The Korean War - Episode 4. Documentary Film. Historical Reenactment. StarMedia. English Subtitles

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9 жыл бұрын

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All episodes: • The Korean War - Episo...
The Korean War was a conflict between North and South Koreas (25 June, 1950 - 27 July, 1953) in which dozens of countries became involved, including the USSR, the PRC, the UK and the USA.
The peace treaty between North and South Koreas has not been signed until nowadays. There has been a wall along the 38th parallel for more then half a century… One nation, one history, one destiny divided by concrete, ideological irreconcilability and political ambitions.
Type: historical reenactment
Genre: docudrama
Year of production: 2012
Number of episodes: 4
Directed by: Pavel Tupik
Written by: Artem Drabkin, Vladimir Krupnik
Director of photography: Sergey Klepitsa
Music by: Boris Kukoba
Producers: Valeriy Babich, Vlad Ryashin
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@edwardquin4464 7 жыл бұрын
These documentary series pay respect to the brave Russian people who have been slandered and vilified by the West since I was a child. Very informative and thought provoking; it is wonderful to be offered a completely different view. These films seem to be very thoroughly researched and well written​ which makes me want to learn more. I appreciate the eye-opening experience and hope many more Russian resources will be made available.
@pegasevingtsix4124 Жыл бұрын
comme je vous donne totalement raison. Je partage tout à fait votre opinion et vos commentaires.
@steppebobakmarmot 3 жыл бұрын
the most truthful and transparent documentary in contrast to Western, especially American
@lexburen5932 6 жыл бұрын
well made documentary, finally an other view to that of the Americans. Very educational Thank You. :)
@hermanmoore3301 8 жыл бұрын
Excellent series - definitely worth watching - very informative to actually getting the Soviet / Russian perspective of this conflict. I do commend the poster for sharing this and for the thoughtful translation.
@emilialopez599 8 жыл бұрын
A very duifferent version of the american point of view. More realistic,complete and humanistic. Gracias desde Mexico
@apocalipsenerd 8 жыл бұрын
Gruppa Krovi by the end fit very well.
@glucapir 7 жыл бұрын
Grester btw the group leader had korean ancestry
@tiamatxvxianash9202 7 жыл бұрын
Simply a first class series. These "Star Media" productions should be required viewing for all serious military history students.
@cpmenninga 4 жыл бұрын
Books are probably the place to start for any serious history students. Videos tend to miss many important details.
@user-fb1dr1pv7e 11 ай бұрын
Конфликт между ашкеназским и сефардским еврейством считается гораздо более глубоким, чем идейные, религиозные и прочие противоречия. Активист "Ликуда Ицик Зарка пожелал ашкеназским евреям сгореть в аду, как сгорели шесть миллионов. Зарка - деятель небольшого ума, но прислушаться к нему стоит, потому что он говорит то, что другие думают. Более того - то, что должно было прозвучать, чего ждали очень многие, включая, возможно, даже тех однопартийцев, которые поспешили осудить его слова. Если это не соответствует действительности, то зачем так бояться? Разумеется, ашкеназский "принц" Нетаниягу далек от того, чтобы оправдывать Холокост и желать миллионам евреев смерти в газовых камерах. Суть происходящего в другом. Перевод конфликта в этническую плоскость давно носится в воздухе. В самом деле: по одну сторону баррикад стоят университетские профессора, деятели культуры, работники хайтека, юристы и судьи, военнослужащие элитных частей, феминистки, жители престижных районов Тель-Авива и Хайфы. Одним словом, белая кость, представители тех профессий и сфер деятельности, где всегда преобладали выходцы из Европы. И другая сторона - поселенцы, мелкие торговцы, "вязаные кипы", население городов развития и бедных кварталов - "шхунот". Нет, не все они сефарды, но все же восточных евреев среди них значительно больше, чем в первом лагере. Так же, как больше их в "Ликуде" и других правых партиях, по сравнению с "Аводой" и "Еш Атид". Противопоставление "правые - левые" часто совпадает с формулой "сефарды - ашкеназы". Конфликт между ашкеназским и сефардским еврейством считается самым давним и неразрешимым, гораздо более глубоким, чем идейные, религиозные и прочие умозрительные противоречия. Таковы все конфликты на национальной почве: человек может изменить веру, место жительства, образ жизни, политические взгляды, но не этническую принадлежность. Исторически сложилось так, что истеблишмент в нашей стране - это ашкеназские евреи, а простой народ - сефардские. Ашкеназим - богатые, образованные, светские. Сфарадим - бедные, отсталые, религиозные. Разумеется, это всего лишь клише; они далеки от действительности, но занимают прочное место в нашем национальном сознании. Возьмите практически любой израильский фильм или развлекательную передачу - в них так или иначе затрагивается тема отношений сефардов и ашкеназов. В обычное, мирное время она обсуждается на уровне шуток, не всегда добрых, но никого не задевающих всерьез. У нас и сейчас еще не война, во всяком случае, улица пока не перешла грань, отделяющую протестное движение от гражданской войны. Но для бенефициаров этой ситуации ставки очень высоки, даже больше, чем власть. Ставка - будущее Израиля, путь, по которому пойдет общество в ближайшие годы. Кто-то возглавит это движение, кто-то останется позади. Ни правительство во главе с Биби, ни его оппоненты, стоящие за уличными акциями, не могут позволить себе проиграть. Разделяй и властвуй - излюбленный прием всех манипуляторов, он почти никогда не подводит. Нужно лишь найти подходящий повод для разделения; и чем проще этот повод, тем он надежнее. Вот почему противостояние сегодня стараются вывести на новый уровень, более примитивный и понятный, по сравнению с нюансами судебной реформы и этапами ее продвижения. Ведь термины "правые - левые" можно толковать по-разному, да и флаги у тех и других одинаковые. Но сефард или ашкеназ - величина абсолютная. Когда звучит клич "Наших бьют!" (или "Чтоб вы все сгорели!"), каждый точно знает, относится ли это к нему или к соседу. Знает, на чьей стороне он должен стоять и кто его враг. В свое время Нетаниягу очень прозорливо сделал ставку на восточную общину и собрал под своим крылом сефардских политиков. И прежде, и сейчас это позволяет ему говорить от имени простых людей, какие бы решения он ни принимал, в чью бы пользу ни продвигал законы. Если представить нынешнее противостояние как борьбу элиты против народа, протестующие всегда будут меньшинством, "узким кругом", сколько бы тысяч человек они ни собрали на площади. Но "народность" "Ликуда" и правых - такой же миф, как "элитарность" левых. И тут, и там борьбой руководят настоящие элиты, представители политической верхушки, которые в очередной раз не поделили ресурсы и власть. И в данном случае эта элита - против народа. А народ - мы все, сефарды и ашкеназы, светские и религиозные, правые и левые, репатрианты и старожилы, которые, несмотря на все сложности и разногласия, хочет жить в нормальной стране, не раздираемой внутренними войнами. Это важно помнить, чтобы не поддаться на манипуляции и провокации.
@marshalzeppelin7820 6 жыл бұрын
Группа крови в конце вообще в тему! Шикарные фильмы снимаете!
@vusalsrdarov779 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much Star Media. I learnt much information about The Korean War. I am waiting for new documentary serials from you. Proceed on
@khanatiqurrehman6976 8 жыл бұрын
Thumbs up Star Media
@jozefpisudski6952 6 жыл бұрын
Poor korean people! Thanks for english subtitles!
@ilyatimofeev6784 3 жыл бұрын
Сильный фильм! И Цой в финале - великолепная идея. К тому же объективно, горд за российское документальное кино!
@TheAndreyMak 9 жыл бұрын
Спасибо! Давно интересовала эта страница истории. Сражения в небе хорошо показаны.
@morrispowell1524 2 жыл бұрын
Thoroughly enjoyed the history lesson, Star Media #1. Looking forward to the Vietnam experience next.
@davidmackie8552 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the new perspective.
@gambaridup 3 жыл бұрын
Without air cover provided by these Soviet pilot aces, the end of Korean War would be very different.
@user-gn3ud6um1b 6 жыл бұрын
Спасибо большое за фильм. Очень итересно как и прошлые военно исторические фильмы.
@user-yb6bd1ho7p Жыл бұрын
Отличный фильм. Без демагогии. Кратко. Чётко. Познавательно. Изумительные комбинированные съёмки и художественные вставки.
@johnnyvaught1692 7 жыл бұрын
The men who start these wars never die in them. To bad. If they did I bet there would be fewer wars between ourselves. Until then my grandchildren will be fighting your grandchildren.
@samuelademeso9041 3 жыл бұрын
Maybe, but humans are complicated and unpredictable creatures, sometimes it not even the Lear but the people wanting the war for various reasons
@tankweeb9425 3 жыл бұрын
Perfect song to end on.
@mr.stepanoff2926 6 жыл бұрын
Серия потрясающая! Как и другие! Может быть со временем выйдеи цикл о конфликте во Вьетнаме, особенно о войне в воздухе, это была бы сказка! Буду рад получить ответ!
@user-zb7dt2oj2d 6 жыл бұрын
а сделайте про Вьетнам или Афганистан
@bibristik 6 жыл бұрын
не или а и
@Empire_of_Lie 6 жыл бұрын
@DoubleMrE 9 жыл бұрын
This was a good series. It was interesting to see the Russian side of the conflict. Naturally, it was somewhat slanted in favor of them, but the docs made in the west do the same thing.
@neieduardodepaula4556 9 жыл бұрын
it was nothing slanted in favor of them
@Medved725 9 жыл бұрын
DoubleMrE It's kind of a subtle, natural slant that happens whenever you cover anything from anyone's particular point of view. Though I think the anti-war message at the end really balances it all out. Whether you're Russian or American the wars your politicians start will make people suffer.
@ryougishiki9826 8 жыл бұрын
This documentary series is on the Russians(Soviets)view.Rare for capitalists(Don't know why i use term like this) like you and i to watch and understand.Very good indeed
@bibristik 6 жыл бұрын
capitalists pigs =)))
@henryhui6415 7 жыл бұрын
Does red star media have any plan to make documentary about Afghan war and Chechen war?
@bibristik 6 жыл бұрын
чечню мало кто трогает, то была и не война, а предательство и зарабатывание денег. Очень много лжи окутывает и смертей, плюс чеченцы будут орать что они все святые.
@Diwana71 4 жыл бұрын
Russians were still working on their nuclear deterrent hence could not take a stance of stick into their faces. Hence Russian air intervention was limited and subdued to certain extent. Soon by 1957 , Russian R77 rocket was finally fired ending one for all the American advantages in strategic nuclear delivery.
@PilotAir777 6 жыл бұрын
Фильм класс! Даёшь Афган и Ченобыль!!!
@jessejames1804 3 жыл бұрын
@koljakislyi390 6 жыл бұрын
жаль что только про авиацию.. хотел про першинги в тигриной окраске посмотреть
@moblepolice 4 жыл бұрын
한반도에서 두 번 다시 전쟁의 비극은 없길 바랍니다. 이념과 피아 구분을 떠나 이땅에서 희생된 모든 이들의 명복을 빕니다. I hope there is no tragedy of war again on the Korean Peninsula. We pray for the blessing of all who have been sacrificed on Korean Peninsula, apart from ideology, enemies, and our side.
@pma281 3 жыл бұрын
Just sign the peace treaty, but it'll be pretty hard since N. Korea is pretty cautious... be careful. One wrong step and war could break again on the Korean Peninsula. But it's all up to politics to discuss about the current situation and to analyze different ways of reaching a solution to this so-called "armistice for a few decades" thing.
@tmr2684 2 жыл бұрын
@@pma281 Достаточно вывести базы США и начать обоюдное разоружение. Всё. Мир обеспечен. Но пока в корее войска США мира не будет.
@DeadStarWars 9 жыл бұрын
Do you guys have any plans to release the amazing soundtrack for this series like with Soviet Storm and The Romanovs?
@StarMediaEN 9 жыл бұрын
Alex Hu Yes. We plan to upload soundtracks for all our documentary series.
@samuelademeso9041 4 жыл бұрын
@@StarMediaEN do you guys have plan on making a video of Chechen wars and Russo Georgian war? It will be great if you made it
@waaaakkkkk 6 жыл бұрын
40:28 DMZ concrete wall??? we don't have those concrete wall shape like berlin-walls. MDL and DMZ is just filled with barbed wire and many many mine fields and many high ground.during the 70-80s we build concrete anti tank wall to protect seoul.but it came down because constructions buliding and apartment in northern seoul
@user-hs1op1lx3x 6 жыл бұрын
Жалко Сталина
@ericjarvie 3 жыл бұрын
To the hero pilots and airman of the Soviet Socialist Republics..Comrades brothers we salute you!!
@Marshall1816 9 жыл бұрын
For me is this a Sad Ending no Victory or Result for Motherland :(
@lexburen5932 6 жыл бұрын
well, atleast the americans did not get the north side of korea :) if the soviets did not help north-korean army in the skies, the americans undoubtedly had taken north-korea
@AlexiosLair 6 жыл бұрын
There's no good ending in such conflicts.
@pomiklom2499 4 жыл бұрын
If Stalin had not died, the Soviet Union would have won.I'm sorry I wrote this so late.
@thekhans2823 4 жыл бұрын
@ Помик Ломик , Sir thing comrade
@edlawrence5059 3 жыл бұрын
Those motherfuckers took the place of the Nazis as our enemies after all we did to assist them against the Nazis.
@vitas1384 5 жыл бұрын
Цой в конце это конечно сила
@diegoragot655 4 жыл бұрын
25:58 The Sui-ho dam attack
@samdigiorgio4412 6 жыл бұрын
Does anyone notice at 18.07 , the video at this point is trying to show a Sabre being shot down, but it is a Mig.
@user-vx5bg2bh1g 5 жыл бұрын
You right some f-86 fire at mig. But these words above saying: footage of gun camera f-86.
@Xwestbay4 5 жыл бұрын
whats the name of the song 47:30sec.
@fedorevdokimenko3978 5 жыл бұрын
Виктор Цой Группа Крови sang in 3 languages.
@itsaccount 4 жыл бұрын
@@fedorevdokimenko3978 any idea where I could find full version of song in other languages?
@fedorevdokimenko3978 4 жыл бұрын
@@itsaccount Donno, for example Korean cover:
@itsaccount 4 жыл бұрын
@@fedorevdokimenko3978 That is female cover, I can't find same male cover song :/
@OverwhelmingSilence 4 жыл бұрын
@@itsaccount I think this is the cover version used in this documentary:
@bfffbfbfbf 6 жыл бұрын
орнул с момента про охлаждения пива 33:56
@Kilowat1000 6 жыл бұрын
и перданул
@ggsanya2946 6 жыл бұрын
покажите про 75 комплексы)
@SanovichSit 6 жыл бұрын
они были во Вьетнаме.
@MuhammadAhmad-mm8pd 2 жыл бұрын
Not postemortem,it should be he was awarded posthumously.
@openseason3013 9 жыл бұрын
не могли хоть субтитры наложить на английском?
@StarMediaEN 9 жыл бұрын
Субтитры не вшиты в само видео, они включаются в плеере KZbin:
@steppebobakmarmot 3 жыл бұрын
My blood type mark is on the sleeve, There's my ordinal number marked on the sleeve, Wish me now some luck in the fight, Sayin' now, sayin'! I won't stay in this field of green, I won't stay in this field of green, Wish me now to be lucky, Sayin' now, sayin'! ... Be lucky!
@vitas1384 5 жыл бұрын
Будь проклятая эта война и другие унесшие человеческие жизни
@user-gn3ud6um1b 6 жыл бұрын
Нужно было положить 6000000 человечиских жизний, что бы вернутся на ту границу от куда начали войну? Самая бесполезная война.
@15425rfggdfc 6 жыл бұрын
Федя Бабышев Глупый Федя...)
@user-tb9tg8uq9b 6 жыл бұрын
Идеология или религия, отличные поводы для убийства невинных людей, не испытывая при этом угрызения совести.
@tovMauzer1 6 жыл бұрын
А ещё деньги... В угоду "жёлтому дьяволу" людей положили гораздо больше.
@hadoop676 Жыл бұрын
to shoot a downed pilot. such a shame
@igorgordeev1904 6 жыл бұрын
Кровавая и бесполезная война!
@rockyfjord3753 3 жыл бұрын
Marvelous docu-drama series. Truthfully the Americans did not really 'win' WWII, rather entered the war when the outcome had already been settled in the east. They did not win the Korean war, nor the Vietnam war, though causing maximum death and destruction to civilians, which was their signature tactic in WWII as well, fire bombing of cities culminating in the use of atomic bombs. Similar destruction accompanied American wars in the Middle East, the outcomes unsettled and the goal now pitched as chaos as an end that leaves states crippled for decades and internal factional war along religious fault lines continue. One day I hope the US National Security State and defense conglomeration incentives, come to an end, for the sake of human decency and vital humanity, and based upon historical reason of avoiding the mis-takings of the past.
@AWtify 2 жыл бұрын
so true.The result of American invasions around the world under the plausible pretext of protecting democracy were millions of civilian victims from insane bombings and never led to stability.
@thehumancanary131 3 жыл бұрын
Hm.....was the Russian/Chinese decision to prop up North Korea the right one to make? Looking at the differences between North & South Korea today - I have deep reservations.
@miquelescribanoivars5049 3 жыл бұрын
If I recall correctly North Korea was doing pretty well up until the mid-70's, the standard of living being comparable to South Korea (which was also under a dictatorship at the time). The Sino-Soviet split and a worsening of the relation ship between NK and the former two countries is what caused their isolation and worsening economical conditions until turning into the hellhole it is now, all while South Korea became one of the fastest growing economies at the time. Currently Russia and China are more interested in keeping the status quo, with growing economic relations between them and South Korea.
@AWtify 2 жыл бұрын
The more a country is under threat of invasion, the more it falls into paranoia and military hysteria. Example: Iran. Not so long ago, Iran was not so Islamist. Even after the expulsion of the Americans and the Shah. But the US began to threaten Iran again and there was more and more Islamism, women in hijabs appeared, etc. Just leave Iran alone and there will be de-escalation and liberalization. It's the same with N.Korea. Give them guarantees of non-invading and they will no longer feel like a besieged fortress. Which they feel after the fall of the USSR.
@vlad_47 Ай бұрын
@@miquelescribanoivars5049 Since 2022 China and Russia revised their DPRK ties. The time of UN sanctions on DPRK is over. I think the country will improve with the years.
@Realliberal 5 жыл бұрын
Stalin was the master mind of the Korean War. Sheet, If Stalin hadn't died the U S would still be fighting that war. He knew that American Leadership was made up of some smug wishy washy Ivy League grads. Like in our previous wars. In fact Stalin probably intentionally vacated the USSR vote at the UN so the UN would declare war on North Korea. But for Truman to get UN cooperation the U S was not allowed to destroy the bridges over the Yalu river. The supply line and later source of 300,000 Chi Coms.
@user-vx5bg2bh1g 5 жыл бұрын
Korean war hmm ... well it's not about how great or bad Stalin. It's about ambition of Kim and Mao. In this story, Stalin became a hostage of ambitious dictators. Offtop ofc Stalin not innocent but Mao, Kim and south Korean puppets worse. Because they had only one desire - to rule their swamp like ancient emperors.
@cpmenninga 4 жыл бұрын
The Chinese and nk were pretty adept at getting where they wanted to go. Bombing bridges wouldn’t have stopped them.
@georgehare2915 4 жыл бұрын
no way in hell would usa pilot shot parachutist his own command would jail hi m
@AWtify 2 жыл бұрын
Americans are masters of sneaky stocks
@georgehare2915 4 жыл бұрын
migs flown to west b y russian pilot . then israelis got a lot thanks to egypt lol
@jury2375 Жыл бұрын
@user-sx6bz3ly7c 6 жыл бұрын
Долбанная реклама задолбала..... Увы но из за дыбилизма с рекламой держите жирный минус !!!!
@user-xl8do1ek8t 6 жыл бұрын
Какая нахер реклама ???????
@georgehare2915 4 жыл бұрын
diff?? between commies and west. there hockey goalie tretiak best there was. got 2 bed apartment usa player not as good gets 12 bed mansion plus acreage lol
@pand9293 4 жыл бұрын
So all the efforts of these brave russian pilots ensured the survival of the terrible North Korean regime while South Korea today is an economic powerhouse.
@acutechicken5798 3 жыл бұрын
p and At the time, North Korea was much richer than South Korea.
@kaletovhangar 3 жыл бұрын
Well,it wasn't so obvious then that North would have been such a totalitarian country, and South was also lead by military dictatorship until the 70s, and only since then did South become better economically.
@AWtify 2 жыл бұрын
The North Korean leader is guilty of starting a war because of his ambitions. But to wage war through carpet bombing and the destruction of civilian objects, as is customary among Americans, is simply barbarism. It was against this that the Russian pilots fought. The Russians did not bomb the population.
@wewillmasssacreallthescumt4555 Жыл бұрын
US literally sanctioned North korea since 1953 their hardest situation between 1991-2013 now situation improve much better with trade to China and Russia
@wewillmasssacreallthescumt4555 Жыл бұрын
Beside south Korea wouldn't be power house if something like Toshiba accident and Plaza Accord weren't happened. US literally give south korea and Taiwan cutting edge technology for free.
@TheG55coffia 9 жыл бұрын
Bottom line is this. The US was 10,000 miles away and Russia and China (with Korea at their doorstep) could not take South Korea. If they were both as awesome as Stalin says then why not start WW3 then? It seems Stalin was a pussy that was willing to fight to the last Chinaman as Mao soon found out.
@AlexiosLair 9 жыл бұрын
TheG55coffia because all you can think is that if your are awesome - you can take whatever you want. USSR (not Russia) had different point of view. First - we just won Great Patriotic War, which was disaster and we needed to recover. Second - Stalin wasn't fool, he understood that open confrontation will make USSR as agressor. Bottom line is this. The US was 10 000 miles away and should not care about what is going on on such distant lands.
@wewillmasssacreallthescumt4555 Жыл бұрын
Hail to soviet pilots and Chinese people volunteer army, To resist US imperialist ambition and to aid korea!
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