6:27 لكني اقول لكم ايها السامعون احبوا اعداءكم. احسنوا الى مبغضيكم. 6:28 باركوا لاعنيكم. وصلّوا لاجل الذين يسيئون اليكم. 6:29 من ضربك على خدك فاعرض له الآخر ايضا. ومن اخذ رداءك فلا تمنعه ثوبك ايضا. 6:30 وكل من سألك فاعطه. ومن اخذ الذي لك فلا تطالبه. 6:31 وكما تريدون ان يفعل الناس بكم افعلوا انتم ايضا بهم هكذا. 6:32 وان احببتم الذين يحبونكم فاي فضل لكم. فان الخطاة ايضا يحبون الذين يحبونهم. 6:33 واذا احسنتم الى الذين يحسنون اليكم فاي فضل لكم. فان الخطاة ايضا يفعلون هكذا. 6:34 وان اقرضتم الذين ترجون ان تستردوا منهم فاي فضل لكم. فان الخطاة ايضا يقرضون الخطاة لكي يستردوا منهم المثل. 6:35 بل احبوا اعداءكم واحسنوا واقرضوا وانتم لا ترجون شيئا فيكون اجركم عظيما وتكونوا بني العلي فانه منعم على غير الشاكرين والاشرار. 6:36 فكونوا رحماء كما ان اباكم ايضا رحيم. 6:37 ولا تدينوا فلا تدانوا. لا تقضوا على احد فلا يقضى عليكم. اغفروا يغفر لكم. 6:38 اعطوا تعطوا. كيلا جيدا ملبدا مهزوزا فائضا يعطون في احضانكم. لانه بنفس الكيل الذي به تكيلون يكال لكم. 6:39 وضرب لهم مثلا. هل يقدر اعمى ان يقود اعمى. أما يسقط الاثنان في حفرة. 6:40 ليس التلميذ افضل من معلمه. بل كل من صار كاملا يكون مثل معلمه. 6:41 لماذا تنظر القذى الذي في عين اخيك. واما الخشبة التي في عينك فلا تفطن لها. 6:42 او كيف تقدر ان تقول لاخيك يا اخي دعني اخرج القذى الذي في عينك. وانت لا تنظر الخشبة التي في عينك. يا مرائي اخرج اولا الخشبة من عينك وحينئذ تبصر جيدا ان تخرج القذى الذي في عين اخيك. 6:43 لانه ما من شجرة جيدة تثمر ثمرا رديّا. ولا شجرة ردية تثمر ثمرا جيدا. 6:44 لان كل شجرة تعرف من ثمرها. فانهم لا يجتنون من الشوك تينا ولا يقطفون من العليق عنبا. 6:45 الانسان الصالح من كنز قلبه الصالح يخرج الصلاح. والانسان الشرير من كنز قلبه الشرير يخرج الشر. فانه من فضلة القلب يتكلم فمه. 6:46 ولماذا تدعونني يا رب يا رب وانتم لا تفعلون ما اقوله. 6:47 كل من يأتي اليّ ويسمع كلامي ويعمل به اريكم من يشبه. 6:48 يشبه انسانا بنى بيتا وحفر وعمّق ووضع الاساس على الصخر. فلما حدث سيل صدم النهر ذلك البيت فلم يقدر ان يزعزعه لانه كان مؤسسا على الصخر. 6:49 واما الذي يسمع ولا يعمل فيشبه انسانا بنى بيته على الارض من دون اساس. فصدمه النهر فسقط حالا وكان خراب ذلك البيت عظيما
@zahrapelu9426 жыл бұрын
I wish I could understand what is he saying the whole video
He is one of the best islamic scholar of 20th century.
@Gigi-gj9ml6 жыл бұрын
no translattion??
@chikwc4 жыл бұрын
kzbin.info/www/bejne/ipiYoKZrd7R4aqc 👆English version
@adhikrhusna9602 жыл бұрын
2: 166. *When those who have been followed are freed from those who have been following, and they would see the punishment, and all their relations between them would be cut off.* 167. *And those who have been following will say: “Indeed, if we had a chance, then we would free ourselves from among them just like they have freed themselves from us”! Thus, Lord Allah will show them their deeds as a cause of sorrow upon them, and they will never come out of the Fire!* The scene of quarreling, blaming, accusing, arguing, and cursing between the hypocrites and their weakling followers in the Fire is warned in this verse. So for Arabic Quran reading Fujjar the read, heard, and touched verses will argue and witness against them and will push them into Hell. Today these wrongdoers are carrying the Book like the burden carrying donkeys as told in verse 62: 5. The following verses describe the scenarios of such Mujirims in the Hereafter: (1) Verse 4: 140 says: “Verily We have revealed upon you in the Book, if you hear verses of Lord being denied and mocked, then you don’t sit there with them until they involve in any other speech, (if you sit there) indeed, you are just like them; indeed, Lord Allah will gather the hypocrites and the disbelievers all together in the Hell”. (2) Verse 14: 21 says: “They all will be unveiled before the Lord on a Day. Then the weaklings will say to the arrogant leaders: ‘Indeed, we had been following you, are you able to avert us from the punishment of Allah?’ They will reply: ‘If Allah had guided us, verily we would have guided you; it is the same for us whether we quarrel or be patient, nobody is there to save us’”. (3) Verses 26: 91-102 say: “The hades will be placed for the aimless, and it will be asked to them: ‘Where are they that you were serving besides Lord Allah? Can they help you or can they help themselves?’ Then you stack them (followers), the aimless (leaders), and all gangs of the Iblis in Hades. They will say by quarreling with each other: ‘By the Lord, indeed we were in obvious astray while we adopted equals to the Lord of the worlds for you, and none led us astray except the Mujirims. Then none is there for us as intercessors, nor any friend who testify the Truth; then indeed if we have a chance, we would be among the believers”. (4) Verses 28: 62-64 say: “And on the Day, Lord Allah will call out to them and ask: ‘Where are My associates whom you had been claiming?’ Then those upon whom the charge is pronounced will say: ‘Our Lord, these are the ones whom we made aimless! We made them aimless just as we were aimless. We absolve ourselves into you, it was not us they have been serving’. It will be said to them: ‘You call your associates’, then they will call them; then they will not respond to them, and they will see the punishment if they had been guided”!. (5) Verses 33: 66-68 say: “On the Day when their faces will be twisted in the Fire, they will say: ‘Woe to us! If we had only obeyed the Lord and obeyed the Messenger’; and will say: ‘Our Lord! Indeed we obeyed our chiefs and our arrogant leaders, then they led us astray from the Straightpath; our Lord! You give them a double punishment and curse them with a very great curse”. (6) Verses 34: 31-33 say: “And the disbelievers say: ‘We will never believe with this Reading nor with the One before It; and if you are seeing the condition of these wrongdoers made to stand before their Lord, they will throw one another with the words of blame. The weaklings will tell the arrogant ones: ‘If you were not there, we would have been believers’. The arrogant ones will tell the weaklings: ‘Did we obstruct you from the Guidance after It had reached you? Nay, you were the Mujirims’. The weaklings will say to the arrogant ones: ‘Nay, there was day-night plotting when you commanded us to disbelieve in the Lord and set up equals to Him. They will conceal their regret when they see the punishment, and We will put yokes upon the necks of these disbelievers. Will they be rewarded except for what they had been doing?” (7) Verses 37: 28-34 say: “The weaklings will say: ‘Indeed, it was you who used to come to us from the right side’. The arrogant ones will say: ‘Nay, you were not believers, we had not any authority upon you; nay, you had been such a rebellious people. Thus, Our Lord’s word has been applicable upon us, indeed we have to taste (the punishment). Thus we had made you aimless, indeed, we were aimless’. Then indeed, on that Day they will be associating in the punishment. Indeed, We will do so with the Mujirims”. (8) Verses 40: 47-50 say: “When they are quarreling in the Fire, the weaklings will tell the arrogant ones: ‘Indeed, we were following you, then are you able to reduce for us a portion from the Fire?’ The arrogant leaders will say: ‘Indeed, we, all are in it, indeed Lord Allah has judged among His servants’. And inmates of the Fire will ask the keepers of Hell (Angels): ‘You appeal to your Lord to lighten a day of the punishment from us’. Then keepers will ask: ‘Hadn’t the Messengers come to you with Explanations?’ Inmates will say: ‘Of course, they had’. Then the keepers will say: ‘Then you appeal, and the prayer of disbelievers increases nothing except astray”. (9) Verses 41: 26-29 say: “Those who are disbelievers will say: ‘You don’t hear this Reading (Adhikr), and you make noises therein so that you may succeed’. And We will make the disbelievers taste the severe punishment, and We will reward them for the worst deeds they have been doing. That will be the reward for the enemies of Lord, the Fire! For them will have an eternal house in it as a reward for they were repudiating with Our verses. And those who disbelieved will say: ‘Oh our Lord! You show us both the Jinns and humans who misled us so that we will crush both of them beneath our feet for we were the underdogs”. (10) Verses 43: 74-78 say: “Indeed, the Mujirims will remain in the punishment of Hell forever, it will not be eased for them and they will feel confounded in It. And We have not done any unjust to them, but they were unjust. They will call: ‘Oh Malik! May your Lord put an end to us’? Malik will reply: ‘Indeed, you should abide therein forever, verily We had come to you with the Truth, but most among you were hating the Truth’”. See explanation 2: 93; 6: 94 and 7: 38-40. *From Adhikr-the Best Interpretation of Lord's Book* www.straightpathonline.com
@pakistan80612 жыл бұрын
کیا قتل کرنا اور قتل ہونا بھی اللہ کی طرف سے اس کے نصیب میں لکھا ہوتا ہے؟؟؟