The Lexi Show: Bishop Carlton Pearson "The Inclusion Conclusion" Part 2 clip 2

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Lexi interviews Bishop Carlton Pearson along side with Bishop George Bloomer, Bishop Van Gayton and Pastor Jamal Bryant. Bishop Pearson discusses his highly controversial theology of "The Gospel of Inclusion".

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@AUGUSTALLEN28 10 ай бұрын
"Something happened". Such true words.
@ChessArmyCommander 14 жыл бұрын
Lexi is not arrogant. She is simply a confident Woman. Thats a good thing.
@MichaelDScott144 11 ай бұрын
Lexi is a beautiful woman i know that much .
@brentduanefoster 15 жыл бұрын
That's why I asked if you were to receive a revelation from God, tried by scripture and everything, and you knew what it would cost you, would you, could you still run with it? It's easy to challenge other faiths, but it takes a great deal of boldness to challenge your own.
@christinaburnett1082 2 ай бұрын
Preach bloomer god bless
@BreenyLee 6 жыл бұрын
Our job as Christians is to *preach* not to save. That's God's job. Our job is to sow seeds, God's job is to bring increase. Lest we become proud.
@deliverednow 13 жыл бұрын
George Bloomer is deep. God will have mercy on who he WANTS to have mercy on. It's not our job to determine one's eternal resting place....but it's our job to preach the TRUTH...not the watered down gospel that Carlton is teaching. It is heresy.
@bowiehs 13 жыл бұрын
How can people that never hear the gospel be redeemed? The bible says to as many receive HIM, you have to receive Christ to be redeemed. Everyone is not saved, that is why we preach the gospel!
@danmarley2886 11 ай бұрын
It is required of stewards that a man be found faithful.
@brentduanefoster 15 жыл бұрын
I have this one question for any and all of Bishop's critics. If you found yourself in a position where God dropped some serious revelation in your lap, could you, knowing that it could and would cost you everything, still run with it, and proclaim it? Or would you instead just keep it to yourself for the sake of keeping up appearances, and not disrupting tradition? What would YOU do?
@sigmalady07 14 жыл бұрын
And Bishop Bloomer, no one could have said it better. There is something that happend. All we can do is pray that we all get it right with the Lord...
@antical79 15 жыл бұрын
The reason why the church fights against this so hard is because it is not truth. This isn't just about competing ideologies; the very souls of men and women are at stake here. Furthermore, let it be known that tradition in and of itself is NOT a bad thing. If we didn't have it, society itself would not exist, much less the church. Paul admonishes the Thessalonians to "stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle" (1 Thess. 2:15).
@brentduanefoster 15 жыл бұрын
You made a good point right there. "...we can't even master what we already know." With that being said, what would make one think that what we already know is all there is to know? I think about what Paul said in 1 Corinthians 2 when he talked about the "message of wisdom" among the mature saints. Which says to me that there's a deeper message that many of us are not ready for, and those that are, when they try to present it, are criticized, demonized, and excommunicated.
@christinaburnett1082 2 ай бұрын
God bless bishop Carlton pearson
@nbklte77 14 жыл бұрын
Thank you Bishop Bloomer, displayed the love of God and demonstrated the word of Galatians 6:1! God bless you man of God.
@TyrusBush 15 жыл бұрын
The Spoken Word of God in your life, will NEVER condradict the Written Word of God! You try the Word by the Word!
@jebeja 13 жыл бұрын
@theroyalpriest, "Still no scripture to support 'his' theology", that 's part of the major problem with ALL this, it's MAN'S MIXED UP theology. Too many hard headed and hearted folks who won't dare to shut their mouths, and search for God and Jesus on their own, but will listen to and believe any thing else that "sounds good to them". When I tell you these people are fulfilling the very scriptures that those who followed Jesus spoke about, it's amazing to see it come to pass.
@Uniqueblessings 15 жыл бұрын
Thats shows us right there that he is about self and NOT GOD!!!!
@jebeja 13 жыл бұрын
@TyrusBush, "The spoken Word of God in your life, will NEVER contradict the Written Word of God". Amen, Amen, and Amen.
@YolandaMarant 15 жыл бұрын
well said BISHOP BLOOMER!!! Well said...such wisdom! Love my Bishop!
@sladariusc 14 жыл бұрын
Bloomer brought tears to my eyes! So true, so true.
@brentduanefoster 15 жыл бұрын
Yes, it was deeper insight, but it was much to the disliking of the Pharisees, who deemed what Jesus was teaching, as undermining their authority and doctrine. Remember now, Jesus himself, was a Jew (that is, according to his earthly family heritage). That's why they wanted him out of the picture. I say like this, "It wasn't 'sinners' that wanted Jesus dead, it was church folk."
@brentduanefoster 15 жыл бұрын
I agree with examining messages of wisdom. Even scripture says to "test the spirits" to see if they are of God. If something is wanting by the Church, that simply means that it is not satisfying the traditional thoughts, beliefs, and doctrine of the Church or any religion for that matter.
@jwalt8019 4 жыл бұрын
God bless you Bishop Pearson.
@ordelljones 13 жыл бұрын
I am in full agreement with Bishop Bloomer. He said what I was thinking when I heard about the "Gospel of Inclusion." What happen?
@jebeja 13 жыл бұрын
@brentduanefoster, The Bible says, to "test the spirit whether they be of God" 1 John 4:1 (para-phrasing here but read the whole verse for yourself) and I have not heard Carlton say that he put any of those "spirits" to the test, via the Word. satan can transform himself and lie just like the rest of us. I wish to God Almighty that something drastic happens to turn Carlton and his believers around before it's too late.
@brentduanefoster 15 жыл бұрын
@Weezy7137, He (Bishop) actually made mention of that in one of the part 1 clips. He understands now that we were never called to be saviors. That, of course, is God's job, and he did that through Christ. However, that seems to be the mentality of the church. That it's our job to "get the people saved", and it never was. Our job was to inform the world of what God through Christ did, and allow God to do the work from there.
@ETScott2012 14 жыл бұрын
Jamal Bryant is one of the most arrogant, self-centered individuals I have seen. He thinks he knows it all, which he doesn't. I commend and respect how Bishop Pearson handled himself and the comments made indirectly towards him by Bryant. People are too busy trying to judge others, and never take the time out to look in the mirror at themselves.
@brentduanefoster 15 жыл бұрын
(con't) To further add insight to the Ecclesiastes quote, whenever God reveals something, I do agree that it will fall in line with what is written, but it will fall in line, not necessarily word for word, but in the tradition of a certain event, or events, that took place in scripture, in other words, you will similarities in written. That hasn't changed. Paul had this problem with the Jews, that's why God sent him to the Gentiles. They were much more open to what he presented.
@simthiam3712 4 жыл бұрын
Jesus loves all, saves all, n He condemns no one, judges no one.
@annoitedone831 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you Bishop Bloomer! I agree!
@brentduanefoster 15 жыл бұрын
Yes, there are some traditions that are good. No argument there. However, there are some traditions that are damaging and have what I call, "One-sided Profitability", that means it's only good for those who establish and enforce the traditions, while those who are under it think it's serving them well, but it's only keeping them bound.
@sangnboy 13 жыл бұрын
Lexi....Talks FOR Carlton P. a lot in these videos... Her emotional connection to him is highly on display and she is breaking the MAIN RULES OF HAVING A SHOW...Rule #1 Be the host... Rule #2 Dont take sides.
@mridgafwytowell1210 6 жыл бұрын
@jebeja 14 жыл бұрын
@jeremyvanbriesies1940 4 жыл бұрын
Carlton Pearson's ideaology is easy to understand ....The reason many of these clergyman doesn't understand it , is because their thinking is linear , without any room for the lateral ...Linear thinking is a like a law with a set outcome ...all the time ..For this kind of thought process there is always a beginning as well as an ending.. .Lateral thinking on the other hand always leaves room for more possibilities , regardless of what is socially exceptive ..It believes that man is energy just like God , because man came from God and has existed from time pass and will always evolve and be in continual existence ....Yes , it is a fact that the bible mentions 'hell' on numerous occations in the bible , yet it is not the 'TRUTH ' for us as humans ...The truth of every man is that he is eternally the son of God , regardless of whether he obeys or disobeys with no 'hell' as punishment ...I dont deny my child entrance and protection of my house when he has played in the mud the whole day , or have a hell for him ready when he comes in ...The only hell is maybe just a good smack , but not killing my very own .....His blood is my blood ...He is my very own son ..whether dirty or not ...It makes absolute no sense that after the finish work of Jesus on the cross , God still would condemn His very own to eternal damnation We are God's very own.....God has deposited Himself IN all mankind through Jesus..(whether christian , atheist , muslim , budhist , taoist etc)...Mankind's only problem is , he can't see it - therefor he can't believe it .. ...He lives WITHIN man from where He operates as our human imagination ...As much as me and you are creations of God , we create God in and of our own individual experience ...We give shape and form to God by way of THINKING the bible says , " as a man THINKETH in his heart/mind , SO IS HE " So we can conclude that the mind and words of man are the elements that create his environment , success , and failure ..Having said this , if i firmly believe in my heart/mind ( just like Carlton) , that there is NO hell (regardless of what is written) , my consciousness of that very thing will create the reality thereof - and NO hell will be my experience ( whether here or in the afterlife ) .. Many of these concepts of the afterlife were written by the early apostels and brethren...It doesnt mean they automatically understood everything ... They wrote of these concepts of heaven or hell , because that was the belief of all religions in their day and time ...But we now have seen and done greater things than what they have done .. Jesus understood this , therefor he mentioned it ..They had it in consciousness ...whatever you have a consciousness about - you materialize in your experience .That is the divine law of attraction in the mind ..If you condemn certain people to your deffenition of 'hell' , it doesnt mean they will be there where you want them to be , Since they have no consciousness of such a place , they cant attract such a place unto them ...It is time for man to discover his divinity..Through Jesus that lives IN man , THROUGH man , and AS man , man is eternally the son of God ...God has no personality except IN man and as man ...When the Father said this in the new testament ; " This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased " , he includes ALL humanity ...All mankind is divinely corporately the Christ , and the Christ is us ...WE ARE THE SON OF GOD ...On the individual level , as well as on the corporate level .God called all the Israelites " his Son " in the book of Exodus ....and they were not all israelites from natural descends ..They were mixed with pagans ( what we will call - sinners too) ..No matter your race , doctrine , creed , ethnic expression , faith or believe ....The only difference between the 'christian ' faith , as opposed to other religions , is that they have a book called 'the bible ' , who clearly defines the purpose of God in a universal sense..That does not make the bible believers more special , to the contrary , that makes them responsible to point mankind to his true divine - self ...That man is God and that God is man ...Not a theology that want to convert man to a 'christian ' belief ..or prepare man for a 'heaven' or a 'hell' ...No , rather that man can discover who God is IN him and who he is IN God - FROM ETERNITY TO ETERNITY !!!!!!!!...In fact if you look at budhism for example ; for more than 2500 years they have been saying , 'man becomes what he think '.....interresting ..the bible says in Proverbs 23 verse 7 ;" as a man Think in his mind / heart , so is he " ....It is saying one and the same thing ...It is clear to me that God has not only revealed his purpose through the christian bible alone , but also in many other religions and beliefs ...But this is a concept that the linear mainstream religious thinker cannot get his mind around ....Go Carlton go !!!!!!...Im on the other side of the world , here in a very beautiful country called South Africa ....What you are preaching now , has already been revealed a long time ago ...even here . ..The late rev Ike was right when he said years ago , ' theological cemetaries bury the divinity of mankind ' ...
@ChrisEnglishTimeJapan 14 жыл бұрын
This minister fault lies in the fact that his theology removes the need for responsibility, It makes the path very wide. When in truth the true way is very narrow.
@brentduanefoster 15 жыл бұрын
Also, if souls are still at stake, antical, that would pose the question, "Did Jesus really complete his task at Calvary?" I believe he did, which leads me to the understanding that in the sight of God, all have been redeemed. The only thing that separates us, is that we (believers) are the only ones who KNOW it, as Bishop has said.
@youwashmeka123 15 жыл бұрын
They may as well had joel osteen on the panel...
@brentduanefoster 15 жыл бұрын
(con't) You're also correct that this (what Bishop is teaching) isn't new. As you quoted from Ecclesiastes, "There is nothing new under the sun." Maybe this doesn't apply to you, but it would seem to me, that there is something in this that tradition doesn't want many of us to know, because with revelation, comes a relinquishing of power and influence, and that's religion doesn't like doing. That's the will fight so hard to keep things as they are.
@Major2219 15 жыл бұрын
NotYourTypicalNegro I was there. There actually were a lot of men there but for some reason they keep showing only the sisters in the Audience.
@antical79 15 жыл бұрын
Yes, Christ did indeed complete His task at Calvary. However, as a Reformed believer, I believe His task was to redeem the elect, and not every single individual that has ever existed.
@brentduanefoster 15 жыл бұрын
@TyrusBush "You try the Word by the Word!" ...and you think that Bishop hasn't done that? You think that he just got up and just started declaring what he believes he heard? He even said it himself, he didn't want to do this, because he knew what it would cost. Bishop has been a believer too long to not try a spoken revelation by scripture. It seems to me that somewhere in his studying, he came upon some serious revelation.
@jdhbiggg 12 жыл бұрын
Unbelief is not unforgiven. We are saved by Grace through Faith, not by works that any man should boast. But Faith without works is dead, in other words if you say you have faith and you dont repent of your sins, nor do you allow the spirit to bear fruit through you then you will be cut down just like the fig tree Jesus spoke to.
@antical79 15 жыл бұрын
I'm talking about in this day and age in the full dispensation of grace when we have God's fully revealed Word. There's nothing "new" to be revealed. Heck, we can't even master what we already know!
@jebeja 14 жыл бұрын
@KoolOne6, "Lexi is very arrogant at times"..and what exactly does this have to do with the nature of the conversation?
@antical79 15 жыл бұрын
Here's where we disagree. I do not believe what Pearson is espousing to be biblical at all. What Jesus was doing went beyond simply giving deeper insight to what was already established; he was laying the foundation for a radically new and different covenant. And Paul expounds on the details of this new covenant in his writings which can also be described as "radically different." So I don't find that comparison w/ regard to Pearson to be accurate at all.
@brentduanefoster 15 жыл бұрын
It is the Word of God according to the Christian belief. What Bishop is saying is biblical, it just does not cater to traditional thought, and that was the same issue Jesus had with the Pharisees. Think about what Jesus said in Matthew 5, where in many statements he began by saying, "You have heard that it was said to the people long ago...", then challenges it by saying "...but I say...", he was giving different, if not deeper insight to what was established.
@infoman77 9 жыл бұрын
No man can save a person from eternal damnation. Men are simply vessels to share the truth of God. God the Spirit convicts & draws us to Himself. You can only be saved by trusting in the perfect One - Jesus! Now that Carlton Pearson has persisted in his foolish ways the Bible says: "He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them." John 12:40
@sigmalady07 14 жыл бұрын
To think that there is no hell and that we are all saved is the easy way out. we have to confess that HE is our savior. We cant live a raggedy life and expect the Lord to welcome us with open arms if we dont repent. We are told several times throughout the Bible not to make additions to God’s word that is called Scripture. Deut. 4:2 “You shall not add to the word which I command you, nor take anything from it, that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.
@brentduanefoster 15 жыл бұрын
(con't) Whenever the tradtional teaching and beliefs of a certain religion are challenged, especially by someone who's a subscriber to that religion, they are PRIME CANDIDATES for an eviction notice. That's what Bishop Pearson had to deal with.
@rockbottom23 14 жыл бұрын
"If you do not understand White Supremacy (Rascism) What it is, and how it works everything else that you understand, will only confuse you" Dr. Neely Fuller Jr. (1971) Dr. Neely Fuller "The United Independent Compensatory Code/System/Concept" BUY IT, READ IT,THEN SPEAK!
@timco48 13 жыл бұрын
@kevmain 11 жыл бұрын
Great comment brother :) Hopefully and prayerfully everyone will awaken to this truth.
@sononfya 2 жыл бұрын
Sounds like Pearson is winning more souls than "superior" Christianity. The audience's silence signifies religious fear and arrogance. Gid, help us all to be enlightened to freeing love and less and less addicted to fear!
@jalarise84 12 жыл бұрын
Seriously ppl, whenever you hear someone talking about a "new revelation" or "enlightenment" BE CAREFUL! The devil goes around seeking whom he may devour and he's using CP to do just that. Unfortunately, there are alot of week-minded, silly ppl out there who don't study their Bible and are being devoured by this doctrine of devils.
@johnsmith-vl4ct 6 жыл бұрын
jalarise84 for you to call ppl weak minded goes directly to who you are. How dare you consider yourself a scholar when in fact you are the very reason ppl are dropping out of the Church by the hundreds. Fear mongering doesn’t work in this time.
@RUABerean 14 жыл бұрын
@ladylenett Christians indeed worship a very weak god who has an abysmal record of failure. Created a perfect angel, perfect angel sins and gets kicked out of heaven with a third of the angels with him. Created man and woman, man and woman sins, ruins God's creation, and stains every single human being who came after them with a sin nature. Sends his Son to save the world that his created couple ruined, and the Son's sacrifice will only save a few and lose the rest. What a lousy record.
@Testifydesignfactory 4 жыл бұрын
How King Saul...this brother doesnt realize that the anoitng of Yahweh, that he once had, has been gone for some time, now.
@RessurrectionGraves 11 жыл бұрын
Don't care for Lexi. I was looking for Bishop Gayton who, came to a church in Va this past Sunday and ministered the absolute GREATEST message I have ever heard. He is "scholarly" by he also breaks it down. People don't want to dissect the word, they want to be spoon fed and often miss a real understanding of the word. Carlton Pearson can be anointed but that has nothing to do with whether he is correct in his teaching.
@johnwilliams9424 2 жыл бұрын
Has God said you YOU SHALL NOT SURLY DIE ????????????????? THERE IS A BIG SERPENT IN THE HOUSE OF GOD. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@jebeja 12 жыл бұрын
Sadly these interviews (George Bloomer just did one with him as well) are a waste of time, as Pearson has stated over and over again that it doesn't matter what anyone says, he's sticking to what "he believes" and that's that. He doesn't believe he's doing anything wrong and is 'constantly' saying, this is the way 'God and the Holy Spirit' are leading him, Oh really?? Continue to pray for Carlton and all who are following him (family included) but move on to those who really need God as well.
@Major2219 15 жыл бұрын
Carlton Pearson says WHAT???? He has started his own doctrine!! LOL
@borensj 15 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry, i was trying to agree with the comment under me.
@riawlriawlriawl 11 жыл бұрын
um did he not say that God gave him another revelation. That would mean that what he preached before is different than what he preaches now.
@antical79 15 жыл бұрын
Any so-called "message of wisdom" must be examined on its own merits. A doctrine is not to be accepted simply because it is in the minority. As I stated before, what Pearson is teaching isn't new by any means. It was weighed and found wanting by the church in earlier centuries, and it is in direct conflict with the most basic teachings of the New Testament.
@jebeja 13 жыл бұрын
@RUABerean, Nope I haven't RUABerean, but I can also admit when I'm wrong via the Word, and then go to the Lord and 'beg' for His forgiveness. I feel deeply sorry for Carlton and ALL who follow him, because the Word of God has proved them 'wrong' every single time. I pray for him to come back and find the "real God and Jesus Christ" who wanted nothing more than to have a "real heart felt, mind and life changing relationship with Carlton and the rest of us too". Call me anything 'you' like.
@khalilahwilbourn233 10 ай бұрын
I don’t understand how Carlton Pearson can use the Bible to defend his stance but then say that he doesn’t believe what it says. That is double minded. Also, if everyone is going to heaven and no one goes to hell like he said, what is the purpose of preaching any message, if they would all eventually end up in the same place any way according to Carlton. His thought process just doesn’t make any sense at all. It is the spirit of pride that resides in a person to make them think they know better than the Word of God. Jesus is the Word made flesh. If you reject the Word of God then you are denying Christ. Revelation tells us about hell and Rev 1:1-2 says that it is the testimony of Jesus Christ. When Carlton says there is no hell, he is in fact calling God a liar and denying Christ. If you deny Christ, He said He will deny you before God. Jesus is the only Way to heaven, if you reject Him, you forfeit your right to eternal life in heaven. But everyone who denies me here on earth, I will also deny before my Father in heaven. ~Mat 10:33
@horus1971 13 жыл бұрын
@jebeja You dont actually think that Bishop Pearson has ever sought the true living God?? That's part of his whole premises. He understands that it is not wise to remain inside a 2000+year old box. Trapped by the words of neanderthals. You shld probablly pray for ppl such as Bishop Eddie Long, the likes of him and the flock that actually worships them.
@mike11800 11 жыл бұрын
know he didn't he called it like it is he is totally making a mockery of the word and GOD does not like people confusing his word!!!!!
@7567266 14 жыл бұрын
@nbklte77 I agree!!!!I've been really discouraged especially as a pastor to hear guys like Jamal Bryant in how terrible they've been, yet Jamal preaches that he's still the man after his indiscretions against his wife. I'm not judging him but we've all got to be careful to display the love of God.
@TruthWillSetYouFREE- 2 жыл бұрын
What a great tragedy Carlton feels the same as the Jehovah witness that there is no hell He means Jesus did not mean what he said …¿
@2blondboys 7 жыл бұрын
This is Barry Reffitt speaking. Mark 6:10,11 and he said unto them, in what place soever ye enter into an house, there abide till ye depart from that place. 11 and whosoever shall not rreceive you, nor hear you, when ye depart thence, shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them. verily I say unto you, it shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city. that is the word of God. if we are all automatically saved, this word would not be in the bible. May God open your eyes pearson.
@cameroncoleman3400 14 жыл бұрын
Still no scripture to support his theology! God is not saying anything not that is not supported by His word that He has already spoken!!!
@jebeja 14 жыл бұрын
@RUABerean, and ETScott2012, 'Thanks so much for "continuing" to prove the validity of the Bible, and every word that God/Jesus ever spoke. 'Scoffing, mocking, etc." just as 'they' said you'd do, and proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that there most certainly is "NO GOD like the true and living one". My heart goes out to Pearson and I pray with everything in me there he will come to know the 'real God and Savior' who died for "you, Carlton, me, and everyone else on this earth".
@glencro 11 жыл бұрын
Why is he referred to as Carlton and the rest of them are sitting on their big titles. whether they agree with him or not they should respect that he is still a Bishop
@tammymeeks4249 8 жыл бұрын
Preachers have big responsibility they are human you expect them to be perfect there not nobody perfect but god. how can u judge unless you be judge. Everybody fall short of the glory of God.
@Uniqueblessings 15 жыл бұрын
I LOVE THIS!!!!! I AGREE FULLY... Stop trying to put him on th pedistal for what he HAS done and take up for the WORD OF GOD!!!! HOLINESS OR HELL.. FOR HOLINESS IS RIGHT....
@7567266 15 жыл бұрын
@teresadallen Who are you???????
@misterdracus 13 жыл бұрын
Carlton Pearson may as well be a JEHOVAH'S WITNESS.... CAUSE THEY DON'T BELIEVE IN HELL EITHER....
@antical79 15 жыл бұрын
Now if you want to know about a biblical truth that will REALLY ruffle some feathers in the church today, check out "The Naked Gospel" by Andrew Farley. Some powerful stuff in there.
@saunei 13 жыл бұрын
@OperaChicK14 I know she is awesome!!!!!
@jebeja 13 жыл бұрын
@jebeja 13 жыл бұрын
@brentduanefoster, If he had tried the "true" spirit "of God" by the Word of God, he wouldn't have gotten the answer that he did. Can 'you' find the scripture for me in the Bible that says "everyone is going to heaven"? Even the Messianic Jews don't believe this nonsense, and they know more about the Bible than most Christians. Once more, I pray to God Almighty that Carlton really seeks the true and living God before his times up, and his family too.
@ShowtimeWeb 12 жыл бұрын
Jamal Bryant ruined the interview...
@antical79 15 жыл бұрын
And the church's doctrine and beliefs are based on the Bible, which is the Word of God. Pearson's doctrine is simply 100% unbiblical. It is not truth.
@shieldsff 12 жыл бұрын
Mr. Pearson is confused. There is no doctrine of inclusion taught anywhere in the Bible- that is a man-made idea. The Bible-based teachings is called "Transformation". This is represented in the teachings that God calls& one chooses or accepts faith in the life, death, burial & resurrection of Jesus as an atonement for sin. This is expounded on in the Gospel of John.God so loved the world that whoever believes in Jesus has EVERLASTING LIFE (now). Whoever rejects the Son denies the Father (God)
@bowiehs 12 жыл бұрын
I am not understanding what you are saying, you are not really making sense. The finished work of Christ is completed, whether you believe or not. I can put a million dollars in your bank account, you don't have to ever withdraw it due to your unbelief, but it is still there. I do believe what Christ has done applies to ALL humanity, whether you believe it or not. God convicts a person of their unbelief{St John 16:8-9}. I think you are missing my point entirely.
@jebeja 13 жыл бұрын
@RUABerean, Christ saves ALL who come to have without game playing and who are for real. One more time, I am forever grateful to you and the rest for proving beyond a shadow of a doubt the validity of the Bible. 'You' have EVERY opportunity to find out about Him for yourself, but your heart and mind are hardened and 'you' can't blame God and Jesus for that. I DARE you to close your mouth, open up your mind and heart, & get to know "them" for yourself w/the help fo the Holy Spirit.
@RUABerean 14 жыл бұрын
@jebeja But your "true and living god and savior" died to save the world, yet he will only save a few. But the "True and living God" of the scriptures will indeed save ALL mankind, and will lose NONE(1 Tim 2:3,4). I scoff at the failure of a god that YOU worship...the one that will torment millions upon millions of people in a fabled fiery hellhole. Your "god" isn't the savior of the world, he's only the POTENTIAL savior of the world.
@optiKalismo 12 жыл бұрын
like 23.5 out of 24 hours in the day
@agsecurity345 Жыл бұрын
As the script says:Acts 2:38:repent and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus christ for the remission of your sins and be filled with the Holy Ghost!! The Lord don't take his Holy Spirit from anyone 🙏 but men turn their backs on God. These people speak heresy. In other words: they contradict the Word of God. Carlton is leading so many straight to hell. As the the LORD JESUS SAID: They be blind, leaders of the blind, they will all fall into a ditch.
@jalarise84 12 жыл бұрын
I meant WEAK-minded.
@KingOfTheLeprechauns 11 жыл бұрын
no, YOU do not like people confusing YOUR mind ... that's all there is to it. "God" is not on your level, do not drag "God" down to that.
@mike11800 11 жыл бұрын
@kingofleprachauns I'm not on GOD'S KNOW One is what I said is very true and its in the word when its all said and done to everyone making a mockery of GOD'S word will have to answer to him personally I pray that people that think like this gets it together the Rapture is soon to come and people will know for sure that GOD is not playing games GOD bless you.
@gcmwatch 15 жыл бұрын
Another dismal failure. BTW, is that Brian Carn @ 1:00 second from left, first seat?
@deedeesmith23 6 жыл бұрын
👍 yes
@OperaChicK14 13 жыл бұрын
...Lexi....???..... .-______-
@anndymondie 11 жыл бұрын
@Testifydesignfactory 4 жыл бұрын
No, Oral Roberts believed the same doctrine. Oral Roberts didnt want him to go publice, fearing the millions that would be lost as a result of his affiliation to Carlton Pearson.
@tebuny1 14 жыл бұрын
Jeeze bloomer! quit being a people pleaser and get to the point!!!
@dcj797dorian 11 жыл бұрын
Lexi is thirsty. :/
@dcj797dorian 11 жыл бұрын
lexi cocky :/
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