The NEW Krypt is not what you think... Update 6.1 review! MK Mobile

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@Legendarychrismusic 14 сағат бұрын
Dont tell them this, they'll nerf krypt rewards lmao
@P0w_art 13 сағат бұрын
I will pull a luigi
@fwuni 13 сағат бұрын
@OshaneJohnson-tw7lw 12 сағат бұрын
Agreed 💯
@hayra__ 11 сағат бұрын
No, on the contrary, krpyt is currently giving a lot of rewards, you can collect 2,500-3,200 hearts with 2x boost in a short time. And there is definitely an epic chest, there is a high probability of finding a dragon crystal in it. So it is much easier to find dragon crystal. If you do it in a row, you can find a lot of dragon crystals.
@OshaneJohnson-tw7lw 8 сағат бұрын
@@hayra__ and he said don't be talking all about it b4 they nerf the rewards, because considering there previous actions this would be the easiest way to fix the problem not by giving more rewards in towers an faction wars they will probably just nerf the hell out of our current krypt mode
@MadSirKing 14 сағат бұрын
this is purely psychology but it being 1 floor only really makes a huge difference; you never see an empty map u have to start, and you can go to the boss immediately if u cant be bothered farming just beat him and leave. Its so much more comfy
@Messup7654 11 сағат бұрын
We’re getting more hearts than before total and drop rates have increased more dragon Krystal’s more equipment and upgrade cards
@SekiroShadowsDieTwiice 10 сағат бұрын
thank god someone said it, i was gonna drop a comment about it but then i thought "aint no way someone is gonna understand what im trying to say" then i see your comment
@itsdarth8589 Сағат бұрын
the tombstones also had a significant change all of them give the same amount of hearts and not rng anymore. Back then when i do elder krypt i usually get 1,8k or 1,6k if unlucky but now i get around 2,5k hearts every run and also the drop rates got like tripled and epic gears drop super often
@OpenMiker-rp4eo 14 сағат бұрын
We need BUFFS to rewards for Survivor: Onslaught Sub, MK1 Mileena, MK1 Smoke! Getting to Legend doesn’t always give me a ‘free’ diamond! 😵‍💫
@Messup7654 11 сағат бұрын
Towers only need a update in battle rewards like dragon Krystal’s and upgrade cards plus 20 for normal and 40 DK for fatal
@the_shortski6053 5 сағат бұрын
The prices of these packs do need adjusting. I don't even bother with the Kameo packs since I already have Nimble Reptile, Klassic Sub Zero, Inferno Scorpion, Strike Force Johnny, and Lizard Baraka that covers everything that I need from them. I only buy Gear packs because there's either gear I want to unlock or upgrade. That's it. And they need to fix the bugs in this game. I had to quit a fight because that stupid passing the opponent bug happened, and nothing fixed. Tagging out didn't work, trying to go to the other side of the map didn't work. I've also encountered crashing, especially with MK11 Noob which sucked. But other modes do need to be buffed. Even Challenge mode is near pointless. And reaching Elder doesn't give you much. Towers also just needs the rewards adjusting so higher battles have an increased chance of tower gear. Especially double modifier fights.
@multigamingoffical3031 5 сағат бұрын
I have made 3 elder krypt and theese what ı saw 1-All battles has deepwounds and + random modifier 2-battles are way harder opponents have better stats and they using new other equipments 3-There was 3-4 more kameo fights but opponent kameo characters ' s attacks not applying full time debuff its applying debuff for 3 sec 4-dragon crystal drop rate is buffed a lot ı got 36 - 12 -16 at 3 elder krypt 5- 1 elder krpt was taking my 1 hour but now it takes around 25 min they really halfed krypt complete time ı could of make it in 20 min but battles are rough than it used to be 6- There was battle jade kabal noob saibot with deep wounds+retrofitication modifier and ı had mk11 scorpion and pyromancer tanye got beated there had to use reroll stone
@jsmith7186 7 сағат бұрын
The krypt feels much better now, however the battles have become more challenging, especially for the elder mode. Still, pretty amazing change and couldn't be more happier
@spc3461 Сағат бұрын
I got nearly 2600 hearts from each elder krypt run and i acquired strike force scorpion and assasin jade from krypt.
@axioslive2915 11 сағат бұрын
They have to decrease the tower stairs I mean there are 200 battles to get main rewards but I advise them to decrease to 100 battles with same rewards and bosses for each 10 battles that will be very easy to grind and get rewards more quickly then ever this is just a dream for me
@de.presence.y 14 сағат бұрын
Missed your videos Where have you been Mand?
@Rainbow_Sheep 13 сағат бұрын
Hes been playing path of exile😂
@thehind8861 13 сағат бұрын
7 hours aday on oath of exile for 13 days straight
@OddSheep-Out 12 сағат бұрын
For a difficult game mode... Maybe they should create a mode where players can design battles, with characters, equipment and modifiers, etc. And some jackpot system. The more people who fail the battle the more the pot will grow and once the first one beats it, the reward level is set for that battle. For the creator of the battle there should be some reward every time someone loses it. So we also get some sort of idle income.
@akandejoseph6750 14 сағат бұрын
MK 11 Fujin Hurricane lightning effect when paired with Rayden has been nerfed. It doesn’t do any damage anymore as before. Hopefully this is a bug.
@rajeshraj-vc6hr 8 сағат бұрын
im sure this is bug it should be fix
@PROUD_TITOIST 14 сағат бұрын
6:39 Kold tower 160 shang tsung would like to dissagree😂😂😂
@nikoholiday6610 12 сағат бұрын
yeah, zesty shang is a problem
@snake96300000000 12 сағат бұрын
Mk11 scorp with mk11 kabal on his back , specially adter fixing kabal bug
@negibefeanny9903 10 сағат бұрын
Had to get all incurable violent on him and truthfully he was the only real issue in all of kold tower
@Degatino 14 сағат бұрын
Usually I delete my account when I'm able to beat Fatal towers easily (6-7 months) and start from 0. The most interesting part of the game for me is beginning, game becomes boring when u have strong cards and equipment. We need hardcore mode in the game.
@mr.moneymaker3099 10 сағат бұрын
Can you give me your account lol?
@subhanali4737 8 сағат бұрын
This game should have been Players vs Players Not Players vs AI
@DrewTruthLA 9 сағат бұрын
I did one elder run today and it did feel roughly 25 to 30 percent faster. Not extremely fast but an improvement for sure
@SonuGames 6 сағат бұрын
I agree with everything you said in your review of the new Krypt in Update 6.1. I hope NRS listens and makes these necessary changes.
@milad7764 11 сағат бұрын
Compeletly agree with your comments. However this Krypt is not bad. It's challenging. If they add Kameo to this Krypt, it will become hell.
@nasser_123 14 сағат бұрын
Was waiting for you ..
@Rainbow_Sheep 13 сағат бұрын
Hey mand, new krypt is insanely broken, we have mostly solved the new medals if you wanna get a vid on them soon!
@szynom2587 3 сағат бұрын
Finally elder krypt is worthy to play. Previously I used to get only one piece to fuse blue cards, one gold and 5-10 dragon crystals. I hope they don't nerf it
@Jonnerc179 14 сағат бұрын
Man with no game said in his video that they plan to rework faction wars and things like that so probably being buffed in 2025 also did you find any new badge besides mantis?
@BPMax. 13 сағат бұрын
Finally someone who doesn't want to erase everything bad in the game because of the new floor of the Krypt.
@mrbleetoe 13 сағат бұрын
9 runs done so far. Got 3 runs done in approximately an hour 10. Took 50 mins before to complete just one. Also, i've gotten over 250 dragon krystals today, and the day just started. Unreal how broken it is rn, NOBODY COMPLAIN THO, I CAN FINALLY MAX WINTER WARFARE
@snake96300000000 12 сағат бұрын
I spent over 700 crystals on kold pack and finished cold fatal tower 3 times and still didn't even get 1 weather warfare
@snake96300000000 12 сағат бұрын
Now with new krypt gonna farm it as much as possible to get crystals and the tower as well , need to get it and make it f3 to finally take my time upgrading it with the epic upgrades
@MrtigerGaming23 11 сағат бұрын
​@@snake96300000000 Sad
@vijaycm7090 7 сағат бұрын
Agree that timed saved in elder Krypt, but even the bronze elder battles have become hard. So autoplay on elder Krypt is difficult now
@hediazad4978 5 сағат бұрын
the krypt is amazing, but the rewards are less comparing to the previous version
@TheRancord 7 сағат бұрын
I was going from 45 mins down to under 20 minutes. So for the first time I just rushed through to them directly, instead of playing some part in the evening and then through the day if I can. I would love some buff of other modes, especially survivor I just play for daily reward
@kanishkbalai9991 14 сағат бұрын
I think they should give us these rewards as"blessings of realms" activation buff and we can chose where to use it(game mode) but if we use it then we'll play as level10 character or something. I think it's a fair and unfair challenge for most of us.
@NAgra-ov7nl 9 сағат бұрын
How about these changes? 1. Kameos only from Faction wars 2. Tower gears mainly from towers 3. Everything else from krypt. They can buff the chances. And maybe slightly increase the difficulty of normal tower and faction wars.
@Seline-c3j 5 сағат бұрын
Yes, playing with leather face in battle mode is all I do for fun 😂
@henriksti2 14 сағат бұрын
It is insane to think that to get the same amount of DKs for you got in 20mins playing krypt, in towers you need to clear 400 (FOUR HUNDRED!!!) battles and wait 8 days of cooldown. I completely agree with you regarding how unbalanced this is currently.
@Messup7654 11 сағат бұрын
There is more to it. There is luck you may get rare and epic gears and you may get resells on those gears. You will get uncommon gears and get resells on those and some players get resells on the gold characters they get. Bad comparison because theirs more to it
@henriksti2 11 сағат бұрын
@@Messup7654 Even with the drops and resells, still doesn't cover the amount of time and effort. 400 battles my friend, 8 days. it's TOO MUCH.
@leonardorodeghiero199 10 сағат бұрын
@@henriksti2 I play the towers, overall to get the limit of dragon kristals. But with this change of the krypt, krypt became the best gamemode by far. Before this change, it was questionable, but now, no discussing.
@jonal5126 10 сағат бұрын
Please don't say it or they'll nerf the drops
@cheeseburge.r 7 сағат бұрын
I can say it was faster as compared to the previous krypt with floors
@paulnicholaspsalmistnick3397 3 сағат бұрын
I agree with you MAND, the game is not yet balanced... Elder Krypt is still not okay to me... and its difficulty is increased though the drop rates are insanely OP! it still takes more time to beat
@anonlincracing2484 14 сағат бұрын
I managed to climb my first fatal tower elderwind tower... i thought id be able to do kold tower ..... 😢 what an absolute monstrosity 160 is
@Solobuddy 12 сағат бұрын
best I can push in fatal was 180
@jcage6469 6 сағат бұрын
Waiting for your video mand 🫣
@240jz 13 сағат бұрын
@MAND this is a reply to you towers comment. its not that the towers are easy per say its that there's no new towers with new battles and new fight modifiers. they just keep repeating the same towers and being that this game has been ruined by the dev so much that there isnt a big influx of new players joining. so if the main player base is the same people playing the same towers over and over the battles become easy cause you have so many try's playing the same tower that u mastered the tower and its rare for a battle to beat you cause you know how to beat it. with so many KZbin covering every battles in every tower its will never be hard to beat a tower. Krypts will always be harder to beat cause no youtubers are covering each battle with tips and tricks to win so people are figuring out on there own what's needed and its harder cause you cant bring in a dot team to wipe out 1 battle to help make it faster. people have to gear swap or reroll battles rather then just swap in a sub team for that battle and keep it movin.
@Emergency_Bell 5 сағат бұрын
Hi Mand We are waiting for you to do a full reaction video on Mk 1 smoke
@Surajx07kum 5 сағат бұрын
They are just making sure.. people don't max out character too soon.. and loose heat towards game.
@DjTzarrr 14 сағат бұрын
Bro , I hope you're doing well . Your videos are always the best ❤ lot of love and appreciation from a romanian fella.
@DanielM77477 14 сағат бұрын
Hey Mand, do you know if there’s any extra incentives like last time if we buy the Premium + Kombat Pass compared to buying the regular Premium Kombat Pass?
@AhMed-mg1me 7 сағат бұрын
they just said that there will be changes in faction wars in 2025 according to mawithnogame
@shefo5520 7 сағат бұрын
You can now finish the krypt season in one day
@theastromotif1330 7 сағат бұрын
I fully agree with this. As a veteran player, Fatal tower don't excite me anymore. It feels like an auto game mode most of the time. We need more complexed game mode where we can participate and strategize. Hopefully they will introduce new Fatality or Animality gear where it is extremely difficult to obtain and would require skills based from the passive of character and equipment card. I also feel like this will kill the game in the long run because of the accessibility of these equipment. Honestly what are you going to do if you have maxed out all characters and gears?
@azanbonez276 3 сағат бұрын
Nothing basically .thats why wasting money in this game is a joke
@theastromotif1330 3 сағат бұрын
@azanbonez276 Wasting money in any game is a joke. I don't spend a single penny
@azanbonez276 3 сағат бұрын
​@@theastromotif1330agree 100%
@angelgimenez7998 2 сағат бұрын
The game is just fine.u complain cuz u got all maxed and people can get things for free .Stop playing or download other new Game if u don't like it anymore like this bold guy!!! 😂😂
@theastromotif1330 2 сағат бұрын
@@angelgimenez7998 Another person with problem in reading comprehension. Stop playing and go back to school.
@stelianivanov9811 2 сағат бұрын
Hi Mand I was watching your video and noticed BGN currency you bulgarian?
@OddSheep-Out 12 сағат бұрын
I agree on Krypt not being that much faster to end. Maybe 2/3 of the time it took before. But not 1/3 as many hoped for. But i don't agree on towers being easier as Krypt. I can play whole Elder Krypt runs on auto but for most battles beyond 180 in Fatal and most of the Bosses in both difficulties I have to do it manually. Of course in Krypt, if one loses one doesn't forfeit a whole attempt, so one can take more risks, if one has enough Konsumables to lose one or two battles initially. But Towers are still more difficult I think. What I'd really like to see is the ability to skip the really easy battles once your team is strong enough that you'll clearly will beat the battle no matter what.
@Messup7654 11 сағат бұрын
It’s MUCH faster it’s almost less than half of battles you have to fight just compare your old times to new times
@OddSheep-Out Сағат бұрын
@@Messup7654 But the enemies in the battles offer much more resistance than before. Floor one and two were quick to pass in the old system. Floor three took longer. Now we basically have only one enlarged (maybe doubled) third floor regarding the enemy resistance.
@OpenMiker-rp4eo 14 сағат бұрын
MKM = Mortal KRYPT Mobile 😵‍💫 If everyone was immortal, crypts wouldn’t exist. Thank you, NRS MORTAL devs, for Krypt!
@Xdsuperbab 12 сағат бұрын
Unc is back yay
@OpenMiker-rp4eo 14 сағат бұрын
GREAT improvement on Krypt! With the Junk Boxes, I’ll have 10 BILLION DKs in NO TIME! 😵😱😝
@zeidyousef806 11 сағат бұрын
Didn’t you say that the devs are going to change faction wars back in the summer update. If so do you know if they’re working it on it now or at least tell the them the problems.
@Migen-pe5hj 3 сағат бұрын
New krypt is awesome
@smgpistol1921 7 сағат бұрын
Ive done 3 runs i got 35dragon crystals 2 gold fusion and 1 diamond fusion and i get way more hearts too
@mervintay9541 4 сағат бұрын
can you do a krypt store review please?
@harshams8624 9 сағат бұрын
Mand is mk 1 smoke worth getting?
@JAVARRIS88 8 сағат бұрын
It doesn't make sense to bump towers with krystal monetary gain for them .. Krystals and tower equipment are their money revenue
@divyanshdevmani4079 8 сағат бұрын
It's very hard now😢💔
@abdussamadahmad7870 7 сағат бұрын
Pls bro help me,my hearts from d crypt keep disappearing,first I made over 4000 hearts it disappeared,I started over again made 5000 heart then suddenly it's back to zero why is that
@evangelostsalikis Сағат бұрын
For me it felt 50 percent faster and the rewards are the same trust me I’ve played 5 krypt runs
@ickabod19 10 сағат бұрын
They should add a random Kameo character for normal tower 100 reward
@Skillividden 5 сағат бұрын
I want a challenging mode as well. But there will be so much whining from beginners who want everything just now...
@invicible7807 6 сағат бұрын
Where is the begginer a beginner I need your help ..I still can't beat normal tower with fusion 4 golds
@tylerdurden5532 7 сағат бұрын
@MANDMK Varmints Lucky Hat and Enigmatic Lantern is not working. Enemies with full Xray bar tag in with full xray bar without losing some power.
@berkaysen2246 13 сағат бұрын
I have a totally different opinion than yours. I think krypt a little more fun this way. Old krypt was so boring. And towers needs to be 100 match. I can come to almost 100 match in autoplay mode, what’s the point of this? I am just doing the boss fights. It’s too much time consuming. By the way I ve never managed to finish a tower yet. Lastly I came to the battle 200 in Elder Wind tower and I couldn’t beat it 😅 ı am not playing the kold tower, but I decided to try Edenian tower. For that extreme battle mode, a tournament among the best players in faction wars could be a good idea.
@Parapsycho2005 13 сағат бұрын
Also now you get 4 dragon balls instead of 7 when you pass through Elder krypt with a Liu on S dragon reward. The difficulty can remind us WoW, which gamemode becomes easier and easier woth each expansion. Children don't like hard games, the system makes it easier to attract new players...
@xsxhalo8567 9 сағат бұрын
Hey Mand I hope you see my post, first of all I totally agree your views that the buffs to Krypt these past few updates have totally changed the landscape of this game, however pls take these into account: 1. DK was only introduced in Apr 2024; 2. DK packs, which have completely transformed this game into f2p, was introduced in July 2024; and 3. Krypt buffs (more drops of fusion cards) was only introduced in Oct 2024; I have played this game since it's initial release in 2015, dropped it and picked it back up every now and then, but no single year in my memory could outscore this yr's changes, in a positive way. Before this yr, even having played for so long I don't have a single maxed out diamonds, but this yr I've already got 7 maxed out. From the "Game will be shut down" Panic in mid August to best year of MKM, what else should I ask for? I think MKM have solved the issue of scarce rewards in the past versions, and now they can purely focus on how to increase entertainment in this game but I already think this is a great success in it's 9~10 years lifespan
@flaneuredits 5 сағат бұрын
Its hard..
@ickabod19 10 сағат бұрын
@Ackerman4Game 14 сағат бұрын
@vemelinzesus9460 2 сағат бұрын
Kameo should cost 5 dks at max or b rubies. Because you cannot battle with just kameo, they are practically support cards nothing more.
@leonardorodeghiero199 14 сағат бұрын
How isn't it much faster? Before it was 33 battles to finish a run. Now it's 15. It is MUCH faster
@Messup7654 11 сағат бұрын
Yeah like atleast 60% faster it normally took me like 30/40 minutes in battle now it takes 7 and 10
@GAMEBOyyY-1 7 сағат бұрын
👍 Agreed
@abrarovi8006 9 сағат бұрын
Please rating the diamonds, including the new diamonds.❤
@crown_roland6441 2 сағат бұрын
We need raids
@walidmagdy4058 Сағат бұрын
@ogrekingrr1757 7 сағат бұрын
I did 4 run today
@blackstar.234 11 сағат бұрын
I got a gold fusion up card from normal krypt
@samuelmunyenze5806 10 сағат бұрын
It is fast but harder, why deep wounds
@CringeFree-dp2im 9 сағат бұрын
When i started playing mk mobile likr 4 years ago ,that time i started with bronz monk and ,silver Sonya,and Sargent,and then my strong team was dark raiden and sonya blade gold card and combat cup sonya thats it.i hardly have daimond card 🙂and after 4 year i make some collection by tower but some how got banned ,and now i started new it's only been 19 days i create a new account and i already have 17+ daimond maximum card is daimond 😂😂😂i have much daimond than gold😂
@deepakshrma007 11 сағат бұрын
Reward are Nerf to the ground
@ec9697 12 сағат бұрын
I completed elder faster but I’m. Not getting rewards as good as before
@240jz 12 сағат бұрын
people are starting to see what i been saying all day. krypts suck now
@yusufmustapha7076 14 сағат бұрын
Deep wounds krypt modifier sucks. I got 2900 hearts in elder difficulty and got 1400 in hard mode. No equipment drop and just one rare fusion card
@240jz 12 сағат бұрын
people are starting to see what i been saying all day. krypts suck now
@chessterstone 8 сағат бұрын
oh yes people are starting to see what you've been saying off of less than a day's worth of experience and evidence
@evaldasjonaitis3524 4 сағат бұрын
​@chessterstone hey, not everyone knows about probability theory and law of large numbers
@minhthang2797 13 сағат бұрын
Someone can tell me: every season, we have 14 free times or 12 times
@leonardorodeghiero199 10 сағат бұрын
@@minhthang2797 14, but you can play more with keys. 2 per day for free.
@formulamclaren7384 Сағат бұрын
For a new game mode: A new Tower where any Tower gear applies the bonuses you would receive for that particular Tower. So you can stack Edenian Tower gear with Tower of Horror gear & so on. Also, the opponent does the same. All maxed gear for the opponent means their attack & health would be insane along with any game modifiers. Making it an incredibly difficult Tower only pros would be able to beat with their own maxed gear & characters. Also, to level up the Kameos, they could use those useless level up cards that are locked to characters only. If you could use them on Kameos & characters, you would save loads of Dragon Crystals not having to level a Kameos ability up.
@Cyprusplz 5 сағат бұрын
I think it is useless using kameos they may help beginners but if you have been playing over 6mths you simply don’t need them especially in krypt they slow you down and %110 correct Mand. 15DK for a characters and same for price for kameos um no thanks.And it makes zero sense to have them at same price especially for the people who are paying for these waste of time fighters. i have like 10 kameos K Smoke K Reptile Kold Sub there the “Good” ones that collect dust like MK11 Skarlet and LF and in my fighters never to be used.😂😂
@allwynsjourney2225 14 сағат бұрын
3 min ago and very early also 4th comment, 12th like
@MacdonaldNjiru 9 сағат бұрын
But noobs are doomed bcs k ermac and hurricane are dead😢
@lukasnagy8651 3 сағат бұрын
@ganggang1275 3 сағат бұрын
This video about to get krypt nerf. Smh
@ganggang1275 3 сағат бұрын
It wouldn’t make any sense for them to buff other game modes because then it would be too easy to max out an account. So the only option is for them to nerf the krypt.
@fbi7519 14 сағат бұрын
Too early
@angelgimenez7998 2 сағат бұрын
Stop complaining the game is just fine, only Mk1 characters should be added to fatal tower rewards not old diamonds like now!!!!.😂😂🤣🤣
@milad7764 12 сағат бұрын
One of the new badges is Savage praying Mantis. Just unlocked it.
@milad7764 12 сағат бұрын
A savage praying Mantis has strong Strike and big appetite.
@Ajwalking 12 сағат бұрын
STOP IT, Not "everyone " has ALL the top diamond or gold characters in the game halfway maxed on their beginner acc. Here's my point you NEVER TEACH US HOW TO use character equipment properly and at zero fusion! You always assume that all your viewers are overwhelmingly knowledgeable about this. PLEASE Remember that we support you and that most of us genuinely need help. Thank you for everything you do. Good day.
@240jz 13 сағат бұрын
the krypts sucks man i know you only ran 1 time so i will give u the a pass. the problem is everyone so blinded by 1 floor there you are not seeing that there is no difference in time and the drops where nurf. unless you have a close to max account or maxed its the battle are just as long if not longer. for many lower players they will not be playing elder anytime soon years is soon. all the comments u you seeing about how good the krypt are is mainly old players or super op accounts. I'm not a new account I'm not even close to maxed so for me to be forced to use 1 team as before then having to use the trash players to make 2.0 bonus makes for a really crap game play. Lets not bring up that 90% of the battle are deep wounded and all the teams were buffed with higher gear and health making it longer to complete. i was beating 3 floors in 30mins or less and i was getting 2 to 3 rare, diamond, gold cards every run + gear. so far in 3 runs i got 2 cards total and using a shit load of koncumables where i didn't need to before. the game is nurf weather u can see it or not the complains will come once people figure it out. also s and dragon no longer give 7DK u get 4dk now yet another nurf P.S LEAVE TOWERS ALONE! they will only break the towers and not make it better. look how bad they make the krypts farm krpyts and leave towers to us that hate the krypts. you don't need towers to be buffed just run the krypts and get all the stuff you need. the towers is the only thing keep players around they ruin towers and they will lose whatever little players are left here.
@huseintambawala4381 11 сағат бұрын
worse update
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Quando A Diferença De Altura É Muito Grande 😲😂
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IL'HAN - Qalqam | Official Music Video
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