Which Polish Castle is your favorite? Który polski zamek jest Twoim ulubionym?
@-krys-1196Ай бұрын
Zamek Książ
@smiechuwarte-qt8pnАй бұрын
If it comes to the external appearance such as with the Walt Disney logo, it is the castle in Moszna. If it comes to historical artifacts in the museum, the most valuable are in the royal castle in Krakow. I also love the armor of the heavy Polish cavalry called hussars.
@markow4427Ай бұрын
Chojnik. Ładnie położony, kameralny. Można powiedzieć, że trochę taki jednorodzinny.
@Mag_NetarАй бұрын
@@-krys-1196 haha, tak własnie chciałem odpisać - oczywiście Zamek Książ :) po za tym wiele niesamowitych zamków jest na Dolnym Śląsku: Grodno, Kliczków, Chojnik, Topaz, Czocha, Srebrna Góra, Twierdza Kłodzko, Świna, Sarny, Międzylesie, Leśnica, Książęcy w Oleśnicy, Grodziec, Książąt Głogowskich
@maciejzniebuszewa8077Ай бұрын
Your discussions are wonderful and Sujy is my star ❤
@mabella632Ай бұрын
zamek zaczeto budowac w 1280 roku a ukonczono w 15 wieku ! , wiec Ameryka nie byla odkryta ! o czym my mowimy ?
@mabella632Ай бұрын
Zamek zostal zbudowany z najwiekszej liczby cegiel na swiecie !
@PiotrJaserАй бұрын
There are very modern trains in Poland, but there are also older trains with compartments.
@AlicjaGrzywaczАй бұрын
Zamku nie zbudowali niewolnicy , bo w Polsce nigdy nie było niewolników. Zbudowali go fachowcy od budowli zamków. pewnie budowlańcy :)
@anetta2053Ай бұрын
It's not true what people write here. living in Poland I traveled by train very often.If you book tickets online, you can always choose a seat. If you don't select a seat, the system automatically books where there is a free seat.As a student I travelled by Intercity, not Pendolino.when I bought a ticket directly at the station I still had the option to choose a compartment.I'm from a small town and if I have this opportunity, other cities do too.People rarely travel by train, apparently since there is no such knowledge.
@mabella632Ай бұрын
jak ktos z zagranicznych turystow bedzie w Malborku , polecam Gdansk, Gdynie i Hel , piekny powysep z cudownymi szerokimi plazami i drobnym zlotym piaskiem ! plaze maja do 70 m szerokosci
@mirekbarszcz1432Ай бұрын
Dla mnie WAWEL w Krakowie. Byłem tam i mieszkam niedaleko. Jest piękny, tam są groby naszych KRÓLÓW Polskich. I ma swoją Historie.
@TheSkachaskaАй бұрын
niestety, ale mylicie się. Może wybrać taki przedział jaki chce. W tym wagonie z przedziałami na 8 osób co siedział to stary model, który nadal jest w użytku. Można wybierać pomiędzy kuszetkami, bez przedziału, przy oknie, w korytarzu itd... gorzej jeśli bilety się wyprzedały. Wszystko zależy też od aplilacji w której kupuje bilet pkp.
@andyceeb2110Ай бұрын
Malbork is the biggest castle of the word built by bricks., not by size.
@jerzyblinowski5177Ай бұрын
What does the biggest mean? In terms of the area occupied, in terms of the total cubic capacity of the rooms, in terms of the weight of the building materials used, ...? I suppose that depending on the category the order may be different. Regardless of the category I am convinced that Malbork will land in the top five every time. What's more, it is certain that it will be at the top.
@grzegorzadamczyk695029 күн бұрын
@@jerzyblinowski5177 Malbork to największy na świecie zamek zbudowany z cegieł
@jerzy7118Ай бұрын
In summer, I choose only 1st class class is air conditioning. And the black eagles had the Teutonic Knights and the Germans and the white eagles Poles
@samoht.pАй бұрын
You will be surprised, because the castle in Malbork had central underfloor heating. The castle took 30 years to build. It belonged to the Order of the Hospital of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the German House in Jerusalem. This black eagle is the symbol of this order. It was bought by the Polish king. We had a several-year war with the Order, which wanted power over Poland. The largest battle that took place in the Middle Ages was with the Order in 1410 at Grunwald, which resulted in the fall of the Order's hegemony. This Order is still in operation today. The castle can be visited for free, but only the lower part. To visit the upper levels, you have to buy a ticket.
@mabella632Ай бұрын
warto zaplacic ( nie jest drogo ) i zobaczyc caly zamek , caly dzien zarezerwowac ! niesamowity
@PrinceTahraАй бұрын
This is where I grew up ^^ my hometown! I guess "peaceful" is a perfect word for it!
@kubakedra1390Ай бұрын
This castle building begun in 1280 and they finished it in the half of the 15th century.
@sawomirlep6788Ай бұрын
Lubię zamek Czocha ale zaczynam odkrywać piękne Czeskie zamki.
@lidiapoczyczynska6623Ай бұрын
Zapraszamy do zwiedzania 👍😁🌹🇵🇱❤️
@wieslawszapowal302Ай бұрын
Książ castle❤
@dariuszmyk1Ай бұрын
Moszna Castle
@piotrlaskowski2799Ай бұрын
To największy zamek GOTYCKI w świecie. Nie największy z wszystkich.
@MadmaxMadmax-qr9ck24 күн бұрын
The construction of the castle in Malbork took 30-50 million bricks.We do not know what the layout of the walls in the outer bailey was, hence the large spread. And yet it is only one (although actually the largest) of 330 castles built by the Teutonic Knights. From 1309, Malbork was the seat of the Grand Masters of the Teutonic Order and the capital of one of the most powerful states in medieval Europe. It is the largest Gothic castle complex in the world, with an area of approximately 21 hectares (52 akry ), a masterpiece of defensive and residential architecture of the late Middle Ages. The construction of the castle took as long as 30 years. At the time of its greatest splendor, over 3,000 people lived in the castle in Malbork. Of course, not all of them were monastic knights - most were craftsmen, farm workers and servants.
@alcofgod4211Ай бұрын
The ruins of Krzyżtopór are magnificent!
@seboho6938Ай бұрын
To nie jest zamek,a pałac głupku 🤣
@trytonob4283Ай бұрын
@@seboho6938 Sam jesteś głupek. To jest zamek w stylu włoskim z bastionami.
@seboho6938Ай бұрын
@trytonob4283 Rezydencja pałacowa z umocnieniami bastionowymi imbecylu,a nie żaden włoski zamek 🤣 Bierzesz korepetycje jak być debilem bardziej?
@mabella632Ай бұрын
w Polsce i na tej trasie Warszawa - Gdansk kursuja rozne pociagi , np Pendolino , troche drozsze ale komfort , ten pan wybral tania opcje !
@Slawek_BАй бұрын
Watch a film about the oldest salt mine (9th century). I won't post the link because I'll remove it, but you'll find it by the film's name. Poland's Underground City Of Salt
@MaximPL1100Ай бұрын
MALBORK. -25 Celsius....winter is coming...
@marekswidzinski5743Ай бұрын
Chyba malżeństwu tajsko-kanadyjskiemu chodzi o zamek w Malborku.Jeśli tak, to przyjmijcie do wiadomości,że zamek ten nie wiadomo kto zbudował a Zakon Krzyżacki go tylko zazdoptował.
@kafialor9199Ай бұрын
Think Canada is too young a country to have medieval castles. 😉😊
@walterweiss712414 күн бұрын
they have Chateau Frontenac, in fact it is a hotel, but with a grand film history (Hitchcock etc)
@jerzyblinowski5177Ай бұрын
Malbork Castle is three castles in one. Low Castle, Medium Castle and High Castle. Originally, the Castle was the seat of the Grand Master of the Teutonic Order. In addition to the Grand Master, the highest officials of the Order lived and held office in the Castle. It was therefore the seat of government of the State that in 1410 included the present Pomeranian Voivodeship, most of the present Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship, a large enclave on the border of the present West Pomeranian, Lubusz and Greater Poland Voivodeships known as the New March, the entire present Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, a small northern part of the present Masovian Voivodeship, the northern half of the present Podlaskie Voivodeship, and outside present Poland, the Królewiec Oblast in Russia, all of Latvia, southern Estonia, western Lithuania and the island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea. Currently, some 10 million people live in these areas. In comparison, the Canadian province of Quebec has a population of about 8 million people, and Ontario about 12 million people. The castle was captured three times. Twice by the Swedes in the 17th century and once by the Russians in 1945. - with large losses of their own and great destruction of the Castle (by the way, you have to be a fanatic - in this case a Nazi - to use a monument that is over 500 years old as a fortress). Casimir IV Jagiellon besieged the castle. The crew was mercenaries. The Grand Master did not have money to pay the wages and gave them the castle as a security. After the payment deadline, the mercenaries sold the castle to the Polish King in 1457. From then until 1772 the castle was the property of the Polish King. In 1772 it became the property of the King of Prussia, then the German State. Since 1945 the castle has been the property of the Polish State again.
@JerzyMiazekАй бұрын
Największy zamek na świecie to jest zamek w Malborku 👍🇵🇱
@AAaa17219Ай бұрын
So you can see Ksiaz Castle near Wroclaw, Rogalin Castle, Kornik Castle, Royal Castle in Krakow.
@OninomuraАй бұрын
18:30 You asked how many people were needed to man this castle, it was a little over three thousand people.
@szymeksp24 күн бұрын
there was no salves in works on this construction. It was monks from Teutonic Order. ! In Poland was no slavs. We are free from this kind of pooop. 12:24.....
@andski5852Ай бұрын
To nie jest POLSKi ORZEŁ tylko niemiecka wrona. A największy zamek na świecie jest to Zamek Windsor 13 kilometrów od Londynu. To największy zamieszkiwany zamek na świecie - ma 800 metrów długości, 19 baszt i 1000 pokoi, a powierzchnia jego podłóg zajmuje około 45 tys. BYĆ A OGLĄDAĆ FILM TO COŚ INNEGO..
@piotrlaskowski2799Ай бұрын
@electrochrist1046Ай бұрын
and English saying that Polish people complains ... lol
@MaxSujyPOL28 күн бұрын
I love complaining! :)
@arletagubiec1353Ай бұрын
Pozdrawiam, mieszkam w Malborku ❤
@simi1950Ай бұрын
i really like your reaction to my fatherland :)
@MaxSujyPOL28 күн бұрын
Thank you! 😃
@jaraw.1444Ай бұрын
Oglądacie filmy o Polsce , tylko na żywo przekonacie się jak jest i czy jest prawda to co pokazują , a kulinarne rarytasy Sujy posmakuje osobiście to szczęka jej opadnie i głupi uśmieszek z twarzy zniknie ☹👍
@MaxSujyPOL28 күн бұрын
@kubakedra1390Ай бұрын
BTW will you react to ,,zamek Książ,, ?
@adammichalak7398Ай бұрын
Te cegły i mury stoją na jajkach
@piotrgra3478Ай бұрын
You have to be unlucky and come across the oldest type of wagons from the 1980s
@xM4RTiN3ZАй бұрын
Cóż wolę Prawicę niez gówno lewę 😁🇵🇱👆
@wal19535 күн бұрын
Firetrucks from Poland in Sweden for helping: kzbin.info/www/bejne/aHicf5-eptKrgNk
@xM4RTiN3ZАй бұрын
Haha, ciekawe co to ma dla mnie znaczyć?
@jerzyjagielski9414Ай бұрын
Zamiast oglądać cudze filmy, przyjedźcie do Polski. Zapraszam. Mamy też świetnych stomatologów i jakiś fryzjer też się znajdzie. Pozdrawiam z Krakowa
@robertjakubczak9437Ай бұрын
@mabella632Ай бұрын
dokladnie, jak mozna otwierac publicznie buzie z takimi brakami w uzebieniu , glupia para ! zadbajcie o siebie i zachowujcie sie powazniej ! nie dziko
@halucynah2823Ай бұрын
@@mabella632 wyciągnij kołek z duupy, wydaje się że gość ma jakąś chorąbę przez którą uzębienie jak i ogólny wygląd go tak zmieniło, ale taki pusta jak jak tego nie może przyjąć do swojego pustego łba.
@MaxSujyPOL28 күн бұрын
@MaxSujyPOL28 күн бұрын
Brak choroby. Złamałem kość oczodołu prawego oka, gdy miałem 3 lata i spadłem ze schodów. I ząb z innego wypadku.
@Anubis2976Ай бұрын
Wawel castle
@mabella632Ай бұрын
to jest zamek krzyzacki w Malborku
@xM4RTiN3ZАй бұрын
UPS , jestem YT🇵🇱👆👍
@auburnU2be20 күн бұрын
Please check Wieliczka Salt Mine.
@kroll01Ай бұрын
WARSAW FROM THE AIR 2024 | 4K | POLAND ON AIR by Maciej Margas & Aleksandra Łogusz kzbin.info/www/bejne/jYfVaYuufMaoqbs
@PiotrJanczak-s9sАй бұрын
Ta holka nie widziała zamku w Stopnicy??
@piotrrzenno4924Ай бұрын
@marekgumowski3578Ай бұрын
Ex luto Marienburg...
@wal19535 күн бұрын
@mabella632Ай бұрын
ta dziewczyna jest dziecinna , ten glupi smiech i reakcje przesadne nie pasuja do powagi sytuacji , to denerwuje , moze dlatego , ze jestesmy z innych kultur
@MaxSujyPOL28 күн бұрын
Wyluzuj trochę, lol! :)
@grazynamazur6724Ай бұрын
What do you mean "you don't have castles in Canada"? And Casa Loma in Toronto? :0)
@alicjabujak3523Ай бұрын
hejka, sam film bardzo dobry i naprawdwde badzo ciekawie opowiada o historii zamku, ale.... nie da sie sluchac komentarzy do filmu tych ludzi, oddnosze wrazenie ze sa niepelnosprawni umyslowo, dla jasnosci nic nie mam przweciwko ludziom uposledzonym przez los.
@mabella632Ай бұрын
ta para sprawia wrazenie nie rozgarnietych , tak jak asocjalni , bez wyksztalcenia i manier !