The Last Of Us 2 One Year Later.. | Have Opinions Changed?

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@TheBlackKakashi 3 жыл бұрын
I've only played this game twice, Day 1 release date, and the second time was a couple months back. I gotta say I enjoyed playing it the second time, more than I did the first time.
@mannypaul7369 3 жыл бұрын
Narratively speaking, there’s all these subtle things about the story that really stick out to me in a bad way as time has passed. Your point about all these characters being taken out out of nowhere I really agree with. In the first game when someone was killed it felt really shocking even if it was so sudden (Tess, Henry & Sam, and even Joel getting impaled was extremely shocking in the most incredible way). In TLOU2, there’s just no weight in any of the character deaths, the most shocking part of the game was Tommy getting shot in the face and then miraculously surviving. But Jesse, Owen, Mel, and Yara’s death felt meaningless without any real weight to them (pretty much any major characters death), it just felt like they were taken out because they didn’t serve the narrative anymore rather than feeling like a true loss of life, despite whether you liked their character or not. Even Joel dying, while surprising, weirdly wasn’t impactful to me or something I kept remembering throughout the game to fuel Ellie’s motivation to get revenge. Not to sound weird but we hardly got to see Joel in actual pain. I mean he was essentially tortured by the woman whose life he just saved but the way it was done felt so oddly lazy. I would have hated Abby way more if we witnessed just how much agonizing pain Joel was going through and Tommy and Ellie being helpless to do anything except watch and plead for Joel’s mercy. It would have been way more effective at making the player feel more conflicted at empathizing for Abby if that scene was done better. Another big problem I have is that Dina really seems like a generic character. It’s obviously implied that Dina has a history and life of her own but we have no reason to give a fuck about Dina besides the fact that Ellie likes her, and maybe that’s enough, but I think the writing really doesn’t do their relationship justice because we never actually see their relationship flourish, their just two girls who have a crush on each other in the beginning and then suddenly Dina’s willing to risk her life to help Ellie get revenge? It really undermines their relationship to me by a lot. Another thing that I feel was way too heavily overlooked was the fact that Dina didn’t even care about Ellie being immune to the infected. Ellie being immune was a huuuge part of the first game, arguably the whole reason why the first game even exists, but when Ellie tells and proves to Dina she’s immune she doesn’t even react to it at all. And then there’s Abby’s friends. They introduce so many characters but doesn’t bother trying to make them a major part of the story. Because that’s what Naughty Dog was going for, right? How senseless the cycle of hatred and violence can be and in this case how it can lead to a loss of life. Well those lives felt like the were added into the narrative just to make that very point without actually WRITING them to make their lives valuable or at least demonstrate that these people are so much more than just the reasons you hate them. And finally, yes the Seraphites should have been way more elaborated on, I do think there’s still a decent amount of info on them but it feels cheap to introduce something so bizarre and not expand upon it in a compelling way. Narratively Naughty Dog had a great idea but was very poorly executed to the point where it felt shallow. I might be crazy for saying this but I think this game should have been delayed and gotten some re-writes. The best thing this game had going for it was Joel’s death but everything after that just goes downhill for me. I’ll say that I commend naughty dog for not giving Joel a “hero’s death” because it shows how bleak the world of TLOU can be. Joel is no super hero and the reality is if you’re unarmed and are ganged up against 6-7 people there’s a good chance you’re not going to Kung-Fu your way out of that situation like Bruce Lee. With that being said, this game is a technical marvel and is one of the most fun games I’ve played this past generation. I wish there were more open-world segments like when Ellie and Dina first arrive to Seattle but otherwise the combat mechanics have been expanded upon good enough to where it feels like a huge step-up from the first game. The sound design is great and the new 60FPS mode on PS5 makes me feel even more immersed than before. But I think if Naughty Dog wants to pull off another risky story like this then they need to think about it way more clearly. The fact the leaks came from a dev on the team means they need better producers and management because you know you pissed someone off if they were willing to leak their own game to get back at the shitty work environments, and I think it absolutely shows in how the story was tied together.
@wanderintwilight1760 3 жыл бұрын
I completely agree with all of this!
@H.E.M. 3 жыл бұрын
Dina and Ellie have been friends since Ellie moved there. I swear tlou 2 haters hate on stuff that’s already explain but y’all can’t see past Joel’s death to appreciate the game.
@Kostanovi 3 жыл бұрын
i dont know about you but almost all the deaths in the game fucked me up, in the first game not so much except the very first death (obviously)...Hell, even random enemies' deaths made me feel bad for them. The raw violence and the way they get called from their friends while you kill them, i dont think i ever thought about some random enemy in a game before.
@VannywiththeFanny 3 жыл бұрын
Sounds like a problem your having. I feel the deaths where just ad good as part1. Tbh as much as it upsets you there better than in part1.
@mannypaul7369 3 жыл бұрын
@@Kostanovi My comment was in response to how my opinion on the game has changed, so my thoughts on the game as a whole probably sounded way more negative than it really is. I wasn’t really trying to think about the entire game just some flaws that I’ve grown to feel for this game a year later, but if you give a shit I’ll gladly tell you what I would praise about the game’s narrative because there are tons of things I think TLOU2 excels at. 1 - The ruthlessness of the world. Seeing all these factions function the way they do really gives you no hope for humanity (more on that in a second). 2 - Ellie’s journal. I think Ellie writing her random thoughts in a journal is a believable and even immersive way to getting to see a private and vulnerable side to her that we don’t usually see. You can still see at heart Ellie is still a growing teen lost in such a cruel and demoralizing world, it’s pretty heartbreaking when you think about it. What I found really cute actually was that it wasn’t all doom and gloom, sometimes she would write and draw about random things ranging from sorrowful to silly. 3 - Ellie’s PTSD. That scene towards the end at the farm where Ellie is re-experiencing stumbling on Joel’s death was harrowing. The way how the hallway downstairs to the door was way longer and narrow I felt was an extremely clever and effective way at showing how re-remembering trauma can feel so much more amplified in your mind since the traumatic experience left such a poisoning impression on your brain. 4 - And lastly, the ending. I honestly can’t think of a better way for the game to end. I love the fake out of seeing a chick with a ponytail and then looking to your left and finding a frail, thin, weak Abby with her hair cut. I loved the irony of Abby not killing Ellie and then Ellie’s unwavering desire to get revenge winds up being a blessing for Abby as she rescues her from the slavers. As they were walking to the docks Ellie didn’t even seem like she wanted to kill Abby anymore, then suddenly her PTSD kicks in and she has to do what she feels. I think Ellie letting Abby go shows a glimpse of hope for humanity. While strangling and drowning Abby she suddenly gets an image of Joel alive and healthy and while it’s not very clear, I think that made her look at Abby being to Lev as Joel was to her, and she felt she wasn’t capable of doing what was done to her to someone else. It’s gorgeous and genuinely cemented Ellie as one of my favorite video protagonists ever. So there we go, I loved the game and still do, and I think TLOU2 is better than TLOU. Not to change the subject, it definitely wasn’t my GOTY, that award goes to FFVII Remake, but to call completely write off TLOU2 because of the story just isn’t fair imo. Again I do think this game’s story has it’s issues and I do look back at it less fondly than I did before but it’s still a great game. If I had to rank it it’d still be a solid 9.5/10, and that’s with taking the story into account. It’s a testament to technical wizardry, immersive sound-design, and beautiful world design, and I’d buy it again for a native PS5 port.
@rayanbhuiya8143 3 жыл бұрын
The story I feel 50/50 with but oh man the gameplay and the graphics the music and intensity made the game worth it and I’m glad I played it for my self
@UncleTerter 7 ай бұрын
fr I only bought the game for the gameplay and it did not disappoint 🤣
@TheAdrianMD 3 жыл бұрын
Man, I could write a whole essay about my feelings toward this game lol. But yeah, the narrative man… the story itself in retrospect was good-I’m all for the revenge theme and the baggage of that whole thing. It just comes down to the way they structured it. That game was built to give you emotional trauma, straight up. For me, it was to the point where by the time I reached Santa Barbara, I couldn’t even enjoy the new area and the Rattlers cause I was so pissed Ellie went in the first place-I finished that bit in one sitting out of spite lol. Nonetheless, it is an incredible game that captured me in a way not many other games have. The gameplay was fire, and that in itself made it worth it for me. Can’t wait to play it again eventually.
@SavagePatch115 3 жыл бұрын
I still can't get over how good the combat in this game is
@doomslayer1210 3 жыл бұрын
Dishonored did it better
@sgtfrozty 3 жыл бұрын
I bet TLOU 1 remake's gonna portray Joel in a slightly negative light to match 2's direction
@gtmo55mack20 3 жыл бұрын
I name am I’ll buy that shit imagine playing as Joel with these graphics
@TheGamer2323 3 жыл бұрын
That’ll just be bad storytelling if you got to switch up a character in the first game to match what you did in the 2nd
@VannywiththeFanny 3 жыл бұрын
Dude stop acting like Joel didnt lie to ellie STARTING the story in said direction. Shits not outta nowhere if you pay attention.
@animebro14 3 жыл бұрын
@@VannywiththeFanny People already knows that, it's just that the fucking game kept acting like Joel was the only person that killed in order to survive the apocalypse. Calling Abby a character is a stretch, because she's so poorly written, but here's what we know about her: Is sadistic: * Enjoys torturing Joel. * Wishes she had more time for torture, while walking past people being tortured. * Owen sex scene (less said about that the better). Disloyal: * Assigned to lead important attack against her group's enemies. Ignores assignment. * Kills her own comrades. * Sleeps with friend's boyfriend. Thoughtless: * Decides to find Joel by herself, because the rest of her group thinks it's impossible. Leaves without gear, supplies, or a plan. * Takes one-armed girl to an island where everyone wants to kill her. * Is surprised when Ellie shows up, despite the fact Ellie was literally screaming, "I WILL KILL YOU" while she was killing Joel. Self-centered: * Takes advantage of drunk ex-boyfriend, whom she apparently doesn't give a shit about, then blames him. * Acts surprised about the attack on Scar Island, even though she had been assigned to lead it. * Is pissed Ellie came after her, because, "We let you live". Even though Joel literally saved her life, immediately before she killed him. Lucky: * Doesn't get shot by Ellie, even though Ellie has a clear shot, with a weapon in both hands, at a distance of about ten or fifteen feet. * Survives attack by horde, after random guy saves her. Random guy coincidentally turns out to be guy she's looking for. * Gets handed map to killer's location, when she finds friends' bodies. Inconsistent: * "#1 Scar Killer" on day 1. #1 WLF killer on day 3. * Day 2: "If there are Fireflies in Santa Barbara, I'd go the other way." Day 3: Sails off to find Fireflies in Santa Barbara. * Goes on suicidally dangerous mission to save Yara. Doesn't bother to tell Owen and Mel that someone's trying to kill them. There are a lot of things to dislike about the "Abby" character. That she's the only person in the game who has access to steroids is stupid and distracting. But it's pretty minor..
@AnthonyMcNeil 3 жыл бұрын
Dude, he kills so many people, two pieced Marlene and killed up a whole hospital...the dude did some bad shit...and honestly, he's only negative in Abby's eyes. Nowhere in TLoU2 did the game tell you Joel was good or bad. Hell, at the end of the game he tells us directly that he would do the same thing. So he's fine with his fate, why does everyone else have a problem?
@MoBettaCoo 3 жыл бұрын
In my opinion: Coming back to play Ellie was fun but Abby’s story made the game even better. I enjoy stories that move into different directions to challenge me. ……And I’m glad they took the risk with Joel’s death
@TheGamer2323 3 жыл бұрын
See I feel like Abby's gameplay portions were more fun than Ellie's but story wise her segments were more draining and all over the place
@Hunterese123 3 жыл бұрын
Abbys story is essentially Joels in the first one, redemption, she becomes a parental figure to Lev
@cralo5431 3 жыл бұрын
@@Hunterese123 a ton of parallels to the first game
@animebro14 3 жыл бұрын
Calling Abby a character is a stretch, because she's so poorly written, but here's what we know about her: Is sadistic: * Enjoys torturing Joel. * Wishes she had more time for torture, while walking past people being tortured. * Owen sex scene (less said about that the better). Disloyal: * Assigned to lead important attack against her group's enemies. Ignores assignment. * Kills her own comrades. * Sleeps with friend's boyfriend. Thoughtless: * Decides to find Joel by herself, because the rest of her group thinks it's impossible. Leaves without gear, supplies, or a plan. * Takes one-armed girl to an island where everyone wants to kill her. * Is surprised when Ellie shows up, despite the fact Ellie was literally screaming, "I WILL KILL YOU" while she was killing Joel. Self-centered: * Takes advantage of drunk ex-boyfriend, whom she apparently doesn't give a shit about, then blames him. * Acts surprised about the attack on Scar Island, even though she had been assigned to lead it. * Is pissed Ellie came after her, because, "We let you live". Even though Joel literally saved her life, immediately before she killed him. Lucky: * Doesn't get shot by Ellie, even though Ellie has a clear shot, with a weapon in both hands, at a distance of about ten or fifteen feet. * Survives attack by horde, after random guy saves her. Random guy coincidentally turns out to be guy she's looking for. * Gets handed map to killer's location, when she finds friends' bodies. Inconsistent: * "#1 Scar Killer" on day 1. #1 WLF killer on day 3. * Day 2: "If there are Fireflies in Santa Barbara, I'd go the other way." Day 3: Sails off to find Fireflies in Santa Barbara. * Goes on suicidally dangerous mission to save Yara. Doesn't bother to tell Owen and Mel that someone's trying to kill them. There are a lot of things to dislike about the "Abby" character. That she's the only person in the game who has access to steroids is stupid and distracting. But it's pretty minor..
@Hunterese123 3 жыл бұрын
@@animebro14 Again, these are half nitpicks and how you see her cuz you dont like her, how long it took you to make this list lmao. Also sucka they have a full gym setup and literally produce a stock of meat and food from animals, it aint weird she's buff when they have a Stadium setup
@Luis-by7li 3 жыл бұрын
I disagree with your point by changing the beginning. The premise of the beginning and playing as Ellie is to make you feel like Ellie. The point is to make you furious and mad through the eyes of Ellie. I also disagree with your point why Joel died the way he did. In life you don’t choose how you die.. the game is rooted close to real life as it can be. We never decide when or where we die. But at the same time I want to say that I still understand your opinions and I think your videos are good!
@geronimo1595 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly. People want the story dumbed down.
@derek2802 2 жыл бұрын
@@geronimo1595 Yeah having a good story is "dumbed down", Game's story was absolute garbage😂🤡
@ashc3765 3 жыл бұрын
If it wasn’t for the rough narrative this game would have been perfection.
@KingDonWahed 3 жыл бұрын
It's an absolute masterpiece. Replayed on my PS5 when the PS5 patch got introduced. This game is something else. Naughty Dog aka Naughty God.
@pox9127 3 жыл бұрын
Masterpiece? Lmao ok
@giorgiocartier9012 3 жыл бұрын
Masterpiece what you smokin 🤣🤣
@gleam6370 3 жыл бұрын
Easily in my top 3 of all time. I’m a huge fan of the game and the series since it was first announced. But it makes me cringe when I see fans of the game being all defensive about it against the “haters”. Just let them be. Who cares what they think about the game, whether they like it or not. No need to be all riled up about others opinion’s. With that being said, I adore naughty dog too much and I’m beyond excited for their future games
@gopackers848 3 жыл бұрын
story sucked
@magnusalexander2965 3 жыл бұрын
People can dislike the game, but the fact that people purposely tried to spoil the story for people who weren't looking to be spoiled is shitty. Easily my favorite game, but when Abbie pulled out the golf club I figured out what those sensitive men's rights activists where hinting at with their memes and driveby comments, and I wish they hadn't taken that surprise from me.
@Jack-jx2ug 3 жыл бұрын
@@magnusalexander2965 and they justify doing that because “oh the story sucked.” Those who don’t like it need other people to dislike it. These people are ruthless lmaoo
@toeknee3302 3 жыл бұрын
But a lot of people who hate this game ARE fans of the original and they do have a good reason. Second game is kind of too manipulative, they did bend characters to fit the story they wanted to tell and come on, was the sex scene really necessary... felt like I was watching some cheap zombie tv drama...
@LloydsSky9 3 жыл бұрын
You love naughty dog but where is factions 2? Naughty Dog don't love you 😬
@tev1087 3 жыл бұрын
I wish they had more Grotesque infected creatures like the Rat King.
@samfisher2400-z3d 3 жыл бұрын
You know what’s interesting, I was just rewatching your unboxing and your review of this game earlier today. What a coincidence
@RealOGSlayer96 3 жыл бұрын
The story was shit except for playing as Ellie, the combat was great, the music was amazing, the sound design was incredible, the voice acting was great
@TrophiesNclips 3 жыл бұрын
Lol I kinda agree
@marcoco_ 3 жыл бұрын
@TrophiesNclips 3 жыл бұрын
@@marcoco_ no what? Can’t the man have his own take ?
@marcoco_ 3 жыл бұрын
@@TrophiesNclips no
@RealOGSlayer96 3 жыл бұрын
@@marcoco_ go be mad somewhere else lol
@blackcobra1981 3 жыл бұрын
I appreciate this game way more.... I can't wait for part 3.... 1) Maybe we get to travel to Joel's house.... 2) Meet up with Abby at the Island and become frenemies to a bigger threat 3) Ellie is not the only immune
@Hunterese123 3 жыл бұрын
I know the haters would hate that, Ellie and Abby teaming up, lol
@toeknee3302 3 жыл бұрын
They complete threw the grand humanity’s cure setting out of the window. Second game cares about none of that lol it’s all faction wars, relationships and revenge.
@derek2802 2 жыл бұрын
@@Hunterese123 Part 3 won't be happening LMAO, It will sell like shit 😂🤡
@OdisFlexer 3 жыл бұрын
Personally my opinion about this game hasn't changed... its still amazing.
@MrInuhanyou123 3 жыл бұрын
Ill say this much. Regardless of your feelings on joel dying or the story at large there was no excuse for the amount of cringe this game put into gamers feelings. Really toxic af shit that isnt what gaming and enjoying this medium is about
@Hunterese123 3 жыл бұрын
Thats there problem, like a main character dying is such a new concept that gamers would get that pissed, lol
@amart1253 3 жыл бұрын
"No excuse for the amount of cringe this game put into gamers feelings". Lol you're just speaking for yourself
@MrInuhanyou123 3 жыл бұрын
@@gleam6370 very silly stuff. In these types of discourses it makes me aware of how weird people can get. It started from the very beginning of development where certain people were already uncomfortable with two girls kissing hence the early "sjw agenda" nonsense, and the fact that the story was so controversial itself didnt help matters at all either. Same with battlefield 5. Theres no excuse for discourse that toxic no matter what you might think of the gameplay or characters in the game. There are so many other things to be mad about in gaming and elsewhere, but people are attracted to the most nonsensical things that ultimately dont matter. Its crazy. Not to get too political but im much more angry about a certain propaganda game coming out trying to rehabilitate the image and people involved in an illegal war started for oil in which millions of people died and war crimes by the "good guys" were committed en masse than a video game character dying or whether or not a woman is or is not realistically muscled. Like fuck
@amart1253 3 жыл бұрын
@@Hunterese123 Exactly it's not a Disney or superhero movie where the protagonist faces some setback and then bounces back 100 percent where everything is fine again. That's the safe/boring method of storytelling
@MrInuhanyou123 3 жыл бұрын
@@amart1253 what does that mean?
@SN-yn6it Жыл бұрын
I think they should release a directors cut version of TLOU part II that fixes the sequencing of the story, especially the flashbacks.
@loko6101 3 жыл бұрын
When we getting that grounded playthrough chiefy chief?
@moonstrike100 3 жыл бұрын
Good lord we need a factions
@SoraFan23 3 жыл бұрын
The biggest problem was that they tried to force us to play as Abby trying to make us feel sorry for her and to go into her back story. I don't know it just didn't sit well with me and felt like I was being manipulated into thinking that Abby is an actual good person and trying to make Ellie look like the bad person.
@Game1Legends 3 жыл бұрын
The only thing holding this game up is Tommy and the phenomenal gameplay im still giving it a 6/10.
@blususpect 3 жыл бұрын
I’m just out here waiting for Factions 😂! Loved Last of Us 2 btw
@felixnascimento7045 3 жыл бұрын
People not liking the game come with their own expectations and projections of what they want to see from the game. Just have an open mind and try to see their vision. U cannot change the order of things and flashbacks of this game. Bc then u will change the way the game makes u feel. This is a game about hate. Ellie`s hate, Abby`s hate and player`s hate. The ways to cope with it and how to get rid of it and moving on. The way how many people feel about this game is the indication that ND succeeds in what they were trying to convey in their game. They created a story where they put the main character together with the players at the same emotional state which is rare to see in the modern videogame industry. No one left unaffected by this game.
@point-bl4nk 3 жыл бұрын
expectations have nothing to do with plotholes, deus ex machina and plot armor. the objective was to make people feel smart for liking a game full of bad decisions and it succeeded
@Johnavfc7 3 жыл бұрын
Me personally i loved the game. Game made me physically and emotionally wrecked at the end. Only thing I found i didn’t like i felt it dragged on abit near the end but i loved the shocks and twists
@itachi93674 3 жыл бұрын
I will still never understand why people who have been locked inside due to covid, lost their jobs, lost money, lost loved ones spend their time playing and wasting their life away on the Depression of Us 2. Especially when there so many more satisfying and fun games to play i.e Ghost of Tsushima, Final Fantasy, Persona 5 ect...
@charfire222 3 жыл бұрын
You mad bruh
@jaimepina6449 3 жыл бұрын
That scene with Joel messed me up for a few days. I was seething, fuming. I wanted to stop playing after that. It was awful, but I don't think it would have hit as hard if he would have gone out in some glorious, spectacular way. I think it was designed on purpose to traumatize the player. To then get me to understand Abby and even like her, is freaking insane. I don't think I've ever played a game or watched a movie that has made me feel such intense emotions as the Last of Us 2.
@TheMrGiannisgr 3 жыл бұрын
This is The Last Of Us world. Joel had a very fitting ending that stayed true to the world Naughty Dog created.
@TheGamer2323 3 жыл бұрын
I don't know if I would say Joel's story conclusion was ''fitting'' LOL. I get what you're saying though. It's a brutal world, he went out brutally.
@alfaomega5532 3 жыл бұрын
Man I need to jump back into and finish the game.. I actually stopped playing when you took control of abbys character , plus I wanted to play ghost of Tsushima at the time also.. but thanks for your video as it’s given me a reminder to finish the game plus the gameplay and graphics are quality!
@Tonio5100 3 жыл бұрын
I don't get the whole "Joel WOULD NEVER get caught lacking like that" crowd because the 1st 20 minutes or so CLEARLY SHOWS that this is NOT the same world as TLOU 1 as you see plenty kids actually being kids...... Remember in part 1 the black kid & Ellie couldn't even play soccer without the grown ups getting on them about making too much noise so kids couldn't even be kids in part 1 which isn't the case in part 2
@TheGamer2323 3 жыл бұрын
joel had definitely softened up but to completely drop his guard like that wasn't in his character. Ever
@Tonio5100 3 жыл бұрын
@@TheGamer2323 once again you speaking about Joel from the 1st game ONLY....... This clearly isn't THAT Joel anymore & this is about FIVE YEARS after part 1 Joel five years is alot of time to soften someone up like that LoL
@tyleroutland435 3 жыл бұрын
1 year later and I still love this game and happy Father's day to all the Father's today
@tyleroutland435 3 жыл бұрын
I want a last of us 3
@tsgrapiidz6970 3 жыл бұрын
@@tyleroutland435 same
@ThatGuyIsWill 3 жыл бұрын
That’s ultimately what soured my experience with the game: pacing, sequence of events, and unnecessary story beats (like the cult island). I’m in the middle like you story wise, but gameplay, graphics, performances, etc are TOP NOTCH!
@Husky_Family1 3 жыл бұрын
Ppl definitely like it more nowadays, u definitely see the occasional slander every now and then but recently I’ve been seeing nothing but positive things about it
@AnthonyMcNeil 3 жыл бұрын
You're seeing positive things because the KZbinrs have moved on to another topic they milk.
@Husky_Family1 3 жыл бұрын
@@AnthonyMcNeil honestly I was kinda talking about Twitter more then KZbin but I get what u saying
@AnthonyMcNeil 3 жыл бұрын
@@Husky_Family1 Yeah, Twitter was so bad...but I mean Twitter is bad in general so that's not shocking.
@asiagov6996 3 жыл бұрын
ND did what I feared and that's relegate Joel to fan service flashbacks
@Luis-by7li 3 жыл бұрын
How is that fan service.. it’s crucial to the story
@kole9158 3 жыл бұрын
I politely disagree, It isnt fan service at all, fan service would have been to keep him alive, but i think we can all agree the pacing and back and fourth doesn't work well - overall still a great game just the chapters should have been in chronological order and abbys section should have been first
@Luis-by7li 3 жыл бұрын
@@kole9158 I agree with how the game is long. The pacing is exhausting.
@Hunterese123 3 жыл бұрын
@@kole9158 If we played Abby first, would you still wanna kill her as Ellie realizing Joel killed her father? The point was for us to hate Abby first and then build empathy.
@kole9158 3 жыл бұрын
@@Hunterese123 i think you're missing my point, the pacing is poor overall and the same story could have been told much better, which is thr general concensus whether you like the game.or not (which I did very much) that is my point - regardless what developers intentions were with their story structute, it still could have been much better, the narrative isnt bad the pacing and structure is
@Tkrds 3 жыл бұрын
im going back to ot once backlog is cleared
@BublySofaPotato 3 жыл бұрын
Love this game.
@Gabey 3 жыл бұрын
I didn't enjoy the story at all, went through to the end and the ending just feels so unrewarding. It's a game thats just eh to me, I respect it because of all the hard work you can tell the artists did with the visuals and gameplay but then in the story department it wasn't for me at all. If they make a TLOU 3 can't see myself playing it & I hope the story just ends here.
@VannywiththeFanny 3 жыл бұрын
Nah. Killing abby at the end would be unrewarding. How tf would you still kill her?
@Infamous_King_04 3 жыл бұрын
@@VannywiththeFanny Dude when she decided not to kill Abby I literally closed app. To me, that literally would’ve won them a vote for goty
@christopheryanez 3 жыл бұрын
Agreed, the only respect I have for the game is pretty much directed towards some voice actors/actresses and how the devs worked their asses off in what most consider to be crazy crunch times under game director Neil Druckmann. Sucks because they worked so hard to develop TLOU2 only for it to be associated with Neil’s disappointing and personally an eye rolling story that just messed up a fan base.
@VannywiththeFanny 3 жыл бұрын
@@christopheryanez that "crunch" is called overtime. One day youll find out what this is.
@christopheryanez 3 жыл бұрын
@@VannywiththeFanny lmao you do realize that a significant chunk of Naughty Dog devs left because of the awful crunch times and other depressing reasons related to working for Neil Druckman right? I’m very aware that all studios have their devs go through crunch time but Naughty Dog has been in the spotlight for having dog shit crunch times compared to other studios. Try again lol
@anthony3476 3 жыл бұрын
God damn I thought they would’ve given us some news about factions on the anniversary of the game lol.
@tranvinhnhat1289 3 жыл бұрын
I’m still love the game.
@treyoneandonly 3 жыл бұрын
Man I still love this game 👌
@cadencordell9717 3 жыл бұрын
I started to play through this game for the second time a couple weeks ago but I couldn't do it, shit is too mentally exhausting
@godsson7779 3 жыл бұрын
I loved it to begin with but I believe I gave it an 8 . I replayed it again maybe a few months ago, and it definitely went up a 10 out of 10 for me it is a masterpiece!! And as much as I love joel, in this game he got what he deserved.
@doomslayer1210 3 жыл бұрын
Masterpiece your on something 6 out of 10 at best.
@alexanderjay4892 3 жыл бұрын
The game is a 7. If they had cut out the last 5 or so hours this game would be an 8 for me. Also I hated Abbies group, Mel the most. It feels like she's just there to add unnecessary drama to the story. Seriously why would Ellie care if she killed a pregnant woman to the point that she almost throws up? She's killed a ton of people and I guarantee you at least 1 of them was pregnant. It felt cheap.
@walkdeep 3 жыл бұрын
Lol, yea. U kill thousands of people, and now you feel remorseful? Lmao. Hard 2 believe. But that's all modern games
@smoker5989 3 жыл бұрын
Mel was a shit character and they only use her pregnancy to make you care about her instead of writing her better
@christopheryanez 3 жыл бұрын
1 year later and the game, mostly the story, is still one of the biggest jokes of 2020 lmao
@gazda9272 3 жыл бұрын
Cyberpunk 2077:"Am I Not A Joke To you???"
@christopheryanez 3 жыл бұрын
@@gazda9272 oh yeah that’s another joke, that’s why I said TLOU2 is *one of* the biggest jokes of 2020 and Cyberpunk is definitely on TLOU2 level lol
@gazda9272 3 жыл бұрын
@@christopheryanez I'm starting to think 2077 is there for a reason :D
@Soft_PandaPlush 3 жыл бұрын
My opinions have not changed at all🤣🤣🤣🤣. Like the way they tried to force you to like abby, then make Elie seem like a cold heartless person who just wants revenge, like it's not fair how this new character is getting all the love while the character we've been with off the jump get treated so poorly. Then they just kill in the game just to give you that shock factor, while in the first game it meant something, it actually hurted how that person went out in the first game, in this one, for example jessie, ok keep it goin for the whole rest of the game, we only mention him one more time and that's it, or with Manny( that's what he gets for spitting on my mans) how he just got freakin sniped and we never hear him talked about again, IM LIKE WHAT?!? This story is just not it dude, the characters feel weird, the story is literally revenge the video game, like it could have done so much more with it, instead of just saying revenge, revenge, revenge. If they drop the factions, MAYBE I'll buy it, but until then, I wont touch the game rn. Love your vids man, keep up the good work my brotha❤❤❤❤
@darthmaal_2562 3 жыл бұрын
My opinion on this game hasn't changed I loved the game play but the story was lack luster and last 15 hours of the game I never played a story game that I just wanted it to end until last of us 2
@quingreen9720 3 жыл бұрын
Best golf game everrrrrr!!!
@Zeegoku1007 3 жыл бұрын
@smoker5989 3 жыл бұрын
@@Zeegoku1007 are you mad?
@AZITHEMLGPRO 3 жыл бұрын
No mention of the next generation station 5 update?
@ThatRazzy 3 жыл бұрын
You're supposed to hate Abby at the start to get behind Ellie's story, which is why it couldn't start with Abby's dad's death. I think the way they structured the story wasn't bad, the main problem is the pacing. It's just too long.
@VannywiththeFanny 3 жыл бұрын
@NinjaFlip11 3 жыл бұрын
There would have been outrage still. They took an amazing game with beloved characters and dumped it into a funky direction.
@doomslayer1210 3 жыл бұрын
You mean shitty direction
@michaelcooper12 3 жыл бұрын
If there wasn't a leak, the reactions would've been worse
@ddp5406 3 жыл бұрын
If they let the player sympathize with Abby from the beginning it wouldn't of worked the same...u aren't supposed to sympathize with her and u are supposed to hate her in the 1st half of playing with her There is no other game i have ever played where i despised the character i was playing to only warm up to them throughout gameplay...i know it didn't work for everyone, but i honestly believe thats a them problem more than a story beat problem
@SteelSpurs 3 жыл бұрын
That makes no sense. If a player isn't invested with that its telling us, that's the game's fault.
@ddp5406 3 жыл бұрын
@@SteelSpurs but players were invested in the game because it was peoples goty last year. It not only won the most media voted awards of all time, but fan voted awards too...if u erase all the huge anti sjw hate and backlash this game and studio recieved after the disingenuous leak notes and out of context gameplay leaks before anybody even played the game themselves, the backlash would not be as large or loud. I mean Check this out👇 _Wow! Despite a shorter voting period than last year, voter turnout in this year’s Game of the Year polls shattered previous records, COMING IN AT OVER 2.5 MILLION TOTAL VOTES across all categories. Thank you! PS BLOG READERS DECLARED NAUGHTY DOG’S long-awaited follow-up The Last of Us Part II THE CLEAR CHAMPION THIS YEAR, taking home nine total Trophies, inclu3ding 2020's GOTY_ This poll required users to have a psn in order to vote unlike the game awards website where anybody could easily vote multiple times...tlou2 was winning that vote over ghost too until Neil Druckmann stupidly decided to tweet out a message to all his haters and then the website crashed as all the haters who weren't paying attention (because they arent even gamers) flooded to the site to vote for ghost (u can still find the reddit, and 4chan forums gathering up support to vote similarly to the organized metacritic review bombing)..tlou2 STILL finished 2nd by far over great games like Hades, Doom, and animal crossing Hard to say people weren't invested when it also has the highest completion % of any other playstation 4 game at over 60%+ Proof is in the pudding, not on youtube comments and twitter pages where its all echo chambers of a small portion of the population...herd mentality
@SteelSpurs 3 жыл бұрын
@@ddp5406 I don’t see how a PS centered poll means anything. It works both ways, the same type of people going out to review bomb Last of Us are the same type of people to give it a vote for GOTY out of spite, and that’s not good. And if we’re being honest, completion rate has nothing to do with if people enjoyed the story. It’s not herd mentality, we just didn’t like it that much.
@ddp5406 3 жыл бұрын
@@SteelSpurs because it was going up against other great playstation goty caliber titles in Ghost of Tsushima and FF7 dominated the large player voted only poll when there was no outside funny business There is a herd mentality...anybody that gave tlou2 a good review got ratioed and murdered in the comment sections...u dont think that influences the influencers? And then months later we saw the same exact thing happen in reverse with cyberpunk Anybody who gave cyberpunk a critical review got ratioed...the only difference was cyberpunk was actually trash where the devs literally hid the console version of the game and told reviewers they couldn't even use their own captured footage in their review to hide how broke it was lol the internet defended them...herd mentality, we see it with everything in these echo chambers bud
@SteelSpurs 3 жыл бұрын
@@ddp5406 It dominated the poll because it’s just PlayStation players with nothing else to play or care about. Out of all the games released in 2020, what else could’ve possibly (*cough* Persona 5 Royal *cough*) won? If you wanna talk herd mentality, there’s your herd right there. It works both ways.
@simonholm898 3 жыл бұрын
Its stil one of my favourite games of all time. i see the problems that it has, i just dont Care this is a 10/10 for me
@7_philk 3 жыл бұрын
Abby and the whole WLF wasn’t a bad character I liked her - killing Joel but she did start to change later on in her story I liked it tbh .
@wr_racing6203 3 жыл бұрын
Nah the game is a masterpiece, the rollercoaster of feelings was amazing.
@blackcobra1981 3 жыл бұрын
Joel's death should be saving Abby and her friends..... Abby and her friends have a different opinion about Joel after his death..... Ellie (who wasn't there) still assumes that Abby and her friends killed Joel.... Ellie kills all of Abby's friends then realized they didn't kill Joel.... Sets up Abby revenge on Ellie towards the end.... (She doesn't know who Ellie is) Both stop each other from killing one another over a miss understanding......
@Hunterese123 3 жыл бұрын
So Joel dies by infected?
@blackcobra1981 3 жыл бұрын
@@Hunterese123 I just make stuff up lol.... They came to kill him buy he risk his life saving them... Changing their view of him....
@Sticks_of_Truth 3 жыл бұрын
Factions... Just wait a few weeks. They're turning Factions into its own game.
@Blag_Cog 3 жыл бұрын
I think your idea for how the game should have started is bad because it removes half of the tension in the game.
@staceyweeden5839 3 жыл бұрын
I actually liked 2 more than 1. It's an apples to orange comparison, but 2 blew me away
@matin793 3 жыл бұрын
@likewow111 3 жыл бұрын
It’s funny how u made this video now Bcs I just played it for 2nd time recently . And honestly the way it was executed was not perfect but I like the game . It’s draining 100% but the Abby sections I still feel the same way which is that it’s to long Bcs I hate this character but I love Lora Bailey. But my biggest gripe is Joel man… he was a freaking bad ass in the first game and that’s why I played the 1st game 10x and I just wish they gave us more of him Bcs none of us were ready to let him go. but this is one Idk if I’ll go for a 3rd run
@GodWarsX 3 жыл бұрын
I continually go back to this joint for that gameplay. I love the combat. But the story? Nope
@smilez1680 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah it definitely should've started with Abby finding her dad. Still a great game imo
@VannywiththeFanny 3 жыл бұрын
Why? So it can take away from the revenge quest? You want us to not agree while playing as Ellie?
@sterz9733 3 жыл бұрын
Loved it then love it now
@mariohiph 3 жыл бұрын
I wouldn’t mind a 3rd game in the world of The Last of Us. Maybe introducing a whole new character or even just going back to the events with Joel leading up to TLOU 1.
@animebro14 3 жыл бұрын
Calling Abby a character is a stretch, because she's so poorly written, but here's what we know about her: Is sadistic: * Enjoys torturing Joel. * Wishes she had more time for torture, while walking past people being tortured. * Owen sex scene (less said about that the better). Disloyal: * Assigned to lead important attack against her group's enemies. Ignores assignment. * Kills her own comrades. * Sleeps with friend's boyfriend. Thoughtless: * Decides to find Joel by herself, because the rest of her group thinks it's impossible. Leaves without gear, supplies, or a plan. * Takes one-armed girl to an island where everyone wants to kill her. * Is surprised when Ellie shows up, despite the fact Ellie was literally screaming, "I WILL KILL YOU" while she was killing Joel. Self-centered: * Takes advantage of drunk ex-boyfriend, whom she apparently doesn't give a shit about, then blames him. * Acts surprised about the attack on Scar Island, even though she had been assigned to lead it. * Is pissed Ellie came after her, because, "We let you live". Even though Joel literally saved her life, immediately before she killed him. Lucky: * Doesn't get shot by Ellie, even though Ellie has a clear shot, with a weapon in both hands, at a distance of about ten or fifteen feet. * Survives attack by horde, after random guy saves her. Random guy coincidentally turns out to be guy she's looking for. * Gets handed map to killer's location, when she finds friends' bodies. Inconsistent: * "#1 Scar Killer" on day 1. #1 WLF killer on day 3. * Day 2: "If there are Fireflies in Santa Barbara, I'd go the other way." Day 3: Sails off to find Fireflies in Santa Barbara. * Goes on suicidally dangerous mission to save Yara. Doesn't bother to tell Owen and Mel that someone's trying to kill them. There are a lot of things to dislike about the "Abby" character. That she's the only person in the game who has access to steroids is stupid and distracting. But it's pretty minor..
@andrewstokes6623 3 жыл бұрын
Look, with a game like this, I'll go over the positives first. This game was a lot of fun, the stealth sections were fun, the game's combat is great and in all honesty, I took great enjoyment playing it, I did and I'm not ashamed to say that, also this game has beautiful graphics, brilliant voice acting and the atmosphere is top tier. Now, things that kinda annoyed me are the pacing, it is kinda all over the place with that and it can get a little irritating, also to go from Ellie who always carried a knife on her to kill clickers to Abby who had to craft shivs like the first game was a little jarring to be blunt. Now for things that truly pissed me off, the plot had so much potential as a follow up to the first game but I cannot say I got truly invested with all the characters like the original, my favourite characters are Ellie, Tommy, Jesse, Dina and Owen, but the thing that aggravated me was the potential for our characters to be dragged into a civil war over Seattle. I didn't mind Issac but the guy is built up a lot and doesn't do anything in the game, Manny is just a nothing character, the less said about Mel the better and lets get to the most bullshit character of all, Abby, I didn't mind the concept, someone wanting revenge for what Joel did at the end of the first game? Sounds like a great idea, but to screw it up the way they did with Abby who does nothing then just takes a golf club to Joel and beats him with it?! I don't mind if Joel died in this game, that isn't the issue but how he died still annoys me. Also Abby herself isn't a good character at all, she's boring, she's bland and her decisions in this story make 0 sense, like how she goes from a scar/serraphite killer to befriending 2 of them near the end, also she's just a cunt. Look, that last bit might've been just ranting, but the game is still pretty fun for me, the plot is a little bit daft but I can look past that to see a fun game that has flaws, but is still a great game, just not on the degree of its insanely popular predecessor.
@carlcameron3524 3 жыл бұрын
I absolutely loved this game💯💯
@doomslayer1210 3 жыл бұрын
6/10 average
@brianmannion7097 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah that kind of sums it for as far as the story of the game goes. The pacing and structure in how they told the story was mentally draining which made the execution of the story been told very poor in my opinion. How are going to make someone play as a character for over 10 hours that you just seen brutally murder one of the most beloved characters in a video game? Its a video game not a movie. You have to enjoy who you have to control yourself on screen.
@Hunterese123 3 жыл бұрын
Thats what they wanted, Halley Gross even said in an interview that's more interesting than the typical revenge story. Have you play as the quote "Villain", now if it worked or not depends on the person.
@brianmannion7097 3 жыл бұрын
@@Hunterese123 Listen I can't just say people's opinions are wrong but I'll never understand how it could 'work'. I don't understand how you could enjoy playing as this new characters and literally having forced moments in the game to try and get you to like Abby such as the dog situation and having Ellie kill it. Its a cheap contrived plot device to artificially prop up Abby's character. Abby wasn't a terrible character but she was far from great. No chemistry between her and her people to be honest and has almost no redeeming qualities. Joel killed (doctors) to survive. To save Ellie, the last thing he cares about. It was a selfish but also selfless thing to do and a human one. Abby killed Joel brutally even after he just saved her life and she enjoyed it. This isn't about Joel 'literally dooming humanity' as some people use as an argument which is fair. They see it differently bur most others see the characters from the humanity side of things, not the grand scheme of things. Joel never said he was a good person, only a survivor. Abby never had second thoughts about her actions. Ultimately I don't look at it from an entirely rational point of view. I look at it from a realistic perspective of how you would act in an apocalyse but considering that there is a person playing the damn game. Next time restructure the story and its an 8/10 overall. Gameplay is a 9/10. A little repetitive due to the story pacing especially Ellie's second half of her part in the first part of the game.
@tonyfabiano3053 3 жыл бұрын
If you saw Abby at the beginning of the game lose her dad you may not have been as fueled with rage to hunt her down as Ellie. The point of the game was can Naughty Dog make player's end up liking and/or forgive someone they hated. We had to go on that journey with Ellie. If we knew upfront that makes it too easy for the player to seallow the pill of Joel's death.
@Ldenlord 3 жыл бұрын
people play for fiction , they always want to bring real life consequences SMH
@thegman9663 3 жыл бұрын
I feel like a lot of people would be fine with this game being long if it had TLOU1 quality story. Nobody really wants a short game, and then you’re just sitting there getting no more play time out of you’re fav game. If the story amazing like god tier I would play even 100hr long story. Not rushing through it ofc
@bigboychris446 3 жыл бұрын
No my opinion hasn’t changed. The gameplay is still great but the gameplay still revolves around the story that absolutely sucks and so by extension the game is still not great. I would still rate it a solid 5/10❤️ Edit: also this game is so long for no reason
@geronimo1595 3 жыл бұрын
This game at heart continues and expands on the exact themes of the first. When I hear this take I assume you missed the point of the first game.
@burntgravyfriday1566 3 жыл бұрын
I’m going to agree with all you said. It’s a good game with the story flow designed poorly. Every switch or flashback took me more out of the game. Which is a shame. I do wonder, if I didn’t have TLOF part 1 to compare it to if I’d feel different though?
@arctic_phoenix9936 3 жыл бұрын
TLOU 2 not having multiplayer is such a fucking shame and still makes me mad. Because I know I would have been on that shit as much I was on TLOU1 multiplayer.
@thehunter7422 3 жыл бұрын
How was the 60fps sexy greatness for Last of Us 2? Heard it was smooth as butter and haven't got to replaying it yet . Soon I will . Until I get some games finished but as well setting up the harddrive I'll be using for transfered PS5 games and PS4 games that have 60fps versions like day's gone , God of war etc . 2 harddrives that are 4tb each . Got lots of space to use lol Edit : the other 4tb hardrive is for PS4 Pro 😁 just random PS4 games that don't got full upgrades
@Pandaman314 3 жыл бұрын
SPOILERS Bruh all they had to do was let us kill abby and give us that satisfying ending and it would have been SO much better IMO
@OKBZERO 3 жыл бұрын
This video would've made more sense if you replayed it again before making this video
@BryanXperience 3 жыл бұрын
The game is good. The only thing that really pisses me off is the fact that this could’ve been a great game. And would’ve got so much praise and fans would’ve demanded a TLOU3 but they fucked it up, personally why I didn’t buy it
@epcarter6 3 жыл бұрын
Personally I really enjoyed the game, I do agree that the constant flashbacks threw off the pacing a little. As far as playing as Abby I think it took people out of their comfort zone. How often in a game do you get to play from the “antagonist” perspective? It was supposed to elicit an emotion they knew what it would do to people. Great gaming experience for me, I love thoughtful narratives in games that I can immerse myself in.
@lakimball 3 жыл бұрын
@sacoto98 3 жыл бұрын
Gameplay was very good. Narrative still under delivers for me. They bent characters and plot lines in ways that made no sense just for pure shock value trying to make a generic story feel somewhat excentric.
@chrisrook21 3 жыл бұрын
I think a part 3 would about Ellie's redemption, similar to how part 2 became Abbys redemption
@VannywiththeFanny 3 жыл бұрын
@maoaadriao 3 жыл бұрын
It became my favourite game ever, only game that actually gave me a headache and made me lose sleep, so it had to do something right and like you said it was a draining game, that was one of the biggest reasons why i liked it so much, never have i played a game and felt tired, like actually fucking TIRED, i pretty much felt like the characters, for me that is peak immersion! I hate hypocrites, its pretty ironic that this game is almost all about characters that are hypocrites and it became my favourite game ever, the only thing i agree with the negative critiques is the pacing but by changing the order of things, the meaning of things and themes of the story would also change, if you liked Abby first, then the game wouldnt be about hate and trying to get rid of that hate, Naughty Dog are pretty much inviting you to go on the same journey as Abby, like she did with the Seraphites.
@TheMarine316 3 жыл бұрын
ND wanted the audience to hate Abby right from the start so if you started off as Abby finding Joel’s carnage that wouldn’t work, Joel isn’t a superhero, so he didn’t deserve any special way to go out, he went out like all the people he took out with fury and brutality, I loved all the flashbacks it didn’t hurt the pacing to me, if anything it made the pacing better, still a10 after many, many, many play-throughs later for me.
@highimdamon7101 3 жыл бұрын
I don’t want a last of us 3 simply because a last of us game without Joel just isn’t last of us anymore
@illbetheone779 3 жыл бұрын
Saved myself $60 and watched KZbinrs play. It is very encouraging on how good the gameplay is and what that means for the future. It bothered me how Ellie killed a pregnant woman Mel or tortures Nora. Both times she is affected for short time but still wants to kill Abby. When Joel dies does Abby find peace? Dina is spared only when Lev speaks up so did Abby forgive?
@Kuzan919 3 жыл бұрын
Naughty dog isn't making you like abby. Even if you hate abbys guts you get to see her go through some terrible shit when you play as her. W for both sides
@SteelSpurs 3 жыл бұрын
See the issue with that is not everyone is gonna buy her side or want to understand her side, especially since her side isn’t exactly the strongest story-wise.
@Kuzan919 3 жыл бұрын
@@SteelSpurs I disagree with her side being weak in terms of justification for killing Joel.
@SteelSpurs 3 жыл бұрын
@@Kuzan919 I mean like character wise mainly. None of them are memorable in anyway. Aside from those, her side is the one I had the most fun with.
@thorthewolf8801 Жыл бұрын
​@@Kuzan919 You can disagree all you want, but they were going to kill a little girl without her consent. Their justification for revenge IS weak.
@TheCriminal-mb7lu 3 жыл бұрын
A year later still the most disappointing game I’ve played imo
@TheGamer2323 3 жыл бұрын
I can name 3 games off the top of the DOME I was more let down with than this game. Destiny, Kingdom hearts 3, Anthem
@TheCriminal-mb7lu 3 жыл бұрын
@@TheGamer2323 yeah those games were disappointing but man it might be my own fault cause i was like super hyped for tlou 2
@AnthonyMcNeil 3 жыл бұрын
@@TheGamer2323 Y'all Kingdom Hearts fans were loyal as fuck...waited that long for that trash...😔😔😔
@gazda9272 3 жыл бұрын
Cyberpunk 2077:"Am I a Joke To You?"
@arsenaleli2814 3 жыл бұрын
Played half of the game and uninstalled that shit 😭I was like hell nah this ain’t it cuz
@jtiller1223 3 жыл бұрын
I wonder how it would of been viewed with abby being dlc. Let everyone get their revenge and cope with the Joel decision. Expand on the know characters. Then add abby and her story as dlc. I think that would of went alot better. I enjoyed the game and will definitely play 3. But I can see how people think it was too much. If you think its trash though, theres zero reasons to talk about it.
@All4Randomness1 3 жыл бұрын
I think they were going for the draining thing. It's not a game you're supposed to return to for light fun, it stands and fails on the terms of art.
@zamo1087 3 жыл бұрын
Tommy was the best character in that game👌
@TheGamer2323 3 жыл бұрын
@zamo1087 3 жыл бұрын
@@TheGamer2323 greatness recognises greatness
@avgnfandon2 3 жыл бұрын
Tommy definitely pulled up with Black Air Force 1s energy and was with the shits for his brother. 🤝
@zamo1087 3 жыл бұрын
@@avgnfandon2 bro when that man was chasing Manny and Abby ... GOATED CHARACTER
@dvd123abel 3 жыл бұрын
@bobbyshewan4229 3 жыл бұрын
I’m expecting people to fight over whether this game is a disaster or a masterpiece while I just sit here, with the same opinion I had last time. Fun, flawed, kind of emotionally draining to play through, but still a solid experience imo
@VannywiththeFanny 3 жыл бұрын
Shoudnt it be emotionally draining?
@bobbyshewan4229 3 жыл бұрын
@@VannywiththeFanny I mean yeah, but it’s definitely something that’s affected its replayability for me. It’s hard to go back to
@VannywiththeFanny 3 жыл бұрын
@@bobbyshewan4229 it is a tough journey.
@elrifle24 3 жыл бұрын
you have to be a homosexual
@LaylaBvOfficial 3 жыл бұрын
I dont fight. The second one was trash and thats all there is to it. No one will change my opinion and if you loved the first one then Im sure you and others will agree
@trustmak5332 3 жыл бұрын
Yea, that's why I can't play it. With the way my mind works, no matter how good the gameplay is, I will not be able to enjoy myself if the story doesn't grab me.
@reduXstereo 3 жыл бұрын
Same. I can go back to fighting games or shooters because most times the story isn't the main focus. In TLOU2... story was the main focus because it took up a majority of the game. It's like going back to watch a directors cut for a movie I already seen and thought was bad.
@trustmak5332 3 жыл бұрын
@@reduXstereo Exactly
@KennyJordana 3 жыл бұрын
Man, the game was dope and I can't wait for the multiplayer🤙🏿🤘🏿🤟🏿✊🏿
@everettenjeze6276 3 жыл бұрын
Neil druckman said that he never wanted Joel to have a heroes death and I’m glad he didn’t. Joel does not deserve a heroes death. This sequel is not meant to service fans but just tell a story about how shit happens and how brutal the world is which I personally love. Cruel and beautiful story if you ask me. And factions 2 is coming no worries sucka. It’s gonna be huge.
@pearlsoprano287 3 жыл бұрын
I love how people say “but joe would never tell anyone his name!” Like to say ppl dont have slip ups throughout 5-10 years? It was a high tense situation and people acting like Joel would be on point 24/7? K.
@emiliomorales8507 3 жыл бұрын
Still feel the same, loved the gameplay, but thought that the story was a bit of a misfire in certain areas. I do however want to add this. Over time, I watched videos on KZbin of people sharing their opinions on how certain scenes and characters can be interpreted, and it does bring more of discussion to the table about what happened in the game. I recommend checking out analysis videos for everyone because it keeps a conversations going (not to change anyone's mind about tlou2, but more so to see other perspectives and look at the game through a different lens)
@AnthonyMcNeil 3 жыл бұрын
One of the best videos I've seen was from Zed Nathan. When he talked about Abby's dreams it really got me more on Abby's side. To know that she's been haunted with nightmares of her dad's murder for years. It's hurt her relationships and all that was on her mind was killing Joel, she didn't care about anything else. It was a great because when we first see Abby she wakes up from that nightmare and we never realize until we play as her. If people don't like the game, that's fine but there's some great videos about the game that truly does add alot to the discussion and the characters.
@geronimo1595 3 жыл бұрын
Most of the major complaints even in this video revolve around Joel and Abby. Playing it again and seeing how Abby’s story mirrors Joel’s from the first and Elie’s arc in pursuing vengeance for Joel, shows he’s still a major part of the game, people just wanted the game to be on their terms.
@jgone4856 3 жыл бұрын
@@AnthonyMcNeil I have issues with the game and how they want about achieving certain things. Something about the characters I disliked, specifically from Abby and her crew, was how there seemed to be no remorse, reflection, or internal conflict about the choices made by Abby's father and the fireflies. I'm referring to their willingness to murder Ellie for a cure without consent. It is never addressed that this was a clearly wrong thing to do and led to the death of Abby's father. I just bothers me that it was never even brought up at all.
@imthegoat1167 3 жыл бұрын
Say what you want about the story, that gameplay is stellar and unmatched to this day
@Gattaii 3 жыл бұрын
uhm no the gameplay is super outdated and 2nd worst thing about this game
@giorgiocartier9012 3 жыл бұрын
@@Gattaii How it's outdated
@ClassicKrusty 3 жыл бұрын
@@Gattaii go play Gears where u get locked in a run animation, can’t backpeddle or dodge AND can’t swap shoulders while aiming
@TheGamer2323 3 жыл бұрын
all facts no fiction
@IMANTGAMES 3 жыл бұрын
Gattaii you smokin crack
@itachi93674 3 жыл бұрын
I had no interest in this trash last year and I still have no interest in it. Final Fantasy 7 remake on the other hand I'm starting my 2nd playthrough on PS5
@ivansolares8919 3 жыл бұрын
I played it a month ago Still think it was badly executed
@marcoco_ 3 жыл бұрын
Play it again
@kingmedjai9433 3 жыл бұрын
@@marcoco_ respect
@goalscoringgoon98 3 жыл бұрын
4:40 Seems like Jeremy is one of the people that think naughty dog’s goal was to get you to like Abby 🐸☕️ In defense of naughty dog whether you liked what happened or not. Their goal was to cause a moral confliction. They wasn’t “expecing” ANYONE to “Like” Abby. That decision was up to y’all and the majority of the people just so happen to not 🤷🏾‍♂️ While i’m not one to disagree with people who didn’t like the pacing and story to the last of us 2 cuz it’s completely objective I still think the fair thing to do is to not misunderstand their intentions And for the love of god why does everyone want Joel to go out like a cliche cowboy? Naughty dog did something I didn’t think a developer was capable of doing and that’s killing off an essential character in a grounded/realistic way. And while it sucked that it happened like that…. That feeling of sadness and anger was the point. Never thought The Last Of Us universe was about Joel and Ellie. They just so happen to be the story of two characters we followed
@practiceyourart 3 жыл бұрын
They 100% did want you to care for Abbey though. That's why her segments of the game are much better, all but 1 set piece / big segments all happen during playthrough instead of Ellie's (inluding bosses). And if that wasn't cheap enough, listen to the OST. The new Winter Soldier type of OST plays through Ellie's part of the story, and more of the OG OST is done during Abbey's gameplay timeline.
Another L for Naughty Dog 😒 TLOU Factions is in SERIOUS TROUBLE
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