The 75 percent rule for inhale and exhale was exactly what I needed... I try to inhale and exhale maximally which is apparently not good... So I toned it down after watching this video and can feel a big difference already in just an hour. Thank you Zac!
@ZacCupplesPT20 күн бұрын
Awesome!! Glad it helped
@JayJay-q5c21 күн бұрын
@ZacCupplesPT20 күн бұрын
You da best!
@yvonnemariane226519 күн бұрын
Woww💥 this was a Best of 2024 video! The tongue-as-support-for-nasal-floor is a huge concept! _Finally_ understanding with a 'relaxed belly' as I breathe in I'm not helping the diaphragm push stuff down! This idea of pressure of nasal vs mouth exhale etc.. 💯
@MrAllJin14 күн бұрын
Love it! ❤ Good information for every client i have 😊
@KiraContriteSpirit20 күн бұрын
Imma need to watch this several times but I'm pretty sure its gonna change my life. Happy Zac Giving day! Ps I love the cheesy little jokes
@ZacCupplesPT20 күн бұрын
Glad you dug it! Enjoy t Givs!
@thisisme64T22 күн бұрын
Great video. It was very informative. ❤
@ZacCupplesPT22 күн бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it!
@ShamanicDissonance18 күн бұрын
When one video solves everything... ever!
@polaroid291313 күн бұрын
@ericafriedmanwellness21 күн бұрын
Great video Zac!
@jayanidutharusha126121 күн бұрын
I really like your video bro, keep it up. Good job 🙏
@TheZenYuzu3 күн бұрын
sometimes i "breath" into my stiff and knotted areas. For example. breathing into my lower right hip and right shoulder.i "breath" into my stiff and knotted areas.
@yvonnemariane226518 күн бұрын
1:21 but you breathe in by also simultaneously _pulling_ _down_ the diaphragm to _create_ a suction. If you don't work that automatic effort below this may be why you struggle to breathe at night.
@MI-mx3rh10 күн бұрын
Do you offer online assessment? Is there a contact???
@abhinandsp267922 күн бұрын
This is gold content
@ZacCupplesPT22 күн бұрын
Thank you!
@lucasp171422 күн бұрын
Yes sir!
@ZacCupplesPT22 күн бұрын
Thank you so much!
@brahamwijaya103921 күн бұрын
i have rib pain in my sternum joints. Its called costochondritis. Do u got any tips on adressing it?
@thefunctionalmusician16 күн бұрын
“The roof of the mouth is the floor of the nose.” 🔥👃
@aigulyoga19 күн бұрын
Don’t understand why counter nutation expands pelvic floor with inhalation, it looks like coccyx, sit bones and pubic bone moves towards each other, which suppose to help contraction. Or it is about essentric contraction of pelvic floor during inhalation and concentric contraction during exhalation?
@vardaansirohi630822 күн бұрын
Zac can you please make a video on sciatica?
@ZacCupplesPT22 күн бұрын
Great idea!
@vardaansirohi630821 күн бұрын
@ZacCupplesPT Thanks Zac it would be a great help 🙏🏻
@TheBhannah19 күн бұрын
I breath through the nose only !
@neinbruderja751922 күн бұрын
The 🐶 of the mouth.
@ZacCupplesPT22 күн бұрын
Got it in me!
@neinbruderja751922 күн бұрын
@ZacCupplesPT22 күн бұрын
@Gremo9519 күн бұрын
Breathe with your belly, breathe with your diaphragm, breathe from the top down. Every now and then a new discovery. I'm not saying that this here is incorrect, but it's just too much of it all.