcomers who will work cheaper, who have to deal with long periods of uncertainty and poverty until they stumble upon the newly-developed sorts of jobs being invented, the free market theory doesn't put food on the table quickly enough to prevent resentment against immigrant competition.
@C-Mack Ай бұрын
Camela & Lulz are 'weird'. 🤡💩
@garret6464 Ай бұрын
If timing the market was a simple as picking which candidate would win we would all be rich. Remember, anything you and I come up with has been calculated by Goldman’s quant weeks ago
@kamata1341 Ай бұрын
A helpful little note, Apple doesn't pay google to put it as the main web browser, google pays apple. Something in the area of 18-20 billion a year. The point is to maintain market saturation, since most normal users (Especially the less technical generations) don't know to look for different search engines or web browsers.
@Slugma-kx7pv 29 күн бұрын
Robby needs to specifically hone in on the topic of how immigrants should be more easily allowed in in order to fulfil these jobs to decrease prices of consumer goods and services. The lowered prices is what makes for better wealth for all, but we need to make it much easier to start up new firms to provide more jobs in the economy. However, I do disagree that a fully open border would be beneficial. But that is of a different topic than what I wanted to write.
@LuisCabezas-q8s Ай бұрын
Replace this guy with a Spanish talking immigrant who will take a lowered wage.
@overcomingword1980 Ай бұрын
Robbie you are wrong on immigration
@CD-rt7ec Ай бұрын
Robbie, once again not realizing how lower wages == lower standard of living.
@staceylaine2372 Ай бұрын
are they nuts or just padding pockets
@RodCope-vk5sd 24 күн бұрын
Robbie watch out Jessica and Bri will get you a job even though they're idiots but they'll take less money and pull the party line BS no matter what
@VeniVidiVid Ай бұрын
When lower cost labor is available (either domestically or in other countries), America’s more expensive and productive labor doesn’t simply sit on their hands and starve to death. They do different things. This creative destruction has happened repeatedly throughout history. Comparative advantage lets each culture leverage what they can do most efficiently, allowing the cultures who don’t have to do that work to take advantage of the decreased opportunity cost.
@nunereclipsereborn Ай бұрын
@VeniVidiVid You can't compete with slave labor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@tinymutantsquid Ай бұрын
Robby resurrecting the learn to code meme.
@mindyobeeznis Ай бұрын
Google is getting worse and worse. I don't want your AI answers at the top of my feed. 🙄
@Elena-rt9yu Ай бұрын
Corporations do not need more tax breaks, when is the greed enough, whiny rich 🤑
@xs10z Ай бұрын
Why is that dude wearing a muffin on his head?
@rmr9345 Ай бұрын
The guy is talking out of his butt. Foreign cheap labor produces mediocre quality products and ten repetitions of the same job. That is what DEI is. Visit NY, those 10 mil illegal immigrants are on US payroll (and yes on your tax dollars). Businesses maybe doing great but native NYers pay for inflated prices from their pockets. Quality of education and healthcare plummeted.
@Scottchopswood Ай бұрын
what? Robbie can't be trusted
@paulbrickler Ай бұрын
I tried Duck Duck Go for a bit, until I realized it was just dressed up Bing.
@godsofohio6734 28 күн бұрын
Robby, I'm for importing Libertarians from India to work for ReasonTV. They'll do it for $12 an hour and they can make the same cliched arguments.
@IAmInterested-cc4hr Ай бұрын
He just gave the learn to code argument
@itsabunchofrandomlettersajdtni Ай бұрын
Tbf the reason the market took a dive was Japan raising rates bringing the “Japan Carry Trade” where you borrow yen at basically 0% then buy dollars and invest in dollars and make guaranteed money on American T-bills with 4-5% rates, ofc you can invest in stocks but if stocks go down your on the hook for the borrowed yen. This nice little arbitrage bump was running for a decade but it also made Japan the largest foreign owner of American debt, which is definitely problematic
@user-di8kl4cc5u Ай бұрын
Amber is much more reasonable and practical than Robby. I think Robby forgets the human part of this. He avoided the question of what happens to the existing workers, especially older workers who practically can't switch to a better job. At best, they downgrade to a lower job or at worst don't have any job at all and get forced into the welfare state or have to rely on their kids. God forbid their kids can't work yet either; then it gets pretty scary too... Robby also fails to consider the fact that people are not assets. Illegal immigrants who come to America are often much more likely to commit violence, steal, and not pay taxes. Additionally, many times the culture they bring with them is very incompatible with the U.S. Since they are illegal, they do not have any practical means to properly learn the U.S. culture. I don't mean the pop culture or the mainstream political culture, but rather educational one like the constitution or liberalism Regardless of anything that is happening in America right now, it's still a VERY attractive country. It's such a shame the U.S. does not use that privilege to be selective with their immigration policy. Instead of bringing a bunch of random illegal immigrants from god knows where with no background at all, bring in legal immigrants who are smart and can contribute not only to the economy but also to society at large by being good friends, good workers, or good bosses On the big tech thing, once again Amber made a really good point. I would say that pushing people to use something that isn't big tech is actually good for them. It's a common sentiment that big tech is bad and people constantly complain about big tech, so what's the issue with actually showing alternatives to big tech to people in their face, so to speak, and actually making the market more competitive again?
@shaun7142 Ай бұрын
Your first paragraph is basically an argument against any kind of change, and instead going with what we might call the Japanese model of maintaining pointless jobs so that old people can have something to do. > Illegal immigrants who come to America are often much more likely to commit violence, steal, and not pay taxes. This has been proven false time and time again. > Additionally, many times the culture they bring with them is very incompatible with the U.S. Considering the US has managed to bring in cultures from all over the world, and currently US culture is dominant all over the world, this argument just never made any sense. Maybe if you were talking about a massive influx of North Koreans, but we're talking about our literal neighbors who have been exchanging culture with us for centuries. > Since they are illegal, they do not have any practical means to properly learn the U.S. culture. Aside from the absurdity of that, his argument is about making them legal, rather than continuing this asinine system. > It's such a shame the U.S. does not use that privilege to be selective with their immigration policy. Instead of bringing a bunch of random illegal immigrants from god knows where with no background at all The immigration policy is selective, and the US isn't bringing in illegal immigrants. They come here on their own. > bring in legal immigrants who are smart and can contribute not only to the economy but also to society at large by being good friends, good workers, or good bosses Sounds like most illegal immigrants.
@charlzcofflin4199 Ай бұрын
Who did Robby blow to get this job?
@Elena-rt9yu Ай бұрын
@andrewbrown6307 28 күн бұрын
Um, what's up with Amber? Why is a protectionist on this libertarian video?
@coachwilson5967 Ай бұрын
This guy is a complete clown
@kindofbluenyc Ай бұрын
JD Vance?
@RichardKing-sx6xc Ай бұрын
It's not an argument.
@RocketmanRockyMatrix Ай бұрын
​@@kindofbluenycno. Tim Walz.
@matane2465 Ай бұрын
No Robby Soaves.
@johanponken Ай бұрын
@@matane2465 Robby here did go overboard with the imported workers / wage, to the complete ancap level.
@RichardKing-sx6xc Ай бұрын
Monopolies are awesome... 😎👍
@brucewilliams6639 Ай бұрын
not might be will be. at least with trump a investor knows its going to be in there trump has ten times the experience in this field Kamala will drive the economy into the ground as Kamala is the same as biden administration. trump will drive the economy to victory.
@stubkar Ай бұрын
Immigrant wage workers have one benefit to the economy: They improve the bottom line of corporations. Instead of exporting our labor (which is bad), we're importing the same laborers.
@Katraan Ай бұрын
4:49 Jewish Slaveowners in the American South circa 1750 explaining why slavery is a good thing, actually.
@ShumaniTatankaOwachi Ай бұрын
You don't purchase search engines so there is no competition. I do not want Google, I want Duck Duck Go because I don't trust Google and I don't like the way they treat content creators.
@osmbsmy.706 Ай бұрын
importing mouths and stomachs is only good when their hands and minds work hard enough to fill them. There are delays, mostly do to training, assimilation, and experience being important to any career, that make rapid immigration a mistake. Bringing in wealthy immigrants, already educated and ready to work, or already partially assimilated and ready to work, can serve as a shortcut. It make sense to grow the populous, not just replace the deathrate, to fully utilize the resources at hand sustainably.
@fettman17 Ай бұрын
Why is she here again?
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@sultanabeghum9946 Ай бұрын
It's Andrea Megan doing she's changed my life. A BROKER- like her is what you need.
@AlassaneCoulibaly-p6m Ай бұрын
Her top notch guidance and expertise on digital market changed the game for me.
@ArimBrobeil Ай бұрын
She's a licensed broker here in the state 🇺🇲 and finance advisor
@johnnybodine9062 Ай бұрын
I need this duo on Rising
@marks9197 26 күн бұрын
Lower prices?
@aperturelabs8552 Ай бұрын
Dumb Jeffrey Dahmer cosplay is dumb.
@davidwestwater2219 14 күн бұрын
Spooked markets oh dear.
@fizzled95 Ай бұрын
Yeah, she's a statist.
@alt_account333 24 күн бұрын
Maybe Robbys the problem...
@samtibbitts Ай бұрын
1:13 I cured the economy… and the environment… and a few other small things He doesn’t mention he means cured like one might cure meat.
@davidwestwater2219 14 күн бұрын
Wow i like robby but wow
@syruptishuss Ай бұрын
The economy is not a zero sum game; immigrants are not merely providers of cheaper labor who take jobs from natives, they are also consumers of goods produced not only by the jobs they take, but by jobs created by their impact on overall demand.
@Jerryketel Ай бұрын
This is a necessary show. But Robby and Amber look very uncomfortable. Can we get them in couches or bigger chairs?
@Sparticulous 25 күн бұрын
The great woke recession / crash
@pattern_world_clockwork6812 Ай бұрын
What's his face is arguing for a workung slave class, awesome job reason
@itsallfunandgames723 Ай бұрын
Does Robby ever wonder why nobody over 29 who actually works for a living agrees with his libertarian political views? Do you think that question ever crosses his mind? That the party who wants to ban cars and just end oil are an equally viable third party to his libertarians? Hard to say.
@EPmager Ай бұрын
What does banning cars and forcing clean energy have to do with libertarianism?....
@keeplabourout73 Ай бұрын
LOL best the "rich investors" suck it up then. A bit like Robby and Amber 🤣 Nice to see them both siding with rich investors, you know, people that don't have to worry about a job, feeding their family, and paying medical bills. People that are also likely abroad in places like China and Russia 🤦‍♂
@bradleywaddell6605 Ай бұрын
Is he being sarcastic or serious?
@annonymouslibertairian9120 Ай бұрын
Robbie. Lobor is a commodity that works on the principle of supply and demand. So if you flood the market with labor, the wages go down for everyone. It's not just a competition thing. It's flooding the matket with too much supply on top of them being willing to work for a lower standard of living. Which lowers the syandard of living for everyone. Big miss on this one buddy.
@Maquaker Ай бұрын
"Which lowers the syandard of living for everyone. " misses the point that costs also go down for everyone else.
@mathewwright5699 Ай бұрын
You’re also forgetting the demand curve of the equation. There is a massive demand for labor. Especially manual labor. It definitely is a nuanced topic and immediately flooding the market probably would cause severe strains and Americans to lose their jobs short term… could make an argument for having more immigration over a longer period and not a mass flood like we’ve had.
@annonymouslibertairian9120 Ай бұрын
@@Maquaker labor is one small part of product or service price equation. Lower wages don't just create lower prices.
@gandralf Ай бұрын
Everyone have some kind of bias. It is inevitable, and sometimes there are good reasons, but this is not a freaking escuse to jump into propaganda, God damn it! What the hell are you guys doing?!?!
@annonymouslibertairian9120 Ай бұрын
If I feel information is being throttled, I will go to bing or duck duck go.
@RichAnderson114 Ай бұрын
When more people are living in an area the demand for goods increases... Increasing the number of jobs UNLESS you are foolishly retarding the supply side with regulations, taxes, and permits.
@johnsmithers8913 Ай бұрын
How many "goods" are actually manufactured in a particular area?
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