Oh, the endless number of facepalms... Sorry. I've been humbled. Thanks for sticking with me! We'll get there! Be kind, be strong and be AWESOME.
Пікірлер: 7
@Schmitty3004 күн бұрын
Well, I'll be darned. Learned something new today. Thanks to @libertarianredpilled5932, I learned that when you get hit by the red antifairies, you can regain your sword by drinking a potion. I went online and checked it out, and it also says that you can regain your sword by also: - Visiting a fairy fountain or - Getting the Triforce segment. Knowledge!!
@libertarianredpilled59324 күн бұрын
1:08 you can also blow the whistle and your sword comes back Misrememered. If you drink a potion it will come back
@Schmitty3004 күн бұрын
Whoa… seriously???
@libertarianredpilled59324 күн бұрын
@Schmitty300 nope! I misremembered! A potion will restore your sword, sorry!
@Schmitty3004 күн бұрын
@@libertarianredpilled5932 Well, I didn't know that either! 😂
@Schmitty3004 күн бұрын
@@libertarianredpilled5932 Potion, fairy fountain or by grabbing the Triforce segment, according to zeldadungeon.net 👍👍👍👍👍👍