The Most IMMERSIVE Iwo Jima Map in WW2 Gaming History

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@MoiDawg Күн бұрын
WW2 is so freakin' back.
@oldmanryss Күн бұрын
game name?
@splodium Күн бұрын
@@oldmanryssSquad 44
@TheKsalad Күн бұрын
Iwo Jima is too green
@edsalmon6319 Күн бұрын
@@TheKsalad you've been there?
@graustreifbrombeerkralle1078 Күн бұрын
​@@TheKsalad You are greatly mistaken. Hollywood movies are not an accurate representation of reality.
@JoinSquad44 Күн бұрын
Thanks for playing Moi!!
@privatenico2 Күн бұрын
Moi it was great playing with you dude, thanks for the kindness and a great first impression! Hope to meet you again
@MoiDawg Күн бұрын
GGs, had a blast!
@burgermeister6199 23 сағат бұрын
@@MoiDawg Same here it was a pleasure to meet you!
@HerrWolfGaming Күн бұрын
I was Ajdolphins, It was a pleasure playing with you! Thanks for teaching me how to be in an armor squad.
@MoiDawg Күн бұрын
GGs! Great crew!
@Igzilee Күн бұрын
I wish I had gotten to participate in the free weekend. It's hard to believe Squad 44's player count is dwarfed by Hell Let Loose when Squad 44 becomes more promising each month. All it takes is one blunder from Team17 for a shift to happen.
@RSpracticalshooting Күн бұрын
it's because HLL is far more friendly to people who want a more battlefield like experience.
@confusedwhiteman7776 Күн бұрын
@@RSpracticalshootingtrue unfortunately
@Gotti9 Күн бұрын
@@RSpracticalshooting and because HLL is a better game, squad44 has been out for like 6 years and has been dead almost the entire time, avg player count is awful and finding a full server is hard unless its a weekend
@emperoroak7331 Күн бұрын
@@Gotti9no , it’s not better game, but more easier than Squad44 ,chill and player friendly, On the other hand, Squad44 is more realistic, more hardcore and more serious players, also, so much harsh to new players
@TheOG2250-n2f Күн бұрын
Black Matter sold HLL to Team 17 almost 3 years for $40M. Team 17’s whole roadmap for HLL is to just find any way possible to sell more DLC. Their dev’s don’t play the game & their CEO probably doesn’t even know anything about HLL outside of “I hope we can make it into the next CoD”.
@gabrielchcosta Күн бұрын
25:07 people in the chat don't seem to understand that an unoptimized, unreleased, still in development, test map is a thing and these things such as low fps can be expected sometimes.
@SupaBuu Күн бұрын
True but it was annoying playing Iwo Jima at 140 FPS and then dropping to 44 frames for the last 50% of the game, and the update just before the playtest introduced bugs into the main game that are ALSO in the playtest which isnt great
@gabrielchcosta Күн бұрын
@@SupaBuu Ah, bugs in the main game, no excuse for that. I still stand by the test branch's low FPS. Can't do much about that by having players complain. The devs definitely know it's unoptimized and want to test and show us their work.
@burgermeister6199 21 сағат бұрын
I understood its just that I normally get 35 to 50 fps on this game but I was getting like 15 fps on the mountain. We're all just excited and wanted to play the game.
@indeedentertainment Күн бұрын
I love Squad 44, just needs more players! Here in Australia you have to be very lucky to get a full server
@tonylovesducks2501 Күн бұрын
In Germany you wait to wait until everyone’s back from work to fill one server lol
@zzzz1192 Күн бұрын
11:55 The explosions look so real, actually mind blowing!
@graustreifbrombeerkralle1078 Күн бұрын
Explosions look absolutely incredible in this game
@duckfliper696 Күн бұрын
yeah, my gpu also is blowing😢
@ElpredatorGYRO Күн бұрын
@@duckfliper696 This game is CPU intensive
@duckfliper696 Күн бұрын
@@ElpredatorGYRO my cpucan handle the game at 30%, but my gpu is at 98-99% all the time😢
@closedprofitz 20 сағат бұрын
@@duckfliper696I feel for you me too in Iracing😢
@mdbizzarri 22 сағат бұрын
I've been to Iwo Jima a couple of times. The trenches weren't part of the battle, because the soil was too loose. I climbed Mt. Suribachi, and it was damn near impossible because of the loose soil. The Dev's definitely took creative liberties. There's a lot of missing bomb craters, as the Navy and Army Air Corp bombarded the island for a full 3 days before the invasion.
@Cheesus5547 Күн бұрын
I’ve never played a better FPS game. The immersion and overall experience is pure theatre. An incredible achievement from the devs, I’m so happy they saved this game.
@heavymcfatso3127 Күн бұрын
The Japanese sniper reticles actually have a tip (Type 99) or flat right angle top (Type 97) and then two notches before the main long line across the scope that includes other numbers. The First tip or flat notch is for distances starting at 0 meters, the two notches below that are for 100 and 200 meters. The main cross section is set for 300 meters and from there the rest of the notches follow below in sequence up to 1500 meters. The other bars and numbers on the side are for leading and drift as the scopes couldn't be adjusted on the fly. They're pretty good.
@MoiDawg Күн бұрын
I should have clarified: the optic itself is great but the implementation is off. I'm not sure if it was my settings or the game, but moving the rifle around made the optic seem very... blocky. Like it would lock in to pixels and prevent you from actually aiming where you wanted to aim. That's what I meant! Great info on the sight. Looking forward to properly using it!
@Darknight_84930 Күн бұрын
As a squad fan and a active player, I love this game... i hope the devs are working hard to bring it back as they had some big spikes before.
@Piecemaker_187 Күн бұрын
Please cover Squad 44 more - it really needs the love it deserves
@ThatBinghamHikes Күн бұрын
Totally agree
@nikkob1252 Күн бұрын
My mom just gave me a book that my grandpa had of his batallion on Iwo Jima, he was a Seabee. I've read quite a bit about the landings, but seeing it portrayed in this game is awesome
@MoiDawg Күн бұрын
My great grandfather was a Seabee as well! Different breed!
@BrunogPLAYS Күн бұрын
welcome back everbody, squad 44 community has been waiting for you🍻
@PVT_Barry Күн бұрын
44 is the most immersion Ww2 GAME ever made.
@boogie5 Күн бұрын
It was good seeing you on the beach! Can't believe I streamed 24.5 hours and KZbin just deletes it! lol Oh well, I did it just for street cred anyway! 😁
@AlbertVonB Күн бұрын
I was indeed thinking.. where's the Iwo jima video from Boogie5? I'm sorry to hear that you lost the recording.. impressive that you streamed for all these hours. The Japanese faction is my new favorite one in SQ44
@BlackYetii Күн бұрын
@@boogie5 ohh shoot! Why did YT delete it? 😭
@boogie5 Күн бұрын
apparently youtube only saves up to 12 hour streams.. working with tech support to at least get the last 12 hours. but the human/phone service is down, "call back at a later time" We'll see! I have a few clips, I might be able to squeek out a video, I just dont have any of the GEMS I thought I had.. just stories, like: I was american commander. running and running to a move mark, to meet with the entire team. I ran and ran and finally get to the center of all 50 of my men... And the excact moment I get there was the exact moment my head was lobbed off by a katana! DO NOT ASK ME how this ninja got through my security detail! IT WAS INSANE!!! and I have no clip! 😦 Oh well, shit happens, at least I have the street cred! 🤣
@HerrWolfGaming Күн бұрын
Damn, I met you in hour 24, shame they deleted it. Will sub tho 👍👍
@boogie5 Күн бұрын
@@HerrWolfGaming apparently they only save VODs up to 12 hours... Didn't know that lol I'm trying to at least get my last 12 hours back, but I don't have high hopes! I got SOME footage... I should be able to make a video, but now I'm really busy back at work, so it'll be a min. Thanks for the sub d00d! I only did it for the street cred anyway 🤣
@amayzinrayzin8783 Күн бұрын
So this look crazy I can't wait for full release on this I'm happy that squad 44 is getting a proper re fresh
@HighDiver5555 Күн бұрын
More like a Glow up
@duke7052 Күн бұрын
To be honest, I didn't really like Hell let loose. I tried squad 44 on the free weekend and was hooked! It might not be as polished as HLL but it's way more immersive. This is the first WWII sim since Red Orchestra/Rising Storm that feels authentic
@awakeandwatching953 Күн бұрын
i always wanted HLL but when i finally had a rig to play i went with squad as my first mp pvp mill sim as there were already complaints about where hll was going.. nearly bought it on sale the other day but again the player base aint happy. with how much i enjoy squad and having always had an eye on post scriptum im defo gonna jump in soon
@emperoroak7331 Күн бұрын
Yeah Squad44 is more realistic,more serious players and more hardcore than HLL, only need to polish and improve
@tonylovesducks2501 Күн бұрын
I liked hell let loose and still do but dude squad is just the next level ww2 because of the realism and the sound
@johnssmith4005 4 сағат бұрын
I also tried Squad 44 and boy that game is immersive , I was a total noob because the last FPS shooter I played was Allied Assault or something , if you don't take CS GO into consideration 😅
@Wyk_ Күн бұрын
i loved how iwo jima are a more open map, without the bush spam of every other maps, where you can rarely engage anything further than 50-100m
@gabrielchcosta Күн бұрын
32:07 you know, on most videos i've seen of players using this gun, it seems like the average engagement distance is pretty much 150m, right where you get the crosshair on that scope. Freaking perfect for that landscape.
@ThatBinghamHikes Күн бұрын
Thanks for showcasing Squad 44, we’ve been a hopeful community for so long and there’s so much more to come out of a WW2 Milsim for gaming in general
@Mateo__Fuentes Күн бұрын
Love watching your content, always thorough with your review never missing anything along with having great gameplay
@CactusCacti2000 Күн бұрын
Moi it was awesome clearing some trenches with ya, most fun ive had in post scriptum in years!
@MoiDawg 23 сағат бұрын
The trench fighting was great GG's!
@Malicious_M Күн бұрын
If y’all are still having trouble getting into servers (disconnected from queue, etc.) try reducing the amount of times steam pings the games servers in your steam settings.
@magicmax7578 Күн бұрын
42:43 he was blinded by his honor 😢
@ElpredatorGYRO Күн бұрын
That whole sequence in the trenches is just incredible.
@johnssmith4005 4 сағат бұрын
5:01 MoiDawg : I have no memory of this place
@Doug333 Күн бұрын
This looks insanely good.
@olllilainto Күн бұрын
Heck yeah, this is so epic 🙌 Looking forward to more videos 😻
@motakimakuyi4543 Күн бұрын
I'm excited to see where this game goes this one has been brilliant
@sean-e-boy Күн бұрын
Had a huge HLL phase around this time last year that lasted a good 6 months. This game is starting to look more promising with each update, might give it a chance, just found out i missed out on a freeweekend but oh well. Maybe for boxing day there will be a good sale on it
@Topfloorshyt Күн бұрын
Bro the game doesn’t cost that much if you paid 60$ for a game that barley has content then you shouldn’t mind paying less for a game with way more content and a dev team that loves it at least with squad 44 you don’t have to wait years for an proper update
@sean-e-boy Күн бұрын
@@Topfloorshyt first off never paid 60 bucks for HLL and it has plenty of content in my eyes especially now. Second of all if money was an issue i'd just got to CDKEYS and get the game rn for cheaper, its not about cost for me its about spending money on a game I may not put that time into. I enjoy HLL from time to time, I'm pretty occupied with Delta Force too now when I play and I'll boot up warzone or BO6 with my buddies Saturday night if im not busy so theres really not a lot of time for it for me its something that im considering and if the price can justify the fact I may not play it alot then ill buy it.
@satriadewazuda2949 Күн бұрын
You should get this before they change the price. Maybe winter sale idk
@Topfloorshyt Күн бұрын
@@sean-e-boy it’s 14 dollars literally less money then you could get a meal off DoorDash I promise you buy it won’t regret it it’s 15 dollars literally less money
@cypressgold Күн бұрын
Never managed to actually play the test even though I had it loaded and trying to join servers for nearly 7 hours. Was really upset. Looks great but if it doesn't get some improvement I literally won't be able to play.
@edm240b9 Күн бұрын
I’m excited for the future of the Pacific content too. Flamethrowers and flame tanks are being worked on and we have the upcoming Guadalcanal map. I think flamethrowers on the Iwo Jima will hopefully change up the game when it comes to pillbox demolition.
@graustreifbrombeerkralle1078 Күн бұрын
Very good video! Love the timestamps!
@two522 Күн бұрын
I had a lot of fun in the play test. They did a great job with this map and both factions. My most memorable moment was trying to take a Japanese cannon and being Banzai charged by a squad of desperate defenders. I watched my buddy get cut down with a sword right in front of me. We took the gun after severe losses, it was crazy. Can't wait until the full release!
@OperationRedFlag 4 сағат бұрын
The world at war vibes are intense here I’ve never seen another game come so close to it
@AussieBoyLloyd 11 сағат бұрын
ohhhh this makes me want to get this so badly ... brings back memories of early battlefields when they had the midway map
@larryrrandolph5042 Күн бұрын
I'm so mad at myself for missing the player test for this map. It looks so good
@lilchrishin215 Күн бұрын
MoiDawg it was really fun playing with you,you are a great squad lead and I hope I get lucky enough to play with you again!!! Btw I saved you at 43:00 we pushed up right beside of a marine lol 😂
@nuttynate797 Күн бұрын
This was great!
@terrytaliban8020 4 сағат бұрын
offworld built squad, and if this turns out anything like that, im IN!!!
@mateuszdudek5697 Күн бұрын
Finally Squad 44 gets the love it deserves
@Belowtheprairie 18 сағат бұрын
I know the server I was on a lot of the guys were having problems with their screen going grey after adjusting any settings. I turned up squad chat volume and then the entire map looked like a 1930s movie.
@xGamermonkeyx 4 сағат бұрын
Man I really can't wait for some eye in the sky gameplay of Iwo Jima when it becomes feasible to do so.
@anshuldwivedi1919 Күн бұрын
My only complaint with OWI is rhat they lack 2 things 1. Lack of optimization 2. Complete disregard for the size of their games Squad adds 10GBs per year, 2021 it used to be 54GB, now it is almost 85GB and a lot more clunky than it used to be. Same thing is going to happen to Squad 44... that already stands at 73GB
@alvynpascal9760 Күн бұрын
moidawg on squad 44 anyday all day🤣🤣super fun to watch
@bobskywalker2707 Күн бұрын
Good to see the lunge mine doesn’t crash your game when you use it anymore lmao
@st.ranger8866 Күн бұрын
I played on the Wolf server the first day. The map was beautifull and people were so into the entire thing it felt like actual war. Performance for me was suprisingly good. I had most of the time 130-170 fps with my stuff. I had dlss quality on and some other stuff turned off but still graphiclly looked great. The lowest I got was 70 fps with alot of smokes, explosions and fire around me. Didn't crash a single time but my friend did. I did clip thru the map once tho. But overall Iwo Jima turned out great and I just can't wait to play it non stop for entire week after it comes out.
@swbarkley Күн бұрын
“GOD DAMMIT KILLDOZER!” 😂😂😂😂😂😂 ☠️. That was actually me man. Sick to get a chance to play with the legend. Even if I was a distracted moron on the phone…
@buymicheats Күн бұрын
been waiting for this video!!
@benniesbasics5853 20 сағат бұрын
Glad you had a blast on the PIB server, mate! Please do emphasize that players should be using their mics. This can never be said too often.
@john-paulfarrell2562 Күн бұрын
I hope they add an Australian pacific faction, some of the most insane battles in the most challenging terrain of the whole war took place in the Southwest Pacific Area
@iseeu721 Күн бұрын
Reminds me of Rising Storm 2: Vietnam in terms of bullet effects on players. Love the look. Hopefully some ironing is done and it comes out good!
@bobskywalker2707 Күн бұрын
hope we get more pacific maps
@satriadewazuda2949 Күн бұрын
We will get another 2 pacific map, after this they wil release guadalcanal
Absolutely cannot wait. This looks incredible and strangely reminded me of my first time playing BF1942 when it came out :D
@IsraelSocial Күн бұрын
just thinking of those brave soldiers that use that crazy weapon to bring down tanks! i salute you! o7
@varitsvq9002 Күн бұрын
The more cool content creators spotlight Squad 44 the more players will join the fun!
@zlatko8051 Күн бұрын
"I absolutely loved using the Arisaka" Do you know how much that narrows it down
@abrutalimpact5687 Күн бұрын
It would be cool if they fixed the radio broadcast bug .
@henrytilley6012 Күн бұрын
Do we know anything about flamethrowers? I know that was a huge part of the early hype for Iwo and the Pacific, but there's no flamethrower in the weapons showcase and nobody seems to be talking about it. Maybe its something they're still working on that will be part of the full release? Let me know if there's any info out there on this that I'm missing.
@ROF_85 Күн бұрын
I believe a dev posted yesterday it’s still WIP
@Nasdero Күн бұрын
yes the are planned
@rouxgreasus Күн бұрын
Looks very promising! Even though i have ni money i might consider buying this game
@Metaphix Күн бұрын
This looks awesome
@gabrielchcosta Күн бұрын
30:41 oh dude that grenade animation is dope
@SupaBuu Күн бұрын
its just an underhand throw with right click instead of left click, there are dozens of games that have done this
@gabrielchcosta Күн бұрын
@@SupaBuu Not what i meant and thats definitely not the case. Dude holds the grenade upside down, and he hits the grenade's tip on his helmet, because that grenade only starts counting after an impact.
@lolopard99 Күн бұрын
im a HLL player and i saw many people talking bad about it, and say that Squad 44 is better. i watched alot of squad 44 videos eventho i never played it, i like seeing other playing it, it looks abit more hard than HLL, but this Iwo Jima update makes me want to buy the game and give it a try.
@spaceshiba575 Күн бұрын
waiting for moi's old optimization videos to come back for squad 44's pacific update
@BlackYetii Күн бұрын
bro has NASA pc and plays with 60 fps,we are cooked 😭
@Asger. Күн бұрын
Yes, just bought the game and already thinking of refunding. I have a rtx 3070 ti and i7 1100 and I just can't get any fps
@snow1-2pinkkush46 Күн бұрын
​@@Asger. Need to tweek the setting i have an 1660ti and run 70 fps constant
@BlackYetii Күн бұрын
@@Asger. Check your settings,there is something wrong,on the other maps you should have pretty good fps,i have 1070 ti and ryzen 5 3600x and i play with 60 fps in general
@splodium Күн бұрын
@@snow1-2pinkkush46what settings do you tweaj
@ElpredatorGYRO Күн бұрын
@@Asger. I have a 1070 and run 75 fps
@KapitanRutain Күн бұрын
Do you have problems with keeping stable frame rate?
@kevingnomen6092 Күн бұрын
This map looks so frickin dope! I wish I could play this game! I need a dang PC
@rhyswong8976 Күн бұрын
I can only dream. Its so beautiful.
@The_Lorax__ Күн бұрын
god damn I would LOVE an Iwo vet to take a look at this and hear their take. If any are still around
@rolandnagy3327 Күн бұрын
This pacific mode is WOOOOHH 👁️👁️ SQUAD44 Team made it again 😁😁😁
@NOxSPLOOSHxPLANE 4 сағат бұрын
I've been saying for a while that hell Let loose needs to do something like this
@wolfmirebacta8710 Күн бұрын
I grew up with 30FPS on console. When I got to PC it wasn’t uncommon for certain games to dip below that for me. So if I can get a constant 30 or more in happy
@ivanthethicc2363 Күн бұрын
I just want to know what that japanese smoke grenade is
@Lord_Baphomet_ Күн бұрын
Technically the lunge mine is Japan’s first guided missile.
@Biring1 4 сағат бұрын
Damn I want this game to come out on consoles..
@0bstrctdmvmnt Күн бұрын
I really hope Squad 44 will gain more popularity since its pretty dead rn
@megu2328 Күн бұрын
Very bummed i missed this playtest :(
@TheOG2250-n2f Күн бұрын
Team 17 (HLL): Releases 1 European map & a bunch of $10 DLC after years of content drought Offworld/Mercury Arts: Hold my beer
@ShinobiOftw Күн бұрын
Don't get me wrong, I play most tactical shooters, squad, arma reforger, Hll, insurgency, and squad 44 isn't my favorite. This map looks amazing. @MoiDawg, I would to play squad with you and learn more, im newb in squad.
@illiteratefilipino2073 Күн бұрын
i hope they will put the map like the battle of manila or saipan guandalcanal. im going to buy this game tommorow
@RailGunsDayZ Күн бұрын
@Kannietwo Күн бұрын
Medic is for Army. USMC call it Corpsman.
@filmingNgaming 23 сағат бұрын
That update is bigger than all of HLL no wonder its starting to pull all HLL players
@zacyoung4446 7 сағат бұрын
I really want to like this map, but EVERY time someone attempts a release of an iwo jima map im always skeptical, i have studied this battle since i was in 5th grade, im now 25, going on 26, i have studied this battle for around 15 years. It was the very first battle to take place on japanese homeland soil, not only that but sacred soil at that. The island, was as one marine put it "a BURNT porkchop" in the middle of the ocean, the US had bombed the island so heavily that any vegetation that did grew was blasted out of existence, the island didnt have a bunch of lush grass, and growing trees during the time of the war, the united states bombed the thing for like 9 months straight before the invasion, there were almost no trees on the island anymore, again vegetation was almost non existent, the beach had a 20 foot volcanic sand dune that the marines had to climb over, the beach was lined with hidden pill boxes for machine gunners and rifle men, the mountain full of artillery, anti air, machine guns, snipers (id assume). This map honestly hust seems like battlefield 5's iwo jima, and that disappoints me, the landscape of the island is never truly shown, it looks like a post-war Iwo layered over an Iwo that has a small skirmish in it. I REALLY want to enjoy the map, but i know that it would be WAY different if the landscape actually matched what it looked like during war. Its good work but im still waiting on the landscape to be accurate
@user-ix3en1zd7n Күн бұрын
might offend some people , but it would be interesting to have a tournament where an actual japanese gamer team faced off with an american gamer group
@przemysawkrzekobrzegoszczy6332 Күн бұрын
I doubt it would happen but if we got content of the China theater that would be incredibly cool, as there is extremely limited. game media depicting that part of the war.
@YAMM_TIME Күн бұрын
@JordanVegBike Күн бұрын
why private nico sounds chill af
@jamesnatingor126 Күн бұрын
You have samurai I got boom stick😂😂
@The_Grug Күн бұрын
They made the same mistake as Squad: Huge map but only a platoon on each team makes the engagements feel unrealistic. The beach landing felt okay, (some of the issue is the player connection/load time), but other than that it felt really empty at times. Scale is great but if you can't load it or match the players it requires to feel good, maybe downscale in favor of better gameplay. I would be fine if Iwo Jima was two maps instead of one for example.
@FuckArmageddonThisIsHell Күн бұрын
Those are just your opinions, and considering you didn't fight on Iwo Jima, realistically, you can't judge the pace of combat. With 100 players on the map, it is usually very easy to get into the shit if you are attacking/defending or maneuvering on the current objective. If you are on the point and are experiencing zero resistance, it isn't due to map size. That sounds more like a widespread lack of understanding in game mechanics. When games like Squad 44 are played well, combat is F**KIN' INTENSE with 100 players and a very unique experience. By playing well, I mean great comms, an executable flexible plan, and basic knowledge of game mechanics. Not a hater simply pointing out that you might be looking for something the game was never intended to provide. If you need constant fire coming your way and maps that funnel players together to create a meat grinder and aren't concerned with squad level tactical game play, there are plenty of other titles out there. The devs absolutely nailed this map. It's a work of art. A masterpiece. The future just got a little brighter. Thanks nerds!
@tedarcher9120 Күн бұрын
Squad44 is much better in this case as it uses red zones to funnel players into a small area, so the whole map is't being used all at once
@Fran-yk6jo Күн бұрын
its a playTEST there was a lot of issues that i hope gets fixed, and i think they mention that there will be 3 maps of iwo jima to cover all the island
@The_Grug 21 сағат бұрын
@@tedarcher9120 That is true, but you're still rendering the whole thing which is the cause of the performance issues. It also still felt empty even with redzoning during the playtest, but again the beaches were empty due somewhat to loading issues
@The_Grug 21 сағат бұрын
@@Fran-yk6jo No, three layers each with the same overall map, just fighting over different parts. This will not fix the rendering issue. This mistake was also made with Squad, but as someone mentioned above at least Squad 44 redlines sections of the map to force you into a smaller play area
@aznfoo Күн бұрын
how come you weren't using DLSS to try to help with the frames?
@MoiDawg Күн бұрын
If I use DLSS from the get go a lot of time optimization opinions are discarded. Was good to see without first imo. I'm sure there are a lot more ways to improve fps and hopefully next playtest I can play around with that a bit more!
@Benjamin-578 Күн бұрын
If you could do a graphics setup video for squad 44 that would be greatly appreciated!
@maxtalel9588 Күн бұрын
Yayyyy I’m in the vid
@maxtalel9588 Күн бұрын
Maxatrillion btw
@MoiDawg Күн бұрын
GGs! Had fun tanking!
@HerrWolfGaming Күн бұрын
Heyy bro I was ajdolphins. Like I told MoiDawg, thanks for teaching me armor crew. Was a lot of fun playing with you and we took down some shermans.
@devienconfer7089 Күн бұрын
For my role players out there. For the marines its corpman (pronounced core man) not medic.
@sensationsuperthrust Сағат бұрын
Rocks in UE4 in 2024 look worse than rocks in frostbyte in 2014
@a05odst62 Күн бұрын
Tenno Heika, Banzai!
@BlackWolf435vr 5 сағат бұрын
That's if it can get players and keep them and not die again
@milipedecentipede2005 Күн бұрын
Can the Japanese side counter the Marines during the mountain fight from the airfields? Making it a two front battle?
@MrScanko 5 сағат бұрын
Why owi doesnt add this gore and proper ragdoll to the Squad. Omg
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