Yeah, Fire Orb has one of the more serious story arcs. That along with Water Orb and Earth Orb I'd consider to be the parts where the story takes itself more seriously, still some jokes though (Taiwan canon in DF?!) I'm not sure what's getting you stuck in those parts, it might be related to dragonrogue itself, or it could just be the quest itself. If it's the quest, then it's not too surprising, since book 1 is pretty ancient so there's still some bugs here and there. There were even times when fixing something caused something completely unrelated to break. Like on one occasion, when fixing a bug caused Ravenloss to not even load. It's things like these why players sometimes call the old code eldritch lol Bacon Origins is pretty goofy and its importance in the timeline won't really be apparent until you get to late book 1, while early part of Nythera's questline has some serious events. Tomix's saga is widely considered by players to be one of the highlights of book 1, 'cause of how unique the weaver lore is compared to all the other stuff in the game. LOL, the genderbent Warlic (whose name is Warlicia) on the homepage is either the work of a troll or someone completely clueless. Since in-game it's just regular Warlic, the genderbent version is from an April Fools' event from 2010. Anyways looking forward to see you go through more of book 1 Battle On!