The Most Common Questions I Get Asked about Aphantasia

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Quiet Mind Inside

Quiet Mind Inside

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@annek8552 4 жыл бұрын
I have aphantasia too, never knew it even was a thing because I never realized people could see stuff when they closed their eyes. I thought counting sheep and going to your happy place was just a figure speech. So weird I’m kinda different.
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I feel the same. I still think it's so weird everyone has this other kind of world they can tap into that I can't enter. I was talking to my husband about how the only experience I had with people seeing things was in movies, and it was always because they were hallucinating and needed some kind of psychological help. So, now I'm super confused because now there's a normal amount of hallucinations and an abnormal amount? How can you know when someone crosses it? It's really so bizarre to me. It sounds like a sci-fi movie!
@robertbarney8635 4 жыл бұрын
@@quietmindinside4808 I thought it was delusions or schizophrenia to hear or see things not there. It's odd because Schizo affectve disorder also runs in my family's genetics as well as deafness and autism. I speak some ASL sign language. Now I wonder if people think in sign language. When I was learning Spanish I was told "you must learn to think in Spanish". Didn't work cause I don't even think in language!
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
@@robertbarney8635 Yes, I thought the same! It was so shocking to discover it was "normal" to see and hear things in one's mind. I'm really terrible at learning languages. I do wonder now if it's due to not having an inner voice. I'm OK at learning phrases, but if people say things in an order different from what I learned, it loses all meaning for me.
@kawaiibeanzz9902 3 жыл бұрын
Same :
@benjaminpaik 3 жыл бұрын
@@quietmindinside4808 Hallucinations are perceived as being seen with your actual eyes rather than your mind's eye, so it isn't obvious that they aren't real. You mentioned that you do get songs stuck in your head, so the difference between actually hearing a song and hearing it in your head is comparable to the difference between actually seeing something and seeing something in your head.
@heathermarks8564 4 жыл бұрын
As a person with both a heavily visual brain AND a constant internal monologue, I think you are incredible!! Not only does my brain constantly talk to me and back to itself, but sometimes I actually see the words of said monologue - like on a printed page - while thinking my thoughts and listening to me thinking them). :) I also have the sensation of ‘listening’ to my thoughts, while I am simultaneously reacting and hearing my internal running monologue about my reactions - and all of that is happening at the same time. 🤪 Your videos are amazing, I love the whole idea of your channel, and how well you explain everything! I think my biggest takeaway of the difference between what you do and what I do is how we process KNOWLEDGE (versus experience or memory, for example). Your brain, to me, seems like a computer; you either know what you know, or you don’t. And when you recall something, it recalls the knowledge and awareness; you don’t have to REexperience or REimagine it to access or probe that memory. We loud minds have that ability sometimes, too, we just don’t have it in a superpower strength like you! I loved the multiplication analogy you used...if someone asks me what 7x14 is, even though I SEE those numbers in my head, I’m not using those pictures (or 14 of...anything) to access my knowledge of that information. I just KNOW and when I need it, I pull it out and it’s there. It sounds like that is your brain all the time - if you need to know, your brain pulls out the INFO. Not how you GOT the info (sights, smells, sounds of that experience); your brain doesn’t seem to need it so it (efficiently) doesn’t pull it up. We do get the benefit of being ABLE to relive the experiences of our memories, but with the added benefit of being forced to relive nearly every memory whenever we remember them. Are you still taking questions? I have so many!! Keep up the awesome work!
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
Really that's such a great summary of everything I feel. I definitely feel like my mind does work like that - I either know something or I don't. I think what happens in your mind sounds fascinating. Internal subtitles! Amazing! But I honestly don't know how I would focus with all that going on. I can barely watch TV and type on my phone at the same time 🤣.
@R.F.9847 4 жыл бұрын
I also often see words when I or others talk. Not as much as I used to, though. Have you ever considered that you might be hyperphantasiac?
@melindaartrip1502 2 жыл бұрын
I just recently discovered that aphantasia is a Thing and it explains so much about me. The Black Friday explanation was brilliant. And indeed, my mind is often Black-Fridayish.
@JakeLHyde Жыл бұрын
I have Aphantasia. And what's F'd up, I'm a writer! So I have an imagination, but I don't imagine things? That's kinda crazy... like most with it, I just assumed everyone was like me! I didn't realise there was even a name for it till a few days ago. This is crazy. So much of what you said resonated with me, except the dreams, I have vivid dreams almost every night.
@Cmf748 3 жыл бұрын
Your math example was so interesting to me. Because, yeah, 7x2, I can almost instantly (rote memory) say its 14, but then I do see the 7x2=14 in my head - I'm just not USING that visual to get the answer, but I still see it. Also, when I am doing harder math problems, I WILL use visuals to solve them. Like I might take 86 and pull it apart into 80 over here and 6 over here, etc. Sometimes I have to close my eyes because even though I'm not "seeing" with my actual eyes, having the blackness of my actual eyes makes it easier to focus on my "mind's eye" I guess you could say
@hkrohn 4 жыл бұрын
If you ask me where my cellphone is, the first thing I imagine is really a picture of the location with the cellphone in it.
@hkrohn 4 жыл бұрын
And when I do simple maths, I always get an image of the digits of the answer before I can actually pronounce the number.
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
Ah, interesting! I had had a few people mention they didn't picture something if it was where they habitually kept it, so I figured it would be a good comparison, but it seems just as common to still picture it.
@Kobay350 3 жыл бұрын
I have aphantasia. I never know where my phone is. Once it's been put down and is out of my view I couldn't tell you where it is. Where is my phone saves me on a daily basis.
@jordanb7304 3 жыл бұрын
@@Kobay350 Just have a "home" for it. Always put it in the same pocket. Only set it on certain surfaces that are near you. That way you know the possible locations of it. Other than that I've also found that its a good idea to try to pay more attention to what I'm doing. I think its an attention thing more than a lack of visualization thing.
@cykonot 2 жыл бұрын
Unless it's in my pocket or hand or something
@Onelegron 3 жыл бұрын
Hi there. Your video was a while ago now, but guess what. I just realIsed I have it too, and I’m nearly 60. It’s reassuring that other people are like this. I ‘technically remember’ watching my Dads hands while he worked (me aged 40). I SO wanted to be able to visualise them. But after a few minutes that image was gone. I never knew why. Now I do. I’m not a fan of going on holiday because I can’t recall anything, my memory is awful. I like to take hundreds of photos... when I see them I have a certain memory, but no visual. I cannot recall anybodies faces. Mother, father, wife etc. But I technically know who they are. I know that this has been all my life, and I never imagined it wasn’t normal until recently. I love your video. It makes sense to me. Question:- can you remember the events of your life? I get real down when old school friends discuss stuff. There’s no memory there for me at all. Also, do you read fiction books? My shelves are all factual, reference books. Not one fictional book. Maybe that’s just me Many thanks and God bless you x
@billrogers5219 4 жыл бұрын
Finding out that there are people with no inner monologue has been the most interesting thing I've learned in my lifetime, especially since it turns out my wife is one of them. Your videos are great. It really makes me question how much of what I thought was just intrinsic to being conscious is just something that happens sometimes in some people. I've both questions and comments. What goes on in your mind when you make a decision? I have an inner monologue and often I discuss it with myself in my head, pros and cons, that sort of thing. But I've always been suspicious that that inner conversation is just debris bubbling up from a decision that's already been made without words. That it's just a sort of harmless, after the fact rationalization. And sometimes for big life decisions, proposing to my wife, joining the Navy, there seemed to be no mental process at all - I just knew it was going to be what I did. So I'm guessing that all of your decisions might feel like that. I'm curious. About generating speech without an inner monologue, I don't think that you are all that different. I mean, when I imagine a sentence before saying it, it just pops into the inner monologue, it's not as though I think in a special brain language and then translate into mental English and then speak it out loud. One way or another it just pops up, either directly into speech, in your case, or sometimes, into inner voice speech in my case. In both cases, something we have no direct access to generates the speech, whether it's internal or external. What you describe for math is just what my wife experiences. Easy things she just knows; harder things she writes out or mumbles, but she certainly cannot close her eyes and solve a definite integral. I loved the phrase in your fist video that you were "just there in reality." In my mind one of the disadvantages of having an inner monologue is that there can be a tendency to experience the narrative that the monologue is feeding you rather than the actual experience. If your mind is quiet, you're just there. Or so it seems to me anyway. Thanks again for the videos. Philosophers have been fussing about consciousness for centuries and it doesn't seem to have occurred to them to survey experiences like your.
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
Personally, I think you are correct in idea that the debate in your head is just after-the-fact rationalization. When presented with a decision, I think about it, but the process is all silent. I know I'm mulling it over, but there's nothing tangible in my head. I can just kind of feel the wheels turning. Then I just give my answer. However, even though I'm blind to the process, I still "know" what led me to reach it. If you asked me after the fact why I picked what I did or what variables I considered, I could tell you everything without hesitation. I think it is likely the same conversations you have in your head before you announce your decision, I just don't actualize those things unless specifically necessary. I think the philosophy aspect is very interesting. I've been trying to read a bit, but everything seems to hinge on images in one's head 🤣. According to most philosophers, I have no thoughts or consciousness apparently. 😄
@billrogers5219 4 жыл бұрын
@@quietmindinside4808 Some philosophers might think you were an actual philosophical zombie; at least the philosophers who think that the most important aspect of consciousness is having an inner monologue. :-) If you are reading philosophical stuff about this, I'd recommend a strange book called "The Birth of Consciousness from the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind," by Julian Jaynes from the 1970's. There's a good bit in there that is not really neurologically plausible, but there's a lot of interesting thinking about inner voices. In brief he thinks that consciousness, which to him meant having an inner monologue that feels like part of yourself, developed as recently as early historical times, after a phase in which people perceived the inner voice as communications from the gods. And one of the problems he thought about was how people could organize and build early cities without an inner voice to handle the planning - he thought it was possible, and people like you prove that it is. It's not the details that are most interesting to me, but the idea that people might have had very different internal, mental lives over the course of history. Which made me always wonder whether there were not still people around lacking an internal monologue. Which is why I find your videos so interesting. One more odd thing about inner voices. My inner voice seems to me to be my speaking voice - same timbre, quality, etc. But for a few months when I was a teenager it would sometimes have a completely different timbre. The voice was definitely not mine, but the thoughts clearly were. It was extremely creepy. Then it passed. I've talked to one other person who had a similar, very memorable experience like that as a teenager. Maybe we both had a brush with schizophrenia, or maybe it's pretty common. Thank you for all your videos; I think you are really making a contribution to people's understanding of minds and consciousness and that you and the other folks who've been getting this out there will start a little boom of research into what it feels like to be conscious in different ways. It's great.
@art_eries 3 жыл бұрын
Oh my gosh! I know you’ve said being able to see pictures seems like a super power, but honestly I feel like aphantasia is definitely a super power! I have VERY vivid daydreams and it has always been difficult for me to stay in the present. When you spoke about being in school and all you could focus on was the teacher- I was like wow!!! That’s so amazing! I would literally be in math class zoned out and imagining myself dancing on the ceiling and flying all over the place. And then class would be over and I would be like “whoops.” 😂 I struggled with math a lot because I could never stay focused. Even listening to people talk- I’ll just zone out and be transported to another dimension. It can be a lot of fun, and I wouldn’t trade it, (I am a visual artist for my job), but I also hate I can’t focus when I reallyyyyy need to. Sometimes I will have to stop a person who is talking to me and tell them I accidentally stopped listening, (started day dreaming). Makes me feel bad that I can’t focus for too long. The only time I pay attention the whole time is when the story they tell me is flooding my mind with imagery and emotion. I think it’s so cool you can be such an attentive listener. When you talked about how you still feel the stress of thoughts while trying to sleep, I feel I could understand the Black Friday analogy. Anyways, I am so fascinated by aphantasia and did not know it was a thing. Thanks for sharing your experience and trying to break it down. You really are great at describing what having aphantasia is like. I hope you continue writing and making videos because I believe you are great at painting super clear pictures with words instead of imagery!
@JoeLancaster 4 жыл бұрын
I find this fascinating. Thank you for sharing! I think I may have hyperphantasia. When I visualise it is crystal clear and with as much detail as life practically, including generated scenes and objects that I have never seen. Apparently this isn't normal either and I had no idea until recently.
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I believe my husband is the same. We've been talking about it a lot, and he always thought what he could do was "normal", but now he realizes he sees things a lot clearer than many, and his ability to project things out in front of him seem pretty fantastic comparatively to others. I think it's so funny that him and I are on such opposite ends of this spectrum!
@JoeLancaster 4 жыл бұрын
@@quietmindinside4808 yeah I've been having the exact same chats with a girl I'm seeing, who now thinks she possibly has aphantasia. Maybe a little milder than you, but has great difficulty visualising. Seems to be a spectrum.
@UFOJaneKyle 3 жыл бұрын
I do not have aphantasia but I can relate to so many experiences you have - especially with directions. There are certain tasks that I am just consistently horrible at and they do require the ability to visualize well! But then I also think I have some advantages because I do feel I have a strong inner world of thoughts and I actually only hear my inner voice when I’m thinking slowly! Is it possible that your brain has gained incredible efficiency in certain areas since it’s not having to work on the visuals / inner voice ?! This is so fascinating, thanks for sharing, would love it if you came back to KZbin to give an update!
@hyperrelic6706 3 жыл бұрын
This woman is very intelligent either way, high precision selection of thoughts. I do believe she can improve visual imagery but it takes a lot of practice. I remember up until 22 I thought exactly how she described, after 22 I got glasses and my thinking changed a great deal. All words were bound to visual simulations, all senses were integrated when I dreamed on demand in the daytine or night time
@10xGeneration 3 жыл бұрын
How did you accomplish this?
@emilydiaz0912 4 жыл бұрын
Here’s something interesting about inner voices that I thought you might get a kick out of! I don’t know if this is true for everyone but sometimes my inner voice gets ‘tongue tied’ and can mispronounce things! You would think that since there’s no mouth muscles involved, that all of the words would come out perfectly but the voice in my mind behaves so much like a natural voice that it sometimes even makes mistakes! Like occasionally blending words together or mispronouncing things or stumbling over sentences.
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
That's super interesting! Wow! Thanks for sharing!
@war5561 4 жыл бұрын
Emily Diaz 100%
@francinev3971 3 жыл бұрын
@techrin3570 3 жыл бұрын
I normally will have an imagination of my tongue moving and it may have my actual tongue move, by imagination it's more of a knowing this is how you use your tongue and moving it feels like this.
@war5561 4 жыл бұрын
Yes, those things you described about lying. That would be how I lie. I would have to rehearse and anticipate all the possible responses and then rehearse those. “If I said this and then bob says that what I should respond with is ____.” That’s what the voice inside says.
@barnaby1987 4 жыл бұрын
same, I would have to have to have a full conversation in my head when I lie. Especially when calling in sick for work, I have to sound it out to make sure it's believable :D
@astphi868 4 жыл бұрын
Oooo so your math mumbles are what my inner monologue is like just in my head and not out loud. You don’t get distracted easily either. I feel slightly jealous. School is a struggle. I’m close to your age and I’m back in school. I feel like now that I’m older my distraction levels are even higher than when I was younger. Hahaha sorry that I’m commenting on a different video. I’ve just found you and this is my second video that I’ve viewed.
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
I suspect I say out loud a lot of what you guys say in your heads. Luckily, I usually have my kids with me, so it doesn't look like I'm talking to myself all the time 🤣. Honestly, I don't know if I could handle school again! Very impressive that you're going back to it.
@sarahmag.7749 3 жыл бұрын
I came across your channel while researching aphantasia. I realized I have aphantasia only one month ago and I geniunely thought everybody was "imagining" the same way as I do, like thinking about a concept only and not really vizualising things. The only thing I noticed during the years is that I barely have any memories of the past, and if I do it's only "knowing" what happend without being able to relive the moment and the emotions associated to it. Apart from that, I never knew people could actually see very vividly in their mind. About math I do exactly like you and I actually do the same for French (I am french speaker). Even if I read a lot since I was a child, I often have to write in the air or on my leg to know the correct spelling of a word because I don't have any visualization. And internal monologue is permanent. I actually realized that this is how I am able to remember things. If I go to the park, once I am back home I can tell the color of the bench just because I specifically thought about it while I was looking at it at the park, if you know what I mean. If I just look at things without thinking about what I see, I am not able to remember even if it's just 5 minutes after. I don't know if people cope like me for the lack of vizualisation. But with this method the memories do not last long for details as such. For old memories, it's more like knowing I went to visit a city without knowing how it looks like or even what I did exactly.
@Hetsapa 4 жыл бұрын
I have a minds eye, but when it comes to maths I either just know it or I write it down to know the answer. When it comes to word problems I think they just want to confuse you with a bunch of information but also try to train your mind how to use math in the real world, though the word Problem might not be very useful at all
@karinalystad5109 4 жыл бұрын
Must be so peaceful! My head is constantly trying to predict the future, like if I do this, then it'll lead to this and that, so I better do that instead....but what if that happens, then I'll feel terrible... and so I go through the feeling as if it has already happened, and I'm just left with a whole lot of anxiety, and have a hard time making decisions! Also, when someone is talking, any word can spark a memory and before I know it, I'm reliving spring break in Playa del Carmen - smells and everything!
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
Wow, I can't even imagine that. It's sounds really distracting. I don't think I could handle it.
@Samantha_yyz 3 жыл бұрын
Regarding the empathy question, yeah there are 100% different way to empathize with someone. Like for me as someone with aphantasia(with no sensory or emotional imagination) and little to no emotional reaction from empathy. (Like when I learned my grandmother died, I responded with "oh... that's sad, loved her.... ok back to my day") I feel empathy by thinking of the factual things about what the person might be feeling. So like if a friend is heartbroken, I think of the emotions I associate with that. In not like feeling those emotions, I'm just making a list of them. Then I remember the descriptions of how those made me feel. I can't fully emotionally empathize, but emotions do still get triggered to a degree. Seeing a friend hurt after a brakeup still makes me feel a bit of sadness. But I'm mostly thinking of the descriptions of how they must feel. I don't know if that's connected to my aphantasia, maybe I have something else going on to. But you can def empathize without "feeling" the same things as the other person.
@rosemarievanberlo5363 4 жыл бұрын
Wow. Everything that you're saying feels so common for me. I relate for almost everything (except from nog studying for a test 😂) that you're telling. It's difficult to discribe how I'm thinking, I think you described it the best way. The question about 'empty', I study Psychology and yes I can not visualise but that doesn't mean there is no empathy for people. A bit more logical than emotional feels true.
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I think I definitely fall on the more logical than emotional side, but I feel like I'm still empathetic. I think I'm a pretty non-judgmental person and a good listener, so I don't feel my lack of visualization impedes me from connecting to others when they're having a hard time. Perhaps it just feels different to me than someone who can visualize another person's problem, but I don't know.
@blueberry7899 4 жыл бұрын
Interesting what she says about school. I have aphantasia but would constantly zone out, and just think about things.
@queenzyapple5772 3 жыл бұрын
Me too
@briella5356 4 жыл бұрын
There’s something so sweet and endearing about this woman! Very interesting topic as well. I am an artist, I see pictures, dream vividly every night and even during naps, remember dreams in detail. Daydreaming is one of my favorite things to do when I’m lonely I just go back to a memory and it feels like I’m in it. My inner monologue is absolutely exhausting though. All day everyday non-stop and I’m an empath. ABSOLUTELY EXHAUSTING. I envy you! LOL.
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
Aw, thanks! That's so nice! Sorry your inner monologue is a pain!
@emilydiaz0912 3 жыл бұрын
I feel like what you’re describing is the feeling you get when you try to anticipate someone’s words before they say them. Like if you try to mimic someone by talking at the same time as them so you have to anticipate their words a little bit before they even say them
@stephanieb663 3 жыл бұрын
@SamanthaDiane 4 жыл бұрын
This is so interesting!! (Extremely long post coming! Sorry!) I see math in my head. When you said the 7×2=14. I saw it, except vertically. I'm very visual. I see images very clearly and crisply at least 90% of the time. It's pretty much always going. When I can't visualize I get so confused, I don't know why I can't when I can't. But in those instances I just have the thought probably similar to you. Like, I just know what something looks like. I was a dancer and when I'd listen to music i would be able to see girls dance across the floor and choreograph an entire dance team. It was incredible. However, I'm currently a fine artist and i can rarely visualize drawing/paintings. I have to keep physically creating it over and over in different ways to see it. It's super annoying. I HAVE to visualize where I left something. I'm always losing things. The only way I can find them is to see in my head where it was, what is was with, and the position it was in. If I wasn't paying attention I'm screwed. I'll also visualize it as I've seen it many different times in life and use the clues of the other objects in the picture to indicate when in time that was. You've made me realize that I can't really visualize letters well and I think that's why I'm a terrible speller. I must write it down to see it. I mean, I can visualize some words, but not most and it takes significant effort, whereas most visualizations are effortless. You kind of touched on this in your last video, but I'm so good at visualizing that when I was a kid I had this awful recurring night terror. It got so bad that I was visualizing the bad characters from my dream in the day time. Not hallucinating. My mind was recreating them while I was awake. It was terrifying. Idk if my parents have a mind's eye or not, but with things I would see when I was scared they'd basically reply with, "shut up. We're sick of this it's not real." But I also think, even if you see pictures in your head, you know they're not real, so if a kid talks about a monster in the closet adults just tell them it's in their head. Lastly, my memories are also seen as a third person. I was told not that long ago that this is weird. I assumed it was a PTSD thing, but maybe not. If I try really hard I can get glimpses of a memory from first person, but it's rather difficult. I'm very thankful you're taking the time to share all of this with us. I think i knew not everyone saw like I did in my mind. I'm far more fascinated with the lack of spoken thoughts in people's minds. Like did you watch 'scrubs'? How did you not know?! What would that be like? My brain never shuts up. I do have some thoughts that aren't spoken aloud,I just feel them, and when I try to explain that I felt crazy, like who doesn't have all their thoughts spoken in their head?! I call them more mild, then there's normally spoken thoughts, and then they're are thoughts that are screaming- those usually come with very intense pictures. Also, reading!! No wonder I'm so fricken slow at it. I have to say every word in my thoughts, if i don't know how to say it I try over and over and then tell myself 'I'll just say blah or what. It doesn't matter! Move on!' And i have to visualize everything. If i can't do both or if it's boring I can't retain any of it. Anyway, thank you. This is fascinating. 🙂
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing! A lot of interesting stuff for me in here! The dancing thing is very interesting. I used to dance a lot, all the way up through high school. I never saw any of the dancing in my head, though. I guess I never really thought about it, I just did it. More like muscle memory maybe? Interesting. People keep asking me about Scrubs! 😂 Honestly, I've only seen an episode or two. I didn't really like it, but maybe I'll have to try it again for research purposes. But, as for the inner monologue in movies and TV shows, I just thought they were purely for the audience's benefit. I didn't think they were literal interpretations of what was happening in people's heads. Like, if you asked me what I was thinking at any given moment, I could tell you, but if you were able to listen in to my mind, you wouldn't "hear" anything. It's just all there but no form. I figured the inner monologue and daydream sequences were just an interpretation of these thoughts because they don't really have sound or images. Honestly, the inner voice thing kind of freaks me out. I can't imagine having something talking in my mind all day. Oh, and I'm a terrible speller! Horrible. The worst. I think I will totally blame this on my aphantasia 😄.
@justin_5631 Жыл бұрын
"when I was in class I was looking at the teacher and I was focused on everything the teacher was saying" dear god, it's like a superpower.
@heliosphaeresonnen_wind_ki5720 4 жыл бұрын
i would miss daydreams. but having a blank mind sounds peaceful.
@Keithbroe 4 жыл бұрын
It’s not I have aphantasia too and I’m constantly thinking about everything going on around me and it’s very stressful
@heliosphaeresonnen_wind_ki5720 4 жыл бұрын
@@saia970 but can you "feel" nice the sand on the beach in your daydream is? or hear a loved ones voice in your head? things like that. how does your daydreaming work? this is so interesting!
@justinkalil1248 4 жыл бұрын
DA Bruddas I have it too and I don’t like it either bc it’s really not peaceful I wish I had normal minds eye
@sofiae7333 4 жыл бұрын
I thought people just thought about something and focused on it and that was it. I discovered I have anphatasia recently.
@BStark369 3 жыл бұрын
People with Aphantasia still daydream as Imma mentioned, just no images, just data. We can have inner voices also, but with no actual sound. (Some people with Aphantasia can 'hear' sound also) It may be hard to imagine, but there are people who can taste, hear, see, feel and smell... in their mind similar to how they do through their actual senses. Their minds are able to feedback their thoughts through the senses and then the other parts of the brain process those as if they came in through their ears, eyes etc... People with Apahantasia just have no ability to do that with visuals.
@orangeblossom5362 4 жыл бұрын
I've asked a few people if they can imagine and how strongly, and although I haven't met any true aphantasics a few of my friends can't imagine super clearly or only see images in the corner of their eye. Some also can't remember their family members faces, while the other people I asked can see very clear in their imagination. I have yet to meet anyone with no inner monologue though.
@jordanb7304 3 жыл бұрын
a lot of the imagery I see in my head is like having a thought or memory on the tip of your tongue. As if its almost there but not there simultaneously.
@amjan 3 жыл бұрын
I visualize all mathematical equations in all kinds of diagams. So e.g. 14+7=21 looks sth like this: - - - - - - - - - -|- - - + - - - - - -|+ Explanation: I visualize a scale (like a ruler), where all numbers are marked. In the simplified diagram above each dash is a number on the scale, the vertical separator marks each 10, and then the number 14 is marked, then I add a 7 by adding it to it and I just look where the mark ends - and it ends on 21. Everything is also colourful.
@divineconquer7648 3 жыл бұрын
I have vivid dreams, but to recall them later, I can remember some characters or events, but it is more like reading a book than reviewing a video (as it may be for regular people, I don't know). As far as a realistic connection like sex, I would think, 'if this or that, i just KNOW it would drive me crazy, but later when it happens, (like a massage for 2 hours), the experience is like 'really, is this all that it is?' BUT, in the real sense I cannot get the 'full desired effect', but later on, when I RELIVE the experience (the sights, the touch), THEN something happens. I don't know why. I was a 3lb. 1oz - 10 week premie baby and maybe the connections for visualization to paper and sense reactions were blunted when I was born early. I have been an artist, and if you want me to sit down and draw a dragon or anything from my mind and next draw a dragon or your face from pictures, you will be suprised by my 2nd grade 1st dragon and college level 2nd attempts. I learned 2 days ago I have Aphantasia and have learned a lot about it. I'll follow your channel in the future. Thanks, Randy A.
@justme-dee6888 4 жыл бұрын
Another interesting and great video thanks so much for sharing!
@trevorama 4 жыл бұрын
This new camera is da bomb! It’s nice to have you looking directly at us. Very insightful video as always. Question: If someone asks you "Where in your fridge is the mayonnaise?" Will you know automatically, or would that be difficult? I literally get a detailed (but not 100% accurate) image of the interior of the fridge and its contents, so I could not only tell you where the mayonnaise is but what’s next to it, behind it, etc.
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for letting me know! I'll use it next time, then. I think the sound is better too. As for the mayonnaise, it depends on how recently I used it I guess. Like, I used it just this afternoon, so I know exactly where it is. If you asked me where the lemon juice is, though, I could narrow it down to two common spots it could be, but I wouldn't know for sure until I checked.
@virginiahansen320 2 жыл бұрын
I teach Math, so I can tell you the purpose of word problems is to help you apply abstract math to real-world scenarios and then test your ability to do that. Of course that relies on you being able to simulate the described scenario in your mind, so they probably do nothing for you.
@jeninegrasc8414 4 жыл бұрын
I don’t call it a lie, I call it being a realist. “No, you can’t sing, don’t go on American Idol” that gets interpreted as lying for me, is telling people what they don’t want to hear. 🤷🏻‍♀️
@zefram47 3 жыл бұрын
Fellow aphant...only learned about it about 9 months ago. It’s nice coming across videos of people having similar experiences. For a few weeks after learning about aphantasia it was a little rough trying to understand how I’m able to do some things that seem like they should require visualization and whatnot. At the end of the day, it was really a revelation that everyone experiences the world in different ways. We conceptually understand this, but really understanding how differently people can perceive the world and their memories is kind of mind blowing.
@heedmydemands Жыл бұрын
Yeah I've often thought of it how people could be seeing colours in a totally different way and there would b no way to know
@iustinlens 3 жыл бұрын
This is interesting, the weird thing is that I definitely understand how you are thinking even though I can both picture things in my mind and have a constant monologue. I think that most people that say they can't understand how you think haven't really tried to. For example, I've started using the inner monologue less and less for some time since I've realized it gets in the way of a lot of things, especially reading. This is especially true when I'm reading a book in english since I'm not a native english speaker. I've realized one day that there is no point in pronouncing every word in my mind since I already know what it means and since then I've read a lot faster. It is actually known that not reading the words in your mind is a faster way of reading. Another example would be having a really complex thought out of the blue that would take at least 5 seconds for the internal monologue to go through and I sometimes just stop and realize that I already KNOW the whole thing I'm thinking about. It's like trying to tell someone a story and he's not listening at all, you already have the story in your mind, be it a 2 hour long movie, you don't have to read the whole scenario inside your mind to know it. I have to admit though that there IS something I don't understand about the way you think. How do you conceive very specific thoughts? Here are a few examples: 1. How do you do math in your mind? You've talked about it in this video but didn't give a concrete answer. I'm not talking about things like 7*2 that you already know like you have the answer in a database. If you have to calculate 27 * 54, how do you do it? I don't really do it myself since there is rarely a reason to, but if you give me enough time I can calculate the answer by visualizing the multiplications like you would write them down, though it would take longer since it's not as vivid. This is especially true for bigger numbers, say 476 * 159. If I give you 10 minutes, how do you do that? 2. How do you formulate long answers/speeches in your mind in a situation where you should NOT give an instant answer. When you would have to "watch your mouth". 3. Finally, how do you learn a poem? I've had to learn a lot of essays word by word for bac (an important romanian exam), we're talking about dozens of pages. How can you do that? I couldn't imagine myself learning these word by word if I couldn't literally repeat them in my mind. By the way, this is another thing I'm extremely curious about, and it's not really related to the discussion, but what would happen if someone with aphantasia would learn to lucid dream? I'm into lucid dreaming communities and I was wondering what you would see/feel when lucid dreaming if you have aphantasia, since 100% of what you see there is mentally generated.
@truthseeker2275 4 жыл бұрын
Very interesting! On empathy, if you are about to see an accident you know is going to happen, like someone about to hit their thumb with a hammer while knocking in a nail, do you get that cringe feeling before it happens? (For example, watching darwin awards type shows)
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
Yes, definitely! That kind of stuff is hard for me to watch. Anything super embarrassing is hard for me, too. When you watch them, is it hard because you see it happening to you? Can you kind of feel it? Or do you just feel bad for the person?
@truthseeker2275 4 жыл бұрын
@@quietmindinside4808 You actually *really* feel it due to mirror neurons. It is said that people with a lack of empathy have fewer mirror neurons, but since your empathy is not impacted, it is evidence that the operation of mirror neurons are not reliant on the visualisation of the event. It affects us at a lower visceral level.
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
@@truthseeker2275 Very interesting!
@michaelmaxwell3383 3 жыл бұрын
@@quietmindinside4808 I have Aphantasia. The closest that I can come to visualizing is closing my eyes and seeing a thick black fog/smoke in total darkness, but with a vague sense of something being just out of sight that I'm struggling to see. With regards to empathy, I have emotions and I feel sorry for people in certain situations, but I think it's an intellectual connection because I've felt similar feelings myself. I will admit that it's a lot easier for me to disconnect from the empathy than it seems to be for other people if I'm in a situation where I need to put the feelings at arms lenght.
@niki3722 4 жыл бұрын
Since I'm so early and it's more likely that you'll see my comment I just want to say thank you for your videos. I'm really interested in this topic and i watched a lot of videos but yours are the most informative because your way of describing how your think is great and satisfying for my thirst of knowledge. I also love the conversations sparked in your comments.
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much! I'm so glad you find them interesting ❤️. The best part for me has been the conversations in the comments, too! So many interesting experiences and perspectives.
@captainfrosty31 4 жыл бұрын
@@quietmindinside4808 hi, I too love how well you explain things, it's a subject I find interesting since I don't have it and was mind blown some people do. I would be interested in knowing if people with this get depression? I've found alot of people's depression can be linked to their thought process. Since you don't have things like negative intrusive thoughts or thoughts putting yourself down, insecurities etc I would think having aphantasia would eradicate all of this and therefore make depression less likely? Would love to hear your thoughts on that.
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
@@captainfrosty31 Just in what I've gathered listening to others, there are definitely people with aphantasia who suffer from depression. I think most of them have an inner voice, though, so that might have something to do with it. My only personal experience is that I had post partum depression after my daughter was born. It manifested in purely physical symptoms for me, though.
@captainfrosty31 4 жыл бұрын
@@quietmindinside4808 thankyou for the response, a fascinating subject I'm yet to wrap my head around. I had severe PND after my first daughter (who is 20 now) which resulted in self harm. The self harm came from the voice in my head which consistently told me negative things. Without those thoughts I wonder how does PND manifest? You say you had only physical symptoms, what would an example of that be if you don't mind sharing that is? For me constant worries about the baby etc and not being good enough fuelled self hatred which further fuelled the intrusive thoughts which caused my depression to worsen. Now older and alot of self work to hush those voices later I find myself wondering if I had this aphantasia back then, then maybe I would have dealt with the depression better and so I became curious about how ppl with this cope with depression. I had to learn to retrain my subconscious mind in order to hush the negative thoughts which meant actively trying to replace bad thought with good ones, sometimes a bad thought would come from nowhere I call these intrusive thoughts, I could be driving and an intrusive thought pops in and I hear see and feel through an event such as driving my car off the road and smashing into a tree, dieing and all my family being shocked and sad. I would come out of the thought process having drove safely to my destination with no knowledge of the route I took because I was off the side of the road somewhere dieing then watching my family at my funeral in my head. In the beginning I had to actively try to push that imagery out. Like, Turn up some music and sing really loud thinking hard about the words and forcing new imagery. I did that enough that the intrusive thoughts occur so rarely now that when they do I feel like they aren't me or my thoughts. It's like someone suddenly stuffing a camera phone in my face and forcing me to watch a video of something that has no relation to my conscious state of mind which these days is a positive one. How does someone with this deal with grief? Do you believe in souls? I always thought my inner monologue was my soul talking...More wonderment for my over active brain lol. Thankyou for sharing these videos you really are the only person I have found who explains so clearly what the experience of life with this is like. Seems to me like the state I try to reach with meditation is something that seems to come naturally to you. Do you ever meditate? Would you feel the need too? So many questions haha I have subscribed and look forward to more content. Thankyou again.
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
@@captainfrosty31 With my PPD, I felt a lot of listlessness and really lost my desire to do anything. Mostly I just felt "off". I felt really lazy, and all I wanted to do was sit on the couch and eat. I ended up putting on about 20 pounds in about a six month period. I can have intrusive thoughts, but they're just like a flash of an urge. Definitely not so consuming that I would be doing something else and not realize. I remember once during my PPD, I was hanging laundry on the balcony, and I just had this idea to jump off. It was just a fleeting idea, no pictures or sounds, just the slight urge to try it. It lasted probably a second, but it's what made me talk to my husband that I thought something was wrong. So, yeah, it's still possible to have intrusive thoughts, but I assume they are much less consuming with no inner voice or aphantasia. I think in general, I have a pretty easy time stopping myself if I start a negative thought spiral. As for grief, truthfully, I think it's a lot easier for me. I actually can't re-feel past emotions. So, I can remember that I felt a certain way when something happened, but I don't feel the emotion again when I tell the story. I didn't realize this was something "normal" people could do until a few weeks ago. So I think I have a bit more natural detachment. Although, this is not the same for all aphants. Some can still feel these emotions, just like some still have an inner voice. So our experiences are not always the same. As for a soul? Honestly, that's why all of this has caused an existential crisis for me. I honestly don't know. Knowing what the average human experience is and realizing that I'm not having it has led to many questions about exactly what being human means.
@neilcollins4210 4 жыл бұрын
Perhaps maybe you are visualizing. That is to say, your brain is still visualizing, however the visuals are being processed and recalled sub-conscientiously. If we all had a little background robot assistant in each our heads and what you're describing a summary given by the assistant on all things visual and usually slogged through in the foreground. Leaving you "less cloudy" as it sounds.
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
I think it's likely that I'm taking in visual information the same, but I'm not so sure about the recall. In the MX patient studies, they found that when he was recalling information, the verbal parts of his brain were lighting up, instead of visual parts. However, there was also a recent study that found that low visualizers had higher visual cortex excitability, which seems to be blurring the clarity of their visualizations. Unfortunately, there were no people with aphantasia in that study, so I'm not sure if the findings would be the same for us or not.
@anthonymason1601 2 жыл бұрын
I just learned that I have this today!
@zaracarruthers4719 3 жыл бұрын
i wonder did you have a trauma in childhood or grow up in a dysfunctional home? AND how would you describe your relationship with creativity? creative writing or drawing etc... thanks x
@klausd.6285 3 жыл бұрын
I was confused most of my life cause I can't recall sounds, images, emotions, touch, or taste and I can't smell at all so I don't know what smells smell like. With all of that, I thought people said that when they could hear a sound in their head or can visualize something in their minds eye, I thought for the longest time it was just a figure of speech and thought actually seeing an image in your head was impossible. I have learned that me not being able to recall emotions has impacted how I interact with people when telling stories where I was really sad or traumatizing things happened to me and I thought people were over reacting when they would get emotional or upset when telling something that happened to them when they were a child. I have learned that I am the odd one in this situation and I had to learn to fake those emotions when retelling my stories so people don't look at me like a psychopath. I was so happy when I learned Aphantasia was a thing and that I wasn't alone or "crazy" with not being able to recall anything or visualize. I'm glad more and more people are talking about it and not just about it not being able to visualize with your minds eye. But that some people literally can't recall anything or maybe can't recall a few of the senses.
@j8acob1 4 жыл бұрын
I've been trying to understand how you think and I realised that I sometimes catch myself deciding if I should expend the effort to translate a thought into words in my head or if I should leave them in their more abstract form. This made me realise that I do think about things without using words, though I think my inturnal monologue distracts me from these deeper workings of my mind most of the time. When I first discovered some people don't have a voice in their heads it blew my mind and I felt envious as not only does my inturnal voice bug me a lot of the time, but it seems like it could be a far more efficient way of thinking, not having to translate all the thoughts into words. Probably a lot of people who have an inturnal monologue like me arent realising that the voice in their heads is simply telling them things which they already know on some deeper level. Though I think when you are used to having a voice in your head it becomes a part of the thinking process and you can't do without it. I can't tell if I'm able to visualise images in my head or not. It's so faint that Its difficalt to tell if there is anything there, and i think a lot of people are like this. So it's not like everyone has a movie running in their heads and you are one of the few who is missing out. I think there is a big spectrum here and a whole lot of people can't picture things clearly in their minds so your'e difinantly not alone. Keep up the videos! theyre very interesting :)
@itskashkashi 3 жыл бұрын
I think we're on the same page. I have an inner monologue but have more abstract thoughts as well and like you described, decide if to translate it to words. Most of the time my inner monologue is connected with reading or in preparation for something I actually have to say. I never actually thought about the visualisation aspect but now that I'm thinking about it, I can't really picture things in my mind easily. Imagining scenarios like people would call daydreaming takes considerable focus and effort. Another video talked about picturing an apple in your mind and thats when I realised I couldn't actually do that.
@j8acob1 3 жыл бұрын
@@itskashkashi Yea you sound very similar. Sometimes I think of my mind like an ocean and my conciousness is the sunlight penetrating through from above. The surface is in direct light, and represnets my senses like the things I can see and hear and so on. Just under the surface the light is less intense, but still bright. My inner monologue is here, still very clear but different from actually hearing someone talking. As we go deeper the light fades away into darkness. It's difficult to tell exactly where the light ends and the darkness begins, and this is where my visual imagiation is, right on the border between conciousness and subconsiousness, so I can only just notice it's there. Most of the ocean is in darkness. I can't imagine how much must be going on in my mind that i'm never even aware of.
@mavisedwards 3 жыл бұрын
Internal monologue often annoys me as well. It's only an echo of my actual thoughts, but my mind finds it necessary to translate it into words. At times I would explain things in my mind as if trying to word everything perfectly, which I have a difficult time doing. I'd end up saying the same sentence over and over again but with corrections, almost reminiscent of ocd. Sometimes I find myself saying something in my mind and I just feel tired and stop myself. It does take some mental energy and often just feels like something I am doing to satisfy my own anxiety. A lot of daydreams are like that as well- just repetitions of things I can't express to someone or a way of experiencing feelings I want but can't otherwise have.
@alastaircornish2860 3 жыл бұрын
When you say you just "know" where a phone is, I don't! I see where it is in my mind's eye. And for maths I visualise it often like Tetris, with a line requiring a sum of 10 and the overspill being on the next line... for very simple maths sure you just know the answer, but anything that needs a beat or two to think about calls imagery to mind, for me.
@hotwasabi1085 4 жыл бұрын
The Black Friday example actually makes a lot of sense to me and even though I have an inner voice and see pictures, I still experience that sometimes where I am just very anxious but not about anything specific. I think the question about lying is because, at least for me, I think through what I want to say before I say it. Like I get the words in my head first then decide what to say or if I need to change it, so if I’m going to lie then I have that thought inside my head and think through if I will lie or not but I can’t imagine doing that without the inner dialogue lol so that’s probably where the confusion is 😅
@mrridikilis 3 жыл бұрын
it's soon as you said '7 x 2 = 14' I was thinking, "I absolutely see the digits in my head." I see the image. And for bigger numbers i have a visual picture where the 'round' numbers (100, 200 etc.) are like 'limits' or 'borders', just to keep my bearings so I know I'm in the right zone.
@DawnonTheOne 3 жыл бұрын
Same 😊
@UhtredOfBamburgh 3 жыл бұрын
I have probably the opposite, hyper-PHantasia. Sometimes I go on wonderful journeys like actually travelling to a new place, especially in the occasional dreams where I wake up like I just came back from vacation and I can design and build things in my mind and then build them very quickly in physical reality afterwards, like building a project on a bus and just writing it down fast when i get home. But other times its horrible like I can't pay attention to a single thing in a meeting or a lecture or a tutorial video because one little thing that was said triggers me into picturing all of this stuff that goes off on a visual tangent in my mind and I come out of it realizing I haven't paid attention to real life at all for 5, 10, 20 minutes! Its good for thinking but bad for interacting. Imagine everything everyone ever said to you made you feel like a rocket ship is blasting off to the place they are talking about and your mind considering every possible outcome of the events described while you have trouble remaining present enough in real life to keep talking to the person who said it.
@graylinbeaudry4651 4 жыл бұрын
As someone who also has aphantasia, "concept" is definitely the key word. All things and thoughts are concepts and not replications of external stimuli. Getting these answers from someone with out aphantasia would be a fun interview.
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
I want to do some more videos with my husband because I think it's great getting both the Aphantasia and regular imagery sides of things, too. His schedule has been a bit hectic lately, so we haven't been able to get to it. Hopefully soon, though! I'd like to do one where we compare how we estimate things because he does some crazy stuff in his head 🤣.
@gabriellalaplace 4 жыл бұрын
You sound like me except, you could add double digits in your head, can drive in the USA or Canada well ,( I guessed that's where you live) , including driving with directions, and you can make videos on KZbin, so your public speaking is better than mine, I can't public speak at all, they just passed me in college and university. ( I went because of a parent) It made sense for me to not go , since I can't drive and public speak. Also, I did study a lot of a biology text book in high school, and not just listen, but almost completely I just paid attention in school and didn't study at home. I only got homework when I was in highschool. (Which is a different system than the USA; different structure)
@Izzyb_ 3 жыл бұрын
When I have dreams I get only the plot as well, but I also feel what my body is going though during the dream. Like if I was running, it would feel like my body is running but I can’t visualize anything. I do “see” but not visualize
@francinev3971 3 жыл бұрын
i think in terms of predicting situations, people differ. whether you have aphantasia or you're average or you have hyperphantasia. I saw some people in the comments say they talk to themselves (inner voices) when they do lie. In my case, however, I imagine myself in the exact situation. I play out this scenario of me and the person i lie to and the voices that speak in my head are also different. the voice from the person i will lie to is different from my actual voice in that scene. Edit: I think I'm pretty average. Some situations, my minds' eye and inner monologues are more vivid while in some situations, I can hardly count on them (I still have to draw in the air for maths sometimes). I can picture out a whole movie scene that I've never seen before in my head, differentiate inner voices, etc. but when asked for locations, I usually depend on logic too (i can use minds' eye sometimes but usually logic). I do have a strong empathy though. I can picture myself exactly in someone else's shoes when needed to be. I clicked on the video to know if you can dream and ended up learning so much more
@JordynOrca 6 ай бұрын
I think many of the things you do to think are things we use as well, they're just so overshadowed by the images and the dialogue that we completely overlook them. The things you are able to do BECAUSE of the quiet and lack of imagery are things we cannot do or comprehend.
@R.F.9847 4 жыл бұрын
Word problems in math are more like practical problems. Out in the real world, you don't just stumble across "7x2=?" You have pieces that you need to know how to put together. The raw equations are just tools and building blocks. In the real world, you have X dollars that earn Y interest per year and it's been Z years. You need to know how to take those separate pieces of information and from there work out how much money you have now. In the real world you have a jar of peanut butter that's A ounces and costs B dollars and a jar of peanut butter that's X ounces and costs Y dollars, and you need to know how to take that information and figure out which one is the better buy. In the real world, you need to work out how much fencing you need to enclose your sheep based on the dimensions of your field.
@prach2 Жыл бұрын
I like how you are trying to explain aphantasia. And I get how you feel, because I have it too. But I have visual dreams, which I find interesting, that I can visualize while sleeping but not when I am awake.
@litigioussociety4249 Жыл бұрын
Your explanation of listening to the teacher is making me think some of the people I thought were soulless robots in school that never doodled, gazed around, got bored, etc. may have had aphantasia. I'm still not certain aphantasia people aren't somewhat NPCs or lacking in spirit and soul, but it at least explained why some people will be very attentive like a robot. Your sense of empathy seems to me to suggest someone with aphantasia can have sympathy but not empathy in the full sense. Granted, empathy is experience based, but without being able to fully recall the experience would make it harder to imagine someone else's experience. The video definitely helped me understand a couple more things.
@RobertGotschall-y2f Жыл бұрын
I rarely dream. The dreams are in vaguely familiar places but hazy, no faces. I’m usually looking for something or lost. Outside, I easily navigate with an internal map of the city or region. Directions in a list are too confusing and I’d have to write them down. And still get lost. Arithmetic was a terror for me in elementary school. It wasn’t until I got to college with a good calculator that math became easy for me. I see memories as camera pictures. I remember once having a picture taken of me standing in front of a small portable cement mixer. I finally found the original picture of the scene. It had virtually no resemblance to the vague scene I remembered. Reading a novel is better visually then the movies, with full sound effects and music score. But not poetry. I can not visualize poetry. Poetry comes across as a series of words I have to sound out. I can usually make sense of it but seems pointless to me. Good quotations get stuck in my head like refrigerator magnets. I have a continuous jabbering voice in my head. I rarely think out loud?
@sarahs.6377 2 жыл бұрын
So... For all the people asking questions about how to live "without seeing pictures in your head" and are still confused... Have you considered how blind people live their lives?
@heedmydemands Жыл бұрын
O wow, I have heard of aphantasia before, love the name it sounds beautiful. I can definitely relate about directions they're just a list of words to me and I'll need to refer to them as a list of words. It takes me quite a while to feel comfortable sometimes with going to a new place alone. Also if I'm not driving the car I will not remember how to get there basically at all. When I'm going somewhere like taking a walk I will remember basically just the turns and remember my way back that way and the familiarness of the way I came. I can be very easily turned around. I think I even have a vague word description of where I parked my car and I can have a hard time finding the car lol. I often talk to myself especially like to talk through a difficult conversation or if I am going to lie I need to really think it through how it will go, what questions I could be asked, I'm very uncomfortable with lying. I have many interesting dreams definitely with visuals and also daydreams with visuals but in the dreams the sound is just something I know is occurring it's not seeming real. I'll know like reasons people do things, if there's ever anything written it will not look like text I'll just automatically know what it says. Also in my dreams sometimes it's like a movie where I'm watching everyone including my own character who is not necessarily the me from the waking world. Thank you for making this video I will subscribe. I'm always fascinated to learn more about people, it's an undying passion. I'm self-diagnosed autistic
@rubyqueen27 Жыл бұрын
Hi there, I just hope people understand everyone is different, I myself have Aphantasia and I consider myself very different from you. I explain to people I have a knowing, I don't have any visual pictures in my head but I know things, they are saved in pockets of information like filing. Anyhow what I wanted people to know is I'm truly very empathetic as in I feel everything and I think this comes from compensation my other senses are heightened. I all my life would say I read people and animals. I am noticing micro expressions, the small stuff, so I notice how someone is feeling I see when they are confused or sad etc same with animals. I also have vivid lucid dreams. I only know this as there is a period of time between asleep and awake where I can recall them like a movie. Unfortunately it is fleeting. Only thing you can feel sorry for us is I cannot picture my lovely Mother's face or my beautiful dog. I know how I felt about them and can recall her voice but not her face.😢 Hence why I changed my career later in life I am now a photographer I use this to my advantage and I get to keep my memory and show others how I see.
@mikeylewis7467 Жыл бұрын
Do you compartmentalise? I have Athantasia and im very good at compartmentalizing.
@BenJaminLongTime 10 ай бұрын
I think your blindfold analogies dont work, because the average person cant help but visualize lol. What I find interesting is how different our brains can be yet we all function pretty similarly. Also, with regards to sleep, myself and likely others I imagine (see what I did there) will replay conversations and events in our head sometimes and it makes it horrific to try to sleep. Brain wont shut up, and it is often kinda subliminal or something because it is not active thoughts doing the work its like the imagination part of the brain way in back thinking its party time or something and is at a full sprint while the rest of the brain is trying to power off. Sometimes its just replaying the same thing over and over exhaustively and it can be just audio or can be just imagery or a mix, and atleast in my mind my stupid brain will alter the events in a billion differnet ways hearing and seeing all the different options. so annoying. luckily it doesnt happen often.
@BenJaminLongTime 10 ай бұрын
hey for the record I am likely hypophantasia and i freaking loath what I would call "old people directions" lol its basically verbal directions without using street names, maps, and absolutely pre-google maps and is pretty much excusively an older person thing. So as well as I am able to picture things in my head, I freaking hate when people say "turn right at the red house then left at the bridge" yes I can picture it, but it is a garbage method of directions and even with my good imagination it is trash. I would take street sign names any day of the week over random descriptions that are non-rigid. Now if you tell me to turn right towards the effle tower then after passing it proceed north until I hit the ocean or something that although not great still is far superior because it is things that are very large, unchanging and general directions.
@AndySexton65 3 жыл бұрын
The more I learn about Aphantasia the more I realise it's just a made up thing. 1 to 3 % of people apparently have this yet vast swathes of people seem to discover they have it after watching KZbin, curious!
@corycoaxen3491 4 жыл бұрын
I have aphantasia too, didn't even know I had it until last year when I was talking to my GF about something and she explained how she sees images in her mind, I was blown away, at first I started thinking she must be exceptional, I do have good taste in women lol... but the more I started looking into it I found out I was the exception one, but i don't feel lucky or special in a good way at all. I feel like I've been running a marathon and just reached the half way point and and looked back and saw i was tied to a 200lb weight the entire time. However I found a guy on KZbin doing studies and collecting data, so hopefully this will become a thing and get more support.
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
Yes, I know what you mean. When I hear about things people can do in their heads, I think about how much harder it was for me to do the same thing, if I was even able to do it at all. Some things I've worked so hard at now seem like a total waste of time because other people can do them so easily without really needing to try. Totally sucks. I've been signing up for basically every study I can find in the hopes that something can be discovered about how and why this happens.
@corycoaxen3491 4 жыл бұрын
@@quietmindinside4808 I feel horrible about saying this, I'm glad its not just me, what I mean to say is I have a sense of relief knowing I'm not the only one and I'm not broken. Or if I am at least I'm not alone in it. I started following you and love the way you articulate everything... I'm not as eloquent and have a horrible time trying to explain to people what Aphantasia is and how it effects me. Anyways, I love your videos, I'm going to binge watch now. If you hear of any promising studies please post or make a video. Your awesome. Thank you again.
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
@@corycoaxen3491 Yeah, I know what you mean. As soon as I found out about this, I immediately went looking for others like me. It is a very isolating experience I think. It's so hard to find others around you that get it, and honestly, I have a bit of fear about talking to my "real life" friends. I'm afraid they either won't believe me or they'll blow it off or they'll offer ways to fix me. I guess it's just not something I'm ready to explore just yet. It's so weird, but doing the videos here have actually been the best for thing for helping me deal with this. And it's wonderful for me every time I hear from another aphant that these are helpful. It really makes it worth it even when I feel a bit uncomfortable sharing so much about myself. My hope is that the more this is talked about, the more time will be spent studying it and perhaps figuring out why it happens. I have actually been asked to do an fMRI imaging study, but they need some more participants. The study will take place over here in Taiwan. Unfortunately, I only know of one other aphant here, so my help with the university's search hasn't been very successful. Hopefully, we can find some more soon. It's probably harder with all the travel restrictions at the moment, too.
@virginiahansen320 2 жыл бұрын
For lying, there are a few things it sounds like an Aphantasic person won't have that us normies rely on: 1. We simulate the scenario associated with the lie, as in we create a fake memory of whatever we're lying about actually having and use that to build the lie. 2. We simulate the other person's perspective and what they might see or hear that will tip them off to the lie and how to avoid it 3. We simulate the conversation involving the lie and try to poke holes in our own lie before we tell it so we can improve it and be ready. That's it we're actually being smart about it. I think the question is more that an elaborate or high-stakes lie would be more difficult to pull off without imaginative visualization and inner monologue/dialogue to bounce things around.
@miguelcarter1949 3 жыл бұрын
We are all so different Just found out I have Aphantasia I’m nothing like you are But I’m understanding now why o have been so different then others are all my life
@keithej2 Жыл бұрын
I have aphantasia. I saw a YT that claimed it's possible to train people with aphantasia to see images with your eyes closed. Sounds kind of scary. I used to assume anyone actually seeing things with their eyes closed was fitted with a straight jacket and locked in a padded room.
@NovaNight13 Жыл бұрын
Can you remember what something tastes like in your mind? Like can you actually taste it in your mind?
@sephrasandy468 2 жыл бұрын
Tbh. Everything someone says to me, my brain pulls up an image. If you asked me where is my phone I'd imagine in on my bed immediately
@terryvanderwolf1175 2 жыл бұрын
I want to thank you for your video you answered so many things that never made sense before. Especially how you can not sleep if you leave something undone that has been driving me nuts all my life and I never realised what it was because there are no thoughts just my mind buzzing. How do you shut it down? With Covid it has been going non stop for the past month.
@allisonshattuck9699 3 жыл бұрын
I don’t have aphantasia and I picture the numbers when I do math in my head. Like 7+3=10 I see each number.
@lynnwoodrow2198 4 жыл бұрын
How are you at spelling? I am really bad and have always tried to get people to understand that I have to just “know” a word to spell it , I have no ability to “see” it and spell it out. Learning about aphantasia is starting to let me understand why they think my explanation is odd. I’m often lost after a couple letters. Thankful for spellcheck 😃
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
I feel the same way about spellcheck 🤣. I'm a terrible speller. So, so, so bad. I still remember this time in fifth grade when I asked my teacher how to spell 'princess', and she acted like I was a complete idiot because I left the 'r' out. 🤣 I just have to "know" the word, too. Sometimes I'll look at a word and know it's wrong, but I can't figure out how to fix it. 'Inconvenient' gets me every time 🤣. I hate that word!
@lynnwoodrow2198 4 жыл бұрын
Yup, I can often tell it’s wrong but have no idea how to correct. Another thing I’m starting to understand is why I can’t listen to “soothing/relaxation” pod casts or recordings. When they ask you to visualize something like being on a beach and then climbing in a row boat and heading to a deserted island ..... I start to get anxiety and stress coz I’m still trying to see the darn sand and the narrator is serenely floating to some tranquil paradise . All I am thinking is that I’ll never catch up!!!!
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
@@lynnwoodrow2198 🤣 I never understood those things!! Now I know why! 🤣
@doppelganger1997 4 жыл бұрын
I have aphantasia also, but I do have an inner monologue. I can't imagine smells, taste or sounds either. One thing that would be interesting to know is if blind people who previously had vision can mentally visualize or if they're blind in both ways. Another thing I've noticed is that when I'm typing on a keyboard it's almost like muscle memory is in action since I type fast without looking at the keyboard (not sure if that's related to having aphantasia but thought it'd be interesting to note). In regards to daydreaming, I do but obviously without imagery. It's as if it's just "there" and I can play out scenarios as concepts (if that makes sense), so for example if I'm a passenger in a car and I decide to daydream, if I get distracted or someone talks to me I loose the thought process but can go back to it afterwards but I'd have to make up other aspects of the daydream up since I was cut off from the original idea/"scene". (sorry if I don't make sense, it's hard to describe it all). In regards to inner monologue, I don't hear words as voices but I just think with my thoughts. Just as when you speak in person, in my mind I also can't hear different thoughts at the same time. If I try to not think anything, it's hard to have no thoughts whatsoever. There always has to be a thought running through my mind and if there's no thought then it's me humming or my brain focusing on sounds around me. I wish I could hear songs play in my mind but sadly I can't. I seriously don't get how people who are secluded from anything can cope with just their thoughts for a long period of time without going crazy (e.g. like solitary confinement) Not having aphantasia would be a lifesaver in those instances I'd assume.
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
I wonder about solitary confinement, too! Seems like it would be an even harsher punishment for an aphant. Interesting that you have a running inner monologue but can't get music 🤔. I guess it must be another part of the mind controlling that. Unfortunately, I get my kids' annoying cartoon theme songs stuck in my head a lot, so it's not always very nice.
@Stephanie102684 4 жыл бұрын
These videos are so fascinating to me. Every time you explain something I really try to put myself in your perspective and think about just knowing things versus having that mental picture. The thing I keep thinking of is if you can't see a mental picture and you just know, but HOW do you just know? Then I think that it just comes from a lifetime of knowledge from learning things. I think that's the thing that fascinates me most about aphantasia is that you can't just picture something, but you know what it is. I really enjoy your videos.
@steff1193 2 жыл бұрын
I relate to much of what you said. My question would be to you or anyone else is what are people without aphantasia thoughts and memories like? Can they actually see pictures in their minds? Like a movie in their head?
@chamonix2602 3 жыл бұрын
If I need to find, say, a fork, I borrow from "recognition" a sort of negative image of the outline of a fork, so I know what to look for. I don't know what my kids look like but they are tall and wear glasses.
@jorgeenriquez1157 4 жыл бұрын
That is so interesting when it comes to "day dreaming " I always tought of my self as a big day dreamer before i knew other people could visualise. I would be in class and think about concepts, Ideas, or scripts etc for book that I read. I always tought this is what imagining was for everyone.
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I would run through a bunch of stuff like that, mostly when trying to get to sleep though, but I felt the same - That everyone was imagining this way. To be honest, some of the magic has been lost for me when I look at movies now. I always thought it was so amazing that people could take what they created in their "blind" imaginations and make elaborate sets and scenery and costumes from that nothingness, but now it feels like they're cheating a bit. 🤣
@jorgeenriquez1157 4 жыл бұрын
@@quietmindinside4808 that is so true ! I paint and draw and im quite good at it, my hand just knows the contours of lines and stuff . When im making a painting im always thinking of a concept and not so much of the visual cues attached to it. when there was an assignment to draw a chair and people would draw a wodden chair I would draw a chair made mushrooms. in a way, for me, this imagination is more freeing as i dont feel the restrictions of the visual world around me.
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
@@jorgeenriquez1157 Someone mentioned in one of Aphantasia Facebook groups that he sees creating his art as his way to "see" his imagination, which I think is so true. I've never been artistic, but I loved writing as I was growing up. That's pretty much all I did in my free time. I definitely think writing the stories I had in my head was my way to see and explore my imagination.
@suru01 4 жыл бұрын
What about rumination or anxiety? Are you immune from that? For example, right now all I can think about is the corona virus :(
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure if it's the Aphantasia, no inner voice, or just my personality, but I don't really dwell on things. I'll just get nervous or anxious at times, but after whatever I'm worried about is over, I can let it go pretty easily. Things like the coronavirus? I don't really worry about at all. Maybe because it's impossible for me to visualize getting it? I don't know. I'll follow guidelines and take precautions, but I don't worry about it. It doesn't really affect how I'm living. The only really close comparison I had was that I had post partum depression after my daughter was born. It just manifested in physical symptoms though: lethargy, feeling blue, eating junk, and gaining lots of weight. Perhaps if I ever had real anxiety it would appear only physically as well so would be harder to notice?
@suru01 4 жыл бұрын
@@quietmindinside4808 Thanks for responding. Whether it is due to Aphantasia or not, I envy you. :)
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
@@suru01 I hope it will be OK for you. I know it's a scary time right now, and there's some panic happening in places.
@suru01 4 жыл бұрын
Quiet Mind Inside thank you :)
@coffeyaum 4 жыл бұрын
I also wondered about this. @quietmindinside How do you experience anxiety about things like this, if at all? For me, when someone says coronavirus or when I think about it's existence, I see the empty shelves at my grocery store I saw yesterday and the map of the US that's entirely red, etc. I'm not sure if the images my brain is remembering causes feelings of anxiety or if they are a symptom. It would be interesting to hear your experience. Also, I think you could do a whole video on empathy, the different types and social purposes, and how you experience those (or don't).
@nikhitajagathesan6389 3 жыл бұрын
I actually came to this realization because my class did this visualization exercise and it was so specific and I just couldn’t see any of it. Ever since then this discovery has absolutely fascinated me.
@buildingamystery74 4 жыл бұрын
That thought experiment was the first time I’ve really come close to understanding how you think. Just because I can’t see or hear something doesn’t mean it’s not there. The problem is I have to start with the images and monologue in my head first before I can’t get to the place of knowing without seeing or hearing and the monologue never goes away, I’m just pretending it’s not there. Im picturing myself wearing headphones and a blindfold but the voice is still there. The empathy concept makes sense too. I don’t have to conjure up images in order to feel empathy. I can feel the emotion of empathy in my chest and stomach without picturing anything. This stuff is endlessly fascinating. I’m really enjoying watching your videos.
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad you enjoy them! I've been trying really hard to dissect what's going on in my head, and it's hard to know what is typical and what isn't, so it's interesting to hear that your experience of empathy is similar to mine even with other things being different. Very cool!
@alangivre2474 4 жыл бұрын
Yess!!! Empathy is usually felt that direct way, rather than thinking about it.
@DrzNumba1G 3 жыл бұрын
literally everything you said can be said about my me too
@stockcrypto123 2 жыл бұрын
Please continue making videos we need more clear minds on discussion around these topics
@DirtyAnimal 4 жыл бұрын
I scratch the math in dirt if I have to.
@om617yota8 4 жыл бұрын
Do some people need images to think, the way some people seem to need to talk to themselves? That seems so strange to me, the same way requiring an internal monologue does. I don't have an internal monologue, and I do have the mind's eye. I can visualize things, but it's under conscious control. Internal visualization certainly isn't a requirement for me to function and it's not my default. In fact I can't remember the last time I pictured something for functional reasons, just fantasy. How my truck would look with those tires, or how that metal sculpture will look painted or should I clear coat it instead, that kind of thing. I can picture an engine, and imagine it spinning and the pushrods going up and down on the camshaft and pushing the rocker arms up and the valves down, and remove parts to reveal the pieces underneath, but that visual isn't what my understanding of an engine stems from. I can imagine all of that because I understand how an engine works, if I didn't I wouldn't be able to imagine it. Edit: Pushrods going up and down on lifters on the camshaft.* Before someone calls me out. Your Black Friday scenario was exactly what I have going to sleep at night too. All the pressure and I HAVE STUFF TO DO is still there, but no voice about it ever, and only images if I choose to consciously imagine them. So, some people not only have voices, they have freaking MOVIES going on in their head too? Some people's brains sound like incredibly crazy places, I NEED my peace and quiet in my head. I don't know how I'd function with voices and pictures that I couldn't turn off. I would probably go mad. That scares me to death, I don't know how you all do it.
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure about everyone, but according to my husband, his visuals mostly come when he needs to recall something. He doesn't have them constantly all day. However, he said that the inner voice is running basically all day in the background, he just doesn't always pay attention to it. Sounds crazy to me. I can't imagine having that in my head. I wish I could have the visuals at will as you do, but definitely not constantly.
@R.F.9847 4 жыл бұрын
With time and math and things like that, I see the numbers in my head. Like if someone says "It's ten-thirty", I kind of see 10:30 just briefly floating around. For easy mental math like 7x2, yes I *just know* it's 14, but I also see the numbers 7, 2, and 14 briefly floating around. And yes, if a calculation is just a little too complex to juggle in my head, I will definitely take out a pencil and some paper, and if that's not available I will use my finger to "write" because it does aid visualization. The ability to do mental math is limited and requires training, even for phantasiacs. If someone asks me where something is, I do see in my head a picture of it in place. Sometimes I just know right away where it is, sometimes I have to think about it, and that involves going into my visual memory of places it might be and matching that up with my sense of "Is that right, or...?" If I realize I'm wrong, that involves a brief flash of remembering/"seeing" me or someone else using it and putting it away in a different place, or maybe just a flash of "seeing" it in its actual location with the sense of that being the more recent memory.
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
Really interesting!
@chamonix2602 3 жыл бұрын
I, too, often ask myself where is my cell phone.
@yaboy1107 4 жыл бұрын
This is extremely fascinating. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the way you experience the world around you. I'm constantly seeing images and hearing music and sounds in my head. Not necessarily actual images as if they were real. But more "transparent" if that makes sense? I guess you can say I'm always daydreaming haha. To answer your question about math equations, I usually always picture the numbers in my head. Even simple equations like 1+1 are visualized. Many times words and sentences are visualized as well. If I have a place to go the next day I've never been, I'll visual what the experience might possibly be like, almost like a movie. And then when I get there the next day its usually not what I imagined, and then I'll start to compare what's different about how I thought it would be. Its mind blowing to discover just how vastly different peoples minds can be. 🤯 All that to say, thank you for sharing these videos.
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
Wow, that's very interesting! If I'm going somewhere new, I don't think about what it might look like at all before I get there 😄. I wonder if I'm more or less likely to be surprised by how something looks since I have no expectations going in 🤔.
@kristanicole8129 4 жыл бұрын
I'm curious to see a video on how you see the world and people differently since you've discovered how most people think. There must be daily occurrences you interpret and perceive differently now? I feel like a whole nother dimension of awareness would open up.
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
Very true! Honestly, I feel like I'm conscious of how I interact with others and more understanding in general now that I know there's so much more "action" upstairs in most people. I think I ask questions very differently as well. I really wonder a lot about what everyone it thinking and how their past and plans for the future affect things now that I know how much more vivid these things are for most people.
@jayy7754 4 жыл бұрын
​@@quietmindinside4808 This definitely sounds like a form of empathy to me. Cognitive empathy: "By definition: “Simply knowing how the other person feels and what they might be thinking. Sometimes called perspective-taking” - Daniel Goleman, renowned psychologist and author of the 1995 book Emotional Intelligence. What it’s concerned with: Thought, understanding, intellect. Benefits: Helps in negotiations, motivating other people, understanding diverse viewpoints. Pitfalls: Can be disconnected from or ignore deep emotions; doesn’t put you in another’s shoes in a felt sense." Source: I don't think either of the other two types of empathy on that page require the exact sense-focused thought-processing that you lack: If I say "I just got rejected from my dream college", you don't need to see yourself opening a letter too thin to be an acceptance letter to feel sad with me. Those more physical putting oneself in another shoes may be an accessory to it, but the core of the emotion is what makes it 'felt' empathy.
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
@@jayy7754 Thanks for that. It was a good read.
@sierrabravo7368 3 жыл бұрын
What if people with Aphantasia take LSD?
@dg9531 4 жыл бұрын
I often don't know where things are, keys, purse, phone. my family knows where they are. Driving is kind of automatic, but sometimes I look around when I'm driving and get a little scared because I don't recognize where I am for sure and have to recall what I'm doing.
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
Interesting. I've never driven on "autopilot" like that, so I'm not sure what that would be like. It does sound scary though. I'm pretty good with finding things, but sometimes with important stuff, like remembering the stove is turned off before a vacation, I'll stand in front of the stove and say out loud to myself that the stove is off. It helps me remember it better.
@robertbarney8635 4 жыл бұрын
I now know that I have this condition. I was born, and have been around religion all of my life. I have frequently encountered many who actually get answers to prayers, feel and see spiritual things and I became frustrated when I could not. After intense coaching, fasting, and praying I admit that I would pretend, just to fit in or avoid harassment. I can only think in ideas and concepts. I thought I just wasn't good enough. I have a blind mind's eye! I do know others who can just sense things and other peoples feelings. I totally have to rely on observation rather than belief because I have been easily fooled. I do not sense energies or have "spiritual gifts" that others do. Meditation is just silent thinking for me as visualization is absent. I think better with my eyes open. After actual explosions and flashes I do see spots and hear ringing. In deep sleep I have vivid dreams I see, hear, and even feel but I only remember them in ideas and concepts, no pictures when I wake. I have seven children but only one daughter who has this condition. Actual deafness and hearing loss is also common in my family. I don't think in words and I have thoughts that I haven't words for. I find this concept very enlightening as I just learned about aphantasia.
@amjan 3 жыл бұрын
"many who actually get answers to prayers," - no, they don't. It's a made up lie. Main part of most religions is to make up a fake reality that its members validate themselves with.
@lexilala1968 4 жыл бұрын
1:28 A bold statement.
@Gufilainen 4 жыл бұрын
Oh yes! The plot summaries! I’ve tried so hard to explain to people how my dreams manifest themselves and that’s just it. Thankyou for that. Now then. Empathy. I can’t understand why it would depend on visuals? I mean for me empathy is mostly just feelings. I can feel that sadness when someone is upset and empathize because I too have been upset. Or I can be happy for someone because I like them and I see them when they’re happy. I don’t have to imagine myself being them. Those worded problems threw me on a spin always at school. But I think that has more to do with my add than the aphantasia. And daydreaming was easy at school only when we were supposed to be quiet and working on math. I just always fell into some sort of storydream where I kept dreaming a plot to adventure. And then the math suffered. But I was bad at it as well. I agree with you on the tests tho. They were meant to measure the depth of my learning and I didn’t have any reason to study by myself after school.
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
Perhaps I am overthinking the empathy thing 😄. I had so many people ask me about it on my first video that I started to think I must be missing something, like it had to have visuals.
@Gufilainen 4 жыл бұрын
@Quiet Mind Inside It’s not you, it’s them ! 🤣 I think it is very common when peeps come across a mindset they don’t understand that they just start bombarding it with silly questions. Like the directions thing, I get that alot too but the thing is even those with visualization navigate differently. Some people go by landmarks whereas others think like a map. That map is the closest I can get to visuals. Like when someone says ”go three blocks then turn right and walk a block and you’ll see the shop you are going to.” And someone else would say ”walk past the indian food place, turn uphill at the thrift store and walk past barbers and two flower shops and you’ll be there” And they could both be advising you on the same path. You and me, we probably like the first one better cause it doesn’t rely on visuals and we can think of it in numbers and turns.
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
Very true! 😄
@michaeldean8884 2 жыл бұрын
This is very delicate question. My partner has this. Do you know if it affects her initiating anything of a physical nature.We are quite mature in age.If you can't help maybe others can?
@rubyqueen27 Жыл бұрын
If you're asking about what I think you are, I think you should be asking your partner not us. I can tell you myself I am very passionate and any physical activity has no bearing on who I'm attracted to. I don't need a visual memory if it is front of me.
@serdoubleyou6239 4 жыл бұрын
This stuff is really blowing my mind. My memories are movies from my own perspective, but I can feel and touch and smell things in the memory. I can clearly hear the voices of the people I know and see them as a face or a head or whole body. I can change the color of their hair or eyes or skin in my mind. Reading fiction is incredible, I really do go to a different world. All of the characters have their own voices and mannerisms and accents. I can see the sights and hear the sounds and construct the scenes in my mind. I can't imagine not being able to do that. When I can't sleep my thoughts are full of sights and sounds and voices and feelings and I just wish it would all shut up sometimes. When I do mental math it's literally a chalkboard I write on in my mind, but I don't need to close my eyes, I can put the chalkboard anywhere in real space. I'm just obviously not seeing it with my eyes. But the memory of smells and tastes are intense to the point there's very little difference between actually smelling something and remembering the smell. I'm rambling now but I can't believe there are people who can't imagine things that way.
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
Really sounds incredible. Totally jealous
@serdoubleyou6239 4 жыл бұрын
@@quietmindinside4808 It is overrated and now I think I know what peace of mind could actually look like, totally jealous of that. Really wish I could stop replaying scenarios and conversations that are sometimes decades old memories.
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
@@serdoubleyou6239 Yes, I agree that replaying annoying or embarrassing things would be a total pain. Would still be cool to see a movie in your head while reading, though! Too bad we can't pick and choose pieces to have!
@NaeMuckle 4 жыл бұрын
If you close your eyes can you navigate around your home? I can visualise where things are as I move through the room. Is your understanding of space tied to what's in your head. When you ask me where something is I'll see it in my head as a picture first.
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
I've never really tried, but if I get up in middle of the night, I can get around ok. I think it's more like muscle memory, though, because I'm just used to the layout and not thinking about it. I'm honestly not sure how my spatial awareness works. It's just all unconscious knowledge. I'm always the one who remembers where things are in our place - I'm much better at it than my husband - but I'm not trying to picture the items at all, I just know where they are.
@NaeMuckle 4 жыл бұрын
@@quietmindinside4808 Well if you think about it a squirrel has a much smaller brain than us and it can't talk internally. But they know where they put every acorn they stored. Would be cool if we knew which type of memory different animals used.
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
@@NaeMuckle True. I was reading a study, I think from earlier this year, that said bees may actually have visual imagery. I thought that was really interesting.
@libbywarren6083 3 ай бұрын
This is a lot of how I would describe it.
@kasnarfburns210 4 жыл бұрын
It's interesting that there's a term for NOT having a mind's eye, aphantasia, as if it's a condition or disorder. I've yet to hear a similar term for this concept -- that's NEW to me - of having NO inner monologue.
@gabriellalaplace 4 жыл бұрын
I have aphantasia and I might be slightly autistic. I think I was born 5 weeks early. And .1 pounds in the underweight category . my moms amniotic sack was leaking so she was induced with pitocin. I'm not sure I had a stroke during labor or before that . I also have high alexithymia traits.
@Jauhgn 4 жыл бұрын
If you see a picture of something, do you remember the colors and everything on it?
@quietmindinside4808 4 жыл бұрын
Likely not everything in a picture. I guess it would depend on how many things were in it and why I was trying to memorize it. It's more like I have a list of facts about the picture, not really like putting the picture together in my head. So, for example, if I'm trying to remember a picture from my daughter's last birthday party, I'll remember that it was indoors and a bunch of her friends were standing together, but I don't "see" it, so I'm not sure what she or my son (or anyone else) was wearing or the exact people in it or who stood where. It's just that I know we have that picture and my kids are in it. If you ask me to think of something like Van Gogh's Sunflower painting, I'll know it's of some sunflowers in a vase. But I don't know how many sunflowers or the color of the vase of the background. I'll know the flowers are yellow because I know the fact that sunflowers are yellow with black centers.
@JeanPaulB 3 жыл бұрын
This is fascinating, I can relate to so much. I wonder, and I'm sorry if this sounds personal, feel free to ignore it, but, did you have problems with organizational skills? Spatial organization, time organization?
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