為什麼會一直擔心哪句話被罵?我覺得這集很棒欸,還揪國三的女兒一直在車上邊聽邊吃晚餐😊 Eric很棒欸,好認真又聰明的年輕人,雖然也好奇超E人Andy到底多有趣;但聽Eric分享在台灣的田野調查心得,真的有下功夫,第一次聽到有人講出我對台糖二砂的堅持,我做麵包也只用台糖二砂;聽了Eric分享我也好想去湖東朝聖,Ken…… you are not along ,我也吃不懂台南的生牛肉淋熱湯的那種到底哪裡美味😂😂
20% WTF, that's why I've been getting takeout and I have been blacklisting all the restaurant that charge a "service fee" for adding absolutely nothing to the visit; please pay your workers proper wages instead of shifting the responsibility to the patrons. I'd rather pay more for a meal upfront than getting a guilt trip for not tipping well.
@wtfJunk3 ай бұрын
Just cook and bring your own meal. Healthier and save more money.