The Limitations of Particle Effects [Effects]

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Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games

Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games

Күн бұрын

Particles are a type of effect which scatter outward in large quantities. You'll often want to display lots of these particles, but that can be easier said than done.
By the way, this is the final video in the Effects category!

Пікірлер: 98
@Garomasta Ай бұрын
I really like Ultimate's particle effects. The flame, smoke and explosion particles in particular have a cool comic-like 2d look that still doesn't feel out of place with the 3d character models.
@poweroffriendship2.0 Ай бұрын
The particle effect animation in _Kirby's Dreamland_ looks very impressive even for the Gameboy's limitation.
@tailgrowth Ай бұрын
I wonder how stunted a lot of game developers are today because they never HAD to work with incredibly strict processing limitations and never learned about programming tricks that are both effectively and economical. Sometimes less is more, but it can be too easy these days to just rely on the power of the tech to carry a bad design.
@RebelliousTreecko Ай бұрын
I've been waiting for particle video for quite a while. Very nice.
@zerarch77 Ай бұрын
The biggest problem with particle effects is how easily they can clutter the presentation of gameplay. I cannot count the number of times I've gotten hit or died in games because critical information was obscured by excessive or unnecessary particle effects.
@Leopez02 Ай бұрын
Congratulations for revalving the Nintendo museum it looks so AWESOME and it's one more reason for me why I wan't to visit in Japan the home country of my favourite video game company! 🎉😊❤
@otherprisma7354 Ай бұрын
Uhhh Sakurai had nothing to do with the Nintendo Museum lol
@Leopez02 Ай бұрын
@@otherprisma7354 but he's one of the BIG BOSS of Nintendo too just as Myamoto that's why
@mmking9999 Ай бұрын
@@Leopez02 No he's not. He just happens to make games for Nintendo, but he's never been a Nintendo employee.
@otherprisma7354 Ай бұрын
@Leopez02 He is not a Nintendo employee, per say. He has his own company.
@vittosphonecollection57289 Ай бұрын
I've always bern curious is particle effects are really that heavy? Why does Sonic Frontiers on Switch have Cyberspace levels with the same graphics and amount of background objects as the most powerful new gen consoles, but it can't just draw a few blue lines? Shouldn't the complex backgrounds be the problem? Why is the Switch handling them fine, but it can't render literally a png of a blue line? While Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is so full of particles, but that's made by Nintendo so it makes sense that it looks better.
@ferinzz Ай бұрын
It can quickly add up for a number of reasons. Firstly, the fact that each particle is often either a 2d sprite or a full 3d model. Meaning that every single time the particle appears it uses memory and animation calculations. But there's a bunch of games that have a crap ton of grass! you might say. That's where things get interesting. A strong programmer could program simple objects to be created by the GPU itself. this allows the designer to have a lot of polygons on the screen without overloading the memory. It's so effective that it can be done at a high framerate even when written in javascript (the slowest language to exist) This also prevents the need to worry about constantly deleting or adding more stuff to memory. But what if the particle is a sprite or a 3d asset. Well then that means that it needs to be added into memory for every number of times it could exist. And this is where particle numbers start to really affect performance. Allocating and deallocating new memory chunks is EXPENSIVE in terms of speed! I won't bore you with the details but there's quite a few reasons why this is the case. This means that a dev will need to determine the best way to handle these situations. a) preload the assets so that it will always be in memory, like seen in the gameboy sprite map. b) have a preallocated amount of sprites that can be on the screen at one time, so if the sprite count is maxed, that's it no more can be added. c) screw it the hardware is powerful enough just load everything realtime, and then you risk major lag spikes because they need to be read from the hard drive into memory to then be rendered and culled at the end. Why can't sonic run as well as mario kart? Probably a number of reasons spanning from the engine needing to be able to quickly render and release more stuff due to sonic's speed to simply bad programming.
@luisguillermojg Ай бұрын
Sakurai putting particle effects every time his animation of himself shows up is very funny.
@todesziege Ай бұрын
These tricks also help with keeping a game visually readable. A lot of modern games overdo particle effects to the point of causing a lot of visual clutter, making the screen harder to read as the important bits are obscured by less important fluff.
@CasepbX Ай бұрын
Many UE games are guilty of this.
@bearman_1826 Ай бұрын
I've noticed that while playing the og Modern Warfare, but I think it might have been intentional in that game.
@SuperPistachio_ Ай бұрын
I haven't played Wario World in nearly 20 years, but the one thing that I remember most is how one of the boss fights, Red-Brief J, would constantly dip in frame rate because of all the particle effects.
@Alayric Ай бұрын
I like the black&white particle used for Kirby's aspiration, nice way to make it visible
@chubchib8638 Ай бұрын
I used to max out the particle effects on Roblox until it crashed. Fun times
@vittosphonecollection57289 Ай бұрын
What really? Lol I used to make a giant block with some distorted and squashed particles that went across the entire screen! 😂😂
@holographicquad3521 Ай бұрын
As an aspiring game developer, these videos are always super helpful!
@HarryLLC Ай бұрын
In the words of Pirate Software (Thor)... You're not an aspiring game developer You're a game developer Own it and be proud of it; that's who you are
@GameTesterBootCamp Ай бұрын
I felt this one in my BONES. I remember making a game for a 2009 iPod Touch and the particle effects DESTROYING the performance. It's weird but after you've spent a lot of time on an underpowered platform like that, you get really good at making sure your game is as efficient as possible.
@bearman_1826 Ай бұрын
That's one thing I wish I had been forced to learn earlier. I've been using Gamemaker this whole time, and only just reached a point as a developer where I can even touch a modern CPU's performance. Hitting that wall forced me to switch up my entire strategy.
@manguy01 Ай бұрын
Meanwhile, modern PC developers be like: _"This unnecessary flair causes frame drops in the dozens? Whatever, just make them buy a new computer"_
@雪鷹魚英語培訓的領航 Ай бұрын
Or like Digital Foundry have shown, games like Elden Ring have frame hitches no matter how beefy your PC.
@piranhabones Ай бұрын
And yet even that isn't enough lmfao
@TimRomero Ай бұрын
Please, enough of the “lazy devs” belittling. Every game developer is trying their best. This channel is for learning.
@Sponsie1000 Ай бұрын
the new CoD is 309GB,, surely they needed every single mb of that space :')
@richardhunter9779 Ай бұрын
​@@TimRomero As a programmer, most programmers do NOT try their best.
@ArcaJ Ай бұрын
I think anyone studying to design games should make one Gameboy game. Even if it isn't published, just learn to work within those limitations.
@thatoneXman Ай бұрын
I've heard that Pico-8 games are actually really close in size to Gameboy cartridges. AND they're famously lightweight and low-size on purpose. So if you actually want to go that approach to making a game that's shockingly lightweight... Pico-8 is where you wanna go.
@internetguy7319 Ай бұрын
PICO 8 is preferable for that type of challenge.
@ppowersteef Ай бұрын
I'm using Pico-8, and though it's different and smaller in size than a Gameboy, I still think it's an ideal for a small and modern working enviroment. I'd definitely recommend it for quick and simple games!
@bearman_1826 Ай бұрын
That sounds really fun.
@skeptale Ай бұрын
Despite the more limited hardware power I've always thought Smash has far more stylish and satisfying particle effects than other fighting games. Restrictions breed creativity, as they say.
@Dingalow Ай бұрын
I like the fact that little 19 year old Sakurai wanted to be economical but still spent significant resources on particle effects
@MegaHunter2000 Ай бұрын
I don't think that particle effects are opposed to be economical. It's depend on the game's art or the atmosphere.
@QMulative Ай бұрын
I'm sure Tekken's Harada is more jealous of your player count, than you are of his particle count.
@mechadeka Ай бұрын
Isn't Tekken 8 the best selling game in the series?
@project-gladiator Ай бұрын
​@@mechadeka quite sure it isn't even close to Smash numbers anyway
@vittosphonecollection57289 Ай бұрын
And the particles in Smash were still cool tho!
@Neoxon619 Ай бұрын
@@mechadeka Even Mortal Kombat only sells about half of what Smash does.
@ManifestoPerUnAvatar Ай бұрын
I wonder if Mr Sakurai would do a whole code base breakdown of the early days games like kirby, to connect concepts of programming and game design!
@Pedro-zh6kk Ай бұрын
I don't think Mr. Sakurai have all the knowledge about Kirby Dream Land's code base, since the programmer was Mr. Iwata. But who knows, maybe he can pull something like that off some day.
@ManifestoPerUnAvatar Ай бұрын
@@Pedro-zh6kk you're right. I didn't know that, but now I'm even more interested to know how the two of them worked togheter, discuss ideas implementation, ecc!
@DylanKatt Ай бұрын
Happy 250th video! 😃 I wonder if there'll be 300. 🤷‍♂️
@hakirayleigh Ай бұрын
I dont think so...Sakurai videos will finish maybe in three months.
@slambrecht6 Ай бұрын
The final one has already been recorded about a month ago so I doubt there are still 49 other ones waiting.
@DylanKatt Ай бұрын
@@hakirayleigh Mabye. 🤷‍♂️
@DylanKatt Ай бұрын
@@slambrecht6 Probably. 🤷‍♂️
@PsychicAlchemy Ай бұрын
I've seen some of the particle systems sent in with job applications, and so many of them are massive movie-tier effects that will never run on any hardware. Meanwhile a friend of mine does some amazing effects with half a dozen particles. Some of the sparkliest sparkles and poofiest clouds!
@bearman_1826 Ай бұрын
The particles were one of the best things about Smash Ultimate, imo. I remember that being the first thing I noticed when I got into a match.
@connordarvall8482 Ай бұрын
I knew flamethrower attacks were just particles over a hitbox!
@Cashbans Ай бұрын
Is that kind of obvious
@ExploDjinn Ай бұрын
Granted, I've only played it in recent years, but I never really paid attention to the different ways the stars split in Kirby's Dreamland. Neat.
@thecunninlynguist Ай бұрын
I like 2d particle effects
@shawnheatherly Ай бұрын
You got to balance flash with processing as well as readability; don't want particle effects to obscure what's going on after all.
@CasepbX Ай бұрын
One of my favorite things in games. It saddens me when a game dev gets lazy and uncreative with modern FX and just throws a ton of generic UE spark physics particles for an animation instead of putting in effort to craft something original. FF7 Remake is guilty of this.
@ElTaitronAnim Ай бұрын
Great advice, thank you Sakurai.
@BlueKazuki Ай бұрын
bonus kirby lore is always appreciated
@LuigiTheMetal64 Ай бұрын
The shiny animations in the Generation 6 Pokémon games are great because they look like stars without being too much like the real life stars at night.
@jedisquidward 20 күн бұрын
Perfect video as always. Particle effects are an interesting topic for Smash Bros. in particular, since some of its franchises, like Tekken and Kingdom Hearts, make up for a lack of freeze-frames in combat with extra emphasis on particle effects. (Wow! I can't believe that was brought up!) Staggering the timing and positions of particles to control the total number on screen at any given time is so brilliant. Even for something as small as this, so much effort is put into making the best product possible. Speaking of particles, notice how the original sprite for Kirby's inhale is both black and white so it'll show against any background? I CAN'T BELIEVE I ALSO NOTICED THAT BEFORE IT WAS SAID TOO!!! I AM THE TRUE STUDENT OF SAKURAI
@Aperson-62 Ай бұрын
Young game developer: I'm going to cover the screen in sparkles and flashing lights Also young game developer: WHY IS MY GAME RUNNING AT 1FPS?
@paperluigi6132 Ай бұрын
Huh, never been THIS early. 2:25 just as I’m thinking about Tekken, the footage shows up.
@thecunninlynguist Ай бұрын
Late? He usually posts at 4 am pacific time
@harukaze7388 16 күн бұрын
kirby's particle effects over every action distinguishes it so much when you fall to the floor or hit a wall, combined with sound the distinct explosions and sparkles it makes the game feel right in a way most others don't
@VeritasUnae Ай бұрын
I mean, the stacking of particle effects is used to create an ACE entry point for Paper Mario. They're serious stuff!
@contentdesignwizardry2458 Ай бұрын
Are these problems with hardware performance and particle effects even real? He says how to do things but I don't understand why it would improve performance from a technical standpoint.
@TheHylianBatman Ай бұрын
Particle effects are really cool, I hadn't realized how much work goes into them!
@sarahlynn7807 Ай бұрын
Good principles
@SkyArcherDev Ай бұрын
Repost this video to scare a VRChat avatar maker.
@OGNoNameNobody Ай бұрын
*GREAT* Side-by-side comparison on Tekken & Smash.
@Brods11 Ай бұрын
Great info about Particle Effects Limitations👍
@mimisaiko Ай бұрын
Game design is often about specific things that only apply to specific domain, I'm surprised that Sakurai san can share so many principles that can share across different projects.
@PanchoMngkn Ай бұрын
Thank you Mr Sakurai
@sa3270 Ай бұрын
It can't be as bad as trying to animate 1000 polygons in a character model can it?
@ferinzz Ай бұрын
Depends where the bottle neck is. Those 1k polygons are always present and allocating the same chunk of memory. That's stressing the GPU rendering. Particle effects pop in and out of the scene constantly, meaning memory issues because you're adding and removing stuff constantly slowing down the time it takes to draw each frame. This also means that the detail of the rest of the scene needs to be lowered to compensate. On something like a gameboy or an nes I think there was a limit to how many entities could be on the screen at that same time, meaning a choice between fewer enemies or fewer effects. You also want to control what stuff is playing off screen, so you're not wasting gpu power/memory. But that also means having something to check if the location is in or out of the screen and turn it on or off for when it does come into the scene.
@DarkBloodbane Ай бұрын
They look small and less significant yet they require some rules to make them efficient. thanks for sharing this Mr Sakurai!
@blastygamez Ай бұрын
Thank you Sakurai
@dearthofdoohickeys4703 Ай бұрын
I know nothing about game development, but it’s really fun to learn how games are optimized to use as much space as efficiently as possible.
@losermonkey666 Ай бұрын
@shuccle6161 Ай бұрын
such a good video i love how he went into details on the particles and their implementation specifically in the original kirby game since the hardware was so limited. it really made such a difference back then and the same fundamentals are applied even in today's modern games.
@luckykaaby1629 Ай бұрын
@Vashr555 Ай бұрын
Hello!!!! Your videos gives me information that i wont entirely use but im happy i know these type of information
@MarcusLambright-o2x Ай бұрын
This video just makes me think of Earth Defense Force 6. Videogamedunkey shows how it looks when you do processing, compiling, and particle effects the wrong way.
@TonymeansAnthony Ай бұрын
Common sakurai W
@YamadaDesigns Ай бұрын
For some reason I thought Sakurai said this series was over
@RobsiXXL Ай бұрын
It will be by the end of this year I think. I believe all of his recent videos and upcoming are prerecorded, his work on this series is basically done. I did not do any research for this comment, so be careful.
@GraceofGod247 Ай бұрын
@denischen8196 Ай бұрын
With more advanced hardware, game developers should ease the restrictions on particle effects, especially if you want to focus on immersion. Games should be more generous with large numbers of tiny particles that linger for a long time and move in complex ways. It should dynamically adjust the amount and duration of effect based on the hardware it is currently running on, how many particles are already present, how far it is from the camera, and how important it is to display compared to other particles.
@herobrinesbestminion6766 Ай бұрын
to much lightshow is not good on the framerate.
@EnchantedSmellyWolf Ай бұрын
It varies what game. If the game is a open world, then you will have make a new direction. Pretty Particle effect are great for small games that are more linear both 3D and 2D so that it won't lead to any lag and preform well.
@EmpressoftheHarelquinDevilGods Ай бұрын
Thank you Sakuraisan for coming to visit me that one time, my friend. How did you know that I always enjoyed that type of candy like my father would know I would appreciate and love? ❤️😭
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