You claim to read the Bible without pretext in terms of the original Hebrew, yet, your view isn't the original but from one of the sects, the Pharisees. How about reading the OT text according to the Essenes' understanding, meaning paternal fathers, rather than the Pharisaical way that should have been rebuked after the destruction of the temple. That should've have been a wakeup call but instead the Pharisees came up with lots of excuses, leading to the Talmud. The sons of darkness (lunar calendar, Pharisees) will stay in darkness. Perhaps the commentaries left by the sons of the light (solar calendar, Essenes) with enlighten obdurate Jews from their slumber to what Jews believed before the Sadducees and Pharisees wrestled for power and burdened the nation with an unnecessary yoke. Just perhaps then they will appreciate just how Jewish the NT is and what authentic Judaism was.
@israelthebible3 жыл бұрын
The Essenes were a breakaway sect and not main stream Judaism. They shunned the temple and women, so I don’t think they are the standard of what biblical religion was. Read Matt 23:1-3 how Jesus recognised that the Pharisees were the legitimate authority of the law and that you should listen to them despite their supposed hypocrisy. In my videos, I stick to the Tanach and the Hebrew language as you have seen. Very clear that the Christian interpretation of the verses is not what it was originally intended in the Hebrew text but a later interpretation based on a mistranslation/ alteration of the LXX.
@coatknight3 жыл бұрын
@@israelthebible, interesting how you stop at verse 3, what about verse 4 and the rest. You have one view of the Essenes but there are other theories as well, and as more of the DDS are released, or at the least the commentaries from the Essenes, different pictures emerge. What do you think happened to the Essenes? So what was mainstream? The Pharisees? What about the Sadducees? What do you think happened to the real Zadok priests?
@israelthebible3 жыл бұрын
The video deals with the climatic and so often used verse 4…. I give a short introduction of the context of the Psalm and verse 1 . I think I mentioned I was going to deal with the rest of the psalm in another video. Still waiting as I have been too busy recently…. Still nothing you said changes the analysis.
@israelthebible3 жыл бұрын
The video is a Tanach only video as this channel for most of it. How a heretical sect of 500 members in the judean desert 🏜 saw this psalm May be interesting but irrelevant for this discussion.
@jozsefzala69963 жыл бұрын
@@israelthebible unfortunately we do not know the original Hebrew text. Maybe the LXX was a precise translation, and the Masoretic Text /many hundreds years later/ was an alteration
@PastorBrianLantz4 жыл бұрын
The real problem with calling the Jew ‘a priest after the order of Melchizedek’ in having become a ‘kingdom of priests’ in the Millennial reign of Christ is that it confuses the royalty of David with the royalty of Christ as a king priest. David was NEVER a king priest, but only a king. To be sure, Jesus has 3 royalties, actually protocols, that reflect his nature: A. As “KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS” Jesus Christ is the God of Israel from eternity past, hence ‘DIVINE royalty’. B. Ah! But as reflected in the genealogies he is a true human being as the ‘son of David’, thus his HUMAN royalty is the heir to David’s throne as MESSIAH to Israel, hence Davidic or MESSIANIC royalty. BUT WAIT! There is more! C. WE HAVE the Royalty of Melchizedek WITHOUT genealogy (without father or mother) celebrating his HYPOSTATIC UNION combining BOTH ruler ship AND priesthood! As you pointed out, throughout the ancient world when the two were combined, havoc ensued (I’ve got the power therefore whatever I say is ‘just’ is just). In fact even separate they conspired often resulting in civil war. Ah! but now during the reign of Christ they may be combined in the man-Christ Jesus as he SITS upon the throne in Psa 110 referenced also in the epistle to the Hebrews at His ascension and session ‘to the right of God’ ) (1Tm 2.5...anothropos christos actually should be hyphenated given the nature of Christos! ‘The man-Christ Jesus’ or even the ‘man-Messiah’ Jesus ).
@israelthebible4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comments. It’s better to read and learn what the Hebrew text says and then build a system of belief rather than using the NT as a background to retroactively “understand” the Hebrew text. The video is precisely undoing this retrospective application of the NT and its concepts into the Hebrew text and meaning of the actual words. Thanks for watching.
@chuckyfns81134 жыл бұрын
If you read the Old Testament BEFORE the New Testament you would know Christ is not god but the son of man. The Old Testament states many of times who will return when it’s god judgement day and who will be king and it’s not Christ. Christ was meant to be a role model of how we should conduct ourselves he was not meant to be worshipped as god and if you really read the New Testament you would know Christ says himself he is only the son of god NOT god . When he died on the cross he asked GOD why has he forsaken him if he was god that mean he would be talking to himself but he wasn’t he was talking to the MOST HIGH
@FigRko2 жыл бұрын
Jesus did not fulfill “all” the prohecies. He never ruled on earth. And no where in The Scriptures (OT) does it say that someone will come die and resurrect then return again to finish the prophecy. No I am not “jewish” but I have since left the mainstream church.!
@PastorBrianLantz2 жыл бұрын
@@FigRko You need to read Isaiah 714 compared with The entire chapter of 53. And the summary comes Isaiah chapter 9. All of it is there. To be sure he came as the lamb of God to take away the sins of the world and died on the cross he did not come as the lion who in fact will conquer and reign as the be sure that is to come.
@FigRko2 жыл бұрын
@@PastorBrianLantz the bible/Isaiah states who he is talking about in his book and it is Israel not some Jesus. Sorry you can’t take Isa 53 out of the book and say see it’s Jesus. What about the previous chapters when it states who it is. Thanks but I have been down that “Christianity “ walk. No one is responsible for my sin but me.